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What is your favorite entry in the Ys series?
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Origin followed by 4
Yunica is the best ys character
That fight nothing but bump combat, though. There are no magic attacks in Book I. My point was that it shouldn’t be giving people that much trouble if the combat really was as simple and brainless as some people make it out to be.
I wouldn't use terms like "brainless" in this context, personally. If someone made the argument that the combat is "brainless" but got his shit pushed in by Dark Fact, that would be silly.
But I'm not sure if there's any hipocrisy in calling it "simple", bearing in mind "simple" =/= "easy". Because in the sense that the rules are few and not overly complicated, it is.

What's an RPG with a good story that doesn't take X amount of hours to get good? I like Japanese games more but if your game is really that good then I'm willing to play it. Picrel is a good example in my book.
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To be honest, I tried Xenogears and got filtered by the camera movement and the text speed.
OP is asking for games which have a strong story from the get go, not games where the story doesn't get good until the final installment
play Ar Tonelico
why do you have adhd?
that might have something to do with it

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Romaching SaGa: Minstrel Song is an old-school RPG where you get into lots of fights with monsters to level up and learn techniques for your characters weapons as well as entirely new game mechanics, killing monsters is also the only way to advance the in game timer, the monsters will be replaced with stronger monsters at a rate faster than you will improve, on top that it will cause quests to time out, and new quests to become available, so actually you want to avoid combat as much as possible to keep the timer from moving forward and instead to focus on quests for character progression, only carefully incrementing it when you run out of things to do but monsters in the overworld spawn in huge numbers and are highly aggressive, so you can't totally avoid combat, but if you get into a fight you can just retreat to avoid advancing the timer, but retreating costs crucial resources so actually you need to run around like scooby doo with a trail of monsters chasing you while trying to progress quests, but the locations where you can find new quests are unmarked, and where you need to go to progress quests is unstated, so you need to run around the overworld getting chased by monsters like scooby doo so you can find quests to level up because there's no main quest, and you don't even know if you've done everything you can do before making the call to kill some monsters to advance the game clock.
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Use periods.
What is with the obsessive SaGa hate on this board? I have never played a SaGa game I didn't enjoy.
The game is designed to be replayed.
Again, but this time use paragraphs and start with:
>This anti-lesson on game design could only be enjoyed by the criminally deranged.
It's a mindbroken sociopath off his meds trying to push some sort of war against the games because he got told multiple times he's too stupid for them.
He was already doing them in multiple threads but it appears he's starting to actually dedicate entire threads to this, unfortunately he's too stupid to understand how the only thing he's showing is his critical lack of intelligence and his propensity to lie, expect the usual avatarfaggot to show up at some point too since these brainlets go hand in hand, clearly gloating in their little offbrand /fgg/ isn't enough anymore

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>the only good d&d game blocks your path
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Why are you threatening him with buttplay?
there are no good dnd games
It may not be the best, and it's certainly not the most accurate representation, but D&D Online can be entertaining. I think its only real problem is that if you're a new player, the only way you can really enjoy it is if you have a few other dedicated friends to play with. Everyone picks a role and you try to experience the content as a group playing tabletop rather than an MMO.
Consoles are specialized computers.

This is so fucking boring. I'm sorry but the only reason I kept with it was for the potential incest kink and even then I would say it was not worth it. Like people say that Trails has such good worldbuilding and that there is so much depth to the story blah blah blah compared to final fantasy. But final fantasy at least had themes about identity, finding your place in the world, overcoming the fear of death, grief, loss, etc. Wtf does tails have? Why should I keep playing this boring ass game that was shilled to death here?
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The only reason you'd mention the generals for those dogshit series is because you like them. Go ahead, ruin your own hole.
>dogshit slavcore
which is better than
>every game you like
Why in the fuck people raid blacksouls thread of all places
I don't fucking know, incest mentioned in OP so instantly means BS?
It's just 2 wannabe jannies with a personal vandetta and way too much free time on their hands. As if those threads didn't enough resident shitposters already, like >>3504834 said.

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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How the fuck do you get all the squirrels in II?
Been trying since forever and never got them, on-line/faq information about the recruitment is divisive and nothing seems to work
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There's certain zones on the Greenhill overworld that will randomly give you a specific squirrel if you have an empty slot in your party (you might have to recruit Mukumuku first). On PS1 the console will make a disc reading sound as it tries to add one to your party. You don't even have to move or get into combat; if you're in the right spot you can just idle and eventually you'll get the squirrel for the area. Landis in III works in a similar way, probably. Looking at Suikosource, you can start recruiting the squirrels once you get to Castle Level 2. Obviously grab Mukumuku back at the start of the game if you don't want to suffer.
I found these images from Suikosource; apparently someone was able to discern the areas the game uses for squirrel recruitment.
>you might have to recruit Mukumuku first
At the very least he's the only one who counts as a SOD.
This reminds me of the article about Luc in Suikoden 3, feels bad bros.
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Cold Steel II > Cold Steel > Kuro no Kiseki II > Trails to Azure > Trails from Zero > Trails in the Sky the 3rd > Trails in the Sky SC > Nayuta no Kiseki > Kuro no Kiseki > Trails in the Sky FC > Cold Steel III > Cold Steel IV
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Sky fc> sky sc> power gap> sky 3rd> shit> the rest.

Anyone who put fc after sc can be safely ignored
I want one of agate and tita
The moment you turn on the game and talk to claire for the first time

I'm creating a 3D dark fantasy game with libertarian gameplay systems. I've been slowly developing the game for half a year. There are plans to test the online mode where you can easily die and lose progress, you can also be killed by another player, and you can scale with level and skills for a long time, just like in Tibia.

(1) The question is - what do you expect from the combat system?
(2) Additionally - Do you like the fact that there is an extensive system of slavery and your property (which you can also lose)?
(3) Should slaves participate in combat?
>libertarian gameplay systems
Say what?
for example, non-class skill tree, ability to kill other players, ability to lose progress, dark fantasy lore, slaves as your property
So basically you are making conan exiles
Sounds like a 3D version of LifeWeb
>non-class skill tree
This needs to be done well, else it ends up with samey and/or op builds.
Design such a system with decent progression and builds in mind.
>lose progress
Based, but steam will never allow.

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are there any rpgs that have really good writing? the more I look at many of these rpgs and the classics out there, I realize that a lot of them just have really mediocre or bland writing. I see so many people claim that rpgs are mostly well known for stories or writing but I only see a few games that are well acclaimed for their writing. I already know of games like lets say shadow run dragonfall I think, disco elysium, and planescape torment.
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It's hard to define, so I don't know truthfully. Video game writing is usually too full of cliches and the sentiment is too adolescent. There is no "Ingmar Bergman" of video games, but you have lots of Ridley Scotts and Darren Aronofsky's
Yeah. For me there was a steady decline in self control. I miss being able to play my 3 houris per day and be happy with it.
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the only writing i can genuinely ever remember from a video game that actually had any real impact on me whatsoever is the coin analogy from soul reaver 2, its practically the only time I'd say a video game had genuinely great writing in it, but that isn't an rpg.
barring that, planescape torment has some choice lines like pic related.
>400 hour long VN that shits the bed. Read VNs by better writers.
What's the matter, anon, did the game mechanics intimidate you too much, or was it the notion of a story that takes its time setting up a long-term conflict that feels believable and genuine?

Post Kusoge rpgs.
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Where does Beyond the Beyond rank?
>Sands of Destruction
I was planning to try this one out because I heard it was written by the guy that wrote chrono trigger. Is it that bad?
>mc gets a permament attack debuff during the story
>to use magic you need to equip the related accessory in the only slot available
>you have to choose between xp or the chance for an item, can't have both after a battle
>weakest healing magic costs so much the healer literally can't cast it until at least a few level ups
it feels like a troll game, these are the kind of ideas yoi only have if you're actually evil or profoundly retarded
It still retains a bunch of stuff that make the first two games so memorable. Like the music, dungeon design and battle system for the most part. It's just held back by the points of no return, even easier difficulty, a story that doesn't go anywhere and only baiting with recurring characters instead of utilising them properly.
But that's a lot more than some other titles in other series that just absolutely rape their legacy.

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Are these two really some of the best modern JRPGS?
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Yeah, they are perfect games desu.
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Cold Steel is unironically objectively better than the garbage some of the worst posters here push and I'd take thousands of reans being posted over the awful slavshit that gets forced here.
Absolutely, nothing in the past decade has competed
I wouldn't say they're the best. Most of the appeal is that early 2000s jrpg feel that's gone out of style.
haha... yes

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THIS is how nu-RPG condition you to end up like. couldnt happen to Me-Aerie hot and docile relationship no sir
Well think twice before you decide to play BG3 - it might change your life and worldview (marxist propaganda)
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What the fuck are you talking about
Nice job jannies. Really earning your wage today.
i am kek fetishist but i am a bull, got some sort of renown in my hometown he he
True neutral elf
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I understand that these kinds of posts would get you banned on /tg/, but it doesn't mean you should just filter your garbage here.

>Coming Summer 2024
We all know this shit aint going to be a first person dungeon crawler since barely anyone but Experience Inc. makes these nowdays but it still can be considered a return to its RPG roots nonetheless
as someone who's been playing thru the old games that star her in kindergarten and on grand adventures I am worried they will fuck this whole game up and it wont have the charm or adoreable qualities of the old games and will be some lame anime'd up she's not a cute adoreable child game. they will ruin it and it wont be a proper game and will flop and we wont get more after that

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Are you a TRVE KVLT gamer or just a poser consoomer?
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I wear a black robe with a hood pulled down to my eyes, kicked back with feet up so you barely see me moving, like a wizard dominating fantasy realms by thought and minimal magical gestures alone.
Mod left and right with content from right and left.
old roguelikes suck. bad case of wikigame. new ones like DCSS, Brogue, Sil etc. are good though.
I like both
this but unironically

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game looks pretty, but its first time i hear about it. currently quite cheap. Anyone here played it, is it any good? steam opinions vary - apparently meh gameplay and good lore, which might be passable for me. i tought i gonna ask you guys since you know everything
just look at that screenshot - pretty!
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A janny is a regular poster with a delete button. It's about making everyone else miserable, not making the board a better place. Hes here solely to protect shit off topic threads from actual RPG discussion. He probably doesn't even like or play RPGs.
I like this thread
You sound like a twat
Makes sense
it's about a nonRPG after all
... why are you posting a P&C Adventure in RPG?
stay mad

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