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What the F*CK was his fucking issue?!?
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Man I replay RPGs pretty often but the scale of W3 with so much of the best parts being stories I already know makes me nope out every time I'm looking through my games
>How much would the main game improve if the final battle was in Kaer Morhen?
It would be terrible because it would be very unfinished at that point.
If you want to cut something from the main plot then it must be in act 1 when you ask for Ciri.
Act 3 is in fact rushed and needs slower pacing and more fleshing out.

Despite the few issues with the plot, i was satisfied with it, my main critcism of W3 comes from the gameplay, like in the base game a lot of the bosses are so simple and shallow, even the devs noticed this and improved the bosses for the expansions.
And the open world could be cut, its too big, it makes for great pictures and atmosphere and sense of worldbuilding but the actual content inside it wasn't that justified which is another thing the dev probably noticed since blood and wine improves the map design bigly.

Better world design, better combat and a bit more depth in gameplay should be the main focus going towards Witcher new saga.
>>Um, actually, the Witcher 3 wasn't shit, it's only the entire series.

Oh thanks anon, now I won't have to play the ten years older version.
To be fair, even the books kind of forgot about the whole Witcher business thing and just turned into cheap pulp fiction about magician politics.

Are there any satanic-panic/death cult RPGs? Fear and Hunger kind comes to mind, but i was thinking about something more modern.
First season of True Detective or Mandy would make great isometric RPGs
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You’ll just have to play it to know what I mean. It’s not fun and can be insanely tedious. The only good parts of the game are the writing and the story. The gameplay is genuinely awful.
Not everything is your /pol/ boogie man. Change your underwear and relax.
Don't get me wrong, as an atheist myself I'm using satan in a metaphorical sense here, the same as leftists do with their church of satan which is "grown" men wearing someone else's religion as a halloween costume to troll with.
It's interchangeable with their worship of nihilism and suicide cults in my mind. When you observe the propagation of leftism you see a pattern that men can only cuck so far before they become aware that everyone really is better than they are, which starts to eat at their paranoia and such, they tend to start seeing their enemies like /pol/ fascists, etc. everywhere and in the words of everyone who might oppose their doctrine.

When the Jim Jones cultists drank the koolaid, it was part of their daily drill so fascists wouldn't get them. Usually the koolaid didn't have cyanide in it until the last drink. It was to reinforce their anti-fascist and pro commie loyalties.

This is a much more fascinating concept than cults as a halloween costume, the real cult propagation going on in 2024.

There is a reaper that is destroying all the ships attacking it. Any sort strategy that isn’t focused on destroying it could mean dooming the galaxy. Shepard sacrificing the alliance fleets to help the destiny ascension escape has him put the lives of three politicians above the lives of the entire galaxy. And it’s supposed to be a paragon option. Saving a few of elites is the good boy option. So dumb. The choices in mass effect make nonsense. Just like curing the genocide all because you care about making your friend happy rather than making sure the galaxy wont be engaged in a war to stop the krogan after the reapers are dealt with.
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Paragon/Renagade isn't suppose to be goodboy/badboy (at least in 1). Its more of an idealist/pragmatist dynamic. Yes sacrificing a small number civilians to save the galaxy is the more moral decision, but its also the pragmatic one.
>. I don't remember exactly what explanation TIM gives for the Cerberus ship being ther
In fact, you don't really remember anything.
Indeed, if you want to roleplay as a moron go ahead.
I might and I may. My RP my choice
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No matter how many times I complete these games there is a paradox I don't get in regards to Mass Effect Lore... If SPECTREs are above the law, what actually happens if renegade Shepard looks Councilor Tevos dead in the eye and grabs her firmly by the pussy (without her consent! like she keeps asking him to stop but Shepard refuses to let go!)? He'd be doing nothing wrong legally bc it is not like she can charge a SPECTRE with a sex crime. The question is would she attempt to revoke Shepard's SPECTRE status thus risk galactic war-sparking political fallout to satiate her ego? Idk. Maybe. But it would definetly make for a good Mass Effect 4 plotline. Commander Shepard is officially registered as a rogue SPECTRE because of hardcore levels of repeated unwanted sexual advancement towards the Asari Councillor. Sometimes you have to either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself turn into the rapist

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I really want to give this game a fair shake but I just don't understand the combat at all.
Is it really just deciding between running everyone on gambits or forcing yourself to repeatedly select Attack over and over? Are you supposed to not play as melee characters and just play as mages?
Because everything feels super limited as if I'm still in some early tutorial, but every late game playthrough I've seen seems almost identical (besides people running it at 4x-8x speed).
My latest attempt I switched to Active mode and cranked the Battle Speed to max which was a step in the right direction, but the actual decision making during the fight has been non-existent besides items and occasional spell. Am I missing something here? Is it just misplaced expectations having played DAO and XBC?
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>game literally plays itself
>OP still doesn't understand it
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Was Doctor Cid fucking this thing for 6 years?
It sucks.
I still find it funny that 2 of your 6 characters are actively bad at their base weapon because they have special animations that make them attack slower than other characters using the same weapon.
just very recently i played and loved ff12 zodiac age. i feel like the people who say its too easy either follow walkthrough guides to min/max their characters or played the shit out of the original and basically know the game inside out. i never played the original but i cant imagine ever wanting to after experiencing two license boards. i feel like without the second license board the game is going to be ridiculously difficult and full of grind

my suggestion to anyone playing ff12 for the first time is to play the zodiac age version. playing two classes per character is a lot of fun. the game is not as easy as people will have you believe. if you go in blind youll have a great time. take the time to explore the world and do the hunting marks from the notice boards. youll find good stuff

the most common thing i hear about this game is that it plays itself. no it fucking doesnt. i dont know where that copy+paste opinion comes from but its literally not true at all. you have to invest a lot of in-game money and a lot of your fucking time to learn and set it all up. no normal player is going to bother with any of that shit. its a cool system to have implemented but you really dont need it.

the only times i set up gambits was when i started getting tired of using status ailment healer items manually and i changed all the default gambits to make all my party members only attack the target that im attacking. i did everything else manually

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This still has yet to be refuted.
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I react to both RPGs and RPGs but Mario like the bottom guy.
Does it need to be?
Yeah, this is the RPG area. We're the problematic fans you're thinking of when you think of RPG fans, and we like them all.
I can't blame people usually not into RPGs enjoying a Mario RPG.
I do the same with sports games.
I just don't play them.

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Caesar's Legion is the only answer, the monarchy is the only answer, you have to restore order by power.
>Hide Thread.jpg
>A bloo bloo.jpg
fallout fags be like *makes another thread* *doesn't put fallout in the title so it doesn't get caught by your filter*
Roman Republic was superior

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I would like to play in an alive / persistent world that has true darkness.
Could WoW be that? WoW 2 with a new engine?
I want the 80s/90s dark fantasy back.
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i don't recall darky knights having crystal nipples in my /vr/ games.
This is also why MMORPGs aren't actually RPGs, there is no consequence and no reactivity for any action.
Even the slightest differences in choice like one faction having paladins and the others not having them was too much for whiny players and lazy cut and paste tuning devs.
Even the racial choices were all but removed other than cosmetically, same with the crafting bonuses.

Just a twitch gacha grinder after a while, with bad action mechanics since it's still tab target.
>12 days later still mad he got clocked on not knowing who Soth was.
Damn son, you must be one of those millennials who are too stupid to feel shame.
>t. retard
>Even the slightest differences in choice like one faction having paladins and the others not having them was too much for whiny players and lazy cut and paste tuning devs.
>Even the racial choices were all but removed other than cosmetically, same with the crafting bonuses.
At this point, Alliance and Horde should united in a single faction, so the players can finally play another one (Scarlet Crusade, Twilight's Hammer, etc) that is actually cool.

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Is he right?
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>the first one is already wrong.
You got 9 more points to go
3 is alright and the others are flat wrong
While you travel the Mojave, you won't necessarily meet the companions, or every faction, or do many sidequests.
>The main plot is the future of the Mojave and it has no hook, the game leads you to create your own hook and find your own reasons to care.
The courier has no real reason to care about the future of the Mojave, even if we assume you see most of the content before dealing with Benny. It's a desert. NCR and Legion don't really offer you much to convince you to work for them. House is the only one who really tries to recruit you, and you could argue the courier would be more interested in taking Vegas for himself with Yes Man rather than helping either NCR or Legion. This is why whether you engage with the content or not the plot doesn't work past Benny. Your goal is going after him, even after meeting the factions and such. After he's dead, you should care about the war going on because of what? If it's for ambition, Yes Man and House are no brainers over the rest. If it's for gratitude, House wins even here, because his robot saved you, no matter how much the NCR or Legion like you. As I finish writing this, yes, the plot does work if you go with House or Yes Man, as it just makes more sense to side with them even after you've seen the other faction and realized all their issues.
>While you travel the Mojave, you won't necessarily meet the companions, or every faction, or do many sidequests.
Perhaps but that is the intended course. You're supposed to see most of the desert before you reach New Vegas, you're supposed to get lost in side content. The reason to care past Benny is your worldview. You have seen how things are, you have heard the case made by each faction and past Benny you're involved in a plot that will change the face of the Mojave. You're correct that initially House would probably be the only major faction you'd reasonably want to side with but after spending time in the desert and in New Vegas you may have changed your views. Maybe you have come to consider NCR the better choice, maybe you want the legion to crucify the degenerates, maybe you think you're better than all of them and you should take the reigns. It's all about the impression the world has given you. You see a broken world and get the opportunity to decide how to fix it. The plot of the game lives and dies on how much you want to engage with its world. You like it? Then you probably care enough to get excited about deciding its fate. You don't? Well, despite what a good chunk of the internet will tell you, you don't have to like this game.
>That's kind of the point though.
Makes it even more lame now. OP is hella right.

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is there any chance in hell that this will be good, or even decent.
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what am i supposed to be mad about? this look cool
Someone gay made it and women like it, doesnt that make you outraged?
>Did I get filtered?
yes you filtered yourself from playing trash. do not feel bad.
it took me awhile to get the joke
I'm sad that you're right
I want to agree with you, but I hated Solas and Sera. I guess I just got filtered huh, but I don't care because they're both horrifying in their own right and having deliberately terrible characters evoke aversion is not clever, it's basic cause and effect.

>I caused the apocalypse in the past, I started the apocalypse in the present and I'm going to cause the apocalypse again in the future

I don't understand what's there to get about this guy other than that he's a dunderhead.

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>Check out how your first companion is a total evil BITCH.
Bro just talk to her for five minutes and then tame her with your dick.
You ever notice how we get a ton of atrocious threads whenever the DAO schizo comes back
Yeah its just all retarded pol shit and foaming at the mouth over bg3
Honestly the early 2000's era edge! lord! subversion is downright charming now compared to the modern Resetera tranny le everything you ever liked is racist and sexist subversion that came afterwards.

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Why isn't there any love for their CRPG games? My personally favorite is Avadon and Avernum.
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crpgs are bad
Geneforge 1-3 are the only really actually good Spiderweb games. The others are alright. The "remakes" are lemonsqueezing though.
The reason these games are good, despite simple writing and half-retarded gameplay (that at times is alright) is the world-building
It's a good game but he just keeps releasing 90% identical ones over and over.
You can absolutely make a game in RPGMaker with no programming knowledge but it'll be a shitty dragon quest clone.
3 is the shittiest in the series. 1 and 2 were amazing and deserved a better sequel.

What is /vrpg/'s general consensus on both the original and Zodiac Age versions of Final Fantasy XII?
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>I think X is still probably a better game but last time I replayed it the arena grind killed me so maybe I'm a little bit biased.
I'm not a big Kitase fan, his best game he's worked on at a creative level was V but-
-it's probably his best game next to VIII that's not hardcore glued to Ito/gooch and especially in the nojimbofield. They're completely different games, with different goals.
X wants you to rotate party members to the point that it has flaws and that's okay.

>I'm a little bit biased
That's why it's kinda silly to try and rank games and think of them as better and worse. They're setting out to do different things, you either like an FF after V or it's not your flavour. VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, X-2 & XII all have different goals and objectives, they try different things and that's okay.
Some people love the linearity of X, rotating party members and sphere grids. The overlap between those people and people who love something like IZJS is low if they haven't played a lot of FF games; nevermind other games in general.
I agree with pretty much everything you said but I feel like X's story and characters are objectively better overall, that's why I said maybe it's a better game.
But after all that's just my opinion, which seems to be not compatible with most since I rate VIII and V very highly.
Boring gameplay, cool aesthetics, shitty environments, good music.
I can’t understand the story.
>I just used 4x speed and walked through the whole game. dropped it after like 15 hours due to boredom
it must suck being a zoomer.

Could a TES game set in Akavir work?
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Yes, what matters the most is quality, which is bethesdoids are completely incapable of
Go to Akavir get some sushi boy
Why would they do that when they can just have Nibenese characters actuslly show up? They were never formally retconned, and Thules The Gibbering was Skyrim lore, so despite their absence in games it remains very much the case that the Imperial City and eastern cyrodiil overall has a bunch of asians in it.
Any premise can work.

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Dread Delusion came out, we got some open world Dishonored kino.
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For all people shit on Bioware's writing I feel this game does a good job on making quests and each faction morally grey. They all pave the way to hell with good intentions. Even the Cadaver Crusades have good points to them being endlessly old creatures chasing the one thing that gives their existence meaning.

I remember the flesh farm dilemma very well. Do the undead return to hunting humans or enslave, torture and harvest the meat of a sentient creature. There's no right answer except what you make yourself. I can forgive alot if a game has interesting writing and this game has been the most creative and thoughtful in a long time.
I enjoyed the flesh farm quest, but it pissed the off that the ghost bitch who can supposedly read you mind cries at you for making a deal with the cadavers even though I never did any such thing and saved the pit purely for its own sake.
I mean it was well written (though detectable from the moment i heard about flesh farms), but the quest was literally a serie of runs from the farm to the mansion of that warlord, how was his name.
Also why did those cadaver faggots had Dark Stars in their mansion, and why was i accepted among them despite having slaughtered everybody there for the retrieval of the daughter of that dead bitch?
Not him but man, they are right, game is just... plain boring. After a day of playing there's not really much to the game. It's empty and the quests are simplistic. Now that's all fine it's an indie game but the worst thing is the combat. You can literally kill everything with a few swings with starting weapon without even investing in might.
The setting is interesting but there's just NOTHING engaging.
Good morning, sir.

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At this point, I think its safe to say that most anons here would prefer this Final Fantasy over any other. After all, the European branch of Square Enix is/was the most beloved portion of it.
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they didn't believe the product themselves otherwise it would been released without ff title
I guess it ended up turninh into GOTG.

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