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TL;DR: Looking for best ffmpeg options to encode webms using Nvidia GPU

Generally when I am encoding a webm I use settings similar to the following:
ffmpeg -i ${INFILE} -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libvorbis -crf ${CRF} -vf scale=-1:${VHEIGHT} -b:v ${BITRATE} -threads 0 ${OUTFILE}

and I usually mess around with the variables until I have something small enough. However my CPU is a bit slow doing this and sometimes the encoding speed is around 1x. I have a 3070, though, so I should be able to encode video relatively quickly. I tried to add
-hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda
before the input file (as the docs say to do) but I just get errors about not being able to convert between formats. I do have a version built with nonfree-licensed libraries (as you would need with Nvidia GPU) so I don't think that is the issue.
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you have to compile it yourself with cuda support because freetards are autistic faggot retards who refuse to do anything useful

unless you have arch then they were nice enough to actually put precompiled cuda enabled binaries up

but if youre on windows or some other distro you're shit out of luck and you better hope your environment works out of the box or you will spend 4 hours debugging and editing libs to make it work because these stupid autistic faggots refuse to make it easy
use the original
uhh we don't use that name anymore chuddie
contributions are welcome
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you're more than welcome to polish the shaft

Why does my partners iphone get 5g and my android gets 4g
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either you have an older phone that doesn't support 5G and/or you have a different carrier who doesn't have 5G in your area
*or it's an HRT issue

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It used to be the "just werks" distro, I installed it recently and nothing works, the snap packages installed from the app center are broken, lots of visual bugs, when will the year of the Linux desktop arrive?
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Lots of troll posts above and I'm sure this comment will get drowned out but the fact is OP is not wrong. Canonical has abandoned the development of Ubuntu. Not officially but they will announce it in the 4th quarter of 2024.
Now like Microsoft they are fully focusing on enterprises servers and cloud computing and storage.
works on my machine
>Retards still falling for the Ubuntu meme
Fedora is the current brainlet choice and it just works everywhere.
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The thinking man's choice is Xubuntu
just use kubuntu bro :)

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They are wrong.
>old enough to have over 9000 emails
>getting his first unpaid internship
Hey, OpenAI engineer here. We learnt that a recently hired intern is disclosing his successful entry in our company here and is putting our reputation at risk. We're going to investigate who the author is and terminate their contract accordingly.
OpenAI has a zero-tolerance policy on racism and discrimination and 4chan users are socially labeled as such. We cannot accept such individuals among us.
Thank you.
ez pz, OP left an iPhone serial-number image name. we can search nearby image numbers, have AI crunch the attached text posts, and build a full profile to identify all his activities across the Web
Wonder if the OP used a solid color to censor stuff because if he didn't all someone needs to do is mess with the levels to uncensor it.

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Should have waited until near debian 13 freeze
>Chinese spy
Why wait ?

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>use a distro that uses systemd
>literally no problems at all
I do not hate systemd and see no need to hate it. It is a fine (suite of) programs.
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Exactly my point
Despite some questionable architectural decisions (see: use of alloca), systemd is free software and just works, it has worked fine for well over a decade. Ignore the screeching.
Anyone who brings up OS "market share" in any discussion is an idiot.
Okay Lennart

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What was the best windows and why was it XP?
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Its based on...
Oh fuck you, Microsoft named it and released it. It existed, it was used by many. At least 1 anon in the thread used it and misses it.
You are wrong
You are wrong
You are wrong
It was Windows 2000. I remember first getting XP. It looked like some Fisher Price toy.
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>That is not XP
Yeah, and you are not a man
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Nigga you can daily drive it without any issues whatsoever, there's nothing "mangled" about it just because some bluepilled cringe tranny devs decided to artifically limit support for it

The extended kernels will only get better with time too, 7Chads will grow even stronger going into the 2030s
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a shell that isnt complete cancer to use
>but 24h2
thats even worse the only redeeming factor about 11 right now is that you can revert it to 10's shell

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2.5" Western Digital SMR tech drive at 6TBs it now biggest 2.5" ever

>it has 130 megas per second read speed


Western Digital's 6TB 2.5-inch HDD is currently used for the latest versions of the company's My Passport, Black P10, and G-Drive ArmorATD external storage devices.
If you buy such and it says 6TB, you are getting the new drive model.

It is necessary to note that 5TB 2.5-inch HDDs already feature a 15-mm z-height, which is the highest standard z-height for 2.5-inch form-factor storage devices.

6TB 2.5-inch drives will unlikely fit into any laptop PC because laptops are thin today.

Western Digital only discloses that they offer up to 130 MB/s read speed (just like their predecessors), feature a USB 3.2 Gen 1 (up to 5 GT/s) interface using either a modern USB Type-C or Micro USB Type-B connector and do not require an external power adapter.
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>SMRshit in a proprietary package
miss me with that shit
and here's your url deniggerfied (buy an ad too) https://www.westerndigital.com/company/newsroom/press-releases/2024/2024-05-16-western-digital-unveils-worlds-highest-capacity-portable-hdds
I, personally, yes actually. Anecdotal evidence though. But WD scammed me of a repair once.
>Internal Use
Fuck the police
Just use an SSD.
My WD hard drive has 11 years of daily use and still going strong

Does anyone still use Gentoo? I don't understand why there are still people using this distro.
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>Pedotroon distro, use ACK!
>grey hair
too old for me
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I've been using it for 5 years now.
>I don't understand why there are still people using this distro.
The only other distro that comes anywhere near close to the power of Gentoo is Nix, but even that you'd preferably want to use in a non-systemd distro .. like Gentoo.
Once you use portage will you will realize how dogshit most distros and package managers are.

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no this is patrick
go back
upset? are you fat? you gonna eat now?

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Im reading a manga and this came up but idk how a bunch of 1s and zeros can make me upload a photo on 4chan with text

Why does it work ?arent u guys freaked out by this
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just remember that the image is also 1s and 0s and the electric signals that those represent get sent into about 2 million prisms from a bunch of directions and they all get back to your eyes as an image
read code: the hidden language you brainlet
this is a very specific type of image called a bitmap
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A certain combination of 0s and 1s, which are represented in machines as the presence or lack of electrical flow, can quote logically be used to create all that we see before us. What exactly is confusing? It seems at its core a very basic principle that you can build detailed language on top of these 0s and 1s by assigning meanings to different strings.
It's a fucking FUCK ton of 0s and 1s.
Also, people build stuff in binary. They build stuff in languages that turns binary into human readable chunks, which often then get further abstracted away by higher level languages.
Never wrote a line of code in my life outside of a "hello world" in C ten years ago, but it makes perfect sense to me how it's logically possible
It's abstractions all the way down. It starts with an electronically controlled switch, then you route those switches in such ways to make logic gates then you place those logic gates in ways that'll allow you to do basic math and you repeat that abstraction exercise hundreds of times and you get 4chan to upload an image for (You)

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

math edition

Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more. Coming soon™: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024/
NEW multimodal model, GPT-4o (omni), voice features coming soon™: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/
Chub merged UI with Venus side (Venus cards still hidden by default). Old UI: https://characterhub.org

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org / https://chub.ai

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Oh wait I'm thinking Scylla, where you have to do dumbass tasks in games for like 600-1100 prompt limited keys
Yeah, Chary only has sonnet and filtered GPT but its got unlimited token usage.
do not be like that. Give me a key and I will do anything


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How can I safely play games with a kernel level anti cheat?

Can I just install it on an external hard drive and unplug it when I’m not using it? Is there anything I can do?

This is not video games it’s about network security
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The game uses ACE which an be bypassed with a stolen driver cert just like Gameguard.
I may be a porn addict but at least I'm not a bumboy.
Literal schizophrenia.
Your printer driver is a rootkit.
Unlike a printer driver, kernel level anticheats don't do anything useful for you and in fact exist only to restrict your freedoms
Just use Windows, PC games are not created for Linux. WuWa CBT2 worked fine on my machine.
t. Windows 11 Home Chad

Ancient geeks designed this.
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actually it was black africans who made this :)
>John lennons imagine
Top kek
are the crystal gems! :D
It is literally a circle not a computer.

What are some good resources on learning to optimzie code?
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unironically a good game to practice low level optimization. albeit in a fictional instruction set.

the funny thing is, one of the tutorial level is infact the hardest to optimize in the game. even after finishing the game im still going back to the tutorial level to grind for lower cycles.

i have no idea how picrel able to do it with such low cycles.
hated this game
loved shenzhen and infinifactory. am I just a weirdo?
Nah, I'll stick to TIS-100
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There's already optimized libraries written by autistic boomers that should be doing all the heavy lifting in your code so you don't have to worry about "optimizing"

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