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So you've probably all seen the free trial meme by now. It's been about two years since the big WoW exodus. The next expansion is looking to take the story in a brand-new direction after Endwalker wrapped up the story that's been going since 2010.

So, anons, no bullshit, why haven't you tried this game yet? Why haven't you made it out of your starting city? Why won't you be upgrading from the free trial?
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i don't play mmos
Fair enough. I'll respectfully disagree on matters of taste and leave it at that. At least you gave it a fair shot.
Warning for anyone likely to play: You have to play about 20 - 40 hours to get to the good part, Heavensward, then it turns to shit after that.
I hate people.
I played it for a few months and unsubbed. It's a single player game. There is literally more player interaction in RuneScape than ff14.

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There's just no other game like this I give up indie stuff just disappoints me and the new entry sucks. You didn't know how good you had it
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I still prefer 3 overall, but 4 is second best
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It's criminal that they gave her this as a throwaway gag.
Frontier is minimalistic as fuck and leans on Story of Seasons more than mainline RF, I like it but most people fucking hate the dripfeed progression type of games. The creative direction on that game is so nice and cute tho, somehow I felt like the final game was cut short before they were done cooking.
What is it?
Holy shit, was that a modern SoS game with discernible art direction? No way.

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Went fishing for aliens yesterday. Caught me some bodacious vibes.
Favorite brands?
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I do not know what you fuck, but you are an enormous joyless faggot regardless
I want Pavo Real back.
lapin angelique is my jam, and the titular soliloquy that neku has about CAT's art changed my life
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i use a mix set, make use of the whole zodiac you dig

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It seems like every other RPG either restricts you to using just a few abilities at once, or requires you to navigate a menu to cast.
I just want a good “action” RPG that doesn’t intentionally make it difficult to use spells.
because world of warcraft was designed for the pc, which has way more buttons than a controller.
that being said ff14 can also be played with a controller, so there is no excuse why it shouldnt be possible its just that game devs are lazy pajeets
Combination of game dev laziness and idiot-proofing.
>that being said ff14 can also be played with a controller, so there is no excuse why it shouldnt be possible
FWIW FFXIV on controller is really rigid so it can do the whole hold & DPAD/face button thing...
...that being said, there's no excuse why it shouldn't be possible to change and customise the chords farther either.

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Why is Disgaea so funny? They just knocked it out of the park. Everything about the games is hilarious, especially the item descriptions, and the voice actors are great too.

Why doesn't anything else ever try to be this level of bad taste, east or west?
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The expressions do the heavy lifting and their artists are strong desu. Good art makes many things possible
Disgaea 2 is way less funny than Disgaea 1
You might want to get that checked out bud.
>The expressions do the heavy lifting and their artists are strong desu.
I highly disagree, there's more to it than that.
Environmental scenes also play a part and they do a bit of heavy lifting too.
D7 is a game you should try if you thik the expressions/art do the heavy lifting. That's because the disgaea G team couldn't even do environmental scenes so everything has to be delivered by a 2D background, 2D art asset and a speech bubble and nothing more.

Everything plays a part in how the good disgaea games deliver their story but all that effort doesn't mean it's automatically good, there's games by the E team that suck dick for humour & story.
Pretty much every game since the first has been less funny. At least non Disgaea titles had the advantage of being their own thing.

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This nigga comes in slaps your girl with a Wave Cannon and Atomic Ray
What do you do?
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So...is Omega just an extension of the WarMech idea?
>So...is Omega just an extension of the WarMech idea?
Omega is angular velocity, and alpha is angular acceleration. Really makes u think.
Then is Ligma anal retention?
grow up
Already gave my girl a promise flame ring.

Thoughts on Super Mario RPG?
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Absolute banger
True enough
It hits that kind of rare niche where you see the world of a beloved game from a very different perspective. For me, it was like playing Command and Conquer Renegade for the first time after having played the strategy games all the time before it. You might say it's just the effect of a crossover title, but I think it's more than that.
what IS canon to the mario story?
Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Mario Strikers, Mario and Sonic
>what IS canon to the mario story?
That 90s movie and literally nothing else
>verification not required

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"Chucks Sucks and Fucks" in Fallout 1.5:
>so in pre vault city you can find out a recruitment officer has been taking some boys to this guy called Chuck outside of vault city, Chuck sells guns and kept the children in the basement.
>After speaking to another kid about joining the vault city military program, he sits in a room next to the recruitment officer. I asked the kid to hack the officers computer and sure enough he even leaves a paper trail.
>The problem is when I speak to his superior he doesn't want to hear it, even when I've helped them with two big things! (Taking out Elisa and clearing their vault).
>There is no option to tell it to the new leader either, I dunno. A recruitment officer has been sending kids to a pedophile a noone seems to care.
>You can make deal with Chuck - provide children to fuck and slaughter in exchange for discount in his gun shop (best trader in the game)
well you will never see stuff like this in nu-Fallouts made for zoomers. Fallout MODs *always* will be superior in presenting us dark post-apocalyptic savage world, where morality and rules are no longes as when before the war. Reminds me "The Road" movie, this is how post apo game and story should look like - not this candy ass shit about le wacky retro world and old songs in radio
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We gonna need a bump
Why? Classic Fallout threads are dead on arrival, there won't be anything to talk about until either Sonora gets a decent English translation or Mutants Rising is released. Everything else is meaningless shitposting or dumb baits for (You) farming. We are at a point where we're literally discussing /tv/ content on a /vrpg/ board ffs because that's how dry things are. Hide thread autist is actually correct here, wheter you agree with him or not.
hey i like /tv/
>even been to shooting rage?
yes. and I don’t miss anywhere near 50% of my shots, that’d be absolutely ridiculous.
I also wouldn’t miss my own head or a target standing directly in front of me.
>well you will never see stuff like this in nu-Fallouts made for zoomers.
You won't find stuff like this in any professionally developed game. It was controversial enough to have killable children in the original Fallout and they had to remove them in the European version.

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>Reddit: The Character
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
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it could, in theory. if only the Riften face sculptor knew how to perform work on Undead I mean...
Yes, real TES chads know the best way to roleplay in these games is to worship Shor and genocide all Mer to complete extinction. That way you get the best possible afterlife
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>all followers in skyrim have zero personally
Ya don't say
Mod the game
She feels alive unlike other companions

What are some upcoming rpgs you are interested in?

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>And what the fuck would an eskimongrel setting be?
There's been another ice age and the entire planet is a frozen wasteland like in Nier. You are an Inuit warrior traveling south to the frozen ruins of the United States on a quest to save your tribe from extinction.
I have been disapointed so many times i no longer get hyped about any upcoming game.
99% of games i have played from the last 10 years feel completely soulless.
Nothing feels like this was anyones dream game this wasnt anybodys passion project this was a product for consumers to buy this game was created in a lab by a team of scientists trying to analyze trends from harvested data to sell the most units or the developers politics disguised as a game.
The vast majority of games i buy i end up dropping 3 hours in or less so i have stopped buying games before i play them and i now pirate all my games and if i like it then i buy it.
I try out everything a little bit but i rarely ever finish anything.
It sells, I guess
Pic related
Visions of Mana
SMT Vengeance
Kiseki and Mystic Lands

High IQ Mass Effect roleplayers immerse it up by coming up with creative in-universe reasons why nobody says his/her name. Such as naming your character:

>Commander Adolf Shepard
>Commander Nigger Shepard
>Commander God Shepard
>Commander Osama Bin Ladin Shepard
>Commander Devil Shepard
>Commander Satan Shepard
>Commander Hitler Shepard
>Commander Monkey Shepard
>Commander Big-Head Shepard
>Commander Queenie Shepard
>Commander Queefy Shepard
>Commander Stinky Shepard
>Commander Pussy Shepard

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As should the Pineapple Station DLC
Shepard is always in some formal setting, either with officials - where using last names is coutume - or as an authority when you're in the field - where being refered to by your lastname is coutume. And then you get known by that, and suddenly your last name is also your nickname. Doesn't take a high IQ to cope up a reason you dumb fuck
>Geth genocide
How about we forget about the Geth for a second? What of the endless hordes of Vorcha? People here have their quads in a twist paranoid about muh Geth infiltration but why even? as if everybody somehow forgot Vorcha are Satan's chosen people by their own admission? Satanism is the entirety of "Vorcha culture" in a nutshell. I suggest we team up rn to fight as a united Galaxy genociding these evil goblin degenerates once and for all. Punish the evil Vorcha! Decapitate Vorcha with fire-based weaponry. Biotic kick Vorcha into pure titanium. Snipe Vorcha with M-98 Widow X Rifles. Launch Vorcha babies out of your airlocks. Genocide Vorcha vermin. Defecate in Vorcha food caches. Command Vorcha to the escape pods to eject them into the sun. Headshot Vorcha with fully upgraded M-6 Carnifex X pistols. Toss Vorcha into stormy hydrogen-helium gas giants. Infect Vorcha with sterility plagues. Cryo-Freeze Vorcha to absolute zero. Never relax around Vorcha, always carry grenade launchers. Report Vorcha to Captain Gavorn. Send Vorcha refugees to "habitable" planets made of quicksand. Liquefy Vorcha in vats of element zero. Use Vorcha for live ammo training. Cook Vorcha as breakfast for the crew. Dissect Vorcha in the lab. Cut off all Galactic aide. Exterminate Vorcha with illegal bioweapons and class 2 WMDs. Re-direct asteroids to collide into Heshtok. Stomp Vorcha skulls with N7 Armor boots!! Cremate Vorcha in incinerators. Lobotomize Vorcha. Mandatory abortions for Vorcha. Grind Vorcha fetuses in your ships trash compactor. Perform unethical scientific research on Vorcha. Disintigrate Vorcha with your omni-tools. Feed Vorcha to hungry Varren. Broadcast Vorcha executions on public extranet vids. Cut down Vorcha with omni-swords. Deport Vorcha to Venus. Train AI to discriminate against Vorcha. Torture Vorcha with neural shock apps. Annihilate all Vorcha in the Milky Way. Enslave Vorcha. Rape Vorcha females! FUCK optics, optics do not win interstellar wars
Day 144 of samefagging and no one here likes mass effect yet
>bah humbug uugghhh omfg this proves it! After 144 million centuries I still don't get it I remain so obstinate as to ever even consider liking a Mass Effect RPG! Because I just can't, okay?? F'ing curse you OP!
Ftfy chad. Wtf is your angle here exactly?

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What stops your average Bethesada fan from booting up some of the classic games? It's not hard to learn and it's more fun than the goyslop of modern fallout.
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Everything with Bethesda's approval is canon (3, NV, 4, 76, TV show), everything without it isn't (1, 2, Tactics, BoS).
>What do you think is obtuse/hard to control/difficult about the first two games?
The UX is horrible, watch the actual OG creators (Tim and Leon) play Fallout 1 on stream and be constantly confused on how you do things.
i played them over and over again, seen everything they have to offer
now i am replaying new vegas once a year to make it last
He definitely touched a nerve. I love watching you spamming faggots writhe in pain as soon as anyone points out how gay you are.
Post the Bethesda paycheck

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Just started disc 2, what am I in for?
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I would argue that the scene where Jessie "sacrifices" himself was way too cool for school.
Especially since it's the first moment where Jessie tells Billy that no, faith is not le bad, it's actually le good, and is an admirable thing to have.
What is he doing?
The absurd silly moments are why Xeno is great, keeps it SOUL
Talking heads
I'm glad I beat Xenosaga 2 and the Dark Erde Kaiser subquest, but I will NOT fight the superbosses. The more I kept playing the game, the more I hated the battle system. Thank goodness XS1 and 3 are better games. What were they thinking with 2?

So much evidence led us to believe it was. I read some anon on here say indoctrination theory was true and that bioware meant to leave it open to interpretation to drive discussion of the game. I wonder if that anon is still posting on this board. He seemed very knowledgeable on mass effect.
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>Mass Effect 3 "bad guys"
Wasn't Donnel Udina a "bad guy" though? Or was Udina just a "retarded guy"? Maybe he was an "Indoctrinated guy" too? What was he really doing at afterlife? Snorting redsand off the naked asses of Asari "entertainers"? Why?
the fact that the ending is so shit the average creepypasta theory "it's all a dream of a kid in coma" has more actual foreshadowing and thematic relevance will never not be funny
they weren't that bad actually, probably the last spark of bioware having a clue about what they're doing. at least in concept they're all mostly solid
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>Raper invasion
>Mass Indoctrination
>Shepard dies again
>Total human genocide
>Galactic extinction
Very funny, Joker
Damn. Again, apologies bro. I said 1 week and it feels like 2 weeks right? This rescue mission is taking me to Hell and back but I won't lose. Like I said she is amongst the most worthy devil opponents you'll ever hope to encounter on this side of Geonosis so she has even my plate full with muh priority MQ metric crap here. I'm not trolling you by inbetween-spamming gold tier Zaeed meta greentext takes and crap while I delay answering fascinating question, just busy af irl. Though I've still barely given much thought as to how to correctly answer your based query to play unbiased devils advocate either, probably because I'm too damn focused on my mission to manage any valued time pondering inter-generational deeper RPG meta takes for /vrpg/. Hell my gaming laptop and phones and shit died within a waterproof backpack in a thunderstorm this mission so far meaning /vrpg/ almost went to shit because I'd have no way of spamming my insightful Lore takes here except the semi-occasions I'm groundside next to a desktop. Yeah sure theyre just machines but nostaligally speaking me and my equipment have been through more shit together than Luke and R2. Good thing my repair skill is high enough to fix up muh omni-tools so I can continue to 4chan. Pic unrelated but savage

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What is your favorite entry in the Ys series?
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Origin followed by 4
Yunica is the best ys character
That fight nothing but bump combat, though. There are no magic attacks in Book I. My point was that it shouldn’t be giving people that much trouble if the combat really was as simple and brainless as some people make it out to be.
I wouldn't use terms like "brainless" in this context, personally. If someone made the argument that the combat is "brainless" but got his shit pushed in by Dark Fact, that would be silly.
But I'm not sure if there's any hipocrisy in calling it "simple", bearing in mind "simple" =/= "easy". Because in the sense that the rules are few and not overly complicated, it is.

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