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It takes teamwork to make the dream work edition

Prev: >>100511241

>What is DALL-E 3?
You type some text and it makes some images


Bing AI Slop 0.6.2

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Agreed. I'd definitely rather have NSFW be separate from everything else
It will eventually happen.
Can't find the thread in the catalog anymore, had to go through desuarchive, am I going schizo?
Works on my machine
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What were/are you searching for? It comes up when I search dall.

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Friendly discussion of Apple's Macintosh computers and Apple accessories (iPhone, MacBook Pro, etc).

Do you use Apple devices or develop software for Apple devices?

>General tips
Use Spotlight (Cmd + Space) for anything including unit conversions, Reveal directories with Command + R
Disable iOS iCloud photo album syncing if you're on a free plan
Application functions are searchable through Help
Setup Time Machine. You can setup multiple local volumes beforehand to keep using a volume for other use

>Open Source package manager

>Free Utilities (Brew casks) https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/
Window Snapping: /rectangle

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I still have plans for it so I don't want to give the idea away. Maybe it will amount to nothing but you never know.
It's similar for sure. But Google Tasks has a single screen interface with the lists at the top. It's more convenient, but they also force that dank-ass Android style UI onto it which is just not for me.
Fair enough, don't let your dreams be memes.
I thought "dank" meant good
>dank adjective (GOOD)
>of good quality

Although apparently it can also mean "wet, cold, and unpleasant"

Yeah good idea I should really put some more work into it. It's very possible it's a crap idea but who knows.
You should add Orbstack to your welcome post. Some /g/ devs don't know Orbstack exists.

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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100524511 & >>100514781

>(05/14) PaliGemma, Gemma 2, and LLM Comparator: https://developers.googleblog.com/gemma-family-and-toolkit-expansion-io-2024
>(05/12) Yi-1.5 Released with Improved Coding, Math, and Reasoning Capabilities: https://hf.co/collections/01-ai/yi-15-2024-05-663f3ecab5f815a3eaca7ca8
>(05/11) Japanese 13B model trained on CPU supercomputer: https://hf.co/Fugaku-LLM/Fugaku-LLM-13B
>(05/11) OneBit: Towards Extremely Low-bit LLMs: https://github.com/xuyuzhuang11/OneBit
>(05/10) Gemma 2B - 10M Context: https://hf.co/mustafaaljadery/gemma-2B-10M

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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Why are you arguing with an LLM about it's output instead of instructing it correctly?
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To see if the model is retarded. A casual user should be able to tell the model what they want without much trouble. Especially if that model is gonna be hosted for friends and family who are not exactly computer literate.
He specifically mentioned gore.
I remember a Greg Bear book about "the Way" a Comet like Rama, with an endless 6th segment, and some Alien called Sir Olmy who had his kid in VR, with his wife utill he was gestated aged 18 or so. Great books.


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Good night little angel.
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Careful Elon, more advertisers might leave if you talk like that.
It wouldn't work for me unless I disable disconnect on the website. Nothing else stops it from working.
yesterday I saw this shit when trying to use the search function. got immediately redirected to x.com. I just changed the URL back to twitter.com and it worked.

well, twitter itself cost him tens of billions. might as well pay a shitload of money to destroy something else in the process.

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>mfw Instagram doesn't allow to save images
>not even with DownloadThemAll! and Imageye extensions

How did they do it?
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This extension still works (if you middle click on a photo it opens it in a new tab, just the jpeg file, then you can Ctrl+S save it):
I think the only reason browsers get more complex is to enable all this stupid obfusctation shit that makes it harder to save images and videos you're already looking at.
>want to save video
>it's served as a fucking playlist of 2000 0.1 second clips
>browser can handle this seamlessly
>but to save it, need to write script to fetch individual files then stitch together
I thought these FAGMAN SWEs were supposed to be smart. Don't they know security-through-pain-in-the-ass isn't real security?
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was this supposed to stop me? I cannot get the "smooth," to load.
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werks on my machine
gallery-dl worked fine the last time I tried.

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those who use this instead of linux... why?
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>My recommendations to you:
>Un-tranny yourself, get a proper Mac, try finding a REAL natural born GF, move out your mothers basement and get a life and job. And for fucks sake, stop using drugs.

>I use macOS on a thinkpad, it's the best of both worlds

That's a dead end, Son. Apple will kill intel support, soon.
>The singular reason I don't not use a Mac is because they will go kaput within 2 years.
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I can't hear you
Thank you so much sir
>Thank you so much sir

You is welcome. Free for non-commercial use. If you were using the Docker-supplied desktop, you'll need to remove that before using Orbstack-supplied docker.

It's funny when these Linux Troons tell me I can't run any of this shit + Windows on a Mac.

I haven't tried Kubernetes. No need.

You won't be able to build a replacement kernel for an Orbstack-supplied image. This is on Orbstack's to-do list.

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Sadly normalfags from your generation gave smartphones to their kids and now it's the nanny state's problem.
Normalfags use porn you absolute cave dweller
>Freedom of speech is bad.
then why are you expressing your thoughts here? that's freedom of speech.
So how exactly are they verifying any of that?
It could be a ID you're showing, could even be a fake photo. Or it might not be you, the internet is filled with images of people holding their IDs.
Unless they get in touch with actual cops there's no way to identify a fake ID card from a photo since all the security features are entirely physical other than direct data comparison to a trusted source, so a photo is useless.

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Why was Web 1.0 so comfy?
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always the same: no smartphones, no social media, no normies.
>wish there were more of them around today.
Build it, and they will coom.
>phpBB 2.0 release date: April 4, 2002
No normies and no thirdies
this was already web 2.0 retard
web 1.0 were static pages

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Microsoft would report you for chemical castration if they detected a girl in a bikini on your desktop.
Man, the future was so bright back then. The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow. How did it come to this?
Linux AND Wayland are doing fine ... in ChromeOS.
ads inside ads and I hope you like more ads

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I use multiple monitors, with different resolutions and refresh rates, just fine on xfce

It should be noted that they're all working on Wayland compatibility, as is Xfce.
Always has been
It just works, man.
I N D 3 3 D

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What's the correct way to measure post activity in a thread?
Each post has a unix timestamp and the current time can be accessed as well.
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how would a unix timestamp give any new information whatsoever? Last I checked no thread was getting multiple replies within a second constantly.
I'm just saying that's how the date and time is stored in my database. Unique ids can also be calculated.

Should threads with few unique posters be weighted less on post frequency than threads with many unique posters?
Should I calculate post frequency from the oldest post to the newest post or from the oldest post to the current time?

How should I calculate this?

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I'm looking for this dara leak. Can you help me?
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Cos op is faggot
Onest italian response
a te e famiglia

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Is it dumb to learn several languages at a time?
I'm being taught Python in an introductory course, but I'm not a CS major so it probably won't go in depth.
I'd like to learn C++ on the side because I'm interested in systems programming. Is that stupid? How do I become good so that I don't shit out durgasoft tier shitty code?
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This is quite interesting but it's too early for me to look into this stuff. Pretty frustrating
yeah, told you its a process, in stages.
focus on your major.
youre probably paying for that. it would be stupid if you fail a year bc you got distracted
That's true. Thanks
happy to help

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How do we create MORE pollution?
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Hot take: I'm pro-cloud seeding. I'll take bundling up in Winter over almost dying in the Summer, thank you.
Although, maybe I should be careful what I wish for, given the blackouts my family had to endure back in January...
I'm from arizona and heat doesn't scare me
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If you scaremonger about temperature rising 5 degrees from yesterday, you are a retard.
If you downplay the average temperature rising 2 degrees across a few decades because the temperature fell by 5 from yesterday, you are a retard.
If you conclude that the 2 degrees rise in average temperature is the people's fault for using their computer for 2 hours a day, you are a retard and a disingenuous propagandist faggot.
If you conclude that it is purely a manmade phenomenon because you have no other historical data before that, you are a retard and a dumb faggot.
If you conclude that there is no possibility of it being a manmade phenomenon because you have no other historical data before that, you are a retard and a dumb faggot.

Simple as that. I am neither a retarded hypocrite with an agenda in mind before I speak, nor am I a retarded disingenuous faggot that ignores statistical results because of said agenda. And I am especially not a retarded faggot that draws conclusions or rejects possibilities without any proof to back them up or reject them.
So tell me, why the chimp out when you were presented with an obvious statistical reality without expressly stating or endorsing an opinion. Why are you scared of maths? Because it goes against your agenda?
Yeah, you desert-dwellers are just built different. Human beings were not built to live in open-air ovens.

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