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So when was the last century in history humans weren't in a simulation as proposed by pic related?
Tiny simul
Medium simul
Big simul
Giga simul
>In the beginning was the Word
Since humans developed language we developed a way to abstract reality.
Contrast this with the inherent suspicion classical buddhism and taoism have with language.
Also funny, the god of material reductionists is a simulation with multiple instantiations.
Interesting observations anon.

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>It was Evola's custom to walk around the city of Vienna during bombing raids in order to better "ponder his destiny". During one such raid, 1945, a shell fragment damaged his spinal cord and he became paralyzed from the waist down, remaining so for the rest of his life."
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>manipulating an entire theater of war to save part of your body isn't abuse
Continue speaking as if you know something. It's definitely not embarrassing for you.
Don’t you know about this? A lot of the Traditionalists and Eranos circle people knew each other personally and were on good terms.
Holy shit you're retarded.
Go stick your hand into a buzz saw. It wouldn't be right to manipulate your country's entire power grid to save your hand.
lmao lmao lmao
>manipulating an entire theater of war
the absolute state of evola cringeposters
samefag dilettante

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Review for the selected poems of T.S. Eliot btw.
Eliot was just bored. That's why his stuff is boring. Many such cases in the first half of the 20th.

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"Literally me" edition

Previous: >>23802604

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHdzv1NfZRM [Embed]

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sounds like you should be writing instead of lurking
right you are
>ChatGPT isn't working right now
How can I write now?
works on my machine

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How do I make a book cover bros?
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That's a great one. I believe in prompt engineering now.
>3 fingers
Wrong, that's just the shading obscuring it.

>backwards left knee
Wrong, she's in-flexing her knee as she props more of her weight on her opposite leg.

>stems that don't connect to the rest of the plant
There are some rogue stems piercing out of the ground, but I don't see a single example of a flower-head not connecting.

>left side of the trees lack detail
The distance is hard to gauge, but those are more likely bushes.

>shadows make no sense at all
Wrong, they all follow the same shadow pattern from the same source of light in the sky.

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this was in my dreams
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AI sure has advanced a lot.
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This is such a cope, lol. Literally, the only thing you're right about is the scattered snow and the sword being thin

There's two stems that don't connect. One of them is almost a right angle. left side

I didn't know what sword it was supposed to be, so thanks for telling me. After a little bit of research, the sword is even worse. The guard is super thick. It doesn't make sense for a proto-rapier to have one. Also, you're right. The sword is trying to be a Spada da lata. You can see the guard next to the finger that has the thickness of the r middle finger and r ring finger.

>three fingers
It makes zero sense to hide a finger through shading. I would say it's a tossup between there being a finger or not. The hand is so poorly made, it's anyone's guess.

There should be more lighting on the right leg

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What are some good books on American dominance and how it reduces other countries to cuck warfare? I'm very impressed by how America swings its dick around and makes putative rivals timid and passive. It's like the whole psychology is different, a psychology that Asiatic and Middle Eastern countries can't hope to emulate.
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Oh yeah, big bad China.
"If Pelosi visits Taiwan, there'll be consequences!"
>Pelosi visits Taiwan
Nothing ever happens.
China's Final Warning.
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It honestly doesn't matter because the posts in question stick out like a sore thumb.
stop talking to yourself
Lots of yellow hands typing furiously itt, mad about being shamed by the great America.
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he did it precisely to make it easier for bots and shill to shit up the website

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Nietzsche fundamentally argues for a world view where he would not be alive, as a sickly frail man, ergo his subconscious death drive (kept away by his constant use of drugs that were medications at the time) makes him no different from Schopenhauer's pessimists or Abrahamics in general.
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You flatter me. That would be based if true
You're a jew in spirit regardless of how you cope.
Are we sure that Nietzsche didn't want Conan the Indo-Jewish barbarian to break into his pathetic quarters, kidnap him, and ravish him nightly as his boy-slave? Was Nietzsche aware of men's access to abjection through homosexuality as an alternative to resentment?
>We need the billionaires to fertilize our soil.
Microplastics. Sport is the only valid reason to kill the rich. Sport and trophies. Let me get my list of union taxidermists.

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>An Acerbic Young Writer Takes Aim at the Identity Era

>"There was something distinctly unrelaxed about the way that Tony Tulathimutte, one of the more talented young writers at work in America today, announced the publication of “The Feminist,” a new short story, back in the fall of 2019. “To be clear in advance,” Tulathimutte wrote on Twitter, “feminism is good, this character is not good.” A very online author of very online fiction, Tulathimutte sounded for a moment like an 18th-century English novelist assuring the gentle reader, lest anyone mistake the purpose of his tale, that he had chosen to portray a scoundrel only so that scoundrels might be more thoroughly reviled."

>"Tulathimutte, a master comedian with a virtuoso prose style, has produced an audacious, original and highly disturbing book that steers directly into the oncoming traffic of current liberal piety. An incandescent satire on the dead language, and dead thinking, of a corporatized identity politics, “Rejection” bristles with a furious intelligence."

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>An Acerbic Young Writer
>age 41
41 is still young, chud.
>with a virtuoso prose style
Okay, let's see.
>If you ask him where he went to high school, he likes to boast that, actually, he went to an all-girls school. That was sort of true—he was one of five males at a progressive private school that had gone co-ed just before he’d enrolled. People always reply: Ooh la la, lucky guy! You must’ve had your pick. Which irritates him, because it implied women would only date him if there were no other options, and because he hadn’t dated anyone in high school.
Damn, this prose style is virtuoso as fuck.
Ooh la la
You forgot
>a master comedian

What are some good books that have gotten its author killed for writing it?
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did she died?
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Neat thread idea
Pier Paolo Pasolini, possibly

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It's Been 4 Fucking Hours, Where's the Thread? Edition

>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)
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I have a 5-euro birthday coupon that I can spend, and I'm think about getting some of Tolkien's the History of Middle-Earth books.
However, I can only afford 2 at the moment. Which ones should I pick? (btw the coupon ends in an hour-and half, so I'd like your opinions if you please).
(cont.) I'll be honest: I'd previously posted >>23825251 And after many helpful replies, I had thought about getting Dune & Dune Messiah as an alternative.
One option is of a world that I'm aware of and like, and whose books dissect and serve to analyse the evolution of the world; the other option introduces me to a different setting which I'm literary unaware (only knowing of it through the films).
buy yourself a big box of haribos and download the books to your ereader 4 free
I wish but I can't; they're bad for the teeth.
Don't have one.
You can literally download a Nook/Kindle app onto your phone for free anon.

Either that or Readera to pirate eBooks.

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From the Beginning to the End. I want to become economics , I want to see numbers, money complex economics. Economics. Where do I start
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By Marx and Keynes, I mean the book by Paul Mattick.
This anon tells the truth. And after that read about the post-Keynesians and MMT, because we know that Marxism is never going to be implemented anywhere ever again.
Marxism is not a system, Marxism is a method of analysis (historical materialism et al)
Get a job
Ah, Mattick was a true machine. He still had material in the works after he expired that was posthumously released. The Keynesianism in Reverse chapter is one of my favorites. He simultaneously points out that capitalism can never achieve full employment on its own, any nation can achieve full employment with or without gold, and predicted the outcome of Keynesian thinking throughout much of the west. His criticisms are still noteworthy as they pertain to other aspects of state-capitalism as well, and his observations predate the Chinese influx of mixed economic modeling. He even took a decidedly ironic turn in his last pieces, going so far as to call Marxism a bastion for the bourgeois, and delivered a number of responses to previous interpretations of Marx. He returned to the founders, and reinstated Marx's works as close to their origin as one could, and even postulated they could serve as a source of ideas for ailing bourgeois systems. The machine of machines.

Why did dystopian fiction like 1984 fail to prevent the rise of authoritarianism in the west?
Concepts like thought crime, newspeak, re-writing of history, two minutes of hate, ministry of truth, double think, memory hole have become commonplace yet no one cares.
How come lot of the same people who push these ideas are fans of dystopian fiction?

How can otherwise intelligent people read a totalitatian fictional novel and think of themselves as enlightened while being totally incapable of applying that to the real world which they live in?
What it comes down to is legitimacy.

This guy makes some good points.
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Dystopian fiction was all written by people who had huge blindspots towards the actual direction the West was going in. Race and immigration for example have played central roles in our progression towards dystopia, but writers of dystopian fiction were liberals on race and immigration and so were incapable of seeing the obvious issues there.
Everyday countless amount of electricity is wasted on people chirping at each other over ideology. People clearly care.
Camp of the Saints saw the issue
>People clearly care
They just shake their fists without doing anything
anti-intellectualism has become the default mode of thinking. mention this book or any similar works to a normalfag and they'll say it's cringe or make some snide remark about how you should stop pretending to be smart. buy any classics and it'll be the same. you're supposed to read their propaganda and or engage with popular brainrot meme culture. that's your daily bread. nothing else.

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Post any good history books.

>The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775-1777 by Rick Atkinson

>Recounts the first twenty-one months of America’s violent war for independence. From the battles at Lexington and Concord in spring 1775 to those at Trenton and Princeton in winter 1777, American militiamen and then the ragged Continental Army take on the world’s most formidable fighting force. It is a gripping saga alive with astonishing characters: Henry Knox, the former bookseller with an uncanny understanding of artillery; Nathanael Greene, the blue-eyed bumpkin who becomes a brilliant battle captain; Benjamin Franklin, the self-made man who proves to be the wiliest of diplomats; George Washington, the commander in chief who learns the difficult art of leadership when the war seems all but lost. The story is also told from the British perspective.


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What’s the best overview of the turbulent 1960s that exists?
Would've been a better list if it dropped Poilu and replaced it with There's A Devil in the Drum. If you want a WWI memoir that offers a different perspective from Storm of Steel, that one's a much better pick than the memoirs of some commie hypocrite.
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Waiting for this to release next week. I've enjoyed his other books on the Mongols.

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Horror lit thread! last one got archived. What are you guys reading?
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Thank you
Which of these should I get:
Lafcadio Hearn - Japanese Ghost Stories
Nathaniel Hawthorne - Mosses From an Old Manse
Best of Richard Matheson
Likewise for Arthur Machen
Likewise for Clark Ashton Smith
Any care to give me a spoiler run down of this book? Is it just torturing kids or what
All know about slatterpunk is that one of the few horror literary critics who takes the genre too serious S.T Joshi hates the movement and dislikes most of the writers.
Just recently finished Laird Barron's new short story collection and thought it was pretty shit until I got to the afterward section where he talks about how he almost died and is essentially physically fucked and then I felt like the world's biggest asshole.

>wanted to buy an Amazon Kindle
>It's made of recycled plastic
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Makes it feel cheap and tacky desu
Plastic should never have been invented. It's the worst polluter out of anything humans have created.
Don't think that's the result of recycled plastic. That's just amazon using as little plastic as they can get away with, claim they're environmentally friendly, while offering sturdier more expensive models to tempt buyers.

Can't remember what the tactic is, but you're meant to be repulsed, and buy the next model up which is actually even more cheaply made as virgin plastic is the cheaper option.
Interesting. I have a 10th gen paperwhite. I don't know if that's made with recycled plastic, but I can say I haven't noticed any issues with feel or quality. The biggest pain is the lag on the screen. I know e-ink takes time to refresh, but it feels like the processor in this thing is lagging as well sometimes.
>mineral extraction
>server cooling
>needs a massive industrial complex to build one
>can't be fully recycled
Don't even get me started on how CPUs are made. E-readers will never be environmentally friendly. Also, trees are renewable btw.

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