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Battlestation Thread
Rate Edition
223 replies and 53 images omitted. Click here to view.
what is the intake manifold for? Why does it seem to have a port that only runs to the last cylinder?
Hallo und danke mein Lieber. :) I hope so do you!
nice one, are those two 24 inch monitor? sauce on monitor arm?
>are those two 24 inch monitor?
yes. monitor arms are nb f160

ARCH USERS: reminder to run yay today
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something break again? i fell for this one time and it was a kernel update that broke nvidia or something and had to be downgraded for 2weeks
$ yay
bash: yay: command not found
im seriously moving to slackware soon and using all my stupid sowy apps like firefox that demand you update every ms patch tue in a distrobox container
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>king mutt incels (asmongold, penguinz0, xqc and austin evans

Stay classy /pol/tard aka retarded newfag
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hello friends, I'm thinking of doing some OS development but targeting x86 PC seems like a nightmare. any suggestions?
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PIC runs at up to 64MHz it has all you need
I thought most of those wouldn't boot at all without binary blobs to initialize bits of the SoC
x86 does a bunch of retarded shit but mostly keeps it behind the scenes. see also, the memory model

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After playing around with GPT-4o for a bit, it's image analysis and natural language abilities are starting to become really really uncanny.
For the past couple years I've been of the opinion that LLMs are nowhere near the point of becoming actually dangerous (as in, dangerous to people who aren't easily scammed grandmas or generally gullible people).
But seeing the ability of the top end models to ingest giant amounts of data (like a linked cloud drive or set of files) is making me a bit concerned that the rate of progress is becoming way too much in way too short of a time period.

We really don't know where the ceiling of the current LLM revolution will end up being. I thought GTP-3 was the practical limit of big improvements, but I was wrong. Maybe it will start stagnating soon, but what if it doesn't?
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i hope this post is a joke, but lately you see lots of unironic buy an ad posters and it's hard to tell
>discuss things they like
is this gonna be your new cope image to justify your terminal obsession with politics?

do you see /g/ starting nvidia vs amd flamewars on /pol/, you fucking retard?
do you see 20 threads a day on /pol/ about how proprietary software is bad for your freedom?
do you see autists on /pol/ screeching because you posted from an apple or windows device?

fuck off
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If /pol/ is le necessary space to discuss le necessary hecking important le discussions, I am gonna start spamming Lain on /pol/, to the point where all discussions about niggers become Lain image dumps.
After all, I am just "a /g/ poster giving his two cents", and a "/g/ post that doesn't exist in a vacuum". /pol/ users who get butthurt about those things are just le hurting my free speech, they'd be asking jannies to ban things you don't like, and they don't belong on this tranime site.
>I thought GTP-3 was the practical limit of big improvements
What makes you think anything releases since then is a big improvement over GPT 3?
That new 4o thing seems to be a slightly more intelligent GPT 3 but with vision recognition abilities and text-to-speech, which is nothing new in the AI front.
nobody fucking cares about your opinion on potential danger. potential danger is potential money. potential energy. potential. a physical incarnation of risk that will be seized, no matter your opinion, because risk is potential success.
potential in plastic. potential in emissions. potential in everything new.
push the envelope, for the form is more important than the accuracy.

We lost but we'll get it back in 7 edition.

Request advice:

>Headphone Power Calc

Don't miss out on EQ
Bear in mind headphones may perform differently between units

Recommended programs:
Windows: EqualizerAPO (+ Peace)
Linux: EasyEffects
Android: Wavelet, Poweramp Equalizer, (Rootless)JamesDSP

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which cables are least microphonic
cloth cables from hartaudio
too expensive
i could buy a hifiman for that money
hes trolling you bro cloth cables are the most microphonic
then just roll the aliexpress dice

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>protected speech
how long before the big leak where we get thousands of coomer faces?
I don't watch porn so I don't see the issue.
the SCOTUS is majority right leaning. you can maybe bet on clarance to lean toward personal freedom but the rest of them? no way, too ideologically driven.

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You're not using a normal mouse that's slowly poisoning your body with microplastic, are you, anon?
I smoke cigarettes, so I don't have to worry about microplastics. If you aren't poisonmaxxing, why even live.
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>Intel charges more than amd for fake cores, worse single-thread performance, and crashes every other minute
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that's a pterodactyl, they're only nonbinary gender wise not species wise as well
>frogposter making shit up
a tale as old as time
The cuck cores don't even work on older Wndows versions, fuck Intel. Actually advertising an i5 as a 14 core CPU, LMAO.
>furry shit
lmao classic amd
>frogposter dropping trvth nvkes
Thats new

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IceWM shows two different times on top right

The other is 12 hour clock while another is 24 hours
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what rule has been broken
2.Tech support threads should be posted on /wsr/.
FOSS software at its finest
fuck off
use a real wm like i3
they probably just update at different times,
tooltip at the end of the second and display at the start

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you are projecting, take your meds rugga you fucking dirty nigger
i hate jews, i hate the porn industry, i hate whores, i hate simps and i denounce the talmud
no. i'm european, you're a "white" mutt surrounded by niggers
>take your meds
projection if i've ever seen one. you're having a full on psychosis because i talked shit about simps
explain why care more than nothing if a whore degrades herself by ruining herself with niggers. i swear to god i've observed this a shitton with porn addicted incel simps, thus my assumption that you are one
Debian is literally for lesbians
>>100537183 (me)
>explain why care more than nothing if a whore degrades herself by ruining herself with niggers
i mean why aren't you just laughing at it and thinking 'good riddance'. why are you personally invested? whores gonna whore, who gives a shit
And the only reason to post a picture of her, on a tech forum discussing technology, is that you are a hopeless coomer.

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i like old controllers
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The left joystick is the main input device for modern games, so it baffles me that Sony kept it in the secondary position for 5 generations straight.
I would say it's good for 2D or retro games but the fact that it hasn't got a proper D-Pad even though the Nintendo patent expired back in 2005 also baffles me.
It Dougs.
Im gonna need a citation for that. How is it superior to a kingkong 3 max for example?
>it's the PSX argument again
I hate being among autistic people so much
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>>100532930 The best.

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I just installed BlockTube to filter every word related to video games and gamer content, I'm finally leaving this manchild hobby
why not just block youtube altogether?
I use it for music and documentaries
>I just installed BlockTube to filter every word related to video games and gamer content, I'm finally leaving this manchild hobby
I just lost interest when I got older. It's just not fun anymore.

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Musk did this.
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this is true.
after this post ima activate them again.
enjoy your bots/rebbitors/nufags/cultists npcs et al.

i shall not bless you with my insightful posts from until this tardation is stopped.

sayonara and konichiwa from me anons.
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there's always another way anon.
Mullvad browser is basically TOR for the clearnet.
It has all of the anti fingerprinting features but doesn't use the TOR network.

Works on my machine.
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>Mullvad browser is basically TOR for the clearnet.
>It has all of the anti fingerprinting features but doesn't use the TOR network.

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/g/ insists thag Linux is superior to Windows, but why not just debloat it?
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the rootkit is in the microsoft windows portion of the setup
it's fine, because if the atlasOS guys are spying on me, the ccp will tell me about it
And troubleshooting Linux takes a lot more work than anything in Windows because EVERYTHING JUST WORKS.
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I don’t need more than what I get with Linux mint. I spend 99% of my time in my browser anyway, and Linux does that fine. 0.5% of the time I’ll play a game and the games I play are pretty well supported so they work fine, and the last 0.5% is me using libreoffice, which works well enough as an MS alternative for me. I could switch to windows IoT LTSC but I don’t really have a reason to.
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Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours

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what part of operating systems are necessary to run programs?
also more specifically what are the bare necessities for running an .exe with nothing else happening at all
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what is it all dependent on to make it do what i want (use programs and applications + has the internet)
can i have an operating system which has most software capabilities run all programs .exe .apple .apk .linux .java ??
what is it called the pieces called which make so you can using software to videogames internet browser file browser media player
for example i wanted the computer to start into a gui which was lists of console commands
click word > next list of console commands
and a file explorer which you could run different programs from
what is the absolute minimum i need to run them?
example i want run firefox.exe firefox installer.exe
>a gui which was a list of console commands
thats not important i just ask what do i need to put in an operating system to make different programs work

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