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Are there any satanic-panic/death cult RPGs? Fear and Hunger kind comes to mind, but i was thinking about something more modern.
First season of True Detective or Mandy would make great isometric RPGs
leftism is a satantic death cult by and large so most of the modern ones in a sense, they're certainly in a panic about fascists

DE, POE2, Outer Realms, DAI would be front runners here as the deep nihilist koolaid drinkers.
BG3 and the like are influenced by the form and social pressures, but I don't feel it embraces the core leftist death cult philosophy like the aforementioned.

Not much else unless you count lovecraftian shallow offerings like World of Horror which is mostly about form over substance, Darkest Dungeon or maybe that Lobotomy Corporation might be closer.

They were talking about making a proper Jim Jones escape the commie compound game but IDK what happened to that one, too bad.

Cults and some of the crazier MLMs are fascinating, especially because they're always about life and treating others with respect up front until it all implodes under their own social pressure, like ones you get out of california:
Nikkim (Sequel to Amway, little known)
Heaven's Gate
The Democratic Party
The People's Temple
>whole list is just government spook hangouts
not surprised, real people don't have the resources or motivation to actually make any kind of cult
schizo post
schizo post
Is Shin Megami Tensei (the original) death-culty enough for you?
Aren't all the Breath of Fire games about the church or some religion being superbad and killing the world?
Bump, any bit newer vidya? Newer i mean from 90s kek
FFX is a death cult game. Really boring shit, just like True Detective.
>Really boring shit, just like True Detective.
Take that back nigger
Nah. Only thing more boring is the Sopranos.
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SMT 1 is from late '92. It's difficult to play these days though for sure. The industry is still feeling ripples from the US censorship of the late-80s / early-90s. There are probably crappy indie titles out there for these themes, but IDK of anything with an actual budget other than SMT 1.
>The industry is still feeling ripples from the US censorship of the late-80s / early-90s
lol, just consoletards
I haven't played a console since... '03? Wind Waker / Metroid Prime.
Ignoring indie games made by <10 ppl, where are all the PC games about satanism and (non-homo) sex? Where are the AAA games where you can control demons while fighting another demon cult?
>AAA games
Yeah, I agree, jesus, but that isn't the point here. OP wants a demon RPG, and probably not one made by 2 CS dropouts.
There's been demon RPGs forever. Censorship and pearl clutching has nothing to do with it being rare. It's just a very specific fetish.
>It's difficult to play these days though for sure
Maybe the SNES original due to its not stellar translation, but the game itself is totally fine and the translations on GBA and PS1 are better. Hell I started with SMT1 and found it to be a great introduction to first person dungeon crawling.
>It's just a very specific fetish.
I think wanting to play a game about demons and not "the power of friendship" or "the power of homosex" is actually a very common desire.
Yeah, Diablo is p. popular.
I'm not sure what you want, but if you want something dark:
- Fear & Hunger (like you said)
- Death Trash
- World of Horror
- Lisa
- Ib
- Decarnation (I guess)

Not RPGs, but still interesting:
- The shrouded Isle
- Sad Satan (way too dark/weird/fucked up, but you asked for it)
- Devil Daggers
- Scorn

But I kinda get the vibe you want to play the chzo mythos:
I know most of them but thanks, is Death trash finished yet?
Just came here to say, good taste, OP.
the psx version of SMT I is very much playable in the modern age.
it has a surprisingly dense atmosphere for such a basic dungeon crawler made for the SNES.
the only thing that is bad about it is the encounter rate being insane, but you can get a spell to deal with that.
Yeah it's playable. I just don't enjoy dungeon crawlers, but it's the one I've played the longest by far so if you're into crawlers then it's probably an amazing game.
Just BoF2.
And 3… and…
>leftism is a satantic death cult by and large so most of the modern ones in a sense, they're certainly in a panic about fascists
2016 /pol/ was a mistake
Just those two. BoF1 had Dragon racist Supremacy and BoF4 had evil nation. Dragon Quarter doesn't have it either.
Fair. I remember 3 fairly well, and did emulate 1 and 2 at some point but barely remember them it was so long ago, never played anything after 3.
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This game fits what you’re describing to a T, I think. It has really terrible gameplay, though, so prepare your anus.
Thanks, never heard of it
How gameplay is so terrible tho?
i got nothing , anon.
ADWR module in Neverwinter Nights 1 had a anti-sex cult/army if that counts!
You’ll just have to play it to know what I mean. It’s not fun and can be insanely tedious. The only good parts of the game are the writing and the story. The gameplay is genuinely awful.
Not everything is your /pol/ boogie man. Change your underwear and relax.
Don't get me wrong, as an atheist myself I'm using satan in a metaphorical sense here, the same as leftists do with their church of satan which is "grown" men wearing someone else's religion as a halloween costume to troll with.
It's interchangeable with their worship of nihilism and suicide cults in my mind. When you observe the propagation of leftism you see a pattern that men can only cuck so far before they become aware that everyone really is better than they are, which starts to eat at their paranoia and such, they tend to start seeing their enemies like /pol/ fascists, etc. everywhere and in the words of everyone who might oppose their doctrine.

When the Jim Jones cultists drank the koolaid, it was part of their daily drill so fascists wouldn't get them. Usually the koolaid didn't have cyanide in it until the last drink. It was to reinforce their anti-fascist and pro commie loyalties.

This is a much more fascinating concept than cults as a halloween costume, the real cult propagation going on in 2024.

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