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Why won't they put macOS on it? It has to happen eventually.
48 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
Add additional components in the keyboard so that you can sell it for as much as a MacBook Air. Problem solved.
I see, that's fair. One thing I don't understand is, Samsung's cheaper line of tablets don't suport the S-Pen, does that mean that they only work with capacitive stylus or do other active stylus models, just not Samsung's, work on it aswell?
As an AAPL shareholder but not a user of any Apple products I think that not only should they not put MacOS on the iPad but they should triple the price of both devices. Apple fantards would still pay it for the perceived prestige of owning an Apple product and the company's market cap would triple as well. Also triple the price of all services
For me, it needs multiuser support that PCs have
I would assume it's the later since capacitive is so stupidly outdated but it's just impossible to tell without knowing the specific model.

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fully intact boards only edition (please... no more splits...)

old >>100499134
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I want some coffee/expresso keycaps. Are there any better than these
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Grognard here: anyone manufactures mechanical keyboards with exactly this layout? (L-shaped Enter, small backspace, full numeric block)
>using default PS shortcuts
based. i'm thinking of buying a large majestouch-2 to complement my TKL
Holy fuck I love this 1800 layout. Why did I not get one of these sooner?

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should i buy 64gb of ram?
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depends on your use case, but if you are asking probably not. Better spend the same amount you would spend on 64Gb 6000MHz RAM on 32Gb 8000MHz
yes consoom
yeah. i have 2x32gb like those in your pic, the quality of life it brings you is worth it 32 is fine for now but it won't be in the near feature
I still have 8gb
Shit's cheap so why not? I use mine for VMs.

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How do I get rid of all the unrelated/distracting slop Youtube keeps recommending? Are there any addons for this?
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press t
disable history to remove the recommended page
write a userstyle/script to remove every other stuff you are not interested in
>not using yt at all
learn to use a search engine, also >>100536934
YouTube search fixer, will remove a lot of unrelated shit from search (watch again, others watched, related etc. just shit that's irrelevant to what you are looking for) will aslo remove shorts, mixes, live vids.

unhook for recommended vids (all of them)

Probably this too
Ublock origin settings > my filters

youtube.com##.section-list > li:has(.shelf-title-cell > a[href="/feed/recommended"])

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>Chinese vehicles are shitt-ACK!!!
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>Sometimes I wonder if journalists are even aware of what they're writing.
They don't have to be, since their readerbase consists of desperate schizos who are only scanning the articles for quotes they can mine for CHINA BAD points.
on /g/, we post a link to the article, dear phonefag
Those look like the definition of fugly, cheap and reliable. Are they easy to maintain?
Ayoooo blud who let chinaman cook ong :skull: :skull: :skull:
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Hello friends please stop fighting
If China's EVs are garbage, that's okay. People will stop buying them.
And if they're better than the competition, well I'm sure Americans will adapt. I can't come up with a reason they wouldn't.

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why there is no standard for dividing by 0 in programming?
>python throws error
>js returns infinity
>c returns some random number
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No. That's a retarded statement. Math isn't fiction, Infinity isn't a number and you can't evaluate a function ,which is what division has to be defined as in a programming language, to two values. It's not a function otherwise. We call such functions not defined at the particular value, which is the correct answer mathematically, and that means practically that the language has complete freedom what to return, because it is bound by it's design to evaluate it to something, but what that something should be is not defined.
Your fanfiction that -∞ = ∞ has no basis in real mathematics outside of certain niches where the results are analogous for both and thus can be treated as functional equivalents.
your irrelevant academiatrannying has no relevance in real world where people need to get shit done, dividing by zero being infinity with a design specific to the context works everywhere
for me dividing by 0 should return a 0
also this
Becasue what is good for 99% of cases - throwing error (out-of-band exception handling in IEEE 754 terms), does not fit 1% case of high-perfomance number mulching (in which case passing errors from FPU to general purpose CPU becomes too expensive). So IEEE 754 describes different options, and languages either take 99% option (Python), refuse to choose (division by floating point zero is UB in standard C) or declare whenever C compiler used by Eich was doing in 1995 as a standard (javascript)
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Sure. That's what I said. It's undefined so do what the fuck you fucking want with it. And brush up your reading comprehension.

>closest to reality

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Nu programming language of the week dropped.
Supposedly allows for massively parallel computing while still writing average python-like code. It automatically parallelises things for you.
Might be useful for using GPU cores for average number crunching if it ever gets any sort of traction. My GPU sits unused most of the time.
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If you don't know the difference between a language and a compiler then there's no point bothering with you.
I don't think you quite understand what Bend does. See: >>100536611
The fact that you still are unable to comprehend the difference between a language and a compiler make me absolutely certain you understand neither what bend nor its compiler do, nor what they don't.
does anything?
>you can't simply go and fuck with the explicit parentheses put by the user. They're there for a reason.
If the language specification says that parenthesis are there only for grouping the expression, you can (in an associative operator). If it says they define the order of evaluation then you can't. All the more reason not to have side effects in your language. If you have side effects
f() + (g() + h())

Should f be called first or g? Does the programmer intend that the parenthesis should be computed before anything else? If the language specifies something like that then g and h must be avluated before f. However with no side effects you can evaluate them even at the same time. And it's dumb to express side effect order with parenthesis. Just express them imperatively
x = g();
y = h();
z = f();
z + x + y

Also C says it's undefined behavior so it avoids giving an answer to the order of evalution all together and blatantly tells you parenthesis are to be ignored besides grouping expressions

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Sister edition

Google Imagen 3, Veo, MusicFX, Astra, Flash, Gemma 2 and more: https://blog.google/technology/ai/ (coming soon™)
NEW multimodal model, GPT-4o (omni): https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/
OpenAI model spec detailing future desired behaviour: https://cdn.openai.com/spec/model-spec-2024-05-08.html
Chub merged UI with Venus side (Venus cards still hidden by default). Old UI: https://characterhub.org

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn


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I believe

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Can /g/ make PowerPoint presentations like this?
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> 1 minute per slide
> 1 concept per slide
> big clear sentences, big clear images
> no retarded colors, no retarded fonts, no retarded animations, no retarded layouts
> say only the bare essential but say it well, questions are at the end for the curious
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>Xe doesn't program his slideshows on (PowerPoint™ TM™)™
>seething because he can't make kawaii slides
No. I want my PowerPoint presentations to be as boring and sterile as possible so all the gay ass students have to go through the same shit i had to in college
likewise i make slides for my presentation as sterile as possible so that the instructor knows i fucking hate their course and could not care less about it

Will you be switching?
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maybe when support is dropped for w10 ltsc in 2032
No thanks, jewish merchant. You can keep your backdoored, three letter agency accessible OS to yourself.
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Tranny porn isn't gay.
Is it just like what Windows 10 LTSC was for the regular Windows 10 or did they mess it all up?
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macOS and Android force encrypts your device as well and unlike windows you are not able to disable it or backup your key so you could get your data back in case of a failure. but of course ms gets all the beating kek.

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>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources
https://gnu.org/s/emacs (Site)
https://github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs (Awesome Emacs)

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
https://emacs.amodernist.com (Configuration Generator)
https://systemcrafters.net/emacs-from-scratch (Emacs from Scratch)
http://xahlee.info/emacs (Xah Emacs Tutorial)

>Emacs Distros

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what the fuck
;;; btree: an example recursive Pre-Scheme record type

;; NOTE: Records are really pointers to a struct, so the recursive use
;; of btree-node below means the struct contains two pointer fields and
;; an integer. The constructor allocates and returns a pointer.
(define-record-type btree-node :btree-node
(make-btree left right value)
(left btree-node btree-left)
(right btree-node btree-right)
(value integer btree-value))

;; XXX: Records can't be created at top-level; "no evaluator for MAKE-RECORD"
;; (define bnull (make-btree null-pointer null-pointer 0))

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we basic formatted printing now

(define (format pattern . parameters)
(define (format-internal pattern n length parameters)
[(< n length)
(let ([dispatch (string-ref pattern n)])
[(eq? dispatch "~")
(let ([type (string-ref pattern (+ n 1))])
[(eq? type "a")
(display (car parameters))
(format-internal pattern (+ n 2) length (cdr parameters))]
[(eq? type "%")

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>bro just buy a ssd
>3 years later
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This is my 830, bought it around 2012 I think
>47653gb write
lmao what the fuck are you doing with it?
i remember it as my face when but /nu/ fags are convinced it's my feels when
Stop buying kingston tier shit
his face turned into the crystal disk info window

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hardware is 100x better yet software is hilariously slow and bloated. I remember seeing a video of 90s IDE debugger stepping blazing fast on a modern system, meanwhile today we have

>1.5GB electron "apps" for anything
>several second wait times while websites to load up javashit
>zoomers creating 80mb hello world websites on VS Code

no you DONT need 35M lines of code to stream music

where did it all go wrong?
is there any hope?
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pretty much
> old software doesnt have zoomie features retard coder wants (but runs fast)
> retard coder writes slow and retarded nu-software for dem featurez
> retard coworker just says 'its fine, on tommorrow's hardware it will run like a dream'
> tommorrow comes and the retard coder's software runs just as slow as 10 year old software on 15 year old hardware
> cycle repeates
>slow hardware leads to fast, lean, software
>fast hardware leads to slow, bloated, software
simple as
>bitwarden desktop application went from native to electron, blowing up the size 500x and codebase 3,000,000x
>discord-qt was extremely lightweight, made by a bunch of hobbyists. Had to be shut down after threats from Discord inc
>libreddit was a lightweight no-js Reddit frontend. Stopped working after Reddit API changes
>spotify-qt works with a premium account (one wonders for how long)
four multi-million-dollar software companies doing objectively worse than some foss hobbyists tinkering with code in their free time
I am fine with programs eating up disk space and memory, but nothing should ever idle at more than 1%
My Thinkpad can never not turn hot just showing doing nothing in Windows
I could name you some pretty good GC games, or I could accept that you're a retard who doesn't deserve to know about good games.

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ITT technology that aged like a fine wine
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How about you stop playing any sport, watch movies or TV and going to a bar.
>t. Roon
it's a drug. I haven't played video games in over a year and the more time passes the less desire I have to play them. now even the thought of playing a game bores me

Hello /g/ users I have exam from next month but don't have any fucking idea about the subject so I want to hack into college network and gain the question paper but don't know how please someone help me or else I will be fucked== :(
Instead of posting on 4chan, study dumbass.
My brain is cooked this is only option left

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