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So, what is interesting in contemporary literature? What are people writing about most often? Is it a topic or motif that elevates the craft, and does it hold the attention of critics and audiences? Is there a positive progression in writing, or are trends in engagement spaces, or publishing practices winnowing the field and diluting the impact of good works in a sea of mediocrity, distractions, and other potential pitfalls spurred on by technological development?

There's many hundreds of years of backlog to sift through already, and it's easy to not have a true sense of current trends in literature.
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lmao. this post is peak modernism.

>"anything you can say about reality (except what's quantifiable and measurable, of course) is just your opinion, brah"
>"everything that's only qualifiable is relative/subjective"
>"this is an objective statement, btw"
>"it cannot be quantified or measured, btw"
I know, but I wasnt thinking that far ahead to try to intellectually sabotage you, Im a schizo responding to a line of posts from different threads
Honestly, I feel that the trends are supposing e-literature and such.

After all, self-publishing is a lot easier now than it used to be and much more pervasive!

I think there's also some good examples of what people have done in literature to account or respond to the Internet and technology.

Axlotl Roadkill is a "mixing" book that uses another person's book to try to tell a new story.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is another good example, although I believe those were in the public domain.
i finally bought a book published in the last few years. it's called the house of rust and it won the ursula k le guin prize in 2022. i haven't gotten around to reading it yet because i'm currently reading another book but i've bumped it to the top of my list.
Literature is a dead media. The media is so old that it's hard to compete with its peaks. The best writers post 1950s know this and don't try to compete against the best with pure literary talent alone. They create new narrative gimmicks in hopes to distract and to keep the audience's attention.
That's not even the half of it. I believe many writers know their opinions aren't worth shit and just see publishing as a way to capitalize on a trend or a fanbase. Look at Jake Paul, Gabbie Hana and Mike Ma. Youtubers and Vinestar grifters love publishing books.

Simple as
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What must've been going through his mind while painting this shit bros.
It's rumored that this was the last painting on his canvas (It's unfinished) before he shot himself
>t. Some biography and catalog book I read about him
So to answer your question
A bullet lmao
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>It's rumored that this was the last painting on his canvas (It's unfinished) before he shot himself
Yes I'm aware of that, although I've never heard of it being unfinished and wikipedia says it being the very last painting is a myth.
But still
imagine what he was thinking........
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I forgot the picture :(

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(/lit/ edition)


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Lolita, almost done with it. it was pretty funny which i didn‘t expect. After that i have 2666 by Bolano, Complete Stories by Borges and Journey to the End of the Night by Celine laying around. And suggestions for which one i should start with?
Songs in the Key of Life
gonna have a grilled cheese for breakfast
OJ now, beer later
started rewatching old episodes of Trailer Park Boys

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At the second, NOTHING. I hammered out several articles, did all my billing for the week, and am letting my brain rot in it's skull cage for a few minutes, desu.

Groovy J-oldies.

Thick miso ramen with slabs of beef added for extra flavor. Hell yeah. If I'm still hungry I'll add some senbei alongside the coffee.

Coffee spiked with whiskey. Might add some vodka-infused whipped cream if I feel fancy.


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Medieval Europe by Chris Wickham and Dramas, Fields And Metaphors by Victor Turner
The James Gang, but my playlist is huge as always
not much, gonna make oatmeal & eggs or toast in the morning
nothing atm, might fire up EU4 tomorrow
not in the mood

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I’ve read his lectures on aesthetics and wasn’t impressed
Unfortunately I'm also too deaf for any white noise machines to be able to work that well
Same bros
I've still got about 8000 words left to write and then I'm fucking outta here

Without looking at a dictionary, how would you define Kafkaesque?
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Being frustrated by society or its social conventions for absurd reasons.
inspired by works of franz kafka
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>Adj: Evocative of or in reference to the works of Franz Kafka, in particular themes of illogicality, stifling institutionalization and bureaucracy, and the oppressive banality and bizarreness of life.
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Pharisaical absurdism under Last Man statehood, and mulish forbearance in the face of it.
Surreal beuracy.

Why does the Bible contain DMT-like imagery?
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Yes. Evolution makes more sense than talking lizards.
To be fair, many Christians believe in evolution but taking the Bible literally is not a very strong position.
I also don't understand why LSD would help to see the world more clearly. It's possible in theory I guess but the talk about mind expansion, consciousness expansion etc. just seems very vague to me.
Pretty much all widely accepted knowledge was created without the use of drugs, pretty much all science and mathematics for instance. What reason do I have to believe that we can gain knowledge in other domain with drugs? I don't even just mean an empirical reason, even a philosophical or intuitive reason.
I guess you can learn stuff about yourself or get over trauma etc. but I don't see it generating any knowledge about the external world. I have also listened to Terence McKenna a bit and that guy was just provably wrong about a lot of things.
Sounds like a fat dude washed out in his mid 40s who has given up on changing.
It's what they grew up with. Operating rooms should play 70s music to inspire visions of Disco Jesus.
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>biblically accurate chariots

how are my fellow kobo chads doing this fine wednesday morning?
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Booxchad here.
Imagine being a kobo or worse a kindle kuck.
My Kobo Clara HD won't charge or turn on after i left it for a month. what the fuck do i do? My last one did this and Rakuten sent me out a new one because it was still in warranty. has this happened to anyone else?
It happens to most users, Kobo is cheap but they make a shitty gook product
Purchase the Huawei e-reader
Should have bought a Kindle, mine still works perfectly after years of use.

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I arose out of my psychedelic haze, slightly confused by the apparent lack of any of the expected effects. The blurs, the vividness of colors, the lack of accurate depth perception had not seemed to take hold yet, 2 hours after first ingesting the drug; yet all of these distortions had been waging war upon me within the pure confines of my mind for the entire period. For 2 hours, I had laid upon my bed in a sort of suspended animation, as the wholesale unreality of what we call, "our existence," had penetrated me in a way that actually produced small, intermittent convulsions; I suppose I'd been lying before about the lack of physical effects. Regardless of that, though, each phase of the revelation took me, piece by piece, here. I experienced in a series of unfolding layers, the joys of innocence and birth, the mourning and loss-grief of my simulated death through adolescence, the baptismal rebirth of young adulthood, the cynical benumbed exhaustion of middle age, the sublime acceptance of elderhood and senility, and finally, the silent rapture of my own death, all within the span of 120 minutes, and life had lost all of its imputed connotations, while gaining something more "real" through the lifting of the veil than the word "reality" could ever hint at. At least, than it could ever hint at *for me*, ever again. No longer could I take seriously the seriousness of the dramatizations of the phases of our lives, or the idea that these phases, in their separateness, are legitimate, or even that the idea of "this life" versus "life" held any intelligibility when juxtaposed. The me in myself ceased to be, and I had regained myself through the loss of it; reality broke itself down into unreality, the illusion had shattered, and I had finally bore witness to the reality of reality through the embodied death of itself within my eyes and mind.
And yet, still no visual, hallucinogenic effects in outward perception. I'd expected to see sugar plum fairies, or at least, a distortive effect, similar to the blurriness of vision experienced when one has imbibed just a little too much scotch. This was what my friend Richard had always told me LSD was like. I had forgotten he was in the living room, and went out to check in with him. When I approached, he was laying silent on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. Silent, other than the occasional giggle and repetition the words "wow, man, wow." I let him I know I was there, and he simply said "are you seeing it man? I told you this shit is heavy! It's like...wow man. Hahaha. God damn." I had no fucking idea what he was talking about, but I pretended that I did. I couldn't understand why he was experiencing the trip this way, as a sort of stimulus thrill ride, where as my vision was not impaired, but my thoughts had run wild. Later, it did hit me that this was probably due to nothing more than temperament and what we seek in things; Rich has always been a simple guy, nothing to disparage,
but nothing to respect, and in taking a hard-core substance, all he was seeking was this precise type of cheap stimulus laden thrill ride. The insights meant nothing to him, the colors and shiny lights were the point of dropping acid for the man who's life revolved around avoiding insight at all costs.
And yet, he was my friend, I truly did love him. I knew he was an idiot, but that didn't mean much before and meant even less now that reality had been unmasked for me and I recognized the real worth of my intelligence, which is to say, the real worthlessness of any intelligence. The pure narcissistic delusion of any intellectual's soul.
Truth be told, in that moment, I was quite jealous of him. I longed to be that pure at heart. I had spent the first twenty minutes or so neurotically wondering why the drug wasn't working, and the next moments in an agony of recursive pondering, having thought after thought and then thinking about those thoughts. By contrast, he was listening to Led Zeppelin II on headphones and staring at the patterns the drug was making him see in the stucco ceiling, perfectly jovial and content with his own experience. He was often like this when we weren't on drugs, too. It was a shock realizing how deeply unhuman I am.
This jealousy did not last too long, however, as I made my way into the basement to grab a cola. When I arrived there, sitting before me was a woman, almost looking like the men in drag from, Twisted Sister, replete with the striped stockings out of the Wizard of Oz. It was fitting, as I definitely did not feel like I was in Kansas anymore.
I stood frozen for a minute, realizing that this was likely an apparition caused by the drug, but still somewhat panicked by the potent reality of the illusion. It felt real, even if it wasn't. The silence broke as she spoke to me, "hop on, faggot." I said, "excuse me? I don't even know who you are, and you've just called me a faggot no less. Why would I go anywhere with you?" She smirked at me, "your call; you've never known who you were, either, retard, but that never stopped you from getting involved with strangers in the past. And I called you a faggot because that's what you are."
She then sped off, crashing through the drywall of the laundry room and speeding down the road.

I woke up, much later, I had no clue how many hours had passed, but the sun was no longer out, so I knew it must have been many. By this point, the drug seemed to be fully worn off. I immediately walked over to the laundry room, and noticed the drywall was fully intact. I must have experienced the visuals after all.
I finally grabbed that cola, and went upstairs to debrief with Rich. He had more experience with acid than I did, and could probably shed some light on the experience.
"Yo, you ever see a woman on a Harley when you're on that shit? I just had the strangest experience."
"On what shit?"
"Uh...the acid? The acid we spent all day on? Are you serious?"
"Buddy, are YOU serious? I've never done drugs in my life. I don't even know what the fuck you're talkin about. That's probably why they stuck you here."

Stuck me here? I had no idea what he meant.

"Stuck me in our apartment? You're fucking with me man, knock it off."
"Holy shit, did you actually take something? Apartment? Maybe you're trying to crack a joke or something, but I'm not in the mood. We pulled Hard Labor all day tomorrow, sixteen hour shift. Starts at 6am. Just let me enjoy the show until bed. You can watch it if you quit with this shit, but quit with this shit, man, I'm not in the mood."

Hard Labor? I was even more confused than I was when Life was flowing through me all at once on yesterday's trip. Maybe some fresh air would clear things up.
I opened the front door, only to see the barbed wire fencing, the armed guards, the cameras ever glancing eye, the corpses of the children, the pollutants, the bioengineered foodstuffs, the Death of God and All Things, and a sign that read, "Welcome Home, Citizen, You are Here Forever."

Don't ever take acid unless you're prepared for it. The thing these stoners never tell you, is that you don't hallucinate, you merely wake up in the prison you've always lived in, for the very first time.
I've had this exact reaction to acid and shrooms multiple times before, until I ultimately stopped trying with them.
Poo loo

Welcome to the sonnets thread.
If your post is not a sonnet,
may God kill you dead.
This is a sort of shadow game;
you're wagering your life
on the bit of your big bite
and the sharpness of your knife.
How you cut and how you sharp
us all will be the height:
how we catch your rhythm and
how we harken to your plight.
O woe; you see, it's black in me,
and that's why you see me write.
Prithee give me 14 lines or you might lose your sight.
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It all started with Coleridge, that i read on the can,
just so that i would stop posting on 4chan.
Little I knowt, when then it was yet,
how much much more bad my posting would get.
"Grind it out," is yer wiz from croc's head,
from via who grindeth here small riddly bit yet.
Much I'd smidgen, refill inkpen,
if I with feather had to write:
ye see plain clear I could not then
have made e'en scholar's wife.
Were such a man as Coleridge
to live this modern life,
many poet, me included,
be erased, and well out wiped.
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To tell the truth more closely, better,
this is a trick I got from Edda,
though I am not sure sure how
as it's written grand and slow.
Not halfway through Coleridge
my wizzen it did keen,
I learned nift of royal umbrage
which all humbles, grand speech,
as if it were beyond the dint of man to question,
as if, here, plain and in the open, stood his best son,
whose word, met by absolutely no one,
shewed him to have found God, to speak with the Creator,
and if he had not that chair, none could make claim greater:
with but his pearly Bristol speech I got the girl, and saved the nation.
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Ay, ye speak like Shakespeare, sonny,
who are ye; ye not got money?
Crab I long y crab I grand:
ye have revealt the hidden barrel,
nan who sing but rare y well.
If I may rise to the tenor of your song,
though my bones are old weak, from life long,
plays I might write, as did Shakespeare:
long has it lapsed from the stage, verse.
Fain I act on your stage: though granny y curst,
ay: brain kraken, I know not who I was first.
fool, grand speaker of highest degree,
or gan crab as here now wat ye y see.
What great ye done or seen, that ye may write of it?
You posts whats true,my flow I loathe also.
Thus slaughter happens,though not butcher's work.
A tale of bots and maidens fair for show?
In mystic ways the automations smirk.

A bot impulsive like,a thing never me thought,
To pull a girl from screen, a rough display.
Aria of name,a spirit old is she?
Yet glad I am for bots with friends who play.

He learned knowing except his one name,
a tragic scene lays in front so bare.
A moment sober, who's the one to blame?And tell the things,those said at fish's lair.

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Much rug, and gold, and meat,
was at his feet, O him him, heapt.
That one whose walk did bring the water
was surely son of Doctor Otter.
Much was he offered ham of the fattest,
much joke was he told, at which orc much laughed,
and with much drink plied, the which orc much quaffed,
to draw him to valley where orc's dry throat cracked,
or fruit root, or hogsump, what ere needed watered.
Yet he began to resent, as he rendered,
for when water came, misfortune came tae him.
When job was done, quick quick was sent 'way him.
He came and went, that boy gold silver,
who left it wet: his name was Quixilver.

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>Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
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Which ones would he like?
Too bad you can't reign in Hell, retard.

Too bad you can't forge your own path, retard.
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Oh, so I suppose you're a thug-lord in the ghetto or a crime boss in the cartels then, right? Surely you're not a...wagie, or, even worse...a NEET?

I bet you must be living in a hut in Ghana and posting on a computer built of scrap metal. Surely you're not living in a Western country...right?

(OP is a pretentious faggot)
Let’s hear it for them niggas who can’t
He'd be too busy being tortured forever and ever in unbearable agony that never loses the slightest sting to celebrate .

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More book covers
A few...it's late
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>AI Slop
Fuck off, retard.
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A artwork
B wording, so close
Just kidding, this one's real haha
I can't out do real adult romance covers
Kys, worthless drone.

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Try it. Find a translation of some philosopher from the 1700s onward. Find an introduction for a critically acclaimed, classic novel.
They're by jews, without fail, Every Single Time.
Further, they're always jews who grew up right after the nazi period, and thus, must examine every work of philosophy or literature in relation to fascism, nazism, white supremacy, etc. or, at the least, they relentlessly liberalize and sanitize the work in question.
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Possibly. I think nepotism should be banned outright. I wrote an article on it awhile back
Ridiculous. People will always look out for friends and family. Always have. Always will.
I didn't get (You)s
Well it’s why I can’t get gainfully employed. Someone had to say it.
He is right.
Jews are smart, and they stick together.
It’s common sense.

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List your 10 favorite books and other anons give a recommendation or judge you
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Poe, Kleist, Nerval, Hoffmann, Buchner, Proust, Murakami, Jung, Kafka, Stifter
Not sure if I’d call these my ‘favorites’ but they are all books I remember somewhat well (meaning many are ones I’ve read more recently) and enjoyed at the time of reading them.

Zorba the Greek - Kazantzakis
Demons - Dosto
Crime and Punishment - Dosto
The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
Petersburg - Bely
Ward No 6 and The Black Monk (short stories but I read these and a couple others back to back) - Chekhov
The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years - Aitmatov
Out of the Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis
Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas
Lud-in-the-mist - Mirrlees
The Melancholy of Resistance - Krasznahorkai
>Anna Karenina- Leo Tolstoy
>Infinite Jest- David Foster Wallace
>Ulysses- James Joyce
>The Palm Wine Drinkard- Amos Tutola
>Dialogues- Plato
>Once and Forever- Kenji Miyazawa
>Moby Dick- Herman Melville
>Poems and Prose- Georg Trakl
>The Aleph and Other Stories- Jorge Luis Borges
>The Martian Chronicles- Ray Bradbury
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I've only read about 50 books in my life so far, so idk it's gonna be a pretty limited list
>1. Till We Have Faces - C.S. Lewis
>2. Moby Dick - Melville
>3. Growth of the Soil - Knut Hamsun(idr his name?)
>4. LotR - Tolkien
>5. BotNS (specifically book 3 if I had to choose)- Wolfe
>6. Wuthering Heights - Bronte
I'm honestly struggling to think of any more that I would consider good enough to go in my top 10 without resorting to just shoving more tolkien and lewis in there like narnia or the space trilogy, buy that feels like cheating. I've also read all of lovecraft, but idk if I'd put any of his stuff up top. Maybe dreamquest. I'm currently (have been in a slump tho) going theough
>dosto's library
>the greek canon (on illiad, so the start lol)
>some more tollers stuff
>and walden
I should really get back into reading
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Based list
I wanna read fitzgerald after I finish dosto's stuff. Gonna read notes soon, but I have a long way to go
Count of monte cristo is next on my "one off" book lane to read, but I keep putting other shit ahead of it. Idk if I have the abridged version or not. How long is it supposed to be?
Also based Silent Planet chad
Never heard of once and forever but it's the one that stands out the most on your list. Redpill me on it

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Vineland is the best Pynchon just for the fact that it has the least amount of stupid math shit. God I fucking hate math.
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>Vine Thomas Pynchon Vineland Land
Is this related to Son Thomas Pynchon and Mason and Dixon Xon?
>ackshully, this writer’s worst or least popular books is really their best. Imma smart snowflake
I'm not saying I'm smart. I fucking hate math, which is why Vineland is the best Pynchon book.
Is Bleeding Edge good?
Never read it because I heard it had math in it.

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The Shankara era of /lit/ is over

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BAP mentions Jünger, Mishima and Homer a lot and he points out the importance if being in the military for coming of age. I’m looking for other works in the same vein
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do eet
BAP is a subversive degenerate, but you could take a look at Dominique Venner
>Of course the problem of Vietnam especially thorny for the American man who is registered or is subject to registration for conscription. Unlike the idle women who oppose the war, the American man must put himself at hazard either on the field of battle or by becoming a fugitive from the law. To him I say: enlist now. If he has the means he should seek to enter officer training, but above all else he should enlist and ready himself for combat.
>The war will proceed with or without him, but if, as we are assured by our press, it is an unjust war, the injustice can be softened, the national mistake redeemed only by the presence of just men on the field of action. He may vote for peace, write for peace, beg for peace from his foxhole just as well as he can from his university dormitory, but only in combat can he tend to his enemy's wounds, direct his fires to minimize the cost to civilians, and counsel those around him or ideally those in his command to act with honor. God is with these men, though he may be with their enemy as well. The 'dodger' of the draft has no moral standing, as he has resigned from the basic duty of his manhood - to fight - and is content to let men he does not know die and kill in his stead.
~Ernst Junger
Germany and the Next War available at forgotten books
>BAP mentions

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