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Anyone read his travel journals? I’m currently reading Civilization, Economics and Capitalism 15th-18th Century Volume 1 by Fernand Braudel and he cites Montaigne a lot when describing the tools of everyday life in Europe. For example, he uses Montaigne’s description of german ovens in the 16th century. It sounds like a pretty interesting document.
On Experience, of course.
Any of the third series, really, but I'll not argue.
When referencing Montaigne, it's not "de" Montaigne. It's just Montaigne.
Why some names include the “de”, like de Maistre? I feel it’s off to say de Sade as it is saying de Montaigne, but not de Maistre. Is it just due to the habit of seeing more de Maistre than just Maistre?

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Within the next 2 weeks a New World awaits for the vaccinated who will begin their 5G ascension journey to a new giga consciousness and leave the rest of humanity behind.

Within 96 hours of the announcement the ascended masters will broadcast the emergency alert message system to all living souls declared and undeclared to declare the TOTAL CABAL DEFEAT of the Satanic Deep State.

Within 216 hours of the revelations the Galactic Federation will announce the Full Disclosure™ of humanity's past hidden history and new future including newly discovered technology®

protip: for the unvaccinated swine another harsh summer awaits

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imagine still caring about covid and vaccinations in like 2024, get a life bozo
yeah, fuck the vaccine! 5G cured cotandra virus and will make eBaum's World.com a real planet

> 2 weeks
>That pic.
>Solar flare misspelled.
>Schizobabble about 4d & 5d
>Now Includes 5G, With All Your Favorite Catchphrases!
>Space brothers
Yeah, nice bait. now get to /x
5G is real you moron they already admitted its existence you way behind the curve on this one dude

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any book for this feel?
a biography of Ludwig II
My diary to be honest.
Latro in the mist

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Can you be a philosophical pessimist and be content with life, or are you bound to end up like Mainländer? I am a pessimist in common terms and it has turned me into a self-loathing, lazy, depressed passive nihilist. Mind you, this isn't a self-help/motivation thread. I want to accept my pessimistic self, and I'm wondering if introspecting and understanding pessimism through philosophical lens would help me with it. What must I read?
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Nietzsche did try to, even if it's weird.
Overman is jusst Nietzsche's self-insert fantasy.
>crying about race and blacks again

Schopenhauer who I recognized as the father of pessimism never gave a shit about this or blacks in general, he recognized they suffer as much as everyone else and he pited them for being too stupid to break free from slavery in africa. Talk about real pessimism, not your schizo race fantasy.
World State - Nihilism
Attitude - Optimism
>I have a positive attitude towards nothing.

Let's face it: it's not easy being OP.

It seems that any inkling of "fandom" gets isolated and roundly shit on.

All jokes aside, how do you feel about fashion as presented in literature?

In Cyberpunk, at least, you had the leather and hairstyles.

But going even back to the 1800's you have presentations of beauties in dresses and gentlemen in suits.

After all, before we had movies we had books!

What is your favorite fashion scene in any literary era, and is there anything you haven't seen realized or represented in media that you would like to see?
Not sure, I'd say visual arts tend to give a clearer sense of fashion than lit, but lit is the best medium to show how characters perceive others' fashion
>lit is the best medium to show how characters perceive others' fashion

I think that's true.

I feel that it has something to do with fiction's ability to display these differences and things through literary techniques or something.

It's like a deep understanding or something that's implied through which we 'just know' how a character is reacting to or feels about something.

I think that's something that movies actually are unable to capture.
>I'd say visual arts tend to give a clearer sense of fashion than lit

I'm not actually sure about that.

It comes down to the senses, I think.

Sure you can see all sorts of beautiful colorful dresses on screen or on stage, but I believe that the space of Literature may allow you to imagine much more complicated things!

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>I Sing the Body Electric.

>Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking!

>"And you Libertad of the world! You shall sit in the middle well-pois'd thousands and thousands of years, As to-day from one side the nobles of Asia come to you, As to-morrow from the other side the queen of England sends her eldest son to you."

Who is more essential than Walt Whitman?

To me, he represents the Spirit of America.

Through the hustle and bustle of mid-19th century New York City to the horrors of the Civil War to the promise of a new budding Democracy!

Indeed, his Transcendental poetry helped mold and shape America into the Great country it was destined to be!
If you're into Whitman, I highly recommend reading DH Lawrence's half-critical, half-admiring essay on him: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/60547/pg60547-images.html#XII_WHITMAN

>Surely it is especially true of American art, that it is all essentially moral. Hawthorne, Poe, Longfellow, Emerson, Melville: it is the moral issue which engages them. They all feel uneasy about the old morality. Sensuously, passionally, they all attack the old morality. But they know nothing better, mentally. Therefore they give tight mental allegiance to a morality which all their passion goes to destroy. Hence the duplicity which is the fatal flaw in them: most fatal in the most perfect American work of art, The Scarlet Letter. Tight mental allegiance given to a morality which the passional self repudiates.

>Whitman was the first to break the mental allegiance. He was the first to smash the old moral conception, that the soul of man is something "superior" and "above" the flesh. Even Emerson still maintained this tiresome "superiority" of the soul. Even Melville could not get over it. Whitman was the first heroic seer to seize the soul by the scruff of her neck and plant her down among the potsherds.

>"There!" he said to the soul. "Stay there!"

>Stay there. Stay in the flesh. Stay in the limb's and lips and in the belly. Stay in the breast and womb. Stay there. Oh Soul, where you belong.

>Stay in the dark limbs of negroes. Stay in the body of the prostitute. Stay in the sick flesh of the syphilitic. Stay in the marsh where the calamus grows. Stay there, Soul, where you belong.

>The Open Road. The great home of the Soul is the open road. Not heaven, not paradise. Not "above." Not even "within." The soul is neither "above" nor "within." It is a wayfarer down the open road.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

god damn it. all i wanna read now is classic noir. everything else stinks.

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Kino. Nice work.
I agree, yours is a little sharper and looks cleaner. Awesome work. Again, I don't know how the wiki works but it'd be cool to get it on there
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It hasn't been updated since like 2022. Does someone have an account there?
yeah wish i could help you out but i dunno either.

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Is it objectively, morally wrong to give up on life and embrace laziness and hedonism in the face of a declining civilisation? If you genuinely have no practical means of improving your life financially or of finding a partner, if loneliness and emptiness are all that remain, is it still immoral to drop out of the game entirely? If your principles and aesthetic ideals cannot be actualised in a sordid world, is it not better simply to remove yourself from the world and grieve rather than to force yourself to live a lie and compete amongst philistines?

Recommend philosophy/lit for this feel?
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what a spineless non-answer
Is Deano the last man?
I'm not sure if morality is the way to judge these acts.

This just sounds like a less permanent form of suicide. You have lost hope, you cannot fathom its return. Instead of abandoning the goal and hopping off a 5-story building, you're changing the goal and seeing another day.

I don't think the simple goal change is an immoral act, chasing laziness and hedonism isn't inherently wrong. The way you go about achieving your new goal, however, does have the possibility of being wrong.

If you decide to give up on your responsibilities don't let others clean up after you in your wake. Just because you changed your goal doesn't mean that others in your life have. It's possible there's a morally just way of transitioning between goals, but I couldn't give you a guide.
damn I kinda want to watch these two fuck kol
you can tell he eats ass and she takes dick up there
Yes, because you added much to the conversation yourself, anon?

It is not objectively wrong because a society in decline is often a civilisation that has continously failed to meet the needs of its subjects, making the overall populace apathethic. A human being should not feel obliged to bleed to death for a system that does not reward them. Although, it is morally wrong on one hand as there is a responsibility attached to us as civilians to contribute to our immediate surroundings in postive ways. To create the world we want to live in, we each have to start on an individual level: if you don't want to live in a shithole, don't litter yourself. No matter how minute the societal impact you have, it's better than doing nothing. For a society to function, the population have to actually participate in it.
It all depends on what you think is of more value. The man or the state in which the man exists.

This was all quite obvious in my response, I'm sure most people could have gathered this. Maybe you're just a retard with comprehension issues?
>Verification not required.

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>So...ummm...who is your favorite male character written by a woman?

Well? Wat say?
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i clicked on this thread to give this answer or Tarwater from her second book

But by Tarwater I mean the great uncle
Burrich by Megan Lindholm - whoops, sorry make that manly macho man Robin Hobb.
Muto Kenji from Lian Hearn's Tales of the Otori.
Harry Potter.

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I don't get his idea, so what is his answer to nihilism actually?
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Live in such a way that you will clearly state that you were alive and you won't regret it, also that love overcomes all. It is easy. You just gotta read.
Which of his books is about the same level as L'étranger in terms of difficult? I've read about 2000 pages of French since I read L'étranger and so I hope my level of French has improved a bit
shoot arabs for fun
>meaning exists everywhere
>Why are nihilists so delusional?
>It's the ultimate cope
He doesn't have an answer for nihilism, he is an advocate for positive nihilism. His argument boils down to "everything is absurd. You either embrace that and go on, finding ways to enjoy the absurdity, or you kill yourself" then goes on opining about how you should embrace absurdity if you aren't a pussy.
TL;DR >>23396223

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Hard mode: No silly stuff
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If you showed him modern London he would have became a Nazi instantly
The first sentence is incorrect in the vast majority of cases and only refers to the present situation in Britain at the moment of it's writing. So it's incorrect.
The rest is correct.

When Orwell announces "Pacifism is pro-fascist" he's making a tacit assumption.

He is assuming that the pacifist would, if he gave up his pacifism, be anti-fascist.

In that case, sure, you could make an argument that the paficist stance is, in effect, helping the fascist cause.

But suppose the opposite is true?

Suppose I am a pacifist, but if I gave up my pacifism, I would fight for the fascists?

Then my pacifism is, in effect, helping the anti-fascist cause.

Orwell doesn't even consider this possibility, because, like most leftists, he assumes — in the teeth of all the evidence — that his own side has a monopoly on moderation, tolerance and restraint.
He's technically not wrong, but those who wish for pacifism can't be blamed either for trying to stay out of a game in which they have nothing to win and everything to lose. In a pragmatic sense pacifism is not a problem of the individual (the individual did not fail to adhere to some sort of ethical code) but a problem of enforcement (the state failed to mobilize its subjects through the means available to the state). An ideal state should be able to completely mobilize its subjects through positive reinforcement (material rewards, most commonly), negative reinforcement (most commonly shame, think of the white feather women, but also legal repercussions), and a successfully popularized and internalized national ethos.

So it's kind of like dating, women did not fail a romantically unsuccessful man, but rather that man failed to make himself a desirable enough partner for the women to be interested in him.
This is not a one-size fits all kind of reasoning. In certain circumstances he is right. In the majority of circumstances, he is entirely wrong. Also, the facist/non-fascist dichotomy is for brainlets. That's a WWII mentality which has little to no relevance today.

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Can anyone explain what the main themes of this book are supposed to be? I read it and it was cool, but I am kind of retarded when it comes to interpreting literature. To me it was just a book about a guy who makes a living by going into the zone and selling the stuff he hauls back. I watched the movie and I know that that was supposed to be about like the nature of human desire or something. Anyone have any insight? Am I a huge faggot?
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>that was supposed to be about like the nature of human desire or something
You sound like you repeat shit without understanding anything.
Are you even capable of critical thinking? Of coming up with thoughts yourself?
yeah that's me
>Are you even capable of critical thinking? Of coming up with thoughts yourself?
not really anon, I'm a stemcel
>A picnic. Picture a forest, a country road, a meadow. Cars drive off the country road into the meadow, a group of young people get out carrying bottles, baskets of food, transistor radios, and cameras. They light fires, pitch tents, turn on the music. In the morning they leave. The animals, birds, and insects that watched in horror through the long night creep out from their hiding places. And what do they see? Old spark plugs and old filters strewn around... Rags, burnt-out bulbs, and a monkey wrench left behind... And of course, the usual mess—apple cores, candy wrappers, charred remains of the campfire, cans, bottles, somebody’s handkerchief, somebody’s penknife, torn newspapers, coins, faded flowers picked in another meadow.
In this analogy, the nervous animals are the humans who venture forth after the Visitors have left, discovering items and anomalies that are ordinary to those who have discarded them, but incomprehensible or deadly to the earthlings. This explanation implies that the Visitors may not have paid any attention to, or even noticed, Earth's inhabitants during their visit, just as humans do not notice or pay attention to insects and wildlife during a picnic. The artifacts and phenomena left behind by the Visitors in the Zones were garbage, discarded and forgotten without any intentions to advance or damage humanity. There is little chance that the Visitors will return again because for them it was a brief stop, for reasons unknown, on the way to their actual destination.
It wasn't banned thoughever. And commies hating and banning eachother for criticising capitalism "incorrectly" is nothing surprising.
the themes are just "life sucks"
Tarkovsky wanted to make it le deep

What are some books where cuckoldry is sacred?
lmao, try sadomasochism instead, you get the same benefits without the negative stigma
I'm agnostic and wasn't raised Christian but I cannot bring myself to mock Joseph
What he did was a beautiful thing to do, it shows compassion and kindness which are virtues our world is sorely lacking in today
yea but he did in a patriarchal framework in a society that rewarded that sort of thing, doing it today with the knowledge that you are going to get fucked either way is the epitome of retardation
Oh look, another low quality bait thread...Jannies sure do a good job of keeping this board about /Lit/erature.

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What are thr best sounding languages and why are they German and Russian?
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>t.in ear
this guy is just a medaboo, this is also all nonsense, especially the way he pretends this is all objective and follows from natural principles
>uptalk: the language
>can be said in german
Also, I hope for your sake that you're trolling or trying to rationalize your monoglottism. If not, well... I guess we're not all gonna make it, after all.
It just is

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