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Now that the dust is settled, what did I think of the next great chud novel?
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i been meaning to check out born under a black sun. so i gotta ask... what did you think of it?
This book inspired me, a mysterious unknown anon, to make a song!

I’m in the same discord as you!!
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the duality of man
I don’t know what I thought of it, that’s why I asked you

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Thanks, OP.

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Hey /lit/, anons here often engage with threads related to other well known religions. But being a 4chan user I hardly notice anybody else talking about Japanese Shinto. I find it quite odd as I suspect there are many weebs wandering here. But on a serious note what are some comprehensive and informative books which go deep into this religion like its emergence, philosophy, ideology, influence, practice etc.? I prefer translated books from Japanese authors but if the book is well written then books from non Japanese authors will work as well.
Start with reading the Kojiki. There's a new translation of it that came out like 8 or so years ago.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16).

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.
(Galatians 5:6)

Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.
(Revelation 3:9)
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Demon spotted
>logismoi deflected
>Response not given
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>I am not ashamed of the gospel
That's your problem you should be
me on the left

how do you feel about reading more than one book at the same time?
re books made to be read one at a time or is it okay to swap between them?

i started reading the wheel of time but with 800 pages i started to read some easy slop between chapters
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I usually have 4 audiobooks on the go.

1 Non-Fiction
1 Boring but useful book
1 Exciting Fiction
1 Sleep book

Right now I have
The Evolution of Desire
The Bible
The Bobiverse book
Blandings by Wodehouse
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>four at the same time
I usually have a big Collected Poems I'm working through a couple of poems a day, while spending most of my reading time reading novels or individual collections straight through
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I have ten audiobooks I cycle through between podcasts at work. Currently reading two physical books, and I alternate at the end of each part. I don't see anything wrong with it, and it actually helps retention because I'm making myself recall what I previously heard rather than plowing through to the next chapter.
how long did it take you to figure out rand was the dragon?

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How amazingly genius neitzche's will to power theory is , to have come up with that centuries ago just when religion was starting to collapse and to figure out that the foundation below men's feet for the reason to live was eroding. To figure that to suffer and to overcome is the bringer of real Joy, to chase the journey, not the end goal. To become the best possible version of yourself in all fronts, just for the sake of it. in contrast to pathetic conformist nihilism and hedonism. Having experienced all of this firsthand coming from a dark past. How right he was i must say.

Philosophers from the past, even when science had not made any superhuman breakthroughs had found great value in his works, becoming as wise as you possibly can, becoming as strong as you possibly can, become as rich as you possibly can, becoming as charismatic and socially fluid as you possibly can.
But people didnt know about how to take care of their health, we had almost no science on physiology and nutrition, vitamins and minerals, macro and micronutries, their bodies degenerated like everyone elses did, and so their did their minds, their mood and perspectives. Life is all about perspective.
We were just starting to experiment with stimulant drugs, caffeine was a novelty but we didnt even know how it worked, let alone methanfetamine. The most common psychoactive drug was alcohol, a depressant that left you with nihilistic outlook on life in the long run thanks to its hangover and devastating effects on the brain, what a waste of potential
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PT 2:

But now in the modern age, and with the scientific breakthroughs we have had AND will have thanks to artificial intelligence
With all the benefits Excercise has been discovered to help with health and brain function.
With our current understanding of Physiology and how the Human body works, (Circadian Rythm, Sleep optimization, Sunlight exposure)
With unlimited knowledge to enlighten us at the tip of our fingers with the Internet
With all these new drugs that can boost our cognition, make us cognitively faster and grant us superhuman lucidity. creatine, aderall, SSRI's, Alpha GPC, all drugs to change our perspective of life and turn us into the best version of ourselves we could possibly acheive. What a time to be alive, In our modern age we can become strive to become neitzche's uberman more than ANY other time in history.

Nice post, shame stuff like this doesn't get traction. Which of his books gave you these ideas btw?
Nietzsche was a nihilist. He doesn't offer any solution whatsoever and just ends up ignoring all the "discoveries" he makes because he's delusional like the illiterate retards who idolize him.
>inb4 c-c-c-christcuck!
Nietzsche is more christian than I am. He blindly thinks creation is good because of some nonsensical feeling and desire to fuck prostitutes.

Read so much /lit/ (at least 1,000 books) and get this look?
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So you never had any desire to socialise or have a gf? Or what makes you different from a failed normie?
You il/lit/terates disgust me...
I'm glad that I don't consider this my home-board.
You literally just described the average social outcast. A simple DnD meetup fulfills the same social function as 4chan, but at least the DnD group won’t encourage you to act and think like a sociopath. So overall, 4chan is a net negative
Imagine whipping that ass with a thick Malaysian prison cane, leaving a bloody welt with every single stroke until she convulses uncontrollably and pees herself.
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she has very nice feet desu but theyre no paperbackdreams feet

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ITT: We match paintings to literature, like those penguin covers.
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We should print a bunch of these and put them into local libraries.
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Sadly public libraries are all femgooner shit and nigger worship now
Everything about modern literature made sense the moment someone told me that 80% of readership here in America is female. I don't know if it's actually true or if he just made it up but it made a lot of sense to me, and I've been repeating it for years.
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>beauty matters because...i-it just does
>sees a urinal
joking aside he's the most interesting modern philosoper once you get a sense of what he's getting at. his understanding intersects everything from history to religion to politics to science to art to language to philosophy to romance yet it is so subtle that it flies under the radar
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Scruton was a real aristocrat though. He used to go fox hunting. If that is not the most aristocratic thing one can do, I don't know what is.
They (celebrities) have supplanted the previous aristocracy (Political landowners), which supplanted the original aristocracy (Martial Leadership Class).
And now the /lit/ neets have supplanted all previous aristocracies. The true aristocrat is a man of leisure and culture. Today only /lit/ neets fit these qualifications.
Literally every rupert is a posh spaz m8.
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>he's the most interesting modern philosoper
not even close. he was a complete mediocrity. the leftoids that he criticized like deleuze were vastly more insightful and interesting than he was. in fact, scruton is a great example of why conservatism is pathetic and always has been.

Why do you write? Honestly. Are you trying to become a cultural icon or do you want to elevate the collective consciousness of mankind?
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To impress women. Hasn't worked out so far, I'm getting cucked by coke dealing DJs and trust fund jocks.
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I'm trying to expand my own consciousness. I rarely feel like I'm using so much of my brain, both hemispheres, as when I'm writing. It really is one of the all-time-great technologies. Somehow you can produce structures of meaning that would never have come to you had you been merely sitting and thinking, or staring out the window and imagining. I recommend writing to everyone.
I write for two intertwined reasons. The care for what I am most attracted to in all my studies, organizing what I’ve learnt and expressing it in a coherent form of thought-text, which would make me myself approve of, at the same time I dwell on a hope that it will contribute to the specific literature to which this text would belong and make me enduringly known.
I simply must.
When I am not writing I am not as happy.
When I am writing I am happier.
I don't even share 80% of my work with anyone.
because I want to die.

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Any books in the milieu of Dillahuntian ethics and justification for an objective morality, logic, etc while affirming things like subjectivity of gender, meaninglessness in the world, inaccessibility of knowledge, etc?
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>crimes and deeds
>morally inferior
Absolutely teeming with unfounded presuppositions. It's no wonder he married a tranny.
Okay wait the last two paragraphs are based as hell
Atheists like this faggot lost any credibility when they kept dunking on Christianity, but defended ISLAM of all things, and sometimes feminism at the same time.
I read it like
as in, not found here
Even by Peterson.

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If there's dots on the edge of the paper should I throw the book away? They don't look dark like mold but reading the book does make my throat hurt after a while
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It's fine. Keep your shit dry. You can try a LIGHT spritz of white vinegar to neutralize some mold types.
foe, retard, but it's probably long dead since it's on dry paper.. unless you just dug that moist son of a bitch out of someone's basement
use 91% or greater alcohol, not vinegar, though vinegar is good for killing mold, just not great for books.
and don't spritz it on the book, lightly moisten a paper towel or rag
sand paper it if it's just superficial. just be gentle

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books about dreams becoming nightmares?
Elective Affinities, kind of in a way. Mulholland Drives is exactly what you're describing, but that's a movie.

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Only suspension of judgement and ataraxia have improved my life.
Everything else is bullshit.
Dogmatists will cope.
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>suspension of judgement
>have improved my life
>Everything else is bullshit.
>Dogmatists will cope
>suspension of judgement
>has my life gotten any better?
>it has gotten worse?
>but if I suspend my judgment
>the bad stuff goes away
You’re being a dogmatist, you’re using skeptical principles dogmatically in order to judge anything else as invalid.
You are coping, skeptoid. Only the pursuit of katastematic pleasure can lead you to ataraxia. If you are in pain, you can not just decide to suspend judgment to make the pain go away magically. Ataraxia is only achieved when you have primed your mind for it and live a tranquil life that successfully integrates katastematic pleasure and avoids pain.
No, these Pyrrhonist copers do not even believe in their skeptical principles when they utilize them, they are only reporting a state of mind instead of belief.

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Here is my poem that i wrote, I'm thinking of a new poetry genre called humor poetry or, I'm still thinking of the name, it could also be like humetry:

Stung by the mosquito of LOVE
Shit itches like a crackfiend fo DRUGS
Girl what you put in this potion
You got my pussydick wetter than a ocean

You got my dick itching like a sheepskin
You got ma LOVE burning liek a feel. in

feel in

these vibes
i think of you every night
your blond hair with blue eyes

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