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/u/ - Yuri

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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4200275

Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

Related threads:

Yuri Gacha General: >>4116716
Hat World: >>4107813
Neptunia: >>3779723
Signalis: >>4180059
LIly LYric cyCLE: >>3649128
Baldur's Gate 3: >>4203885
Recent News:

Clear Skye Thinking released
1000xRESIST released
Witch and Lilies early access starts May 24th
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me want classic era Halo but with lesbians
me want cool tomboy lesbian kill aliens then cuddle with wife
me never get what i want
Nobody cares. This ain't your blog. Either actually request something or recommend something. This inbetween shit is just annoying.
Anyway, try Mass Effect bitch.
I did and I didn't like it. Too generic looking for my taste and the gameplay wasn't for me.
I like lesbians feminine and together instead of dudely looking. Well, a slightly more recent game set in space with lesbians is The Expanse: A Telltale Series. You make protoganist a Yuri and she is also tomboyish.
>likes Halo
>thinks ME looks generic
Of course the blogger would be this dumb. Tough luck then, there aren't many sci-fi shooters with romance. Or shooters with romance in general. So the yuri is even more scarce.

>make protagonist a Yuri
Not sure whether ESL or just a crossboarder. Either way that game's pretty rough and is a prequel to a TV show where said protag fucks men, because she is a polyamorous bislut.
Some people can just treat this game as standalone, but it's still worth pointing out.
Classic halo? What about classic doom...
>So many yuri games released so frequently the need for a dedicated Steam curator arose
>People still choose to lick the scraps from the mainstream het table and the first posts on the new thread are about said scrap slurping

Why even bother making yuri games then? No wonder so many creators still yuribait: you profit from both sides without alienating either.
Hey retard you failed last thread, maybe take it as a sign to give it up.
Enlighten us anon, which are all these neglected yuri games?
That troll doesn't care about yuri games. He's here to start shit, just like last thread where nobody was dumb enough to take the bait. Keep it that way.
All of these; but you would rather keep talking about Halo of all franchises
You know that most people don't consider VNs real games, right?
/v/ermins aren't people.
It doesn't work that way anon, we all know about the list, and we also all know most of it is garbage that is even worse than the scraps you've been denouncing.
What I'm asking is which of those games you think deserve more attention, and why; if you aren't even willing to talk about them yourself, you've got some gall criticizing everyone else for disregarding them.
The trolls are now falling for each other's bait. Just delete the entire threae and start over...
Any news on how much Witch & Lilies is supposed to cost?
>What I'm asking is which of those games you think deserve more attention, and why; if you aren't even willing to talk about them yourself, you've got some gall criticizing everyone else for disregarding them.
I bet he gonna mention either Mary Skelter 2 or Little Goody Two Shoes to keep going.
Don't think so. I'm gonna guess like 30 bux though.
>Mary Skelter 2 or Little Goody Two Shoes
Claiming those two have been disregarded here would be ridiculous, if anything they got way more attention than warranted.
>No MetaYuri
It wouldn't get any better. The threads have been cursed for over a year. Just accept that you're in hell.
The game was already kickstarted and outdid it's stretch goals, so I think they can go for 20 and still make a profit.
Where are all the Succubi, then?
That game was a disappointmnet. No lesbian action at all. Then again, it could have been worse. A murderbus is still better than the usual hetsluttery.
Yeah, so it turned out in hell that real succubi are hideous and only interested in extracting semen to give to the incubi so they can go around impregnating women.
Unfortunately it turns out all they all get off to is pointless arguments and condescension
Hell isn't meant to be pleasant after all.
Sounds familiar.
>Clear Skye Thinking
Refund. Ebi kinda started repeating herself with this "grumpy teenage girl came to boring countryside and hating it, but suddenly another girl"
All in all - meh.
Really I was out as soon as she said it was similar in tone to The Fairy's Song and All The Words She Wrote. I prefer ebihime when she gets at least a little dark/weird.
I'll buy Witch and Lillies, the other two sounds cringe as fuck.
Nobody cares.
Im honestly starting to think this plot is something personal for Ebi. Oh, and also super cool and okay with everything parents - that too.
For me the last worthy thing she made was Salome's Kiss, all the next ones are one big meh. (not to mention sudden fixation on bl crap)
>Oh no, how dare this creator to make a fluffy story for its fluffy story-loving audience? where's the cheating and the bisluttery?
My point was more that it was kind of obvious which flavor it was so I passed and waited until a different flavor came around. Like, I'm not going to buy her BL games and complain about them either, they're obviously not for me.
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I just find the art style used for the black girl very funny; it's pretty much blackface.
She's chocolatey.
That's not even close to what blackface means. I know your brain is probably incapable of figuring it out, so let me explain. The issue is the hair color.
Must be nice in your delusional schizo mind.
Yeah honestly it wouldn't be so bad if they just drew her hair with a coarser, curlier texture and maybe thicker lips so she actually looks like a black girl, and not like Sailor Moon doing a very ill-advised cosplay. It reminds me of really early AI art when it didn't know how to draw black people.
A lot of anime artists have no idea how to do black hair, they never practiced it.
>ugly lesbians
More like ugly women in general.
All of this is bullshit. There are plenty of black people in real life with thin lips and anime artstyles dont reflect how everyone has thicker lips either. Do you think whites and asians have lines for mouths too retard?
Same shit for the hair. Straight hair is not somehow impossible for black people you absolute dumbass.

Truth is you are upset that this anime black girl isn't drawn like the stereotype in your head. The only actual "issue" with this design is that nobody would dye their hair to be the same color as their skin tone. That's why it looks unnatural. The lines between hair and skin blur too much. It's a rookie mistake for designs, but it has nothing to do with "not drawing black girls correctly".
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For once you have an actual point.
At least they got black people's typically vibrant red eyes the right shade.
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Gingers aren't exactly known for having blue-tinted-glass-pebble-vase-filler-stock-image.jpg for eyes either.
>think some amateur VN art could do more to make a cute black girl have more obviously black features to make her look like a cute black girl
>get accused of wanting some grotesque /pol/tard caricature
Look autismo... Why arent you asking for the anime art style to draw Japanese girls more realistically? I dont see you begging for them to shrink the eyes or to turn all hair some shade of black instead of every color of the rainbow.

If you want the artstyle not to be anime then you are just missing the forest for the trees. And regardless you are just going for stereotypes. What's next? The ginger needs to be smothered in freckles to look more like a "real cute ginger girl"?
>spergs out at the slightest provocation
>calls anyone else autistic
>is autistic
>cant handle being called out
Like clockwork.
>It's another "2 autists argue about who the bigger autist is" episode
Hint: It doesn't matter, you're both sad
It does look like blackface because the artist uses a very unnatural color to represent the character's black skin, almost like she's some kind of chocolate being.
Out of curiosity what's the best-looking dark-skinned lady you can find in a yuri game?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with chocolate girls, except the diabetes after sex.
What's the name of this VN?
Clear Skye Thinking.
Also I kind of assumed she was Indian or Pakistani since it was in the UK.
Let's put this arguments logically:
>a subject has certain attributes in reality
>a work of fiction pretending to represent the subject does not contain all the attributes associated with the subject.
Your thinking process:
>stereotypes are bad
>Therefore, we shall argue that the attributes are not actually required for the artistic representation to be identified as the subject. Furthermore, if someone were to argue that the attributes are required for the subject to be sufficiently realistic, he or she is racist, which is the worst thing anyone can be, and therefore any and all other arguments by that person are immediately nullified.
The logical conclusion of such thinking is the adoption of Alegria-like art style, which is completely devoid of any stereotypical attributes.
This irks me too, how every dark skinned character is assumed to be black.
I had a friend who said Anthy from Utena was "African-American" to which I pointed out that she wears a bindi and isn't American.
Anthy's skin tone isn't some bizarre Chocolate color.
Or maybe she's an actual literal chocolate entity and not a black person.
Yup. The simplest answer is almost always the right one.
"My girlfriend is actually a chocolate golem", the new hit LN
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>No one gives a fuck about the girlfriend being an artificial being made of Chocolate and the scientific and philosophical implications of it; The drama and conflict comes from the two girls being on a homosexual relationship
It's like How To Break A Triangle, where Aya's 10 year skip was treated as a curio and promptly ignored.
>there’s literally a single minor background character who’s bothered by this
>later a spin-off starring this character and their increasingly delusional attempts to discover the truth
Fund it.
Will it have a heartbreaking out of nowhere grimdark ending where the non-chocolate girl just can't stop herself from being a little too literal about eating the chocolate golem out?
It was already more or less confirmed, but Epic Games is giving out Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY edition for free until May 23rd, which further reinforces the idea that Dread Wolf will be shown and possibly coming out this year

One does wonder if AC Shadow also being out this year will affect it in some way
Here is the real conclusion to your comment: You are too stupid for this conversation and made up your own conversation to compensate. It's fine to ask us if you understand literally nothing being discussed. I will treat you like the mentally challenged child you are and explain it to you.

Anime artstyle =/= not realistic
Therefore: Asking for realism only on one type of girl = dumb
Furthermore: Black girls are not stereotypes, so this wouldn't even apply to more "realistic" drawings

Conclusion: Traits demanded don't fucking matter.
How is there any relation between Dreadwolf and AssCreed?
did we get a consensus on stellar bade yet
theyre both big 3rd person open world action-RPGs with alot riding on the line for the studios, and may eat into each other's sales
there are millions of african girls with fair hair and thin lips
the game is definitely borderline racist but you're retarded if you generalize black girls as having slave features
It sure is Korean
I really hope they haven't leaned further into the asscreed style action rpg stuff. Way too late in development to have learned from BG3 that people do actually like proper rpg systems though.
hasnt that already been confirmed, that it's open world
I don't think so? The latest leaks I saw said they were making something more like God of War. But they've scrapped and restarted development a few times and at one point it was going to be an online live service game so who knows what it looks like now.
There is absolutely zero chance AC Shadow is a linear mission based experience.
I'm talking about Dreadwolf, anon.
Oh, I guess that's possible.
They could do the pseudo-open-world approach they did with Inquisition with the super large zones, I actually thought that was cool.
people went digging in the files and it turned out that there was a kiss between Eve and Tachy. Unfortunately it occurred on one of the Dokdo islands, with a Korean flag planted in the soil, so naturally it had to be removed before it could be shipped to Japan.
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>Halo isn't a yuri game
Let your shipping fantasy go beyond mere canon, sis.

It exists
It's certainly one of the games of all time.
new moon-only game
omori but gay
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I knew someone was going to post that stupid video as soon as Halo was mentioned.
damn, grandma knows what's up
Warning: this game is a shota fetish game and the developer is literally a /v/ermin
Don't let the women embracing each other deceive you.
You're telling me someone without a brain posts non-yuri art from a non-yuri game? In this thread? So shocking.
Haloid was based
Best thing that ever came out of Halo
Games are for playing
VNs are for reading
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It's not quite Halo but they're putting Aerial in Call of Duty along with the classic RX 78 and Char's Zaku, so you can have Suletta shooting Russians and zombies, which are kind of like aliens, before going home to her wife.
Okay this is so fucking pathetic that you actually make me feel pity for you now. You cant seriously recommend goddamn CoD in here with a straight face. No, no matter what shitty skin they add, this isn't yuri. Suletta being in the game solo is even more useless. Out of here you dumb dumb bastard.
So it's just going around with a machine gun? Bit anachronistic isn't it
Putting in actual laser bullet effects would be too much effort. Pls understand.
The world is a strange place.
Are any other /u/ relevant characters in the game? Or even other anime girls in general that Suletta can pal around with? I know it got a Hellsing collab earlier, but it didn't include Seras, and I don't know who was in the AoT collab.
This is off-topic.
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Fuck Jannies.
I haven't found anything new that is pure yuri these days. So I have been reading an otome vn. It has two yuri routes. The previous otomo I read only had one (and the story was less interesting even if I liked the setting more).
>I haven't found anything new that is pure yuri these days
Get some glasses.
>so I played an otome game
And better taste.
I knew you'd bite. Eat shit
Any good western yuri vns? I really liked Butterfly Soup
>I was just pretending to be stupid
There are cute girls and they are shippable with the main chara, so nothing special but better than most AAA games.
i though the game at best is just a collection of the devs fetishes and yuri might be one of em
you can grope the clown chick and hear honking noises
>Get some glasses.
Well, what's pure yuri that anybody who frequents this thread hasn't already played?
I get just a little bit envious when I see an indie VN on itch.io with hundreds of comments and fan translations into every language known to man, while mine has literally zero comments.
New yuri games/VNs come out every month. I doubt anon played the new ebihime game. And no, I don't care if anon wants to read it. The statement that there is no new pure yuri stuff is objectively wrong.

Roll of the dice. Some stuff goes viral, some doesn't. Sometimes its presentation, sometimes it's the subject matter. The quality of one's writing is not always the main factor to popularity.
post a link and I’ll play your game
Saar please buy the $20 gundam gun dlc, is very good price, if you pay you win saar.
>every month
Sounds like hyperbole. But even then, you also got something with a little more, you know, game in it?
This is a game thread, not a glorified book club
>one retard literally talks about reading otome VNs
>next retard: "We arent here to read books! How dare you talk about VNs!"
This is what I hate the most, idiots who come at me out of pure stupidity, but ignore the ones who actually are much worse. The other fucker not only reads VNs, but also fucking het VNs at that. And you complain to me that I mention a yuri VN instead of going after that one? This just proves that your entire perspective is worthless.

Like I give a shit what your preferences are.
>an indie VN on itch.io
"oh look, an all-yuri death game in development!"
"... it's furries drawn in MSPaint"

itch is a real crapshoot.
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This one's a weird artstyle but at least it's not furry
I’ll go play obscure touhou fangames instead, thanks
That would be contrary to the ethos of my anonymous gripe, wouldn't it?
VNs aren't games. Go make like the gachafags and get your own thread.
VNs are games regardless of how mad that makes you
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Are the teachers romanceable?
But there actually are laser effect tracers. There are on the Warhammer 40k weapons and other random ass blueprints. It would be trivial to put it on the Gundam weapons since they already exist.
The womanlet on the far right, Izzie, is a teacher, and she is one of the three ending routes. The other two aren't actually teachers specifically, being school board chairwoman and school nurse.
> hot tomboy chairwoman not romanceable
Found the problem with your game.

But anyway, you have to do some self-promotion, there is so much shit online that you can't expect people to randomly stumble upon your game if nobody knows it even exist. Go to yuri boards, reddits, twitters, discords, whatever and spread the word.
If you are committed to get visibility, take the 100$ Steam plunge and publish it there, Hella Yuri will give you a "Recommended" and all the members will see it.

The game looks cute, btw, right now I'm reading another vn, but when I finish I'll play it.
Steam rejected it. It doesn't matter that they're 18+ at the end of the story or that the sexual content is written comparatively tame – they're wearing school uniforms so that's a hard reject.
Look at Ebi Hime's catalogue
There is no hard ban on school uniforms in general, only if there's sexual content. The thing to do is to remove any trace of sex scenes and put those in an offsite patch.

Unfortunately if you've previously submitted the game sometimes they're grouchy about letting you come back because now they've marked your game as One Of Those.
It’s almost cute how you think there’s anything worse than you in these threads.
You effortlessly prove me right every time.
For once anon had a point
I heard that Fallout 2 had a gay marriage option, but this is certainly not how I expected it to happen. Randomly stroll into this dying village, I just do some normal quests and talk to the villagers and then there is this girl who is just ultra horny and keeps flirting with the Chosen One. I was trying to be polite and focus on getting information and avoided the flirting, but somehow that turned her on more and she straight up raped femC on the spot (which would be even funnier if she was in power armor).

Next day her father finds out and forces Chosen One to marry his daughter at shotgunpoint. Now Miria is permanently in the party. Guess this will be the first lesbian married couple to save the Wasteland.
Wasteland girls make do. Or something.
There's a mod you can download to not make your wife fucking worthless as a companion.
If Fallout 1 is anything to go by companions will be worthless towards the last third of the game anyway, so I was thinking of just making her wait in some impotant city while I go on missions. Same thing I did with Dogmeat in the first game because I couldnt bear to see the pupper get torn to shreds by supermutants.
I preferred to go at it with Mrs Bishop.
Haven't met her yet, but I assume that's just a one-time fling like with the prostitutes.
Well if it's all the same to you, there is this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout2/mods/70
It adds 9 companions and also has the fix Miria mod integrated. One of the new female companions is also "romancable" as far as FO2 allows that kind of mechanic anyway.
It requires the Restoration mod that everybody who plays FO2 in this day and age should have installed anyway, but that's all linked on the mod page. Modding these ancient games take some investment, but this definitely makes the game better for /u/ purposes.
Made by peeps in the phillipines I think, but Perfect Gold has full english voice acting.
>Starts playing

>MC finds out about the school via an /u/ analogue

Truly the fastest way to my heart

I'm sure I'll leave a nice review when I finish, Onee-san
one way to get noticed on itch is to participate in jams
this, also I always scan charity bundles for actual games and vns under the mountain of zines and one page ttrpgs
Well she probably kissed you so one of you's likely to end up pregnant, so a marriage is the only way to make honest women of you both. That way you won't be damned to hell when one of you gets melted by a supermutant.
I'll buy your game but I won't leave a comment. Sorry, I didn't think very far ahead when I made an account and I don't like drawing attention to that screenname. I'll give some feedback here though if that makes you feel better.
I forgot to go back and edit the post but yes I realize it was a free game, I went back specifically to check that and forgot to edit the post before posting it.
Any yuri in Reverse Collapse?
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not sure if this game has been discussed here but by I just found this thread by chance looking at the catalog and felt like shilling pic related. The page on dlsite has lots of monster rape but actually those are all either bad ends or defeat CGs, and this is actually a very heartwarming yuri game with funny characters and a nice story
If true, is there a translation patch?
Okay, so are you absolutely certain that there is NO forced monster rape or het rape content ANYWHERE in the game? It's really absolutely only if you lose battles? Not even as a result of doing side-quests or something?
Excuse me for not trusting dlsite RPGmaker porn games. Every single one tagged yuri in the end has a bunch of other fetishes or het content. Even the fact that this one has het monster rape as punishment for losing or getting a bad end (what are the condition?) is very bad. /u/ isn't actually desperate enough to resort to these kinds of games anymore.
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I don't mind spiritual yuri like demon roots but anyway this one has 0 forced rape, just don't lose.
seeing that change is the best part
>I don't mind Demon Roots
No. Your opinion is invalidated. Dismissed. What is it with these het rape anons coming in here shilling their "yuri" games every few months?
Can it dethrone Lily Knight Saga though?
The fact that any ‘monster rape’ exists means I won’t touch this garbage.
When I play a game I need it to be free of hetshit. No optional or potential hetshit either, just purely yuri.
Th tentacle rape game? The one with forced futa content? The one where if you actually are crazy enough to just want to romance the love interests you have to get through het rape and monster rape side-quests?
You're really setting the bar high, eh?
What if the monster rape was done by monstergirls, like in Demon Master Chris or Sakura Dungeon?
That's technically fine. Hence why I keep insisting on "het monster rape". Yur rape is generally not a problem. Of course even then shit like tentacles or futanari often tag along.

I only played Sakurta Dungeon though, so I can't vouch for whatever DMC is.
whatever bro the game I've shilled is 100% yuri kino, but you're free to miss out and keep playing your trashy western games
>getting a bad end (what are the condition?)
missed this part but "bad end" here is just losing to bosses, you get the bad end CG which usually ends up with both of them dying and you go back to the title screen.
>it's the anti-westernfag
No shit. This time you almost fooled people into believing you were not a troll. As if someone actually endorsing Demon Roots has any place here lol
>I can't vouch for whatever DMC is.
The exact same as Sakura Dungeon.
>Synopsis from Kagura Games: "An orthodox 3D Ero RPG with a speedy battle system, simple controls, and wide screen display! Escape from another world while stripping and befriending monstergirls!"
Looks legit.
I don’t play westernshit garbage either.
I can assure you there are options beyond westernshit and het-addled VNs.
>100% yurikino
Not 100% since het exists
On closer inspection it still has slime and tentacle rape in it. Not with a slime girl or octopus girl either. What a waste.
Maybe not full of them, but there are certainly a lot of /v/ crossboarders here who mistake /u/ for a board that will just take anything with a female focus or left leaning idelogies. You can see it with all the games being talked about because there is a lesbian or potentially female leaning character in it. Is it really so hard to understand that just because a character is into women that the game doesn't automatically matter here? Yuri is about romance or sex, not just about sexualities existing.

I think that CoD post is the pinnacle of that. It's three degrees of a separation. There is a DLC where you can wear a skin of a robot from an anime that has yuri in it. And somehow there are people actually pretending this is on-topic. It shows that people are looking for excuses to talk about non-yuri games with the flimsiest of disguises. As an aside, we have a Gundam thread and they are out of content, so you can probably mention it there.

Ultimately it's correct that /u/ is more sensible than some right wing trash board full of incels, so yeah we don't tolerate racism or male macho shit. But that doesn't mean this is a safe space for people who don't want to talk about yuri. Aren't there like 3 different video-game boards? Surely you can create some niche to discuss games sensibly? But on /u/ the constant need to have /v/ level conversations about non-yuri games will just make this space more hostile instead.

And then there are the /v/ trolls who come here just to stir shit and those will not go away until they are bored and ignored as they should be. I blame the idiots who kept spamming links to these threads on /v/ a while ago. It's basically a literally call to raid and the mods on /v/ obviously don't give a shit.
>left leaning idelogies
Considering we had people in here unironically use LGBT and defend troons can you really blame them.
People apparently don't get that only the L counts over here.
It's not just a yuri game thread issue
For example Dynasty Scans classifies transgender manga as yuri.
Don't forget the people making yuri threads on /v/ on a constant basis. Not yuri videogame threads but just yuri threads. Literally stirring a wasp's nest and we suffer the consequences.
It's what happens when you enter yuri communities that aren't /u/. A lot of weirdos.

Can't they blame misclicking like we so often used to do?
>Turning down an obviously interested woman's advances.

You've got some explaining to do.
Renai Bakudan claims they're aiming for a July release
Well first of all the only way to marry her is to not return her advances, so that's funny. But like I said, I just wanted info. I always go through all dialogue before I do anything that seems commital. Only did she decide to commit for me.
Why are you still wearing the vault suit? You should've gotten at least a leather armor at that point.
I actually have the Advanced Power Armor, but I took it off for aesthetic reasons. Hence the "overloaded" spam the message window.
Have a list I got from a yuri fan on Steam about games with possible having female MC and possible yuri content in them coming soon in near future on PC.
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2
Let's Seduce the Heroine!
Sky of Tides
Detained: Too Good for School
Unknown 9: Awakening
Imperial Grace
Showa American Story
Our Life On Water
Red Embrace: Paradisus
Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
South of Midnight
Greedfall II: The Dying World
Sigh of the Abyss
Tears of Magic
Red Rebellion
Altered Alma
The Great Villainess: Strategy of Lily
Witch and Lilies
The Meridian Under the Heaven: Valhalla
The World Well: Blood of Caro
Firva Strings of Fate
Lot Lizard
Hades II
No Rest for the Wicked
Assassin Creed: Shadows
Star Wars Outlaws
>Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2
You have to belive anon.
I bought the preorder years ago and I still keep the fingers crossed.
Good year for yuri honestly
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Never. I bought the pre-order too, refunded it after the huge lay off thing they had, pre-ordered RE:VIII and had much more fun with DonnaXBela Fanfics than I ever will with something that's never going to exist. I wish I could have faith like you though.
>Let's Seduce the Heroine!
Pretty sure Razz has gone silent long enough to be legally declared dead by now.
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90% of these are on Hella Yuri's upcoming games list. Some of these are in EA already, so it's not just "possible", it's already confirmed for those.
Then there are just stupid picks like Star Wars Outlaws which has absolutely no sign of having lesbian content.
There's no yuri in RE Village so keep it out of here. If you are desperate enough to hallucinate crackships just go to the fanfic thread. That's no justification in playing that game or talking abolut it here though.
It's almost as if those posts were made by people not particularly interested on yuri and just want to talk about videogames as a whole.
But it couldn't be, could it?
It's a shame the vampire girls all die so quickly. That could have been the whole game.
Neither does Judas but that doesn't deserve talk
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>Not Yuri
>Has Huge Vampire Mommy with three daughters in a castle full of only maids in a place where a 'man's dick gets cut off'
>Not Yuri
>Has a room with a puzzle with the solution that both two statues of women must stare at each other
>Not Yuri
Ya mad, sis. Maybe play it again and enjoy the implied lezzie theme.
Yes, because your method has been proven to change or help the situation in anyway time and time again.
I'm not playing het games.
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Not sure how to feel about this

I believe this rumor started when it was discovered one of the main project consultants appear to have authored a samurai yaoi culture. Whether that also translates to Naoe having those options is hard to say
Suit yourself. I don't want force you to do or accept anything that makes you uncomfy. In my eyes, the beginning has an implied lesbian theme. Well as far as Capcom could push it with that IP. And I am grateful for that. I live on crumbs and delusions. So don't be mad, yes?
And yes, I agree those two are a crackship. Which is why I am also rooting for Daniela x Cassandra but that's just me.
For fucks sake, if it's just the same as Valhalla then it's the usual fuck whoever you want approach. But if they have to go out of their way to say it this way it's probably something more alphabet soup retarded. Knowing our luck Naoe is asexual or some shit.
Also all samurai were super gay. It's known.
Wait, Greedfall is getting a sequel?
Prequel story with different MC set on mainland in different country this time before events of first game.
Aside from the fact that your schizophrenic delusions of imaginary lesbian themes don't exist in reality, the vampire part of the game doesn't even make up 10% of it. So even your black hole of subtext barely takes up any screen time whatsoever. This isn't even crumbs anymore, it's dust particles.
I'm genuinely telling you to go to the fanfic thread if you want to get into fanfics for the game. You might even find like minded weirdos. Vampires are always in style in the fanfic world.
>as far as Capcom could push it
Literally nothing stops Capcapom from adding lesbians to their games. Resident Evil is often called a sexless universe, but there sure are a lot of het couples in the focus.
Dragon's Dogma can have bisluts, so anything can. Fuck, there is a lesbian side-character in an Ace Attorney game. It's really not too far out anymore.
I'm actually not sure about that. They made the deliberate choice to add a historical figure instead of a completely made up one, maybe he'll have a fixed romance route.
Anon in that time it was normal for samurai guys to fuck younger guys, similiar females also were fucking another in brothels.
But I would give Ubisoft a gold star if they made a male MC a gay black guy who fucks japanese men only or fmelae MC is a lesbian who only fucks women in her story.
Why you shitting on fallout when that game explicitly comments and notes you are a woman marrying a woman multiple times. The woman, her father, her brother, the priest and the town’s people all bring up the fact this is a lesbian wedding.
Will you ever just shut the fuck up jesus christ
When people stick to talking about yuri games I can be even more constructive. Try not being a waste of space and contribute something yourself.
You first you schizophrenic dumbfuck. You don't need to add five off topic posts to EVERY SINGLE off topic post. They can just come and go.
The worst part is that it DOES exist. Just made by an entirely different team and with a voiced protag now.
Not like the previous game was any better with the severe lack of Lasombra as a clan.
Upcoming 'Yuri Sword Saga'
It's got yuri in the title and the developer has made actual light-yuri games before so it's probably aimed at us, if you want a fanservice shmup with some mild romance plot.
Why did they call it sword saga if it's a shmup though
Are yo ua bit retarded?
I didn't shit on Fallout, I was praising it for already having same-sex romance in the 90s as the choice of the player and was laughing with sarcasm that Ubisoft feels a need to rediscover it as something grand in 2020s.
Someone has some some very strange report trigger finger here.
>was laughing with sarcasm that Ubisoft feels a need to rediscover it as something grand in 2020s
Except they have been doing that for the better part of a decade now. So if they feel the need to make it a big deal that implies it's not the usual playersexual stuff, but some speciifc bullshit, like I said asexual or something.
The best we can hope for is that it's not tranny shit.
Nah they would shoot themelves in the foot completely if they did that and restricted romance for femMC and not for the male one.
Maybe they would go with NB thing which would also support playersexual romance style disregarding limits of gender.
Yuri Gun Saga wouldn't sound as epic
>if they did that and restricted romance for femMC
Why though? Their main audience doesn't give a shit about the female protag.
You were acting like it was some playersexual crap while in fact there was only a single female romance option so you could either play a straight dude or a lesbian. And unlike player sexual crap the game acknowledges the sex you’re playing as and gives you unique dialogue. So no, it was far better than todays playersexual garbage
Speak for yourself.

>horizontal scroller
>not sci-fi
Ugh. I GUESS I’ll play it, but I’m gonna complain about these the whole time, you mark my words.
Sci-fi shmups are done to death, so it's good this isn't one.
Release date? Yuri in the title is reassuring and the art looks good
>there was only a single female romance option
And the brother who is the exact same thing just genderswapped so you could play a gay dude or a straight woman. Let's not pretend this was more thana cheeky joke. They randomly force a spouse on you in a funny way and the companion cannot be dismissed, told to wait or even to do any other tactical thing. They cant even level up. Basically they are made to get killed in even medium level skirmishes making you immediately a widow. Not to mention there isn't any romance to speak of, because there are no dialogue option post marriage. Yeah they acknowledge the Chosen One's sex, but only for that one event. Nobody ever talks about your marriage or reacts to it.

Unless you install one of the many mods that improve companions and specifically Miria the vanilla experience was just a bug nothingburger at best and a joke on the player at worst. I don't see how this is any better than a playersexual game that at least has proper romantic interactions.

That's why this mod >>4212772 is so good. It adds the improved Miria mod that turns the marriage into something that actually has real evolving dialogue and interactions while also adding a bunch of other party members.
I don’t exactly keep up to date with the shmup scene, but I don’t ignore it, either, and I definitely get the feeling that traditional sci-fi shmups (ie, flying a futuristic space ship) has actually gotten kinda niche. I think I see more stuff like this (or 2hu or Cotton or that Kobayashi shmup), where it’s a character flying around without any kind of traditional vehicle shooting more or less magic bullets, than anything else these days.

I just want a galaxy-spanning animu cutscene epic lesbian sci-fi shmup. Preferably vertically scrolling with tate.
>Basically they are made to get killed in even medium level skirmishes
>thinks everyone is as shit as him at the game
Dude, it was very easy to keep her alive the entire game
Okay but what about lesbian samurais versus lesbian aliens
As overplayed and overexposed as villainess seduction
Provide a list of at least 5 video games with lesbian samurais fighting lesbian aliens then.
Wait a moment
That was a trick question
A human woman can't be a lesbian with an alien because alien races have different biological genders that don't align with human ones.
Are humans born in a different star system not alien?
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Thinking dangerous thoughts there sis
That depends on the setting and mechanics of that universe. If I say my aliens in my game have human vaginas and boobies, then they're lesbians whether you like it or not, young lady. Now go to your room and think about what you did.
I have a ten-book sci-fi series that says otherwise.
>Cyberpunk 50% sale

Can I get a quick rundown on the romance options? I know Judy is one
Judy's the only actual romance option for lesbians. You can have flings with some other female characters but I assume you are actually asking about "Romance".

That being said, I really liked her story and she's actually pretty sweet the more you get to know her. Do you want more details on anything in particular?
Judy is the only exclusively lesbian love interest. The only other significant female character is Panam but she is only a het romance. Though V does get very close with Panam regardless of gender.
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Panam is that touchy best friend who's frustratingly straight and forgets that fact when she's drunk right up until you almost get to make out with her. The worst/best kind of friend to have.
Does she come to other missions with you or you just do her missins
To the best of my memory Cyberpunk doesn't really have a mechanic to just invite V's friends as backup. If there was, I missed it since I was ninja mode almost all the time. She might show up in someone else's missions but I don't remember which in particular if so. But you can go to her house and visit her directly, and if you sleep at her house while dating her you might wake up next to her in bed depending on the time of day. She'll text you sometimes out of the blue, too.
Despite lesbian Vampires being a trope, I can't think of many games that actually let you either romance or play as one.
The only game i've actually played that's been closest to that is Skyrim.
The only other example that comes to mind is VTMB, but I wouldn't count (heh!) that one, as far as i'm aware there's no romance and your character was going to have sex with your opposite sex sire.

Recently i've got a hankering for something with lesbian vampire/gothic horror theme, but I don't really know where or what to look for.
For what it's worth the fanmade community patch that everyone uses in VTMB lets you pick the gender of your sire
Panam is hilarious. It’s like they made her on purpose to make everyone understand that pain.
cute bite?
The bg2 EE has a lesbian vampire romance but she’s not particularly well written
Cute Bite
Aoishiro/Akai Ito kinda (they're not officially vampires but there's a lot of blood-drinking)
Vampire the Masquerade: Night Roads does, too. And as it just turns out, it's kind of a spiritual successor because one of the characters in it directly references and calls the Bloodlines player character a good friend
Shadows of New York also has a lesbian protagonist with a girlfriend.
I used the lesbian Panam mod and it works perfectly because her romance dialogue never uses male pronouns

The final scene with Panam and my. Character side by side was fantastic, I recommend it to everyone who wants to play cyberpunk.
Apparently it's confirmed you can date women with the female protagonist in the next assassin's creed so there's that.
That's kinda what got me about the damn thing - if you didn't try to go for it when she's drunk you might not even realize she's straight.

But personally I don't regret bringing Judy with me. Since I left with her and Panam, there's always a chance of a third.

Judy makes better wife material anyway, Panam's not much the settling down type.
I don’t think I have it in me to have V reject Judy.
You don't have to, you can date them two and enjoy both romance scenes to the fullest, it's actually hilarious seeing Judy interact with the aldecados while you're also romancing their leader, it's like you get two wives.

as far as I know both Judy and Panam were originally bisexual then CD changed plans.
>as far as I know both Judy and Panam were originally bisexual then CD changed plans.
Part of me wants to say that sorta sucks, but on the other hand, seeing how /u/ seethes at "playersexual" characters, I guess we get what we get.
is Noctuary good?
I never cared about player sexual characters, I don't think they're any less yuri

Of course I prefer canon lesbians like Judy but really, this stuff just limits the player who want the most yuri
It's only one particular individual that actually seethes at playersexual characters.
What >>4213991 said is more or less in line with the majority here.

Especially amongst us older Nee-sans, who lived and remember the dark days where you had to take what you could get, which was very little indeed. Back in the day, you were lucky if you could find anything goggleable, let alone canon.
Judy feels so obviously written to be gay it has to have been pretty early in development
You could say the same about Panam, then.
Honestly, that "feature" is the same as using the voices of the opposite V. Irrelevant and is never even acknowledged by anyone at any point, both in game and out of it.
So, don't put much stock in to that.
Fuck off retard
Someone missed the point. Yeah you can micromanage to keep every party member alive, but the spouse literally has no HP, can't fight properly, can't be given orders, can't wear armor and just fucking runs into enemies. Stop being a retard and accept that this is not a character meant to survive.
Disgusting how stupid you are to think your gamerbro energy gives you some kind of validation around here.
>It's only one particular individual that actually seethes at playersexual characters
Do you always lie with absolute confidence like that? Many people here have complained about playersexual stuff. And it is objectively worse than lesbian characters, you have zero grounds to deny that.
And don't play the grandma card. Just because people used to eat potato shavings and starch in boiled water in post war times doesn't mean you can't eat real food now.

You are not the majority. Everyone else has actual standards. Playersexual shit is a crutch that we tolerate, it's not a good thing by any means. And I won't have you use your pathetic "everyone who disagrees with me is the same person" deflection.
>it's not a good thing
It's better than het.
The lowest of standards. No romance is better than het too.
Standards are useless, all they do is make people upset whenever they aren't met.
Yeah crazy that. I guess /u/ should abandon it's standard of featuring yuri in the content and just accept hetshit, right? If you don't expect yuri you can't be disappointed.
It's not yuri if that's what you mean by "good". There's some very strong subtext (as in "I will commit actual literal suicide just to keep my female bestie safe"), but nothing explicit. Gameplay-wise, it felt like it didn't know what it want to be. If you're interested in it because it has combat, then you might be put off by the amount of VN-like dialogue, and if you just want a VN then combat and charm management can get a bit sweaty. Story-wise, it was actually pretty good until it pulled a really dumb Bravely Default-esque twist.

In summary: it's only worth it if you find the description/setting interesting enough to read a 30-hour story with an all-female cast and occasional pretty decent combat missions.
>Night Roads
Oh that is wrriten by the same guy who did Book of Hungry Names that was recommended last thread. I can vouch for the writing skill at least even if I haven't play it yet.
But CYOA games are a tough sell for most people. Couteries/Shadows of New York is a visual novel, so most people will even take that over a full on CYOA.
playersexual = heterosexual
changing one line of code somewhere so the quest starts with either male or female character is not yuri. the male is still the default and intended character in 99% of the cases.
it's like if a het mangaka decided to re-release their manga with a female mc, change absolutely nothing else. that's not yuri.
>the male is still the default and intended character in 99% of the cases.
Alright hetshitter, you know that's not true.
That depends mostly on the writing. Some games were clearly written for a male MC and only added a choice of sex late into development. In those cases it's especially bad.

But there are plenty of blank-slate slef-insert games that were made from the start to never acknowledge anything about the protagonist, so it's not a male default, it's just shitty writing, subpar romance and the lowest form of yuri.

Oh wait. That isn't much better.
that's not a thing in RPGs, the point of RPG is roleplaying, blank slate self insert in a game is something like Byleth from fire emblem where your choices are very limited

Western RPGs are not blank slate self inserts, there's choices in the games exactly for you to develop your character the way you want them to be.

Name a game that fits all your retarded complaints.
>blank slates are not a thin
>except let me give you an example in the same post, thus contradicting myself
>name a game that fits you valid complaints
Anything with a blank slate self-inert protag who nobody ever acknowledges the gender of, who has zero differences in romances regardless of all the traits you picked (you know, like male or female).
I dont need to point out a specific game so you can do mental gymnastics to say something about roleplaying. I understand completely that nothing you say is worthwhile, because you subscribe to the philosophy that the player is meant to make up everything themselves, which somehow means a game is yuri because you imagine it to be. No thanks.
>Contradicting myself
Fire emblem is not a RPG, stop being a stupid fucking faggot.
>I dont need to point out a specific game
Yeah, because you can't, even in fire emblem three houses you can still ship girls with each other, Dorothea x Edelgard - Annete x Mercedes, both canonical

You can't mention any game because none fit your definitions.
>FE3H is not an RPG
>has literally all the RPG mechanics
>you can ship other girls in FE3H
And? We are talking about the shitty blank self-insert protag here and how "romance" with that thing is barely real yuri. It's not a real character, it's nothing more than a function.

Let me guess, you are the kind of freak who is fine with games who literally make characters use them/they to refer to the protag, because the devs couldnt even be arsed to write different pronouns? Yeah what fulfilling romance with characters that dont even know the sex of the protag.
If the romance is written so vaguely that it simply doesn't care about being yuri, then why should I care?
>>FE3H is not an RPG
>>has literally all the RPG mechanics
You don't know what RPG means.
Still waiting for the game that fits all your own complaints.
I already told you I'm not playing your game. Giving you something to spaz out about is not going to change anything. You know exactly what games I'm talking about.
>I'm not playing your game
I didn't make any game
>You know exactly what games I'm talking about.
No I don't
It was mostly just a little trivia post, especially what I mentioned in the spoiler tag.
>that's not a thing in RPGs, the point of RPG is roleplaying
Which means the characters is a blank slate for the player to fill out with role-playing. That's what blank slate means. What you are complaining about is a cardboard cutout. A character that doesn't even have a semblance of personality because of a LACK of roleplay.
Yeah but anon is acting like RPG characters have nothing going on for them, completely missing the goddamn point of role playing
You are both retards. Final Fantasy 13 is an RPG. Is Lightning a blank slate? Do you need to "roleplay" ro derive any kind of personhood out of her? Well actually she is an empty boring bitch, but the point is that she is a real character. Unlike your worthless blank slate self-inserts.

RPGs do not and never did require you to play a worthless shell of a being without any predetermined traits. Literally all self-inserts are worse than even average real characters.
Do you brainlets not understand that if there is no real character, yuri be necessity also doesn't exist? If you claim that you have to make up everything in your head, then what stops you from taking Final Fantasy 1 for the NES, a game with no real story or characters and declare it a yuri game, because in your headcanon Warrior of Light is actually a woman in disguise who is madly in love with the white mage girl? You will (no I am not giving you an option) admit that FF1 is not a yuri game, objectively. Roleplaying does not make up for what is not there.

Roleplaying just means playing a role. Even if it's a premade completely fleshed out character, as it should be.
By that logic every game with a story is a role playing game, and the term is completely meaningless.
Have you just realized that, bitch? CRPGs, JRPGs, Action RPGs, open world RPGs, Card Battler RPGs... everything is a fucking RPG these days. "RPG mechanics" are in basically every other genre by now. When someone says RPG they don't think Pen and Paper DnD, they think a game where you level up and put ability points into a skill tree. And this has been so since the motherfucking 90s. You have no right to be surprised by this.
But that's not an rpg. Putting points into skill trees is an rpg element, at best. But a game that otherwise has a completely linear storyline is not an rpg.
>RPGs don't have linear storylines
Bitch says what? This is so retarded I can't even muster the strength to educate you anymore... I guess you have never played a single JRPG after all.
>a game that otherwise has a completely linear storyline is not an rpg.
You fucking what?
For me, role playing implies that you can actively influence how the story will develop, you can make choices that actually matter, beyond just choosing whether you kill your enemies with a sword or spells.
A Tomb Raider game for instance, is not an rpg, you just follow a set story and character to its singular conclusion. Both the story and missions are linear, you can't really choose when and what you want to do.
That's not how the majority of all RPGs work. You are just obssessed with one type and pretend that's all it is.
Not even a story sadly I've seen people claim that Super Mario Bros is a more real roleplaying game than anything where you can design your own character, because there has to be a predefined character in order for you to play a role.

Which is obviously insane autism and lack of history where people just look at a word and declare what it "really" means based on etymology rather than actual linguistic use.

>>4214123 is insane, yuri with a player-defined character is yuri if the game is written to accommodate it. The questionable shit is when you have a few old games that add a "female" PC option and don't even take the time to change anything else, you're basically wearing a skin, and the possible "yuri" overtones that come out of this are accidental, nothing more. We still appreciated them back in the day when that was almost all we have (shoutout to Ecstatica) but even this grump should be able to understand that there is a difference between "you can invent a yuri backstory that is in no way supported by the game", "the game accidentally allows things that look vaguely gay to happen because they did not give a fuck", and "the game is deliberately written to support the possibility of gay"
>"the game accidentally allows things that look vaguely gay to happen because they did not give a fuck"
This is no different from most playersexual games. They didn't give a fuck and just said let both sexes have the same romance and all allusions to gender will just not be written. Blank slates are almost never acknowledged to begin with, because there are too many variables. It's rare enough for them to acknowledge a prtag's class or background, let alone a """personality""", because the game doesn't want to put in that effort. Even BG3 struggles with this and some of your character traits simply don't matter most of the time... as long as you play Tav anyway. And that's probably the most involved and reactive self-insert friendly game in the recent 20 years.

If the love interest doesn't acknowledge anything about the protagonist and especially not their gender, then this is not really yuri, is it? It's just a skin as you said. Lesbian aesthetic. This is a problem entirely unique to video-games. Even in pen and paper DnD you could just tell your own story and the group goes along with it, so it's not the same. Video-games have limited scope and parameters and 99% of devs who give you the option to pick your gender don't want to invest the effort to actually do anything with it. You talk about all this role playing shit, but the truth is that all this "choice" actually sterelizes the protagonist's involvement with the world. The game has to account for every possibility, so the easiest way is to reduce all interactions to a neutral generic core that works for as many options as possible. It's utterly narratively braindead.

So no. Playersexual self-insert yuri is not good. It is and always will be the lowest form of yuri. Romance in games like this is merely a bullet point on a list. It's easy, but it's shallow.
Different anon, but one oughta remember that RPGs have their roots in tabletop, where freedom of choice (and its consequences) are the major draw.
That's like saying strategy games have their origin in board games so it's in the spirit of those games to always be turn based.
But that's true
Went on sales now
It is a DRPG that let you pair with any girl you created
>doesnt know what an RTS is
Anon why are you acting like we dont know about Witch & Lilies?
sorry,only just saw it on top post
hope the gameplay is acuallty good for a early access game
While a lesbian PC and/or LI is always preferred, I'd take playersexual one over bisexual one any day.
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21 bucks? Not bad. This poor fox girls is totally getting clucked in the preview images...
No. Playersexual LIs are just bisluts anyway. A bisexual protag is still fine because you choose for her to only go after women. What matters is that they are actual characters and consistent.
>21 bucks
Called it >>4210387
Nah, with playersexual LIs, you don't have put up with the het bullshit.
That's an insta-win for me.
You totally still do you dumbass. Not all playersexual characters were always just into the protag.
There is nothing to gain from this shit. And you are too retarded to get it, so I will drop you like bag of rotten cabbages.
>Japanese is the default language and you have to change to English
Thanks for sending vague and creepy threats to the studio so they'd price it like you predicted, nee-san. I appreciate it!
Guess we have different definition of playersexual, then.
Fact is, is that less het = better.
Awl 'n' dey'swork missy.
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So this is the rival. I can see how this would make for a good player romance. Unfortunately they do everything to acknowledge the player's gender which pisses me off.
*everything NOT to acknowledge the gender
>Not all playersexual characters were always just into the protag.
If they have an established relationship history, they can't be playersexual.
Not at all. Lots of playersexual whores who just randomly are into the female MC too despite showing zero sign of being into women ever, but clearly having had a thing with men in the past. The playersexual shit doesnt shield you from that. It's about how the character inexplicably is always into the protag regarldess of gender despite not displaying that sexuality to anyone else. You just assume that most will not show interest in either direction before the protag, but that's not always the case.
>Lots of playersexual whores who just randomly are into the female MC too despite showing zero sign of being into women ever, but clearly having had a thing with men in the past.
I'm gonna need some examples here, chief, because the only "whores" that showed an interest in the female MC despite having past flings with men in the past I can think of were all pretty obviously bisexual, not playersexual.
And you know they are bisexual how? After all they never acknowledge the player's sex and 9/10 times they never show interest in anyone present but the protag. That means you have no way of knowing if they are bisexual. All you know is they were with men at some point.

This happens a lot in games where adding femC was just an afterthought and the LI was clearly written as het, but makes literally no mention of how she is into femC. So she isnt written as a bislut, but rather playersexual.
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I'm 87% confident they mixed up the classs decription for elves and furries.
What even is this?
I asked for examples.
Dummy. >>4214273
You can ask, but that doesn't mean you will receive. I can't be bothered to go through a bunch of games to remember them all.
To be fair Etrian Odyssey does the exact same thing and they're clearly heavily cribbing that. They really should just ditch that framing and have party member #1 be the leader.
>trust me, sis
Don't call me names.
When you start making a party, Etrian Odyssey usually throws in a line about "you can register yourself too" implying that the player has the option of perceiving one of the player characters being the one doing all the conversating and shit with important NPCs in the main hub. It doesn't go further than that but it is basically an acknowledgment.
You said "lots of", so one would assume there's an entire legion of "playersexual whores" pretending to be bisexual. But apparently there aren't enough for you to come up with a single example, huh.
You mistake my utter lack of interest in moving a single finger for you with some kind of deflection. If you had played any playersexual garbage in your life you would already know I'm right.
Sure thing, sweetie.
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JRPG's aren't real RPGs, I was clearly not talking about garbage like final fantasy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Early access

No thanks
Stop being fucking stupid

By "player sexual" anon means characters that are only attracted to the player regardless of gender, bisexual is when the character is canonically into men and women, holy fuck stop trying so hard
>I like this instead of that
How's 40k Rogue Trader? The game has a positive recommendation from Hella Yuri, and it's quite rare to see a combination of Warhammer and yuri. Is it worth playing?
I also asked for examples here >>4214056
>Name a game that fits all your retarded complaints.
And retard anon clearly can't give any examples.
Any yuri rpgmaker games you can recommend? I've played saintbomber's games, luxaren allure, hat world and that one with the really long title containing catgirl
The Sister of Battle isn't romanceable
I liked it spend around 50 hours playing it with one replay to check things differently with various saves.
Gives you many choices but sadly as romance for women loving women goes it has only one real romantic option with the outgoing pirate like bisexual female, you can also pair up in asexual platonic way with elf alien if that's your thing, and also you can get it on with cannibal serial killer lady who belives in order if that's your thing.
The game is not really worth playing for the girl x girl romance mind you if you compare you to BG3.
More for me then.
No, you just aren't even bright enough to understand the simplest of points.
>By "player sexual" anon means characters that are only attracted to the player regardless of gender
The only difference to a bisexual character is that you know a bisexual character is into both regardless of the protag. So a playersexual whore who is canonically into men but inexplicably is into the femC 100% fits the definition. She gives you no reason to believe that she is bisexual, because she never shows any attraction to women outside of femC. This is the most common version of playersexual characters in older games.
>luxaren allure
Careful there. Are you allowed to call that an RPGmaker game? After all it has a linear story, so how can it be an RPG?
>pair up in asexual platonic way with elf alien
Because anything more than that invites Slaanesh.
I thought it was fantastic for the first couple (incredibly long) chapters, and then I started feeling like I was playing an unpolished early access game. So I never finished the romance I was in (space elf) figuring it might get more polish and I'd finish it later. Not a game I'd recommend based on the romance though, even if the companions are pretty well fleshed out.
Do wish I knew there was a mod to make the Navigator romanceable by a female PC before I started, installed it too late. And now the workshop has been taken down from steam for whatever reason. Not sure if that can be found elsewhere.
Apparently they just announced a dlc literally an hour ago that will add a Death Cult Assassin in like 2.5 months. Don't know if she'll be romanceable but it wouldn't be half as weird as some of the other options.
The game is already finished and completable. It's just improvements blah blah. Why am I bothering trying to talk sense to an idiot who is just writing a kneejerk post and has no intention of ever playing this game?

It's an Owlcat game. Wait two years until all content is out.
Stop being stupid, for god's sake
>Playersexual isn't playersexual if they have canon love interests that aren't the player
>It's an Owlcat game. Wait two years until all content is out.
Well to be fair BG3 wil be finally finished with newest evil ending update and it also was long time in EA mode.
I'm kinda mad at myself that I can't wait for such games and play them a year after release cause I'm still too excited for them even if I'm reaching 40 and playing them right away, did the same thing with CP2077.
Shame most released games nowadays feel like beta versions every fucing time.
>I dont understand what words mean and only my definition is correct
>I cant come up with an actual counter-argument so WAAAH WAAH WAAAH
Counter argument for what? I'm telling your stupid ass you don't know what you're talking about
I will argue till the day I die that RPG, as a video game term, is a pseudogenre. There are no universal features that unite every game that is commonly accepted as an RPG, at least not without getting so broad with your definitions that you start including games that generally aren’t considered RPGs. There’s a shared evolutionary history, but that’s about the most you can say.
When you become an expert in these things that's true for most genres, 'adventure' is really hard to pin down, even VN fans can't agree on what a fucking VN is.
I like the story and the setting but the roleplaying system is just bad.
>BG3 will finally be finished
That game was a full experience since the first full release day. The fact that they would constantly add new content based on player feedback or just because they felt like it was not something you could predict. Also it was all free.
Owlcat makes huge expansion DLCs, some of which add more love interests or mechanics that influence the entire way you play the game, so if you want all options just wait until they finish their inevitable season pass. Has the advantage that the game will be on sale several times until then, so you can pick and choose.
>CP2077 on release
You poor sod. I've bought it only after the DLC and 2.0 released and even now it has some issues. But it certainly feels like the game they initially advertised and is actually fun.
>games feel like beta versions
For some 40ish year old grandma your memory seems rather selective. In the 90s/00s when games just came out broken and were never fixed you would have loved if they actually made patches. You had to hope for a Gold edition of some expansion that has an integrated patch. People complaining about broken releases never had to deal with like half the DnD video-games from the 90s.
I gave you a pretty obvious and logical example of why I am 100% correct and all you could do is whine NUH-UH and claim the definition is different even though
1. There is no official definition
2. My example covers a case that your retardation doesnt
Ergo, you are truly brain amputated.
More for me then!
That's one class you don't have to recruit from.
Oh wait, is just a /v/tard trying every avenue to shit on a /u/ game. Dismissed.
How's it anyway? It's a bit two bucks too expensive for me rn but if it's good I'll buy it in 3 month.
What's the difference between 21 and 19 bucks gonna do? Why would you buy it if it was 19?
The dungeon diving bit is pretty good so far. The girls ask each other on dates when you pair them up on group activities (which happen every time you make it back from a dungeon), but they either reject each other or have a bad date because their bonds aren't strong enough, so now I have a team of 5 girls who are upset with each other.
Translation needs work, some lines just aren't translated, some are clunky, and then there's this >>4214309
Because that's how many bucks I have in my steam valet. Otherwise I'm in survival mode and can't afford shit.
early access games shouldn't cost more than 10 dollars
"Those who harness the power of beasts" just means they force furries to do the dirty work. That's in-character for knife-ears.
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she says with her smooth youthful face and firm breasts
Yeah, but what kind of physique do they have that makes them good in close quarter combat while wielding a bow?
Those bows look pointy enough in the front to punch a bitch with.
If you are poor, dont buy video-games in general. Whether you pirate this or dont play it makes no difference to the dev.
Once again, complete game. BG3 cost the full 60 bucks in EA and that one literally only gave you Act 1.
These character designs really scream 10th grade deviant art. Hopefully the writing is at least 12th grade sexually repressed lesbian.
Not with frail elf twig arms.
You don't need to be a bodybuilder to shank someone, dingdong.
Again it says their physique aids them in CQC. That is clearly not true.
By "physique" the description means that their knife ears are actual knives they can pull out in close combat. It's an advanced technique.
Tell me you’re a newfag without telling me you’re a newfag.
Gonna replay Code Vein, what anime/video game lesbian should I make my character look like?
If nobody has any good suggestions I'll just be Elster.
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21,24€ you say.
Wonder how easily you could recreate the signalis protag.
It's like splatoon but for digging.
Elster IS the signalis protag.
Well, I'mma off to diggy-diggy a few ladyholes.
Just look up the Rogue Trader Toy Box mod. Its the same one from WOTR only repurposed for this game. Simply click the checkbox that removes gender restrictions for romance and you are free to romance Cassia.
Or really anybody from Hero-san and Former General-san.
But the dialogue will still refer to your char as a man right?
Pretty sure she just keeps calling you "Lord Capitan" like every other npc.
Does Rogue Trader not have gender-specific dialogue, then? Referring to the player by a generic title in voiced lines is one thing, both Pathfinder games did that, but there were still lines that acknowledged who you were playing as.
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Well I tried my best to make Elster but despite the Code Vein character creator being quite good, the amount of options you have is annoyingly limited.
The clothing selection sucks and I can't do anything about making her boobs red unless I make the rest of her top red too, which defeats the point.
Actually better than I expected really
I really was just an anonymous offhand comment regarding the lack of interaction, but I would enjoy your thoughts and questions if you choose to share them.
Yeah, CV character creator felt like half the planned content was cut.
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>Have 3 couple jobs
>training, gathering and cooking.
>only allowed 2 at a time
>have a party of 5
Holy shit, I feel bad for the fifth wheel I created.
Yeah every squad's got the designated cuck character. The game I guess expects you to have more than 5 party members you regularly swap in and out but in practice nobody really does that in etrian odyssey.
So how do /u/ like Witch and Lilies so far?
It's a really good character creator but it does have its limits.

I made a knockoff Fran Madaraki from Franken Fran, myself.
Insanely based. But wouldn't Veronica make more sense?
It's decently fun. It really is a hurdle to get your girls to actually like each other, I think I'm finally starting to get 1 stable couple, and I'm just watching the other three start to hate each other as they get rejected after doing chores together
Yeah probably but I saw the giant bolts in the chargen and had to put them to use.
Also I don't get why they randomly made the guild master some old dude.
Good Luck Baby comes close.
I still listen to the menu music for butterfly soup occasionally. Such a funny and well made game, too bad the sequel was disappointing and came too close to ruining the good memories. There are a lot of quality free western VNs now but First Snow and DoraKone are still the two I've gone back to replay so maybe give those a try. Also I can't find it but there was an old itch free game called Romance Detective or something similar which was uniquely funny and cute. For paid games the most captivating is Salting the Earth which just makes me wish the dev didn't disappear years ago to make more brilliant games.
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>Romance Detective
Shame the dev's breakup tanked the sequel.
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It's pretty much an EO clone, for better or for worse. The skill point/equipment system is downright identical, and even the consumables in shops are 1:1. I feel like it'd be more compelling if they didn't do those HD EO collections last year, but nowadays getting the EO experience on PC isn't that novel. The yuri aspect is of course cute even if I haven't gotten too deep into it, but I kinda worry it'll be largely procedural. Like is it really character bonding or are they just rolling the dice on random events to build affection? I was expecting more, like co-op skills and special sidequests.

But maybe that'll happen later / be added later in early access.
There already are boosts and skills for couples. It's kinda the entire point of the mechanic, that strong bonds boost characters. Sidequests is a no though.
Oh nice, I must not have been paying enough attention. Not bad.
So how do the personality traits work? Do girls like each other more easily if they are both passionate or intelligent? Or do you have to trial and error to find out which of the 10 traits bounces off best of each other? Maybe its just enter and leave the first dungeon to grind affection no matter the traits? Game is a little rough but just by being a yuri drpg it won me over. I just hope there is enough yuri with proper event scenes.
I feel like the personality traits must do something, because I switched a character out with someone brand new, and she instantly clicked with one of the original members. the ones who have been together from the beginning still aren't pairing off.
>switched out characters
How do you actually do that? The guild menu is unbelievably shitty, so I have no idea how to switch out characters. Do I need to use the "job change" function?
Interesting. Thinking of making a spreadsheet and figuring out who has the best affinities with each other.
You just create a new unit and you can change your formation at the inn.
What do you mean "create a new unit"? You mean register a new aventurer? But I already made like 30 right away. I just want to switch one of them in. Ther formation thing at the inn only allows me to change the formation for the existing 5 girls that are already in my party.
when you're changing the formation keep scrolling through the list on your left. It'll get into the girls that aren't currently in your party.
inn, party, organize. isnt that hard, chibi-chan.
Played a bit of Witch and Lilies and it's turned out to be just a janky indie shit. I feel like a dumb fucker for even getting excited about it. Don't be like me and spent your hard earned money to buy Labyrinth of Galleria or Mary Skelter 2 instead.
>Labyrinth of Galleria
Oh, you mean the trash with the hetshit whore townbike? Opinion discarded.
Whether Witch & Lillies is good or not, recommending any Galleria game makes you the real garbageman.
I remember feeling like the sequel was still fun and worth playing even if some art was incomplete. Been a long time though so I should play it again. Hopefully I have a backup copy of the files somewhere since it appears like nami deleted it from the internet.
2/10 might snag some guppies
It's Etrian Odyssey with lesbians and that's good enough for me. A significant failure of other blobbers besides not having lesbians is that they're not Etrian Odyssey enough.
How is the romance. since it seems like all the characters are just generic tropes with no identity of their own, and with so many possible pairings, I have to imagine they just say the same stock shit with no regard to who they are supposedly in love with?
This post reeks of samefagging. Exact same attitude and way of writing. Why aks yourself dumb questions?

Funny though, because I made these exact points long before the game came out, because it's obvious. Of course they are just randomly generated interactions and events based on limited personality and class variables. Of course that means they will repeat or feel unnatural. Nobody wanted to hear it when I said it back then though, somehow stamping me off as anti-yuri for pointing out how lackluster this type of yuri would be.
all me btw
When there are a whopping three yuri DRPGs, one can't be a chooser.
The double standards some people have are hilarious
go back to /v/
Like, people are rejecting other games for not being 100% Yuri but will probably still play a game currently rated as Mixed - and because only Yuri fans would play this, the unbiased percentage of positive reviews would be 10-20% lower.
You know, bitching about how the yuri games thread plays yuri games isn't the strong case for helter skelter 2 you think it is
The Beatles made a sequel to their song!?
Non-english players seem to be review-bombing the game for some reason... Is there some sort of yuri-bait going on?
Why don't you just MTL those reviews so you know what they're talking about?
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Actually, fine, I'll do it for you.

I took 5 random JP reviews. All of them had some gripes with the gameplay and frustrations with the early access state of the game. 1 said that yuri aspect sucked. That's about it. It's not really review-bombing, it's just people not being happy with an unfinished game.
I'm glad it's just about the gameplay issues that can still be fixed and not about devs being dishonest. I don't really want to get tricked into buying hetshit like BR.
No worries, devs only make yuri related stuff like yuri board and cardgames. This is their first pc game. Thinking back, EvE Online also started this way.
Or Gavril?
Stop talking about off-topic manga.
Stop being a sperg and I'll consider.
Do I get it right that Otsu and Mermaid is the only gay part in otherwise hetharem series?
Why don't you play a good game instead?
Any suggestions?
I haven't tried it myself yet, but going off the reviews, it's more like you're getting "tricked" into buying a nothingburger with some yuri lettuce in it. Something something surface level interactions, something something no special romantic events. Theoretically possible for this to be improved while in early access though.
Pretty much; that's why MS2 is so polarizing.
Anything actually yuri. How the fuck did you think talking about a non-yuri game was fine?
>The game is already finished and completable
This very thread and the reviews say otherwise.

That's why I will never buy an early access game: you're literally paying to betatest and the developer can just abandon the thing if they want; put a "1.0" label on it
Anything on the Hella Yuri catalog will be infinitely better than Code Vein, even the VNs.
Technically the version that was released is the "sequel". The first version of the song was a lot slower and longer.
I was disappointed with the clothing options too. Really wanted to go full 2000's chuuni edgelord but most of the jacket options are tied to Blood Veil's.
Nobody cares. It's not a yuri game. Go back to /v/.
Yeah that's why most people here don't really give a shit about MS2 in positive way aside of one shizo who loves to shill it like his life would dpend on it, he is either mentally challenged or is getting paid to do so.
Would be cool but I'm not sure CV could really do her justice power wise.
I do feel that the Mass Effect trilogy was the last time that AAA had proper lesbian (as not playersexual) writing.
Now most create-a-character AAA games have them but they're just generic playersexual aimed at checking diversity boxes than actually putting effort into writing a believable gay relationship.
Inquisition came out after ME3.
But moooooom, that lesbian-only character was bad somehow because I said so.
>I do feel that the Mass Effect trilogy was the last time that AAA had proper lesbian (as not playersexual) writing.
You mean Liara x femShepard romance which was also availible to male player?
Only plus of that is that in ME4 we can actually play as femShepard x Liara descendant MC.
I don't know which games exactly you would consider AAA, but just going off the budget, I think CP2077 would be the most recent.
The Asari are essentially parthenogenic so you could either way
Otherwise you wouldn't have characters with two Asari parents like... well, Liara
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After running witch & lillies for a several seconds my gpu is dying I can hear it and I have nvidia gtx 1060-6gb are they seriously fucked up optimization that much anybody else have the same problem?
I bought the game just to give it an extra nudge, though they crowdfunded it so it's not like they're under serious threat. They say they're gonna roll out regular updates through June and July so I'm just gonna chill until bugs, English translation, etc. is fixed.
> that lesbian-only character was bad

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me again its only at ticle screen so ???????
It's just you.
>tickle screen

Ay bruh you got the wrong game, witch and lilies is two steam pages down
Another pairing shows up in the 3rd game. It's more like 1st game=haremshit, 2nd game=yuri, 3rd game=ensemble cast with less romance focus.
The third game is still het haremshit. Literally an entire final segment all about the retarded male protag dating sim. Get off you rocker. Oh and your so called new pairing isnt canon or explicit, so it's worthless compared to the very real het.
>nvidia gtx 1060-6gb
Well, they do recommend having at least 1660. But I didn't notice any other complaints about performance, so either A) it's something on your end or B) it is optimized poorly, but everyone who bought it has a GPU that can handle it even with shitty optimization.
>Only plus of that is that in ME4 we can actually play as femShepard x Liara descendant MC.
If we're actually playing as an Asari. But it's more likely they'll use Liara herself as a vehicle to the past in the same way as Jaheira in BG3.
It's funny considering AAA comes actually from credit scores and such and is used for 'absolutely save investment'.
I mean she sucked but she wasn't playersexual
Your whole argument hinges on the epilogue which is 99% non-canon, except Alice and Otsuu/Mermaid's endings. The actual main game, the male MC is stuck with his one canon love interest. Not much of a harem.
But you probably knew that already, every MS2 discussion is the same. I just hope you're getting paid well to downplay the yuri in this series every day. Probably not gonna read the wall of inane schizo babble you're gonna reply with, so have a nice day.
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new free itch yuri game
>downplay the yuri
You are the fucker who overstates it and literally shills a het series with one stray yuri anomaly. For literally any other game this shit would not fly. Why do you think MS will get any preferential treatment from /u/?
art is rough but I'll throw it on the backlog for the premise
Ah, lesbians and statistics. Match made in heaven
my potato laptop chugs when VNs are made in Unity, and this game runs fine.
It's lesbian Stasi
Someone has to go around the girls dorm and chase out any disgusting men hiding under the beds.
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Dating! In the lily fields!
inb4 their dissatisfaction with each other rises
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I was thinking the same. But the displeasure doesn't seem to decrease?
In this party there are currently one Passion Totem paired with a Mystery Totem. Despite having displeasure towards the other on the first day. They surprisingly had 20 fondness for each other. Another pair is Sensitivity and Discipline Those got 16 Fondness for each other. This one is the cuck. A cuck seems to have only 8 for Passion, Sensitivity and Mystery but 10 for Discipline. I'm going to try a cross over between Sens. x Mystery and Passion x Discipline and see how they are going along. While the scout silently cries in the bushes.
I meant increase, I am an idiot.
Does fondness increase while fighting? I notice that my (mystery personality) healer has a lot more fondness for her teammates than she gets back, except for the independent wizard that she's had multiple dates with. I figured that healing/protecting/buffing in fights would contribute something
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>elder gods theme
>not using the fucked up evil healer alt color

Don't ever put Mary Skelter 2 and L*******h of G*****a in the same sentence ever again.
Ok I said this and then my wizard and healer had a shit date. It was in a bedroom, so I'm assuming the wizard fucks bad.
Did you call her Herberta West?
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It seems to increase steadily by 8 or 10 depending on the other totem, I think.
Intelligence goes well it seems with Discpline in battle (they have a +10 increase) while Passion, Sensitivity and [Mystery] go with +8.
But my Dataset is fuqed now and I have to maybe reload a save. Because the cuck got cocky and inivited the Mystery Totem on a surprise date out of nowhere. They game commented "Now one expected this" as it went well. I cried tears laughing at that.
And now they have 516 Fondness for each other.
Passion and Discipline had a great first training date and got also to around 524 Fondness.
Mystery and Sensitivity failed the cooking date and have Fondness 33 and Displeasure 100 now. First time seeing that increase.
When I reload my true cuck load. I will test again and see if they truly don't match.

I know! It really took me a while to click on the white one because I wanted some gapmoe.
The menu is probably at an uncapped framerate causing your GPU to redline while pushing out max frames. Open the nvidia control panel and set the program to force vsync.
>cuck womans up and actually beds the octopus chick against all odds
>damn better reload

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Well, we can't have that, can we?
She even tried again right away after the reload but failed miserably. So all is right with the world. And the Data is consistent.
Intelligence + Mystery / Passion / Sensitivity = +8
Intelligence + Discipline = +10
per battle.

While Passion and Discipline had another great 2nd date and stayed at 524.
The RNG Goddess blessed me too and got the Mystery and Sensitivity Totem a Fondness of 533.
So per good date there is Fondness increase of +500.
Those are not the pairings I imagined but I am fine with it.
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This game man. This RNG.
After the battle the Sensitivity Totem asked the Mystery Totem out for date. Mystery declined and Sensitivity cried. After cooking Sensitivity tried again and Mystery declined again.
They are now at 555 Fondness.
So a declined invitation might rate a +11 Fondness.
I suspect the Mystery Totem just likes to see the Sensitivity Totem cry.

Whereas in the other corner Passion and Discipline enjoy another steamy training session and date. They are at currently at a great rating of 1040. Mommy is proud.
Samantha (or whatever her name was) from 3 was lesbian-only, I think? I dunno, I never even finished the first one.
While true, there's still a clear difference between a romance with a character added into the third game versus a romance that includes a character that's been there from the very beginning (so Liara, or Tali and Garrus to make a broader comparison)
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I just played Sayonara Wild Hearts where the MC is a girl who just got heartbroken or broken up with or something like that, and she goes through a bunch of cool psychedelic levels depicting her grieving process and the game ends with her kissing a bunch of girls (who were the ones who broke her heart I guess?) to get over it. Anyway it is a wildly creative game but I sucked at playing it and only got gold on two of the easy levels so I'll never be able to 100% it even though I'd like to.
It's possible the girls are metaphorical for parts of herself but considering they got Queen Latifah to narrate I don't think you're wrong to assume her ex is a woman too.

I wasn't too fond of the short hair look but I think the epilogue has it grown out a little anyway.
There is a difference... but it is irrelevant to the point. You are moving goalposts. If you want to maker arbitrary distinctions do it from the get go so we can laugh at you.
Literally look like dudes.
Yes, yeeees! Fuck her up, onee-sama! We don't tolerate even a hint of hetshit around here.
That makes more sense then her having an entire biker gang girl squad as ex's. As for the hair, she only has short hair for a minute in the first level until she gets a costume change and then its long hair tied up in a bun. And at the end it grows out like you mentioned which makes me wonder if she cut it after the breakup in the first place since the game uses japanese influence and that is a common trope for post-heartbreak. Also the lovers card is two girls and everyone in the game is a girl which made it a satisfying /u/ experience even though it was too difficult for my soft VN playing ass.
Now hear me out. Bugsnax may be the greatest psychological horror game of the last decade, but it also has lesbians! Just side-characters though (but lesbians don't only save the day they also survive no matter what so get fucked bad ending scrubs, lesbians can't lose).

Ok, it's not really a /u/ game or anything, but I wasn't lying about anything I said. If you like psychological horror that is also cute as fuck with at least one cool lesbian couple then you can always waste your money on this.
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Unsighted was Signalis with lesbian robots so I hope Abyss X Zero finally gives us the "enemies to lovers" yuri that video games have been lacking.
>Unsighted was Signalis with lesbians robots
So... Signalis.
Are they really techncially lesbians if they're weird grub muppet creatures thoug
They go through great lengths to establish sexual idenities, use pornouns and gendered relationship terms... so yes. Also they are voiced by women while dudes are voiced by dudes.

I dunno anon, this is a game with sentient burgers who try to crush you while shouting BUNGER. Nothing makes sense.
Nah. I don't think I will.
"Mary Skelter 2 is a much better yuri game than Labyrinth of Galleria." What now, tough guy?
That anon didn't even finish ME1, so what is it to you if I give context, huh?
And there's is still a quality difference between Liara who you can romance through the entire trilogy versus Traynor who only has one game to her and doesn't even come on missions. That's a fact.
Nobody talked about quality differences. The entire banal and stupid topic was "exlusively lesbian characters in AAA games". Sam is an exclusive lesbian in ME3. Period.
If you wanted to say something worthwhile you could obviously have done what the rest of us did and point out how wrong the initial premise was and that there are plenty of exclusively lesbian characters in AAA games since fucking 2012.
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Idk jap and the game is full of untranslated texts. Does this mean that they have started dating?
Without love, it cannot be seen (by gaijins).
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AAAAH stop it warrior, you're supposed to be a gallant ojou-sama and you already have two girlfriends!
And you elf you should be doing this with the cool digger.
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Finally done and first time posting a drawing on /u/. So I don't expect any mercy. I'm sorry in advance for the not up-to snuff standard quality. And I can't into colors. With that out of the way, first for fanart?
The devs are pretty active and already included a lot of fixes in their roadmap. They also announced new classes and dungeons for the future, which is good news.
Now if they just added a few more yuri events to please the people who feel like this game is lacking in yuri we would be alright.
Wow very night. I really like the subtitle off-white coloring and the tasteful thickness of the lines.
Don't know why you're putting yourself down, just the fact that you came here to share personal art of a game you like instead of rehashing some tired old argument is a breath of fresh air in these threads. That said, wasn't this game supposed to be about girls hitting ON each other?
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Thank you, sis. Truly appreciated. Posting stuff is nerve-wrecking.

Yeah, true. We gonna liven up the thread at least for a while with that game. All of the little stories we are weaving right now is pure bliss for my heart. Every failed date. Every lonesome gathering. Every reload.

So on the note of bringing cute gals closer together. Anyone played around with the Fondness Skill? I fear, this will at one point, crash my game.
The true meta is to give Onee-san Wizard the Harem she deserves.
(The funny part is, I only did Wizard for the OneeLoli with Necromancer initially, but thought it'd be funnier if I gave her a Harem.)
So harems are actually viable? I though there would always be a 5th wheel. So is the meta just an amorphous polycule?
But nee-san, adultery is sin!

Damn, that combo looks so cute. How is their BOND system? There must be some hidden mechanics after all. I have somewhat understood that after their "confession" and partnering up, they have a special move when the green gauge is full? It was bugged before and like >>4215736 mentioned should be fixed now. I personally have not played after the fix.

They definitely are viable and endgame. In the long run the more you adventure and kill monsters the more fondness you get. When you return from the dungeon, one randomly chosen girl invites another to a date which can be hit or miss. If the one confessed to declines outright, it just increases the Fondness by +11 (still testing). If the invitation is accepted and is successfull +500F and if it fails -100 Displeasure.
If you play this game long enough there will be enough dates so everyone is in love with everyone.
I mean, all I am saying is, it is definitely not feasible for anyone to have a 5th wheel. Or treat her as a 5th wheel.
I assumed only two girls can be in a relationship.
It's actually insane how strong the Harem is, Wizard can basically just cast Fireball and watch as the rest of the party goes in for Bond Reaction Attacks. Bestia for another 5 hits or so, Bard for another 5 hits, Necromancer for another 5 hits and then Warrior for another 5, on top of what they were already going to do that turn. Let me wipe the final boss of the first layer on turn 2 after setting up Rage Stance on Bestia. Once the Bond Gauge is full, you can just click Unison with the character her fondness is highest with and she'll hit for crazy high damage as well. (The higher the fondness, the higher the damage.)
The only downside is that at the start of every battle, you have to go through a ton of text prompts listing 20 different buffs for the party as a result of their super high fondness for Wizard. That and with every date you have to see 3 different characters have their displeasure supposedly increase from seeing the dates happen. (The displeasure does not rise.)
After around +3kF(ondness) one of them may confesses and they may become partners. However I've noticed, this isn't always the case. I had two pairs bonding at the same time around the +3kF mark. So I assumed that was the magical number but after an unfortunate mishap I had to reload and the same pair with almost the same conditions didn't bond again. One pair bonded again after +4kF.
The other reached +5kF and still a tiptoe around each other.
Also to note: The partner RNG might come in +1k steps.

>2nd Floor Quest
You have all my envy right now.

>The higher the fondness, the higher the damage.
Did you give her a Fondness modifier?

>you have to go through a ton of text prompts
True. Even now, it's a hassle to click through lesser floors and beat them instantly. An Auto-Attack button for simple clearing would be a good next update.

>making 2 different characters supposedly sad
Please nee-san, I can't do that. Even if the displeasure doesn't increase.
Super cute! Did you really just make that in the last 24 hours wow I'm impressed
Nope, no Fondness modifier. She's capped out at 9999 with Necromancer, but I had the two of them go out on a LOT of dates that practically always worked out.

Wizard has a lot of love for her girls, she makes sure to leave enough time open for the each of them so that she can make them all happy. She truly has earned her Harem. Might slap on some Fondness modifiers for her next level ups to see if she can break the 9999 cap.
Thanks! I tapped out at Knights feet tho. Got spooked at the boots.

>break the 9999 cap
Godspeed, nee-san. May your Unison be tremendous.
>Also the lovers card is two girls and everyone in the game is a girl which made it a satisfying /u/ experience even though it was too difficult for my soft VN playing ass.
It's funny you say that considering the game was specifically designed to be played by people who don't normally play video games.
I just level up fondness every once in a while, generally when I'm not quite ready to move on to the next floor. my team is all on level 13 and I have just one couple, so I might work on that. But I'm also trying to level up some new girls because the furry is dead weight, and I want some better chemistry in the team.
So is this essentially Etrian Odyssey with an attached slutting around sim instead of a dating sim?
Any mobile games that aren’t gacha?
Yeah it's pretty shamelessly an EO clone with yuri, with a mechanic around your team's feelings for each other letting them do combos and finishing moves.
Yuri? Paid nomnomnami games. Esoteric yuri that exists only in your head? Depends on your imagination. Try Buriedbornes 2. Otherwise the best you can hope for are ported vns.
If the Furry is dead weight, you're using her wrong. Furry at all times should be your highest DPS. Invest into Rage Stance and put her into a relationship and she'll be outputting anything from 500 to 1k during Rage Stance by the time you reach Floor 5.
It literally is EO, even the classes are very similar. The devs did say they'll be adding more classes/dungeons in future updates, and it may just be early access hot air but if they go through with that it might make things a lot more unique.
ah shit, I've been focusing on the lightining/speed stance. well, I'll make a new one, this one doesn't get bitches anyway.
Yeah, Lightning Stance does very little for her. Rage Stance and Multi Strike are all she really needs for top DPS.
Does it feature EO map drawing though?
And if the yuri part is just rng nonsense mechanics without any story or characters, the actual game part better be good.
Not much there.
Phantom Rose has a bit of subtext. Arcaea’s main story is subtext. Cytus2 had Ivy and Vanessa. Every other bit of yuri that I know of is gacha.
not really,it had auto map on the beginning
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>That said, wasn't this game supposed to be about girls hitting ON each other?
Of course! I hope you like it.
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It feels like a copout to have my two diggers end up together. at least one is human and one is an octo
How easy is it to level fresh characters part-way through the game because I think I'm fucking up my current party's skill point investment.

Also, my poor Elf keeps getting rejected. Eish there was a brothel option for her gameless ass.
I think the idea is the ones without tentacle hair are still squids, they're just better at hiding it. I'm pretty sure every class is actually a different race entirely.
>the actual game part better be good
>dungeon crawler
>Two Diggers
Now we are cooking!
So in theory twins exist in universe. Which means, if you squint hard enough you can see incest.
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Can anyone confirm that they fixed the translation for Chrono Jotter? This looks interesting, but I heard that it was MTL, at least on release.
You can reset skills at the guild. Its just not obvious because the option says "rest" for some reason. It costs you 5 level IIRC.
I just played this game recently and the difficulty really suprised me. It was far from an easy runner/rhythm game imo. Still worth playing of course, the game is sublime.
The game is doable even for someone with no reflexes since retry or skip option gives some leniency, but I refused to use it so I just got taunted multiple by it every time I ran into the same tree repeatedly. Luckily there aren't extra /u/ scenes locked behind the score/token collecting otherwise I'd still be sweating it out trying to get good.
Yes, they did. There is some questonable choice of words from time to time but you get used to it and then it reads just fine. However I droped reading it at some point.

Somewhere in the middle of the story you realise the main twist that is yet to come and ask yourself "what's the point?". And than there is a roadblock when you reach the endgame where you are basically told to go back and read some fragments you missed. Too much effort for no gain.
Thanks. I was waiting for they to fix the translation. I like the art style and mystery genre. I want to support indie games, especially when the devs are making another yuri game.
I'm pretty sure the idea is that the tentacle portraits are using the Bio weapon, compared to the other portraits using the Arm weapon. Sadly, we don't get a portrait for the Drill, which is unfortunate if you want to have a not-Pratty in your guild.

They probably call it "Resting" because EO calls it that for flavor; imagine the character goes on vacation and forgets their dungeon-diving skills.
Any non-VN releases recently?
The demo is up
Are you blind, dumbass?
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While we're on the subject of JRPGs, it's a pipe dream, but with DQX, and DQ3 HD in the pipe, they've never totally abandoned the idea of a female Hero, even if it's just a gender choice like DQ3, 4 or 9. It'd be cool if it was an option in DQ12 too. DQ11 even let the male hero pseudo-romance with his male party members(though obviously nothing is given the same degree of explicit romance as the game's intended childhood friend romance).
It'd be a hell of a thing for DQ to make the leap to out-and-out yuri, but hell, gotta start somewhere.
Dragon Quest yuri is a real pipe dream.
Is this any good in regards to the yuri and general plot? I miss reading visual novels
Not a masterpiece, but pretty solid in terms of characters, art, atmosphere. Also pairings, at least one side couple have more interesting dynamic than the main one. What kills it for me is the plot twist you guess halfway through. I'll eventually read it all, but... And MC is too central to the plot.
You havent finished it so stop acting like you know what's actually gonna happen. Just because you "predicted" a plot twist doesnt mean you actually know shit.
>And MC is too central to the plot
Is this a bad thing?
If the MC is
the beloved child of some kind of god and so important that abnormalities are fighting for control over her so much that one of them created the school and all (maybe all-1) it's inhabitants(made from her psyche) as an illusion to forever lock her in this lotus-eater machina I think it's a bit too much.
I'm still so annoyed at how they were cooking with female protagonists in the damn 1990s only to go actually nvm we're male only. What the hell square
Yeah, I think Dragon Quest builders is the only DQ game I've played recently that let you play as a female character. It's somewhat welcoming to a yuri fan, there's a situation where a bunch of male characters get mad you're spending a bunch of time with the only chick in town. The dialogue isn't different between male and female PCs.
Felt the same way with Persona after they tried a female protag with P3P only to decide "nah, never again".
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Keeping my momentum going. Color (the ones I have) yay or nay? And I am not very consistent with faces desu. But I'll try my best.
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The Code Vein ending is gayer than I remember.
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She even does the "shaky eyes while looking at main character" thing.
Stop treating your retarded fanfiction like it's on topic you piece of shit. The game is irrelevant. The literal only yuri bit is that one side character has a one-sided crush on another side character. That's it.

Now kill yourself for posting off topic shit.
gee I wonder which poster is worse for the thread, the one posting cute ships or the one going on a nuclear meltdown the minute they see anything they don't personally like

real headscratcher
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Don't let me distract you from discussing your glorified choose your own adventure books.
Nobody posted a ship. It's literally just screenshots of a off-topic game. There is no yuri context. If you post pages of a het manga just because you ship two girls in it you will get deleted.

Also of fucking course it's the anti-VN retard. At least choose your own adventure books give you the choice for actual yuri. What a retard.
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>If you post pages of a het manga just because you ship two girls in it you will get deleted
I know, you know, this was an irrelevant argument to the gaming thread.
>Retard doesnt know what analogies are
>Nobody posted a ship
They did. The MC and Io is a valid ship.
Why even use that kind of analogy? It's not relevant at all, imho. For example: Fem!Shep or Fem!MCs in general. Those games have the sexual parts amplified, yes but is that any different to subtext? And I didn't read about any het content in CV. I haven't played it and the character creator as well as a bit of subtext would make me buy this game. What's got your knickers bundled up, sis?
It's not. Not supported in any way by the game. When will you learn that if you want to post fanfiction, you need to post actual yuri fanart or a fanfic. Not just post the non-yuri shit from the non-yuri game and think you are not off-topic.
>how is an explicit romantic relationship different from subtext?
I can't take you seriously and you clearly aren't trying to be with posts this dumb.
That they sperg practically every day and think they're improving jack shit is astounding
I used to think they were deliberately trying to ruin discussion here and honestly it's still probably that but I'm starting to think now it really is just crippling levels of autism or aspergers or whatever.
>cant follow the rules
>surely everyone else is wrong!
Are you playing hard to get? And here I was at least trying to understand your POV, sis. Your dismissive behaviour upfront is very telling. Wouldn't you do me the honour and indulge me? I just want to understand.
>Not supported in any way by the game.
The burden of proof is on you, and 'I said so' doesn't count.
Again, if you start your post by pretending there is no difference between actual yuri and "subtext" you dont get the "honor" of being treated like someone with common sense. It just comes off as cheap bait.
Seriously what is the point of your post? You are wrong about your premise and you admit you never played the game. You're depressingly unqualified for this topic. You dont even know if this subtext you try to defend exists (it doesnt).

If you are so fundamentally wrong it's annoying as fuck to just move on to other points. What else is there? You want to know what's wrong with posting off-topic games in this thread? Rule fucking 1. Only post yuri or talk about yuri.
As I keep reminding (probably the same two retards), you can post your fanart as much as you want. If you can even scrape together any Code Vein fanworks. Just dont post the actual game's shit here.
And even worse is shilling off-topic games.

We cant normalize /v/ topics. Period.
No, the burden of proof is on the moron who actually posts screenshots from the game here. You have to prove yuri, not the absence of yuri. Are you per chance a creationist?
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Every fucking day with you bitches.
Don't worry, it's genuinely just one person.
Yes it's just one person talking to themselves. In fact you are also that person. And I am that person. And the anon you are replying to is also that person.
Fun fact, "/v/" has come up over a hundred times in the last 4-5 threads and it was mentioned only 40-50 times across ALL /u/ game generals in 2022, and about 40% of those mentions were people from /v/ explicitly coming here to bitch about some drama there
So it's become DOZENS of times more frequent over the last year and a half for reasons that I'm sure are completely and totally organic
True, I am unqualified to actually argue for the alleged yuri subtext in CV but to me those screenshots look a lot like yuri content. A woman saying that another woman is staying in her heart. Is the premise without the sex now different? Does Io have a husband? I don't understand? I wanna buy games with yuri smut and fluff and I'm on the fence on buying that one. I'd be inclined to buy it with subtext because of the mechanics and character creator. That screenshot might make me buy it. So I don't understand why you wouldn't recommend it. Why don't you see it as yuri? And please, an honest answer, not the usual dismissive wall you build up.
It's because bro came here from /v/ and is trying too hard to fit in. Checks out to me.
And anon posted screenshots with a scene of one girl cupping another girl's cheek.
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Remember when /v/ only came up when people accidentally clicked the wrong board?
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Can anyone recommend good and fun yuri games that don't get mentioned much? I'll just namedrop EraSumireTeru and Angelic Acceptor: Aloutte in exchange and hope for the best.
Rabi-ribi gang desu. If you can get past the cutesy artstyle it's legit one of the best metroidvanias of the last decade
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I'm playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 right now. So basically if I pretend that it is yuri somehow I can talk about the game here? Let's give it a try:

>Those Kasumi cameos at the end of Ayame's mission means that they're totally in love!
I played that one, was pretty good but I never did complete it because I'm a total shitter. Solid rec though
Aren't they sisters? Forbidden love...
Io is explicity made to be a waifu character for the MC, in the vein (heh) of the level up chicks from the souls games. So any romantic interactions are absolutely deliberate and not some 'wishful thinking' you're trying to meme about.

Also: the name is Ayane. Ayame is the name of Kasumi, Ayane and Hayate's mother. Try to at least get the names down before trying to talk mad shit.
Didn't ask.
Pretty much sums up all of your butthurt reactions
It's funny, I always pegged Honoka or Momiji as being the yuri bait.
>So it's become DOZENS of times more frequent over the last year and a half for reasons that I'm sure are completely and totally organic
the reason being that it's currently the hot thing to accuse literally everyone of being from /v/ if you don't like them?
like, they may or may not be an actual problem but the preponderance of the mention has totally to do with the accusations rather than the reality
I dunno about yuri bait but Honoka x Marie Rose is kinda cute.
Hitomi x Leifang is also semi popular, but the fandom as a whole is kinda dead, so there barely is anything.
Nee-san who wrote Secret Lillies of Prudence Prep, I am enjoying your game so far and am almost (?) out of the common route

I feel like it's obvious, but you enjoyed writing Izzie the most right?
I hope the retard sperging about Code Vein isn't the same one that brings up Bioware shit all the fucking time.

They're the exact same principle.
If there's a mod that let's you play as yuri-related characters, then that mod can be talked about here.
Two characters, Aurora and Karen, also have something going on.
WTF is the Omegaverse? Is there an MCU for lesbians out there that I don't know about?
It's pon farr fanfic
It feels like I've encountered it before in some Korean manhwa.
It's basically a cross between bestiality and futanari.
Is there any futanary in that Liptrip game?
No, but it is incredibly short
There's a bunch of them. It's kinda wrapped back around to just being a popular genre of erotica about people becoming uncontrollably horny
I mean for the price I'm not expecting a masterpiece like Fatal Twelve. As long as its not like 45 mins long I should be okay.
There is no yuri in the game. This isn't hard to understand, there are no explanations necessary, holy shit.

In the first place, you absolute failure of a retard, stop pretending Mass Effect or other femC games are just fucking sex. They actually have relationships. Romance.
Not that this is in any way relevant. Even a fucking porn simulator with no romance is more yuri than """subtext""" you make up in your head. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you pretending that no romance is the same as canon yuri?

That's 's not yuri. It's explicitely just friendship and this is the scene where Io sacrifices herself and they think they will never meet again. So shockingly, protag and her have a teaeful goodbye. It's not fucking yuri. It's barely are even subtext.

Code Vein went out of its way to feature NO romance whatsoever, execpt for established couples (all het). I dont stop you retards from goggling your second rate crumbs, but that doesnt make the game yuri.

Regardless of context, the screenshots on their own wouldnt even have been proor. Hence the fucker posting that shit needed to prove it's yuri, but he knows it's not. He explicitely says it's gayer looking than he remebers, which means he thought it was even more platonic somehow. You're 100% a troll.
Io is the waifu character, but there is no actual romance with her. She is just braindead for half the game, then she finds out her purpose and sacrifices herself. The game goes out of its way to only make her eye candy and NOT a love interest.

This is all just in your head. And even this basic delusion of yours is SUBTEXT. You have to push the goggles that deep to pretend there is subtext. That's pathetic.

That's the side-character who has a one-sided crush I mentioned before. That is the ONLY actual yuri subtext in the game and it is subtext for a one-sided crush that never even gets confirmed. Beyond worthless to /u/.
If you are a decently fast reader and skip through the very basic sex scenes it is in fact 45 minutes long. Like the average play time is 2 hours.
Can you go back to talking about Ninja Gaiden?
Not the same anon, you dumbfuck. I wouldnt post off-topic games to prove a point.
Can you then start talking about on-topic games instead of your regularly-scheduled spergouts over nothing?
>people talk about an off-topic game
>just let them lol
>someone explains why those off-topic games are not yuri
>HOW DARE YOU?! You must only talk about yuri games!!!
You are the lowest on the totem pole in a class full of the mentally challenged.
Guess that's a no then. Alright, keep fuming.
I will start talking about yuri games when you stop talking about non-yuri games.
>Not the same anon
Ninja Gaiden is an actual good game.
I think not even you understand the retarded quip you are trying to make. I was the one saying Code Vein is off-topic shit. I wasnt shilling it. Ninja Gaiden veing better or worse is completely irrelevant. The point that anon made is that anyone can talk about het games or off-topic games and post them here as long as they pretend to crackship something in it.
It was supposed to show how retarded you have all become to let any off-topic shit slip in.

Now that I explained why your joke didnt make sense I expect another sweaty attempt at a quip. Try your best.
I was just saying your taste in games is shit and you wouldn't know what a good game is if it gave you cunnilingus.
As long as I dont play off-topic games or talk about them here it doesn't matter. Only /v/tards would care.
>skip through the very basic sex scenes
>in a porn game
>then you won't enjoy it and it will be very short
You really are so slow on the uptake... Even with the sex scenes it's like half an hour more at most. The 2 hour thing is for slow readers. When I'm telling you the very basic and boring sex scenes can be skipped I meant it. And what's left is under an hour.
If you don't understand why this is bad then waste your money. Like I care.
>Like I care.
>anon does in fact care enough to reply multiple times
I don't care about you wasting your money. The rest was just me stating facts about the VN. Because this is a thread about discussing yuri games.
Man, I bet you think a woman fingering another is also simply subtext. Every normal person would see the scene above as a clearly romantic gesture, but apparently you see yourself above mere mortal perception.
You saw three screenshots and know shit all about the game, so why should I take your "obvious" interpretation more seriously than what actually happened in the game I played?
It's fine to wear goggles, but don't treat that distorted vision as fact. In reality it is possible for people to have an emotional moment together without being in love. A gesture you can construe as romantic at random may not be in context. There was an entire thing going on a while ago where people posted "accidentally gay tension" moments from hetshit. This is the equivalent.
I actually beat the game on all endings, you stupid fucking cunt. I think I know the game better than you. I bet you would read that scene as romantic if that had the male MC in it just to further shit on it. You fucking hypocrite. Now crawl back /v/ or wherever you came from you overcompensating piece of trash.
I don't believe for even a second that you played this game at all (as nobody on /u/ should) or else you would be aware that the game literally avoids all romantic implications in all relationships (with like two exceptions).

There is no hint of Io having any feelings for MC or vice versa all game. Protag barely is a character to begin with and Io is just braindead memory storage girl.

It is always hilarious to me how much you hetshitters insist that every interaction between two characters of the opposite sex is totally romantic to everyone. No, I will staunchly refuse to accept het until it's undeniable. My standards for calling things yuri subtext are much lower, though I dont ignore the intention of the creatoe either.
Code Vein is dry as a shriveled corpse. Aurora is the only drop of subtext in the entire game and even that isnt confirmed and of course one-sided.
Thank you! I enjoyed writing all of them, of course. The final choice for which ending is on Valentine's Day.
Izzie is wacky which lends itself to fun situations. Off the top of my head, I enjoyed writing the masquerade wordplay and the love letter scene a bunch. Especially curious now how you'll react to her ending.
Blanche was the most difficult to write because she (usually) has so much control over her outward expression, and Naomi has no clue about anything not from her perspective. It was fun to write a lot of Yaya's interactions too.
Probably my favorite scene is Veronika's Thanksgiving event. If she didn't know better Veronika would be wearing her heart on her sleeves all the time, unlike Blanche. Honestly, I probably like Veronika's ending the most. There's just nothing better than two gay dorks.
BTW there are instructions for the endings in the README.
You're the biggest overcompensating hetshitter on this board
I see you have been reduced to blind flailing now. Come back when you have something if substance.
>as nobody on /u/ should
Thanks for the recommendation
Code Vein is one of the better Souls-clones. If you want /u/, I'd even recommend it over Nioh 2 in that regard (which I consider to be the best Souls clone for its combat alone)
How long has the autist that screeches about people going "off-topic" and /v/ even been infesting this thread?
The real question is when did all these people talking about non-yuri games start coming here and why do they get impunity from the likes of you?
>this game with no yuri is better for /u/ than this other game with no yuri
You really aren't too bright. Nobody gives a shit about your gameplay autism. The games are irrelevant.
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>Games are irrelevant to a thread about videogames
Yuri. Game. Thread.
But look at you, it's this autist again. Finally admitting that you are a troll now. Good.
Sure yuri is important.
Game and gameplay are also important in a thread about games because that's the other half of the reason anyone would purchase a game in the first place.
Don't bother. You're talking to someone who thinks this place should be a glorified book club.
So we're down to page 9 which means a new thread might happen someday. Is there any actual news lost in all the whining?
A game with no yuri doesnt belong here. That is the ONLY actual requirement. Everything else is secondary.
I dont give a shit about your gameplay whining. Just get it in your head. If the game doesnt pass this one hurdle it's not allowed in this thread: Does it have yuri?

It's amazing that the trolls have managed tk mindbreak you people into being more upset that someone doesnt care about gameplay than people not caring about yuri.
What even is this convo? Code Vein and Nioh 2 both are not yuri related. Nobody ever thought they were /u/ games when they came out and nobody ever tried to defend them. Only now, randomly, some people appear who want to play those games and thus bring them up despite being not /u/ relevant.
Just stop it. We don't need a long discussion about it, it's just not fit for this thread. Move on.
A few months maybe?
A little over half a year.
Apart from that Yuri EO clone? Pretty much none. I personally advocate let the thread die for a month or two so that people can potentially cool off.
there is one new title I think has yuri potential but at this point I'm better off talking about it literally anywhere else
I'd rather have non-yuri games here over your incessant whining and backseat modding. You are actual cancer and way worse for these threads than any non-yuri game.
Go ahead and tell me these aren't actual trolls. I won't believe you. What a shitshow.
>advocates that maybe everyone needs to lay off the thread for a while because it's getting toxic
Anon, legit get some help.
He's projecting on everyone else. And of course, he got triggered at the idea of being denied his favourite trolling spot.
The notion of putting this thread on hiatus threatens mr. thread police here. If this thread isn't up where else will he police?
The other game-related threads would immediately sniff him out and send him packing.
I love how you only pick out the one post you think might sound halfway reasonable. And of course the two trolls I called out jump on it. Your personal opinion/desire to shut down threads is completely pointless. There are always new yuri games, there are always old yuri games to discuss. This thread has no reason to "take a break" and these trolls know that. They would laugh their ass off if they actually managed to kill the threads. Not to mention that waiting two months changes absolutely nothing.

So what about the idiot literally saying he is fine talking about non-yuri games? The troll making a bait post about how he knows a yuri game but wont share? Are these also not trolls? lmao
I’d be lovely if these threads could actually discuss old yuri games without some dipshit throwing a fit because they were already talked about years ago
That has literally not happened in months. You sure seem obssessed with that though, because I have been payinf attention and you have stated this sentiment at least 6 times recently with absolutely zero provocation. Just like certain people keep repeating that "you would call it het immiedately if [insert character] was a guy!!!" with basically no recent precedent of anyone doing that.

You want to get these threads back on track? Tone down the victim complex. That would be a good start. The other major factor would be if people could stick to only talking about yuri games, but clearly that's a big ask.
It literally happened in this very thread, retard.
It literally didn't. Are the voices in your head getting louder again?
All of your posts have just been you bitching, yelling, and sperging out like a retard all because you have a pathological need to play backseat moderator.
So you admit that it didn't happen. Good. Moving on.
Why were non-yuri related games even discussed here? This is not the board for that.
Because people would rather whine and fuss and chest-beat about how superior they are to other posters than hit the report button to clear out the off-topic posts.
It doesn't do anything.
It doesn't instantaneously make the post disappear, no, beacuse you are not a janitor. A bunch of reports, though, do frequently make large swaths of posts get cleared out when the mods actually do check the queue. If you actually live on this thread you should be familiar with posts getting cleared out.
I assume the Janny doesnt know enough about video-games to decide if something really isnt yuri. So unless the image or post actively show something non-yuri it may not be deleted even if the game is off-topic.
The funny thing is, the screenshots from CV wouldn't get deleted by any janny because they're following the rules
I've seen actual yuri CGs get deleted because the thread was pissed off enough at the person who posted them and mass-reported so the janitors apparently decided we must know something they don't.
You really try hard to drive people away, don't you? What's next on your list? Strawman? Tu quoque? Do you have a checklist you first need to finish before you actually start to interact with the argument?
But I am relieved you considered another anon more worthy of your time and answered it there.
I can now definitely better understand why you personally don't see it as yuri. But I think, you are wrong. I personally, don't talk to and/or touch my friends like that. This is why in my absolute humble and already confirmed inadequate opinion this can be considered yuri subtext. And belongs into the gaming thread for a proper discussion of how cute the Fem!MC interacts with Io. More concerning however is that it's sad to see that even you, someone as fiercely demanding and defending yuri, use the "and they were just friends / roommates / cousin" argument.
In my eyes, it seems to me you are just projecting your own definition of yuri onto games. Because of your constrictions and het mindset, I will try to avoid and ignore your rants.
That's it. For me the debate is over, I have nothing more to add and that's all I am going to say on that part.

I'm sorry for derailing and it will probably get deleted soon but I somehow needed to get that off my chest. As an apology some GlaDOS x Chell.
>GlaDOS x Chell.
I really wish there were more quality fanfics of this pairing, but it's one of those ships so old that it's mostly just wattpad-esque writing.
You would need to have friends in the first place to do anything with them.
"I dont do it so it must be romantic" is the worst argument.
I dont use the "they are just friends" argument, that is literally what they are. Sorry that reality doesnt change just because you want it to. Sometimes two females in proximity are not in love. Hard to believe, but true.
>you are just projecting your definition of yuri
Bitch there is only one definition. The one the board uses. Romantic or sexual relationships between two girls. There is no wiggle room. No relationship or sex? No yuri. This is why subtext is generally worthless, but this game doesnt even have that, at least for protag shit.
If that was true we’d all be playing dogshit vn’s
True. I just love the second game for the tone GlaDOS has with you. Very strained and very angry Ex gf feeling. I ran with a smile into the heart chamber, even fully aware I will absolutely die and this is a trap.
Did you already read "Strange Bedfellows" and the follow up sequel "The Garter" on ff.net (If I remember correctly there was a het scene in the sequel so proceed with caution)? The the first fanfic acts as a inspiration for the pic. Very cute blossoming relationship.
Go to the fanfiction thread.
You made several claims, you were proven wrong. You seem very bad at handling that. Passive-aggression: The post.
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> the second game
Yeah, it's a great ride. It's kind of amazing how much chemistry you can write into one-sided dialogue. I think if it had come out a decade later the fandom for the pairing would have been really huge instead of just being a surprisingly popular ship for the time.
>Did you already read
No, but I'll check it out after I finish my current BG3 and Sylvanas/Jaina fic binging. Thanks for the suggestion.
Didn't you also sperg out over Dragon's Dogma 2?
No. Literally nobody did, outside of gameplay bullshit.
As long as they're yuri
I keep urging you all not to engage with the wannabe thread police. They're never gonna change their mind or see the error of their ways because they're only here to argue. The fake concern over off topic posts is just so they have an excuse to argue more, since as we've seen again and again they have no issues at all making dozens of posts just to insult people. The less attention they get, the better.

Like two years, you can probably look at the archives around that time and literally see the thread instantly getting insanely aggressive out of nowhere. It's a shame just one poster can have such an adverse effect but we can get through it.
So is there some floor level I have to reach in Witch & Lilies before the couples can do combo moves or whatever? One pair has four hearts between them, which seems pretty good.
that is to say, they each have 4 hearts towards eachother
>a couple of months, half a year, 2 years, 4 years, the beginning of time
I've always been around. The change came from trolls or people talking non-yuri shit amassing in this thread. It's really not that complicated. Actually do what the thread was made for and everyone can get along.
This delusion that it's one person, when in fact a bunch of argumentative assholes infest this thread is groan worthy. Maybe if you reported the obvious trolls things would be better.
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Okay, looks like I'm still a little ways away, I'm just after got back from Christmas break, love the dynamic of chairwoman and the nurse BTW. Would love to see the dialogue from when Naomi isn't around!

I look forward to it, in order I really enjoy Blanche, Izzie, then Veronika (they are all good, but that's just my preference)

I really love how you handled Blanche in particular so far, very typical posh upbringing but she's clearly a joy to be around. So Ill do her story next after Izzie.

Thanks for letting me know about the read me

Also, you claim to prevent harm to yayas but clearly a Yaya gets harmed during this story, very sus
Then post something you deem on topic. From outside it looks like you're part of the problem.
At least early-mid 2023
There were arguments dozens of post long about how everyone discussing "off-topic" needs to be banned immediately at least a bit before that, but I don't remember enough to find them in the archives. All I can remember is arguments in which they were claiming games discussed here had absolutely no yuri in them and could not be talked about only to be immediately proven wrong but continue to argue it was off-topic anyway (again sometimes ironically for dozens of off-topic posts)
They've also been caught straight up googling shit to use as ammo because they know jack shit about whatever they're arguing about but just can't not care for whatever reason, and have bizarrely responded to not only the wrong game thread but the wrong /u/ thread entirely multiple times. Something is seriously wrong with them.
That's because you don't know which posts are mine. I'm posting normal stuff all the time.
The claim that there are no new yuri games is really dumb, so I will throw you a bone.
This game is hilarious
For those anons who keep talking about Stardew Valley... this is in space. With more love interests. And funnier writing.
You are actually mentally challenged if you think that was one person.
There he is.
One of the theys anyway. As I keep telling you dumbass, there are plenty of people who complain about off-topic shit or non-yuri topics in here. But I have never posted in the wrong thread nor googled anything. So much as it pains me, the one scapegoat theory can't survive this. Such a shame.
Okay then that's instead roughly when multiple people on one of the smallest boards simultaneously became huge raging cunts over minutia in a way that was specifically unintentionally ironic and schizophrenic
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It's okay to be wrong. We will still call you an autist tomorrow. I see your kind every year, some idiot who thinks he can somehow psychoanalyse a thread and point at one person and say they are the boogeyman. They did it in 2020 and 2021 and 2022 and 2023 and now it's your turn to be a clown.
Now stay on topic, will ya? Or are you turning yourself into a yuri performance art piece of the ditz who keeps getting bullied? I think they have a seat for you in the Yuri General thread.
I sure showed that idiot too. So you did want to step in another clown's footsteps.
>call out someone for raging over minutia
>"No multiple people do that"
>point to one of the most retarded recurring arguments that regularly hit hundreds of posts
>"yeah that was me"
Yeah okay
>With more love interests
does it? Stardew had 6 women you could marry, this game is advertising 9 crew members total. Unless its heavily skewed towards women I find this hard to believe.
Do they have the big heart around their partner? I have not played it since the fix with the BOND system and stuff.

Those two look hot together. Sauce? I tried but reverse image just gives me a russian "Moonlight lovers" thing. And that can't be right. Or am I stupid?
So you are admitting that it's several people considering the Bioware topic comes up all the time with clearly dozens of parties involved? Do you even know what you are trying to catch me on or are you just tripping over yourself to find some gotcha? lol
I guess you didn't try hard enough. It's from a VN that isn't out yet.
also no, they don't. I guess I have to keep making them kiss, just felt like I should check since I hit the 6th floor without any bond attack stuff.
>yeah i was leading the argument this one time
>but at different times it's uh different people even though the argument is identical

3/10 needs a little work
Or the engine goddess is not kind to me. Lucky you found, thanks. I thought I was going crazy, reading strange sites.

Their fondness level is around, I guess, 10k with that statement? I think they can get a special scene to partner up every +1k Fondness you reach. Two more dates, nee-san. They clearly want it but are too dense.
Yeah, my bad, didn't mean to come off so aggressive. Sometimes I just see people say "I looked for it and couldn't find it", and then I look it up and it's the first result. I didn't realize the search algorithm could fuck up the results so badly for someone.

>one cute maid and one aloof vampire
>"A kinetic story with no choices/branches"

>it's by Yahtzee

Wow yuri by Australia's most sober expat
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Oh so you are actually dumb enough to accuse me of being the big bad leader of any Bioware discussion? And what about the other of the two times this image was used? Was I also leading an army into war or was I just making a single reply to an idiot numberfag trying to tell us that Samurai Maiden can't be a success because of arbitrary numbers?
Just to prevent you from embarrassing yourself any more than this, just because I once replied to a Bioware thread doesn't mean shit. That particiular convo was not "an identical argument" to the usual. It was specifically about the general topic of lesbian rogue memes. That was the only time that ever came up.

Have fun sifting through years worth of convos to somehow find something else irrelevant. I know you enjoy pretending to be a detective. You're lucky that I think dumbasses are the cutest asses.
That's every Ebi Hime VN tho

It does look like it'll be her most polished looking one since Dreamy Planet or Salome's kiss tho
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> I didn't realize the search algorithm could fuck up the results so badly for someone.
NTA but google image search does not work for me anymore. Switching browsers does not help.
Yeah, don't worry. I am generally stupid so I don't mind that tone and it was probably my fault to begin with. But truly thanks, I appreciate the help. They look divine.
Last time I played an Ebi Hime VN was something like 3 years ago, so I honestly didn't remember they were all kinetic.

Are you using 4chan's native image search buttons or uploading the file with that photo icon in the search bar? I found that for some reason Google now has two different image search interfaces.
That's what I was seeing! At least I am not all alone in my abandonment. Maybe if you at "Fictional Characters" with the search like the other anon. Nope. Doesn't work. I have no idea what witch magic I have to perform to get this working again but at least I know it's not an issue on my part.
It's quicker to just admit I caught you red-handed, anon.
That's not me fyi, you admitting to being a massive cunt was enough for me.
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lol, lmao even
Acting like having a conversation about yuri games in the yuri game thread is a crime. I guess I don't have to wonder what you usually do in these thread shitposter.

No cunt more massive than the one that birthed your enormous blockhead. I pity your mother, whatever farm she is from.
Anon, you're falling apart, you're making me feel bad for exposing you.
>uploading the file with that photo icon in the search bar?
Uploading the image gives me this retarded
google lens thing with shit ui. You can't even search for higher/lower resolution of the same image like before...
>Their fondness level is around, I guess, 10k with that statement?
I checked and they're each sitting around 5k fondness with each other, and one has gained another heart. I guess I should start dumping points into their fondness and bond multipliers.
>5kF on 6th Floor
Damn, I was way off. Did you have them do the couple dates after every dungeon? What Totems do you use? This is curious behaviour.
Does it have guys? Because we might wanna avoid hetshit.
They're Mystery and Independence. They're not together every single time, sometimes I explore how they get along with others, especially when a random date happens that goes well (Independent got along well with the newly introduced Composure). That aside, they're the most consistent pairing, but they still have some bad dates.
You're not far now. Coming back from winter break is the start of act 5, which is the set up for the endings.

Maybe a little late to say this, but only the Valentine's choice (for whose end route is chosen) and the choice in each ending (for good/bad end) have a major impact on the story.
The rest just add more context and characterization for the chosen character if chosen for an event and alternate choices could be played at the same time if you wish.

Blanche is a posh rich girl for sure and has her flaws, but she's mature enough to be humble and not cause drama. I'm glad you are liking her so far.

Ita true that you don't see much of Prudence and Elodie without Naomi around, but in fact, it's Alexis whose character suffers the most from following only Naomi's POV. It's one thing being a normal girl amongst the old money aristocracy, and quite another being the nouveau riche they all resent. Blanche largely avoids her, Naomi is put off by her posturing, and poor Veronika becomes the sacrificial lamb to increase her reputation with her peers.

Fair warning, the bad endings are bad endings (and kind of a joke).
You aren't very smart, huh?
>They're not together every single time
Now I understand why they have +5kF on the 6th Floor. Can you try and increase Independence and Composure to around +3kF and see what happens between them? No pressure tho, I understand if you don't want to.
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Sure, I'll give it a try since I need to grind out some points for ice spells for the wizard. This is what they're sitting at now
I could also say the game looks ugly as sin and you comparing it even remotely with Stardew is an insult to ConcernedApe.
>1948.8 and 1401.599
You gave each at least one point in the fondness modifier, didn't you? I'm curious if either of those hit the +3k will they pair up or do both need the same? Should be around 2-3 dates. Oh, I'm excited.
yeah they both have 1 point in fondness. I'm trying to get them together but now every date is failing. At least they had a moment(?) when I used a campfire. They're at 2400/1900 while Independence/Mystery is sitting at 5800/5600 (their dates started repeatedly going badly right before you asked me to experiment with this new pair). And then Composure asked Mystery on a date out of the blue and got rejected.
>The twists and turns.
Wild. And as usual it's just useless lesbians being useless. But the Composure x Mystery development is interesting too. Do Totems seek their preferred partner when they randomly ask for a date? I don't think that's the case but that would be a neat mechanic.
At least, I see no displeasure yet. So, Composure or Independence invite the other and get rejected before they even can go to the date, right? They do not have failed dates but rejected invites, yes? One more successful date should do the trick.
Do IndependencexMystery have Displeasure towards the other? Maybe around 200? 300?
>Do IndependencexMystery have Displeasure towards the other?
surprisingly no. But now Independance and Composure have 120 each after a date went badly. But I think Composure will get to 3k fondness for the wizard after the next dungeon dive, even if they keep rejecting eachother.
>120 Displeasure
>After one failed date
I am so confused right now. How badly do you have to spaghetti a date to get it this high? Damn lesbians messing with my non-existent math. Do they have displeasure with anyone else in the group?

>Composure will get to 3k fondness for the wizard
Wizard is the Independence Totem, correct? I can't wait. Should take around 10-12 Monsters to reach 3kF w/o the need of a successful date. I have not tested if higher level monster yield higher ratings for the Fondness stat, so I assuming +8 for a incompatible Totem and +10 for a compatible Totem. And if they talk moon right of the bat after the dungeon it should be a good sign and then they hopefully will be a partner up after a (finally) successful date?
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ok so now that my Composure warrior has 3k fondness for my Independence wizard they had a special event during their after-dungeon chores. This is where I realized that I've probably seen this before with Independence and Mystery... but its untranslated. Speaking of, this didn't trigger any jealousy or special reaction from Mystery. Anyway, the wizard immediately rejected the warrior after this.
As for general party displeasure, I know there's a bit from various bad dates when I was experimenting with different pairings, but nothing stuck out as major.
>reached +3kF
>Special event
>Rejects next date
Your Independence Totem really works the character. How many times can the Composure Totem get rejected before it loses it's composure? Being ravaged by a feral warrior is maybe the wizards goal.

And I just checked. I had the exact same text with my Mystery x Sensitivity Totems. After I send them on a date they immediately confessed to the other and partnered up. Sadly, through an unfortunate and rather unintelligent event that timeline doesn't exist anymore and after that, they never partnered up even after passing +4k and 5k.

This partnering system seems to be relying heavily on RNG. But it's fun to spin a story out of it either way.
also I got these bitches a matching set with the faceless sword and the faceless staff, so they better shape up soon or I'm going back to Mystery x Independence.
yeah the RNG can be annoying, but I guess if it purely came down to totem meta-gaming I'd feel boxed into choosing certain totems for perfect synergy. Ideally they'll find some sort of balance in future patches, so that you're not just watching a series of rejections after every expedition.
Figured as much since each chapter basically deals with a slice of the girl's problems.

Very true, I never thought of Alexis that way, she only comes across as a traditional Christian homophobe, I didn't think that she only did it to make herself look good.

I'm sure I'll still enjoy the endings either way

Who's technically the cannon route?
Though Veronika refuses to give a name, it's very lightly hinted that Alexis is indeed the girl who broke her heart. The whole to-do was just Alexis (admittedly cruelly) using Veronika's feelings to whip up support for herself, in true mean girls fashion.
Naomi is not privy to exactly how the two make up, but despite the blow to their friendship Veronika and Alexis continue as Vertu partners without further animosity and you'll see her twice in act 5 and ending (slightly more in Veronika's ending).

There is no canon ending. Each ending provides a different manner of emotional fulfillment for Naomi.
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Update for Everlasting Flowers on their blog. They've officially completed development.

DeepL translation
>Today, everlasting flowers was successfully completed.
(The mastering will be done at a later date due to a platform review.)

The script was completed last spring, and the voices were recorded in the summer when it was announced, but it took longer than planned due to the huge number of CGs and the full renewal of the system.

However, when I played the completed work, I felt that it was a work that I could proudly present to everyone, with the most meticulous production, wonderful songs and background music, and emotional performances by all the cast members. And it became my favorite work.

Currently, we are starting work on the VISUAL BOOK for the initial limited edition bonus. It is going to be good as well, with original drawings and color illustrations, cast comments, lyrics card, BGM song title list, and a newly written short story (with Fukana and Ran and newly drawn illustrations of the illustrations).

There is still some time left until August 29, but please look forward to its release!
Yea I figured that during their tennis game

I just did Izzie's bad end and thought it was pretty hysterical and very in character for her

Fine, I'll just have to do every ending then
This is the movie VN?
I vaguely remember a post or two several months ago here talking about an upcoming metroidvania or platformer that might end up being yuri.
Is this a real memory and does this game exist in any way or am I misremembering?
I don't care about your aesthetic preferences. Your question was just really stupid. Could have just clicked on the game page that was literally linked to answer all your silly questions.
It wasn't yuri.
I don't know much about him, but the writing in the game is good, so I guess that's an endorsement.

Scene from the game

It was delayed from June to August because they underestimated the amount of CG's they had to make. It seems like a really ambitious project, so I hope it actually gets some good marketing. Frontwing is apparently localizing it, but they haven't posted about it yet.
No I know his writing is good, the books he's written are actually very good reads

It's just an amusing thought to imagine the funny video game guy getting anywhere near yuri
Honestly looks as high production as the witch on the holy night remake so I look forward to this getting localized
Looking at the game site tells me you're talking mad shit by claiming it has more love interests than Stardew Valley.
It would have told you that male characters exist, the thing you actually asked.

As for Stardew Valley, I played it maybe once back in its earliest build. It's an ugly, tedious shitty game and the love interests were boring, so forgive me for not remembering exact numbers. I remember like 2 women you could marry back then.
But for someone who likes Stardew Valley, Starstruck might be a good fit. I just like the funny writing, not the Stardew Valley clone aspect of it. Because Stardew Valley is boring.
Was it that Grim Guardians thing? Not surprising since it was a spinoff of a het harem franchise. Shame because it's the only Metroidvania that comes close to matching CV's gothic aesthetics. Would be nice to have a yuri metroidvania like that.
That one is a bit older, but it was also not yuri (outside of a gag ending).
The recent Megaman-esque game that some people assumed would have yuri was that Vtuber game. I forgot it's name, but anon played it and it wasn't yuri.
I can't wait, I preordered the LE so I'll have the artbook too.
OH, Virtua Project Unlimited.
Played the demo, and it was fun, but skimming through playthrough video's shows that while it's not het, it's not full yuri either. At the very least it is goggleable (worth noting that the MC is very obviously more sympathetic and caring toward the female characters than the male ones in the demo).
Stardew Valley has, with guys included, more love interests than Yahtzee's game. And from what I gathered, not every character even is a love interest. Good job recommending an off topic game, anon.
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>I just like the funny writing
I know humor is subjective and all that, but the trailer really doesn't do a good job at selling the writing.
>game has yuri
>off-topic because it has less love interests than Stardew Valley
Good for you. Just like I don't care about your sense of aesthetics I also don't care about your sense of humor. Play it or don't, no skin off my back.
Nigga, we had games with yuri called off topic in here because it 'doesn't matter' since it involved a cardboard MC. Can this thread finally start being consistent?
She's a sexbot
Is knowing this supposed to make her dialogue more or less funny?
Blank slate self-inserts with playersexual love interests are the lowest form of yuri. But they are still yuri. Which is on topic and nobody ever questioned that.

That's just a troll. Probably even (You).
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>no one has questioned playersexual stuff being yuri
>here is a post doing it in this very thread
>no that doesn't count for some reason, it's just a goof, also you probably made it up
So retardus maximus, what is your retarded point? That anon is obviously a troll and so are you for exacerbating this retarded topic. I'll give you two options: Drop it or drop it. And then fuck yourself. That's all, you are dismissed.
>not wanting to kiss teh penguin of doom
the mythical anime villain speech...
It's a new experience, seeing it in the flesh.
You really don't need to try this hard to save face over being wrong about something.
Three attempts in a row, kind of embarrassing, but let me throw you a bone. You are too stupid to bait. When the guy goes on about how the game is off-topic because a troll said playersexual games don't count as yuri, that was wrong. Now repeat after me w-r-o-n-g. There, hope that clears it up.
It explains why she's talking like a braindead anime stereotype.
Well, I guess Byleth x Edelgard is officially kosher then.
??? Of course it is.
You really thought that was controversial? Bad yuri is still yuri.
Also the chick from Code Vein then. Makes sense.
Now you're trying too hard. We already established Code Vein has no yuri, unlike FE3H.
You know you still have to actually provide some proof for your statement. Those screencaps didn't bother the mods, it seems.
Code Vein and 3H are on almost the exact same level. Byleth is a complete void of a character just like the CV protagonist. And people got really upset the last time I mentioned it but the yuri in 3H really only appears in the last 20 minutes. And Edelgard still refers to Byleth as her teacher even then...
>Bad yuri is still yuri.
Makes sense. We did have Horizon in here after all.
Modern Fire Emblem games have actual romance mechanics, Code Vein doesn't.
>And Edelgard still refers to Byleth as her teacher even then...
Kink shaming now, aren’t we?
FE4 is hardly modern
So just so we're clear: if CV had a halfhearted affection mechanic with a quick romantic epilogue you'd consider it yuri? Just so we're all on the same page here.
No I wouldn't because it still wouldn't be a yuri game.
No I don't. Yuri has to be proven, not the other way around.

FE3H doesn't just have self-insert protag romance, there are several other yuri couple combinations. Your "argument" is invalid and based on hearsay, which is very obvious. You never touched the game.
But even if we pretend you were right and Byleth/Edelgard was the only yuri in the game, it is explicit yuri with romantic confession and marriage. Code Vein doesn't even have subtext.

Your trolling failed. As it always will when basic facts get in your way.
I feel like it's rare we get something this high quality translated, so hopefully it doesn't flop.
But I don't get it, that's exactly what 3H has. Take away the support system/paired ending and it'd be Code Vein tier.
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>take away the yuri and it has no yuri!
I swear to god I'm not tryna start shit on purpose but that's what I was pointing out to begin with. I asked if CV would be yuri if it had a support system and paired endings like 3H and was told no. It's a contradiction.
I think the yuri analog might be please be happy

So hopefully this encourages more yuri fags to go all out
Okay I just finished the whole thing, did all the good and bad endings and did the other choices to see the dialogue

In short my favorite characters were Izzie, then Blanche, then Prudence, then Elodie, then Veronika, then Yaya

My favorite good end was Blanche and my favorite bad end was Izzie

I think Blanche is the best fit for Naomi

2 yayas cruelly hurt in the process/ 10

Thanks for posting it here Nee-san you made a very fun read
Who cares? Why does one anon's opinion matter? Your question was stupid to begin with. I will say it again... if you add yuri to a game then it has yuri. This isn't rocket science, you didn't have to ask this question whatsoever. >>4219958

In every way this line of questioning served no purpose. You were kicked down when you tried to pretend CV and FE3H are on the same level and then got whiny and were trying to get a gotcha out of someone.
Just accept it already dipshit. CV has no yuri. Three Houses does. This means the former is irrelevant to this thread and the latter isn't. Nothing else needs to be discussed. And for the love of yuri, stop pretending you weren't trying to start shit, when the entire convo boils down to you either trolling or being salty about CV.
Thank you! Happy that you enjoyed it.
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Edelgard is canonically into women which elevates three houses into a valid yuri game, Edelgard is not playersexual, playersexual is when the character doesn't have a real sexuality, Edelgard is canonically bisexual.

Edeleth is cute and canon.
It's neither cute nor canon, but it is yuri. I'd rather pair Edelgard with one of the real characters anyway, thanks.
We get it you're not a yurifag
Hilarious. So is me pairing up the canonical bisexual Edelgard with other canonically bisexual women not yuri? Because I don't self-insert into an empty husk and pretend that's yuri? I think you are vastly on the wrong side here to make any snarky remarks.
You see the main character and assume "male"
I see the main character and see a cardboard golem moved by strings. I don't consider gender for non-humans.
You're trying to sound smart but you're just saying "I don't understand RPGs"
I'm kind of tempted to buy flowers on switch even though I already torrented it but haven't gotten around to playing it yet
Are there any other good Japanese only switch games?
Come back to me after you played Fire Emblem Sacred Stones. Preferably with the gay mod of course.
What the hell do you mean Japanese only? Flowers has been translated for years.
Oh that's just too adorable. You tried to make a big deal out of how "RPGs" should have blank slate self-inserts and how I don't know how things work, yet you didn't even know that Fire Emblem used to have real protagonists with personalities and dialogue? lol
I know that, retard, what does it matter? You still don't understand RPGs
Then explain your second-rate opinion on RPGs to me. I'm sure we will all be so impressed.
Yeah but that hasn't been ported to switch, it's only available on the Japanese store.
Then play it on the Steamdeck if you are deperate for mobile versions.
If a role-playing game gives you an option to roleplay as a lesbian then it's yuri and valid, the point of role-playing games is to let you have freedom to make your own story, the more backstory the character has the less RPG the game is, it's why people disliked Fallout 4's main character
>the more backstory a protagonist has the less of an RPG it becomes
Opinion dismissed. You are the retard who can't understand that there are several types of RPGs and not everything is a CRPG. A Tales Of JRPG is as much an RPG as Baldur's Gate 3.

Your opinion being painfully surface level and shit aside, the value of yuri is not tied to how much of an RPG you think a game is. Good yuri is well written yuri, which a puppet protagonist will never be capable of. If your idea of RPG cannot work with good yuri, you are in the wrong.

This is doubly stupid in a franchise that did fine with real protagonists for most of its run. Even Awakening and Fates had protagonists with minimal presence and direct interactions, which made them so easy to mod to be more gay. At least I CAN see Corrin talk to a woman and have chemistry with her.

I doubt you will be able to make a coherent response and I'm satisfied knowing what your damage is, so I'll be moving on from this topic.
>If your idea of RPG cannot work with good yuri
That's your own opinion though, not a fact.
>canonically bisexual.
This supposed to be a win for yuri?
When you're talking about a big franchise yeah
>obvious bad faith comment
How bored are you, nee-san? Have a tuna sandwich.
>tuna sandwich
Not yuri.
>Not Yuri

There are a few that hasn't been ported to PC
夜、灯す and こちら、母なる星より. There was also 神田アリスも推理スル, but that one was recently ported to PC in DMM

Also, talking about JP only games, a new *visual novel* is in the making: https://x.com/vividX_yuri/status/1795446173723242757
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I invested in some colour but I couldn't reproduce the knights armour so that looks kinda dumb. Maybe I can finish it until this thread officially breathe it's last post.
I like it
Awesome! I know where it's going to end but getting there is a challenge. Sleeping should be skippable and work could do with shorter QTEs. But the weekend draws close.
I also recommend it to a Yuri vtuber so hopefully your game gets some more recognition
Why does the knight bottom even though she's bigger? Is she stupid?
Why does the larger lesbian not simply eat the smaller one?
Necromancer used possess on her.
Ever maiden is technically jp only for a couple more months before the translation releases. 秘密のキスは甘くやさしくis a short jp only one on switch. I also recently picked up アサツグトリ based on very little information when someone called it a yuri game but I haven't played it yet.

You forgot じんるいのみなさまへ which comes before こちら、母なる星より. None of these three games (including 夜、灯す) are particularly high on the yuri but they increased the amount with each one. Also not jp or switch only but seabed and fatal twelve have console exclusive scenes which I believe still have not been ported which annoys me every time I remember it.
When making the new thread, make sure to mention that these threads are for all forms of yuri related to videogames, not just videogames with canonical maintext yuri.
On it.
Fuck off. You are purposely phrasing it in the dumbest way possible.
Yes, you can post yuri fan stuff for non-yuri games, but the only games that matter here are those that have actual yuri otherwise. This is not a subtext thread and it certainly is not a fucking headcanon = yuri thread.
Imouto-chan, if you'd been here long enough you'd remember the time someone hijacked the thread from me and tried to link every single thread of yuri game fanart, and how annoying it was.
Newfags like you don't get to decide what a thread is or is not for.
You are not an oldfag and I refer you to rule 1. Deal with it bitch.
>Is she stupid
She definitely is! And who doesn't want to be called a "Good Girl"?

Size isn't everything. If you have flying staff. And big lesbian is not allowed to do that in the dungeon. The Necromancer is supposed to concentrate. Can't concentrate and deal damage if your are occupied with or because of someone.

Especially on certain occasions.
Your ruleslawyering and language betrays you as a troll.

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