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New Thread for shit talking NWN RP Servers and it's players like POTM, Arelith, TDN.

I feed off of the gossip and hatred.
Fuck off shill
You would have to be clueless or a actual brainlet to think I would shill for these servers
Then there is no reason to bring them up even if it just so you can be a catty bitch.
OP is gay as always
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>be bernd
>there used to be some amazing german shards around
>some of the best roleplaying I have ever seen
>slowly die out
>what shards still were around get absoluty gutted by the release of the Enhanced Edition
>all german servers are now dead or only have like 3 people on them once week
>instead of logging in and just having fun you have to join some gay-ass-discords and set up a meeting when someone will be around
>some of the best roleplaying I have ever seen
What is this like, exactly? What makes it so good?
The people who play on these servers are already maladjusted weirdos. The people who play on these servers and post on 4chan are a worse breed.
The type of person who plays on these servers, posts on 4chan, and then gets into fucking roleplaying server drama and then posts about it on 4chan is basically sitting at the peak of autistic retard and inherently adds an unspoken detail to any drama they're a part of. No matter how much they'll try and smear other people involved or act like they did nothing wrong, they're the kind of person who cries about roleplaying server drama on 4chan. Any testimony they can give can be safely thrown out on account.

This poster has been run off several PWs for being a dysgenoid
the dragon's neck just released, anyone get in yet?

Dead on arrival once most of the playerbase returns to Arelith/Ravenloft.
You sure are a dramawhore since you picked one of the worst offenders as the OP image.
This is quite a strange statement. My experience of playing on these servers in the 00s was that they were much more well adjusted than any average current day user in any community. There were always some weird people and some drama, but there were also normal people, with families, or that got married and started families with each other. I really can't imagine how any of those people would somehow be worse than you or the average schizo in other current day communities.
You mean "just released" again, after several times, over the last 6 years. They hype themselves up but their weird ideas is going to doom them.

They'll keep doing this because the discord hype is the point of the pw instead of the pw itself.
Can't wait for you to lose your RDD beslyth you faggot!
Dear god, you're right. That and over-decorating areas with no substance of world building or RP gameplay.
That's not a very nice thing to say, my guy. I believe most of the playerbase have relatively ordinary lives and normal. Maybe even a house, a spouse and kids.

I still play on the RP servers from time to time; maybe mostly because I miss the haydays of NWN in the 00s and wish to reminisce of the good times that were had.

I dearly miss 3kds and TWI with their fantastic communities.
>dragon's neck purposely keeping the server slots low
yeah, not playing this game. not even give this server a try if you want to play that shit
Best NWN RP server?
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>you have to join some gay-ass-discords and set up a meeting when someone will be around
I hate this. Everything is planned through and through these days. No comfy random RP anymore.
Heard it's because of tech issues.
It's not even good. Even the area design you get bored of after a while.

This is a cope marketing ploy btw, they can't even hit their 60 slot limit and will continue to lower it.

It's already dropped below one (1x) Arelith instance. Time for another 2 years in development, I think!
You can't really fix it. NWN was made to be efficient in multiplayer in ways that no other game is. The problem is that they focus 90% of their development working against the grain and taxing the server in ways it was never built for. Just by brute-forcing their overly decorated areas in lieu of actual worldbuilding, roleplaying, and gameplay.

Interested in this also, I tried Arelith but it feels more like an MMO than an RP thing.

Haze seems interesting but PVE kills being permadeath is retarded, but maybe it has some systems I don't know about that makes this more bearable.
Permadeath isn't bad, but the way Haze does it is.

Agree, I like permadeath, I just don't want a character's story to end with a meaningless orc mob critting him in static PVE. It is just a waste of time unless I'm missing something.

Permadeath in DM'd events or at the hands of a player is good. Do you have any recommendations?
sounds like a personal problem
>a character's story to end with a meaningless orc mob critting him in static PVE
Anon, the gnomes are leading us into a glorious multicultural future. Don’t you see that diversity is our greatest strength?

>every zone being bordered by that one mountain placeable every server uses spammed 50 times is good...... because it just is, ok??

Sorry your 10 years in production masterpiece is ALREADY struggling to match a single Arelith sub-server, maybe a few more mountains will fix it
how else would perma death work? you know you can kill off your own characters on arelith, correct? it happens all the time, it just gives you the choice if it makes sense for your character's development or someone might like your character's rp so much that they reward you for it. arelith has problems, but i like how hands off dms with those sorts of things
except matching arelith player numbers was never the goal
irongron you are a faggot cuck slop enjoyer!!!!!!!
Just play over roll20
You just don't get it. You might actually be mentally handicapped.
How about they just implement D&D rules for a change? That would unironically be a good start.
And what would your point be? Ostensibly the server designers claim that they want to appeal to people with personal tastes. If they have issues then that would also end up in their own personal problems. Risenholm crumbled under its own hubris as well. First it got the big Arelith push that Dragon's Neck is getting, because Arelith players are bored, then they left back to Arelith after a few months. All personal problems.
>he voluntarily exposes himself to the powertripping of rabid troons and their friends in virtual environment
that's basically what nu-nwn is at this point and has been for years
>It isnt meant to beat arelith
>it isnt even meant to be online
Cope, arelith already won. TDN has gone offline already.
Completely correct, pointless hype servers whose entire goal is to cut a slice of the arelith pie always end up dead.
You say this as if the guys back in the day that would have called themselves chads today were any better. They were the worst and caused multiple rounds of server mutinies. The ones that survived were the ones that often accidentally fell into the hands of adults, or at least someone so far autistically detached that they keep the server going no matter what. Another example I remember was when a server ended up in the hands of a single mom and it was the worst, most stifling admin you can imagine despite trying to please everybody, which just led to stagnation. You could always make your own, of course, but that would require effort and for people to actually want to hang around you.
Most people into escapism tend to be bitter and useless so it's not surprising a lot of them would end up as power trips instead of trying to make something that actually benefits people and their enjoyment of something.
I did run on some pretty cool PW back in the day but it was mostly a piece of stand alone code that reset all the areas and people pretty much did what they wanted, which surprisingly there led to some decent RP as it was claimed to be enforced on the surface, but not really enforced.

That inspired me to write a whole PW with battling good vs. evil mirror worlds for players and WOW style reputation grinding, even working dopplegangers of which I could clone a player from any server down to the nasty ERP letters in his pocketses but I lost the code when I became bitter and useless.
>open bg3 up to randos
>everyone joins and runs off to solo their own corner of the map like they're playing diablo
I feel you anon. It doesn't help that no one ever wrote actual matchmaking features or include comms for RP MP games.
Probably the worst admins I've ever experienced was one that called everyone else stupid all the time, and was a huge Warhammer nerd. He tried dating a girl on the server at the time in exchange for favors, and she was a lot younger, so it got weird. The other was a porn addicted IT guy that got people to donate to his water cooled mega PC with multiple graphics cards as the server machine that he apparently needed. He was also a douchebag that saw the server as his home, and players as strangers that were guests to his party, so he could just ignore them and tell them to leave if they didn't like it. The position of server admin always attracts narcissists.
>ended up in the hands of a single mom
another proverbial canker of the nwn community
it's a really simple equation - well adjusted people aren't drawn to wasting hours upon hours of their lives playing make-believe
an even fewer percent of those people are drawn to moderating said breeding pits
at this point, the only way to run a healthy nwn server is by performing literal background checks lmao
>well adjusted people aren't drawn to wasting hours upon hours of their lives playing make-believe
But they are. Well-adjusted people waste their life on a multitude of things, you could focus on the party going people that can't answer a Youtuber's basic questions, or the football hooligans, or theater enjoyers, larpers, and video game role-players. Focus on any single one of them and make some odd claim about normal people. In the end normal well-adjusted people waste their lives on all sorts of make-believe and you better hope you're not wasting it on daytime television.
Single moms are particularly egregious because they don't have the free time to be wasting like that and actually serve the people they're claiming to. They're focused on their kids, their job or getting welfare, and now they're also splitting the time they have left between relaxing/entertainment and managing a server and its continued development.
>But they are
No. You equate escapism with playing make believe. Well adjusted people aren't generally drawn to dnd, let alone playing a bootleg version of it in a 20 year old engine of a somewhat obscure CRPG
You really don't need a deep philosophical thinking and analysis to determine that online rp communities in general (second life, roblox, VRchat, habbo hotel etc etc etc) are ripe with adult weirdos. It's a self evident fact at this point
>Well adjusted people aren't generally drawn to dnd, let alone playing a bootleg version of it in a 20 year old engine of a somewhat obscure CRPG
Yes, they are. You are simply mythologizing the well adjusted person to have only certain kinds of hobbies that you can't fathom having degenerate aspects. Everybody has vices and engages in make-believe, escapism being a kind of make-believe, too. You want to say that people role-playing in old video games is unhealthy or something, just like some would say about anything else, including larp, clubbing, booktok, furry conventions, anime, sports, binge television, drinking, or anything else that has absolutely been criticized along the same lines. Your boner of bitterness is clouding your better judgement and ability to reason about this. I don't know what happened, but clearly someone on NWN got under your skin and hurt you terribly.
You can find psychos in every online community in existence, NWN is no exception but neither is it a particularly drastic example. Most of the dramas in the RP community takes place in the d*scords, you're unlikely to be affected by it if you just do your own thing in the game. There's nothing wrong in writing a collaborative story with the bros if that's what you enjoy.
Nah. I'm fairly certain that if someone is to perform an actual statistical analysis, they'd find rampant prescription drug/substance abuse in these online communities, not to mention the prevalence of diagnosed mental illness
I'm sure your average trucker or barista is far more well adjusted, both mentally and physically, than IT discord they/them ghoul erping on second life or nwn.
Your attempt to both normalize and correlate these basic observations is both laughable and sad - especially the latter because it tells me you find yourself at home among these people and so these observations call you out in specific
>You can find psychos in every online community in existence
No shit sherlock, but we're discussing averages here
I'm sure you're far more likely to unearth a creep in these rp communities than in say - cs fucking go or your latest call of goyslop shooter
You wouldnt get it.
>you will never again live in a world where the same people played both nwn1 and cs 1.6
Most of them just aren't schizos like you are. The fact you exist isn't evidence of something dramatically different with any other form of vice, escapism, make-believe, or hobby.
>ugh.. who hurt you?
>you are... le schizo!
Straight outta tumblr's playbook, eh? You "people" can't help yourselves
But I can see that someone's programming socks are in a twist here
Seems you're taking all of this rather personally for such a reasonable, detached and objective individual
I guess I hit a bit too close to home. If it's of any comfort, I too, am sorry for you being born the dysgenic way you are now
It's genuinely obvious that you tried to run a failed pw that would have been oh so revolutionary if you hadn't lost the code, got mogged by other servers and were left bag holding a wasteland and now you enter every nwn thread to scream about how everyone who plays this is an insane retard because they must be for ignoring your magnum opus.
>more failed projection
sorry to inform you that I actually have a life instead of being a discord groomer playing make believe with troons, furries and the mentally ill like yourself
You have nothing because even the troons and furries wouldn't give you their time, so you're left dragging your raped ass into every single nwn thread, like clockwork, to make make the same obsessed rageposts.

Arelith owns you lil bro.
People still play this? I thought it'd be dead AF as by now, last I checked years ago it was all ERP servers with 10 people on max.
Yet here you are spending your time bitching and moaning in threads trying to convince everyone that people that play this game are mentally disturbed. The funniest part is that you're completely unaware that you're only convincing people that you're off your meds and need help.
Nobody is insulting you, and the only thing you're breaking is yourself. You're doing it for free, everybody else is just watching you melt down.
>everybody else
the only ones you have the authority to speak for are the eunuch groomers dilating in your mutual discord
you will never be well adjusted and I'm legitimately sorry for you
And mostly ERP.
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Thats an oddly specific projection anon.
That faggot has mentioned having a pw server and misplacing the code in multiple threads already.
Oddly specific projection based on the oddly specific need of your boyfriend to post about his muh lost code groundbreaking server that failed because nwn players were too stupid to see his genius. Don't worry guys, nobody would have played even if you rediscovered the platinum chip.

Yes, exactly, it's honestly impressive how anyone who frequents these threads knows this guy's lore.
What boyfriend?
What the fuck are you sped talking about?
If what you are saying is true and its the same dude then why are you coming in every thread he makes and bumping them?
Are you trying to prove that you are as autistic as OP?
Did he touch your peepee on Arelith and now you are on a personal vendetta of rectal devastation?
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U Guys should play Sunset over Ocem
>Comfy level 10 cap server
>cool DM events almost everyday
>no cliques
>no drama
>he's pretending to agree with himself
Is he the one making these threads? Even though he has an insane hatred for everything NWN related?
That's uh... Yeah...
Hard caps are never comfy, that's just cope. There is no server that has hard so-called "anti powergaming" rules and restrictions that can ever be described as truly fun or comfy. It's more like an abusive relationship where you try to eke out an existence and tell yourself it could be worse.
insane response, not everyone wants to play high magic level 40 server where everyone is a super saiyan.

low power/low magic can be cool and comfy.
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>HE once again rallied HIS trooncord to mass report the post HE was butthurt about
talk about rent free
also, jannoid scum, when will you learn your lesson. If you want a safe space, go back to resetera you sniveling cunt
kys either way
so this isn't even about playin the fucking game, it's about... bitching about other players behind their backs?
you wrpg players really are bored and in need of new games, huh? i pity you.
t. failed trooncord founder
If only you hadn't lost the secret code that would have allowed you to become the tranny king.

Ocem won.
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What are you even going about retardo?
Talk like a normal fucking person.

I have no idea all I see that there is like 2 nwn threads and 10 Kiseki-Threads and yet this sperg
is losing his mind over this.

What the fuck man?
You're obsessed and buckbroken, your slop was rejected and now all you can do is cry in every nwn thread.
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this thread surely has taken a detour
You're right that it's insane your only alternative to a hard cap at level 10 and other asinine restrictions is super saiyin level 40s throwing thunderbolts out their anus.
There aren't many unhinged schizos in the NWN community, but there are just enough to consistently derail any possible discussion. It seems to always be the same handful of guys with a bizarre backstory that made them who they are today.
You really rattled some chastity cages today. Good effort.
>replied to himself again
Maybe this is why your groundbreaking server failed, all the most active players were your mutiple personalities.
>accuses others of being schizo
>is schizoing out about some random nwn autist
point in case that the lowest of the low play and develop for this garbage
deranged tranny groomers, incel coomers, schizos and 3/10 single moms
NTA but what are you even doing my guy?
Unmedicated freakhon who was rejected even by 3/10 single moms. I hope one day you recover from your server flopping and forgive Arelith.
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>Unmedicated freakhon who was rejected even by 3/10 single moms. I hope one day you recover from your server flopping and forgive Arelith.
How did you turn your webcam on for this post?
It's Aeris, I'm sick of this shit. Get it right.
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average nwn pw player, pic related
hello anons i hope everyone is getting along in this roleplay thread
i cant tell if the ice dragon is a real thing or not with beslyth fucking memeing all the time
it's not, beslyth is a clout chaser
wtf does clout have to do with this

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