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A voluntary Digital ID coming soon (we all know it won't always be voluntary):
>"A national digital identification bill has finally passed through both the Senate and now Parliament"
> An economy-wide digital ID system will provide many benefits to Australians by improving privacy and security when interacting online,
pdf for bill (disturbing reading):
pic related: some of the data that will be linked to your "ID". social credit score coming soon (i guess).
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>it's clearly going to be used to persecute dissenters who oppose and resist top down woke bullshit forced upon the common people by the ruling caste
very much looking like it, anon. it's quite alarming. to make matters worse is that the general public knows absolutely nothing about any of this. very little public awareness about how it works, what it actually collects - purposefully done so. less scrutiny that way.
> he thinks it will be targeting people that i don't like
stupid motherfucker. this applies to everyone that uses this system. it will be used to follow you all over australia and the internet for the rest of your life (if you're stupid enough to use it). sadly people fear it will become mandatory. they also hold all data linked to your card for up to 7 years. if it ends up in the hands of the police, glowniggers etc then there is no time limit at all. it will be used to profile everyone no matter who you are. every australian (including children of any age) will end up with this digital id in the same way as having a medicare number.
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people I don't like are too retarded to just lie, they're even honest on internet
>tranny tranny tranny
>kike kike kike
>nigger nigger nigger
nobody will miss this spam of obsession when it disappears
it's possible govid will be linked to it and will be phased out for "digital id" in the future. you'll be using it for all government services. they'll be frantically linking everything to it that's possible no matter how irrelevant.
Doesn't effect to my salary so I'm not interested.

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Just bought a 5800X3D to replace my 5600x, what am I in for?
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*too smart to
Heat and power usage depends on the motherboard. Some drive non x3d chips really hard
>what am I in for?
a 5800X3D
>what am I in for?
Higher electricity bills that's for sure.
mmm bb yesssss

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Feds take down Breachforums

[spoiler]they really had an intern photoshop their anime pfp behind jailbars KEK[/spoiler]
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it means it runs in Tor retard
wasn't it because of another forum or am i misremembering?
you fucking cia nigger
niggerlicious communist fascist cunt, kill yourself
What exactly did these websites do? I'm a normie. Did they distribute data breaches?

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I'm getting cloudflare captcha hell on firefox. So I had to download chromium to post on 4chan now.
Both browsers have 3rd party cookies disabled.
Both browsers have same extensions with same settings.
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>install a ton of useless addons that breaks your browser
>”umm it’s actually more secure and private!!”
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had the same problem on chromium, turned out it was the kde plasma integration extenstion causing problems for some reason.

is my skepticism of it justifiable?
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Last update broke a shit ton of settings, not just UI related. It fucked up the UI too, thoughever, and it now looks like even worse cancer.
It wasn't great to begin with but this new iteration is absolute garbanzo. Fuck Samsung and fuck their UI "developers"
There's MIUI which is an affront to god
For real?
You were so close.

Will you be switching?
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No. I will be fully moving over to Linux as soon as all of my games work properly with minimal hassle.
>fake get
mind broken linux troon
can you mod the iso to remove copilot & bitdefender?
can you disable "recommended" section from start menu without a thirdparty app?
lol, that's beyond retarded
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i will NEVER use anything that requires hardware spyware like TPM

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The purpose of this thread is to discuss Maid Computers.

>What is a Maid Computer?
A Maid Computer is a highly mobile computer which can be used while standing or walking, without peripherals or special furniture, which can run compilers locally and has a physical keyboard and is small enough to fit in the standard apron of a maid outfit.

>Are Maid Computers just UMPCs?
A Maid Computer can be a UMPC, but UMPCs aren't necessarily all Maid Computers. A Steam Deck for example, is a UMPC, but not a Maid Computer, because the designers failed to give it a physical keyboard.

>Official Dra/g/on Maid Board Maidposting Guide
Please be polite when posting on the Dra/g/on Maid Board. Be nice to other maids and attach an image of your favorite maid to each post where you do not need the image field for something else (a process traditionally known as maidposting).

>Thread Open Discussion Topic
Discuss what Maid Computers you have and how you use them. Discuss high-end Maid Computers. Is there a manufacturer better than GPD? What Maid Computers do you want and how will you use them?
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Here's a photo taken with the camera to demonstrate how absolutely abysmal the camera quality is. I did not apply a filter of any kind.
I already have a phone.
A maid computer is any device with the ability to write, compile, and run computer programs, that can be used while standing or walking with no need for a surface like a desk or any external peripherals. It must also be small enough to fit inside a large pocket, such as can be found on a maid's apron. The maid aspect essentially comes from Doctor Selig's insight that Tohru, a character from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, functions in the same way that a benevolent AI might - a being that could easily destroy humanity, but instead prefers to be friendly, appealing, and helpful in the form of a maid. This link between the traditional concept of a maid and high-tech computing resulted in the idea of maids that, in addition to their normal housekeeping duties, are also accomplished computer scientists, and a maid computer is the sort of computer that such a maid would prefer to use.
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>The maid aspect essentially comes from Doctor Selig's insight that Tohru, a character from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, functions in the same way that a benevolent AI might
Some day soon, this will be taught in schools. Kids will have to memorize this fact, and regurgitate it on an exam.

iPad-only setup edition



>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Cover: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/g/image/1709/19/1709190996356.png
Deadline: Midnight between May 31th and June 1st (UTC)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Why Asio4all? Why not using the ASIO drivers of your audio interface?
>dead internet is becoming realer by the minute
it was a good run
chords are hard man

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who we have lost along the way and are not here with us anymore
good riddance
which anons do you have in mind
T.A. Davis
death is part of life i guess.

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implying tards even know what either of these mean, complaining about this is a nothingburger
Indeed. Americans did not adapt SI but decided to shit on it with these retardations.
correct, OP is a fucking nigger retard as usual. /g/ morons in this thread can't even do simple math
GiB was around longer than GB, even before being labeled as such
Op you should try some real GB - Getting Bitches

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You don't need to learn everything from this list, most of the things are just the same with few different features and styles of doing the same thing. Most of the services can be learned on the job.
Programmers trying to complicate things to justify the need for their positions.
Leave this board dimwit
a sucker

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>mfw Instagram doesn't allow to save images
>not even with DownloadThemAll! and Imageye extensions

How did they do it?
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>year 2099
>take a picture of the screen
>police alerted and bust through the door
>take my senile ass and hook it up to a machine that keeps me alive
>sentenced to serve five or more life sentences for my crime
it's the javascript. You can only access the page if it runs.
This extension still works (if you middle click on a photo it opens it in a new tab, just the jpeg file, then you can Ctrl+S save it):
I think the only reason browsers get more complex is to enable all this stupid obfusctation shit that makes it harder to save images and videos you're already looking at.
>want to save video
>it's served as a fucking playlist of 2000 0.1 second clips
>browser can handle this seamlessly
>but to save it, need to write script to fetch individual files then stitch together
I thought these FAGMAN SWEs were supposed to be smart. Don't they know security-through-pain-in-the-ass isn't real security?
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was this supposed to stop me? I cannot get the "smooth," to load.

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fully intact boards only edition (please... no more splits...)

old >>100499134
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Just make your own, disgusting nigger with smooth brain.
I missed these times when we didn't lube switches and they were fine.
you don't have to lube, you can always buy switches that don't need it or are prelubed well enough, or just break it in enough to wear lubing doesn't matter

lubing is really only a primary concern with linears anyways, and only in scenarios where they actually need it to improve the sound or feel. and even then you can always do a lazy lube method
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I want some coffee/expresso keycaps. Are there any better than these
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Grognard here: anyone manufactures mechanical keyboards with exactly this layout? (L-shaped Enter, small backspace, full numeric block)

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Does Google know my bookmarks on Chrome?
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Google knows literally everything you do in Chrome.
Your bookmarks in Brave will be safe, sir.

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Battlestation Thread
Rate Edition
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what is the intake manifold for? Why does it seem to have a port that only runs to the last cylinder?
Hallo und danke mein Lieber. :) I hope so do you!
nice one, are those two 24 inch monitor? sauce on monitor arm?
>are those two 24 inch monitor?
yes. monitor arms are nb f160

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