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Does anyone else just really really like tile-based movement? I just like playing games with tiles more than games without it. I'm actually sad the upcoming DQ remakes won't have tiles like the originals
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I like free movement but in tile based maps, if that makes sense.
Yes, they can really increase the pace of games like gold box or old might and magic letting you blast through the gameworld at super speed with no delay between steps. Outside of first person it's part of how roguelikes can play so fast.

"New retro" games and jrpgs often fuck this up by having annoying delays between steps and facing changes
I actually fucking hate this. Getting little slivers of my hitbox caught on corners and shit. No thx.
Is thatt true?
I reckon you are right.
Time and speed count a lot nowadays, don't they?
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This is why I have taken to the theory that any way you can save your player time by cutting out long/pointless transitions and animations should always be done. Especially in games where tasks like movement from point A to point B is something that will likely be done over and over and over again.

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Any hella chill RPG games where I can play it while I'm doing other stuff? The less of a story the better.
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>Are you only into JRPGs? Is this on PC? Turn-based or action? Are you cool with SNES games or want something newer?
Any RPG is fine. PC. Turn-based. Only something newer because the old games are really clunky and most of the UI sucks and hard to navigate..
why is OP not banned, explain the logic here
I'll be honest, I rarely play games from the last 15 years so I'm not really that up to date.
But, my recommendation from what I've heard on here is one of the Atelier games. Maybe a Trails game but I think they have lots of endless dialog.
>Maybe a Trails game but I think they have lots of endless dialog.
Anything with lots of dialogue bore me
Crystal project is really light on the narrative. Would pair fine with other content like you're proposing

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Do you think the term "JRPG" is discriminatory?
I like JRPGs more in general because they're easier to play and more streamlined than their western counterparts, but they also completely disregard the "role-playing" part of the genre.
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Election tourist spotted.
Everything made in Japan, by Japanese people, with RPG mechanics, is a JRPG.
i don't like that term either, because they're not rpgs
It's an easy identifer that only pedantic autismo queers bitch and moan about.
>Do you think the term "JRPG" is discriminatory?
Yes, and discrimination is a good thing.

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I got spoiled for picrel while I was playing it and it made me put the game off for a bit. How do you guys keep playing an RPG if you have parts of the plot spoiled for you?
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how do you accsend to higher forms
Story spoilers don't ruin stories, if anything they enhance it. This is proven scientifically doi:10.1177/0956797611417007

If you stop yourself playing something just because of a spoiler its literally a you problem. Get a better attitude about it and realize like other anons have said, that its about the journey not the destination.
By learning to enjoy aspects of a story beyond the fleeting feeling of surprise over a plot twist. Read the same story multiple times and analyze it as you go.
You've completely ruined the Dodge Daytona for me FOREVER.
Just like with all other things, if you can't enjoy something even after being spoiled that thing probably wasn't that good in the first place.
This is especially true for videogames because the gameplay should carry the game far beyond the story regardless.

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how do bless, bane and guidance work? not like literally, like how you just add a d4. I mean in game is shart giving you guidance or is shar giving you guidance? Would an evil god like shar just bless anyone in the party during combat even if they follow other gods?
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Hello Sir!
ESL-kun, you’re making a casual mistake. When you separate words with slashes like that, you shouldn’t add a space after the slash. Consider it as if the slash is taking the place of the space in your sentence!
Now you can improve your shitposting to the level of an American pre-teen! Enjoy.
>Hello Sir!
You forgot the comma, Anon.
Even the stupidly petty gods don't micromanage to that extent. If they are pissed with what you're doing to the point that they want to intervene, they'll either communicate it to you in some way or simply not grant you spells so that you come groveling like the ass slave that you are.
where do you get this costume?
you being anal over DnD classes because you are a LARPing tradfag IRL is just as cringe

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RPGs like this?
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>every single sex scene is rape
I feel betrayed, VH had some consensual sex.
Where's Theo? Where's the hot teenage fucking all night sex?
Mad Island but needs a free DLC from dev website to unlock loli content
There has to be more than just 2 games in this genre!
>all shotas are black
so disappointing
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Like what? Because there's lots of fem protag, rape filled RPGs.



Sort by Best Selling and uncheck the box next to the Japanese language select to show only English if that's an issue for you.

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What engine are you using?
Or are you making your own?
Why do you think what you have chosen is better than RPG maker?

Also post progress.
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For PC it shouldn't be so hard if you're used to making GUIs, because you can reuse lots of code and data structures between the game and the editor: for example, if the editor uses JSON to deal with map data, you can reuse the same JSON parser to read map data inside the game.
For retro platforms it's harder because with them you don't have file systems, you don't have enough ROM and RAM, etc. so you can't share too much code/data between the editor and the game.
In my case, the editor deals with map data in JSON format, but it is exported to the game as a custom compressed bytecode format.
Very. Literally children's software.
I'd say yeah, you can. Clones can be modernized.

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Hey everyone,

I've been diving into a lot of recent game releases lately, and I can't help but feel a growing sense of disappointment with the direction modern games are taking. So, I decided to revisit The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and it was like a breath of fresh air.

First off, Skyrim's world is incredibly immersive and detailed. Every corner of the map holds something intriguing, from hidden caves to bustling towns. Unlike many modern games that lead us by the hand, Skyrim encourages true exploration and adventure. Then there's the modding community, which is unparalleled. The community has kept the game fresh and exciting with countless mods that add new quests, characters, and even entire landmasses. Modern games, with their closed ecosystems and minimal mod support, simply can't compete with this level of customization and player-driven content.

The story and lore in Skyrim are deep and engaging. The game is filled with rich narratives, fascinating characters, and a history that feels real and significant. Many modern games seem to prioritize graphics and online multiplayer over a compelling single-player experience, which is a shame. Speaking of single-player, Skyrim is a game that respects the single-player experience. In an era where many games are pushing towards online multiplayer and games-as-a-service models, Skyrim stands out as a game that values the solitary adventurer, allowing for a personal and immersive journey.

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You are overselling the game now but i like Skyrim and its one of the best open world games ever made, the gameplay of Skyrim is far better than any JRPG i have played because its interactive, fun and varied.
I genuinely think Skyrim is a good game and way better than most of the games /v/ dickrides.

With that said I had some gripes with the game particularly with its dialogue. I believe its the weakest aspect about it.
>These towns ain't bustling
no cap, fr fr
The towns were so bad in skyrim the first thing I do now is turn voices down to 30 in volume.
Too shitty of an opinion, didn't read, kys
>I genuinely think Skyrim is a good game and way better than most of the games /v/ dickrides.
It is, but there's no appeal to contrarians who despise pop culture. If it was somehow niche, it would get more favorable views here. As it is, liking Skyrim doesn't make you feel special or stand out.

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>Bronze-Iron Ages timeline
>be Kyros' Fatebinder
>Kyros is a GOD that want to remove matriarchal societies
>literally PIE Sky-Father
>Kyros is based on Cyrus the Great
>somehow the """bad guy"""
>matriarchal degenerate societies somehow the """good guys"""
>despite being the Fatebinder of a GOD, somehow you can rebel against him
>rebel path: restoring matriarchal degenerate societies, pov: you're a male, aka le simp path
>no matter because is part of his plan (peak writing) to reminder everyone how bad matriarchy is (kek)
>you can be an anarchist, somehow better written than rebel path
>it doesn't matter what anti-Kyros path you choose, people see how lawless Terratus is without Kyros
>Kyros won in the end, LE FRIDUM OF CHOIZ!!
>Verse, Eb, Sirin, Kills-In-Shadows exist, more anti-Disfavored feministslop, their endings are shit (kill them all)
>Lantry and Barik are the only male companions, better writtern BY FAR than female ones. Their endings are awesome. BARIK, I WILL SAVE YOU!!!

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What adds the DLC? How changes the story?
Wy would the AI keep the billionaires around when chudly is far easier to control is what you should ask.
there's no spell crafting in tyranny, you just combine two sigils to get one of the preset spells
I like how you can treat the spirit eater affliction as either a curse or blessing.
They need this to pretend that this awful saturday morning cartoon is a deep game and not just a simplified PoE.

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How much foreshadowing in an rpg is too much?
This is not a fallout 2 or even fallout in general thread, I'm purely using it as an example because Cameron foreshadows the final encounter of the game where you pass a speech check to avoid fighting him and he says something to the effect of, "remember, you can't talk your way out of everything, sometimes you have to fight"
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Sonora best Fallout
I'd wishfor a remake, but I know it would end up a demake.
Yeah, crazy people, seer and the like work perfectly for such things.
Good example with that malkavian!
Hat World?

I also liked the grave digger in gow 1 classic
In the game Neverwinter Nights Shadows of Undrentide the item the Kobolds steal at the beginning is important to the villain of the game.
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2 and 2-2 over nyaa

TH2 upcoming
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What are you a faggot?
The gacha is making more money than all the real games they did put together
No wonder
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Is there a job tier list for the first game?
I'm super lost
Take with a grain of salt

Master Idol (broken)

Samurai, Sage (through Enchantress), Joshi Kousei (only in late game)

Valkyrie, Dark Lord, Magical Princess (TP struggle though...), Kunoichi, Utahime

Witch (Ruuko), Bishop, Sniper, Treasure Hunter (must have for endgame gear farming though)

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Oof. I think Aquaplus can make a good series out of Dungeon Travelers. They got Sting with them too who does good job in the gameplay mechanics.

Squeenix and other Japanese studios are reporting historically massive losses while Falcom is posting record sales and profits. Really makes you think, huh?
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Fuck it, I think I'll start playing trails again soon.
Haha...Welcome back
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>liked cs3 the most out of what I played(comfy story, fun battles, vastly enjoyed the new class 7 over the old and the Mecha fights)
>Also burned out of the series at cs3
where the hell are you getting your statistics? Are you counting all of Index Holdings (who were posting losses), or just Atlus (which was generally profitable)?

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Is there a RPG game with mod support?
A thread died for this
*a >jrpg >god bad thread
got to go fast

Regeneration is coming out next month, and theres a Korean team working on another Princess maker title! similar raising sims such as volcano princess are also welcome itts, post runs endings, whatever floats your boat!
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tangentially related, but is Volcano Princess any good?
I had fun with it, its definitely better now than it was when I played around release, all the bugs have been ironed out I think. The translation is subpar but you get the intent and I think it was really neat how the mother and father got some of the focus of the game's plot
>and other "bad wrong" things
They're called badong here.
Can you fuck to death the demon lord like in the original game?
You can have Rose fuck her sister then give her amnesia when she discovers that.

You've tried the only live service /jrpg/. RIGHT?!

>Your critique
>Your honest thoughts
It steals it's combat from FFX so I like it.
It's not fun without spending like $100 up front and fucking battlepasses are cancer.
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I will be swiping for her, at least E0S1. Will go for eidolons if they look good. I also went for Boothill, I enjoy break effect
I have the rolls for her e1s1 but I'm torn. I'm starting to think new March will be a limited and I want rolls saved for her.
I'm not sure on the timeline for new releases, but if you'd rather save at least you can grab FF on a re-run.
Yeah I already have Jingliu so I know how good it is to be meta for 6 months and then kicked into the dirt with ice resist bosses. All I know is March 7th is this year and I can already clear so Im happy to save up for my wife (true).
>game looks cool
>goto download it
>has kernel rootkit
yeah no

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