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Rei vs Asuka debate = Naoko vs Midori debate

Only wish the latter was as prominent as the former
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That;s because you are shallow and can't think, only feel.
Drop your mask of hollow intellectuallity and stop being afraid to truly feel with all your being. To focus on thinking so much is to carefully tread only shallow waters, drop your pretense of the search for truth and other such nonsense.
Unrelated to the book though, all the characters are paper thin representations of author's experiences, as is what you'd expect from Murakami(and Nips in general).
Women don't exist, you know this
That's irrelevant. My argument was that hatsumi and nagasawa represent a narrative about relationships that is not common in literature, is it any wonder that the main characters espouse the common heartbreak to new love pipeline that is so vapid and soulless; it doesn't incite any insights, its emotional porn at best and lazy writing at worst.
This and it's not even close.

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Hard mode: No silly stuff
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If you showed him modern London he would have became a Nazi instantly
The first sentence is incorrect in the vast majority of cases and only refers to the present situation in Britain at the moment of it's writing. So it's incorrect.
The rest is correct.

When Orwell announces "Pacifism is pro-fascist" he's making a tacit assumption.

He is assuming that the pacifist would, if he gave up his pacifism, be anti-fascist.

In that case, sure, you could make an argument that the paficist stance is, in effect, helping the fascist cause.

But suppose the opposite is true?

Suppose I am a pacifist, but if I gave up my pacifism, I would fight for the fascists?

Then my pacifism is, in effect, helping the anti-fascist cause.

Orwell doesn't even consider this possibility, because, like most leftists, he assumes — in the teeth of all the evidence — that his own side has a monopoly on moderation, tolerance and restraint.
He's technically not wrong, but those who wish for pacifism can't be blamed either for trying to stay out of a game in which they have nothing to win and everything to lose. In a pragmatic sense pacifism is not a problem of the individual (the individual did not fail to adhere to some sort of ethical code) but a problem of enforcement (the state failed to mobilize its subjects through the means available to the state). An ideal state should be able to completely mobilize its subjects through positive reinforcement (material rewards, most commonly), negative reinforcement (most commonly shame, think of the white feather women, but also legal repercussions), and a successfully popularized and internalized national ethos.

So it's kind of like dating, women did not fail a romantically unsuccessful man, but rather that man failed to make himself a desirable enough partner for the women to be interested in him.
This is not a one-size fits all kind of reasoning. In certain circumstances he is right. In the majority of circumstances, he is entirely wrong. Also, the facist/non-fascist dichotomy is for brainlets. That's a WWII mentality which has little to no relevance today.

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Can anyone explain what the main themes of this book are supposed to be? I read it and it was cool, but I am kind of retarded when it comes to interpreting literature. To me it was just a book about a guy who makes a living by going into the zone and selling the stuff he hauls back. I watched the movie and I know that that was supposed to be about like the nature of human desire or something. Anyone have any insight? Am I a huge faggot?
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>that was supposed to be about like the nature of human desire or something
You sound like you repeat shit without understanding anything.
Are you even capable of critical thinking? Of coming up with thoughts yourself?
yeah that's me
>Are you even capable of critical thinking? Of coming up with thoughts yourself?
not really anon, I'm a stemcel
>A picnic. Picture a forest, a country road, a meadow. Cars drive off the country road into the meadow, a group of young people get out carrying bottles, baskets of food, transistor radios, and cameras. They light fires, pitch tents, turn on the music. In the morning they leave. The animals, birds, and insects that watched in horror through the long night creep out from their hiding places. And what do they see? Old spark plugs and old filters strewn around... Rags, burnt-out bulbs, and a monkey wrench left behind... And of course, the usual mess—apple cores, candy wrappers, charred remains of the campfire, cans, bottles, somebody’s handkerchief, somebody’s penknife, torn newspapers, coins, faded flowers picked in another meadow.
In this analogy, the nervous animals are the humans who venture forth after the Visitors have left, discovering items and anomalies that are ordinary to those who have discarded them, but incomprehensible or deadly to the earthlings. This explanation implies that the Visitors may not have paid any attention to, or even noticed, Earth's inhabitants during their visit, just as humans do not notice or pay attention to insects and wildlife during a picnic. The artifacts and phenomena left behind by the Visitors in the Zones were garbage, discarded and forgotten without any intentions to advance or damage humanity. There is little chance that the Visitors will return again because for them it was a brief stop, for reasons unknown, on the way to their actual destination.
It wasn't banned thoughever. And commies hating and banning eachother for criticising capitalism "incorrectly" is nothing surprising.
the themes are just "life sucks"
Tarkovsky wanted to make it le deep

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the Imperium Europae movement. - #5

In the next threads we will be reading and discussing important art, culture, history, and political essays.
Regardless of the original problems they were aimed at, the concepts introduce and the analyses they make are extremely relevant to the issues we face today such as AI, the inefficacy and decline of nation-states, the growing rift between entertainment and 'real' art, and more.

>The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, by Walter Benjamin
This is an essay of cultural criticism which proposes and explains that mechanical reproduction devalues the aura (uniqueness) of a work of art, and that in the age of mechanical reproduction and the absence of traditional and ritualistic value, the production of art would be inherently based upon the praxis of politics.

download here:
the file is encrypted, pass is

Thread elaboration (old version, new one is under construction):

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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there are many real philosophers to read and not enough time to read them, fuck off with your meme book
I see you get it anon, glad to have you here
do you have an essay you'd like to recommend or a book for the history list?
Maybe Timaeus and Critias for some history of modern thinking and monotheism. As an exercise find Atlantis and show why your answer has to be the correct one. When you see it you don't have to ask if you're right, it's demonstrable.
I like this ongoing timeline overview of Rome.
The first BBC documentary and the most ambitious. Post-Rome European historical overview with footage of all the places, structures and artefacts being talked about.
Timelines can act like the memory palace trick, we can put things in shelves on the timeline. If we have elaborate imagery associated with an event it's easier to recall and associate when relevant, like in the memory palace trick. Seeing the temples, castles, cathedrals and artefacts helps.
wtf is Imperium Europae
the cultural empire of Europe, it's a concept we debated in the last couple of threads and I'm currently in the process of writing an essay irl about it which I will post as a pdf here to explain what we're doing
pre-emptively not a fascist/alt-right/conservative thing, it's been covered in the replies in the previous threads
>Maybe Timaeus and Critias for some history of modern thinking and monotheism.
definitely, I have a separate list for the dialogues to see which one fits where and how, so this is much appreciated
thanks for the links as well, I will check them out later today

What are some books where cuckoldry is sacred?
lmao, try sadomasochism instead, you get the same benefits without the negative stigma
I'm agnostic and wasn't raised Christian but I cannot bring myself to mock Joseph
What he did was a beautiful thing to do, it shows compassion and kindness which are virtues our world is sorely lacking in today
yea but he did in a patriarchal framework in a society that rewarded that sort of thing, doing it today with the knowledge that you are going to get fucked either way is the epitome of retardation
Oh look, another low quality bait thread...Jannies sure do a good job of keeping this board about /Lit/erature.

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What are thr best sounding languages and why are they German and Russian?
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>t.in ear
this guy is just a medaboo, this is also all nonsense, especially the way he pretends this is all objective and follows from natural principles
>uptalk: the language
>can be said in german
Also, I hope for your sake that you're trolling or trying to rationalize your monoglottism. If not, well... I guess we're not all gonna make it, after all.
It just is

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I just finished King Lear today. I really enjoyed myself, but I must confess I'm a bit shocked at the ending. It felt rushed. I understand it was a performance, so time may have been a factor in this. Anyway, I have various thoughts about it, and don't want to start off by saying them all. I'd rather hear yours. Any thoughts on the play? Also, which of Shakemeister's plays should I read next? I've read Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It, and King Lear.
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Oh, come on. Surely, you guys have read King Lear? I thought I was behind the curve, not ahead of it.
If you haven't read Macbeth I would get on that
Why? What makes it better than Coriolanus or Julius Caesar?

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Dostoevsky is fucking Westoid fanservice, Tolstoy is pseud garbage, Nabokov is boring. Why can't you into Lermontov, Bunin, Kuprin, Soviet Sci-Fi, Pelevin, at least try Chekhov?

Dostoevsky is the worst Russian author and every self-respecting Russkie author considered him garbage cause he was inauthentic shit for Westerners to jerk over. The same way you picked TATU as the popular Russian Pop. You cherry-picked Russia according to your vision and it has nothing to do with quality.
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One of my favourites. Short, fun, witty with a grim edge, doesn't drag for a moment.
Dosto's characters are blatantly melodramatic and overwrought. Even his defenders will admit this, it's so obvious. Tolstoy was personally a very conflicted person who went from admiring his own work, to despising it, to reading it and asking who wrote it since it was so good. I'm sure at different times in his life he would have felt many things about Dosto, that doesn't change the fact that Dosto's characters are very poorly constructed. Tolstoy's weakest work stands leagues above Dosto's greatest, there is simply no comparison between them. I shall state again for your benefit, Dosto is viewed more as a kind of prophet or mystic rather than an artist. He deals in woo woo more than artistic integrity. Americans simply lack the sense to understand this and get enthralled by nonsense and malarkey. His work degrades the human spirit and makes a mockery of what it is to be human. He had no idea how to deal tactfully with the darker elements of man. How does Dosto purport to redeem these aspects of humanity? Is it to integrate them? To accept that they are rightful parts of the human experience and to work with them to self actualize; to transcend and include? No. His worldview firmly states that they must be brought before a higher power, judged as sinful, and repressed forever. As I said before, this enterprise is utterly futile, since its objective is to destroy what is human, to snuff out the very spark that is humanity. Thus the cycle of indulgence (the inescapable humanity) and self flagellation (the divine judgement that such things are sinful and abhorrent). There is nothing profound, nothing transcendent here, just shallow fetishistic pleasure taking of the lowest tier followed by the harshest condemnation and repentance. Both sides of this coin forever restrict the other to its worst form, forever traps the victim of this ideology to a lifetime of misery and self hatred. It's vile in the extreme.
To me his characters come across as lunatics and caricatures, but maybe that's how people were in 19th century Russia
>To accept that they are rightful parts of the human experience and to work with them to self actualize; to transcend and include? No. His worldview firmly states that they must be brought before a higher power, judged as sinful, and repressed forever.
Again, you just disagree with his worldview. Writing a needlessly wordy paragraph when this is your only complaint is embarrassing, especially since you’re trying to parrot nabakov. I can tell you’re an amateur writer much like nabakov because you value how you say something more than what is actually said.
If you’ve ever been around someone who is mentally ill or having an episode you’ll know that dosto’s depiction is even a bit subtle. Raskolnikov for all his inner ramblings is quite firm on the outiside unless hes around a direct factor in his descent (his mom, his sister, the police). As for sonia and her mother I don’t have experience with people like that in real life but seeing as how accurate raskolnikov is to real life I wouldn’t doubt there are people like that in real life, especially in a shit hole town
>Is it to integrate them? To accept that they are rightful parts of the human experience and to work with them to self actualize; to transcend and include?
What would this even entail? how do you transcend and include acts like child rape and murdering people for money and your own ego into the human experience? What the fuck are you talking about?

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He was right about everything
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the only thing he was right about is cocaine
OP wants to fuck his mom
Yes. He recounts many situations of himself in his writings.
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Someone on here said sexuality is art but I can't find the thread. Without woman you wouldn't have artforms such as anime. In fact there wouldn't be any good art to begin with. Woman are beautiful, meaning they come in many colors. Anime is peak art style and virtual reality art galleries is just the beginning of the future of art. Video games are also art. Elden Ring is a masterpiece in art direction. There is also philosophical undertones to art in video games.

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>[single word]
>[first name] [last name]
>The X
>An X
>X and Y
>An X of Y
>The X of Y
>[adjective] [noun]
>[noun]'s [thing]
some other one maybe?
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good choice
>pic in OP
wood berry
The first one,
>A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again,
is not complete for the reason that the word 'Thing' is the subject and 'I' is the object, whereas in your reconstruction you made it so that 'I' is the subject. The second half of the unfinished sentence,
>[that] I'll Never Do Again,
is only a postmodifier ('Supposedly Fun Thing' being the premodifier, as it comes before the subject). You can tell whether a word or phrase, or even a clause, in a sentence is a grammatical (pre- or post-) modifier by asking,
>What sort of Thing?
The answer in this case being:
>A-Supposedly-Fun Thing
>A Thing [that]-I'll-Never-Do-Again.

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As a brainlet I just started with this and holy shit it is much more interesting and comprehensible than going directly to the source
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We're done, anon. No more seething multireplies are necessary.
How do you develop the state of mind needed to fully understand philosophical texts?
Is there a book of introductions to Plato's dialogues? I bought The Collected Dialogues of Plato but I wish the introductions were longer
I'm a brainlet so it'd be nice to have the important ideas and moments mentioned
The relationship between one dialogue and the other dialogues and I guess the importance of the dialogue for later philosophers
just read and make notes regardless of whether you fully understand it
then think about what you read while going for a walk or taking a shower
it's less about understanding philosophical texts as and when you're reading them, rather than getting used to the ideas and gradually understanding them over time. the more you expose yourself to philosophical texts and engage in philosophical thinking, the more you'll understand. the key is constant engagement, though; it's probably useless to just read one or two philosophy books a year and consider that sufficient
It literally takes 30 years to understand Hobbes and you will literally die the moment it all makes sense.

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Do you take notes while you read?
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I agree that one should take notes but probably not in the same spirit as what you're quoting. It's because we have to engage in a dialogue with the book, capturing its message.
Yes, pretty often.

If books belong to a series, sometimes re-reading is necessary. Especially if they're too far apart.

Similarly, if an idea I encounter seems similar to what I wrote down before, I edit the note to make an addition.
Are you a memory champion?
>Taking notes about the bible
>How can I make this about the gays
Reading for the sake of consuming is about as useful as doomscrolling on social media, anon.

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Are there any?
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I thought steppenwolf was Evangelion-esque
Hey, I almost want to agree with you but there are two massive differences between Dosto and Eva. 1 is that Fyodor is too pre-Freudian with his character analysis to ever conform to the negative spiritual depiction Eva has of its characters. 2 is that Eva is too materialist-Kabbalastic to ever say anything true to religious thought; religion is a framework hiding an underlying element of truth ready to be clutched and perverted by the whims of men.
They go on completely different ways. With Fyodor you end with a gross perversion of The Way of a Pilgrim, with Evangelion you get the missing link between Schopenhauer and Hegel through a work that understands neither.
Kafka On The Shore is essentially the same story and themes but without mechs
Which novel would you recommend to start with?

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Tropical Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23376452
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Read the first one and it was ok but Garion's character development and conflict with Pol felt forced. The second one had a passage that was meant to read like mythology but included the phrase "hit-and-run", and that triggered me too much to continue.
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You guys like Sailor Moon?s
Kino incoming.
samefags can stop posting their dogshit opinions and other newfag buzzwords any time.

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Post covers of book that you have or book that you have seen
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I'm a sucker for sets where there's a single picture across every volume
Book covers these days are largely designed to be easily recognised from a distance and also from a thumbnail. Hence bright colours, simple shapes, clear white font, a lack of detailed artwork (if at all).
Thanks for the article anon, but I think most big publisher are starting to pander towards women demographic in book industry lately, I think that's the main reason for this, maybe things like 'thumbnail' 'easy to recognize', etc are just some follow up reasons for that.
I mean, I remember that this blocky cover design trend was started with romance novel first or maybe YA, in the mid 2010s. Then it got big, maybe sales increased, women are posting their 'currently reading' next to their macbook and latte on top of cafe table in their instagram, then publisher invest more on book cover design, until the point wherethey learned about classics (in which one of them being no longer human) popularity among women and gave it some redesigned 'instagram' cover as well. Maybe that's what happened. Recently though, tik tok women just learned about dostoevsky, so maybe the next cover re design will be a dostoevsky book?
Very pretty. I'd like to learn book binding so I can make extremely decadent versions of stuff I like. Could be a fun hobby
I mean the books in picrel are from a very small range of "authors" and are all in the category "booktok" (i hate myself for knowing what this means). They want to appeal for the exact same demographic and are extremely shallow content-wise. All have the same "romantic" story and are basically gooning material for sexually frustrated women. They are basically fast fashion but for books.
In general, I still often find books with very nice cover designs, but the shitty ones are definitely flooding the markets.

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