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Is there a RPG game with mod support?
A thread died for this
*a >jrpg >god bad thread
got to go fast

You've tried the only live service /jrpg/. RIGHT?!

>Your critique
>Your honest thoughts
It steals it's combat from FFX so I like it.
It's not fun without spending like $100 up front and fucking battlepasses are cancer.
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I will be swiping for her, at least E0S1. Will go for eidolons if they look good. I also went for Boothill, I enjoy break effect
I have the rolls for her e1s1 but I'm torn. I'm starting to think new March will be a limited and I want rolls saved for her.
I'm not sure on the timeline for new releases, but if you'd rather save at least you can grab FF on a re-run.
Yeah I already have Jingliu so I know how good it is to be meta for 6 months and then kicked into the dirt with ice resist bosses. All I know is March 7th is this year and I can already clear so Im happy to save up for my wife (true).
>game looks cool
>goto download it
>has kernel rootkit
yeah no

>If <insert game here> doesn't allow me to kill every single NPC in the game (including children) and still allow me to complete the main quest, then it's not a CRPG!
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Games are about making interesting decisions. While I can't currently think of an example, I absolutely believe you can have a game with no gameplay which is respected as a great game, if it were to present the player with many nongameplay choices and simulate the consequences to a degree that makes it interesting. If the player wants destruction you don't need to give them a story, just destruction. Being able to do it is enough. Personally I think Drakengard would be even better if you could kill Furiae in chapter 1 and get sent straight to a hopeless level full of randomly spawning enemies until you die or get bored. Morrowind just let you know the game was broken and left it at that.
Fallout, Fallout 2... It was more commonplace in good old RPGs but there are a few rare newer productions.

Underrail is one example of the latter. It has two unkillable characters. Not because of unreasonable plot armor but because they are some kind of immortal alien god fuckers masquerading as humans.
The cost of that freedom is that you can easily break progression and softlock yourself. Unlike Bethesda's early implementation of essential NPCs in Morrowind, this game doesn't bother warning you that you fucked up.
Telltale games made a the walking dead game about choices and shit but with essentially no gameplay beyond QTEs, and its still loved far more than nearly every the walking dead game that came out since then
And the ESRB is retarded
I never cared about it either until I played Fallout 3 and ever since then I really REALLY wanted to kill every child I came across

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Can someone recommend me any good RpgXP games? Can be anything like pokemon or 18+ games since my potato laptop can only run so much.
This isn't a board for requests. This is very rude. Obviously, if everyone was like you the board would be full of threads like this instead of game discussion and unusable. You should apologize and perhaps publicly decapitate yourself.
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mega man battle network zero crisis
>mmbn in rpgmaker
holy KINO

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I recently finished this game and wanted to talk about it. I thought the combo system was neat, and everyone sharing a single mana pool for casting adds a nice amount of depth to the combat. I also really like the way gems and OOParts allow for a wide variety of builds.
Anyway, what's your favorite route and why? For me it's Janice's because of the epic battle against the Self-Eaters at the end. God bless those brave meatshield decoys.
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enjoy, ask the thread if anything comes up
maybe don't start with mel like that other anon just above
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i can't believe yoko is fuckin' dead

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ADOM is probably the hardest "RPG" game you will ever play. Nothing else comes close.
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How hard is frogcomposband compared to vanilla Angband? Just more content to play around with or does it also include gameplay/difficulty adjustments?
To me they're just RPGs without the fluff, and since there's no fluff and they're randomized, replaying the whole game after failure is valid since you don't have to worry about story shit and repetitive levels (yeah sometimes they still get repetitive, but still.)
this thread and games similar to it need more active posting. annoying af threads for queer simulators like balders fag 3 get tons of posts and subpar rpgs made to cash grab but actual fun rpg games like these get shit for posts. its like modern gamers have actual shit taste in rpgs.
this thread and other rogue games need to be page 1 with major posts active at all times. horrible subhumans on this board post about inferior rpgs with shit graphics and mechanics and ignore these types of games. nu-gamers are a plague on gaming and subhumanoid
Mostly just more stuff but it gets more retarded the higher level you are but it has also been so long since I played end game in actual angband I honestly can't remember how it was compare properly.

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What were they thinking with this perspective
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A vast improvement to Ultimate 1-5 desu. But terrible by modern standards
One should rather ask what they were thinking with Ultima 9 and 10
Military cavalier, super easy to make tiles, the choice of the axis' angles is weird though.
Trimera for me.
Carlin was a nice town before BRs shat it up.

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I was reading through a forum and many people were recommending Underrail so I might as well give it a shot. I’ve played a bit of Fallout 1, and have been playing Quasimorph and actually kind of like turn based.
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initiative, skills, crit chance
str just gives more base damage which we honestly dont even need with all the other damage sources we have
Are thermobaric grenades worth pushing to 110 chemistry? I'd just be stopping at 60 for napalm grenades and cluster grenades otherwise.
I think they're the strongest grenade in general
they do more damage than HEs (and hte extra damage is heat which is less commonly resisted) and have a larger radius, though somewhat less resistance bypass
an off-hand knife or off-hand sledge
or versatility for an off-hand LMG
sword basic attacks suck, flurry or nothing
One of the worst games i have ever played just after lunacid, after depot game become total boring shit for retarded autists. Played to almost end just because there is nothing me to play.

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Prove her wrong.
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Morrowind is trash.
It doesn't pass the basic eye test of an interactive 3d game and didn't 20 years ago when boomers played it for the first time.
If it was a game from 90s I'd understand why people goon over it so much but it came out when basic action rpg formula was figured out.
The combat system is nonexistent. The movement is garbage, it feels like your feet are glued to the floor. AI is nonexistent, NPCs just stand around and hostile NPCs only have basic AI that cannot pathfind and beelines towards you once you're within 15 feet.

The fun parts of Morrowind is abusing scaling mechanics and doing stupid ridiculous spells and worldbuilding. Something that doesn't carry the game at all. Really, blowing up some integer in an equation to do a massive jump is as basic as it gets when it comes to "abuse game system" type of fun. Regardless, we live in a timeline where Bethesda has managed to squeeze out turd after turd for the next 15 years with critical acclaim.

Bethesda was never good. Todd Howard never made a good game. The closest Bethesda came to a good game, and we're talking about pure execution of basic game mechanics, is fallout 4. Gunplay was not 10 years behind the industry standard, but instead 5. Movement was finally normal after failing to get it right with oblivion, fallout 3 and skyrim. They made a gen 7 game in 2015 and that was as close they got to the rest of the industry.
>gen 7
lmao get a load of this n'wah
another meaningful post from a morrowind lobotomy patient
Morrowind starts off on a boat. Trannies and women (also trannies) cannot understand boats. Simple as.
Literal psychopath by default. Best case sex maniac with BPD.

I always wished you could actually join archer to your team. great concept, no talk with dead like a necromancer - i believe only Arcanum have tried it universally
His heart and liver can join your team, at least.
Well good point, i cant remember if he was pissed off at TNO or not

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This game is actually pretty fun.
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>What i enjoyed a lot about earlier Ys titles has more to do with the slightly darker tone and buying into the whole ancient mysteries thing and less so the actual bump combat.
This is actually what I feel went slightly wrong with newer Ys titles more so than any gameplay changes or parties now. Feels like in newer Ys games, the tone has been cannibalized into this feel-good cozy jrpg tone that has more to do with Trails than Ys. Early Ys games felt in a way something like a very simple but soulful fantasy novel come to life in a way that Zelda also similarly captured.
Where should I start with this series?
The easiest way in my opinion is picking a version for every entry in the series and just going with it.
>1/2 chronicles or pc engine
>3 Felghana. Maybe try wanderers(pcengine) if you like zelda 2 but its not amazing and it's only if you're curious
>4 Dawn of Ys(pcengine) . I really dislike celceta and its a huge gameplay departure even comparing felghana to chronicles.
>5. Wait for the inevitable remake.
From here none of the games really have choices beyond vita vs pc. Pc has 60 fps so I'd go for that, not sure if there are other versions and if they offer anything more.
I've yet to play 10 so I can't form an opinion on it.
Much appreciated
Oath or 8

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What is the best JRPG that never had any sequels/spin-offs etc.?
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I like it, but it really is just Disgaea 1.5. I was gonna mention Soul Nomad, but I don't even consider that different enough to count as a stand alone game.
great choices
i briefly played this on emulator years ago and i remember it was batshit weird and didnt get any of the appeal
What was so weird about it

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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
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>(good) pixel art
>dungeons that make sense and have a purpose
>a fucking town(s)!
>towns are graphically similar to dungeons in that you navigate it the same way, but of course the tiles are different. There are also quests that can take place in town as well as enemies that appear under certain circumstances
>wandering merchants, adventurers, etc, travel the dungeons with rare loot/clues
>menus/fonts i can actually read, but still look minimal and nice
>lots of classes/jobs
>lots of hidden places
>(good) character sprites and npc sprites
>automap (on/off in menu)
>good music, sound effects
>map effects that occur to enhance immersion and break up the monotony of dungeon walls
>day/night cycle

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Anyone know whether or not Five Ordeals is decent? I've had it wish listed for ages, but I'm fearful of shills.
>quests that are more in depth than (kill 10x enemy, collect10x item)
Not that common in Wizardry nor in Elminage, cmon
That aside, I agree with most of your list, but I think the city being a "list" is much better really.
And also id love to add to the game and overworld like we see in Gold Box games. Then we could add some Villages and cities to find.
Also, I dont think this sort of games needs MANY classes, id rather It would expand slighly on what Elminage did, the ammount of classes in that game is perfect.
Grimoire hits 13/17 of your wants. If you haven't played it yet and been looking for something to scratch that dungeon crawler itch I'd highly recommend it.

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This guy abandons you after all you have been through together. Your parents are dead. Probably everyone you knew in your childhood are dead. The realm is facing an invasion by literal fucking demons. You are trying to salvage whats left and organize a defence, and this fucking guy abandons you before the most important moment in the history.

Alistair is a piece of shit, an entitled spoiled brat, nothing more. I will debate and destroy anyone who claims otherwise.
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Wait, and how do you have the threesome with Leli and Isabela if you romance Morrigan. What the fuck is this.
When? I had him beheaded
That an arcane warrior on the pic
Splattering loghains blood on anora is the closest I can get to killing her
Hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

He wasn't spoiled, but he was weak willed and obsessed with Duncan for being the only person kind to him. He was raised in a dog kernel then given to the chantry to become a brain washed lyrium addict before he became a Warden.

Did he act like a total fag? Yeah, but that's Bioware for you.

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SKALD releases in less than 24 hours on PC. Early reviews are extremely positive. Will you play it?
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That's not how backstab works. It's happening even when just one other character is engaging the enemy.
Stealing gold is horrible, steal expensive items instead.
The more you steal from a merchant the worse deals you will get from him so have a dedicated sell merchant that you never steal from.

That's how flanking works, not backstab.
Flanking is only one of the things that enable backstabs, if the enemy is stunned, blind or panicked it also enables backstabs.
There's a surprisingly large amount of conditions that trigger backstab, flanking being one of them.
If there is no other trigger for backstab just engaging your enemy from non-opposite sides with two guys will not trigger backstab for either (as it does not trigger flanking). I think people get it confused since backstab often triggers from panicked/hurt enemies having other conditions on them already.
that's just the dragon talking

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