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This is true actually
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pretty sure it's enabled by default on macos, unlike linux
windows barely compresses shit
macs are PCs tho
Hardware-assisted RAM compression and decompression in real time. This is an ANCIENT concept and Apple's the only one doing it.

You can enable it with Linux too but there's no actual hardware support, so it's slower because software has to be run to compress and decompress the RAM.

I don't understand why people complain about this. Apple's not advertising twice as much RAM, they're truthfully saying that with their compression, it's like having double the RAM. And it is.
>Windows is unoptomized bloated spyware trash
>Windows has better memory management than MacOS
It doesn't.

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You dare to not use the LGBTQIAHAH+-friendly snake case? Then you must write a flag that itself is snake case, and maybe the compiler will grant you permission.

You VILL write the cumbersome and angering snake case.

Total shit, all because commie tranny autists can't handle some characters being bigger and thus more dominant than others. Look at evil camelCase, what gives the C the right to be bigger than everyone else?!?! This is white privilege and equal to genocide!!!!
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So many buzzwords
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Why not kebab-case? Szalatt? Szwiewelja?
>getting offended over lower & upper case letter
This just proves they are inferior. These mentally ill freaks need to be removed from tech. Reopen the insane asylums.
>rust tranny
Many such cases
>give them a home for free and feed them for life
nope not this time

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Stop saying people don't use desktop Linux because it's hard.
It's not.
It's buggy, unreliable and unpolished.
That's why people are not using it.
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>It's buggy, unreliable and unpolished
that only applies when you're trying to rice your setups with weird shit and larp
i'm on gentoo and i'll admit its buggy, but when running native linux software instead of trying to use compatibility layers for windows shit it runs better than windows
when i try to treat it like windows and run windows programs through proton or straight up just a VM through qemu, it pisses itself because of some weird drivers issues (its an older computer though)
just use your generic DE, and generic easy to setup distro, with stock standard options that automatically detect all the shit you need, and you'll have no issues at all
and i could do that aswell, but im human waste that wants to do shit the hard way
if you used normal hardware not outdated garbage you would notice that things run better including games through translation layers
Long time windows user here. Can confirm. I don't use Linux because it is buggy, unreliable and unpolished.
Win+WSL2 will be the comfiest combo if Microsoft can iron out the bugs.
I just use Linux because I hate automatic updates man.

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Arcsisters, I'm not feeling well.

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You think it’s too hard for a hacker to publish a script online anonymously? Are you by any chance the sub 80 iq pajeet responsible for this hilarious bug that could’ve been avoided even by a junior dev of middling intellect?
I'm genuinely curious who's boot you think Anon is licking because that came out of nowhere.
>t. never had a 12yo around
Still better than the opinions of “journalists” actually
I can’t believe I’m saying this but verge it is

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/rust/ - Dedicated to the discussion of anything Rust related.
Rust is a programming language designed to ensure memory and concurrency safety while attempting to be as fast as language like C and C++.

## News ##
A Re-Implementation Of The EROFS File-System In Rust Has Started - https://www.phoronix.com/news/EROFS-Rust-Code-Starts
Military researchers ask industry for ways of translating legacy software automatically from C to Rust - https://www.militaryaerospace.com/trusted-computing/article/55138748/software-c-to-rust-translating
"Prossimo" has worked with a consultancy group called Immunant to convert the AV1 video decoder 'dav1d' to Rust. https://www.memorysafety.org/blog/porting-c-to-rust-for-av1/
Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy - https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/06/google_rust_c_code_language/
Changes to `impl Trait` in Rust 2024 - https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/09/05/impl-trait-capture-rules.html
Announcing Rust 1.81.0 - https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/09/05/Rust-1.81.0.html
Programs of the 9th edition of RustConf announced! - https://rustconf.com/programs/

## Learn Rust! ##
The Rust Book - https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/
The Rust Book (Abridged) - https://jasonwalton.ca/rust-book-abridged/

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Nope. However, we aren't there yet.
Switft also has generics with restrictions. It's quite lovely.
// Function to find the maximum element in an array of Comparable elements
func findMax<T: Comparable>(array: [T]) -> T? {
guard !array.isEmpty else { return nil }

var maxElement = array[0]
for element in array {
if element > maxElement {
maxElement = element
return maxElement

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>No higher kinded types
>No refinement types
>No linear types
Why learn this basic language?
Lost /fit/ poster? Or do you intend to create an ECG device with Rust firmware?
>I never write memory unsafe C
Sure buddy

Why can't macOS do package managers right? It's just like Linux distros: You have way too many and all of them are either mediocre or have too small of a community.
retarded beer brewing terminology (tap, keg, ...)
changes owner and permissions of the installation folder (/usr/local shouldn't be owned by your user)
package manifests are written in a literal who language (Tcl)
lots of packages are either unmaintained or SEVERELY out of date
less slow, but also not as fast
doesn't even support Sonoma, let alone Sequoia
last update in 2022
otherwise cool (uses dpkg and apt-tools)
not enough packages

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>Why can't there be a built in way to get common UNIX tools on a UNIX workstation, that just works?
Now try getting a working version of GCC (no, the glorified symlink that's just clang under the hood doesn't count).
Except GCC is the industry standard. You don't need industry standard tools?

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this made me fall from my chair due to laughing
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>To be fair tech is the only field where you can get 100k+ salaries with no degree or real industry experience
That hasnt been the case in decades. Yes in the 2000's era you could get away with that because it was an emerging industry and there was no one available to do that but by the 2010's you had tons of people available.

>There's no trial lawyer bootcamps or people doing surgery for fun as a hobby so no other industry has this problem.
This isnt really fair either. I get where you are coming from but bootcamps and hobbyists are only seen as entry level regardless what their skill level is and every job posting out there is for senior devs with 10+ years experience. Lawyers and Surgeons arent required to display there skill by doing work for free every time they interview they are taken solely based off of experience and degrees. You can be a senior dev with a degree in CS but you still have to go through a bunch of hurdles like leetcode tests.
eleven eleven
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GPT4 seems to agree with you
who gives a fuck, fuck off already bootlicker
> by the 2010's you had tons of people available
Back in the 2018s bubble you could get jobs paying 80k that only asked for 2 years of experience with Flask.
If you had advanced looking projects on your github they'd just count that as experience.
I got more than $200k almost exclusively because of a really good tiktok clone I stole off someone.
I dont know the 2000s market but as far as I can tell you actually needed to know what you were doing. For 18 or so months a couple of years ago anything that asked you for "React experience" was free money.

>Lawyers and Surgeons arent required to display there skill by doing work for free every time they interview
Lawyers are expected to be lower than secretaries and take up slop jobs for more than a decade before they're partnered, if ever. Some lawyers spend their whole life doing actual garbage jobs.
For MDs you have internships and residencies which are somewhat similar in that you're piling 4-5+ years post-grad of doing the shittiest jobs your boss can find for you before you can work on whatever you wanted to work for.

Leetcode and modern interview culture blows but if I was an employer now I'd also do 60 interview phases. How else would I know?

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Hey retards im back and was able to get a recording of the whispering im hearing everywhere i go. The one decent clip I could capture sounds like "rya if you can hear me youre being arrested" this along side insults and other statements is being broadcasted to my ears 24/7 and is even telling me what im doing. even when I am away from all my phones, computers, tvs etc. What do? this is literally torture.
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report this malicious faggot for trolling outside of /b/ and don't engage.
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Haha, who do you think you are? Just because some words upset you doesn't mean it was trolling. You know, there are forums where you can read endless streams of very agreeable keyboard vomit regurgitated ad nauseum. Why not leave here, and go there?
toasting in an epic bread


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Why do Zoomers keep lumping Y2K Futurism with Fruitnigger Aero?
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The difference is that they changed the blues to greens.
>A design pattern is mainly a matter of aesthetics to them
He's a big guy.
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>Blow me

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Firebrothers, we won.
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I'm comparing it to Chromium and Safari. Not to Netscape and Internet Explorer that ceased existing ages ago. Mozilla has completely stunted firefox's growth and made it clunky, bloated, slow and unstable as fuck. The entire browser feels like it's held together by tape, using ui elements, opening new tabs, rendering images or animated media, everything feels fucking terrible compared to chromium. It's like 60hz vs 120hz
Bookmarks to me are for permanent sites while OneTab is for shit I'm going to use once and then delete afterward, I just don't know when I'm going to use it.
But it's not clunky bloated or slow compared to how things used to be. I guess it makes sense to compare it to its contemporary competition but they all feel fast to me and I'm fine with using a fast browser instead of a fast+ browser if it's produced ethically and I'm free to do as I please with it. No way to theme Chrome to match GTK4. Manifest V3. Proprietary shit, integration with Google services. Yuck.
There are chromium forks that are fully FOSS and have everything connected to google stripped out of them, for example Ungoogled Chromium. Not sure about GTK4 theme as I don't use that. But you do you, it's just way too clunky and slow for me and I wish mozilla could put some actual effort into that instead of pretending that it's somehow faster in specific benchmarks doing shit nobody does in browsers and avoiding the issue.
OP is just a faggot on a trash system and oddly simps for google.

Mossad has just trigged a bomb contained in the battery volume of the your nearest battery powered gadget that ISN'T a wireless mouse, keyboard, laptop, phone, headphones or cmos motherboard battery.

How fucked are you?
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Sansaclip? More like Salsadick amirite?
My calculator... but it took out a chink and a jeet with me
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nooo not my timer
baofeng uv5r about a meter away from me, lmao.

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Eurosisters... how could this happen?

(This post is compliant with the Directive of the European Commission 8453 of 13 Feb 1997, the Regulation for Imageboard Posting of 8 Apr 2005, and the EEC Certification Requirements for Internet Shitposting)
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And nobody got sued yet for embedding Youtube or Google Maps. Both of which actually track you and collect your data.

But a little private blog using fonts from a server in Europe that doesn't even store cookies or log IPs?
That's real shit! Stop it or go to jail you filthy criminal!
But I already have to have a cookie warning because I want users to be able to register, why not just go for targeted ads if those earn more?
GDPR isn't only about advertising, I'm not even allowed to store a fucking email address, and IP address, geographical location data, and user-generated content without navigating through a quagmire of legal trouble.
You don't run a web server without having server logs.
>But I already have to have a cookie warning because I want users to be able to register
Functional cookies such as those used to track active login session are exempt from needing notice. Also, cookies aren't a topic of the GDPR per-say, but of the ePrivacy Regulation -- or rather the myriad of present-day implementation in member state law of its predecessor, which was a Directive rather than a Regulation.
It's only hurting marketing, not real technology.

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It does not simply reduce the image quality by a desired amount, it changes the image by brazenly removing features, potentially important ones, without telling you. It uses a chosen contrast threshold for fine details and simply removes these details if its contrast differences are below this threshold. It disappears from the image and is replaced with a monotonous color without even a hint that there was something there. This isn't compression it's forgery, it's deception, it's image fakery.
JPEG XL is the real winning format. It preserves all fine details even the faintest ones whereas AVIF at the same file size replaces it with a monotonous area. It's a shame that Chrome (and all derived browsers) has decided to discontinue JPEG XL support citing lack of interest while promoting and spreading the inferior, deceptive and dangerous liar that is AVIF.
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OK Daiz
why does the AVIF look like horseshit?
It makes it much smaller in almost all cases. For instance the comparison images from this thread at >>102454122 >>102454126 end up as 533300b and 294028b respectively.
How accurate is ssimulacra2? I remember there being a huge thread where jpeg xl was caught cheating in dssim by using modular encoding.
>top png
>mid jxl
>bottom avif
>file is a jpg

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Is the internet an example of a biological software system? Alan Kay seems to strongly imply it in the talk "The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet": https://youtu.be/oKg1hTOQXoY?t=2749
Why is there not more software that is designed in such a way? By that I mean as a system made up of smaller components connected to each other that is alive in the sense that the components can be added, modified, removed without the system ever going down similar to how a biological organism works.
Is it really because instead of objects the world decided to mainly use data to represent reality?
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>Is the internet an example of a biological software system?
>why is there not more software that is designed in such a way?
Google "distributed systems"

Tor network, torrents, container orchestration, distributed dbs, email, WWW, etc., there is a shit ton of such software

who are the top programmers known for their opinionated resources (blogs, books, etc.) that significantly enhance your understanding of code, engineering, and design? what specific resources do they offer and where can one find them?
put down the books, build a mobile app, and show off the source

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