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It's up
That took a while.
So I can play in August when they fix most of the glaring bugs this will cause
>A Dance of Masks is the sixth and final premium DLC for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous in Season Pass 2, one last love letter to the Knight Commander and their loyal companions.
Gather all your companions and travel back to where it all started – the city of Kenabres, destroyed and now risen from the ashes.

>Visit a festival, celebrate your victories, socialize with friends and loved ones, watch the fireworks… And thwart the plans of villains trying to spoil the fun!-

>A new adventure will take you back to Kenabres and beyond: to a new enemy's stronghold- Personal events for every companion — you’ve seen them fight, now watch them have a day off- A new romantic event with every romanceable companion-

>An otherworldly arena where you can test your might against some truly mythic enemies-

>11 new character archetypes, a new weapon and the ability to switch your grip on the weapon from one-handed to two-handed-

>Fully voiced dialogues

Even more fucking archetypes,. Sure, why not.
citadel glurge for romance shitters, thanks I hate you
>>A new adventure will take you back to Kenabres and beyond: to a new enemy's stronghold
>>An otherworldly arena where you can test your might against some truly mythic enemies
Seems like you have shit to do even if you romanced nobody
Anon, anti-romancefags like to pretend that 99% of the game is romance just to have something to complain about, you should know this by now
I'd be more worried about the repercussions of 'Fully voiced dialogues' and feedback being 'I bought because of that'.
They already confirmed their next game will be fully voice acted, better get used to it.
>proper Golden Dragon/Devil path status: NEVER EVER
Oh no no no no
>Dataminer found russian dialogue about the cut devil content
>Starrok keeps hyping up the update that will come with the dlc, saying that's going to add something no one expects
It's happening you know
You mean just like the Thanos DLC that was totally going to have lots of post-game mythic content?
Oh and I forgot to add
>they explicitly said they would never add extra content for the barebones paths as DLC
That's even worse kek.
I'd rather 'pay' for content than not have it at all. Owlkeks are so fucking lazy it's disgusting.
If they actually released a "mythic path content" DLC you would be complaining about how they're a bunch of jews and that it should have been a free update, don't kid yourself
A good shitposter knows how to adapt
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I wouldn't. My opinion of Owlcat's competence and work ethic is so low that I'd consider it a great improvement if they actually delivered.
As it stands, both PF games and RT are rushed as fuck and instead of addressing the fundamental problems, the devs choose to bloat the game with inconsequential nonsense.
What are you going to do if the update does indeed add the devil content?
>It's shit
What kind of content?
If they restructure the path so the devil is act 3 at latest and add a questline of satisfying length, then I'd be satisfied since it'll be the first time Owlcat owns up to their numerous marketing scams.
If they put in a few pathetic reactivity lines like they did for Thanos DLC then Thainen and his mongol rapebaby uncle can fuck off.
There's absolutely no way in hell they're going to change a late game path to be early game, you can't possibly be this fucking retarded
The cut devil content involved corrupting Galfrey and turning all of Mendev into Cheliax 2.0, as well as an alternative romance for Galfrey if you romance her as a devil
That either meams less dialogue or they will have get creative with the voice actors.
Creative? how so?
not really. their games have sold very well so they should have a much bigger budget that can go to voice actors.
i personally dont care for it but it wont stop me from playing
>or they will have get creative with the voice actors.
Based Morrowind enjoyer
Or making a game that is more streamlined than a CRPG/less dialogue branches.
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Help, I cannot figure out the catch of this archetype.
It sounds like you get everything a normal slayer gets. But you also get to extra rape the Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal size type of opponents.

That's too good to be true, so what's the catch?
The drawback is the last line.
That's a really cheap drawback in that case since the Studied Target auto engages on sneak attacks either way.
This really qualifies the Spawn Slayer as the strongest Slayer archetype of them all.

Especially if there is some sort of bug where the player size is dwarf/grone/Halfling/etc. for extra bonuses.
It's worth investigating.
Also if you consider the sheer amount of big sized opponents throughout the game.

I hear people jerk off to the Deliverer Slayer, but his 2D6 extra damage is nothing compared to the Spawn Slayer.
>swarm shit at the end
I bounced off the opening of WOTR hard and I have it on good authority the game is full of cringe faggots. Is there anything in it worth giving a second chance over?
You get to kill a whole lot of demons and demon cultists if you’re into that
Spawn means that if your first hit does not connect, you do not get the bonuses. A small risk since it becomes a bit more likely your full attack will miss.
Deliverer is nice for a shield basher build since it's a lot of hits you add up. Plus if you multiclass, since by lv 10, you got the feature you wanted.

Arcane Enforcer is good for a lv3-4 dip
>Spawn means that if your first hit does not connect
You can still study target as move action before combat starts, ie. ambush the unsuspecting opponents.
The difference is more in the 2nd , 3rd, 4th opponent.

>Plus if you multiclass, since by lv 10, you got the feature you wanted.
That's a good point. They are different beasts for that purpose.

Also I guess it's just one of those classes which are campaign dependent. Some campaigns have lots of large size opponents, some have few, or worse, tiny opponents mostly.
>There's absolutely no way in hell they're going to change a late game path
Exactly. They're never going to fix their shit. That's the point.
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>11 new character archetypes, a new weapon and the ability to switch your grip on the weapon from one-handed to two-handed
Realistically, who has the time or willpower to try out all the classes/archetypes in this game? I think majority of players won't even replay it.
whatever would make you think they'd add more evil content?
Runs on standalone midnight isles.
I am at 102 archetypes done (with a few technically covered from my kingmaker runs)
>Even more fucking archetypes
god forbid i get to do more in a game :(
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Like anon above said you'd really run a full campaign to test out new characters. That's why you have players who either love or hate shorter standalone "campaigns" Owlcat has been doing depending on how they approach these games.
There is some threshold such that below this threshold, adding more character classes and subclasses is beneficial and adds to the depth and available options, and above this threshold adding more is simply bloatmaxxing. I could not define its precise location but it’s clear that pathfinder has passed it, much like with races in (((nu-DnD)))
As long as the new archetypes have good purpose to them they are fine.
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The computer games have only implemented around half of the total amount of archetypes that exist.
We are no where near completed development.
PF1 is dead.
This is the last hurrah.
Yeah, you're gay just like wlcat.

I only played the vanilla version before all the DLC and there were already plenty more classes than in any other CRPG. What´s actually been added? May give an extra incentive to revisit this now. Specially after how disappointing BG3 ended up being.
Many archetypes are just minimal changes of how the class works, few are a very distinct build.
Anyway. there has been one extra companion and class with his questline, 3 standalone campains, and one campaign that has been implemented main game and also serves as standalone roguelike mode. Also. a couple extra quests, events , spells and items.

Seems like quite a lot to look forward to then. I´ll check it out in more detail.
>May give an extra incentive to revisit
It shouldn't be.
All of the archetypes you haven't tried yet should in theory be just as interesting.
>Starrok keeps hyping up the update that will come with the dlc,
Cuckold cuckrrok from owlcucks is doing this for three years straight now. No shame at all.
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They aren't even fixing Arue's retarded ending
i've only played kingmaker, did wotr get rid the cinemasins ding whenever you had a perception check?
Shoulda picked Cam-Cam, silly goose.
her romance sucks beyond the ending. just really boring stuff.
>Shoulda picked the one who cucks and dumps you
You’re half right, she does leave you, because she’s fundamentally broken and irredeemable and you can’t fix her with your dick
The correct move is to not romance anyone and just kill a bunch of demons, fyi.
Don't pay attention to what she does during her act 4 quest
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>the ending
This is just not true. Whether the new additions will offer more real options or now depends on what is specifically added. Some games go the safe route of only offering samey stuff from the outset, but they could add significant options at any point. You're unlikely to ever get to the point where they can't add such options.
What is more likely is that you only play certain types of characters or you feel overwhelmed and paralyzed by the options rather than seeing them as relating to playing specific concepts.
Not cucking the player.
>bg3 at release: hold my beer
She goes to the brothel to kill slaves there behind your back (specifically telling the owner not to tell anyone about it) and as per her own words she needs dick after a good kill
You're getting cucked, bro, she got dicked every time she went there
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>his party doesn't have an incense synthesizer whose attack aura stacks with everything
>his party doesn't have a 2nd incense synthesizer whose debuff aura stacks with all of his illusion spells
>his party doesn't have a 3rd Incense synthesizer for all the other fun auras that stacks with everything
Amateurs, amateurs as far as the eye can see
I play mutation warrior, I have alchemical bonus covered
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>I'm a mutt warrior
Oh, this thing is back again
Weird fantasy bro
No point, they all play the same.
Tell me where to put that and I will sis.
>Trickster reach vivisectionist MC
>Brown fur
>at release
Did they actually add more stuff? In wotr I found the ending a bit underwhelming, but throughout the game it felt like I was given a lot of options as evil character.
Is blood kineticist working?
I thought so.
>first playthrough decided to go lich
>go through with it
Man, everyone is dead or scared of me. How could this have possibly happened? I just wanted to kill demons efficiently.
Pharasma propaganda
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Is Angel Bloodrager viable or should i re-roll into a different class. constant fatigue in the starting lvl is killing my enjoyment and i am getting tired of hearing the negress and Camellia combat lines
I really dislike every single companion
It's amazing they managed to create an entirely unlikable cast
I think that's a you problem. What kind of companion would you like?
The angel supporting characters like the old man, Yaniel and Targona.
How does one get better at this type of games ? PF, PoE, BG3 etc when I never played tabletop games ? Do anons here actually read the ruleset of these games before playing them ? I mean don't get me wrong I played a few of these and I finished them but it didn't feel satisfying because I never really learned the system
Bigger number good
Except BG3, that one actually has tactical depth.
Sure, but for instance what does saving throw mean? I played bg3 on tactician and I still have no idea what the fuck that means
Personally I discovered CRPGs first and tabletop later, but it really depends on the game. My "background" was WoW and rts games, so I always think in terms of stats first, which works really well for something like PoE or Underrail where its about stats and percentages instead of dice rolls. But then PF filtered me hard and it felt like an entirely different mindset was needed to understand the dice mechanics. I can't objectively rate how it would be to play BG3/5E DnD game fresh, since I already knew a lot from PF(even though I still consider myself a noob in it). However, BG3 had really good UI feedback in terms of percentages that I feel would make it perfect for learning a dice based system, as it lets you see just how much of an impact something like Bless or a +1 weapon actually have.
I *think* that certain sources of damage or certain spells have modifiers as targeting specific attributes. So a mind controll will target Will. The one inflicting damage/spell/debuff rolls a dice + modifiers for that attribute or spell type. The one targeted rolls for Will and adds their Will save score. If the roll is higher, then tge effect is negated or transformed to its lesser version (some spells go like "deal xDy damage on spell failure", so they can't be completely resisted)
>Sure, but for instance what does saving throw mean?
A saving throw is a check required in order to resist an effect, in order to resist the effect, the character must roll a d20 + whatever save is targetted and meet or exceeded the DC of the effect.
I just keep stacking classes into my leaning tower of gestalt.
"understanding the ruleset" is greatly overestimated by people who already know the inner workings. you don't NEED to know that much to just play the game and enjoy. not to mention all these crpgs have extensive glossaries and tutorials if you want deeper understanding.
couldn't be me, default wizard 20 my beloved
>finally decided
Anon are you retarded?
She finally decided to have a slave transformed, she still went there several times behind your back, as she admits right below that
Leave it to a waifufag to not read
She went there to kill not to fuck.
Remind me what does Camellia do after killing, in her own words?
saving throw means you're imposing an effect (so it technically "always hits") but they get to chance to defend it which results in either a less severe or no effect
If it was shitty and/or low effort like the other DLC's, let's be fucking real
he'd have a leg to stand on.
In reality, nothing Owlcat does will ever be finished.
People thought all that 40k money would let RT release as a finished game and got exactly what they deserved.
angel blooded draconic ancestry primalist bloodrager with a 4 level dip into dragon disciple is one the strongest gish builds in the game

keep doing what you're doing
Vivisectionist doesn't play the same as the alchemist at all. What are you even talking about?
Some of those archetypes literally turns the class upside down.
What 40k money?
The anon assumes that geedubs isn't one of the greediest money pinching companies in the industry and that they generously funded the production of the Rogue Trader game.
Just embrace gestalt classes already.
I mean from 40k fanboys.
They add a prologue for the game taking in place sometime after Act 3.

The next update is meant to give Evil/Dark Urge characters a few new endings and options. But i doubt that going to be anything as signficant as Evil characters as WoTr
new archtypes
Meh, unless advanced rogue talents get shared with inspired rage
Boring, but practical. Which 2 hander does have two retarded entries though (beyond Finnean)
>Double reach weapons
That should be fun
Im interested in what part 2 comes with, the shadow wizard and new paladin frim last update looked cool, though i never got to try them out.
Sorc or Wizard for a lich gish?
I prefer wizard since you still want to advance spell levels quickly for your good self buffs and divination specialist still gets nice abilities.

Sorcerer can get some useful feats from his bloodline and CHA can be useful for some gish builds (though not for standard 10 EK levels) and since you go mostly for good buffs, the limited spell selection does not hinder you.
finally an archetype for dark souls dual wielding collosal unga bunga
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>advanced rogue talents get shared
That might actually be too powerful.
Crippling Strike, Wearying Strike, Dispelling Attack, Opportunist bypass every resistance the opponents have. You would just break the game if you handed this stuff to a whole party of martial classes.

Keep in mind they have to balance these classes for usage in lower level games like Kingmaker in the future.
>Barbarian is still alignment restricted while bloodrager isn't
What reason is there for Barbarian to exist when Primalist Bloodrager exists? Bloodrager is just everything good about Barbarian, but with better effects and spellcasting
Archetypes. Primalist is better than the base Barbarian in every way.
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Bloodrager looks good on paper.
But in the real world the Barb gets the fun toys faster.
Barb gets greater beast totem at level 10.
Bloodrager gets greater beast totem at level 12. 2 levels behind. In the real world tabletop game that means you're 1-3 months behind the Barbarian player.
Instinctual Warrior is a great chaotic monk, Mad Dog is a better pet Archetype than the Bloodrager one, non primalist bloodrager is not as good a multiclass/mostly pure melee due to not having pounce and stances(the benefits of their rage and bloodline abilities is just not as good and most buffs are easily covered by other classes)
>In the real world tabletop game that means you're 1-3 months behind the Barbarian player.
That's insane. Just goes to show how different the video game medium can change how classes play
Flat terrain and no verticality, prebuffs, 6 man team to cover everything etc changes value of class a lot.
Monk and fighter are just above npc classes, dip or pure in tabletop. In the game, you get extreme value.
One of the Paizo game designers played WotR on livestream. I can't remember precisely what the chat said, maybe something like "play bloodrager! why not bloodrager?"
And he was like "no...nah that's a nonsense classm the Barb is better" Or something like that.
I was like "wat" Then I thought about it a little harder, and sure enough, those classes have little traps like this build into them.

Very subtle differences but huge impact.
They are on the same ballpark , really.
You have the cream of the crop with the best lv9 casters (aka prepared), then the full spontaneous casters, than all 6th level casters, and then the martials/4th level casters who have a couple really good points to free up shit from the rest of the team.
Then you have class that do one thinmg well and not necessarily better (fighter, monk, rogue etc)
Barb barely hangs in there due to rage powers (but barb before unchained was far worse).
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Bloodrager is the only melee class capable of becoming a Dragon Disciple, and thus accessing the
> +2 AC
> +4 STR
> extra breath weapon usage
that comes with that
>+4 STR
It's only worth +2 or +3 because you lose 1 BAB at level 1.
Isn't the Dragon bite the most useful of those extra?
It's like a +1 attack per round.
Now that bite stacking is gone, you get it from elsewhere
I forgot to list it
all the more reason to want 4 levels of Dragon Disciple if you're a melee frontliner
>Now that bite stacking is gone
Holy shit, it really is gone. I could have sworn the Dragon Disciple added at least 2 or 3 bites if you maxed out the class back in Kingmaker.
It's 1 from DD, 1 from tiefling Qlippoth, 1 from feral mutagen.
In wrath you also had oracle curse, kitsune bite and you could get bloodrager bite. Plus natural attack from mythic rank demon. And there was a bug where DD gave an extra bite.

Now you need distinct natural attacks to stack them
Wait, does natural armor even stack? Logically it should stack since natural armor is stuff like thick skin, scales, fur, etc though Pathfinder is really shitty and autistic when it comes to AC stacking so I can't be sure.
>nooooo you don't get it! your shield and the shield spell might be blocking different things, but that doesn't mean you have two shields! THE AC DOESN'T STACK!!! SHUT UP!
It's the difference between natural armor and natural armor enhancement.
The former stacks with itself (or used to, I think it was fixed), they stack with each other because they are distinct
every little bit of STR matters if your using the mythic feat for STR into AC
I really hope this is the end of Owlcats collaboration with Pathfinder once and for all, just about ANY other fantasy setting would be better, hell, I'd rather see them invent their own than continue using the disgusting garbage that is PF. Easily the worst tabletop fantasy world I've ever seen.
Yeah but I do like the ruleset.
I'm hoping for another Owlcat PF game just so they can build off the progress they made with KM and WotR
>all classes introduced in previous games carry over
>visual improvements carry over
>lessons learned about the background side-games carry over (kingdom management is improved in WotR over KM)
I heard there's one campaign that's basically the Oregon Trail, but the destination is China
Jade something
that sounded good
Jade Regent
>mythic feat for STR into AC
which one?
heavy armor avoidance
Zaccharius is a cunt, but I respect him completely.
they haven't learned the one thing they need to learn
adding filler trash fights every 5 feet doesn't make the game fun
and also, epic level gameplay is terrible and no one thinks stacking twenty different things to make your tohit/AC big is interesting

It annoys me because the roleplaying aspects of their games are good, but they're so fucking numbers obsessed, it ruins it every time.
>While wearing heavy armor, you add half your Strength bonus to your AC instead of your Dexterity bonus
oh yeah, this is strong as fuck. time to make a true tank
Monk dip pajamas with archmage armor are still better
It doesnt make the game unfun either. You usually win those fights in like 5-10 seconds. The point is to make you feel like your taking on an army before you get to the actual serious fights. By late game you should be able to walk through any trash fight especially since you can play in real time. If it was only turn based I might agree. Like the endgame of Baldurs gate 3 was so fucking tedious and trash in the city with that one battle taking like an hour to finish just because everyone takes turns.
don't care, heavy armor is cooler
>oregon trail

Owlcat has demonstrated over and over that their best shit is made when they are constrained to a single location. Act 4 in WoTR is the most thematic and interesting, same for Act 3 in Rogue Trader.
If Owlcat continue to collaborate with PF they would almost certainly move other to PF2E, though, so even that would not be the same.

The second part of what you mentioned is not Owlcats fault so much as it is the fault of the PF system itself. Which works fine on tabletop since a player can just say "I cast my buffs" and it's done and cast in a few seconds, rather than having to manually click spell after spell and stack them up. They either need to abandon the PF system altogether, or streamline it significantly for it to work in video game format.
What are the main changes between 1E and 2E?
tell me they overhaul the AC system please...
There are a ton of changes. The biggest things they did were to completely overhaul the action economy and the class system. I personally think it's a much better game. Oh, and one criticism it has heavily received is that it completely shifted the balance around so that martials are as strong or stronger than casters in the new system, so depending on where you fall on that divide tends to heavily color your perception on PF2E as a whole. There are caster players that outright hate it and refuse to play due to it, and vice versa for martial players that will never go back to 1E after playing 2E.
I am angry as an Alchemist enthusiast/.
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I'm fearful for the future of Slayer class and Rogue class.
If the Inciter can just hand out Opportunist, Dispelling strike, and Double Debilitation as if it's free candy, then... what's the point of the Rogue anymore?
And the Slayer becomes pointless, by be a Fighter or Monk instead, the Inciter will give your fighter all the good stuff your Slayer used to have.
What's the point of barbs and primalist with Skalds?
As for slayer, you still have study target that stacks with everything for AB, talent tree to get feats online faster and Quarry.
I'd rather have normal skald for pounce or lethal stance than Inciter as well
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>What's the point of barbs and primalist with Skalds?
The entire Skald branch is literally a menace! We need to exterminate this class before it grows like a tumor!
i never play skald because it means being a support bitch. it's a bitch class.
Who cares? Most of the classes are useless and they're outclassed something else.
You can convert Seelah into one easily. I did that for my Paladin run
Well I wouldn't really say that. They are supposed to be there for variety, so like years into the future you can opt to play Mutt warrior for the 20th time, or you can try something new you haven't tried before.
The only classes I would call overall pointless cause their features can be done bette byothers and they have almost no unique gimmick worth focusing are rogue and warpriest.
Every other class is either really strong in general or have a couple very good archetypes
>rogue and warpriest
At the end of the day, they can still justify their existence through the idea of roleplaying. So it's not so bad.
Sure, everything can.
And they are technically still viable(up to hard at least, that was my warpriest run).

Rogue is the one class that was trash in the tabletop AND was not elevated value wise in the game(compare it to fighter and monk) and Warpiest's strengths matter much less.
I wish they had mythic support for blessings liek domains, they are already nerfed effects.
In Kingmaker everybody praised NokNok for being badass, so it's probably not that bad in a more normal campaign setting.
>Pathfinder has gotten like 2 DLCs since Rogue Trader release
>RT has gotten 0
Did RT flop or what?
Many people are casuals or did not play in a difficulty that matters, it's also because he has better stats than you can get due to race.
Even in kingmaker, rogue was either a dip or a multiclass release
Lord of nothing was released before RT.
RT has a season pass and 2 DLC are already planned. First is out in summer.
If you actually bothered to look it up you would know the game already has two DLCs announced, both of them companions and no side campaign garbage
Lol awesome I exclusively play pure martials or gishes
>no side campaign
Best weapon to specialize in for a 2H Fighter? I'm feeling like doing a weapon centric playthrough. I typically do magic, so I really don't know the weapon drops as well.
I had a lot of fun with a merc who was a human pure class two handed fighter specced for fauchards. Cast enlarge on them and lean into the reach. Take all of the feats.

Aside from that, a pure plain paladin with the mod to turn Radiance into a greatsword was cool too. Feat starved though.
Are fauchards the way to go for reach 2 handers? I'm planning on going Fighter, so I'll be able to invest heavily in one weapon.
Gravesinger. 11-20 Crit range.
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Rather than focusing on reach it is trivial to be Large at all times since the spell is level 1, enduring buffs, abundant casting, wands of it are cheap, and potions are even cheaper.
Using a Masterwork Cold Iron of whatever weapon you want in conjunction with the spell Magic Weapon and later Greater Magic Weapon will help you till you find the good shit
Fauchards are definitely good. I would pick whatever you think is cool and fun, though. Choose based on what fits your thematic roleplaying concept. There's also the sentient weapon you can have turn into whatever you want, to patch holes in the itemization if there's a gap before you get a sweet upgrade.
Hell it even bypasses demon's DR so it's just tits all around even when it's stuck at +1. I usually give it to Lann for the first part of the game since he starts with more attacks then they give you some really good bows pretty quick
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Which races have the most reactivity? I assume it's something like Tiefling or Aasimar
*laughs in all human custom party*
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With the excellent mod support this game receives, perhaps I'll replay it after I pirate this DLC.
>I assume it's something like Tiefling or Aasimar
Do you mute the voices to play with this?
No, all the audio is changed. You can read through all the changes here if you're interested:
> overhaul the action economy and the class
Not for the better.
Wow, they really went above and beyond with that then. Guess they used AI?
>AI sloppa portraits
Looks awful, at least post the Sosiel and Trever ones that are just a head swap
PF2E is a superior combat system in every way to PF1E. Cope, casterfag.
>roleplaying aspects
Are often ruined by their number stacking autism especially in the late game.The Gallu in Threshold are stronger than Deskari and Baphomet.Or those crystal in the mine with higher save dc‘s than a demon lord.
There is no reason to continue to reject AI art, it is the future. Even artists that still manually draw to a point will use AI to assist and streamline their process.
>angry about nogs in Wrath
Wrath is perfect setting for multiculturalism tho. Mendev itself may be "euro inspired state" but it is held by volunteer crusaders who come from entire world to fight demons. So having weird ethnic mix of immigrant soldiers/adventurers (and their descendants in over 100 year war) makes sense.
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The game looks better with this mod though so who cares about all of that bullshit you just typed out?
Hopefully it'll actually look better in this future. It's so easily to spot right now.
The dark skin there looked more like a texture problem. Like it wasn't loading colours right.
Nope other Anon is right. This is literally whitewashing tier propaganda BS. The whole continent is helping the crusade.
>Regill has purple hair
>This makes him a danger hair
The other anon is right in that the darker skin tones and weird hair just don't look good though.
The default looked good enough to me.
True, he would look much better with white hair.
There's nothing wrong with whitewashing in a mod, if you don't like it, just don't use the mod. Simple.
No, the contrast and shadows look bad with the slew of hair/skin colors they used. People look washed out or unfinished or garish because it's all just randomly applied.
Just means they are well camouflaged for war. The crusade is not a beauty pageant.
How come they all wear the same kind of clothes? Where's the fashion diversity?
>Why are weapons and armor mass produced?? REEEEEEEE
Neon hair glows in the moonlight. I know where I'd aim, if I were a demonic grunt.
Just give him a hat, problem solved.
So they all shop at Golarion's magical version of Costco, wearing clothes produced by sweatshops? So much for multiculturalism.
So their hair is a problem. Racist.
No, Mendev, if you join Mendev's army you'll obviously have to adapt to their tactics and their gear, that goes without saying
You can bring your own gear to the crusade if you don't want standard issued stuff.
You're the problem, faggot.
So even the peasants get uniforms? The milk maid look or tunic and trousers is strategically important?
Yet no one did and they all were the exact same clothes. Strange.
I accept your concession.
>Yet no one did
Seelah brought her own gear for example.
The only thing you are accepting is your own faggotry.
Seelah stole her own gear, you mean.
She is a redhead now, so that probably happened.
The exception proves the rule.
what are the crime statistics for gingers?
I think almost all of the joinable characters brought their own gear.
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>I only got as far as the Prologue before deciding to make this mod
What are the chances Seelah's AI voice reverts to nigga after Kenabres? Dude hasn't even seen Sosiel yet, let alone the concentrated cringe of the azata path
I respect the intent but that is a staggering lack of info to work with. There's no way this isn't a buggy and/or inconsistent mess.
Yet the pictures above are showing a crowd of NPCs wearing the exact same clothes when they are supposed to be from all over Golarion.
But those are not the joinable ones I was talking about. Faggot.
They used to be responsible for 100% of all crime in Ireland. Thankfully, after getting culturally enriched they have become more civilized and are now responsible for less crime. Multiculturalism is good for your race, checkmate, chuds.
Where was I initially talking about only the joinable NPCs, anon? Your retarded ass couldn't follow the conversation even after I kept trying to lead you back to it. Bitch.
trying too hard, kiddo. a good joke shows restraint.
You said there was only one exception, and I pointed out you are a faggot bitch who is wrong.
Wow, a few characters out of dozens and dozens means they aren't exceptions? Please, stop. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment for you. You just aren't good at this.
Thanks for admitting you keep moving the goalpost retard.
I responded to this >>3491749 with this >>3491780.
You moved the goalposts into companions when I was obviously talking about NPCs. Even your baby-tier gaslighting is bad.
Nope, you were bein retarded and claimed people shop in the same place. Apparently you're too stupid to understand some of them are being issued their gear.
>Ummm, ackshully black samurais are historically accurate, chud
I'm just so tired of people like you and what you're peddling.
What history are you referencing, anon?

I think he's talking about Yasuke, the so-called black "samurai" (he was not) being used and abused as a character lately (I heard latest AC is indulging into this).
>claimed people shop in the same place
Claim? It's in the game
Mass produced clothing from gnome-owned sweatshops. Multiculturalism is apparently merely muddy skin tones and rainbow hair, good ol' McCulture for consumerist cattle.
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I know you're retarde, but have you ever wondered why everybody in your military wear the same uniform?
Your 2 digit IQ is showing itself, chudlard.
Anon, those are peasants...
This bit you have of pretending to be an idiot is getting stale. At least have some pride in your shitposting.
What so you call a peasant in the frontline? A soldier.
What's wrong with soldiers wearing their uniform, retard? Maybe you can save your dying race by answering this mystery.
why do we get /v/ fags here? go away man
noone is obsessed with niggers as you and /pol/
>that forum link
>filled with brown people saying congrats
my sides
A civilian is not a soldier. Those are not uniforms.
I think these are codexers, judging by the posted link.
What do you think a crusade is, retard?
It's just not any fun if you aren't going to try, bro.
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I can feel the white race being saved any time now, with this powerful intellect of yours, the possibilities are endless.
I don't believe in the "white race", anon. Lumping myself in with lesser castes because they happen to share my skin tone isn't my style. Tell me, do you always use gifs of women laughing as a stand in for your inability to affect anyone with your actual words?
>I don't believe in the "white race"
Sure thing loser, you just want to mod out everything that isn't white supremacist in your retarded hobbies. For no reason at all.
>unironically uses the term caste
my sides
No, I was mocking that mod for using AI and would never bother to use it, I just think the crowd actually does look better, objectively speaking, with the mod, and that the excuse of multiculturalism due to the crusade falls apart when they didn't bother to model varying cultural apparel. Did you make it and you are baiting for a reaction? Sorry, it seems very mid.
>uses the term unironically
Shudra detected :)
>varying cultural apparel
Why does a crusade need varying cultural apparel?
Why wouldn't people from all over dress in their native clothing when off-duty? Is everyone an off duty soldier? Are there no civilians and townsfolk looking to support the crusade logistically? You seem very very dim.
>your retarded hobbies
wait, why are you here if you don't like video games?
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They put on their standard issued armor because they are in the frontline of a crusade. Not off duty.
Again, your amazing intellect keeps reaering its ugly head. The future is so bright for this aryan race you're fighting for.
Who says I don't like video games, retard?
was that an attempt at a no u? i can't with you election tourists
>a dress is armour
>was that an attempt at a no u?
>i can't
I can tell.
you did. when you say "your retarded hobbies" that means you think this hobby is retarded. english is hard, i know.
Lots of posts in the last 12 hours, did they reveal the next archetype batch...Oh.
>that means you think this hobby is retarded
You can like a hobby, and still acknowledge that it is a retarded thing.
For example lots of retarded white supremacists are wasting away their lives when they should be on the frontline to save their aryan race.
I was referring to the men when I tried to explain why their armor look the same.
But I guess you just weren't clever enough to comprehend that much.
>You can like a hobby, and still acknowledge that it is a retarded thing.
What? I like video games, I'm happy to play them. Do you also hate yourself or something?
>I was referring to the men when I tried to explain why their armor look the same.
Wait, you still haven't realized I wasn't talking about armour? Do you not know what "clothing" is?
Yeah I noticed you're hiding your argument behind those women. But you still failed to notice each of their clothes have small variations to them.

>What? I like video games,
But you're failing to admit you're wasting your life away while your aryan race needs you at the frontline. Maybe it's just a nuance that requires more IQ than the unfortunate amount you have?
>Yeah I noticed you're hiding your argument behind those women.
lol, I got to you with that earlier. See how cutting it is when you use your brain to mock someone and not just use canned memes or insults?
>each of their clothes have small variations to them.
>your aryan race needs you at the frontline
Sorry, man, this is gibberish to me. Do you mean Twitter or something? Is this all based on some ongoing /pol/shit meme?

This is too stupid, lol.
It's okay, I know you're seething because that fake laugh.
You're one of those losers who have lost everything, and now you're seething everytime you see brown people on your computer monitor.
Anon, a kid like you shouldn't be posting here. It's obviously bad for your mental health.
This has been nothing but loss after loss for you. /pol/ isn't sending their best.
Literally every brownoid in the world wants to be white, it checks out.
Take your time and wait october, at least. Those lazy fucks will never work in the summer.
This once i saw a guy wielding two halbeards, don't remember honestly where i saw it, but it was cool as fuck.
Can i do claw + single handed weapon now?
Midnight isles was released on Summer.
Yeah but it was a low effort roguelite with random asset swapped around, not that much of a work.
What are their next 2 games? Cuckold country club and cosmopolitan clowns?
Beneath stolen lands was low effort. This was more mid. Honestly, Masks greater effort seems to be more about the voice acting than anything
They don't want to tell us. They only thing they have said is 4 projects ongoing.
Without even defining what is a project.
They had to patch the base game too during these months
which of the DLC are worth it?
Pathfinder is much simpler than it seems on the surface. Knight-types want strength to smack shit. Rogues and archers want dexterity for knives and bows. Spellcasters want whatever brain stat their class uses, plus possibly some dexterity if their spells require a ranged attack roll. Everyone benefits from constitution since that translates to having more health and having better chances to shrug off diseases.
Once that's decided, do everything you can to keep your AC as high as possible, especially if you're a frontline fighter. Certain classes can cast spells while wearing heavy armor and/or using shields, certain classes get to add weird bonuses to their AC if they're *not* wearing armor.

Just keep those basic rules in mind and you won't be able to fuck up too badly.
You either go all in on AC or you ignore it.No point in wasting feats to increase your AC if it won’t be enough to tank anyway.
You wouldn't want to waste feats, no, but there's no reason not to have a shield spell or any armor your class can wear without spell failure, especially in the early game when the stats are less ridiculous and you don't have mythic bullshit and high level spells
Lord of nothing was decent, through the ashes was bad.
>Worth it
Sarkorian DLC. Ulbrig is a companion with his own quest and brings a new class with him (plus his unique archetype. Simple, fitting and has funny interjections, honestly.
>Good value
Midnight Isles (standalone). If you enjoy trying archetypes and team compositions, you will enjoy playing runs here. Some of the confitions/traps are also interesting to deal with for a roguelike adventure. The main campaign implementation kinda sucks and fucks over progression to your favor a bit too much.
Lord of nothing is a decent mid level campaign. Nothing amazing (not as good as Varnhold DLC), but good. The boss you get in the main campaign is fun.
Through the ashes. Mot just low level, but survival adventure where fighting is very disantvantageous. I enjoy the concept and tryong to keep everyoen alive is a decent challenge, but clunky isometric ,movement Owlcat style make it hard.. Adds nothing to the main campain as well and aside for two instances, not really needed to play it's sequel in Lord of Nothing
>Essentially Trash
Inevitable Excess. 'Post' endgame campaign , max rank and level. You get like 90% of your encounters being the same two groups of enemies with immunities Galu Style amd Owlcat puzzle design that is IMO worse than the Enigma (some of the tileset and number crunching there was enjoyed by a few). You do not get to enjoy the story that has barely time to do something interesting with it's concept. At least the two final boss fighst are kinda cool and it has another Darkness superboss. But not worth it, IMO. Barely worth a pirate.
Lorewise what Mythic Paths make the most and least sense for an Athiest character?
How do you not know?
From the main paths, I guess Trickster, which is funny cause you interact with the most demigods, but you are never in any way beholden to a specific deity or outsider.
Or play whatever and go Legend.
Yeah the idea of Through the Ashes is far more appealing than the reality
Depends on how atheist your character is. Atheists in the real world sense don't really exist in Golarion, since souls and ontological good/evil are tangible substances in this world.
Does your character just not see the gods as divine, instead acknowledging that they're ultra-powerful magical entities but wtf even is a "god"? Then you could theoretically justify every mythic path- you're not betraying yourself by playing an Angel, you're simply taking a knightly oath. Doesn't matter that your liege-lord is a living sun on a golden throne on an infinite mountain in the proven afterlife for good boys, you're still just doing a job for your master.

Or perhaps you want gods to fuck off and just let the mortal world deal with its own problems? Legend obviously best, could also justify trickster pretty easily as >>3493999 pointed out.

Or maybe you're the pathfinder version of a deep state conspiracy schizo? Maybe you realize that Pharasma is stamping out cool magic because the entire mortal world just exists to be a sorting hat for the gods' eternal war machine. Good? Evil? It doesn't matter, a dead angel faces the same oblivion as a dead demon. Why not be a Lich, so your very existence pisses that bitch off? She'll get you in the end, someday, somehow, but at least you can make that cunt work for it.
>She'll get you in the end, someday, somehow
Groetus awaits.
Lich, Demon, Trickster, Aeon
Really anything except shit like Angel, Azata and Devil
They could have at least tried to match the art style for those AI slop portraits.
Is Anevia even explicitly said to be a tranny in WotR? I played through the whole game and I don’t think it was really hinted at. I know in the TT source material yes, but in game I think all that’s said is that he was “sick” and Iribeth sold her sword for his (((medical treatment))) but that’s fairly ambiguous unless you know the source material

I found Seelah far more objectionable based solely on in-game material
Yes but you have to ask him repeatedly.He never tells you otherwise.
Yes but also no. Anevia took a potion to turn from a man into a woman, but he doesn't go out of his way to tell you and everyone he meets about this. You have to have multiple conversations for this to come up.
Yeah, I never even knew until I saw it here. Then I find out Amber Scott created the character and I laughed, if she was in charge of the game's writing it would've been thrown in your face.
toot toot

New archetypes part 2 is up.
>Ranger with hippogryph pet
>Bladebound Magus
>swarm twin dagger warpriest
>kineticist Eldritch Acrher
>Arcanist who combiens/fuses spells
No way this shit works properly, ever.
time for even more death from above spam
is there a mod to remove level cap without doing the living legend shit, i just wanna have reason to finish side quests after hitting cap before chapter 6 starts
I am not aware of one. Pathfinder levels stop at 20, so it’s not like another game where the levels exist and you’re merely capped from reaching them. It’s why Legend effectively lets you take a second class instead of progressing in your first
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did you even try to search for yourself before asking here?
>Pathfinder levels stop at 20
This is mostly incorrect, even in the core rulebook of 1e, there are formulas for leveling past 20 in PF. The main issue is, unlike 3.5e, Pathfinder does not support leveling past 20 in a main class. So you'd be forced to multiclass at level 21

>did you even try to search for yourself before asking here?
No, I didn't. Also, considering they're made back in 2021, I have no idea if they even work. I've never even tried modding WotR/KM before so I have no idea what I'm doing lol
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>he played without bag of tricks and toybox
I did an Aeon and Angel playthrough when this game came out. Did they ever add more content to paths like Devil?
I dont even know what you're trying to say, but that is correct. What does toybox do?
>>he played without bag of tricks and toybox
Playing a Devil sounds about as gay as playing a Gold Dragon or an insect Swarm. Completely faggotry.
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I heard doing a playthrough that starts out as Demon, but then gets redeemed into a Legend is actually super cool and fun

can anyone confirm?
I just have this image I saw posted once
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I'm confused on what this has to do with the post you replied to
Nothing. How is that confusing?
They're mods. Bag of tricks is for KM and toybox is for WOTR. They do the same thing. Allow you to customise literally everything about the game, including changing companions' classes, spawning items (very useful when dealing with bugged items), fudging rolls, adding features and spells even against the rules, and most importantly they allow you to edit the in game quest flags in order to trigger events or get past certain quests (extremely useful when dealing with the buggy shit of late game WOTR, fuck Greybor's quest and the Lord of Nothing dlc's main story dungeon). If you managed to get through the games without them then good for you, I'd still recommend them for future playthroughs just for the quality of life options.
I enjoyed kingmaker and wotr and imo toy box and bag of tricks are virtually required. Haven’t played RT yet because i know how buggy Owlcat games are.
>Haven’t played RT yet because i know how buggy Owlcat games are.
Lol same. I intend to restart WOTR sometime after the last dlc and a couple of patches have been released. Then whenever I'm done with that which will probably be next year I will maybe touch RT.

>Haven’t played RT yet because i know how buggy Owlcat games are.

That, and the two announced DLCs both include new companions, classes, section of the ship, and mechanics. It's literally an unfinished game at this point.

You can have only one first playthrough, so why waste it on an incomplete one?
motherfucker how are you supposed to get funding to develop a game from fans who buy the game when you have no game for fans to buy????
I think I am missing some context here
Devil Bros
Anon you won. >>3496471
I have done 4 playthroughs and the only time I needed it was on Azata to fix some events.
I like to think the anon who has posted IN ALL CAPS ABOUT DEVIL MYTHIC the last 2 and a half years was the main driving force to get this done.
>corrupt the queen as a canonically misogynistic devil
oh boy...
Welp looks like I'm not going though with my true Aeon playthrough after all
Devilbros... WE WON!
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Gold Dragon sisters...when's our turn...when can we redeem...
Would be nice if they could actually add some more devils to summon.I think the only non unique devil models in Wrath are legacy content from Kingmaker like the Erinyes.
They better give this bitch a better portrait. I'm tired of having to mod in Bimbofrey.
>He does note like LoveHandles Galfrey
Necessary on the Steam comments said GD didn't make the cut in time or budget for this DLC update but maybe they'll do it later.
This is totally different from the time Starrok said GD didn't make the cut in time or budget for the release of the EE, but maybe they'll do it later.
Oh shit. That one dude's gonna feel empty now, he lost half his potential posts with one announcement.
never hopefully
this mythic could have been a choice between chromatic or metallic based on alignment, but NOOOOOOOO we have to be fucking gold. ffs what if I wanted silver instead you HOMOS its still a fucking goody two shoes dragon but you FUCKS KEKED ME out of even that angry lizard experience
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Chill, man
It's not even goody two shoes, that wouldn't be so bad, it's Complete Christ Cuck.
isn't there a kingdom in the PF world that is ruled by a golden dragon and everyone there is part of a eugenics program
That was the setting of one of the first 2E APs, yes.
I wish we had more information on faggot Alucard magus archetype seems like it would be fun
>Bag of tricks is for KM
Does anyone have the bag of tricks for the definitive edition? I've used the one in Nexus and the one in Github, but they don't work in the game.
PF2E sucks dick Mahirotranny.
What is this? I'm playing an Dhampir Bloodrager with Undead bloodline that's basically just Alucard myself, but I'm curious.
They are making an archetype based on Vampire Hunter Deez nuts lol gottem!
There's a Slayer archetype based off Vampire Hunter D, and a magus archetype based off Alucard (particularly the sword familiar)
Damn that's pretty cool.
has anyone played the Gracious friendships mod for wotr? I downloaded it but since owlcat will release their new dlc soon I'm considering unistalling the mod because it might break the game due to the oncoming new dlc patch.
Are you sure you aren't fucking something up? The one from Nexus works perfectly for me.
If it's not completely botched you'd think it would be like a Magus that can also dual wield for free and still do spell combat shit, which sounds pretty good by most metrics
The one I'm using v2.1.0h, the fitgirl repack.
I got v2.1.7bFix from GOG. Make sure you followed the instructions from the nexus page and if it persists then maybe try my version.
Vampire Slayer gets extra stuff by expending blood which he gets from biting people.
Alucard Magus gets to have a unique weapon that will level up alongside with him and then by lvl whatever it becomes a sentient weapon that fights like a pet allowing you to use another one
Bad choice for games that update a lot
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>Wanting old grannies
>not aiming higher
>not aiming for one of the deity thots
Devil bros... where did you go wrong in life...
We want the younger Chelaxian one from further south.
Devil bros are loli bros.
just look it up on pathfinder srd
odds are they won't change it up too much
I think these archtypes are created by owlcat they arent from the original game
only some of them
here: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus/archetypes/paizo-magus-archetypes/bladebound
So content that should have been in game is now released behind a dlc? Cool.
I'll never buy anything from this people. Ever.
Just 2 more years and Phoenix and Super Golem mythic paths will be finally included
She already takes Pit Fiend dick.
new archetypes all sound lame
and what about the other paths that are fucking lacking compared to obvious favourites?
oh well
I quit the game because of how lacking demon was and then dragon being fucking shit.
Not to mention that first step where its a bunch of fetch quests. and they're all obviously dragons pretending but theres no way to call them on it. And if you say no they just leave and you get no mythic powers at all. holy shit. aaaa
> fucking lacking compared to obvious favourites?
> how lacking demon was
If demon is lacking, the only one not lacking is Angel.
There is a probability that this is one of the "projects" owcat mentioned.
There are apparently 4 projects in total.

If one of them is a DLC team that would make sense.
Then the other 3 projects are real games.
She is our loli! We can just steal her!
They are 450 developers now. There is definitely no lack of manpower anymore.

I think it's fair to expect a new and different Owlcat than in the past.
Yeah, we get 1 game per year that overshoots in content and has a million bugs.
And I will still play them and send reports. What am I doing?
>Yeah, we get 1 game per year
Not necessarily.
If I had 3 simultaneous games in development I would size them up to there is a smallest game released first.
A mid sized game that release 2 years after the first.
And a large sized game that release 4 years after the first.
They have 30 devs and 420 marketing people probably. Dev today is a very inflated term.
From their official statements, they have 500 employees in total.
450 of them are presumably production related.
The other 50 are marketing/community organisers, most likely.
>The other 50 are marketing/community organisers, most likely.
Probably playtesters as well.
And a janitor, and a toilet cleaner, 500 people is a mess.
They probably have a pizza delivery guy too.

So that's 47 people for marketing/community managing/playtesting.
450 devs is an army. They should send out full working dlc in the span of a month. They can't manage to do patches every 4 months full of bugs. Sorry but i can't believe it.
Someone's gotta keep the threads bumped.
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>Pathfinder Anons are so autistic, they theorise the build of their favourite developer studio
Quadrupling in size in less than a decade with 3 AA crpgs is weird. Even more so when he have no fucking idea what they are doing
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Even if you are 450, you can still be bogged down if you have 4 active projects.

The 450 figure is from here: https://owlcat.games/
Just ctrl+f 450

The 500 figure is from some interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veNB95dMuCs
pic related, summary of the interview
They went from 60 to 450. This is almost factor 8

>in size in less than a decade with 3 AA crpgs is weird.
It's kind of logical if you look at the sales numbers
Kingmaker is 1 million seller
WotR is a 1 million seller
Rogue Trader is on its way to 1 million.

So what you should do is to expand the business so you keep producing these 1 million sellers. Make multiple teams, each working on their own 1 million seller project. And space out their release schedule so there is 1-2 years between them.
team 2 could also be doing rogue trader dlc
>massively balloon in size
>start working on multiple games at the same time
man. every time this happens it ends badly. say your rips now boys.
>every time this happens
Which examples were you thinking of?
That would mean they are only working on 2 real games.
That's lame.
>So what you should do is to expand the business so you keep producing these 1 million sellers
awful idea. fatigue sets in even quicker in your audience. growth is death.
Lol damn
>awful idea. fatigue sets in even quicker in your audience
The FF7 audience held together all the way to FF7 rebirth before it collapsed.
>The FF7 audience
That's assuming the intersection of audiences for each game is near perfect.
If one is an isometric crpg and the other is more like the Precursors, it's less likely
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>So what you should do is to expand the business so you keep producing these 1 million sellers
You are supposed to produce higher sales with more employees. So I'd they increase their staff 8x, they need to exceed their initial profits, which they achieve not through more sales, which we can see by observing that rogue trader is not even a top seller on steam during warhammer sales has completely and utterly failed, but by leveraging predatory DLC against their retarded fanbase while putting little to no work into fixing the base games.
it's self-evident. describe the "ff7 audience" as a group of people and what types of games they play.
>BG3 blew up, therefore we can justify expanding our CRPG dev team by 8x even though we haven't held a candle to the success of the game we're using to justify expansion
RIP Owlcat
they'll be shutting their doors within 4 years
true, then you'd just get mediocrity held up by a core. expansion is the death of creativity, because the more people you seek, the less talent you find.
>describe the "ff7 audience" as a group of people and what types of games they play.
But they ARE a group of people, and they are absolutely fanatical about that style of FF video games.
What the hell are you even talking about?
>that style of FF video games
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But they are not trying to create something new.
They are just adapting already existing material.
Not him but he's mocking you for suggesting the FF7 audience is plural.
You're saying FF games aren't a genre/style of games. I think you're just pivoting because you lost the point a long time ago.
I don't even know what that means. But I don't think I suggested something like that.
no, that wasn't a question.
But I think that's what happened, you are an embarrassment.
>You are supposed to produce higher sales with more employees
If you have 4 teams of 120 developers, and they each make their own video game that end up selling 1 million, why wouldn't that be good enough?

>which we can see by observing that rogue trader is not even a top seller on steam during warhammer sales
Do you even know how much it has sold so far?
>you are an embarrassment
interesting reaction.
>If you have 4 teams of 120 developers, and they each make their own video game that end up selling 1 million, why wouldn't that be good enough
They aren't doing that.
>Do you even know how much it has sold so far
Not enough to motivate them to fix the game and certainly not enough to offset GW 40% royalties.
>predatory DLC
How is it any different than their previous dlc releases?
>Not enough to motivate them to fix the game
What's different about the patch cycle of this game compared to Kingmaker and Wrath?
It receives regular updates and it's one the same scale of broken/junk..
The disappointment is lack of improvement on releases/
>Do you even know how much it has sold so far?
Half a million a month after release
>They aren't doing that.
How do you know they aren't doing that?
>What's different about the patch cycle of this game compared to Kingmaker and Wrath
Nothing. That's the problem. Owlcat is a company of false promises. They make shit games that are so broken its anyone's guess what their original intentions are, then they spend half a decade not fixing anything and repackage it as a definitive edition which is a decidedly mediocre 3/10 game at best. When someone tells me they like owlcat, I know that person is a retard that can be ignored. There isn't a single aspect of their games which is good. And no the "builds" are not good, and if you played games other than owlshit you'd know how awful they are.
>How do you know they aren't doing that
I know they aren't because paizo dumped them. It's more likely they are gambling on a permanent collaboration with GW or will collapse as a studio.
So it's not specifically about 'big development team is bad' or 'they are being lazier now ' or 'trust me bro, royalties are 100 times more, they are in the red'. It's hating Owlcat in general thus hating current state too.
>paizo dumped them
That doesn't sound like something Paizo would do. Either way, I definitely don't think you have any evidence of that, or any chance of providing evidence for that.
>I know they aren't because paizo dumped them
Or unwillingness to work with 2nd edition ruleset from scratch.
Pretending to be insightful with tales out of your ass really does not help much discussion wise.
>Or unwillingness to work with 2nd edition ruleset from scratch.
Paizo doesn't really enforce any mandatory editions.
Gallowspire Survivors was neither 1e nor 2e.
Cause the gameplay did not rely on how the actual rules work i any meaningful way, perhaps?
Like, does it matter what ruelset DnD was on when Baldur's gate Dark ALliance released?
>Or unwillingness to work with 2nd edition ruleset from scratch
They aren't skilled enough to make a PF2e game because its a system designed for video games from the ground up and turn based is mandatory, so lazily implemented half measure like they did with PF1e are not acceptable.
Are you saying Paizo doesn't care about what rules you use for your Pathfinder video game?
If so, you would be correct.

Paizo doesn't care about what you do with their IP, so it's funny how video game nerds always protray them like they are nazies.
>and turn based is mandatory
Not any more than 1e. I think you are trying too hard to rationalise why a sequel to WotR doesn't exist yet.

The most simple explanation is: Because Owlcat wanted to work on something else.
Have you ever considered this option?
It's super simple, and it doesn't rely on Paizo being supreme edition nazi overlords who will rape your wife if you don't use the rulesets they like.
>Not any more than 1e
There is literally no point in using PF2e without the three action system. There isn't retarded buff/gear stacking. Owlcat cannot make this game because they cannot design satisfying combat encounters or even implement basic game systems that go beyond "numbers go up". PF2e simply isn't the style of goyslop they churn out.
>without the three action system.
It just means you are limited to 3 actions over 6 seconds.
1 round = 6 seconds
You're retarded if you think 2e introduce something mindboggling that makes it impossible to abstract into real time.
>Are you saying Paizo doesn't care about what rules you use for your Pathfinder video game?
No, I am saying that when you do a CRPG like owlcat did with it's first 2 entries, the ruleset matters.
When you make an action or a card game,it does not.
Do you have to try to be a disingenuous retard or does it happen naturally?
>It just means you are limited to 3 actions over 6 seconds.
You never played pf2e, that's not how it works.
I bet you could get sued for discriminating against genres like that.
The simpler explanation is the one that says Paizo doesn't care.
>I bet you could get sued for discriminating against genres like that.
This is probably the second most retarded thing I have read today.
I have seen retards play it, and you're even more retarded than they were.
Go play dawnsbury days. That's a fairly accurate digital representation of its systems.
You're denying a license to me because I'm making a different genre of games than Bkom. get ready for your lawsuit, retard.
Adaptations don't have to be accurate, they just have to be good and create lots of fans and sales.
>Adaptations don't have to be accurate
When the ruleset is actually good and the selling point, yeah they do.
If you think your ruleset is a selling point in itself, perhaps you need to get off your high horse.
His argument is that PF2e cannot be implemented in Owlcat's style. Your response was "well I don't know because I'm arguing from a place of ignorance" to which he responded by giving you something which can teach you the ruleset so you can understand what he is talking about. What are you not getting here?
>PF2e cannot be implemented in Owlcat's style.
I already explained to you how you can implement 3 actions within 6 seconds. If you can't comprehend that then it's your problem.
>I already explained to you how you can implement 3 actions within 6 seconds
That's not how PF2e works. Just like how 5e would not work in real time, neither would PF2e. If you don't understand then don't reply, you don't get to have an opinion if you are completely ignorant. It takes like 30 minutes to learn PF2e, that's how lazy you are.
>That's not how PF2e works
That is how it works. You get 3 actions in 1 round.
Now you just define 1 round as 6 seconds. There is nothing special about this turd you're trying to polish.
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>That is how it works. You get 3 actions in 1 round.
Action economy is not just "3 actions". Actions have diminishing returns which makes controlling a character very engaging on the part of the player. Additionally different actions have different costs, and some must be maintained. There are basic things you can't do, like chugging a potion, unless you stash your weapon, take it out of your pack, equip it in your hand, and the chug it, which takes multiple actions and these manual steps have several meaningful variations. It's not what you think it is.
The next game they make better look good. The in game graphics are so shit.
Why are you doubling down on such a retarded argument? How does autoattack work in a PF2e RtwP game? Each swing has such a significantly reduced chance to hit that making 2 swings per turn is a big gamble and 3 swings is a complete waste.
Nta but what the fuck did they do in 2E? Can you no longer do like 10 attacks a round?
Go play dawnsbury days. Just try it. The system is fun and easy to learn. Please don't sit here and be offended by things you don't understand.
NTA or anyone who's replied to you

that sounds cool as hell and seems like it would lend itself to a more fun and grounded tabletop RPG, maybe with some survival elements
>stowing a drawing are actions
love it
short actions like that shouldn't just be a given

someone else said that martial classes are stronger in PF2E
is that because each swing of a weapon is considered a short action?
what makes casters weaker? do some spells take multiple actions?
>Each swing has such a significantly reduced chance to hit that making 2 swings per turn is a big gamble and 3 swings is a complete waste.
You're acting as is 1e wiwn't have progressively worse and worse base attack in a full attack action. Why are you like this?
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>Actions have diminishing returns
You know the computer can easily simulate that, right?
It's just a subtraction to your base attack.

>Additionally different actions have different costs,
You know the computer can easily make an action spend 4 seconds or 6 seconds instead of 2 seconds, right?

>There are basic things you can't do, like chugging a potion, unless you stash your weapon
So, 2 seconds where your weapons can't be used, 2 seconds where you gulp the potion, and 2 seconds where your weapons can't be used (to simulate your re-equip).
Wooooow that sure was difficult to figure out.

Like I said. your turd isn't as shiny as you think it is, no matter how much you try to polish it.
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You are all missing the fucking point.

Owlcat is sticking to 1e, not because 2e is "impossible" to implement or even to interpret,
but because 1e already has a good implementation on PC, and it's cheaper to keep recycling the 1e they implemented, you dumb Succubusfuckers.

And the sequel to WotR and Kingmaker doesn't exist yet, not because Paizo is some sort of boogeyman who enjoys human suffering and demands the world to adopt their new ruleset,
but because they simply haven't made one yet, you dumb spiderfuckers.

Also, a new pathfinder from Owlcat COULD be in the planning stage you dumb elffuckers. Just because they haven't announced something doesn't mean it's not being worked on.
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>because 1e already has a good implementation on PC
It doesn't though, are you retarded? 1e is not only a dead ruleset, but they implemented it in the most unflattering way possible. The sole reason is laziness and penny pinching, when they supposedly have 450 staff members.

I wouldn't even want owlcat to make a pf2e, because they'd fuck it up. A real dev should do that.
>You know the computer can easily simulate that, right?
Simulate what? You are supposed to swing once and then take other actions, which needs to be done manually. You have very good options outside of swinging your weapon. This also causes other issues like how movement is handled. How much of the ruleset would have to be purged and what would be left? The only way to make this work would be to have an extremely autistic gambit/AI system like Deadfire, but 10x more complicated, and you'd still have to leave crucial mechanics on the cutting room floor. You have no idea what you're talking about and you keep going.
>A real dev
>they implemented it in the most unflattering way possible.
That's just your stupid opinion, you dumb grannyfucker.
Most people like those games just fine.

>The sole reason is laziness
Real time implementation was a homage to the BG series, you dumb halfelffucker.

>when they supposedly have 450 staff members.
You're supposed to use your resources wisely, and not waste perfectly usable things you have already implemented. Reusing 1e means they develop faster, save more money, and the customer wait less. You dumbfuck.
>You are supposed to swing once and then take other actions, which needs to be done manually.
You can just set the auto attack to be limited to 2 per round, and the movement will be slowed to simulate you only used 1 action for movement.
You can set the auto attack to be limited to 1 per round, and movement will be slightly faster to simulate you used 2 actions on movement.
You can even set auto attack to 0 per round and get maximum movement speed.
Wow that sure was difficult to think up. Fucktard.
>what makes casters weaker? do some spells take multiple actions?
Yes. Spells take multiple actions based on their power. Additionally some spells must be sustained or empowered at the cost of action points, like directing a summon or increasing the radius of an aura. Casters now focus on utility, like controlling the map, buffing, debuffing, etc. and you have to think about targeting your opponents weakest saves to thrive. (And various classes of casters may have blind spots in this regard) They're still very strong, just more nuanced. Just as PF1e is made to rob players from 4e, PF2e is made to rob players from 5e, and it is much more popular than 1e because of this.
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>Real time implementation was a homage to the BG series, you dumb halfelffucker.
Was having villages with only 2 intractable NPCs who's only dialogue was for a fetch quest a homage to BG as well? No I don't think so. Not an excuse, even IE games aren't that shit. I would say the orc raid intro in IWD2 is no less than 300x more complicated than every sequence in all owlcat games combined.
>when they supposedly have 450 staff members.
They did not have 450 members when they made kingmaker nor wrath.
It's an expansion following these successful releases.
Even for a shitposting gimmick, it just crumbles too quickly
>it is much more popular than 1e because of this.
This is completely irrelevant even if it was true.
1e has more advantages because it has more AP available.
>You can just set the auto attack to be limited to 2 per round, and the movement will be slowed to simulate you only used 1 action for movement.
Go play dawnsbury days retard. It is an interactive tutorial on the ruleset. This isn't worth discussing because there are mechanics you fundamentally don't understand. Until you go learn I am going to accept your concession as an irrational fanboy.
>Casters now focus on utility
Haven't they always?
>80 hidden posts
Is it cuckposter, farquad, avatar animetranny or froggy finally popping here?
>dawnsbury days
This looks really bad. Like, not graphically, but aesthetically. Those colors...
>This is completely irrelevant even if it was true
What do you mean "even if"? 2e is wildly more popular than 1e. It would be stupid to continue making 1e games. That's a terrible system made to counter an even worse system.
>Was having villages with only 2 intractable NPCs who's only dialogue was for a fetch quest a homage to BG as well?
I don't see any problem with this. Nashkel didn't have that many NPCs either.
This was never a problem.
2 actions to attack and 1 action for movement is valid in 2e, you dumbfuck.
No, prior casters are blasters and utility becomes increasingly irrelevant as you level, where they quickly eclipse martials in damage potential.
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>It would be stupid to continue making 1e games.
No it wouldn't. Keep making 1e games saves a ton of money.
It's more profitable and they can subsidise future projects with those profits.
Sounds like a really boring way to play a caster. I guess a lot of people have shit DMs.
>Nashkel didn't have that many NPCs either.
It has about 15 NPCs not including guards with day/night schedules and I am saying this as someone who thinks BG1 and 2 are terrible games. Owlcats take is simply far, far worse.
Has Paizo come out and said they'd be fine with more 1e games that might confuse people about their brand?
How would it confuse people? In what way?
But you wouldn't use 2 actions every turn to attack. For example, a warrior can optionally swing twice on one target for no attack penalty. Or he can move, attack, raise his shield in defense. Or if hes already on top of his target he can demoralize, knockdown, then attack.
Owlcat already made people think pf is some crunchy buff stacking shitshow far beyond what it really is. Why would they want that?
>But you wouldn't use 2 actions every turn to attack
Then click on the 1 attack per round button, brainlet.
People who play the cRPG and then try to switch to tabletop and find that 1e is no longer supported. They'd wonder why video games are being made for an outdated version.
No, that's only super retarded autists who think they need every buff in the game at all times. They are subhuman, not real people.
That doesn't work in a real time system unless you are only controlling one character. One six second round would require 30+ seconds of pausing to awkwardly issue commands in a turn based combat system that is designed to be quick and deadly.
>People who play the cRPG and then try to switch to tabletop and find that 1e is no longer supported
Cool. But Kingmaker and WotR aren't 1e anyway, just an interpretation/abstraction of 1e.
Maybe people need to stop being autistic retards?
>unless you are only controlling one character.
You mean just like the real game where you also only control 1 character? How terrible.
I guess this is a good point, if Paizo doesn't care that Owlcat bloated the fuck out of their modules in search of nebulous difficulty in lieu of interesting AI, then they probably are fine with whatever.
>real Pathfinder has never been tried
>Maybe people need to stop being autistic retards?
I wish. Regardless, it's about what Paizo thinks, since the people running these companies are retards themselves.
There is no reason you can't play 2 characters at once in a tabletop session. Additionally, turn-based is obviously far better for co-op, which is important now.
Yeah dude, the game in pen and paper is going to be completely different, get used to it before you injure yourself in the real world.
>it's about what Paizo thinks,
They had nothing but praise when Kingmaker and WotR was released.
Maybe you shouldn't speculate on things you don't know anything about.
It's funny how over the years we've gone from retards arguing wotr is some infallible implementation of tabletop to it doesn't really matter.
>which is important now.
It's not. co-op is a cancer, and every encounter in your autistic turn based co-op lasts a whole hour.
Paizo developers themselves say WotR is awesome sauce. What are you going to do about that?
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>co-op in systems specifically for co-op is bad somehow
>turn-based is obviously far better for co-op, which is important now.
This is something I've noticed, that all these devs talking about voiced content with regards to matching BG3, when it's obvious that co-op a big draw to get people into RPGs and worked well for the DOS games and BG3.
Yeah, wasting your life away while you wait for the other 5 autists to make their move is a pretty bad way to live.
They have to say that, Eyler.
>arguing wotr is some infallible implementation of tabletop
When did this happen ever? Ever since kingmaker, things that were changed or omitted were obvious. What world are you living in?
I'm talking about the future, not games already released. Why are you so irritated? I can't understand how this is an emotional subject to you.
>They have to say that
Nope. they could also criticise the game just fine.
I have seen their head guy livestream a game, and he was happy all the way through.
What is this retard screeching 'Euler' about?
Is this about having to do 'math' in pathfinder?
>wasting your life away
Anon, not everyone has ADHD or doesn't understand leisure time.
Pretty much constantly whenever someone argued that the turn based mode is totally different from rtwp and just like tabletop somehow, even though it was just a poorly implemented broken easy mode.
>I'm talking about the future
the first 2 games where launched when 2e was already around.
Nobody at Paizo gave a fuck about that. Maybe because Paizo isn't as autistic as you are.
Why would they criticize something fairly popular that is representing their brand. I've never seen a company do that.
Eyler is owlcats hired shill that makes threads about the game on various internet forums. Also an actual real life tranny as a bonus.
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Waiting for someone else spending 10 minutes thinking about whether he should move or pick something from his bag, or make an attack gets old really fast.
It's not as fun as you make it sound like.
Turn based allowing a better and closer to the tabletop control of the battle does not mean '100% port, no difference'.
Are you austic?
If paizo hired a competent dev to make a pf2e game I would buy 10 copies of it and gift it to my friends. It can even be an indie dev, just get rid of owlcat.
And so they had no objections, and nothing but praise.
And if your mom had an abortion , the world would be marginally better, but random whinging at this point does not do much
yuroplop moment
Amerimut envy
>Kickstarter 2017, released 2018
>2e announced in 2018, released 2019
Hmm. But, yes, that's valid for Wrath. I'm happy you were able to make a point between your emotional outburst though. Guess Paizo isn't concerned with that. Cool.
Yes. PR is neat.
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>Guess Paizo isn't concerned with that. Cool.
Who would have thought Paizo simply enjoys some other developer paying them licensing money and making cool games that sell their brand to millions of people.
Who would have thought.
It sure was difficult to come to this conclusion.
It must be hard to play with strangers, sure.
Well, it's just not usual in my experience. It isn't like they kept making 3rd edition games when 4e came out, or 4e D&D games when 5e came out. You really should calm down, getting this upset over a video game discussion isn't good for you.
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It's not PR, the guy legitimately enjoying walking in the dumpster fire of Kenabres with his chicken familar, and it made funny noises and was endearing.

He didn't spend his time worrying about your retarded action economy.
He didn't send his time worrying about being autistic about pulling things out of your bag using up action points.
>/vrpg/ being out of touch with reality again
Imagine my shock.
>It's not PR
lol, talk about being out of touch.
>It isn't like they kept making 3rd edition games when 4e came out, or 4e D&D games when 5e came out
That's Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro.
They are a different company with a different personality. You were a retard for thinking WotC and Paizo are the same thing.
The trannymay avatarfag
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Yeah, you're pretty much a dumbfuck autist who is unable to read human emotions.
You cannot comprehend when another person is having legitimate joy.
I don't think they are the same thing. That's why I asked instead of assumed. Do you have problems with written English? Calling others retarded is slapping yourself at this point, anon.
I mean, I don't watch video game streams, anon. I'm not a cuck.
>instead of assumed.
I'm pretty sure you entered to thread with assumptions.
You assumed Paizo would be edition nazies like WotC. That's what all /vrpg/ retards assume.
>I don't watch video game streams, anon.
You're watching other retards spend 10 minutes taking their turn in your co-op sessions. It's even worse and even more cucked.
No, I asked. If I assumed, I wouldn't have asked, I would have stated. Are you really this dense?
>Having fun with actual friends is worse than parasocial e-cuckoldry.
Now I just feel bad for you. No wonder you are so fucking bitter.
>No, I asked
Nah, you asked from the position of already premade assumptions.
And now you're trying to save face because you realised you were retarded for thinking Paizo is the same as WotC.
>waiting for your turn
>He pretends this is fun
>doesn't have friends
>watches streamers
Jesus lol
An assumption precludes asking for clarification, because an assumption means you think you are correct without proof. Asking for input or proof means you aren't firm in your preconceptions. English is hard, I know.
>save face
It wasn't any random streamer, it was the head of Paizo.
I wanted to see his reaction and feedback to the game because his point of view is different form retards like you.
>form retards
Damn, this Owlcattle faggot is hopping mad.
You placed burden of proof on the other party right here>>3497847
That already revealed your position in the debate.
Thanks for conceding, retard-kun.
Point conceded.
you guys are such whiny retarded fags
>you're stupid!
>no you're stupid!
It's okay you were lonely and seeking validation on your tastes from a perceived authority figure who is
'different' than the peers that remind you of your self-loathing.
Soooooo with that out of the way, it looks like we are getting a spiffy new Devil Mythic path for Pathfinder 1e WotR.

It's looking good Devil bros, we're going to dine on fine waifus.
Nah, I was just curious about how Paizo thought of the Pathfinder video games.
So I did my research, unlike you.
There isn't a good waifu in any cRPG ever made.
And I made you of you to enlighten myself. A true co-op experience. :)
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>I made you of you
Mah, you only made a fool out of yourself.

In the end all you will get is more 1e, and no 2e.
Oh, I'm fine with that, Kotoura-chan. I don't play tabletop. :)
On the bright side, we are getting more and moar classes by staying with 1e.
Instead of fewer and less classes by jumping to 2e.

Same thing with feats, we're getting more feats instead of fewer feats.
>new Devil Mythic path
Your optimism is admirable if nothing else. It will likely be around 10-15 minutes worth of content with a single quest.
>fine waifus
There are none in this game. Putting that aside Galfrey will be the only one with any reactivity since we are corrupting her and as much as fun as putting that uppity bitch in her place is it's not worth going through azata nor aeon just to switch. Banging Abrograil would be nice but that's gonna be saved for a Hell's vengeance campaign if we ever get that. Knowing Owlcat though, she will either be unromanceable or randomly start reminiscing about all those devils she fucked on your romantic date.
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>randomly start reminiscing about all those devils she fucked on your romantic date
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>Hell's vengeance campaign
1e campaign for the 1e ruleset.

I guess 1e is simply superior to 2e at the end of the day.
You sound like a lonely gay retard with bad taste in games.
>One anime avatarfag that hates Owlcat
>Another one that sucks them off
Can you both fuck off?
But WotR is a great game. The problem is inside your head.
No, I won, I'm the stronger anime-Anon.
>any picture of anime is avatarfagging
Retarded janny.
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You don't expand to 450 developers without increasing your pace of game releases.
Rejoice Pathfinder 1e Anons.
We are winning, the 2e Anons are crying.
Paizo's new studio is in Amernia.

They have one is Russia, one is Cyprus, and one in Armenia.
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>* new studio is in Amernia.
If I was Owlcat I would have expanded my new studio to China.

They have a special edition of Unity game engine which will never, ever be taxed or held at ransom.
>without increasing your pace of game releases.
Where are they
They are unannounced, because Owlcat is sometimes retarded and makes questionable decisions.
>They are unannounced
You meant they don't exist
There is even a link to the interview.
4 active projects is a terrible idea. They should try making their own engine and then focus on a single game with all their resources. Maybe they might be able to release a finished product for once.
>4 active projects is a terrible idea.
Not if you have 450 developers.

>They should try making their own engine
Nah, they should try to get access to the Chinese Unity.
Putting all of your eggs into 1 basket is risky.
4 baskets is safer.
Unity is just a shit engine for CRPGs. They need something actually specialised so they can have good mechanics without potato tier visuals.
At least dedicate some of that manpower to a long term project rather than continuing to make buggy jank.
>At least dedicate some of that manpower to a long term project
Didn't you know? One of their projects has AAA budget.

And Pathfinder already is a longterm project.
Same with the foundation they made for Rogue Trader. Both are foundations for future games.
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Unity already existed, it was cheap to license.
They didn't have to sink years into creating their own.
As result they thrived and became a sucessful game developer with 500 employees.

Tell me Anon, how are things going at your game studio with your custom game engine? Are you winning yet?
>Tell me Anon, how are things going at your game studio with your custom game engine? Are you winning yet?
Yes actually
>One of their projects has AAA budget
I'm surprised they made that much but hopefully they spend the money well.
>And Pathfinder already is a longterm project
I thought they said they wanted to take a break from Pathfinder.
They can be successful in spite of Unity not because of it. If they want to continue to improve a better engine is the way to go. A dedicated engine purpose built for RPGs would probably help with all the broken releases and the game's being so obviously unfinished.
>Literally a Chinese money laundering operation
Nice larp.
>I thought they said they wanted to take a break
What does break mean to you?
A temporary thing?
A permanent thing?
Haven't they already had their break? Wtf are you smoking?
>would probably help with all the broken releases and the game's being so obviously unfinished.
I don't think so. Most of the bugs related to the feats and the classes have already been fixed.

Making a new game from scratch means introducing new bugs and delaying development time for several years.
There is a reason why losers on 4chan are at the bottom of society, they don't know how to manage a corporation.
It's coming up to 3 years since Wrath. I thought it would probably be around 5 years before we here of another Pathfinder game in the works.
>Most of the bugs related to the feats and the classes have already been fixed
The point I was making was that the bugs wouldn't be there or at the very least be drastically reduced in the first place if they had a good engine they hand crafted for their games instead of jury-rigging Unity.
>Making a new game from scratch means introducing new bugs and delaying development time for several years
This is the same logic that Bethesda uses to justify using the creation engine instead of making a new one.
>losers on 4chan
Pot meet kettle.
Huffing, anon, and it's called copium.
Are the standalone campaigns actually worth playing to try out different class archetypes?
>Making a new game from scratch means introducing new bugs
Owlcat seems to need no particular help with that.
You know it's the truth. They would just be spending more time to create new mystery bugs.

For some reason 4chan autists desperately want Owlcat to waste their time making each game from scratch.
>This is the same logic that Bethesda uses to justify using the creation engine
It's their custom engine. The one you claim Owlcat should make.
Maybe your suggestion was retarded all along?
Who would have thought.
Turns out it's not a magic solution to just waste hundreds of millions of dollars on reinventing the wheel.

>if they had a good engine they hand crafted for their games
What's your guarentee they wouldn't end up like Bethesda, retard?
midnight isles is but the rest are shit
5 years is too arbitrary a number.
It's more reasonable to say a break is the development cycled of 1 game. Or maybe 2 games.
>pathfinder was originally made for dnd refugees who didn't want to play 4th edition.
>entire premise is built around the fact that they will keep 3.5 rules and won't change because that's the entire reason their audience even exists.
>throw it all out and make their own !not5th edition anyway.
What the fuck is their problem?
They already drained the 3.5 cow of all the milk it's worth. Then DnD5e came swinging. Paizo bid their time and when people started getting tired of 5e Paizo released their own streamlined and more easily accessible version of the game. Haven't played PF2e yet but I intend to do.

>t. 5e baby
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because everyone slowly realized that D&D 3.5 / PF 1 was actually a flawed autistic mess
>alignment restrictions on classes
>obtuse illogical AC stacking rules
>BAB growth and the gaining of extra attacks was ultimately inferior to just having a proper action economy
PF fans WANTED an updated ruleset
>PF fans WANTED an updated ruleset
Not me. I just want new campaigns with new adventures.
And 1e is the solution for that.
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It's literally over for Unity haters.
We are going to get even more Owlkek Unity games.
>People hate unity as a game engine and not just the company trying shady shit or being used to make money laundering asset flips
Fucking what? Sincere question, fucking what? There's plenty of good stuff made in Unity, what the hell are the haters going on about?
Would shadowcaster work better with lich or demon?
>If paizo hired a competent dev to make a pf2e game I would buy 10 copies of it and gift it to my friends.
Why would ANYONE want to touch that pozzed tranny niggerfied trash to begin with?
>that sounds cool as hell and seems like it would lend itself to a more fun and grounded tabletop RPG, maybe with some survival elements
Good luck with that, PF2e is built around being at full health before every single fight, and that's not to mention it's one of THE most anti-homebrew friendly systems I've ever encountered. The Mahiro poster is too much of a brainlet to take this into account when he's shilling the latest Paizo slop though.
lich because of the merged spellbook
Bladebound seems cool. I wonder if there will be a dialogue associated with the Black Blade at all. Only problem is that it feels like a class you either bring to 20 or don't bother at all.
Thats not the entire story. Usually what happens is that the studio is still under the obligation of every game being a banger and a single flop massively diminishes the company if not killing it outright

e.g; if Divinity Original Sin sold like shit Larian would be dead
All those games Riot cancelled because none of them selling and those people they had to let go.
Titus going tits up with their disaster.
The people that made Bowsers Inside Story died with that game.

God just thinking really hard to the "studio fuckups" like how 38 made a good game and died anyways.
Volition dying from the combination of expanding too fast and releasing a catastrophically shitty game

But then there's the highprofile one like Free Radical dying due to Haze, the well known story of THQ and Acclaim

Honestly scaling multiple branches and working simultaneously isn't exactly a bad job. It just introduces more failure points, each one of which could potentially kill the studio.
A lot of people get all pissy when a wave of layoffs happen not realizing that it's a decision between your brand still existing and the entire studio dying.
If they do it right? Good.
> if there will be a dialogue associated with the Black Blade at all.
You already know the answer to that question.
The optimization is terrible.
People in Armenia and Russia are cheap to hire.

I suspect it only requires 1-2 of their million sellers to sustain the entire company still.

>e.g; if Divinity Original Sin sold like shit Larian would be dead
I don't think this is applicable to current Owlcat.
That's secondary to me.
I care more about timely releases nd I prefer the same game be made in 3 years, rather than 5 years if possible.
Plus, the game might not even be greenlit if the projected costs are too high with custom engine, so I care about that issue too.
I can't interpret the feat screen. Do you need a level of monk to get Crane style?
There is usually a base attack requirement you can use as alternative to the monk levels.
No you need the Dodge feat, Improved Unarmed Strike feat and 2 BAB
Go back to watching Kung-fu Panda, bitch.
Why are the WotR models so much uglier than the Kingmaker ones? Everyone has a fat head with mutt skin tone by default.
>I can't
Do you really not know what OR means?
Is there any way to make a Hellknight Signifier work? Doesn't need to be optimal, just functional for core and fun.
it's a shittier eldritch knight, take three levels of signifer if you really want heavy armor
The news post says it's not part of the dlc, but rather part of a patch that accomplanies the dlc
My brain went to Alucard from Hellsing, not Castlevania, so I was having a hard time figuring out how that works as a slayer in a game without guns.
Where is my tailor made Guts larping class
>focused on two-handed weapons
>focus on mobility in heavy armor
where is my Black Swordsman Barbarian/Fighter
Steelblood Bloodrager retard.
Which is superior for a DEX Sword Saint with Elven Curve Blade, 24 DEX and 16 INT or 22 DEX and 18 INT? Kingmaker btw.
Also doesn't really matter but with the latter array I won't have to dump a single stat for whatever that's worth.
what's the point of Armoured Hulk?
what's the point of Barbarian in general?
class fantasy
>what's the point of Barbarian in general?
Rage powers. Primalist is just that broken.
the bloodline powers are pretty good on some of the bloodlines so missing out on totems doesn't hurt too much
but yeah, Primalist is an absurd amount of freedom
Afaik, the latter has 1 more AC. And probably some other bonuses.
Limitless Rage or Mythic Heavy Armor (Avoidance)?
>always have rage powers / bloodline powers active
>potentially absurd amounts of extra AC
I'm going to assume that you're going legend and that the other rank will be mythic power attack, otherwise there's no reason not to have both
wait, but I thought you're restricted to just 1 mythic feat when you go Legend
>t. never actually played a Legend b4
well then yeah in that case I guess I'll just take both
You get the first two generic mythic hero ones
But you should still pick mythic power attack because it scales with your BAB and Legend can get one gorillion BAB
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mmmmmm alright
I think Ill go with Mythic Power Attack and the Mythic Heavy Armor one
>one gorillion BAB
>one gorillion strength because Legend
I'll just reserve my rages like the temporary power up that they are
>I'm sorry ancestors.... I'm going to have to go all out... just this once...

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