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every time I connect my laptop to my wifi it goes out but it works using mobile data.

what can I do?
Have you tried using a different mousepad?

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try Floorp. it's a Firefox fork by Japanese developers
I miss when the internet was full of guys like Stallman. The modern internet is too directionbrained for something like this

anon, were never on irc
>You can't apply principles that only operate well in a scarcity-free environment where copying software has no cost to a physical world where scarcity exists.
>Local sovereignty is an important aspect of freedom that is in direct opposition to globalism and communism. Communists and globalists want to turn everywhere into a totalized democracy where the majority rules over the minority. If you oppose this, then you're a nationalist.
Extremely high IQ takes. If you posted this comment on reddit you'd get a bunch of downdoots and insults and maybe even a roving janny removing your post but not a single comment capable of refuting you.
>Communists and globalists want to turn everywhere into a totalized democracy
Hence both ultimately being manifestations of eleutheromania.

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Another great piece of software with a potentially exciting future... ruined, by troon fascists.

If only there was a coordinator of the whole project who didn't budge an inch on his authority ( like Theo De Raadt from OpenBSD ) this wouldn't have happened.


The troons drafted a resignation letter on behalf Nix's founder, Eelco Dulstra, and DEMANDED he signs it. What a wimp.

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>yes its glowniggers, but RUSSIANS
This post glows.
Let me guess: You think Jian Tan is chinese?
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They don't want equality they want equity, which is just communism
you might be exactly right. do you think they realize what they are advocating for? generally id like to think most of these people are coming from a good place but they just don't understand what they're arguing for.
>politics aside
how much is this going to bleed over to the development of nixOS? i was thinking about trying it out but the term "nazi purge" after reading through this clusterfuck doesn't make me feel too good.
At best? even more bike-shedding like other software foundations. At worse? less contributors over time.
doesn't sound like the end of the world. love the rollback feature enough that i think i'll still give it a try.
any other distros with something similar to the rollback in nix that anyone can recommend?

old >>102407456
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Already tried, didn't work
Hmm, is this similar to your case? https://superuser.com/questions/1194667/windows-10-displays-gibberish-text-in-some-apps
It's not gibberish, the shape of the fonts looks totally different as how they should be showed (let's say, they're replaced by Arial)

Still, I'll take a look at that article once I'm free
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I am a retard beginnerdev who needs handholding while learning to use git and developing on linux
Where can I find workflows from experienced, non-retards to copy?
Does librewolf not have an option to always use private browsing mode? The one advantage of such a mode is that your cache isn't written to disk, it's kept in ram and flushed when you close it.

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FreeBSD has the most support and quickest support development. It imports a lot from Linux nowadays.
OpenBSD is unironically someth8ing you have to build around it.
Not how it works bro. It's not all BSD or nothing.
so i shouldnt use bsds if i just wanna scroll on the internet, got it
ill stick to windows
OpenBSD runs on modern hardware.
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How many of those unsupported devices are documented and have free drivers? Missing documentation is a bug, so blame hardware vendors for releasing devices in a dangerously incomplete state. Paying for the privilege of running an unverified blob in ring 0 is nuts, you might as well install Windows at that point and at least enjoy a better userland. Running Unix with blobs is the worst of both worlds.

No, actually you've got it backwards. If all you do is scroll the internet then you have no excuse to not use BSD. You should only compromise if you have any work that can't be done on a more free system.

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is my data on this memory stick fucking gone? what is the probability?

i tried to cut and paste all the data from the stick to an external drive, then it crashed after 10 pictures and it has been giving me pic related ever since
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any hope left or did I completely destroy the data recoverability?
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oh god what have i done
Not an expert on this sort of thing, but in my opinion you should stop fucking with it and breaking parts off. If the data is that important and you have no backups, it might be worth considering professional recovery. Randomly breaking parts of this thing off without understanding what you're doing will probably just make things worse.
lmao nigga
buy a flash drive with the exact same brand
remove the nand from your fucked up drive and solder it on the good one ezpz
It's fucking fucked, bro. Let it go.

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The future is here
Yes, let's get lazier and fatter until the muscles in our legs decay and bend our legs into shapes of horror.

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Seeking Contributors: A Fresh GTK Desktop

Tired of complex and politicized desktop environments?

We're building a lightweight, customizable desktop using GTK and Python, focused on simplicity and community.

We're looking for passionate developers to help refine the MVP before its 1.0 release.

This project offers:

* A clean break from the status quo: Pure functionality, no agendas or corporate influence.
* Easy extensibility: Fork the code and build your own dream desktop.
* Aesthetic appeal: Reviving the elegance of Aero.

Join us and help build a better future and make the Linux Desktop Great Again!

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anon made a DE retard
he didn't make anything
go back tio cooming to ai slop

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>Pajeet doesn't answer my questions
>Demands I change things in my service
>I point out his API has an error
>I ask him to look into it
>He schedules a meeting to fix my service
>I fix the error in his service and cancel the meeting
>He complains to my boss that I'm not going to his meetings
What the fuck is his problem?
Are Indian developers the absolute worst fucking people to work with?
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That's classic pajeet shittery too, and reminds me that in messages about my service, the pajeet goes "our service," but when something isn't working it's "anon's service."

Office politics? What office politics? These bottom of the barrel filth play retarded and helpless the moment for ANYTHING. Even perceived slights. They know full and well they shouldn't be in the positions they're in, so when they feel slighted (seeing ghosts) they determine it to be some form of exposure and start maliciously trying to get you canned.

Look at >>102477507

What the fuck are you defending these roaches???
Indians are the worst "people" on the planet. Even blacks are unironically superior to them in every way.
They know what they're doing.
Man, I'm so glad I'm not in corporate life.
death penalty

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A lot of programmers are mediocre because they don’t treat programming like the hobby it is : the art of creative problem solving.
Programming and electrical engineering are actually not that different. But DIY hacker culture is dead in programming because it got over-saturated with normies who think they will get a nice paycheck.
I hear "programmers" say things that always surprise me. They will say "I have this problem, I wish there was a software to solve this".
How about you write that fucking software?
I can understand when it’s a complex problem but sometimes they say that for the most trivial of things that they could easily solve with a script written in 15 minutes.

Programming, software development, is an art. It’s creative problem-solving. How can you be good at creative problem-solving when you constantly ignore opportunities to apply creative problem-solving and wait for someone else to solve your problems?

You ask novice programmers what they have made and often, it’s very little.
And I’m always surprised. When I was young I would write Python/Lua scripts to automate literally thousands of things. Just because I needed it. I didn’t wait for someone else to make a software or script for me. Back then script kids relied on shit languages like BASIC/Visual Basics, but they were still much more creative and DIY than current generations.

Young programmers have no DIY attitude. They only start to work on personal projects when they realize they need a job. This is why they are for the most part, mediocre. A real programmer should organically have a lot of ongoing projects at once and many many little handy scripts. Not because they need an internship, but because they identified problems they needed to solve.
Identifying problems by itself is also a skill.

Musicians practice music hundreds of times to get good. Composers compose thousands of songs. Painters paint a lot.

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I want to do the same. Wanna do it together?
Let's do it bro. I'm quitting next month
>I hate webdev and fintech. I just want to sit down and study math again, then go through the basics and dive deeper into programming itself. I've wanted to sit down and prepare myself for SICP, TAOCP, CLRS and properly expand on the little I know. I don't want to be stuck working on rushed abandonware startup software predating me for decades, I just want to perfect the basics and solve problems.
I cannot express how much I relate to you
How are you trying to revive it?
AI code is only useful for a laugh when I get burnt out after 100k lines

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>16GB RAM is more than enough for anybody
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what is the use case for more ram when you have swap/pagefile on a fast and reliable ssd?
MSFS24 is 30GB
Uh eheheheh
so it is true what i said in a post a month ago: "I remember once reading documentation where they recommended something like 1000x your cpu cache size should be your ram size so if you take a 14700k with like 64mb of total cache (l1+l2+l3) is 64gb of ram"
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We're back to delegating performances to hardware rather than programming correctly better software through cleaner code.

>Win10 demanding 64gb for "ideal spec"
That's how Microsoft bullies you to get Win11 so they can justify their shit AI products, browser extensions, Bing gimmicks, otherwise the company sinks ROI on AI tech investments.

Time to seriously switch to Linux once and for all. We don't need all the junk bloatware MS preload onto their machines.

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Why do you have to make me paranoid about everything?
>google spies on you
>protonmail is FBI's honeypot
>matrix is mossad's honeypot
>bitcoin is traceable
>monero is traceable
>tor is traceable
>i2p is even worse
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>Anon is friends with 'p site owner

Yeah, they're going to catch you eventually.
No, I just like privacy. I don't really think about politics.
everything you do is political my guy
>protonmail is fbi's honeypot
they're not even from the US, the FBI has no jurisdiction over proton. Your emails are encrypted end to end, even if they were a honeypot the only data they have to give the FBI would be "1298ijfiAJF0ti349tiu4t94iug====fjufjuheguhergh" and shit
>matrix is mossad's honeypot
The Matrix homeserver, yes; any other server is fine and the protocol itself is fine.
>bitcoin is traceable
Yes it is, all transactions are viewable on the blockchain and there have been cases of AI investigation using this blockchain forensic data to trace transactions back to specific people.
>monero is traceable
Nope, unlike bitcoin transactions arent viewable on the blockchain.
>tor is traceable
No, it isn't; and if you're so worried about that, use a Bridge.
>i2p is even worse
You have never touched i2p.
>Somewhat true, still should be avoided

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I await the day tyrone rapes your pedo ass in prison

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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i

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thanks, do you use any of the tools I mentioned?
Anon, the good/bad cycle has been broken with 8/8.1, it's all various degrees of bad now.
Can you use the ISOs for an USB installation?
nope, doesn't work like that
If you use ventoy, yeah

Why does it remind me of typescript? Was its design intended to appeal to web devs?
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show me a language that does typescript kind of typing and has the exact same iteration methods by name
you didn't answer the question.
i'm going to be nice and feed you, although i'm not sure you actually want to genuinely learn anything.
start from this language from the 80s, and move forward slowly using the "Influenced" list:
listen up
I made a claim
you started dilating so I wanted proof
you didnt provide so I am correct
Typescript is for system programmers that have to use Javascript without upchucking every 5 minutes.
And trannies, yes.

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pre mpv 0.39 release edition
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forgot to mention that this is used with samples that specifically would compress well with exactly one I frame.
>not using I frames
What does this entails for the future of mpv and shaders:
nothing, yet. We need d3d12 backend
What exactly is the difference between SPIR-V and GLSL and why mpv shaders are still on GLSL?

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