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What is you all's opinion of him going over old cameras?

It pisses me off that he finds these things so cheap and so easily, but every second hand store I go to doesn't have any at all.
he has a gf (genuine female one) so he wont be joining the "became my own gf" pipeline
he probably hits up every thrift shop in his area a few times a week. that's how you find the good stuff m8
based comfy lgr
This, love this dudes content. One of the comfiest YouTubers
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I prefer Cathode Ray Dude.
I love Clint, have been watching for years. I'll watch him review anything desu but the camera ones are especially nice.
Love this man, and love his camera vids, and you can hear he knows what he's talking about without using any babble to sound smarter, it's incredibly refreshing

Based comfy LGR
Apparently he has an extensive collection of firearms.
you have to live deep in a suburban shithole like he does
Go to small town thrift stores in the midwest and semi-rural areas. They still believe digishits are worth $5. Then start a youtube channel to drive up prices after you've accumulated at least 50 of them so you can sell them for $100 each.

Boom, now you have a nikon Z8 and an S lense
I bought one of the "top-end" mavica floppy disk camera after watching his video about the mavica. Thankfully i found in on thriftstore for around 30 bucks or so.

It's one of the reason why I'm into "older" digital camera rn though I'm specifically more into mid to late 2000s camera phones like SE K800 or Nokia N95. My first camera phone is an iphone 3g so it's interesting to use what is pretty much superior camera that came years before
I hate his new obsession with garbo quickstart PCs, buy more obsolete broadcast equipment!
he uses these cameras in the same way that everyone on this board would
Why is a fucking YouTuber thread up

Familiarity breeds contempt, he is starting to annoy yes.
I love when he reviews ancient racing games.
On this photography thread I do not support that post as it can lead to computer viruses.
Marxist and trans/BLM activist. So is Technology Connections.

>paranoid of viruses
Sounds like you need a booster.
better than most Gear/photography focused channels. And i'm talking BIG names, Analog and Digital

Most guys go OHHHH BUY THIS NEW SHIT< IT MAKE THE (last year model) SOOOOOO OUTDATED!!!!!!!!!

He goes: Here's this shitty camera from the 90s, it looks like a potato and it's a potato. but if you got the skills you can make even a potato do good photos, but most likely you won't because no one cares.

Another Goat
sounds very beta

i’d rather #bealpha

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