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should I click on this? serious question.
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Nah, it’s better to just read Ray Monk’s introduction.
>Witty's later ideas supersede it entirely.
Hm, you don’t understand Wittgenstein.
I read the first part and thought it was pretty awful, but it does reference good books.
The first part is filler.
No watch this video instead
I watched and liked it. He trips over his words at times but it's a well structured lecture and he genuinely understands the material. It's cute to think of it as an Ayane info dump.

Buchanan ran so Trump could crawl
I read this too recently. My reaction after putting it down was that it was a good book and Pat was sharp as hell; and also that it's so over
He's still alive
I know. But he's stopped writing.
Great book
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>Buchanan ran so Trump could crawl

Really? Trump is a blatant showbiz grifter and MAGA is very "countercultural", not some parsimonic presbyterian cultural revival or whatever.

ahab confirmed for egg
Unironically please touch grass.
Please stop defacing books with crayons.

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>genocides humans because he fell for the eldern smooth talk
>hahaha he has a funny name

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Best translation for this doorstopper? I tried the P&V and that ain't it. Is there anything out there that makes the constant interspersed French not a hassle?
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That's Maude.
I bought the Oxford Classics one it has the Maude translation to which Tolstoy hinself preferred
i haven't read other translation but the Vintage translation was SO FUCKING good
anyone says otherwise is a nigger prostitute
It doesn’t take much French to read the french in the book desu

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Love or hate?
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I love this lil' nigga like you wouldn't believe.
I don't buy books to signal to others that I'm well read.
They get damaged so easily that a few weeks on the bookstore shelf, or even a ride in an Amazon truck, and they're already looking less than new.
My favourite paperback format. Cloth like covers that take a lot of beating and look like it, just from one read. Normally I try to keep my books looking good, but the penguins are suicidal, and I like that.
hate. it is a naive publisher that builts on every little shit humanity has achieved. like, we get it, you are not mesanthropic, but hold onto every spark of good. fuck off already.

this. no quality and wear and tear the moment i take it hiking, bathtub or throw it under the bus and spit on it. a book spine needs to hold at least...10 times that, if it wants to be read by refined minds like mine. jesuss christ. weak shit.
love because my poor third world country doesnt have any of those fancy academic hardcovers people here like to flaunt

>various colleagues who study psychology or are into Jungian stuff keep telling me I'm an INFJ
>find out that some of my favorite authors (Dosto, Tolstoy, Flannery O'Connor, Plato, etc.) are INFJs
Shit had me intrigued. Tell us your personality letters, anons.
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Sounds like bullshit jobs
INFP 4w5.
T-F seems somewhat of a false dichotomy of the model. T-F is perhaps the only dichotomy of MBTI that doesn't have an obvious counterpart in the Big Five model, but actually correlates most strongly with agreeableness. I like Jung, and his insights are certainly real if not "scientific" in the modern sense, but I wouldn't take the Myers-Briggs cognitive functions too seriously personally.
Astrology for people too proud to read horoscopes
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The reason they have such a ridiculous attitude is that MBTI doesn't fit with the end goals of psychology as an industry. Big 5 is much easier to operationalize. For instance if you want to deal with mood or personality disorders then it's useful to see when people fall toward high or low poles of Big 5 traits. Conversely, MBTI is neutral in that respect since any of the 16 categories don't point a practitioner toward diagnoses and medications.
Oh 100%. But the work is kinda real. There is no real jobs left, unless you wanna be some low iq tradie

This is the endgame, right? This is where you go after you're finished with the Western Canon?
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my bad, i posted the wrong picture
Dude, dianetics is just 101 stuff, the current "endgame" is exclusive OT-8 reading material. But just wait until OT-9 drops... this is shit will change everything.
ah that's better

Panther's Moon, The Red-Headed League, The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter
The Island of Fu Manchu
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I'll be back on Monday, with more Double Duo and Super-Detective Library for you kids

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Post em. Trying to build a collection
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have a bump. good thread
against the grain
none has mentioned germs guns and steal or sapiens. those are 1, 2 for me
I utterly love anthropology, and wish it were as commonly discussed on here like a discipline as philosophy is.
>The Golden Bough by Frazer
>The Elementary Forms of Religious Life by Durkheim
>The Myth of the Eternal Return by Eliade
>A History of Religious Ideas Series by Eliade
>The Cradle of Humanity by Georges Bataille
>The Mask of God Series by Campbell
>Hamlet's Mill by Santillana
>Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World by Girard
>The Prehistory of the Mind by Mithen
>The Oxford Illustrated History of Prehistoric Europe
>The Symbolic Species by Deacon
>The Mind in the Cave by Lewis-Williams
>Pandora's Seed by Wells

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I am currently reading the Orthodox Study Bible cover to cover. I had already read the Gospels but I wanted to contextualize them, especially as they relate to the prophecies of the OT.

What are your favorite parts of the Old Testament? Right now I'm finishing the story of Jacob and Esau.
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I contentedly yield to my church’s authority and traditions regarding the literalness of the Bible (just having fun with the sola scriptura poster). Look into the four levels of meaning and keep your eyes out for early Christians who missed out on beatification by going too far in on allegorical readings.
Every life is precious and the events themselves matter. If you reject the literalness you can end up with a very “dry” Christianity, which kind of misses the mark. Ruth is a really little book about a nobody but it’s a really good one, eg.
Objective history is hard to find. Those very first followers of Christ were Hellenized Jews who continued going to the Second Temple, which would already kind of be two strikes against them from a pharisee perspective.
Paul is super interesting and super based, I don’t think he was just some psyop or whatever you read about him on 4chan. He knows his stuff despite what he says about trying to preach without eloquence, it peeks through in his epistles. I reread Acts recently and am picking through epistles again these days. A lot of Acts gets devoted to the whole problem of gentiles and yeah, Paul really opened it up for us.
Bringing it back to the OT, in all those dreary lists of thou shalt nots, different laws apply to different people. In the NT where they reach the consensus that you can’t eat food offered to idols or engage in sexual immorality, the basis for this is in Leviticus. These were laws that also applied to strangers living among the Israelites, hence those laws being binding to gentile Christians, whereas those strangers did not have to be circumcised. And yeah, those laws define what sexual immorality is, it’s not just a vague blanket term subject to change.
I couldn’t read Paul for a long time but now I really like him.
Gnostic ideas are still kicking around. I took the scenic route back to Christianity and the ideas are all over occultism and new agey stuff. Every time someone does some shady dodge to avoid saying that Jesus is the Son of God or denying the resurrection even though they like the philosophy of the NT etc etc etc, it goes back to rehashing some 2000 year old bullshit whether they know it or not. Like saying Jesus was just a man but the Christ force descended on him when John mystically initiated him or whatever. It’s usually pride at the bottom of it and you can see it. They want to be cool with Jesus but always on their terms. Obedience and humility are very maligned virtues that actually take a lot of focused and directed will, introspection, attention.
Anyway my kids are almost home, I gotta call it for today. I love you and I hope you make it! Keep reading, keep going deeper, keep seeing where it takes you, it’s very much worth it and I say this as a baby myself.
It's less about individual passages and how as a whole it offers pieces of wisdom that can be found relevant in personal experiences and interactions.
>four levels of meaning
This is quite interesting, especially anagogical interpretation. I wouldn't really trust myself to be able to do it on my own though.
>the events themselves matter
Sometimes it's hard to figure out why they had to happen the way they did. Why like this and not like that, or whatever. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it, and God simply intervenes to the extent that his action will steer history in the right direction, rather than directly micromanage everything as some people believe.
I guess one of my issues is trying to figure out what was planned by God and what wasn't.
>I don't think he was just some psyop
I don't think so either, I'm not sure where that kind of criticism comes from. The fact that paulinian Christians were not the only early sect?
>Paul really opened it up for us
Case in point for the "planned by God" thing here. If Paul hadn't converted, would Christianity have remained closed off to gentiles? Aside from Luke 22:27 we don't have much that comes directly from Jesus in terms of universal salvation. But Genesis 22:18 implies God plans to eventually redeem the whole of humanity, not just Abraham's lineage. So why would some early Christians even believe it was jew-only? It's confusing.
>I took the scenic route
Yeah same. I spent a lot of time very invested in fringe theories and apocryphal readings. Some of them are interesting, but a lot of it is cope as you point out with the nature of Christ problem. Still, I don't think it's all trash, some apocryphal texts are interesting, and some poems are beautiful (like the Song of the Pearl, which is actually praised in Oriental Orthodoxy I think).
Enjoy your day, friend. Thank you for the talk, likewise I wish you the best.
Isn't there a verse in Ephesians that references "the spirit of the sword", encouraging all believers too read the scripture
How do you defeat pride and lust?

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I'm a lazy piece of shit who knows a small amount of german. What are some good books on learning it, at least reading it
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read simple stories with reverso net translator(ive found it to work better than google) for words that you can't understand. practice the grammar but do it in a way you enjoy, if you enjoy textbooks, go for it, if you enjoy youtube videos etc etc. watch some movies to get a kick on the prononcuation and tone and such
deutsxh fur auslanders
Use Michael thomas learning german course (can be found for free on jootube) along with basic german texts.
Even better is adding DeepL to Calibre
Language transfer

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Is this worth reading?
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I used to date an English major back in the day, and it was a pretty wild romance, she actually dropped out of college and moved in with me before she went back to school and got her Masters in English, and eventual JD.. anyway I told her I was reading this and she got real mad and started talking about how he's racist and misogynist.. anyway I'm a toothless bum and she's a lawyer now, lol, divergent paths.
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I'm glad I get to be the one to burst your guys' bubble

>Harold Bloom interview
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Nice selective editing, jew.
Only in here can you find someone who makes less out of life than some complete nitwit who deadass thinks the Western Canon is whatever buzzword slop they at uni
It's worth reading if you want to discuss literature on 4chan where everyone is just pretending to read the classics while really they should focus on treating their debilitating addiction to pornography, but everyone who's studied literature/works in the field/has read actual books on theory will tell you that it is absolute trash tier analysis devoid of any rigour or interest or insight.

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>Whatever happens, I am with Israel. I am with Israel when Israel suffers. I am with Israel when Israel suffers from inflicting suffering. I cannot say anything more. Certainly, I have my political preferences. I am for Peres. I think Begin was wrong, very wrong, to encourage colonization. But I do not feel I have the right to preach, when what is closest to me is at stake.
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they just nuked 4000 arabs with pagers yesterday, they clearly are high iq
Vast majority of non-grifter scholars support Israel
How would that even make sense dolt
desu frenchies just like being contraries. purely the reason genet went and hung out with the palestinians (besides perhaps being an oppurtunistic pederast) they gotta zig where others zag god bless them

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Name that book
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What's this scene from?

He beat his world record by fifteen feet and nine-tenths of a second.
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my diary desu
The Gospel of John
1984 unironically (ironically)

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