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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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>Soul Eater

If there's one thing I want to talk shit about EC, it's that it shows how the death by a thousand cuts makes every element unsatisfactory. The lack of a sense of conflict makes it hard to invest in the story, which then bleeds into the recruits and the joy of having a castle and so forth.
It's not just that, but the presentation in general.
>Nowa almost never shows any emotion and is a non-character
>bad things happen, but there's no reason to ever feel bad because you as the player never lose anything and don't get enough time to connect to the places and characters that get fucked over
>any serious and emotional moment is ruined by quips and silly animations like characters running from enemies like Speedy Gonzales
So far, the best moment was the Nowa vs Seign fight
It's saddening when you consider how memorable the opening scene of Suikoden 2 is.
>B-but no one wants sadness!
Yeah, that's the fucking point. You feel like shit when people get killed in front of you and you see a smoking pile of ashes that used to be a village, that's what makes you want to put a stop to things.
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To me it's even more surreal because Suikoden MCs were mutes. You'd they would be harder to empathize with, but it's the opposite compared to Nowa.
McDohl had a certain cheeky quality that I liked, I still use 'Somewhere on this earth' to respond to people wanting to know my location.
>Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied
Haven't gotten around to it, what was wrong with it? Don't sperg out over the trannylation.
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>Favorite game?
Definitely 2 since it basically improved the formula from 1 in every respect, even though it does lose some steam after you-know-who bites the dust.
>Favorite Castle?
Strangely enough the one from 3.I think having a dedicated "castle steward" character paid off.
>Favorite rune?
Double-beat because fuck you.
>Favorite Star of Destiny?
Clive specifically from 2. Too cool for school and absolute TECH monster without any specific investment.
Is S4 REALLY as bad as everyone says?
it's a combination of couple of factors like choosing to have four characters instead of six and annoying overworld ship travel. not to mention it's a prequel set in the middle of nowhere.
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I hate Jowy so much it's unreal.
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To sum up my observation, it's akin to the creator of Oreo making a new Oreo that is not an Oreo and it looks like an Oreo, it has the pattern of an Oreo, similar packaging with an Oreo, the smell of an Oreo but not the taste of an Oreo. It makes Suikoden fans mad not just because it's not Suikoden but because in attempting to mimic Suikoden rather than meaningfully building off what made Suikoden good all it took were the parts that were easy to copy and so it's a mediocre game even in its own right and an insult to Suikoden.
the story is kinda shite, it doesn't take itself seriously, and the characters are rather flat and boring (and not because of the translation)
Where can you find Suikogaiden, anyway?
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man, I remember being bummed out I couldn't recruit sasarai back in the day
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>TFW Luc, my favorite is dead
>TFW we'll never know what Sasarai would have done in the future
>TFW we'll never see Hikusaak
Why even live, really?
Sigh.. why is Suikoden so comfy. I've been checking everyday for an update on the remasters..

Favourite game? Probably 2. I love 1, still.
Castle? Torah
Rune? Hard. Maybe Soul Eater.
SoD: Viktor or Clive.
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Been waiting for it too but mostly because I want to see my friend trying it.

The music for Toran Castle is just peak comfy.
Luc is a piece of shit though, what is there to like about him?
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I've always liked troubled pieces of shit who have too much on their plate, needless to say Jowy is one of my favorite characters too.
>Wayve exists and is actually cool
>have to play as an ugly token nigger instead
Luc is only an asshole in 3.
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Reading this old interview where Murayama talked about how Suikoden came to be hurts bros...
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How much am I missing out by not playing Suikoden 3?
The emulation felt a bit janky so I gave up in the first 3-4 hours.
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Problem with 3 is budget clearly wasn't there for the kind of setup they wanted. In practical terms in means all three characters share a lot of the areas until you eventually choose who the MC is. Also, 3's story is kinda inconsequential in a sense it's just a border skirmish with a lot more foreshadowed that never came to materialize. Personally, I don't like how it handles war battles.
I wonder if they should've stuck with the 2D look.
I enjoyed V but the environments are dreadfully ugly.

I guess you get to see more of Harmonia, Luc etc which is kinda neat.
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So, what's the holdup? Konami'd again?
Yeah, 3 kinda felt more like a set up game, then we got two prequels.
s5 isn't a prequel tho
does it even matter? The screenshots on the steam page do not look good. Just forget about anything konami, that company is dead
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I can't tell. S1 seems to have been ran through an uprez and HQ filter, but S2 seems to have had more effort put in. For better or worse.
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>Freyjadour was left out
>Favorite game?
Suikoden II
>Favorite Castle?
Thomas' castle
>Favorite Rune
Rune of Punishment
>Favorite Star of Destiny
Georg Prime
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Soul Eater; Blinking; Sun
>star of destiny
Chitatsu; aka Viki.
>but there's no reason to ever feel bad
I dont think a video game story has ever made me feel any strong emotion
Not much, it's a neat game with neat ideas, but it never quite comes together
It's also slow (battles are slower than Eiyuden), and dreadfully ugly.

Music is fantastic, it has some good characters, and the Theater is worth the price of admission alone.
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3 is certainly one of the more interesting games in the series. It can pretty rough around the edges but there's a lot of neat experimentation going on and a pretty ambitious plot that it doesn't quite live up to but has a lot great bits because of it. I'd say it's flawed but very worth playing.

It's actually interesting how they were willing to change up the formula thinking people were probably tired of the routine from 1 and 2 by this point. Ah the world before nostalgia blindness.
Magic is shit. Comparing an Eiyuden Rune of Fire with a Suikoden Rune of Fire, Fireball is like if Flaming Arrows did the same damage as your regular attack, Flame Wall is like if Firestorm only targetted 1 row instead of all enemies, had a significant SPD penalty on use, and did the same damage as your regular attack, and Fire God's Sword eats up a ton of MP to give +6 damage on your target's regular attacks. 6. An additional SINGLE DIGIT worth of damage for a tier 3 spell.
Unites are shit. In Suikoden they would either hit more enemies, or deal more damage to a single enemy. In Eiyuden the majority of them hit 1 single enemy for LESS damage than the two Uniting characters' regular attacks.
Skill runes lack depth. A lot of characters only have 2-space Skill runes, which can only house 1 single type of rune. For example, Sabine has a Skill rune slot that can ONLY be filled with Quick Slash. A Suikoden 1 equivalent would be if Viktor could ONLY use the Clone Rune and not fill the slot with a Counter Rune or Killer Rune or something else.
War battles are unnecessarily long, because there's a log of generic NPCs (kickstarter names) who get killed in battle that has to scroll all the way down before you can make your next choice, so you're waiting for all of the names to finish scrolling.
Minigames are bad. From Beyblade which you literally CANNOT win with your starting tops forcing you to get RNG drops from random enemies to stand a chance, to the worst racing controls in a video game, to the shitty cooking game that you can't lose if you just cook the basic starter recipes.
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And I could honestly forgive ANY of that if the story at least TRIED to be engaging. But as stated in great detail in the games own thread there's no tension, no drama no sacrifice. There's no cathartic inciting incident for the hero to want to take up the cause. There's even a scene early on where the girl who recruited him to fight and take up the cause looks like she's going to make a big dramatic sacrifice but the game chickens out. The badguy just lets her go. For no reason. He has her there dead to right and he could have taken her prisoner or cut her down right there to give us a reason to hate him and he just lets her walk off without a fuss. The villain isn't a threat. He supposedly kills his emperor but we don't see it. He supposedly turned people into monsters but we don't see that. The game wants us to take all this at face value but there's no real connection or weight to any of it. More to point the game doesn't even explain why the things that are supposedly important are important. The whole war started over him wanting something called a primal lens but I beat the game and I'd be absolutely fucked if I could tell you what it actually did or why it mattered. In suikoden you know what the true runes did.
just finished EC having never played any Suikoden and am incredibly disappointed with everything about the game but the music, but from what I've seen actual Suikoden fans are just as disappointed
I wanted to play the first two when that remaster came out but that was supposed to be last year, guess I'll emulate those instead
And there are so many obvious moments they chicken out of
>Let countess go
>Burn village, only buildings get damaged
>Storm lab and find the 'big bad', all bad things happen offscreend, guy gets arm cut off and gets a bionic one
>Undead take over, we leave and come back
>No kiba moment
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>>No kiba moment
Ah gee...
>>Nowa almost never shows any emotion and is a non-character
this was such a glaring issue throughout the entire game, I spent the whole game thinking the story would be more interesting if the focus was on Seign, but then they wouldn't be able to do the recruitment gimmick
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>but then they wouldn't be able to do the recruitment gimmick
I don't see why they couldn't. In fact it might make it all the more interesting that a former empire soldier had to be the one to win over the people of the kingdom he left his home to defend. McDhohl was just as much a general kid as Seign was and he had no problem. If it's a matter of the uniform just give him a new outfit once the ball gets rolling.
Y'know it would have been a hell of mastermind move to pretend they were going to release this earlier to make the Eiyuu developers rush.
Because the Eiyuu shitters could have been like "fuck we need to stop dicking around and release this near the Remasters for the free advertisement!"
Which might have turned to(or been from the start): "FUCK! We've been dicking around with this money doing absolutely nothing and this turd Murayama gave us can't even hold up to s4! We need to get this out before those remasters so the fans don't say to buy those instead of Eiyuu!"
they didn't even need to
you can feel the budget running out in EC around the point where the army invades your city, everything from that point on is rushed and awkward, instead of slow and awkward like the rest of the game
>Favorite game?
>Favorite Castle?
>Favorite rune?
>Favorite Star of Destiny?

I appreciate what they were going for with Jowy, but it really could have been pulled off better.
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>but it really could have been pulled off better.
I think they did it well enough for a PS1 game. A bit more incite into his mind later in the game and development with Jillia might have been appreciated but it was hardly necessary.
The biggest issue are the fucking endings. The fuck would I want to forgive that traitor bastard lmao.
I mean you can still choose any of the other endings you want. Personally while I do like the character I'm rather fond of the ending where he dies.
What's to like about him? Dude's a bastard.
The remaster is supposed to be out this year, allegedly.
It was supposed to be out this week I thought.
>either Soul Eater or Tactics Rune of Punishment
>fuck, there's a lot. Georg, Geddoe, Pesmerga, Jeanne, Viki, Zerase, Ridley, Killey, Viktor, Flik, and Hai Yo are the ones I can name right now.
they announced it in 2022 for a 2023 release, then in 23 they said it was delayed to just some time beyond then, no other specifics were given
The worst part is a few changes could have made the story at least passable.
>village gets burned to the ground
Nothing of value even uses it. One Beyblade trainer and a few recipes.
>Perry gets imprisoned, you rescue her near the end of the game, she's found dead if you don't have every hero
And since Nowa is a nothing character, make him actually surrender himself to the Dux when they're corned. He's executed and Seign becomes the MC.
Perry needed to not be let go by the Duck when he took over her town at the start. She didn't have to be Odessa'd, but at the very least put her in prison and make it so Nowa, or even better Seign, had to set her free.
Also the fact that you could walk right back in and none of the imperial soldiers cared was ridiculous. You try to walk into Gregminster in S1 and you get chased out immediately. Make use of the dual MC mechanic, and have it so you NEED to play as Seign to return to Euchrisse.
It's set before 1, 2 and 3.
>Also the fact that you could walk right back in and none of the imperial soldiers cared was ridiculous
that took all the tension of the losses away, and made recovering the cities late in the game not satisfying at all
I have to give some credit to the dub, Dux has an excellent VA.
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>Make use of the dual MC mechanic, and have it so you NEED to play as Seign to return to Euchrisse.
At least commit to the idea. At first I thought they were actually gonna be a bit clever and have Carrie teleport people around for more covert ops and stuff. Like Seigns crew would be at your barracks relaying what they learned and going on their own missions up there but they you get ONE mission for him and that's it the whole game. If you're not gonna commit to the idea then don't do it. Yaelu's people felt like they could have been some cool mysterious lost tribe that knew shit about lenses and magic but nothing. Like remember in Suikoden 3 when Chris went to that one hidden village and there was a big to do about the seal on the water rune and it was a major character moment for her? In addition to having no real weight or stakes to the battle the came has no moments of awe either. 3's multi hero system was far from perfect but it at least made it so each protagonist felt like they mattered and were doing stuff.
I can't say in retrospect I enjoyed switching between the 3 from a gameplay perspective. But narratively it was pretty great. And because of the pace they force onto you it doesn't feel like a disruption in flow of "the main character" and instead shifting between characters of different shows who share the same universe.

Like watching both Hercules and Xena (goodness I'm hold) or something like that. And man getting the fucking true runes was so damn cool. If you could avoid the drawbacks of blowing yourself up.
It could be a bit weird depending on what order you chose to go through them. But it was a neat idea. Honestly out of all the main games 3 was probably the hardest I ever had to pick out my final party because it does do a good job of making each of the groups interesting.
>because of the pace they force onto you it doesn't feel like a disruption in flow of "the main character"
this is one of the biggest problems with how EC handles it. Every time you swap to Seign or Marisa it feels like a tedious chore with an almost entirely preset party
>Favorite game?
Suikoden 1. It is a tight war story told in 15 hours with lots of major character deaths. When I beat the game and the epilogue rolled with the somber music playing, it felt like the end of a bittersweet war. S2 gets upheld as a masterpiece but I found it to be a 40 hour long game that outstayed its welcome and only had a couple major deaths, and didn't feel like a heavy war story.
>Favorite Castle?
Toran Castle. It really felt like you were rebels hiding out in caves fighting against an overwhelmingly powerful empire. I also liked the gimmick of Ceras Lake Castle being flooded and lowering the water level, and it generally being scenic with all of the water.

While the big medieval castle of S2 is cool, I personally feel that getting a big castle right off the bat undermines the underdog feel of Suikoden, especially in Eiyuden where you get a humongous citadel immediately. I think I would have preferred getting a small, humble castle like Budehuc and then gradually building up mighty walls in the late game.

>Favorite rune?
The Soul Eater Rune was the coolest, and also had the unique gimmick of absorbing people's souls, justifying the appearance of the ghosts of your father and friends at the end. I also liked the build up to the True Rune of Fire in S3, but was disappointing to actually wield it since I picked Chris to become the new Firebringer, and she is better off attacking with her sword than using the big damn rune of the game.
>Favorite Star of Destiny?

to be fair all damage output can be easily fixed with a balancing pass. I think they specifically wanted unites to NOT be your go-to the way they were in suikoden. I'd rather take one character getting unbalanced vs shit damage output, though.
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>I appreciate what they were going for with Jowy, but it really could have been pulled off better.
A lot of the stuff we didn't see about Jowy is featured in Suikogaiden.

I am playing on hard difficulty but the combat is very easy. I have never been in danger of wiping or a game over. I have only had three KOs thus far and then I immediately rezzed my downed party members. Plot wise there is little tension. No one has died yet, no towns have been wiped off of the face of the earth, etc. Contrast that with S1 or even S2 where bad stuff was happening that I wanted to stop and I felt compelled to take down the villains, and I wanted to find out what would happen next.

If there is any consolation, it's that S4 isn't as bad as Eiyuden Chronicle. At least there are people dying left and right from the getgo, and the sailing theme is unique.
A MAJOR balance pass is needed.
Unites SHOULD be powerful. Not only do they take up 2+ characters turns to use, they also now consume SP from each participant to be able to use instead of just lolMaster/PupilAttack each round for free because you put Kai in your party. Having ANY of your Unite characters get stunned/ko'd/petrified/slept will cancel the Unite outright, and it either averages their SPD or has a negative SPD modifier since Falward goes from acting first to acting late when using the Fran Unite.
Magic needs to get buffed, because magic runes are absolute dogshit worthless for anything other than healing/utility, and magical weapons need to be nerfed because your mages with 450 MAG and 200 PWR should not be autoattacking for MORE DAMAGE THAN YOUR FRONTLINERS. Mages should wipe the floor with encounters by casting spells and have a weak, but free, option when they want to conserve MP via their basic attack. You shouldn't be spending 15, 60, 100 MP to do LESS DAMAGE THAN A REGULAR ATTACK.
I have the fondest memories of the castle from 2. Used to love visiting and seeing my new recruits hanging out all over the premises and checking in to see what they were up to. Favorite rune is probably double beat because it kicks ass. For Star of destiny I’m gonna go with Clive.
>Favorite rune is probably double beat because it kicks ass.

And you can get them early. Man, EC needed more fun runes like that. Like so many characters would be so much more usable earlier if you could kit them out like that instead
>Unused AP gives you 2% more attack power
Great so after FIVE turns and not using my skills I get a whopping 10 percent extra kick to my already shit score.
How disappointing.
It really is a shame how boring the runes are for the majority of the game. And even at the end when you get path/pinacle they're still boring, being merely stat sticks as opposed to anything that opens up or enables different strategy or anything resembling mechanical depth, that said
>since I picked Chris to become the new Firebringer
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>double beat chads
You really have to wonder how fucked Eiyuden is that people can say S4 is better than it.
Eiyuden is far less of a chore to play, but that is down to QoL.
They both have wasted story potential, but 4 benefits from established suikoden world and Rune of Punishment is one of the strongest True Rune plot hooks in the game (even if it's not realized fully)
I'm impressed with the Rune of Punishment and Sun Rune, honestly.
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Leene could get raped at this point and it would immediately make the story better
Rune-Lenses are such a faceless garbage concept compared to True Runes i'm genuinely amazed they went with it.
Eiyuden Chronicals was ok, but nothing amazing. I'd say a 6.5/10 except for the forced minigame parts which were like a 3/10.
If I were to rank it among the Suikoden games it would be 2, 5, 1, Eiyuden, 3 and then 4.

Main problems were Nowa having no real character or reason to be the protag. The bridge duel was the only part he showed any character (which was also the best scene in the game to be fair).
Balance was absolutely awful but this could at least be fixed with patches.
Also the last section of the game felt really rushed. Like you lose 1 war battle and after that everything is rushed, you go to two dungeons without physical locations in the world, you literally just get teleported to them, every other issue is resolved without any input from the player and there is a lot of shit like characters and new runes you get at the very, very end of the game too and have no opportunity to even use (you get the 3rd tier earth rune from the 2nd to last boss in the game, and unless you backtrack out of the dungeon you wont even have the opportunity to use it).
The translation is also bad a lot of the time. Not just the woke stuff, but some of the changes exist just because. The one I remember is when Ivy in a voiced line says she is using her "kohai punch", it's translated as "fist of destruction". Small changes like this really remove a lot of personality from the characters for no reason at all.

Also Konami needs to hurry and release the Suikoden 1/2 remakes. I remember playing a leaked version of them in 2022 (only tried them out, didn't finish) and they worked just fine. No idea why it'd take them this long to release them unless they're making more significant changes than initially planned.
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>Eiyuden's cook-offs
I don't remember the cook-offs in Suikoden 2 being so easy.

>Favourite rune / true rune
Killer rune in V / Rune of Punishment
>Favourite SoD / Favourite cast
Killey is my absolute favourite although there's tons of characters I like throughout the main series (that is not counting Tierkreis or the PSP one). I've yet to do the Gaiden ones and finish Tactics, although I've being told that doing Tactics immensely improve on IV's experience (funnily enough I had enough fun on IV being being the weakest of the main ones). Favourite cast is II.

The cook offs in Eiyuden are bugged. Every meal is scored as if it's an appetizer so you can win just by using 3 appetizers. All of the eggs count as appetizers.
Are there any other jrpgs that have at least 6 niggas in a row and aren't Eiyuden/Suikoden?
Star Ocean 5? Exit Fate?
>Exit Fate
I can't believe the dude who made this never tried to sell an enhanced version with good character art and a new soundtrack.
It came out in 2009. By the time indie RPG fad caught on who knows where he was in his life.
They're still bugged despite the 1.04 patch? Damn, I was trying to power through all of the challenges and found it odd that I kept winning with Miso Soup, Omelet, and a Fried Egg.
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How in the fuck? Did no one playtest that shit?
Consider it a blessing, playing the game is beyond annoying so having an easy win is a godsend. I have zero intention of ever looking at the game again but godspeed to whomever has to play the correct way in the future.
Magic needs buffs, but the combo damage formula is probably bugged. It's written so that the damage is multiplied by whatever amount, which would make them more damaging and worth using, but then divided by the number of participants. Which makes me think they wrote the formula wrong because there's no way 8t should work like that. A 6 member all MC fucking combo will do less than just 1 basic attack like this.
I honestly think the game just landed budget. That's why some things feel short or a bit undeveloped. That said, I fucking love Eiyuden. It isn't perfect, it needs some patches to unfuck the combo damage and buff magic, but it felt like an honest attempt.

It's the closest we will ever get to another Suikoden, and I'll take an imperfect game with some heart of whatever Konami would do to rape Suikoden's corpse. Look at Silent Hill, it's better Konaki just forgets Suikoden ever existed once the remasters are out.

All I want is a 3+5 bundle after 1+2. They can skip 4.
>landed budget
Lacked budget, I mean. You can tell they tried with what they had, the sprites are gorgeous and the locations look nice. Bigger vision than their money allowed, though.
>but it felt like an honest attempt.
Perhaps, but you can tell that neither passion nor love went into the game.
Most characters feel one note and based on a single quirky attribute or just feel devoid of any personality altogether, like Nowa.
Dungeons are poorly thought out and are hallway simulators where you backtrack constantly since you go left towards a dead end for loot and back again, so you can go right to progress. I'm aware that this has been done in older games, but there's no reason to iterate such shitty design in a 2024 game. Same with random encounters.
The puzzles feel more like a nuisance than something that requires thinking.
Then there's backer shit everywhere polluting the game and breaking the immersion, like the faggot in the green shirt that sticks out like a sore thumb; war is an important theme in Suikoden and supposedly in Eiyuden now, but why should I take these shitty war mini games seriously when I constantly have to read something like "Cum Slurper died in battle"?
This also brings me to the fact that the devs/writers were too scared to actually make the player feel bad by presenting death, loss, rape, etc. The sequence of your "home village" being razed felt forced because it came out of nowhere and you as a player barely have any connection to it or its people since you only spend like 2 minutes there at most.
Even Nowa himself is more confused than upset about the fact. Plus, everyone somehow made it out alive anyway, so all of this really felt inconsequential.
>Mandie, the announcer character, has negative scores for narrating every play
>But he doesn't just have negative scores for narrating, he has negative scores for EVERY ROLE
>The fucking beyblade doctor is a better narrator than Mandie is despite talking about fucking beyblades when the play doesn't have any fucking beyblades
>There are only 4 characters that are objectively worse than Mandie; the literal fucking griffin, the literal fucking dragon, Falward who despises the theatre for some reason, and the retarded shouting child
Fuck you game, I'm going to get S rank in every play with Mandie narrating.
Nah, you can clearly see the passion and love. You don't design all those detailed ass sprites and voice act for like 120 characters for every tiny scene just in case the player brings one of them.
>Black Dragon Syndicate, the ultimate cook mafia
>All but two contests they average 20-22.
> I only got over 40 twice
Sjit's fucked
No you can't. Because all of that shit is surface level. If this is passion and love then some kid writing and drawing YourName The Hedgehog during study hall is love and passion. There is zero thought or attention put into any of this.
>Have to fight 4 bosses in a row with no healing after Seign's laboratory raid
Barely managed to win that encounter by having Seign being the last survivor and managed to fire off the cannon.
What the fuck were they thinking? Feels like it would be very easy for this part to be a soft lock for some people.
As far as I know you can't go back to town to heal or restock on items after you arrive at the dungeon.
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Weird thing to copy from S3, but I like it.
It'd be very hard if it weren't also very easy. Even with half of your team being useless dead weights if you stocked up on items or upgraded everybodies weapons you tank and spank your way through.
Yeah, but if you didn't have enough healing items you'd be stuck.
I ran out of healing items during that boss rush and only barely managed to win.
Oh. No yeah I see your point. In regards to designs it's not a very good one. The boss rush is fine, it's the fact that you're stuck yet still allowed to save there which is the issue.
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Probably drawn before SV existed.
Seeing him in his adult version in that poster would've been cool
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Lazlo's absent too. That piece was made quite specifically for S3.
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Kind of lame that Nowa is pretty much just a regular guy and not a chosen one that gets a special lens like how it usually is for Suikoden protagonists.
I don't mind he him not having a special rune so much as him not having a special purpose. He's just a nice guy. That's well and good but it's not like he's especially qualified to lead or charismatic. I mean let's consider for a moment, Captain America. Now yes he does have peak human performance from super soldier serum so it's not like he's NORMAL normal, but when you're on a team with giants, gods, monsters, guys in mech suits and anything else you can think of and you're still the one everyone looks too? Charisma. Cap can motivate people like nobody else. He's a living inspiration to always try to be the best us we can be. Nowa is not Captain America. He's a decently skilled fighter but he lacks that inspiration. The game wants us to believe he's special but he's not. He mostly just stands around and in typical bland anime hero fashion just reacts to whatever everyone tells him, gets told he's special just because and he's supposed to be the leader because..... he cares the most? But he really doesn't. At least not more so than anyone else.
They could've just written it so that he lost his parents to war and make that his main motivation
Considering how vague and lame primal lenses are, I do not mind.
I wish there was something that got him actually INVESTED beyond 'hee hee, meddling cause I am kind".
Have a grudge, have someone kidnapped he must rescue, witness actual atrocities so he must put a stop to it, something.

He is more determiend to stop Crush from destroing beigomas than he is to stop Aldric
>He mostly just stands around and in typical bland anime hero fashion just reacts to whatever everyone tells him, gets told he's special just because and he's supposed to be the leader because..... he cares the most? But he really doesn't. At least not more so than anyone else.
That's just it, he's not special, no one tells him he's special (at least from where I am currently in the story), he's just the perfect rebellion figure head because he's a commoner who had his village destroyed (except not really), making him the perfect underdog leader for people in similar situation to rally behind, the noble lady who handed over her army said as much.
... Except by the time Seign joined the rebellion, he would actually be a better rebellion figure head since he's a nobleman from the enemy side who betrayed his nation because it doesn't align with his sense of justice, also he even has a reason to fight against the current regime because he suspects the king was assassinated so he can also make people on the enemy side join his cause.
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You know what was actually kind of neat? In 3, 4 and 5 you could recruit a reporter who would write an ongoing newspaper covering the vents of the games. It didn't really add anything beyond some fun fluff, but it had some personality.
Wait, is that missing from this game? I loved reading those newspapers.
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Unless I'm missing something, none of the recruits wanted to run a paper to my knowledge.
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These print ads were kind of neat. Each of the main three heroes got one. You can't really say Konami wasn't promoting this one.
Why is Pastole randomly speaking Italian
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Geddoe's is perhaps the most interesting given what happens in the actual game, but they're not really gonna out and spoil things I suppose. Interesting that each of the main heroes did represent one of the major factions.
all that effort goes in to extra characters saying one line during a scene that no one reacts to, and the plot just moves along
it amounts to nothing, its the illusion of soul
its fucking baffling how much more the story would feel complete if Perrielle got captured/killed early instead of being allowed to leave so the boss can be smug
because he really fucking wishes he was Sylvando from DQXI, who was spanish
I'm sorry you're so retarded you can't see the effort it takes to do lines for 100+ characters for every cutscene.
You're being disingenuous since not every character says something during every cut scene and you don't need to account for those the player hasn't recruited yet at the time.
Then there's also characters you can recruit, but not put on your party which you can discount as well.
Even if so, do those characters say anything interesting? Does it affect anything in anyway other than dipshit and butmunch saying "wowewowwow" outloud instead of it being a text reaction?
I do like the idea of side unique convos after scenes, because like bath scenes it's extra content to see the characters interact.
But if it isn't well written or interesting, who gives a shit?
Shit-eaters like the guy you're talking to, who probably was watching vtubers and anime while playing the game and thought it was good because it never offended him while he was barely paying attention.
Interjections that are not 'one liners this specific character would say' are pretty rare.
I do appreciate their existence for making any party member feel less liek baggage and having an occasional standout line (Reyna going chuuni about how beigoma plays become one with their top like she becomes with her sword is fun), but such details are cherry on top.

If the characters involved in 80% are not interesting, the whole thing sinks.
>you don't need to account for those the player hasn't recruited yet at the time.
You actually do, because of NG+ where you can have every lategame character in your party from the beginning and all of them will react to earlygame shit.
You're really overestimating the amount off effort it takes to do their jobs. Even Suikoden 4 did the same thing. It's not a labor of love to have a single sentence per character that is so much hot air.
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kid did shit to save himself and the loli. he almost a SHERO.
*some of them react to early game shit
It's neat that they actually do react at all but there's barely any barks and even less reactivity. Characters in groups basically say nothing to each other, characters like Elektra are VERY quiet, characters like Nil and Viesskin who nearly said anything outside of major events at the point that you recruited them before the cycle, continue that tradition.

There's another thing that chaffes my ass like how characters in groups don't have barks to each other when they DO say their one-lined zinger. Yume, Falward, Leon, and Faye I don't recall EVER talking to each other despite having a literal hero combo. Whilst the Rising team have virtually (or literally) no barks between them past the quest and there's no reason for that to be that way. The MC is a dragon whisper Chandra's model doesn't even show up in cutscenes. It can't be a size thing, Yume is sure there. Ridiculous.

I'm sure the art and sound and character planners surely gave it their all and were pressed for time. But shit made it through anyways which is why shit like Garoo's reversed side changes which side of his face the eyepatch is on. This shit and more are the things that were caught 4 generations of consoles ago. And NG+ is where I get really fucking steamed because you'd at least thing the late recruited characters wouldn't be subject to the same slapdash braindead scaling that nearly the entire cast suffer from, and you'd be fucking wrong.

And while it's beyond the scope of the game whoever translated the cooking quest shouldn't work in the industry anymore whilst whoever did the jargon for the sharks had one job that IS there job which is to at the very least accurately display the pirate-esque nomenclature using a wide berth of phrases, slang, terms, and nautical terms and they couldn't even get that right so why the fuck did they bother at all?
They do have lines when you add or remove them from the team while the other character is present. Some beyond combos, like Galwald warning Yusuke
So they released another update for Eiyuden:

>Fixed the bug where the game would become unplayable when changing controlled characters
>Fixed the issue with the Rune Shop when there's only one party member
I have little faith that they'll actually fix the dumbfuck localization, but at least I hope that they do balance the game somewhat. Mages have always been my favourite in Suikoden, but I was disappointed to find that mages kind of fucking suck and apparently never get better until like the last 5% of the game.
I'm only like 9 hours in. I can wait for the game to be unfucked since my motivation to play it isn't particularly high. Not unless the game will stay forever fucked. In which case, I guess I'll get around to begrudgingly completing it. But I'm in no rush.
Whenever there's VA involved you can take it for granted there will be ZERO script alterations.
I'd rather they fixed the graphical issues when in the overworld near Hishanh or whatever. Maybe soon?
Killing off his sister would've given him some personal stakes in the conflict. But no, they couldn't even grant him that basic anime motivation.

Play in JP audio, or mute audio for the authentic old school JRPG experience they're so desperately trying to capture. Problem fixed.

One thing I can give S4 over the others is it has the sexiest soundtrack. La Mer is fucking amazing.

Also, why the fuck doesn't Eiyuden have an opening? It doesn't need to be full blown high budget anime like 3 had, but 1,2,4 and 5 still had openings only using in-game renders or art that still really set the tone of the adventure you're about to embark on.
>He grew up to look like Ferid
>Inherited Ferid's gigachad big dick energy
>Acquired Arshtat's sex pretty person genes
Man, if he went around his kingdom saving adventure looking like that, he probably would've had a much easier time simply due to the fact that women would've kept flinging themselves at him.
It's a shit game
>Same with random encounters.
i like random encounters
I don't mind them but *KSSSSSH* it gets anno *KSSSSSSSSH* when you're trying to make any *KSSSSH* amount *KSSSSH* of *KSSSSH* progress. The library in the finale dungeon was especially aggravating. Even with the ring that reduces them.
What was the saddest moment in Suikoden for you guys?
Gremio's death hit pretty hard. I'd also like to say Lyon's potential death is pretty depressing but that's also a bad ending, Ferid and Arshtat stand out though.
Arshtat's and Ferid's deaths were surprisingly well-done. Gremio's death is hard to handle for sure but I think a lot about Mathiu's death these days because he never wanted to be dragged into war and paid the same price as Odessa.
Eh, Suikoden was dubbed in English when I played it anyway.
I don't know. EC has real fucking low encounter rate. Given the Suikoden leveling scheme I think something like that should've been the chosen approach even back then. Replaying S1 and S2 after EC might be hell in that department.
The game has a fuckton of issues as covered above.
And I do not think I will be able to finish it.

Largely because I have so much fun with the theater plays. They knew they had a bunch of VAs at call, they knew that 5-6 extra lines would not add too much cost at this point, so they went ham.

I feel more fulfilled having all recruits because of this than anything that happened in the main plot. Which is sad.
The problem is that after a certain point the XP curve gets all kinds of fucked. You'll fly to level 40 or so but then you'll somehow be over leveled as a matter of simply playing the game normally and enemies start given out pocket change.
why is eiyuden so bad?
Cause you touch yourself at night.
Why couldn't Jowy be a hot woman in that shot instead? Jowy looks way too feminine in that shot for some reason.
I never even thought about that till you mentioned it. Yeah, it really is weird that there's no newspaper in this game.
It does have an opening anon. It's also not a high budget anime but it exists when you boot up the game. Not inspiring or anything and does use in-game sprites and all but then again, so were S4 and S5 anyway where they use the in-game 3d models. Also yes, La Mer is fucking amazing. It's the one thing I like about S4.
Because everything on kikestarter is a scam and Western retards keep falling for it every day.
That Suikoden III intro is insane.
So much soul, emotion and spirit in one intro scene. You don't even need the context of the game to appreciate it.

>The story never ends.
What hurts is, I've never properly played this game. But I can feel how cool it is just through the intro. Was never released in the UK, unfortunately.
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Shame. You should check it out via emulation or something though. It's pretty cool.
I'm under the impression some fans are making a HD version.
News to me. Looks like it was some AI deal.
It's honestly the best part of 3. The game itself is not very good, just a clunky mess with plenty of soul. Part of me loves it, but part of me is annoyed by everything when playing it.

Do emulate and see how you enjoy it, don't bother waiting for hypothetical remakes.
uninstalled eiyuden 20 minutes in
Meh, I never got the hype for S3s intro, song is great, but the actual animation is a jumbled mess of rotoscoped action scenes, primitive CGI, lots and lots of shots of characters standing around looking at things dramatically, and Hugo randomly fighting Hallec.

Suikoden IV still has the best intro of the series. (granted it's entirely carried by La Mer, but still)
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Have you seen Gaiden OPs?

Interesting they put so much effort into VN spin-offs.
I think Suikoden 3's OP stirs up people's imaginations for what the game might have been liked had Murayama not left Konami and Suikoden 3 had been finished as he envisioned. It has a 40 hour long prologue that builds up so much hype, and then you get the castle and the game ends 10 hours later.
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it's funny because unless you've played those two you have no idea who nash is beyond just being an op character. if you have you know he's basically batman and james bond rolled into one, plus married to the best girl. japanese audience sure had a different impression of him.
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3's intro sort of has an almost timeless quality I'd say even if it does have some dated effects. it's basically made to appeal to people's, not just imagination, but sense of fantasy and wonder in general.

3 is a very interesting game. In a lot of ways it's more traditional adventure focused than the others grander war focus. Not that it ignore the war but it's probably the game in the series most interested in exploring the past, the history and mythological side of things. You're unraveling the mystery of who's stirring the flames of war while discovering how it all tied back to a previous one. It's neat.
3 was cool in that way, yeah. We'd probably have seen it in a much different light if 4 and 5 had advanced on what we learned from it.
Wow, thank you for sharing these. After decades I’m finding new Suikoden content. Loved hearing the music from S2 in those videos
I wish Lum was real
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my wife and my wife's boyfriend
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If you liked Suikoden 2 check out the car game on GBA. Suikoden Card Stories is a bizarre almost re-telling with some odd bits changed here and there you'll recognize if you played the original game.
Eilie was better for Riou.
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She was cute. Her sister was a total hoe.
>best bros Tai Ho and Yam Koo died after the events of Suikoden 2
Feels bad man
>Suikoden Card Stories
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That whore expends most of her time in the castle along with this ugly bastard. Nanami is pure and loyal and literally gives her life for Riou
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What???? I don't remember this!
My husbando
What's wrong with Eiyuden? I thought it looked really promising.
It's boring. Too easy even on hard, 10 hours in and no one has died and no villages have been wiped off the face of the earth so I don't want to turn the page and find out what happens next. Gave up after 11 hours.
I kind of feel like the touch was lost after 3 anyway, did you get to experience any of the base building elements of the game before the 10 hour mark? Thanks for the heads up.
At about 10 hours or so, you do get the base, but to see it fully realized, you'd have to play through more of the game.

If you're curious about the feedback, you can check these two threads:

Thanks anon, and apologies it is an off-topic query.

My favorite Suikoden base is still Toran Castle from Suikoden 1. It's a wondrous location and I'm stealing it for my ACKs game because my players cannot into PSX era JRPGs.
No problem, this is a slower board and the game came out about two weeks ago. I think some (or most) Anons have beaten Eiyuden already. As of now, there have been 560 bugs reported, no idea how many have been fixed outside of the Lam recruitment bug and the cooking game (allegedly).
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>exit fate
damn, this game is actually pretty good. The portraits are horrifying though.
It would be playable if it wasn't because it runs at 640x360 and can't be scaled
Eiyuden really speeds up after the Seign segment, it's town/dungeon/town/dungeon after Yarnaan falls, huh?
Was Jowy really that bad a guy?
No. Jowy was good. Jowy remained loyal to his people - even after his parents disowned him based off of lies - while Riou and Nanami betrayed their people and joined the enemy. Jowy purged the corruption from within his country. Jowy was correct to continue the attack, given that Jowston were historically just as aggressive as Highland (see Luca's mother being ambushed and raped) and just as likely to attack Highland in the future, and 2. Highland already had half of Jowston occupied. It was Jowy's responsibility to his dead countrymen to finish what they had started and make their sacrifices mean something and to end the Jowston threat forever.
Damn, if only we could have had this too.
I could never really get past how the first hour or two is mostly slightly tweaked versions of Suikoden II's first couple hours. You literally fight a Mist Monster in the first real dungeon, visit a town that's half South Window, and get to play the North Window Castle dungeon again but this time it's a random dude playing an organ at the end instead of Neclord, among other things. It gets a little less intentionally derivative later on, but it's just so hard for me to move past that initial impression.
He was a complicated man and nobody understood him but his woman.
>True thunder
>Long Chan Chan
Suikoden 1 is the only good game in the franchise. The rest were all bloated and boring, with incredibly stupid writing.
Jowy is a useless retard who did nothing. If it wasn't for Riou and his army Jowy would've kept sucking Luca Blight's cock for his entire life until psychopath burns the entire world just for fun and finally kills him too.
His only excuse is having the black sword rune, so he had no chance but fight Riou whatever it takes.
You don't let an autistic murderer freak to do whatever he wants just for "hurr durr muh country"
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Sad that the trio didn't get to grow up and become heroes in a future game.
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>Favorite game?
>Favorite Castle?
>Favorite rune?
Bright Shield
>Favorite Star of Destiny?
pic rel
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Goonies never say die.
Reminds me of those early rumors (well it was on theGIA anyway) about Suikoden II, where it was going to be the first game from the Scarlet Moon Empires POV.
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A game about the rise of the Scarlet Moon empire would actually be pretty interesting.
>someone actually made the effort for these
From what we get it really sounds like a Suikoden game. Barbarossa as the Tenkai star, other generals (Sonya replaced by her mom) with theirs... I'd play it.

The concept of fighting against a previous Tenkai star because of the changing times feels like it would be a neat concept for a game anyhow. Imagine S4 or 5 being about fighting Riou after he becomes ruler of Jowston. Or an alternate universe where McDohl became an immortal president with a rune that wants to be fed.
How did they manage to fuck the magic up so badly?
Going from 9/9/7/5 casts to just 600 MP is maddening. You can literally cast all day long in classic entries compared to Eiyuden, and with far cooler magic too.
>Imagine S4 or 5 being about fighting Riou after he becomes ruler of Jowston. Or an alternate universe where McDohl became an immortal president with a rune that wants to be fed.

That sounds terrible. Like low quality fanfic trash.
What I'd see happening is a game about the Harmonia Civil war, with foreign countries trying to be opportunistic and pillaging/conquering parts of Harmonia. You as as the Harmonia protagonist would fight not just to overthrow the evil in Harmonia, but also repel these foreign invaders. I could easily see you fighting Riou and Chris/Geddoe.
>alternate universe where McDohl became an immortal president with a rune that wants to be fed.
That sounds dumb.

True Runes are neither good or evil. The way they manifest simply reflects the nature or influence of their current hosts. The whole point of the series is the Tenkai's star's own strength of character and their power of friendship with the 108 stars swaying and guiding the otherwise amoral True Runes into becoming benevolent or at the very least benign forces.
>Tenkai's star's own strength of character and their power of friendship with the 108 stars swaying and guiding the otherwise amoral True Runes into becoming benevolent or at the very least benign forces.
AKA. Leknaat gaslighting people born under the Tenkai star into becoming key figures in historical watershed moments.
But really though, what the fuck was her deal. Sure would've been nice to learn all about that in a Suikoden VI that could've existed.
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I forgot the knights get horses.
>Targeted Platforms:

>Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC Game Pass

>Issues resolved:

>1) Fixed an issue in which party members disappear (when the playable character is either Seign or Marisa, party members disappear if the playable character is switched to Nowa and the battle event with Riufan begins).

>2) Fixed an issue where the game soft locks (when the player attempts to switch characters while changing Runes at the Rune Shop with only one battle member in the party).

Latest versions (May 8 8:00JST):

>PC Game Pass:

>Update patch for the following platforms will be distributed soon:

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>Favorite game?

>Favorite Castle?
2. Level 1 music is max comfy

>Favorite rune?
no particular

>Favorite Star of Destiny?
2-Hanna, Tierkreis-Diiwica
You razzing me?
To your point about the true runes: it really reminds me of my favorite part of the entire series in 3, when they all make it to the flame champions hideout and the old lady tells them about how he lived his life. With the music, it really hit home. I'm playing EC right now and it honestly just makes me want to go back and play the first three. Wasn't much for 4 (I honestly never gave it a fair chance when I was younger), and just never did play 5.
I knew there was at least another one of us on this board. I almost lost hope
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If 4 did anything right it was at leas the Rune of Punishment. It was a big deal and it affected a lot of people. It also answered the series long question of what happens when you just chop off your hand. You lose it. It'll fuck off somewhere else. Villain was decently interest on paper too. His son originally had the rune, nuked is enemy and died as you do and it went to him where he at first ditched it but then tried to get it back because he believed it brought him closer to his dead kid.
The MC is annoying but I like it more than 3
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The only game with giant Waifus iirc
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S4 really had a problem with engaging key characters, though. Maybe the islands setting just didn't resonate with me and ship sailing overworld didn't help.
I actually rather like the Island Nations in and of themselves. S4's issues are that it never really gave you the time to settle or explore. It's kind of just go, go, go.
S4 has some good ideas, but the story after you get the boat is so rushed that Snowe and Troy never really get the change to breathe. You literally just head to each island, and then raid El-Eal and show's over. Some of those visits don't even count as liberations in the traditional Suikoden sense; Na-Nal's story is literally "elves fuck over the humans so Kooluk Bad", and Middleport doesn't even really come over to your side. No wonder people keep harping about sailing or the final boss being a Fucking Tree when there's no real meat.
Snowe's arc still kinda works since him becoming a non-entity that's trying to copy Lazlo and win some sort of acceptance without really having the capacity to lead or understanding why nobody really approves of him despite him earnestly trying kinda fits.
Tactics does flesh out Kooluk's situation more with the Patriarchal Faction but also goes off the rails.
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Yeah, 4 just needed more time to rest. To actually let things sink in. The basic formula is there [go to place, liberate and get them to ally so you can fight the big bad] but it doesn't have quite the character or personality the other games did. (Though it still has more than EC by a landslide.) In any case Snowe's arc still works out pretty okay. His whole shtick was being a nepotism getting promotions for free, cocking it up by being a retard and then learning a lesson of humility after you kick his ass once or twice to where he loses it all and joins your side. And to his credit he did think he was trying to help, he's just you know... an idiot. It was actually somewhat satisfying watching the town turn on him after he and his dad accepted the Kooluk's deal. Which really wasn't a completely wrong move. Logically anyways.

As for Troy? I don't honestly remember what his deal was at all. You meet him like ONCE early one where he kicks your ass and then you fight him at the end and kick his ass and it's sort of a bookend situation but he really needed one or two more chances to square off with out. Maybe one more scene were you get driven off, then another where you manage to tie before the finale where you win. See that's kind of why Snowe still works. The middle stuff is there.
A reminder that by Suikoden 3, True Rune Users are now numerous

>Mcdohl is hanging around Banner Vilage with the Soul Eater Rune.
>Riou and Jowy with the Bright Shield and Black Sword Rune are on a Journey.
>Hugo, Chris and Geddo have the True Fire, Water and Lighting Runes.
>The Beast Rune has gone MIA every since the end of the Highland War.
>The fate of the True Wind Rune is unknown when Luke died.
>Sasarai still has the True Earth Rune but now knows of Harmonia's dark past and him being a clone of Hikusaak.
>Leknaat has the Gate Rune after talking the other half after her sister Windy's death.

The next Suikoden game is clearly going to be all about Rune Fuckery rather with political shit being minor in comparison.

Shame that Suikoden IV-V tossed all those intriguing setups like trash.
>It's kind of just go, go, go.
Yes. However, your HQ is a ship.
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About 18 True Runes are known
Milia has the Dragon Rune at present.
Yuber's Eight Fold is around with him
Sierra's Moon Rune
Star Dragon Sword held by Edge Presently
Lazlo's probably still around because if he gives up the RoP it resents back into asshole mode

There's also the Circle Rune held by Harmonia, Emperor Barbosa's Sovereign rune is MIA, the Sun rune got sealed back up
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I wonder how many of the 27 true runes they had planned out in advance and how many they made up as they went. It's a weirdly specific number so I can't help but feel like they had some reason or plan for it but it's also a biggish number when even ONE true rune is kind of a huge deal to make a game around so it does give them some flexibility as they go.
Troy is Kooluk's big war hero or whatever, called the Child of the Sea God. Ultimately he's kind of a figurehead that gets overshadowed by the El-Eal Governor, Cray Trading Company, and their not-nuke.
It's kind of funny how he shows up like he's gonna be this game's rival and then Lazlo never sees him again until the very end and all Troy really has to say is "You're...that guy" because chasing player's party off the boat is literally the extent of their interaction. And then he lets himself die because why not. Hubris? Self-enforced punishment for for failing to stop Cray before he wormed his way into Kooluk and ruined everything with magic nukes? Iunno.
For me it's Oulan with fury rune
Does anyone want a free steam code to EC? I got one belatedly as a backer I got my phyiscal copy 1 day delayed.

Drop me an email @ jammyju@protonmail.com and I can give it to you.
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Between the events of S1 & 2, Tir's Soul Eater's Judgement animation went from 4 souls to multiple people.

Does that imply people have died around him since the events of the first game?
Don't need it, but nice spirit of generosity
Yeah, like he could have been the games NOBLE antagonist with the whole moral conflict of duty and his own ethics but he's just... not.
Game, for all its issues, is decently fun and had some interesting ideas. Yet it still does bother me that they made one character a pure RNG if you recruit him or get worthless amount of money when you need all 108 for true end.
>still working through Eiyuden
>feels like the game is moving at a rocket pace once you do the Athrabalt arc

Fuck them for putting you through three separate boss battles, then having you go to the next town to do another boss battle
>Yet it still does bother me that they made one character a pure RNG if you recruit him or get worthless amount of money when you need all 108 for true end.
That's a thing?
When I played through that game it was in a situation where I didn't have internet so I kind of assumed there weren't many missables.
Yup, and it's just 50/50 if he decides to join you or not. Easy join requirements and you can save beforehand, but it's still weird.
Yup, pretty much after the “let’s go waste time with these kids in a ice cave” side quest, the game goes full speed and never stops, shit just happens (mostly off screen) people just join en masse , all the villians die and the credits are rolling.
The game goes from HO SHIT WE’RE FUCKED to HO SHIT DUX IS FUCKED in the span of 10 minutes, it’s rushed beyond belief
I kinda slacked off on recruiting the other characters, think I have about 4-6 characters left. There's that other beigoma dude, the shield lady, Quinn's partner, the trading NPC, and Nowa's sister.
It's bizarre too because that Ice cave was completely pointless. Yeah it showed that the knights are good guys I guess but it adds NOTHING to the plot. Like if it was a mid game dungeon MAYBE it would be less egregious but seriously. That's like pen-pen-ultimate dungeon.
Okay, I'm about to get Momo, but still need to get Reyna, the other rune hunter, and finish beigoma in order to get Leene, then I can get the good ending and then just Youtube the bad one.
It would've been better as a better thing for the early game instead of Empire co-op mission, hunting for bandits, then war stuff, could've been a 2nd or 3rd mission, but oh well.
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I could see it like, you visit their kingdom early get told to fuck off by their king but on your way out get roped into a side quest where you earn the general's favor before you leave with them regretting not being able to help. Then this just is left to stew for a while and you get called to help with the zombie situation where they realize they need to defy their kings order to help you out as a matter of honor at this point. Something like that. This game is in DIRE need of an editor.
Hopefully the remasters (if Konami would ever get off their asses and finish it) along with EC could spark a revival in interest enough for them to finish it off in the span of a few games. Though a feeling gets me that it would seem a little rushed in just two or three games. Plus with Muriyama passing away that has to take from it, even if he was more or less solely involved with EC at that point
Reid is the only one I have left that requires any meaningful work to get. Beigoma is such a slog to work through. Even if you know you're fucked by the third round there's no way to quit the match.
And you can't just play the named characters either. You have to play like 3-4 matches with randos between each boss and it's not like the game really shows who's a player outside the big name guys. This isn't some triple triad shit where everyone on the goddamn planet is seemingly a player and you just need to run up and mash square.
Yeah, they should have either marked every player with a bowl or have a list of players you meet.
I mean say what you want about the cooking battles (they sucked) but at least you didn't need to run around like a retard.
Let's also not forget that you can be beating your opponent by at least half your energy bar and unironically out of nowhere you somehow get smashed for everything and lose. It would be enjoyable if the mechanics of this mini game made absolute sense.
The first reaction is, "Did you not see all of they other shitty attempts, retard?"

But I guess them making a bunch of potential failures that I simply wouldn't play is better than them not trying at all?
Except for the company itself, I guess.
After a lot of warping around and noticing that Athrabalt basically had nothing happen to it after the invasion, I have to wait through a couple of cutscenes and then I'll have my final recruit. Still need to get the rest of the beigomas, though.
Just get the ones from the place where you recruited the cow guy with the giant monster encounters.
Dear god in heavens, fuck the controls in the shi'arcraft racing minigame and whoever designed that. Even Chocobo Racing in FFX WAS NOT this bad.
>Just use the D-Pad instead of the stick
I do and it sucks shit as well.
There is almost no finesse needed, at least. You can break for a couple sharp corners and get first prize easily
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Fucking finally
I honestly didn't have a problem with the race. It's still a shit mini game but I almost found it too easy.
>Favorite game?
>Favorite Castle?
2, great music & pretty nice layout overall
>Favorite rune?
Rune of Punishment
>Favorite Star of Destiny?
I mean, who knows if I had a journalist moment for the past hour, but dear God, the controls for that minigame were horrible. The D-Pad controls felt awkward (that is still okay even though putting both acceleration/steering on the D-Pad is still a retarded design choice) while doing a certain manipulation with the analog stick triggers a bug where somehow left/right was reversed. I didn't found out any of this until I did the expert race because the other ones were pretty much straightforward stuff.
All I did was follow the trail of shinies and boost constantly.
Yeah, someone needs to be shot for that. Hell, it wouldn't even be so bad if my game wasn't bugged to where that weird visual effects that happens near Hishahn didn't also take effect here. Due to that, I can't see the track until it's more than too late to change course, so my fastest time so far is 1:27.
I ended up getting those, which made the rest of it trivial, but it's so annoying that you have to duel other people on top of dueling the Spintenels/Crash. I have close to 40 of them, just need to get that annoying one from The Proving Grounds and some others.
>this turd Murayama gave us can't even hold up to s4!
Now, Eiyuuden is not as good as any of the good Suiko games, but let's not go crazy here...
I'll go there. S4 at least cares about what's happening. S4 at least has stakes. S4 does not have LOL LUCKY GIRL!
4 still suffers a lot of the same problems that Eiyuden does.

Lots of meaningless SODs that look like they don't belong to the world that they inhabit, that just join because reasons.
Characters with little to no motivation.
A paper thin plot that mainly happens off screen
Terrible minigames that can go to hell (Although I'll defend mushroom wars until the day I die)

At least Dux Aldric is a SLIGHTLY better antagonist than Cray was.
>At least Dux Aldric is a SLIGHTLY better antagonist than Cray was.

No. Cray was directly tied to the Rune of Punishment. That by default makes him better. You understood his motivations and why what he wants matters. Dux was a joke. He wanted a nebulous power to do ill defined things for a pathetic reason. Cray's motivations, goals and reason he needed to be stopped mattered. Dux may honestly be one of the worst villains I've seen in any game every. He's an inconsistent clod.
The problem is that nothing he does is expounded or shown onscreen. Which ties with how poorly defined the setting is.
If we saw him politically maneuver, see the assassination, how he secures the heir, how Lens users and countries who use them have an extra leg to stand how much his desire to advance no matter the cost was there before mysterious masked woman with plot hooks appeared, it'd be interesting.
But we are told with nothing being shown.
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Yeah I feel like a smarter or better written story would have had him realize how behind his own region of the world is and how they're just one enemy nation's whim away from being thrown into an even worse war so he started to try and amass power internally to bolster their own defense. Have the Rune Lens more defined as to why they're powerful and with a great sense of mythology. Like perhaps the one you found was a true rune equivalent which by itself could have kept the rest of the world at bay.

And the world is just so poorly defined. Like here's the world map. In terms of actual geography it's technically bigger than any given Suikoden conflict but it lacks definition and intimacy. The nations in Suikoden all have a sense of history. There's more sense of where the borders are. How region A views region B. Past conflicts and wars. Lines are drawn. You have a far more intimate understand of what Scarlet Moon was, what the beef between Jowston and Highland were with a splash of Matilda. The Zexen/Grassland/Harmonia conflict is well understood and the Sol Falena Queendom's internal power strife is front and center. Even the Island Nations/Kooluk conflict feels more organic.

What even is EC's world? And I don't just mean "THIS IS WHERE THE SHARKS LIVE." What is Perry's Duchy? Why is Not-Asia so conflicted at all? What is any of this? We should be exploring old alliances and rivalries. We don't need a mountain of political intrigue but we could at least get something.
>An elf village somewhere sent you their chief cause his relative is here, hooray
Come the fuck on. Bitch searching for her bald boytoy was a better established presence in 5
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That was so dumb. Like he just shows up out of nowhere and we suddenly have elves. It's like a giant sign just screaming *SCENE MISSING.* Like if in Lord of the Rings they just skipped over the Rivendale segment.
The entire Elf thing is like that, like with Alwe suddenly doing this whole AIBOU routine with Nowa, even though they have interacted like…. once.
Marisa’s entire plot line suffers from this especially bad. Hoping the DLC will actually help fill in the gaps (who’s Nil, and what’s her story, why are the elves hanging around forest wakanda, etc), but I doubt it
Unicorn Overlord has multiple squads of 5 niggas in a row.
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The Last Remnant lets you command a party of 15 dudes running around in combat, divided up into several squads of (generally) 3-5. But beware, it's secretly a SaGa game.
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Hugo's hot mom
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The princes hot mom
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Lun's hot mom
Finally caught all of the fish in the game. Just need to go ahead and find all of the enemies, treasures, and beigomas now.
Why did Frey suck get all the sex genes from her. Could've spared a couple for Lym. She only got filthy barbarian genes.
Fish is one of the last things I need to 100% this shit (besides finishing card battles and eggfoot breeding); what did you do? Just use the castle fishing spots? Or actually go to the various spots throughout the world?

Used this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3238201005 for treasure chests if you're looking for a good visual guide for it.
Why? Why are you doing any of that? It's not fun. You don't get anything from it. Stop. This is addiction. This is bad. This is a call for help. Let us help you. Go play something else.
Not really sure, just like 100%ing JRPGs.
I platinumed White Knight Chronicles, nothing in this can really phase me.
It was a mix of using the castle spots and actually going to the fishing spots in question - fortunately, there's a decent amount of overlap between sites. The annoying thing was that I would end up catching like four of the same fish in a row. To save time:

>The Seaside Cavern fishing spot is in the Northern half of the map, near some ore
>The Hishahn castle fishing spot is in the top left

What's annoying is that the Wiki doesn't list them in game order, but they do list which ones are catchable per fishing spot. If you catch a fish at one site, you don't need to catch it at another one, like the Drill Turtle, for example.
>hey, I know that boss in the Proving Grounds was tough, but if you focus on the angel and not the golem, tough shit, you're not getting a bestiary entry
4 also has the map rotate with the camera and there's nothing in the options to disable it.
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Man I do love how expressive 3's character models are despite being so cabbage patch.
I'm attempting another playthrough of S3 after being initially put off by everything about it (especially party members being divided into pairs and you are forced to have the AI in control and rune now cast times.)

1. What are some important advice I should hear to make the game fun?

2. I'm starting off as Hugo and I'm going to finish his route before I tackle Chris and Geddo. Is there a chronological order regarding to which route you choose and hoe it effects the game?
Gamefaqs has a FAQ that lists the differences when you go in certain orders, when doing something as one character will show up or cause an difference in another characters chapter, and the recommended order...

I liked Thomas a lot so I vaguely remember doing his stuff back to back ASAP while doing only 1 chapter of each other character in a round robin fashion because you get to see the different perspective of events and the effect your choices/their choices can have on each other immediately if you take turns with them.
Oh and as far as fun, if you don't like the character interactions and dialog, go fuck yourself.

I guess it can be fun to beat the mini side bosses on certain maps at a low level?
If you actually care about any type of challenge.
Beating those gives treasures to buy gear and a lot of skill points to build your characters, which is vaguely interesting if you're into character building.
Of course that can remove the "challenge" of the main game which isn't really there anyway.
Pair up Hugo with the griffin and enjoy doing shit loads of damage by having Hugo mount Fubar and give the healing items to said griffin so Hugo can do all the work.
Yeah, characters just had simple models. It doesn't mean they didn't bother making them expressive.
Holy shit, you all weren't joking about the Elves thing. They just show up out of nowhere - it feels like we only have Elves because past Suikoden titles had Elves and Alwe is basically Kirkis from S1.
Nah, I like Suikoden 3's plot and characters, if it weren't for the fact I read manga before I even touched the game.

It's just that coming from S1, S2 and S5, S3 feels so clunky and slow and the gameplay seemingly too complicated when S1 and S2 were simple but effective.
>1. What are some important advice I should hear to make the game fun?
Learn how to use the skills system. It's really gonna change how you monkey around with things.

>2. I'm starting off as Hugo and I'm going to finish his route before I tackle Chris and Geddo.
Don't do that. You'll get more out of the games story if you play the chapters by round. There's an order faq somewhere you can find it to get things more chronological. It's not SUPER important but it is interesting how many small details they put in that can alter things as you go.

I almost kind of wish later gamer kept this style just while enhancing it. I don't want to say they're the most sprite like because that's stupid but you sort of get where I'm coming at. Simple models sort of have to convey emotions and things in a more...theatrical style.
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Oh Viki, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my minds
Kawazu's approach to game design isn't to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks, it's just to throw shit at the wall.
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>Favorite game?
coin toss between 2 (best gameplay overall) and 1 (best cast)

>Favorite Castle?
Budehuc, the comfiest

>Favorite rune?
Bright Shield, a healing MC yes please

>Favorite Star of Destiny?
Tir TcDohl

I liked that theory that Ace was the guy from the rope climbing minigame from S2
Good times
V's character design was something else
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>What's that? You like cool, beautiful and mysterious rune keepers? Hah hah, have a faggy retarded in glasses with a name so retarded I don't think I can even see straight anymore.
At least they could have made him Fabio or some sort of faggy Adonis equivalent if they had to go full DEI ESG because Jeane is problematic.
Suikoden V Jeanne is just way too much. I had to go jerk off every time I saw her in the game
I'd even have accepted Muscle Wizard. That would have been a hoot.
I don't actually hate his design, but man, fuck that name.
>Suikoden V Jeanne is just way too much
The royal family oozed so much sex that they had to amp up Jeanne so that she can keep the tile of Sex Incarnate every Suikoden title.
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>*Screams in pug nose tomboy princess"
For me, it's your other hot aunt that had to retire to a mountain convent and cover her innate sexiness up with long flowing priestess clothes (and also commit to a vow of celibacy) so that another extremely bloody and retarded succession crisis won't happen.
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>Royal family fuckery gets resolved by having non-bloodthirsty and not retarded people she knows she can trust in the throne
>Immediately announces that she's getting married
So who was the guy that she was presumably secretly fucking throughout the span of the game? That fucking bald elf?
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Personally I'm fond of your aunt who you don't actually know is your aunt but man just look at the eyebrows and it's SUPER obvious.
Filthy island barbarian genes. Please understand.
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I mean she could grow up looking like Bern.
Actually, wasn't she also Island Federation ""Royalty""? Specifically of Obel. Wouldn't that mean that the Falenan royal bloodline from Arshtat's generation onwards distant relatives to Lazlo.
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I think Skald and Bern are just really high military officials. Which is still pretty boss. But they're not related to King The Dude.
She's daughter of the current Admiral of the Island Federation, whose main base of operations is in Obel yes. But we don't know if title of Admiral is strictly meritocratic or inherited by the Obel Royal family line. So possible yes, but we'll never really know.
Why did Lazlo grow up to be such a stick in the mud when his dad was literally Chad Surferdude.
>Royal Bloodline of Goddesses
>All but one refuse to get dick because they might inadvertently cause a bloody civil war
I hate the monarchy so fucking much
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Lazlo was pretty chill in Tactics. Once things settled down and he stopped getting treated like a sidekick, pariah or cursed by destiny he mostly just sat back down on his little island eating crabs.
>An effective, beloved leader who's neither retarded or dead before the opening act.
Man you can say what you want about 4 but Lino was the best.
First time I played the game, I thought that she was in her 50s or 60s. Only when later revelations was revealed and I saw her more elaborate artwork did I realize that she was supposed to be just in her 30s. The art makes it clear that she's quite young too.

Though I guess her oozing that sweet granny that bakes you cookies energy helps her seem much older than she really was.
Doesn't help that he grew up alongside fucking Snowe.
The innate Chad Surfercock in his genetics were probably be dampened by that faggot.
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>I thought that she was in her 50s or 60s. Only when later revelations was revealed and I saw her more elaborate artwork did I realize that she was supposed to be just in her 30s

This is anime, so same diff.
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>remasters still in limbo
I should just stop thinking about them and be pleasantly surprised if they actually come out.
Lym calling her a shameless hussy was one of the highlights of the game to me.
>surprise wedding
With the prince right?
she is indeed a cute
Does Viki have a rough equivalent in Eiyuden? Even though I missed her in Tierkreis, the Travelers and Diadora especially are pretty neat and keep the basic idea of time/realm warper alive, and I'm a little interested in seeing how the new game would spin the concept. But it sounds like Eiyuden's pretty janky atm.
Yes, there is an obvious space/time traveler, and she serves your teleporting needs ingame.
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You get Carrie. Who I'd say is probably one of the better characters. She's polar opposite of Vicki in terms of personality beyond more of a brat who insists she's perfect despite screwing up but hey she stands out. She has a personality. More than you can say about most of these puds.
Now that I'm almost at the end of the game, I don't feel particularly hyped to do the rest of it. Yet, I did back it, so I might as well see it through - just hope that I can get Nowa to Level 99 on the first playthrough because man, the war segments were a chore!
I have yet to finish the last stretch of the game. game.I just pop in to do theater plays, then go play something else
I only finished it because I waited so many years and backing dollars and damned if I was gonna see this trainwreck hit the ocean bottom
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As I think about it, I realize what Eiyuden is missing compared to Suikoden and I'll use the first game as an example:

>Suikoden, after leaving the Scarlet Moon Empire, you come across Tai Ho and Yam Koo
>meeting them allows you to get the pirates who in turn allow you to get the McGuffin that helps you in a turning point in the war

What's the equivalent in Eiyuden?
>you come across some guy who loves Runes and is able to reverse engineer a bomb that ultimately does nothing with two other characters you barely know
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In Suikoden 3 I just recently picked up the ninjas. When you hire the first one and talk to him you get a neat little flashback scene were he leaves his group, makes a references to S2 and has the other ninja say she's gonna have to come after him. Well if you put him in your group and go to the place in the flashback there she is. And they have a duel. When you win she says she still wants to fight but he says save it for later and she then joins your group. Their ending slides then say they're buzzed off somewhere to continued their "feud." It's not really a complex story or anything and it doesn't have a huge impact on the world. But it feels like something.

A big part of the problem with the recruits in the game in general is that they feel like they were all designed or created in a vacuum. It's not something that needs to be hard and absolute across the board but it feels like there's no relationship between any of the character and the world itself. People just exist regardless of tone or style. Even a lot of the ending slides in EC just referred to stuff that either seemed like it was at odds with what we saw of them or completely out of nowhere. (The) Reyna's slide mentions some people were after her. Where was this during her recruitment. Her whole bit was just her asking you to "Come at me bro." She never mentions any rivals. Any enemies. It feels like they could have said she pissed off the Dux's army and was hiding out and she joins you when you prove you're tough enough to fight them and give her some cover. But none of that exists. It's all so dry.
The closest thing that gets to what you described is maybe Mio/Hakugin and arguably Riufan/Lam(?).
For characters who are obligated by the story and around since the start Mio, Gar and Lian are really lacking in any notable backstory.
>check Eiyuden characters list
>no milfs
What a let down
One of the early recruits is a 39y old woman.
Plus the Elf innkeeper being essentially an 'ara ara' case.

I guess it's more about a specific look though
>One of the early recruits is a 39y old woman.
Name? Are they battler?
A lot of it is in B'baba's background divination. But there are some things that also show up in gameplay, like I use Hakugin and Iugo a lot, they have no unite attack, but they do comment about each other, and when one dies, the other enters rage mode(may not actually happen when Iugo falls, it's been a while since anything can do meaningful damage to him).

It also seems like there are characters which should be recruitable, or at least stick around, but don't, like the Spintenels or the special cooking battle guys, and the Chairman should have been a recruit since he sticks around after you beat him.
Jillia must've been absolutely bangin
how hard is suikoden 5 to play blind and get all 108 stars of destiny?
5 has some, rather unfortunate, cut off windows.
if I just go full autism mode with the detective before major plot events will I be fine or do i just bite the bullet and play with a guide?
Suikoden is one of the few games where using a guide is excusable and pretty much needed for some obscure or timely-based recruitment conditions. Don't feel bad
Honestly, bite the bullet and play with a guide. Some of the requirements are so obtuse that you wouldn't figure those out on a blind playthrough.
It's VERY unlikely you get them all without a guide. There's one character for which you have only ONE single opportunity to recruit after a cutscene in a certain point of the game. And for that you need to have one specific character already in your party (also, this specific character requires another different character in order to join you and that other has other requirement and blablabla is a fucking chain of things you have to do...) otherwise you will watch the cutscene, fight that character, and then you will not see it ever again and the game gives you literally 0 clues that you just have missed a star.
There are some of them that even require savescumming because their recruitment is rng dependent. And I remember a few you can't recruit near the endgame because you didn't talk to them in a different place 40hs before. And, as the other anon said, a few of them have very small windows for them to be recruited, if you advance without exploring enough in the main quest you will lose them.
I think it is not worth it, it's frustrating as fuck because you will be there the entire time overthinking if you are not missing anything. And if you don't get all of them, the ending is kinda heartbreaking
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Lyon is cute.
For me it's Miakis
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She is also cute. And I find her antics endearing.
Just bite the bullet anon, Suikoden 5 has one of the harshest and tightest windows. While we're on this topic which games do you all think were the easiest to hardest recruitment-wise?
1 and 3 are both pretty easy. 1 just being remarkably straight forward and 3 has some weird ones but there's not really as strict a cut off point either.
I remember missing Leon once and it left me distraught. I never really got Leon's and Mace's precise recruitment window...
>>you come across some guy who loves Runes
That dude reminds me of Genthru for some reason
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>Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
Alright so before I get into the nitty gritty

What the fuck was the game designers doing? What the fuck were they doing?
What the FUCK was happening?
It's not like they didn't get paid, this game had a successful kickstarter AND a publisher.

Also what the fuck? Localized?
You mean Localization? Wait no. That's not important
>AI/ Data Design/ Game Balance
No wonder things were consistently bad if the same assortment of people worked in all aspects of the actual gameplay on top of inane shit like script and Localized, whatever the fuck that is. If they had even a fraction of the amount of people working on actual gameplay as they did the 15 consulting studios they hired I can only imagine the game would have released in a state where it didn't play like mud.

Also PlantagoGames? Ran that kickstarter like half a decade ago for a bait and switch mobile game that went EoS a year later. Has a website that's now dead as of this games release and a twitter that hasn't been active since 2017? Why were they working with these people?
Yeah, Leon and Mace are a little dickish because of the triggers involved. Leon specifically requires a tier 4 castle and the game progression to be in a lull so you can talk to Mathiu and get a letter written and there's only so many of gaps in the story to do so, while Mace requires you to bring all the other blacksmiths, but the game loves shoving in story members and doesn't have a Convoy/Entourage. Worse, the dungeon with Mace is right near the end of the game so the window is relatively tight, and even if you aren't going for Best Ending you still have to deal with Flik and Viktor permanently entering your party after a certain point. Oh and the blacksmiths even have a unite that you can't reliably use because of said storylocked party members.
I remember I permanently locked myself out of Suikoden II's 108 stars ending just because I never went down the street that trigger's Elza's cutscene. Or how I unintentionally got the longest wait time for the detective in 5 because I didn't want to annoy them by tagging along in the investigation. Which in hindsight was an obvious mistake. It's just you have a wait a real long time if you don't stick with them at least for a little bit (and gain them instantly if you go all the way), and Sagiri's sidestory is time limited (and Oboro himself will just abandon Falena completely after a certain point if you don't recruit him soon enough), so I ended up just loading an older save and doing it right.
The lull was what tripped me up, I didn't notice how I got him the first time and did it wrong the next time. Still not that bad compared to Suikoden 5 though.
I backed Eiyuden and asked for the Switch version because I didn't think a fucking suikoden game in 2024 would need a fucking supercomputer to run but it's still fucking unplayable.
There's also loads of small things like the obnoxious as fuck encounter rate which only serve to piss the player off
Just finished Eiyuden, not half as bad as people make it sound in here, really feels like a lot of people went at it negatively charged because of the translations, but playing JP it was fine. Liked the characters mostly and didn't see much issue with the story, I think Nowa to be better than the previous mutes, I absolutely believe mute MCs are trash in most cases, and especially when they are in some kind of leading role, makes no sense.
Combat was the weakest part of it for sure, bad balance all around, but not for the reasons I see here? mages were fine, I even feel mages were some of the best characters for utility, the biggest problem was unbalanced attack/def stats for characters, and the charge up characters being just way better than the rest, but the other games were not all that amazing either, the only thing I really remember is the Luca fight, sure would be nice if they actually polished the combat, though.
>mages were fine
Until the literal end of the game? You're off your rocker
Multiple melee centric characters that weren't bad had magic rune slots with which to put the buffs you exclusively didn't use until boss

Mellores unique skills with equips miss multiple hits all the way until level 99. Then there's issues with hybrids designed to be so. Perielle piss poor MP and durability. Leon's brittle body, anemic attack, and horrifically low MP, etc
There's also the case of defensive actions. Marin would be good on paper but evasion is literally useless 99% of the time. ALL skills regardless of melee or magical ignore evasion. Which also nut punches Perielle whose meant to be some sort of magic inclined dodge tack. Zabi at least has the MP but doesn't get the speed necessary to pre-empt even the slowest boss

The problem with spell casters is that as soon as the fucking 20s almost every single last one of them drop off and drop off hard. The utility they provided being literally doable by stronger, tankier, more general purpose characters.
You've got characters like Hildi whose magic centric stat spread is juxtaposed against her piss poor defenses, her regular physical normal attack, and terrible TERRIBLE MP growth

Only 3.5 mages who are magically offensively oriented out of the near dozen are worth anything.

>Previous games
This isn't a difficult franchise. But you'd be hard pressed to point at any game in the series with balance even a quarter as bad as this games.

So when you say "best character for utility"
Given the literal raw numerical, cost, and MP slot disadvantage? It's pretty easy to disagree.
>Liked the characters mostly and didn't see much issue with the story,
Then you're either lying or a fool. There wasn't even a story to see.
>I think Nowa to be better than the previous mutes, I absolutely believe mute MCs are trash in most cases, and especially when they are in some kind of leading role, makes no sense.
Fool it is then.
>Then there's issues with hybrids designed to be so. Perielle piss poor MP and durability. Leon's brittle body, anemic attack, and horrifically low MP, etc
I literally said it had general bad balance for attack/def stats for character, not just for mages. Let's say that mage characters are the ones with multiple slots for 3/4 slot runes, and "warrior" type characters are the ones with 2 slot runes. A lot of the warrior characters were just as bad or worse than the "best" mages hp and def/res wise, with just worse runes slots. I have no idea how you're trying to say hildi is like bad or something, she's certainly one of the better characters, her phys def was middling, and her res was high, coupled with good hp/mp stats, most of the strongest attack enemies had, was magic aoe, so resist was generally a more important stat than phys def.
I will recheck later, but the only tanky warrior with a 3/4 all type slot that I even remember was Iugo, you're exaggerating hard about how you could just put a bunch of tanks with the same magics as mage, most of the tanky warriors could only slot up basic runes.
Mellore is certainly one of the characters that was not playtested, I also realized her skills missed most of the time for no good reason.
>I have no idea how you're trying to say hildi is like bad or something
A character with low attack, low physical defense, an evasion defensive action which won't work for damage mitigation, poor rune availability, and poor offensive growth isn't bad? She gets no passive slots which permanently exempts her from literally the better rune setups, getting only 4 entire rune slots. And no magic scaling to attack.
We're comparing this character to something like Isha, Momo,

Wait pause
>was magic aoe
Attacks were all over the fucking place and multilple aoe targeted physical defenses. Multiple bosses including the final boss attacks the back row with physical "skills". Which might as well go without saying given that most enemies and nearly every single boss was resistant to formation and aggro manipulation. High floors on endless can and do field enemies who absolutely dump physical damage all over the place. The fucking duo fight shit physical damage all over the place. The trio do too and have some of the most consistently high damage output throughout endless. Same with the kra~
Actually wait I'm not going to list most of the bosses. What are you talking about with this?

More to the point
You only need (and more specifically, have access to) 2/3, 3 with having Rune of stone which across 2 casters + items is enough to completely invalidate a large amount of fights.
Ignoring better characters like Isha, and the protagonist bonus Nowa comes with there's Marisa, Wayve, Iugo, Chandra, Aleior, Elektra, fucking Dijkstra, "gee Lakian why do you get to have high stats and scale well?", and
Wait at this point I'm just jacking myself off. This is to say nothing about simply using items given that the very best shit like Light IV and Earth IV are buyable. Whilst the good casters like Milana don't come online until very late in a playthrough.
More to the point, you don't get access TO tier 4 spells until near the literal end of the game. The vast majority of playtime until the 50s are playing with 1-3s.

And obviously I'm not going to even look at the actual shit characters like Perrielle, Faye, Leon, Gigina, Barnard
Actually fuck me.
Nobody who made a character like Pohl has any clue what the fuck that they're doing. Fucking roster hoggers like Reid and Dr Corque that have no reason for existing, and characters I really REALLY wanted to be better than they are like Quinn, and Prunella who just aren't that. Prunella is one of the worst characters in the game and Quinn flat out doesn't scale proficiently ever Why?. What the fuck was going on? And then there are the casters that SHOULD be good and just aren't like fucking Carrie, and the aforementioned Zabi

All of this to say. That AGAIN at the literal end of the game. Mages are fine. Until that fucking point don't you bullshit me. The balance of mages, much like the balance of the rest of the game, is a fucking joke. Easily one of the most frustratingly wonky balanced games I've played in the last decade. And let me fucking tell you, I've played some real fucking stinkers. I came out of nearly 50 hours of the kusoge Bablyon's Fall less frustrated about the balance than I did 100 hours of Eiyuden Chronicle.
And speaking OF playing through 1-3s, even beyond the scope of Mellore being worse than she has any right of being, until the end of the second runebarrow the vast majority of your casters have enough juice to cast at MOST 9 spells per rest. 9 encounters worth of magic? Do you know how insane that is? You don't get mass acquirable tier 2 runes until Old Town, and you have to farm the drop. It's currents, and while that aoe heal (ultimately) scales better, it's far outpaced by aoe healing items at the time of acquisition, that you start to be able to buy in bulk one major event later.

And it bugs the piss out of me that the one character that we get that has a True Rune, Kallathor, is as bad as he is. Terrible slots, an expensive weak piece of shit unique skill, terrible elemental synergy, and 0 (ZERO!) fucking unite attacks. Which is just as well, when you get down to it given those are also balanced like shit. But then the miserable accuracy until late in the game, and the bad bad very not good low resistances. I believe he had decent health growth at least. Oh but at least he has a tier 43magic slot to go with his piss poor magic stat. Fucking WHY
Seriously? Why? I was almost willing to buy that Kallathor was a Faye tier fuckup joke characters that the devs left in because they fucking suck.

Then there's the characters who with even the tiniest bit of character building balloon out of control. With how early you can get Lam and Hakugin, them outpacing nearly every character you get from that point onwards until FINALLY FINALLY you get to post game and other characters stat growths suddenly balloon because whoever designed the game sucks at their fucking job, their output is insane. The former having setups that let her 5 tap the very next boss you see after her recruitment on hard. Very well put together game.

And fuck it. I was going to sperg about item vs magic balance for the majority of the game. But, what's the point.
You get the picture.
Holy shit, what a post! I'm at the final dungeon and it is absolutely insane that the game makes you go through several long hallways, then do an utterly boring book segment, before plopping you down in front of a boss fight to get one key item. They clearly ran out of steam by the 2nd half of the game.
>Liked the characters mostly and didn't see much issue with the story
Then you're a mongoloid.
I think he had a point about disliking silent MCs and them being a bad choice for leaders, but in Suikoden's case the Silent MCs tended to be demi-gods because of the true runes attached to them.
So even if the "true" leader might be someone else in the rebel army when you look at who's actually telling everyone what to do/forming plans/etc - It's a pretty good idea to make the True Rune holder the poster boy for recruitment pitches.
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The problem with Nowa though is that he has even less personality and emotion than those mutes he was downplaying. And that goes double for the emotions and personality they instilled in the player. McDohl had more pathos in one extra sprite animation than Nowa did in all his dialogue combined. Having a voice doesn't make you a better character when you don't have anything interesting to say.
The dungeon design towards the second half of the game is honestly awe inspiringly awful. For all kinds of reasons. But realistically it'd be more accurate to say that the opening 3rd of the game was better designed than the 2/3rds that succeed it. Even things such as stat growths are relatively tame for the first 10ish levels of progress.
And I kept having brain poison when entering a new dungeon and thinking of games that did those dungeons better even outside of Suikoden. Like getting to Hishan Old Town and comparing that to Hexed Chandra.
I wish Nowa was half as passionate in main plot interactions as he was about integrity of spinning top matches
I fucking hate Leene. Not just the character, not just how she was presented throughout the game (the rare times she showed-up she comes as being as obnoxious as fucking Lian, if not more) and, since we are speaking about hilariously bad balancing, how badly broken she can be with the runes you could slap on her. I guess the devs wanted to make a point about her being the 'SUPER DUPER LUCKY GIRL xD' but I wish she would've stayed a non-character by the time I recruited her (like a good passive character or something, but you got people like Perielle and ) and then the moment she joins us and you train her to some extent, she immediately outclasses the likes of Iugo, Mio, CJ and Reyna became not so useful anymore since her main rune is hitting everyone with little to absolutely no damage mitigation nor scattering. Now granted, I could've ignored her completely but by that time I wanted to be done with the game so I can go to other things and it wasn't like that the game was challenging to begin with.
She feels like a character that should've died at some point of the game because of that particular design but making making her the last recruitable character, insanely OP and one of the two true S-tier right off the bat just feels wrong.
I always felt that the last recruit in a Suikoden should be impactful in some way to the story but Leene making her third appearance and saving the day doesn't come as close to Gremio being resurrected or Euram (if you didn't chose to get Eresh instead) having his redemption. I also usually don't mind OP characters, but she can't hold a candle to Georg or Zerase.
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Seriously they made such a deal about her acting like she was going to be some amazing important character but she shows up twice, says I'M LUCKY! before fucking off and she doesn't actually contribute anything. She offers no information, she has no connection to any mystery (not that there any) and instead of having a connection to her brother or her town or anything she just.... I can't even put into words how awful this shit is. She and so many characters like her are just WACKY but barely existing outside that. Like I'm not sure how to really fix this, but maybe if they just combined her and Lian into one character. Have Lian be Nowa's sister who's slightly older which is why she has that I'M YOUR SENIOR shtick. Then something bad can happen to her and your full recruit reward is to undo the bad thing. This shit just made me angry in ways I don't think I've ever felt towards a story.
Leene is in a fucked up state just in general. She's not actually about anything so her existence is pointless. The deep friendship she supposedly has with Marisa's crew is stated but neither shown nor explored. They've clearly set up the framework for her to be more important than she is in this game, in future games or DLC. But, that's not in this game, what's in this game is in this game.
That said
>Insanely OP

My point of contention is actually that's she's not more OP than she already is.
The freedom to choose every rune is juxtaposed against her low stats until mid 70s and her perpetually low defense is contrasted with the fact that despite carrying a shield she's one of the squishiest members you can have. This makes her actual build options very VERY limited. You could turn her into an ur-mage with the technical flexibility to respond to every encounter but her low defenses don't let her survive protracted fights with significant contribution whilst her best options just have her spam 1 skill in literally 100% of the fights with no in between. Endless had the opportunity to be very open-ended with the build library needed to survive but instead it's just alpha striking random encounters and two turning all of the bosses.

She's pretty alright in NG+ though until the late 20s where the stat disparity starts kicking in. Before that point you can design her in regards to whim or fancy to fill all sorts of roles. (Within the games dogshit encounter and balance design)
I wish her growths ended that way too at cap so you could use her in strategies that aren't just one-button glass cannon builds without severely gimping yourself. All to say, Lord Denam, she is not.

>Will finish the game at around the mid 50s
>Lots of characters have shit stat growth until way past this, some until 90+

What were they thinking? Having characters that literally only get good at level 90 is just stupid.
To be fair, even Suikoden was guilty of this. Hai Yo in 2 was only really good with 3 rune slots when you beat the final boss. Even Pesmerga was viable if y9u didn't care for customization. Admittedly, not as horrible as Eiyuden's balancing issues.
The thing is Suikoden actually gave you fun ways to customize shit. All EC throws at you is crappy minimal stat buffs. A character get a double beat rune changes everything but a character get 10% extra damage if they let their bar fill up to max (and act which takes longer than most battles should last) just makes them go from crap to crap.
I'm at the part where Hurstwine escapes from your underground prison and am wondering why the fuck none of the guards felt the need to tell Nowa that the prisoners escaped. I specifically went down there thinking they'd have some NPC dialogue about it, but nope. They just say everything is fine.
Given that Lv. 1 ~ 3 damage spells from 1* magic runes are fixed damage in Eiyuden, mages can't even use their MGC stat until 3* magic runes for Lv. 4 ~ 5 damage spells (purchaseable in Twinhorne West, the last town of the game). Unless their basic attack is an element, or you use a 2* magic rune to enchant their physical weapon for bonus magic damage (Seign, Hildi, Marisa, Leon, Lakian, Aleoir, etc.).
The spell cost thing also becomes an issue, that you're better off with bulky melee and healing items to just auto battle the entirety of the game even if it's a flat 60 or 150 AoE instead of a 40% or 80% max HP AoE.
>early-game: Nowa, Garr, Kogen, Iugo, Yusuke, ???/Sabine/Kuroto
>mid-game: enter Lam, Hakugin, Yuferius, Scarlet, Garoo, CJ
>end-game: enter Momo, Dijkstra, Elektra, Leene
>end of post-game: enter Mio

There's a lot more characters with 3* all/passive slots to equip either/both Warrior/Mage's Path/Pinnacle, but those were the ones I used. Just having more 2*~3* enhance/all stats to pump up their PWR further is fine as most of the runes are otherwise useless (2* passive slots, non 3* slash skill slots).
>Both Path + Pinnacle: Momo, Chandra, Nowa, Yume, Elektra, Lian, Wayve, Celia
>Path or Pinnacle: Nil, Garoo, Lam, Mio, Iugo, Aleior, Isha, Rudy, Aoi, Foxiel, Sabine, Kuroto, Garr, Reid, Dijkstra, Kogen, Markus, Marisa, CJ, Seign, Alwe, Quinn, Riufan, Leon, Kallathor, Perrielle
Aside from Momo/Isha, every other mage felt best as a Lv. 5 Earth bot for AoE damage nullification.
One of the big misses in this game. Having just beat it, I'd give it a 6/10 - felt tedious near the end, but it sucks that such promise got squandered.
Yeah, that's about how I feel about it as well. Makes me wonder if they got through half the game and realized they were running out of budget/time.
V is the best because it has incestual undertones.
Does anyone have a link to the translated novels?
Seems fairly obvious around Athrabalt that they ran out of time/money/ambition.
So much shit just happens off screen.... Oh we lost this town and it was renamed, oh we also lost this town, oh we're also allied with the elves now, oh we recaptured that town we lost a hour ago.

Eiyuden just makes me angry. It really could've been something amazing, as the pieces were all there, it just never comes together in any meaningful way.
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I would wage a war like any other in order to protect and save my sister. I will clog the the rivers with all the Godwin and Barrows (except Luserina ) dead. It will run redder than the setting sun. Luca Blight would look at my work and think I needed to chill the fuck out.
I realize that Kick Starter funding often really understates how much shit actually costs as well as the matter of whatever percentage they take but this game COULD NOT have cost that much. I mean they hit EVERY stretch goal. This had money. But beyond that I really have to question what their ambition actually was. Like I get the goal was to make a suikoden game but beyond that did they have ANY ideas for the actual story? Beyond how many references they could swing by? The story is just completely.. I can't even in good faith call it bare bones. It barely feels like it's even beyond the outline phase. Like someone wrote (Duke wants to overthrow empire. Something something rebellion. Something army.) There's no real narrative, there's no real mythology. The primal lens is important why? Don't know. The Dux needs to be stopped because? Perry doesn't like him! I mean yeah regicide is bad but it's not like we had any window into how the empire was actually run. For all we knew there was just as much chance the emperor was a real cock.
This should be pretty easy, so you get a team of people, mostly contractors for a single project (with the hope that it could become franchise).

-This group of people does not have a proven "somewhat effective" oversight system already put together (leading to major embezzlement and slacking at all levels instead of just the top levels).

-Their loyalty is just to each other and just like when working for a company as an employee (but these guys are glorified temps) it will fade and diminish as they get comfortable and/or less enthusiastic about having a job.

-They are less likely to be under any illusion that their hard work or particularly outstanding ideas will be rewarded or acknowledged with a bonus and there is no fake career advancement carrot.

-Because of them not having already worked together before and a loose hierarchy, there is probably a lot of time wasted trying to get people to do the shitty grunt work, people that want to do certain tasks but being bad at it (you find this out after you let them monkey with it, you might not have time to fix the monkeyshines), and having sudden revelations when there are holes in the skill-set of the people that are at hand, which leads to time.money lost on seeking outside help or researching workarounds.
Oh and nepotism likely runs strong in the people that were hired into key positions.
They did make that not great Eiyuuden game as practice before this one though.
Not going to pretend I paid any attention to the staff retention from that project into this one.
>They did make that not great Eiyuuden game as practice before this one though.
Somehow that game was actually better...
>that face
The fuck, looks 20s to me
Why is it so hard for zoomers to understand not everyone ages the same? Depending on how you live someone between 30 - 50 could look either younger or older than they are
The games didn't share much in the way of staff, it was almost entirely Natsume Atari. Murayama only gave them a rough outline of the world / characters, and Kawano designed the characters. Satomi Tadashi (the Persona 1, 2, and DDS guy) wrote it.

Rising actually had a plot, it had characters with motivation, it had mystery, it had stakes.
Gameplay it was extremely lacking, but the story was actually pretty damn good. I cared about Garoo, CJ, and Isha by the end of it.
>Satomi Tadashi (the Persona 1, 2, and DDS guy) wrote it.
Well, fuck. I really like Satomi's writing, so I guess I should go back and give Rising a shot sometime.
The major knock against Rising is that it's fairly repetitive - you're basically in New Neveah and the surrounding areas for the entire game. It had been so long since I played it, I forgot that at least 5-9 characters in Hundred Heroes came from Rising.

Sucks that there were building blocks of *something* here, but they got squandered:
>Oh okay, we're getting Riou/Jowy again, that should be pretty neat
>tension goes away with very little effort
>Marisa is on the cover and gets shoehorned into a dungeon, like why would I care about Yarnaan? The game gave me no reason, but kudos to them making it actually inaccessible until you beat the big bad
>Given the geography of the world, how did Galdea get to the Hero's Castle? You have to crawl through a mine to get to it by land and you need the Treefolk to navigate through the forest...did the Treefolk just watch them march onward?
>Narungande is a low budget Yuber, we'll see what becomes of that if anything
>Why put the Primal Lens into the game if nothing becomes of it? Nowa is somehow special based on interacting with Chandra - also, I can use my lens to light a path, something that NEVER comes up again after the initial dungeon
The gameplay is kind of dry, especially at the start, but I liked it. There were a bunch of minor translation fuckups (and I mean actual fuckups like broken sentence structures, missing words, etc). But despite being a bit dry and literal at times, it read well, the mistakes weren't that severe (until post-game), and the character relationships were great. You know something is up with one of the characters yet not to what extent and the reveal and moment that results, while predictable, was executed in a well enough way to help elevate the characters.
Rising read and played like a game out of the era it was trying to emulate; a pseudo Sword of Etheria try tag combo system while having the pluck of it's stages and boss fights that reminded me of dragon valor (mostly the platform onto big fuckoff nothing blocks suspended in mid air)

>we'll see what becomes of that if anything
At the point she ended they'd need to completely rewrite character. Because holy hot damn there's a difference between dark mystery and literally nothing.

But more importantly,
>how did Galdea get to the Hero's Castle?
Geographically it doesn't make sense if they came from ANY direction including directions that couldn't exist like directly through the mountains unless you give them the benefit of the doubt and say they just somehow made it from their camp to the south, past the mountains and forests after travelling by boats... somehow to the river to their camp. But also, there are literal children who made it there unobstructed and you're telling me the empire somehow never found it until the finale? Rubbish.
>you're basically in New Neveah and the surrounding areas for the entire game.
Nothing wrong with that. The place was at least in it's own way memorable. I couldn't tell dick about any of the places, your home base included, in EC.
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>>Marisa is on the cover and gets shoehorned into a dungeon, like why would I care about Yarnaan? The game gave me no reason, but kudos to them making it actually inaccessible until you beat the big bad
You'd think they were gonna actually have that pay off in some way. Especially with Marisa's toaster friend who, VALUES THERE FRIENDSHIP VERY MUCH. I mean they found here in the mystery dungeon. We could have gone in there. Maybe explored a bit and got some revelation about why rune lenses are important. Is she powered by one? Is she connected to some lost ancient society like the Sindar? Having a robot girl they found in the dungeon is kind of a big deal they should be more interested in. Maybe give her a self sacrifice moment. Or if not sacrifice what if the villains yanked out her power core or whatever. That might make the player feel SOMETHING.

>>Why put the Primal Lens into the game if nothing becomes of it?
I swear it feels like NOTHING has any important or pay off beyond Well Suikoden had it.
I'm never going to play Eiyuden, thank goodness my cynicism saved me once again and tipped me off that it's feel more like Suikoden fan pandering than trying to be a real successor. In the meanwhile I'll be reading some of these translated short stories and look for Suikogaiden.
It's not like I was expecting it to be as good as the best Suikoden, I feel like my expectations were pretty realistic, but I was at least expecting a level of competency that goes beyond what we got.
One of my major regret about Eiyuden Chronicles : 100 Heroes regarding Rising was that you never get to go to New Neveah outside of small bonuses coming with your saved game. At least 2 of the Rising members never left my final team (Garoo sadly wasn't that great when it came to Short Range fighters).
So thought i'd come ask a question about the games. I played suikoden 1 & 2 years ago and had fun with it and recruiting people and wanted to play thru 3/4/5 now. are 3-5 worth playing thru? I wanna recruit a buttload of people in the games and have teams to build up. Is it still like the 1st 2 games with tons of people? Are they good games?
3 and 5 are. People aren't too keen on 4, though I kind of like it. Tactics is likewise neat but a very different type of rpg. So on the whole, yeah.
I set my expectations pretty low. But I still didn't back it. There weren't enough old heads, ironically enough.
Put another way, for me to back something like a Breath of Fire spiritual successor, every member of Alph Lyla + Yoshino Aoki would have to return, Yoshikawa would have to be brought back, Ikehara would have to dedicate himself, and I still wouldn't be convinced without Takenaka and Takeshita. Because a lot of fucking people work on the games we like to make them good.

The thing about these kinds of desires for a spiritual successor is the number of hands that work on a project. If I wanted a spiritual success for Breath of Fire, nearly everybody involved in that series is still either STILL at Capcom or working with Capcom; e.g., Yoshino worked on RE4, Ikehara worked on SF6's story mode, etc.
For something I backed like Ratatan, enough of the people involved are the bulk of what made the series great. So the odds of it being a greatest hit homage as opposed to a passion project meant to deliver more of what people love are very high.
I would have been very happy if Eiyuden came out better than it ended up being. But to inspire confidence, they needed more hands than they had.
I think this really goes a long way to showcase that no matter how auteur a videogame is it's still at the of the day a collaborative work made up of a lot of different people. We can certainly say it's great to get the scenario designer on board (RIP) but we'd still need the character designer, the composers, the programmers, level designers and who knows what else. I don't know how games are made. But it takes more than just one name and some nostalgia.
I never did either and the result was even worse than my lowest expectations.

These are good points. That said I don't think you need literally everyone from the previous games as long as they have a good eye for what made the series work instead of being only capable of capturing a shadow of those elements (See for example 'having a castle' vs. the way the story is woven so you have a castle).
> it had mystery, it had stakes.
It had delicacies from New Nevah that were cheap and delicious and indicated it's a great spot for a vacation or permanent residence too.
It also had both a far superior system of fast travel that was far quicker.
What midwit thought that a 5 second cursor lock after teleportation was a good idea? Why are the transition times as slow as they are? Why would anybody ever make that decision willingly? It makes navigating your own base fucking awful.
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Having played Unicorn Overlord almost right before playing Eiyuden I just can't help but think how much better a lead Alain was than Nowa. And he's not an especially engaging or complex character frankly. He's got enough personality to be just north of a silent protagonist and he seems a decent enough dude to where I want to see him reclaim his kingdom and get vengeance but beyond that he's mostly serviceable. But that's really more to my point in this comparison. He has agency. He has a personal motivation and strong connection to the larger plot and what's happening even if it is all boiler plate. He's the prince in exile attempting to reclaim his birthright and oust an evil emperor who had taken over... well pretty much everything. The styles of game play are night and day different but Unicorn understands the format and milieu it's going for. You get to see why things are important. You feel the sense of progress as you claim victories. Characters have motivations and rapport and there's a sense of design unity.

There really should be no reason Nowa couldn't have had a personal motivation to drive him. In fact there's no reason he shouldn't have. This should have been day 1 drafting. There should have been a sense of why Dux was a threat. There should have been a sense of where and how he was amassing forces. There should have been the sense that you were liberating people, forming alliances and building your forces to a big confrontation.
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What I found really strange was there was the point in the game where the enemy forces march on your base and it's treated like a big shock that they found out where you were holed up. I didn't even realize this was supposed to be a secret. I mean for one we're a pretty large force. So it's not like we're easy to hide. Moreover we're out in broad day light. Not some underground camp. And lastly, we've been sending people to our castle the whole game without so much as any vetting or background checks. A lot of people. People who have opened business so logically you'd assume there's a bunch of traffic coming to and from our castle. This is not a secret. It was never implied anywhere we were hiding. And it certainly wasn't backed up by our actions.
>There really should be no reason Nowa couldn't have had a personal motivation to drive him. In fact there's no reason he shouldn't have. This should have been day 1 drafting. There should have been a sense of why Dux was a threat.

The thing is, Nowa was the interim-leader because Perrielle decided to 'sacrifice' herself ('sacrifice' that was immediately cancelled as soon as you should go to Hishahn meeting with Perrielle once again - that's for me another big mistake of the game as I felt like Perrielle should be back as one of the very last recruitable character or do the Sialeeds / traitor thing like it was teased). Nowa's beef with the Empire really manifested once his village got 'torched' (cancelled once again by the immediate rebuilding of the village in the same state). No motivation nor real sense of the toll made by the war.

>There should have been a sense of where and how he was amassing forces. There should have been the sense that you were liberating people, forming alliances and building your forces to a big confrontation.
In every Suikoden entries, your HQs is upgraded based on recruitment (and plot?) but then Eiyuden rethink the wheel with that town sim building thing you do with Iris - neat on paper but a mistake nonetheless. There should have been at least one more battle in Hishahn or suggesting something near the Tree Folk Village / Yarnaan surroundings, so that's at least two battle missing and I wished there was more coming with the Shi'arcs territory other than you coming and going, do the mendatory plot-race and voila - task done (exploring the Den of Dunes and recruiting Quinn remains optional).

Another thing I find regrettable is that the general staff in Eiyuden is severely lacking in presence. I can't put words into it but I find that general staff very weak compared to almost every Suikoden. Melridge seemed promising at first but I barely remember him doing shit in the background like Matthiu, Shu or Lucretia would do.
Random question, but what did you guys think of Suikoden 5?
Good, but retreads a lot of things from 1 and 2, makes the villains too retarded with conflicting actions and some of the bullshit that happens so the plot or drama goes on is just jarring.
Recruitment process was kind of a pain.

Also, having played it on a modded PS2, it was a loading hell
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>trying to rank the best girls in the series
>realize it's impossible
I blame IV and V with all the waifus and milfs
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It's my favorite. The villains are a touch weak but but it had the best developed main group of leads. That extended prologue really was worth it.
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Shit looks damn good. Clothing variety and detailing are really nice (something I felt EC lacked)
The official art and character design are among the best in the series too.
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It made me happy that Lorelai had more of a speaking role in V. Not a huge one, really but as she was always one of my favorite recurring stars it was neat.
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I played it for a while but I didn't like it that much and stopped halfway. And I feel a little bad saying this because the lead artist died but I didn't really like a lot of her character designs.

One of my favorite manga artists was a big fan of Suikoden V and she drew a bunch of Lorelei fanart years ago, it was a nice surprise to find
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>playing suikoden II for the first time
>"reminisce" starts playing
>tribal throat singing / chant starts
Then you reach Radat and this starts playing, and you just stand there enjoying
Legit my favorite game in the series, favorite region, characters, music, story, the works. Really damn good game.
Only real issue is Lucretia is just too damn smart. 50 steps ahead of everyone else. Granted the Godwins weren't exactly masterminds, but still.
>Granted the Godwins weren't exactly masterminds, but still.
They at least served as a threat. They managed to take your shit and your house and kill your parents.
Well yeah, definitely a threat, but Lucretia still ran circles around them.
That's my main issue with the game in general, she is just too damn good. (Also Roy's death being optional and leading to the bad ending, really damn good scene, only second to when Arshtat completely loses control of the Sun rune)
I think the problem is less the Godwins being weak and more Lucretia being completely OP.
Shill, moron or both?
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My biggest problems with it are the constant loading screens, the ugly looking outfits of the prince (besides the one that is a Tir Mcdohl reference he uses for like 3hs and pic related in the best ending cinematic) and how the game almost never gives you some freedom to explore the world as you want. S2 might not be as fresh in my mind, but as far as I remember it had a lot of moments of "rest" where you could just go around exploring the world and recruiting characters. In S5 seems like ALWAYS something is happening, every single day the prince wakes up in the castle they are being attacked or are going to attack or defend some place, or having to make some alliance with other countries or something. Every single day, Lucretia has a new big task for you to do, and there's a sense of constant urgency in the matter. It lacks of chill moments, besides maybe near the very end of the game where it is clear you're going to win.
It's not just about being weak, it's abut going North Korea to 'solidify' their rule.
Like, beyond cleansing non humans, they even torch villages of their supporters and make stupid alliance choices (allying with the sandniggers)
to this day I don't understand why you couldn't change the costumes. hell, they're in the game.
Yeah. It was weird.
Chris sweating bc caught grabbing Riou's dick. shotasloot.
>I appreciate what they were going for with Jowy, but it really could have been pulled off better.
Agreed. The transitions between cartoonishness and the more the serious elements of the plot are jarring.
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If it's from Kickstarter, it will probably end up mid. In a way, maybe it's better that Murayama isn't around to see how mediocre 4 years of work ended up being.
On some level he'd almost certainly have known how the final project was. It's not like he died mid development.
Oh yeah, I suppose that he was alive up until about a month before launch. It still baffles me that they gave backers a "beta", and took NO feedback from it.
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>look for Suikogaiden
It's easy to find at least
And even if you've already found it since it has been a while, now maybe some one else can find it easy too.
Thanks bro, I did find it but this'll help another bro in need.
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>All those angry replies in the Eiyuden DLC tweet
Where did it all go so wrong, bros?
Who said the what now? I don't follow Myspace
Put the wrong link there:


>balancing is still fucked
>Hero Combos are still fucked
>latest patch for PS5 slowed the world map framerate

The audacity to put out cosmetic DLC and the special items are a fairly common accessory and a Rune of Speed.
would all that really be worth it for imouto sex
>>latest patch for PS5 slowed the world map framerate

A good question! If you're in the Discord, a user posted video proof on May 18th in the bug report channel.
Those DLC were just the preorder ones, which is common for games to release them after a month. It was probably on a timer for all the marketplaces.

Though breaking map framerate seems exactly like something the spaghetti code of this game would do for fixing the refresh rate encounter rate bug.
Part of me wants to get the Platinum for this game, but I really don't want to deal with boring eggfoot races, grind, or do the card game over and over...
Trophy fagging is brain rot.
The flip side is that I don't have to deal with the stupid bugged craft race anymore.
Did people really have trouble with the craft race? It wasn't fun but it was piss easy. I'd rather do that a hundred times than go through the cooking and top battles again.
If you play with the analog stick, the controls are bugged. If you play with the D-Pad, then it's not so bad.
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She wasn't even a Silverburg either.
wait a minute, that hand...
IV's cast is cool
More of an optics problem then anything else.
It's like Bloodstained, when that switch port came out and was an actual trainwreck they delayed literally everything for everybody else while they wrangled that into something closer to reasonability.

As I didn't buy that on the switch I didn't care that much. But, I imagine people would have been miffed if the only just NOW recently released cosmetic shit launched back then.
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II looks great, I eventually didn't hate the sister even though she basically bricked my save with some bug by making me take her when I went to do the dragon shit. Jowy's writing hurt it. but holy shit Tyr's life is bleak.
III is a nice culmination of things previously built on with Harmonia/Luc. Chris has the weakest chapters/supporting characters. Thomas and Geddoe stand out. Hugo is okay.Game forces way too many unwinnable because story needs this to happen fights.
IV Felt more like a budget spinoff, feels like MC is really isolated unlike previous titles. I didn't hate it. I don't get the MC's edgy boyscout look.
V built up the characters nicely and was pretty engaging. This series has way too big a boner for their tacticians though, everyone goes on and on about how brilliant they are then they just either do the most basic shit then are somehow omnipotent and know how everything will turn out.
How about 1?
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I think it's pretty good considering it's age. Being able to transfer a save to the next installment is nice. The story is more straight forward one so I don't nitpick as much as the sequels.
Looking back Suikoden 1 really was pretty underrated. I'm waiting to see my friend start it for real because I have no faith that the Konami remasters will be good and told him to just begin it.
The tactician boner comes from Romance of Three Kingdoms. While you had all the great frontline generals, the ones who get talked up the most are the strategists like Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.
It helps when you write an 'autobigraphy' of your achievements and add bullshit like' I saw in the starts we would get ambushed' and ' I gathered arrows by letting them shoot our ships, totally works'.
>My lord then spiked his new born infant son to the ground like he just ran for 40 yards. And he was right to do it.
How the fuck do you get all the squirrels in II?
Been trying since forever and never got them, on-line/faq information about the recruitment is divisive and nothing seems to work
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There's certain zones on the Greenhill overworld that will randomly give you a specific squirrel if you have an empty slot in your party (you might have to recruit Mukumuku first). On PS1 the console will make a disc reading sound as it tries to add one to your party. You don't even have to move or get into combat; if you're in the right spot you can just idle and eventually you'll get the squirrel for the area. Landis in III works in a similar way, probably. Looking at Suikosource, you can start recruiting the squirrels once you get to Castle Level 2. Obviously grab Mukumuku back at the start of the game if you don't want to suffer.
I found these images from Suikosource; apparently someone was able to discern the areas the game uses for squirrel recruitment.
>you might have to recruit Mukumuku first
At the very least he's the only one who counts as a SOD.
This reminds me of the article about Luc in Suikoden 3, feels bad bros.
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