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I want to put up some Soviet books online for non-commercial (archival purposes). However, the law is very unclear on this.
Pre-1973 works were apparently not copyrighted, but it's possible that they were retroactively copyrighted by Russia when it ascended to the Berne convention. However, books released by Soviet authors (in the USSR specifically, and in the Baltics) also gave perpetual rights to the state.
There are other problems as well. In some cases, a work is considered a work done by several people. Let's say a graphics designer, the writer/translator, the person who created the type for the book. Apparently the copyright for those kinds of works expires 70 years after the death of the last living author.
Does this actually apply to books? It seems like an outrageous law. Note, what I want to publish are old political books. The Soviet republics they were printed in are not considered successor states to the USSR. So what now?
Yes, I know the chance of getting sued for this is unlikely, but I don't want to risk it. I legitimately do not have the money to pay for any damages.
In some cases, I can't even find out who translated a work. But there are companies here who specifically seek out various published old works and sue the people who published them (because they get to earn a part of the 'damages' to whoever inherited the work). It has already happened before, although only when it was used for commercial reasons.
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Ask here, he's been doing it for years:

Does he have an email or something?
Just ask in this thread, you can post anonymously
If you live in Russia or Belarus(e), ad perhaps China, don't do it.
If not, I doubt any western country will enforce any imagined soviet copyright mess, even more so now.
Why not just release them anonymously anyway?
It's a lot of work so I want to have bragging rights.

Halloween books thread time

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Triple should have two P's.
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you mean dubl?
yes it should so it can be more like your mom
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One can rely on the old man's money
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Triple should have three P's; it's in the name

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the only thing this fucking guy does is go from castle to castle screwing whatever maiden he finds there
He also kissed a dude
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He fights giants and other knights when he is riding between castles full of hot babes.

Not even 10% of La Pleiade's catalog is available on Anna's Archive. Most good German editions of classical books are also not available, the only editions available of most French and German classics are very barebones public domain stuff with almost no commentary or notes.

Meanwhile, almost all of Penguin, Norton, Oxford, etc catalogues which are references in the English language when it comes to annotated and critical editions are available online. What do the French and the Germans have against freedom of knowledge?
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Siede härter
What do you mean?
Siede in Siedewasser wie ein Brocken aufgeweichtes, augelutschtes laugenstück.
He's mad that an already big physical book of selected works made a selection and only included parts of some books whereas his computer version obviously has the complete collected works.
That being said it's true that La Pleiade is not necessarily best suited for reading on a screen. A big draw of the collection is the luxury build quality. Those aspects either become irrelevant or are detrimental when numerized in picture form. For instance the ink and paper they use is the best for a physical book but it doesn't translate well on a screen.
The only reason would be to have the critical apparatus which is often the world leader, for big parts of the collection.
Ich hoffe dass du deinen Frieden findest

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All of them seem to be right, all of them contain transcendental truths about the world. But they all contradict each other. How do you solve this problem?

If Christianity is wrong then that means Christ was either a madman or a charlatan, but from the Gospels it's clear that he can't be either of those, therefore he must have been a holy man. But that mean that the Buddha was either a madman or a charlatan and that's also not possible if we read his teaching, through his teaching he found a way to overcome the suffering of the world, even if you ignore the religious elements, the life he lead was still the life of a great man, therefore he can only be holy like Christ. And we could make the same cases for Daoism and Hinduism. None of them seem to be wrong, but they all contradict each other in extreme ways. I just can't understand this, if God let Himself and His Way be known through all of them then why are they so different? There must be something we're all missing here
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Now you’re just conflating different Catholics, which is another fallacy. Not only were they different people, but any one person can be right in one instance and wrong in another.

Special in a particular sense, obviously. Do you not know English?
Well you’re half right. Not all Buddhists affirm non-dualism. Some do. But you seem to have a misunderstanding here. It is not possible to not be a monist, not be a dualist, not be something. You either believe in one thing, two things, three things, etc. or you believe in no thing, nothing. If you believe in nothing, you’re not really a Buddhist. You’re nothing. So why are we even talking?

You see? This is the rhetorical sophistry Buddhists will pull. “I don’t believe in these categories” when they actually do. It’s nonsense to say you don’t.
By the way, believing in absolute nothingness is the worst possible thing you could believe because this most obviously renders any and all particular beliefs fundamentally unjustified. Nothing is really. Nothing can be known. Ergo, you can’t have any positions at all and call them true and mean it.
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Absolute nothingness can't be "believed" in; that's paradoxical. Buddha rejected belief altogether. It's something you train yourself to sit with long enough, in mind and body, until it shines through. Those who are adamant on being philosophy wordcels should simply dismiss it and stay away rather than get caught up in "refuting" it.
>adherents can not only claim to know things but give an account for how they know what they want and have it actually make sense
That's how you destroy the world btw. The infallible valuations of phenomena you believe in are couched in talmudic word magic.
>How do you know this?
Luke 16: 27-31

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How do the Warhammer 40k Books and Lore compare to the Dune Books and Lore? Including Brian Herberts books
Dune is perhaps the only SF series worse-written than WH40k
Political intrigue vs. exhausting war.
What is you top SF series then?

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I just read Genesis. What did I think about it?
>Frog poster
That's why I'm asking you what I should think about it
you are on 4chan dude
You think that it aged poorly and has worse gameplay than the New Testament.

Any books you recognize aren't the best but you find them charming anyways?
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my light novels
Apparently it was just gonna be a single book, then the author's publisher landed a nine book deal. In fairness, all the books are very short
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The books of Guy Des Cars. I feel them comfy. Pic related would make a good anime.
At least I'm not a pseudo-intellectual dumbass like you who acts smater than he is.
Is that Rem's art

Which author has the most annoying fanbase?
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Nietzsche, Evola, Guenon, Bukowski, Colleen Hoover and the like, any black author
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dostoevsky and it's not even particularly close
Those Derek Walcott fans are infuriating. For me, it's that dude who constantly spams lengthy excerpts from Tiepolo's Hound, I hate that asshole. Give it a rest, yet another Derek Walcott thread on this board...

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Flash Edition

Welcome to /pg/, where we discuss all things pulp fiction. No, not the Quentin Tarantino movie, we mean actual pulp fiction. Pulp fiction originated in the early twentieth century in the pages of fiction magazines that printed all manner of genre stories on cheap wood *pulp* paper. They offered cheap thrills for the common man to pass the time and let the imagination soar. While the pulp magazines eventually went away, the spirit of the stories survived and evolved over the decades. We here at /pg/ like to talk about all of the imaginative worlds, characters, and stories that graced these magazines and paperback books. Some of us even entertain writing our own stories...

So come on in and join the discussion.

The Pulp Magazine Archive: archive.org/details/pulpmagazinearchive
The Pulp Magazines Project: https://www.pulpmags.org/
Project Gutenberg Sci-fi: www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/bookshelf/68
*The Shadow Anthology (Books 001-336): https://archive.org/details/the-shadow-anthology-books-00-walter-b.-gibson
*Note: I haven’t combed through this one, but I think it’s legit.
HorrorBabble’s Cthulhu Mythos Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJDIvebdG8U&t=14s [Embed]
The Cybrarian’s Conan Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmd1kGz5gLg&list=PLlFcav_ti8rkUvq2sqnHxKQ6AmeSN-2QK&index=3 [Embed]
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Start with genre. Pulp fiction is genre fiction. Crime, Detective, Mystery, Weird Menace, Horror, Weird, Sword & Sorcery, Sword & Planet, Space Opera, the list goes on.

From there, you only have enough to write about one, maybe two ideas. In turn, you have only one to three scenes to tell it. Lean into simplicity.
I will admit to overthinking when it comes to writing which is why pulp seems to attract me. It is, essentially, an art form of action and adventure. Even writing seems to be about action (write first, think later) and adventure (let the story develop itself).
which original Conan stories should I read before diving into Blood of the Serpent?
>which original Conan stories should I read
All of them

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>Bronze Age Pervert
>Raw Egg Nationalist
>Zero HP Lovecraft
>Nick Land
>Sam Hyde
>Mencius Moldbug
>Aimee Terese
>Mike Ma
>Dasha Nekrasova
>Delicious Tacos
>Steve Sailer
>Perfume Nationalist
>Anna Khachiyan
>Fisted by Foucault
>Jay Dyer

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Fuentes throwing temper tantrums like a toddler at everyone who's ever worked with him
Considering the state of everyone else in the space, this is just vindication.
Hey I remember this thread
Half of those people are feds and the rest are retards
How come you forgot to mention the most important of them, and the only one who matters: Nick Fuentes.

Also not a Jew and not a fed, unlike BAP for example.
>pro tip you can't

I can.
Vince James, from AF

Why not be RC or EO? Why accept the Bible that was put together by the early church, but not accept their traditions or liturgical practices?

Help me not go RC or EO
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Can you recommend any reading material?

I want to continue being a Protestant but I feel like the church gave us the canon. If they put together the Bible, why not follow their other teachings. I want to read more than this but everything has been less than satisfying.

This question is in good faith.
Just read the reformers. After all, they wrote intending to answer exactly these types of questions.
>Formula of Concord
>Augsburg Confession
>Helvetic Confessions
>Scots Confession
>The Heidelberg Catechism
>Institutes of the Christian Religion
>Luther's Commentaries
>The Bondage of the Will
>On True and False Religion
>Arndt's True Christianity
Then go on and read some of the newer guys like Bavinck and Schleiermacher.
>reading material
Possibly "Finding the Right Hill to Die On" by Gavin Ortlund. He's a PhD and has a youtube channel dedicated to giving Protestants reassurance.
I second what anon >>23828030 said, especially Luther's selection from his early writing, even though I don't agree with Luther on everything. I'd also add in the Westminster Confession.
>why not follow their other teachings
There's several different churches claiming to be "the one true church" and all have different liturgical practices. Maybe read pic related which has epistles from Clement, Ignatius, and Polycarp so you can get a feel for what the earliest Christians believed. You'll find that they don't mention many of the traditions that churches today deem necessary.
I've seen Eastern Orthodox and Protestants both appeal to Against Heresies by Irenaeus to bolster their position because there's a lot of nuance, but Irenaeus says that heretics have always appealed to tradition to subvert doctrine.
The bible.
Nothing condemns the Catholic heresy like reading the bible
The "early church" is an imperial abomination.

Wycliff? Good enough to get the ball rolling

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Last one hit the bump limit >>23776870

Conclusions from the former thread include:
1.) Aristotle denies the immortality of the soul and Aquinas' arguments for immortality don't actually make any sense. This is why Alexander, al-Farabi, ibn-Bajja, and Averroes all rejected personal immortality. Duns Scotus and Occam thought it was a matter of faith and not provable. Plotinus thought it could not be proved by Aristotelian principles and that A himself rejected immortality. Only Aquinas thinks it makes rational sense for an immortal intellect to be conjoined to your body and then float away when you die.
2.) Aristotle's God is not an intellect thinking a plurality of objects but something more like Plotinus' One, a completely transcendent being.
3.) The true interpretation of the Metaphysics is a sort of nominalism. Aquinas' theory of "Natures", in which a particular man is a sort of mysterious "fusion" of the nature Man with matter, does not make sense. Occam was right and particular substance has absolute ontological priority.
4.) Aristotle's logic is correct in every detail. There is no room for improvement because he only set out to explain the formal structure of explanations, which are syllogistic. Every art and science, from arithmetic to cobbling, relies on syllogisms. Every action you take is, in fact, a practical syllogism, as the philosopher proves in Movement of Animals.
5.) Aristotle's God is maybe Zeus?
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what do you think of this? https://www.degruyter.com/database/WPR/entry/wpr.28298978/html
You haven't cited Aristotle one single solitary time in this entire thread. You just repeat "everyone knows Aristotle is an immanent realist" and "Aristotle said the intellect becomes forms" over and over again, that and ad homs, and the argument in your quote is definitely one that Perl (and every other Platonist) makes. It is obvious to any third party reading the thread that you are out of your depth.
>Well, heaps aren't substances IIRC
No, but they are heaps of substances.
>I've always likened it to be somewhere in-between a particular and a universal. Granted, I don't think that's coherent
You're right, it isn't.

I have to point out once again that the view that Aristotle thought that universals were grounded in particulars is a perfectly mainstream view within academia. That one anon just hasn't heard of it and hasn't read enough Aristotle to realize why it's a viable interpretation.
NTA but you should try googling "immanent realism," because it is indeed a fact that this label was created/is primarily used for Aristotle (per conventional interpretations) and Aristotleans. It's in all the search results, AI knows it, it's in introductory logic texts (the ones that even bother mentioning the relevance of metaphysics at least), it's in introductions like the Routledge Contemporary Introduction To series, etc. That claim at least is not dubious.

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Good critique. More relevant than ever.

So what's the way forward? To escape le matrix what would Debord suggest we do?

Is it political action? Is it strolls through the city, and creative pursuits? Is it love making and social relations? Is it appreciation of beauty?
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I'm not defending such a lifestyle, but after a century of diagnoses it's time for a treatment.
Two different anons but as one of them, it’s not really the act of consumerism that bothers me insomuch that people who engage in it just add to the financial stock of already established mega corps. But you’ll never see someone like Debord support the “buy local” thesis as he’s a damned Marxist and just wants to get rid of the profit motive entirely, which is a utopian prospect no matter how scientific Marxism claims to be.
>It's time for a treatment.
Go on...
Sounds like you're very poor, low IQ and perhaps out of shape (fat).

The same as always. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Live in a world of your dreams, if you don't like the world as it is, then you have to do everything you can to create the world you want around you.

Most people do not want to hear that. Why? Because it implies action, in a sense that you have to actually do something about your life. And what is that? The answer is: Everything you can.

And what CAN you do? 1. A lot, 2. it doesn't matter, you have to do all that you can, no matter how small or big that action could be? Do you have produce all the phones that Israelis use and put the explosives in their phones? Perhaps. Or, perhaps you have to finish that one book, or talk to that one person, or fix a problem with your parents, or find a new job... doesn't matter.
What others do, or do not should not bother you. What should bother you is how you react to them, since that's the thing you can actually influence, if you're already not in the position of power.

Once you obtain power, by definition, you can change how others behave and improve on it.

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