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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

>Archiving guide:
Go to http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html
Fill out the request form to archive a thread.
Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as archived.moe.

>Formatting guide:
Only the thread's OP can format. Note that should the OP change ID, they will lose this ability as well.
Remove the spaces between the [] brackets and the letters:
Bold: [ b ] text [ /b ]
Italics: [ i ] text [ /i ]
Red: [ red ] text [ /red ]
Blue: [ blue ] text [ /blue ]
Green: [ green] text [ /green ]

>Formatting guide for everyone:
Dice (type this in “options”): dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice] (optionally you can add modifiers: dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice]+[modifier]; for a negative modifier type: +-[modifier]

Examples: dice+1d100 = a 1d100 roll, dice+1d100+10 = a 1d100 roll with a +10 modifier.

Spoiler: [ spoiler ]spoiler[ /spoiler ] or by pressing alt+s in-thread

>QM question:
What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?

>Player question:
What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?

>General question:
Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?

>Lurker question:
You don't have to vote to post in a quest, why not partake in in-quest discussion more? Or even start some?
>What's something you wish your players would stop doing?
I personally don't enjoy when arguents turns personal and go off-topic, but it doesn't happen very often. My players are quite good.
>What's something you wish your players would start doing?
I always appreciate speculation and theorycrafting, but I don't find my players do it too often. Which is fine, but I do like it when it happens!

>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore?
I get really annoyed when anons start sabotaging quests out of spite or, alternatively, accusing anyone who vites differently from them (even for default options offered by the QM) of being a saboteur. Excessively hostile and lengthy diatribes in general put me off. We're all here to have fun, after all!
>Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
Rarely. Only if it's really tempting to get into an unproductive argument.

>Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?
More free time means I write more updates, and am more likely to pick up new quests to read. Even when I'm busy, though, I try to update my quest every day, and I read/play at least a few quests.
ive been running a quest ofr like a year that i had to stop cuz life and work and black people, but now i wanna run it again but i first wanna make like a spin-off to get the rust off my fingers. question is: whats would be good for an op pic? id pay a comission but last one came out like shit and i cant spend more than 20 bucks desu. would stealing from google images and like writing shit on it on arial show enough compromise? what do you guys do?

also who'd like to be a little girl shooting hearts from her fingers?
>AurebeshQM hasn't returned from his hiatus yet
>Pokemon Loser QM hasn't returned
>Kill La Kill AT QM hasn't returned

>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
There's a guy that goes around voting for the destructive or horny options in new quests with the intent to derail them early on iirc he kept on voting for arson in one, but I haven't run into that situation too often otherwise.
New QTG, very cool!

>QM question:
I don't find my players cause me any issues or do many things they don't like. Usually when they make "mistakes" I actually really like it since it nine times out of ten makes the plot more interesting. As for things I wish they'd start doing, I can't really think of anything. People discussing lore, characters, and decisions is one of my favorite parts of the hobby, and my players do it often enough! I suppose it'd be cool if they did it more, but if they were discussing ALL THE TIME over every little decision nothing would get done, lol.

>General question
I've been on a bit of a hiatus as of late, mostly due to me being busy. I'll be returning in the middle of next month at the absolute latest unless I die or something. Another reason is, of course, burnout, which we all have from time to time. I absolutely LOVE running, and I love my quest, but sometimes I need to take a step back and spend time on other projects.
One good thing that comes from that is that I've been honing in on my writing ability, which means when I come back I imagine the writing will have improved immensely!
>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?

No discussion, only copy pasting prompts. I'd read a book if I wanted a story without community experience.
>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore?
Being completely retarded and voting for stupid shit repeatedly? They usually just go '+1' and then never read the thread again too, so they don't change their votes.
Oh hey it's the really salty anon from Space Monke.
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I may as well shell here in the new thread.


Sworn to Valour is up! First vote remains open for another 10 hours.
Summer's right around the corner!
>QM question:
Haven't QMed in a little while, but I really enjoy when players share their theories with the thread--always made me smile seeing what people thought was going to happen and what everyone's motivations were! As for things I don't like, well... it takes me out of my thread and quests I read when players get into pissing matches over nothing.

>Player question:
See above. Discussion is good, but shitflinging just gets tiresome.

>General question:
I prefer when I have time, but both of my quests happened when all sorts of things were going on in my life like moving, changing jobs, etc. I definitely prefer it when I have an abundance of free time--I often tend to write better updates and draw more on weekends and breaks than after work.

Girl Shooting Hearts From Her Fingers Quest sounds rad, anon. Run that shit!
>What's something you wish your players would stop doing?
I don't really have much to complain about. My players are generally nice, respectful and consistent. There aren't a whole lot of arguments or conversations derailing the plot, so that helps out a lot.

>What's something you wish your players would start doing?
I wouldn't say no to the idea of more engagement! I don't think I'll get back the same level of hype and discussion that was happening early on in the quest's lifetime, but I enjoy seeing people theorycrafting, submitting fan content, etc.

I'm not expecting or requiring my readers to go to these lengths just to participate, but it's always nice to see. I'm even happy to see the random discussions that get sparked from events in the story.

>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore?
Troll votes at the very beginning of a new quest. Although, I guess it really depends on the tone of the quest and what the QM wants to get out of it. Some people welcome the chaos.

>Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
Since I'm a 4chan user, I constantly see posts that I don't like. I don't go through the trouble of hiding them unless they're truly vile. My eyes sort of just glaze over them, and I try to put it out of my mind and move on.

>Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?
If I don't have anything planned during the day, then I'll try my best to crank out multiple updates, and I'll just chill while I wait for votes to roll in. If I'm busy with something or don't think I have enough time to write a quality update, I'll put it off until I'm free again.

Knowing that there are players waiting for an update does motivate me to get back to it in a timely manner, though.
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>What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?
I don’t really have much to criticize my players. They respond and talk about what they think about the choices and the story. My only ask is they keep it up. I don’t want to be in a situation where the players had completely different reasons than I expected for voting on a particular option.

>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
Shitflinging - that is to say, when people starting insulting each other or their choices rather than give their piece on why that’s something they dislike.

>No discussion, only copy pasting prompts. I'd read a book if I wanted a story without community experience.
To an extent I feel the same. If its something minor, or if people are in agreement, sure, but having people give the reasons would be nice.

I only hide troll posts - people who come into the thread, say shit that is completely irrelevant and leave. I don’t bother with it.

>Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?
Freetime. I prefer to do a 3-4 posts’ worth of updates per every 2-3 days. I tried to post faster sometimes by writing in the night but it sucks. 1am, 2am writing is not sustainable.

Speaking of which, for the players of Loveless Gal, I won’t be able to run it for at least the next 2 months. Exam. I have the general plot in mind, though.

See you soon.

I’ll leave you with this general outline. If you can figure it out… well played. If things go well, this third thread will be the last. it won’t be the last you see of Gal, of course.

>What's something you wish your players would stop doing?

Honestly, I have no complaints. The readership of Olympus Incarnation quest has probably dropped off a bit since the second thread, but the readers who stuck around are very engaged, and some of them probably have more posts in my threads than I do. That being said, because of how much attention people pay, I have to word almost all of the text to any ability I give super carefully to avoid any crazy exploits

>What's something you wish your players would start doing?

Like I said, I have basically no notes- fanart would be cool, but I'm not expecting it at all

>Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?

I sometimes don't post when I'm completely swamped with work, but I try to be consistent with daily updates. I hope to get to show off all of the plot ideas I had, but life is a fickle thing
I'm literally right, though. And just as I predicted, they voted to do literally nothing.
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>would stealing from google images and like writing shit on it on arial show enough compromise? what do you guys do?
No standard. Steal from google, use ai or draw it yourself.
It's telling that our ability to effectively multiply ourselves is among the least of our enemies concerns. God forbid we ever Miracle Whispers and Scribe of Dysomia together and start putting up posters or graffiti on trains.
How do I archive a thread that's passed to archive.moe onto sup/tg/?
You can't, it either has to be on the board or on the onsite archives.
suptg can archive threads from 4chan until they 404 so you can still archive it from the board archives until it gets deleted there. After that, no.
The quest idea sounds kind of neat, if vague. OP can be pretty much anything, but a particularly cool pic draws my attention faster, and evidence of effort (Like header text with the quest name) can help create confidence in a new quest by a newer or lesser-known QM, that they won't simply flake.

If you want to know what any of those words mean, or if you feel like playing as a supervillain, check out Olympus Incarnation Quest!
is it the one who kept saying the name of a witch ?

>WTF Quest QM haven't returned in 4 years
>Mahou Shoujo Academia QM hasn't returned in ~2 years
man I miss those 2 and the last one dissapeared after saying he'd come back in a week at the end of the 2nd thread
what are those 2 things ?
My work has freed up again and I'm feeling the urge to start up a quest, but every single other time I've tried I end up flaking because I get past the introduction and then I lose interest. I think it's just because I'm really bad at making long term plans that leave room for player input, and more sandboxy stuff just puts too much pressure on me as the QM to fill out the world enough that players don't see through the cracks when they start exploring. Any advice from more veteran QMs on how to basically deal with maintaining a plot after the quest starts in full?
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Whatcha' playan, /qst/?

For me, it's these. This time I decided to experiment with ranking them.

"R" is literally me.

"S" is a quest of great quality, run by a QM with a proven track record of reliability, which I would feel confident recommending to anyone.

"A" is a quest which I would recommend with caveats, such as:
>It's pretty new, and I can't say for sure QM will wrap it up or do a second thread yet
>It's very slow/sporadic to update these days
>it's a notorious /pol/ containment thread about gnostic nazbol nihilists and people arguing about them, so be ready for that

"B" is for threads I play, and enjoy on some level, but have either already flaked, or I suspect may flake, due to a combination of factors.
>Any advice from more veteran QMs on how to basically deal with maintaining a plot after the quest starts in full?

If I count as a veteran at this point... have a little flow chart of likely outcomes, and a few possible branching routes from each of those, and at least a couple possible 'endings'. I always start with that, and even if more often than not the quest ends up unrecognizable and the ending very different from what I intended, it gives me some idea I can fall back on when writer's block strikes.

Best of all, you can revisit that flow-chart between threads, or start it anew from the current point, utilizing the characters you and your players have grown attached to and the themes/ideas which have emerged and drawn the most interest... And whatever you don't use in THIS thread/quest, you can use in another!
Damn, should I link the moe archive for the next thread then? Redo it altogether?
I'd link the moe archive. it's pretty reliable.
We're a specialist in driving people to ruin via magnifying their desires, but the ability operates on our voice. I'm theorizing an idea that could let us do the same via written text, like graffiti on a train car. Gotta max out our infohazard power.
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>What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?
None of my players really do anything to annoy me enough to warrant saying. Ditto for the other, I don't like imposing anything on my players.
I like my players as is.
>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
Constant shitflinging. Once it stops being fun and it just becomes a springboard for autists to scream at each other, I'm out.
>Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?
I have a lot of free time to burn so most of my time spent is pissing it away in the wind, thinking of new content for my quest, or waiting for votes to come in while I cook for myself. If an actually important event happens, I usually tell my players I'm taking the day off so I can recover.
Though the last time that has happened is when I had to go to a family member's wedding, like, a few months ago?
>I'm feeling the urge to start up a quest, but every single other time I've tried I end up flaking because I get past the introduction and then I lose interest.

Having a central plotline, or multiple is - very - important for keeping a quest going, both in long and short term.

>I think it's just because I'm really bad at making long term plans that leave room for player input, and more sandboxy stuff just puts too much pressure on me as the QM to fill out the world enough that players don't see through the cracks when they start exploring.

No. Player input is only as important as you want it to be. You, the QM, controls the direction of the quest. As the saying goes, “never give an option you’re not willing to write” — don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Personally I like to tie plotlines to NPCs, kinda like how dark souls or elden ring does it, so I have multiple ways of going about a story.

a flowchart like >>5997809 helps.

RQM is a lot more freeform than I am, and his quests span for much, much longer; his quests are about 14 threads long, mine are 2-3. Still, the principles still applies. Especially “the ideas you have being reused in future storylines”. Not every idea you want will or can work in your current situation.

>Any advice from more veteran QMs on how to basically deal with maintaining a plot after the quest starts in full?

Know your limits. Don’t rush an update. Be aware of how long you usually take to write. Talk to your players when you can or cant update. Ask for feedback.

As for story, well, how much freedom you grant to the players is entirely up to you, but I will say this:

Stand your ground on certain matters.

If you have a storyline you wish to tell, if you have NPCs whose characteristics and personalities cannot be changed without affecting the story in a direction you don’t want, do not budge.

You’d be surprised how many anons would go along with it. Seriously. Loveless Gal started off with him being a suicidal, masturabation-addicted adult who still had feelings for his sister.

For ideologies or politics, just don’t make them infallible or inherently superior to others. You can have characters sympathetic or opposed to something, and have their reasons, but you don’t need to convince the anons to believe the same — just to understand why they’re doing as they did.
i already have lawl. it kept going for like a year too, and i miss it. my players were great

it's really going to look like shit if i draw it myself lawl. that being said, i don't think ai shows enough commitment. but then again, commisions aren't cheap

i write about magical girls, so that premise was mostly just a generalization. and you did make the point i was considering: evidence of effort /does/ matter. a book will be judged by its cover. means i actually have to put out something nice first. fuck

i think im just gonna say fuck it and run it. ill put something together with mspaint that looks nice enough and the rest is up to your mercy
If nobody judged books by their covers at least a LITTLE bit, books would just have lank covers with the name in a generic script, after all! But it doesn't need to be too fancy. Versequest did well with literally a blank black box and an interesting name. For my first quest I used a generic google image of a Yuan-ti; my second sued a mini-figure of a dragonborn with some text on a green background; my third used commissioned art (but only the sketch), on a googled background I forgot to remove the watermarks from. All did fine.

If you want an inexpensive commission, Olympus QM and Indonesian Gentleman both hang out around the /qtg/ and do great work.
New thread of Under Hunter Adventure is up!
Deep in the tribe age, the players are getting more and more engaged with each other.

Really late Solarpunk update! Come vote.

>What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?
Conservation of resources. People don't realize the utilization of resources isn't just a last resort option. It's always there and can prevent bad situations as well as get them out of the shit. Shit is meant to be spent. Use it, or lose it.
>Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?
I started writing my first quest as a means to redirect my 6AM all nighter five-hour-energy focus away from my work so I can keep it sharp. Crunch time and schedules is how I like to write. Without it, I'm slow and lethargic. I don't value my time unless I have none of it. I prefer life on a schedule and being a NEET sucks for me because I have the cope excuse of there always being a later.
Thank you very much! It's very flattering to be seen as reliable, especially since I haven't felt very much so recently.

I'm only actively following Naruto: Feeling Blue, The Queen/King Tourney, and The Fall of Hyrule at the moment due to a big clamp down on my available time for browsing the board. But I've been seeing a lot of new quests popping up recently that seem interesting. Hoping they stick with it and I have a nice little bit to catch up on when I get my free-time back.

>QM question: What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?

Nothing springs to mind, I like my players a lot and am always happy to see return readers in the thread chatting and voting.

>Player question: What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?

The only thing that matters is you keep writing when you can, which is why it always makes me sad to see a QM disappear without explanation. Even if you won't be posting for another 2 weeks I like to be kept in the loop on game schedules if they plan on returning at some point.
Only time I ever hid a post was during a particular trolling event not too long ago (but even that had some threads that weren't no-effort baits)

>General question: Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?

Both haha, I started GCBC because of an abundance of free time following the release of the first indie game I did dialogue and narrative direction for, I wanted to keep my writing skills sharp and also to use it as a discipline builder because I struggled to keep up with the game schedule. It's worked wonders.
when you hide a post does it become non-visible for other anons who read your thread or only for you? Newfag here
hide a post and open the thread in an incognito window and see for yourself if it's still there
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>AurebeshQM hasn't returned from his hiatus yet
Soon. Combination of laziness and my perfectionism making me not start anything until I have a perfect springboard for the next phase of the Heresy. Finally figured out a suitable set of boss battles for changing the fate of Magnus, so I'm excited to kick things off again.
Also DB Evolution QM, I hope you return to us https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=DBEvolution

Also the Wandering Headband QM
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I want to run a WoD quest, but one inspired by the setting mash up of pic related. I think taking a splat into Cyberpunk 2077 would be cool.

But which splat?

VTM of course comes to mind. The class struggles echoes the Jyhad. I would feel inclined to focus on the Sabbat just because of the violence and oppression of Night City.

Werewolf I think would also be viable. Trying to take down wyrm aligned megacorps while aiding spirits affected by the corruption of Night City. Also just ripping up shit as a werewolf is fun.

What do anons think?
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MAGE is an oft-requested splat, but I can see how that would be difficult. Personally I have my own ideas and headcanon about WoD that I think make it a little more interesting and approachable from a Questing perspective, but if you want the REALLY gay answer making up your own splat and mixing it into WoD would be extremely fun.

But right now? I'm feeling Vampire. And Toreador, if you aren't a pussy. (I'll also take Ventrue, but don't you dare go with Malk or Tzimisce, that shit is boring and played out.)
I can see why Mahe is requested often, but I've only read Awakening from CofD so far. Which could be cool in its own right...

And if I may, what would you do to make WoD better for questing? I wouldn't make it nearly as crunchy as the TTRPG. And I'd be very interested to hear about your own splat!
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I'm not really experienced enough in the storyteller system to give a real opinion on the matter of converting the mechanics. Moreso, the settings of WoD are already written and created, eliminating a lot of the mystery, and are focused moreso on characters and drama. Instead of exploring the "World of Darkness", much more of the Quest would have to be introspective. This is also further complicated because so much of WoD hinges on the fantasy of "being a monster", meaning controlling your newfound hunger, your mage's quiet, your werewolf rage at the exploitation of nature, and so on. I just think a WoD Quest would need to focus more on the mechanical interpretation on controlling your character. Quest players are generally risk averse and don't like character's having their control taken away, but you literally cannot run a game of Vampire unless your vampires get scared shitless of fire and are controlled by their weird ticks like needing to count up a bunch of beads or asking permission to enter the home and shit like that. This concept is 100% possible for Quests, but requires a bit more confidence in the writer and an audience with the patience for it, instead of just trying to find the next cool supernatural power to unlock or weird monster to battle.

MAGE in particular I think is extremely interesting, but I get the wires crossed with Unknown Armies. I think the writers couldn't decide if they wanted to do the "reality is what we make of it" or they wanted to run a game where you play as the girls from Charmed & Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I'm extremely nitpicky about MAGE in particular because of the Technocracy. Giving the Technocracy special divisions and "exemplary citizens" literally defeats the entire fucking purpose of the faction, which I think is MUCH better if they are boring. The entire point of MAGE is that reality is a battle for consensus and the boring, bean counting, limited, "when the tree falls in the forest it makes a sound because sound travels through waves" types WON. It's a tragic and fallen world, just as much as Cain and the fall of Gaia.

This is my obligatory Souv post.
Oh and there is a decent number of fan-splats online already, so whatever concept I come up with has already probably been done before.

One idea I've always liked is the idea of players being something akin to "reality adjusters", something like the Adjusters/Angels from the film "The Adjustment Bureau" or an "Agent of Death" from something like Final Destination, having a sort of power over serendipity and the subtle manipulations of fate. That was, of course, brought avoiding your own death and given a second chance but only if you follow these rules and don't cause too many eyes to start believing fate is a real thing. Now sounds a bit less interesting when I type it out, lol.
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>i don't think ai shows enough commitment.
One of the quests in the S-tier on this chart uses AI for every image >>5997804

Run a Dark Angel quest instead

I forgot. My actual favorite world of Darkness Splat concept which was born from a shitpost when watching one of the Fast and Furious movies where there's a bunch of turned over tanks and destroyed roads and smoking debris and shit and a character says "only a driver could have done this" and I was laughing my aas off and how ridiculous it was. Followed by seeing that Vin Diesel clip of him riding down a Dam from a giant explosion in his hot rod with his mulatto son in the car. this actually gave me an idea for a world of Darkness splat where you play as "Daredevils" having basically superhuman luck and skill at driving cars or other vehicles but you have to gamble and every time you fail a roll or use up your resources you have to risk more every time until eventually you will die in a giant explosion which feels very fitting for that concept.

Sorry for spam posting like this but I'm literally voice to text posting this in bed right before I'm about to go to sleep cuz I didn't want to forget.
Wandering Headband was great, but for me it'a Dragon Ball: Legacy. Where did you go, QM?
>mulatto son
Isn't that redundant? It's Diesel's kid, and Diesel is already mixed. He did a semi-autobiographical drama flick about it. Anyway, your Daredevils: The Gamble game sounds great. You should run it!
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Wanted to start up the fourth thread next week, but my city is going through some pretty massive flooding issues, so I'm gonna preemptively delay it until June. Me, my family and all my stuff are all safe, but I'm not in a state of mind to write long walls of text. I'm gonna take this time to try and better my drawing skills a bit, cus I do find drawing pretty relaxing. Also I need to catch up on the waifu/husbando war thread cus I haven't checked it in a bit.
Always set an ending, when you start. Whether this ending changes form midway doesn't matter, what matters is knowing you can end the quest in a good way (that is, not flaking, or going rocks fall quest dies).

When you think you're stuck, look back upon your notes and past threads.

It's alright to throw a smidgen of your fav 'safe' fetish/obsession into your quests, just so you get a bit invested in it - but not TOO much that it becomes obvious and end up scaring the players away. It's just something to lightly spice the meal.
>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
Shit like this >>5995750 right here. I'd be more vague but this post stuck with me the most.
Mazela Anon is a cancer, but at least a fairly small and manageable growth. He gives up after a post or two in any guven thread.
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Can you say which game you worked on? Bought a few indie games from users and have books o wishlists.
>it's really going to look like shit if i draw it myself lawl.
Some recent popular quests had meh handmade art. You can see quests with screenshots, plenty with images from the net and some ai art on the catalog.
Lodestar's fourth thread has updated once more. It's time to party with the Gaoth raiders!
>QM question:
>What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?
I can't really complain about anything they're doing, I'm thankful they're reading at all, but I would like it if they had more interaction with each other. I think it's very discouraging to people if they present a compelling argument for something, or present a theory, and nobody even addresses it. It makes me wonder if they even read these other posts, and moreover, if they're not engaging with them, how much are they really engaging with the quest, that they don't want to talk about its direction with other people that read the same thing? This is a message board, it's made to talk to other people, what are you even doing here if you don't want to inform and be informed of each other's thoughts?

>Player question:
>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
Honestly it'd be what I described above. If you put more effort into a voting post to try and sway people over, and the voting's just drowned in
There's not a lot of encouragement when it seems you're talking to bricks in a wall.
>is it the one who kept saying the name of a witch ?
I was referring to the first thread of that Supervillain Quest, but I wouldn't be surprised of that's the same guy.

>man I miss those 2 and the last one dissapeared after saying he'd come back in a week at the end of the 2nd thread
I miss Cupanon from /tg/ quite a lot.

That's exciting! I'm looking forward to it. Just remember to take it easy once every while.
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I'll do one too.

>A: My favourites, the first quests I check and vote in when I wake in the morning and get home from work every day. I'll recommend them to anyone who will listen.
>B: Quests I play and enjoy, just not quite to the same degree as S.
>C: Quests I only occasionally vote in or follow from a distance.

A lower ranking is NOT necessarily an indictment of a quest or QM. Often it's because I'm just not as into the source material or genre, the community might off-putting in some regard, they're new and untested or I have yet to make up my mind on it.

Oh, and there's also:
>X: A transient category for quests that might be interesting but I've filed as likely to be short-lived and/or shitposts but I keep an eye on in case I'm wrong and the QM actually commits for good. Then they go into the above.

>WTF Quest
One of the casualties of the Wuxian War. Damn that shitshow and the quests it killed.

>MSA Quest
Burn'd like nova, it did. A bright flash, then gone. I would have put it into Category X quite quickly based on where it looked like it was heading initially but I will begrudgingly admit that the end result was of far, far higher quality than it had any right or expectation to be.
Figured I'd let you folks know. Hoping to take this in an interesting direction!
>One of the casualties of the Wuxian War. Damn that shitshow and the quests it killed.
What happened?

My condolences, but I'm happy that your family is safe. Make sure that you take good care of yourself and avoid turning posting on this board into a second job.

>Also I need to catch up on the waifu/husbando war thread cus I haven't checked it in a bit.
That thread is going to light on fire in about a week.
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>That thread is going to light on fire in about a week.
The first one was quite civil. I anticipate much the same in this one.

Come join us! All are welcome, and QMs with contenders in the running most of all.

QM got bullied off the board during the peak of the wider Wuxian drama by some schizo who thought the QM was an alias of Wuxian and made it his mission to harass him as much as possible including making fake troll threads, spamming text walls in the threads, raging in the QTG and even posting some deranged manifesto. Was he in the end? I don't think so but I suppose the point is moot.
>The first one was quite civil. I anticipate much the same in this one.
I meant that it'll be quite popular, but I agree.

That sucks. This board is pretty fortunate to avoid most of the shit that most other boards put up with. The trans quest spammer was annoying for a while.
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Hello, anons! I'm the Versequest QM and I'm going to be running a little quest to get me back into the swing of things. It can go on for no longer than 3 threads, and it probably won't even get there.
This is mostly to help me get back into the swing of things after my little depression break! Though considering what I have planned for this quest... maybe the depression will persist... for you that is.
I present to you: Downerquest!
He spammed gondola quest until the qm left
It was a really shitty but thankfully quite brief period for the board that saw multiple quests and QMs dead as collateral damage (RIP Goblin Quest). We did get our banner as a bonus out of the higher-up site staff stepping in to straighten shit out though at least iirc.
Unfortunately I can't say, not because of contract shenanigans, due to the writing team being comprised of two people it would be pretty easy to get my real name from it and I'm not trying to power-level like that.

Thank you for the interest though, maybe if I chip in on something with a bigger crew and that I personally feel I did a better job on in the future I'll be more comfortable sharing it here.
New update in Seven Against Thebes Quest!


Hippomedon has organized a successful cattle raid against neighboring Archigeiros, but now, he must decide how to best sell the noblewoman hostage he obtained...

Wooo! I'm just happy to be on someones list, but I'm on two! Glad you guys actually like it.

New update to Mahou Shoujo Villainess!
It's new, but it's cute and "got sovl" as people say around here. I look forward to it continuing and our little girl being taken and forsaken.
I really enjoyed Versequest but didn't manage to keep up with it all the way through. Did it finish or is it on hiatus?
Hiatus. Versequest comes back in the middle of next month at the latest.
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So uhh...

You working on that GOOD fantasy quest or?
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Downerquest update!
Ralph suggests "hitting up" the local roadkill and poking it.
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I have more OPs to quests written up than I do quests actually run
All of them I manage to run I flake immediately
Gonna keep doing this until I take off with the attention I need to go on
What's the deal with the Queen Mazela shit? Is this a board in-joke I'm missing, or...?
It's one retard shitposting, ignore him.

No, it’s just one autist trolling. Best to ignore the post and move on.
>>Player question:
>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
I genuinely hate cowards in quests if the character is supposed to act otherwise or really OOC shit in general, if a character has an established personality, you gotta follow in character, or the quest becomes a total schizophrenic mess and makes shit not worth following. I'm literally about to drop Gundam quest for this exact reason for example.
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Wholesome fun go-karting (And violent thoughts).
Violent thoughts, violent thoughts!
Caution-maxing is pretty annoying, yeah. It can definitely be a novice QM trap to reward players for that.
I swear I hate SOM so fucking much for traumatizing so much of /qst/ into eternally max shadowrunning and screwing up perfectly fine quests and screwing up new QMs and the whole ass thing.

Can someone translate?
Caution-maxing: Players assuming everything is a trap, or an ambush and constantly prepping for such. Never taking any risks, or gambles. It kills the pacing and mood of the quest.
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Turns out joyrides are more difficult than you thought...
Ooh ok. I would assume there are ways around that as a QM. If it's something they are aware of. Though I wouldn't know.
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Second thread of Warlords of Chaos is up!
How many people still even know what SOM means
In my experience, the trick is to do the reverse: reward initiative, and punish lathargy or overcautious approaches. Put a time ron events. Make other important characters frown on cowardice, and respect bravado. Things like that.
What struck you as being inconsistent or cowardly, anon?
I sure don't
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Rejoice, ladies and gentlemen, for after more than a month of absence, because of devious plots and awful circumstances the Local Lord is back.

I am writing again, despite all efforts to make me stop, as if fate itself was against this noble quest. But rejoice, for fate is fickle and cannot stop a godly man in his honest pursuits.

So I am back, on this Victory Day, and I tell you that in a week the quest will be back, I have already written most of the prologue and soon we shall ride on the field of Local, feast in vaulted halls and give the peasantry the harsh but fair justice that they need.
Welcome back, LL! You have some upcoming art as well, for Lord Charles was recently entered in a tournament in your absence! Keep an eye upon the fields of >>5961634
Yooo who's quest is gonna get the 6000000 get?
Oh shit, didn't realise such a milestone was impending.
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You make a girl laugh but are still at risk of getting arrested.
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Oh, great news, many thanks good sir ! I just saw it and saw that Charles proved his worth before being unhorsed by some gentleman named Jehan Andeau, probably a descendant of some knight called André, Andeau is it's diminutive after all. Heh... It happens, we cannot always win in jousting.

I shall vote as soon as possible to elect a queen worthy of leading Tégée's court of love. Thank you for the link.
It's probably going to be sniped by some zoomie zoom who wants to have all the big numbers ever and has a bot watching each board ready to post.
So it's probably going to be something incredibly lame and unfunny.
The game
Fucking tourists
What a WASTE
>The digits are wasted on an ad
What a fucking disgrace, for this board especially.
It was obviously botted, fools
I will congratulate SpineJuice for his thread having the get, and vote for Reynauld in the tournament.
Dropping this here for my players, Gotham City Beat Cop 6 got archived but not by me, I was hoping to drag the time for it a little bit for some more votes and so I could post the link to the new thread when it comes up.

Since it's already archived though, it's a moot point. New thread will be up 5/6am EST like usual. Apologies for not getting to it faster.
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You talk to your Aunt. She's pleased with you.
You can keep posting in an archived thread. The archive will even update, as well.
Yeah. The suptg archive doesn't actually do anything to the threads here. When a thread is archived siteside it means it was on page 11 and a new thread was posted and it locked it as a result.
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Nothing; /qtg/ is the only thread up right now that I don't have hidden.
That isn't to say none of them are any good; in fact, there are a lot of quests on this board that are well-written, well-loved, or both. I'm not participating mainly because the subject matter doesn't interest me, the quest interested me in the beginning but my choices got outvoted too many times, or the quest was abandoned.
It isn't them, it's me.
And I'm waiting for the day I get the time and courage to start writing what I want to see, only to get 1-2 consistent players with no discussion and no engagement beyond "copypaste prompt and roll dice" so I get frustrated and either write myself in a corner, or life makes it so I can't run anyway.

What the fuck am I even doing here?
How many posts do you get in before you drop it?
Honestly anon, be the change you want to see, be the QM that writes the quest you'd like to see in the board.

It's doesn't matter how many players you get, or if the quest dies after the frist thread. If you had fun writing it, then you did everything write - that others enjoyed reading and participating is a bonus ontop.
Forgot to answer your questions.
>What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?
More discussion would be nice, I always enjoy seeing a lot of back and forth in threads I'm in. Even schizoposting is enjoyable as far as I'm concerned. The more active the quest is inbetween updates the more successful it is...right?
>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
Excessive shadowrunning really gets on my nerves. I never hide posts, though.
>Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?
When I have free time, because otherwise I get interrupted from my flow state. I hate being interrupted from my flow state.
From writing retard who started writing two somewhat well received quests by riding on the seat of his pants, if you want to write, just do it.
I can't promise that I can offer you a way to get success or healthy discussion or anything but if you want to do something, just do it.
Your quest is a lot of fun, Kirk. Your writing style is really concise but still flavourful.
I might try to replicate it when I make a new quest. My style's too wordy.
Thank you! I've tried my hand at quests before but sometimes found writing really detailed prose tiring, so I've adopted quite a simplistic style for this one.


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Usually about 10-11 updates, which results in ~120 posts, at an average of 1-2 responses per prompt, and at an average of 18 hours of downtime between keeping the voting window open and writing the update, that results in about 180-198 hours (about 8 days) of wasted time mostly sitting in a thread refreshing and hoping for any response that isn't *copypaste prompt and dice roll*.
But I get it, if I wasn't so boring and dry, people would want to engage with my writing more. I'm willing to take fully blame.

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>Honestly anon, be the change you want to see, be the QM that writes the quest you'd like to see in the board.
Trust me, there's nothing I'd like more.
But I can't be the guys in my own quest discussing and speculating. Samefagging is not only hugely frowned upon here (last I knew anyway), but I'd feel disingenuous to do it, too.
The idea I posed last thread about a quest that improves with meta discussion and auto-updates if inactive was, understandably, not well-received here.
It really sucks to have a best-of-three system with only two voters who almost always pick different options, to then have to come beg /qtg/ for a tie-breaker that never comes and have no discussion about the quest in thread or in /qtg/.
The change I want to see pertains to activity that I literally can't contribute to beyond writing what I enjoy and hoping more than two people have even an idle curiosity in the shit I'm spewing on the page.

But this is treading dangerously into "woe is me" territory, and I'd rather discuss the matter of fact, instead of just being dismissed as a doomsayer or self-entitled.
>And I'm waiting for the day I get the time and courage to start writing what I want to see, only to get 1-2 consistent players with no discussion and no engagement beyond "copypaste prompt and roll dice" so I get frustrated and either write myself in a corner, or life makes it so I can't run anyway.
Yeah, I know the feeling. As much as I'd like to give different advice, the way to attract a big audience, at least initially, is to stick to a popular setting. That's it.
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>is to stick to a popular setting. That's it.

OC settings are instantly more intriguing and appealing, easier to run and create things for, have a stronger author voice, and you don't have to worry about contradicting something written in one wiki memorized by an autist in 2013. While you might get a few people interested in your Quest because of the original setting's popularity, you're just as likely to drive people away because now not only do yo have to keep interest like a regular quest BUT you also can't run something they intrinsically don't like. D&D is a really good example, because while there are several popular D&D Quests on here and it has heavy overlap with Questing in general, there are some people who DESPISE D&D's core settings with a passion and will never play in those Quests, despite otherwise being fantasy loving nerds. And yes, if you run the latest SLOP you'll get more players, but those players won't stick around long. Most Quests go on for multiple years if you don't flake- do you really think everyone is going to stick around when the FOTM anime fans lose interest in your "what if anime but isekai" quest? Not a chance.

The ACTUAL way to attract interest and an audience is the fundamentals. Good presentation, interesting hook, and consistent upload schedule. Anything else is cope.
From what I've seen, and the surprising amount of players I had on a quest in the past, interesting art can often draw people in. As well as that, providing 'thread music' and messing around with formatting (using color, spoilers, "UI") tends to work well. Some of the successful quests I've seen here rely a lot on the art and/or being well-composed.
>It really sucks to have a best-of-three system with only two voters
Yeah, I feel that. My first quest petered out like that. But it was a blast to write. So, I made more.

Not all of them I consider to be winners, but some managed to capture something people liked, and they stuck around to vote and discuss.

I guess what I'm getting at is that you need luck, but you can't get lucky if you don't play.
As a supplement, quests that start off with a very basic premise (You are a wizard. Pick one of 3 spells.) tend to pick people up because the art is very simply, Weaver-esque and fits the board culture. I definitely see a lot more people hopping onto a quest with stick figure artwork and a simple premise that eventually spirals into having its own lore, quests and characters than having to slog through extremely lore-rich, prose-dense opening narration only for the quest to be abandoned five posts in.

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alright, seems like 4chan doesn't accept most alt codes for a blank character
What quests have you run? Maybe we can provide some friendly advice or constructive criticism as to why you're nit grabbing/retaining people?

If anon's objective is to get a larger initial player-pool and more discussion, a popular setting will 100% help. People don't even nevessarily mind if you take liberties with canon, if you're upfront about it.

Now will it last YEARS? No, probably not, but most quests don't. Those which do are the exception. Even quite good, popular, high-effort ones like Greenhorn, Haremvania, Bones, Slice, Trojan War Quest, and others tend not to run for longer than a few months or a year.
>to then have to come beg /qtg/ for a tie-breaker
It's always strange to me when QMs solicit tie-breaker votes from people who aren't invested in the quest. Do you really want a decision in your game being made by someone who randomly picked an option?
My quest only gets the light of day because "I make pretty picture move." It's defintely not the writing, but it is still early I guess. The cover for my Quest is, in my opinion, horrendous compared to everyone elses.

I'm at work. I wish I was home working on my quest! :c
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After a small hiatus, the Isekai Inquisition is back to its not-so-regularly scheduled programming.
>QM question

I wish players would more actively (or be more willing) to give critique and criticism, and express their thoughts and feelings about the quest as a whole and how things are going. What they like, don't like, etc.

Even when directly asked or prompted to do so, they tend not to, and it should serve to improve things. Both on my end for writing and such, as well as on their end for they want to see more/less of, that I can alter the quest if so desired to accommodate.
How can Greenhorn not run for longer than a few months when it takes a few months for the QM to make a new thread?
Paperwork hell is over, the project that was supposed to end back in February is complete. I'll be making a return in the coming weeks, decidedly not moving to Akun for now. Need to look at my notes though.
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Probably isn't going to run for YEARS, though, unless we gget subsequent arcs after the potion fetch-quest.

People don't always know (or how to phrase) what they want. Part of it is probably also a fear of demoralizing a QM, though.

Happy to have you around, QM!
What quest? I try and give feedback in the ones I play (when prompted). Sometimes I even hit post limit doing so.
>Do you really want a decision in your game being made by someone who randomly picked an option?
If it's between two options I want to write and/or provided myself, then I see no issue. If it's down to a lolsorandum write-in and a provided prompt, I'd definitely be more hesitant.
That aside, randos popping in shouldn't be an issue when literally last thread there was a common sentiment about cohesion not mattering in long-running quests because there should be no expectation for players to catch up.
Either we're concerned with cohesion or we aren't, you can't eat your cake and have it too.
I'm not really looking for a post-mortem on what I've run; I've been told enough in other writing circles that I'm dry and don't leave enough to the imagination.
It'd be one thing if the quests were still running and I could adapt and improve, but now that they're dead it doesn't make much difference.
/qst/ didn't like them, and I need to accept it, get over it, and either improve, or come to grips that I'm not fit for it.

I think you should run an intentionally dumb and frivolous quest as an experiment.
That sounds like a good time, actually.
Instead of taking things so seriously, I should cut loose.
>you can't eat your cake and have it too.
I just want to thank you for saying that phrase correctly.
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And the award for most evil QM of all time goes to - this fucker: >>5992483
Anon, there is no consensus in /qst/. Just because a few anons say narrative coherence and character consistency doesn't matter to them, doesn't mean that is now the rule or norm.
Not any one specific quest, just in general. At least of the many that I have done.

It's also a bit disappointing because invariably you tend to drop players overtime, and some of the time at least, I feel it could be averted if they expressed why or what about the quest caused them to lose interest, so that the QM could try and accommodate or change things if they wanted to.
Conversely, I sometimes think it's best to shed a few players. Obviously every QM wants as many (you)s as possible, but if players are unhappy with the direction which the QM or the majority of players wnat to the quest to go, and rather than leave to find soemthing they enjoy a player sticks around lamenting the quest's direction, doomposting and spitevoting or trying to brute force it into changing course, it can be a frustrating experience for everyone.
You're now two for two on quests about young women in scifi having an identity crisis that I like (they can commiserate over a drink at the spacebar). I don't know if that says more about me or you.
>they can commiserate over a drink at the spacebar
I should absolutely throw A-4 into a background gag in COADE.

Can't believe the identity crisis thing happened again, I was convinced people would pick K-455 for the life of me. Granted, I also thought Genolysis was the last possible affinity that would be picked and that people would want to stick with Tobias, so clearly I'm not great at predicting players.
...actually, it might be me. My non-quest project also involves a woman having an identity crisis. And COADE Intergrade also has that in it's notes. Damn, I should write YA novels and make a killing, teenagers would probably eat that shit up.
I made the "Corpo Clash" Cyberpunk thread from a few weeks back, and a kind anon wanted more. But I wanted to assess if there was any interest before I tried again.
Sorry if this comes off as attention faggy. I don't want to start a thread and end up abandoning it when nobody really wanted it.
Said it before and I'll say it again, most good quests can be tweaked for story pacing and published, better than half of submissions publishers actually get
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You go home, and now don't know what to do with yourself.
The worst mistake I ever made was accidentally letting it slip to my mom that I was doing this. She started badgering me about 'reading my book', so I basically had to write part of a book on the side and throw it at her as a decoy. She never finished 'editing' it, so I think I successfully threw her off the scent, because there's no way in hell I'm showing her my quest where the protagonist is excited about finally getting some tits for several chapters.

...that said, either of my quests I think might actually reach publishing quality if they were heavily edited. I firmly believe my biggest problem in both quests is the pacing, and with some editing and knowing how scenes will end before they start I could squeeeeze them both down to size. I keep debating the idea of putting up a 'revised' edition of my quests on a personal website or something.
>there is no consensus in /qst/
You have no idea how many times I need to keep being reminded of this. It's frustrating.
What do you have in mind?
I know it's ultimately better to just do it, but I do want to put forward a sample of my writing to see if there's any immediately noticeable issues.

Here's an opening, in medias res, up to its first prompt:

"Aaaaand we're baaaaack!" the emphatic call of a voluptuous announcer echoed over the stadium loudspeaker, "our PRODIGY EXHIBITION event is really heating up!"

A terrific blast erupted from behind the ecstatic talking-head, illiciting no reaction beyond a pause and her violently flowing hair. The strawberry-blonde awaited a lull in the uproarious cheers of the seated fans.

"These titanic teens were carefully selected, by process of preliminary screening, by the wonderful talent-scouts at GETGO headquarters! GETGO is the premier energy drink to start your day, to pick you up in the middle, or to even burn the midnight oil! With twenty—" An explosion of vibrant blue casts the arena in eerie light and crackling noise before dissipating again. "(Space Christ, right in the middle of my fucking ad-read)— with twenty-three essential nutrients and a flavor profile that will guarantee you a supercharge! Feeling low? GETGO!"

A more well-timed salvo of smaller explosions laid a carpet of artillery fragmentation all across the highly durable tile floor, as the slightly annoyed announcer finished her sell. As one of the participants in this destruction carnival, you have bigger concerns.

Like not getting your ass kicked.

You don't wait for the smoke to clear, as you make a high leap into the air, your short khaki jacket, white belly-top, and gorgeous (if not unkempt) platinum-blonde hair fluttering as you rise. Concentrating power, your velvet lavender cape turns ephemeral, painting misty color as you sail impossibly across the air, barely dodging an Itano Circus of missiles in hot pursuit! Gasps and oooohs and ahhhhs from your spectators may be heard beneath the sounds of dangerous ordinance in flight and detonation.

"Our cute little scamp COLA is one of the highlights of our exhibition, folks!" the woman declared while you tumbled gracefully to the ground. "While she's small, don't you dare underestimate her! There's a reason she was pit against the techno-genius slash sports-jock BISHOP and his mighty JUDGMENT ROADER!"


The woman's vote of confidence feels more like she's upselling you, with the entirety of zero damage you've dealt to this knucklehead and his tin can. You see him, his stupid smirk and his black side-weave on his jar head with no neck, in the CRT television-shaped cockpit. A quartet of stabilizing legs come from beneath it, while missile racks of various sizes line the sides and back.

Missile spam isn't "genius". He's just a stupid valedictorian with too much money from daddy and the pressure to build fighting robots because he can't train his body to shoot even the most simple MAHO blast! Ugh!

With that thought, you thrust a streak of blue from an arm, casting a corona and fizzling at the hull; the vehicle steps back in compensation, but is hardly affected otherwise. Whose stupid idea was it to pit a MAHO user against a techie? Everyone knows how unfair it is, given that the energy has very little anti-material properties.

(QM Note - STAT BONUSES are *not* an indicator of an action's difficulty!)
> BRUTALITY: Maybe I just need to hit him really, really hard! [D20+3]
> SURVIVAL: Techies run out of AMMO eventually, I just need to weather the storm. [D20+1]
> TACTICS: I could really do some damage if I can find its IMULSION DRIVE. [D20+2]
> INPUT: (write-in)

Solid start! Establishes the stakes. situation, universe, and a bit about the default characterization.
Well, I'm a little disappointed that I don't get to play it right now, so I'd say you succeeded.
I need to play it
>Tales of Thulzar got pruned
What more will the (((mods))) take from us next?
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This meme still gives me imposter syndrome every time. I can't make a GOOD fantasy quest and this keeps rubbing it in.

How does one make a quest that is GOOD? Fantasy or not? I don't think any of the quests I've made were very good.
Keep trying. You'll improve.
Run quest consistently. Ask for feedback.
That seem to be working for me after a couple year - from 1 and a half player to 7 or 8 consistent ones in 2 unrelated threads.
Make a netorare quest about sojourner's (the good fantasy quest spammer) waifu to get it out of your system
>Tfw Soj will never EVER come back and write another good fantasy quest and save the board from "NO good fantasy quest" spammer

The problem with the spammer is that he is right. No one can refute him
Read more nigga.
>No one can refute him
Anyone can refute him. With a simple incantation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEPFc-P6zfY
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It’s a joke. Don’t worry about it.

Elf Maiden was one of the most successful and popular fantasy quests when it ran and it mainly comes from the fact ToT wants to write a story about a loli reuniting the world through sex. Peak fiction, by the way.
Wow, I wasn't expecting that. Is there any way I could improve on it, aside from adding some eye-catching art and coming up with a title?
Thanks a bunch, guys.
I can't really do formatting, because my ID is schizophrenic, unfortunately.
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Hmmph. *I* could run a good fantasy quest.
You mean his husbando? The blonde twink with abs and a ponytail he draws into all his quests?

Soj comes back and makes a quest every few months. He just abandons it almost immediately.
Why did they only delete (some of) the porn art and not the explicitly written scenes? Why not just nuke the thread?
Dead Cells stats?
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How about Trans Witch Mazela Quest?
Pitch: You're Mazela a proud transgender witch. Sadly you're forced to work as an unlicensed hedge witch because the principal of wogharts and notorious transphobe Jeker Owlings denied your application making the hurtful claim only ciswomen can be witches. You'll prove her wrong by being the best witch ever!
No, the green girl from his fantasy quest. Make a ntr quest where she is married to and abused by medieval ugly bastard
I'm pretty sure good fantasy spammer and mazela simp are the same faggot (sojourner)
Hedge Witch Quest where we prove our merit in the face of opposition by entrenched magical bureaucrats and social prejudice sounds fun. You could have the MC be ostracized for any reason and that central premise could be fun, though being trans works well for havibg our opposition be a thinly-veiled parody of Rowling and her world. Maybe have it be tongue-in-cheek like Local Lord Quest.
The broken stones lie as a monument upon the sands of time, not to Thulzar but to the janitors. The inscription upon that statue of void, the placard sitting untouched among shattered remnants, reads: "This is what happens when you post porn on a blue board, even really good and high effort porn." When the sands swallow the stones, that lesson shall be etched on our collective memory, and not so quickly forgotten as if they had left no trace of what they did, and can do again.
Say, where's the QM who had that winter world idea a couple threads ago? They ever get around to trying it out?
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You've stepped out of the misty streets and into a quiet garage. Come decide what happens next!
Soj has his flaws but he's not mazela spammer.
I don't think he's any kind of spammer, seems more the type to not visit qst when he's not running a quest.
I'd agree. Soj is a high-effort poster who is very easily upset or discouraged. He wouldn't spam shitposts in pther people's quests.
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You find out the girl you're talking to is a musician, and got kicked from her band. Perhaps this could be an opportunity...
Enjoying this a lot so far! I caught up on Versequest too, good stuff QM!
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I certainly am enjoying running it. I love running Versequest, but it's nice to take a step back and run something a bit more down to earth.
Maybe a continuation to that thread - they live, are in huge debt, time to avoid default.
Or a quest similar in tone, scale and the same IP but a longer story using some mechanics from the TTRPG - new character, new premise.
Not really. I think the balance of description and narrative is already perfect.
nice seeing you back, man
Yeah, if you aren't disappointed when the QM flakes, probably isn't Soj.
A minor gripe of mine is that when characters describe or reflect on their own appearances apropos of nothing, but for a first introduction and setting-of-scene, that can be forgiven. All else seemed good to me!
Glad you'll be back, looking forward to thread 4
we need a quest about naked molewomen fighting all oiled up in a tournment
You are correct, and I even considered using Muscle, Moxie, and Mysticality instead. Sometimes I am more subtle about my inspirations, but other times I shamelessly steal. Mythology in general, shōnen anime, and video games are my favorite sources.
For the longest time, I was addicted to Dead Cells, and I looked to it for neat sounding attributes that aren't the typical strength/magic/agility. They're tried-and-true for a reason, but I wanted to be slightly different.
That, and I think these generalized terms are apt, since "Brutality" could mean a feat of physical strength, and it could apply to a straightforward and powerful magic blast, and it could even apply to a very bluntly worded response/coercion through intimidation.
Good fantasy is at least sometimes Bananas.
Thank you.
And thank you too, I appreciate the forgiveness.
It is a habit of mine to go on and on, and I mean for multiple paragraphs, about even one character's outfit, describing asymmetrical fashions, hairstyles, eye color, makeup/facepaint, individual pieces of jewelry, accessories (especially scarves, capes, shawls, and cowls), you name it!
But at the same time it bothers me with my personal writing projects, because when I go back and revise a rough draft and see that and realize what I envision from a reread after the fact isn't the vision I had when I was writing it. Then, it makes me wonder how a reader will feel trying to take in that info dump.
I feel you. I'm guilty of that, too. It's a habit from old forums and chat roleplays, I think, where when you 'enter the room' you describe your character in considerable detail so people will know what you're about and how to react. God I'm old
>It's a habit from old forums and chat roleplays
Holy shit.
Yeah, my last forum roleplay had to have been around 2009, and I know I was late to the party, given how old the AoL, MSN, and Yahoo! chatrooms are (then there were the IRCs, which are even older). I'm not proud of those days, but they were fun.
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Another song of ice and fire quest if you are interested. I will probably change the name once there is a house name.
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So my Minor Xenos Tribe thing is going well for now.
I'm quite happy with those two drawings that encase well the cultural differences amongst tribes
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Second one in contrast.
First post is a shamanic-spiritual tribe living
First post is a shamanic-spiritual tribe living in mountains. Second one have built their village on the vertical wall of The Crack. First rock-carves. Second use mortar and embeds found stones inside.
we need a quest about ninja bananas invading a kingdom of monkeys
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Wife is a emotionless sperg with somehow a taste for romance CYOA, so I wanted to get her one for her birthday but I'm over my head
There's too much barely started proof of concept out there, and this is way more niche than I thought
She said she's played most freeware on itchio, but I want to get her something so I need your help guys
Her favorite one is superstition, pic related
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Running a oneshot.
Premise: an illustrious tournament between knight orders, and an estranged family’s fate possibly decided by it. Anthropomorphic cast
Leave a vote if you’d like. This was sort of my mid-finals pet project that I’m unleashing post-finals. Character art is all AI stuff if that irks you, fair warning.
Alright, I'm eager to run a quest, but I'm reluctant to do it with my own idea, as it been a while. I’m open to adopting and running a suggestion from any one person who responds to this post, but: (1) It must be a genuine request, no trolls, please; (2) I'm not good with mechanics so it needs to be one with story only; (3) This is not important, but I would prefer for it to have a monster girl as a side character.
I'd love to see:
>a redo of The Drunkard and The Alien
>something that delivers on the squandered premise of >>5988019
>maybe something involving a selkie or swan bride or something?
>Something set in the ancient Indo-Greek kingdoms (was just learning about them and they're super cool and underutilized in fiction), maybe an ancient Greek travelogue writer journeying to distant lands
Honestly I agree as a guy who binged dead cells for several months straight last year and went from 1 BC to getting the true true ending and then finishing the castlevania DLC. It's a good enough system I think though it encourages hyperfocusing
Whew, finally got the weekend update together people.

Hippomedon must now decide the fate of a father and his murderous sons; will he have the wisdom, insight and keen mind of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus?

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You want Jon to DIE JON DIE DIE DIE DIE JON DIE in this update of Downerquest.
A tribal alien quest, the race of aliens is clowns, it has weird magic and comedy, them being clowns isnt important its just flavor
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Thats sweet but your looking for a game though? Maybe look into the Persona series. Play as a Japanese teen and dive into a Jungian alternate reality while building friendships.
Marathon but get helped by a Alien girl?
Unlosing ranger vs Darkdeath evilman type game. The hero dies and you are randomly chosen to replace him but its a hard job so you need to be trained by a (insert monster) girl.
So one thread? I understand wanting more engagement but getting it in the first few chapters sounds like a bit much.
I had an idea where the MC is a monster girl hunter in the modern world and uses the power of their computer and cyberbullying to defeat their quarry. For example, tools in their belt could be ordering a garlic pizza delivery to a vampire's house or trying to perform an online exorcism on someone the hunter is absolutely certain is a ghost.
>I should absolutely throw A-4 into a background gag in COADE.
That requires you to run it first

>local QM just casually writes part of a book to keep his mother out of his real story
Now that's dedication
Post it
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Unexpected violence in Backwater Breakdown /QST/ !
Monster mash manager. Run a Monster girl gladiator team. Can change it to something else like if modern can be a Dota team.
Run a garden of plant monster girls. Raise them, breed them and sell them.
Isn't the plant thing from Disgaea actually a dude?
Yes and?
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You have an opportunity to engage in intense violence. Take it? The world will be ending soon...
Then I would appreciate the labeling be proper, "monster girl (male)".
Backwater Town Breakdown, Downer Quest, Bunker Quest, Megacorp enforcer, and the phage quest rock right now. I hope they all do well. I also like the Roman waifu satire quest for some reason.
Somebody should make a quest about drowning.
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I heard there used to be a quest about drowning, but it ended prematurely in 2019. Sad!
Supposedly, it seems like in this quest the drowning already happened so sadly it doesn't seem applicable.
The drowning happens during the first thread. Fake fan.
>You are currently under the water, you want someone to send help, ablublublub
You know, a one-shot about a guy in a self-contained diving suit that is damaged as he tries to resurface safely and not die from pressure or suit failure would be kind of neat. Make friends with the fishes, cause you'll be joining them soon.
MC is a paladin, his sweetheart/girlfriend/fiancee/wife got turned into a vampire, he now seeks first to kill the one who turned her so she can break free completely, then a way to cure her?
Writing a setting about surviving on a blizzard planet during a long eclipse, lots of genetically modified people and savages but there’s also some huge nation states and political intrigue going on.

Should it be more of an adventure through the setting with the player traveling around and getting involved in the world’s different plots or should I stay with a more grounded small scale survival horror in the middle of nowhere.
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Things take a turn in this Downerquest update...
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Use this as your OP image. Trust me.
Bananas, how long does it take you to make an image like this?
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Because I am a silly silly man, Gotham City Beat Cop got Auto-Archived by the site itself. But the weekend is over and we will continue with a bit of a wonky start.

Thanks to:
For clearing up my confusion.

Since I am a mobile user and therefore get fucked in every hole when using 4Chan, it turns out I can't actually start my new thread while using mobile data.

(in like 2 or so hours.)

To make up for the delay here is the Thread Cover Art I'll be using as a teaser I suppose. Graphic design is my passion.
How in gods name can you run two quests on this board at the same time and still find time to make kino on the side. Legend
I think I made a mistake using a random zoomed in bit of my map as the quest cover lmao, this just looks like some random shapes.
>a redo of The Drunkard and The Alien
I really gave pondered on this, but I couldn't come up with a good enough idea.

>something that delivers on the squandered premise of >>5988019
I can have my own take on it where it's a demon general breaking into a home of a peasant (or some other unimportant person) who she is 100% sure is to kill the Demon King because of a prophesy. The peasant has no idea what she's talking about, but the General is certain the prophesy is true and is switching sides as soon as she can not to get killed herself is a smart and great idea!
How about this: a spaceship of aliens crashes on Earth, eventually they are able to fix their ship but their pilot, the only one who knows how to use the spaceship, learns of and becomes obsessed with clowns, demanding to put on a circus performance before she can leave Earth, and refusing to heed to reason. Another alien passenger kidnaps a human (the MC) and begs him to help them put on a show.
This one sounds interesting but I'm not sure if traveling around with a character who's trying to bite or kill the MC won't get annoying.

Which one of those sounds the most interesting? I did not ignore the rest of the suggestions, but raising monster girls would probably need a mechanic, I'm not sure what a Marathon is, and >>6002633 I don't want to internet bully monster girls!
Yeah I’ll be real I had no idea what it was. Enjoying your quest though.
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Thanks! Yeah, I think the map makes a bit more sense when it is zoomed out, but a little tiny close up is a bit incoherent.
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Usual advice is to run what you want. Since you'll be doing most of the work. You could do both, depending on the protags job and or main goal. Scene in a city dealing with factions and politics and a scene where they travel through the frozen wasteland.
Well i gave it a go and reading the next few posts give me a Silent hill vibe.
>I'm not sure what a Marathon is
Well, all three games are on Steam for free. Better get started.
Alens invade a large ship for slaves.
>would probably need a mechanic
If you just make it up, whose gonna complain?
>character who's trying to bite or kill the MC won't get annoying.
Creates some interesting dynamics, see Snakecatcher and Lamplighter quest.
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Alright fellas. Taking a bit of the qtg's pulse on that one.
The itch to run my South Kalos Quest is rising. So is the itch to run Dragons Dungeon, but still manageable.
However I'm very happy with the running of Normal Cultivator Quest and 40k Minor Xenos Quest.
I know those 4 threads have a different audience. For the greater good of the board, what should I do?
>Run the Pokethread in addition to the 2 other. Meaning maybe slower updates on the 3 threads
>Wait for one of the 2 other thread to reach a natural pauseable point before running again

Gotham City Beat Cop is back from it's weekend break.

Stop on by if you want to risk getting hotter than Tokyo, March 10th, 1945
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Strange Spring Transmitters continues. We depart from our Kingsguard escort and bump directly into a Liaison of House Hayner.
Also, how was Mother’s Day for yall?
Has there ever been a quest protagonist who is canonically a mother?
>>Wait for one of the 2 other thread to reach a natural pauseable point before running again
This seems to be the best way to avoid burnout, at least.
Are you playing one of those or just general advice?
I'll get to it when I GET TO IT.

Working on it, honestly.
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Stanley of Bones Quest and the titular Reptilian Infiltrator both come to mind, though I presume both were more post credits.
I hope someone joins the cultural civ quest so it can actually start. The first one was good. No idea why no one's trying to join.
My mom told me I ruined Mother’s Day by refusing to interact with my dickhead of a brother, even though I wasn’t the only one he was picking on. I got and made her several nice gifts in spite of this.
Yeah, text based with some pictures, used to be a big phenomenon of early internet, I got told people here would know about cyoa
Wife doesn't read much, doesn't game much, so I think that's why these super casual things she likes so much
Anyone feel like swinging the vote a bit? I refuse to acknowledge that Mazela moron.
/tg/ has the CYOA general.
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SST resumes updating! We’re getting dragged into an exhibition match with the Storks’ “Group B” tourney unit, following a rousing speech from Grandmaster Metzen.
Drop a vote here:
I find it funny how we can always tell it's him.
I'm just busting your balls, benty boy. I know you'll get to it someday.
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You're... in a girl's house... it can't be...
I know you said something about this quest being a bit of catharsis over your recent struggle with depression, but I hope the fact we're all mostly ignoring Fido's internal anguish to blow things up and woo a goth girl with music isn't too annoying, QM.
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Backwater Town Breakdown /QST/ updates!
Foggy streets, screaming and people running. Everything you want to encounter, I assume?
Considering he's posted in my thread more than anyone else, I've come to identify his... particular lexicon.
Blair from Three Houses Quest ended up becoming a mother of three-- though only in the epilogue. There's also Maple from Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest, who ended up being a mother of two, and then those two became the protagonists of the sequel quests.

Honestly, there are probably a lot more mothers out there, and even in running quests, but none that come to mind right this moment.
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In this update of SST, Maile strategizes with Group B, and Milo agonizes all alone from a far off guest suite. Now there’s a maiden knocking on his window…
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Nope, not at all, lol. Everything is moving along as intended. And even if it was meant to be some kind of catharsis, it'd probably still be comedic and weird, lol.
I had the idea for Downerquest way before I had to take a break due to depression. Basically, it's less me venting or writing about how I feel and more "I had this cool idea a while ago. Let's run it to get me back into the swing of things for when I eventually get back to running Versequest!". Downerquest wasn't actually my first choice for something to run in the time between now and the next Verse thread, but the other idea I had is something much bigger I should probably save for when Versequest has concluded.
Olympus QM, are you holding up alright?
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Please tell if any of those sound interesting.
>Well, all three games are on Steam for free. Better get started.
But then I'll have to play the games and not QM!
>character who's trying to bite or kill the MC won't get annoying.
I'll have to check those two out to see how they make it work.
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While in the car the other day and thinking about Quests I was suddenly reminded about the worst book series of all time. But despite this; I believe the basic premise could be extremely interesting in a Quest format. Hitchhiking as a low-status, hippie or layabout type across a vast galaxy of space aliens and weird civilizations, just trying to make your way to some unspecified event or location. Player choices and the story could allow for different "playstyles" among this basic format; for example, in some ships it would be better to just stowaway in the cargo hold or be a polite guest of a high class alien Aristocrat where as others it may be more prudent to try and steal spaceships or whatever other vehicle you can to get off a shit planet so you can move on to the next one. Recurring characters, like lawmen chasing you down for your crimes or companions with your adventures could give it more flavor and texture.
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Another day, another string of updates. We’ve got a brief perspective switch, and a spot of platonic (or maybe kinda sorta romantic?) forbidden relations between a captive and his captor’s daughter…
Drop a vote if you’d like, here:
Pic unrelated? Because I promise you, as hard as that series fell off there's still far worse out there.
One of the ASOIAF quests had a mother of 3 as MC and then there's a ruler quest where you play as a queen with children but I can't remember the title now.
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Quest idea, let me know if it sounds interesting.

Humanity frees a chained god who in return gives them technological advancements, such as firearms and cannons. Together they destroy the empires of old and slaughter the other gods. Eventually the chained god, now contented, slumbers and the grand human empire shatters into nations that still dominate the lands. You would play as the last monarch of a defeated magical race, maybe an elf, who’s the lord of an island kingdom that is a vassal of one of the larger continental human nations. You’d try to throw off the dominating and humiliating control of the human nation and reclaim past glories.
Sounds based
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Oh. Right. That wouldn’t work in this thread. Hah.
Olympus Incarnation Quest is back up and running!

Sounds cool, anon.
The Demon General one sounds the most interesting to me.
Pretty good. I only hope it doesn't fail like most civs.
Cultural Civ Quest is about to start
feel free to hop in and join a civ to vote on its progress anytime!

it's up!

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Writing songs with a woman. Nothing could possibly go wrong from here (besides the imminent demise of all life on Earth).
>the imminent demise of all life on earth
Just girl things, tee hee.

The clown one has no interest to me, personally. The others sound fine, especially the Demon General one.
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Being forced to run a circus for aliens is a unique premise.
Villain working for a random sounds like it'd be able to run longer.
Phrased that way, it's actually a lot mroe interesting. Demon General is still my favourite on premise alone, though.
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The Horus Heresy quest will be returning tomorrow! Fate will turn on a wheel when Magnus defies the gods...
>This one sounds interesting but I'm not sure if traveling around with a character who's trying to bite or kill the MC won't get annoying.
Depends. Maybe you could pull a Mina Harker with it if you ever read Dracula and have her not actually a vampire yet. Can also have them vital in tracking down the vampire that bit them.

There's also another idea I had that could be fun. You are a vampire hunter and you track a group of two who infiltrated some sort of party and locked the building down with plans to slaughter, turn, or do some other nefarious plan to the partygoers. Only issue is that after a few murders they both got killed by some girl who armed herself with an axe they found and correctly put the dots together that the two were vampires. While your job was done for you by the girl, unfortunately, she was turned in the process. Shenanigans ensue after the fact as you both try finding a cure and she tries learning how to utilize new powers and ideally not get hangry.

Phenomenal, thanks for the update Aurebesh
Quick announcement regarding Strange Spring Transmitters (for the like, two people who have been playing it)

I ran some numbers. Labeling SST a “oneshot” was a major underestimation. Consider that label tentative. It’s not gonna be some 60+ thread epic, but one thread? Definitely undershooting things. I’m not sure if this happens often with oneshots, but it is what it is.
>I’m not sure if this happens often with oneshots, but it is what it is.
Unless you plan for something very well in advance to hit each beat at the proper time and don't mind rushing to the end if you're behind schedule, and keep things breezy in general or don't cram multiple updates into each day, it's very easy to overrun even the generous single thread life on qst.

Source is me don't ask me how many threads my prologues are.
This happens a lot. The like one quest I intended as a oneshot took 6 threads to finish. I procrastinated a lot and I had a horrid update schedule, but still.
One one thread of prologue for Seekers of the Esoteric became two or three, but partly that was because I was enjoying the magic school setting and character dynamics.

My brief sojourn into the Goblin Wastes has gotten longer than I expected, to, and its seems rather than two more threads of this quest we probably have three ahead.
Good shit. Looking forward to it, dude.
My thoughts initially were "sounds like the era in Excalibur where the wizards and witches were losing power to the Abrahamic god/Christianity" which is an interesting idea for a setting. I say, go for it. It's cool.
Now I'm confused, do you want to play -as- the general?
The greatest showman but it's circus obsessed aliens ...
Backwater Town Breakdown Update!
You engage in some "SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" conduct, and receive a lengthy response from a... certain type of guy.
Hey everyone, Bunker Quest has been updated! With some new art to match.


With a plane shot down over the bunker and a band of raiders en route the MC quickly suits up and heads outside into the apocalypse to hide any evidence of his shelter.
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How does one create a truly great Quest?
By typing it.
Find out by reading Lodestar, brother. You will see how it's done.

First you must write bad ones.
All my quests have been good
None of them are great
Run something you care about, I suppose. I don't know if any of my quests are "great", but I really enjoy making them, and so a lot of the time that can show in the quality of the quest itself.
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You describe the smell of burning bodies (to a woman).
It is impossible to make great quests you can only make quests that you like and can be proud of. Also not flaking so avoid that and your better than all of the spammers and flakers.
This pic got me to read your quest.
Incredibly good, I recommend it to the rest of you.
It is common unless you have a really good grip on the pace and planning. Or willing to just end the thread on whatever note it is at the time it reaches page 10.
>Now I'm confused, do you want to play -as- the general?
No, what made you think that?
Define "truly great quest"
Rolled 3 (1d20)

shitty but soulful ms paint artwork + generally interesting premise + graphic violence
We are so back.
>How does one create a truly great Quest?
The Shopping Cart Theory.
What makes a quest great is for a good chunk not being an evil Qm.
If you aren't evil it comes natural to : inform that you might not be present and can't update, to accept to write the decisions that won the vote, to interact time to time with players and accept criticism, and naturally you are here to make a quest that should be enjoyable and interesting for everyone involved including you. Then there's everything else, like some notes if you need them, organization, having an idea about what kind of quest you are doing etc....
That has nothing to do with the shopping cart theory. There is also nothing inherently good or altruistic with player interactions.
Valuing player feedback and enjoyment, and avoiding confusion and stress by communicating, are prosocial and arguably altruistic impulses.
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>What makes a quest great is for a good chunk not being an evil QM
I'm sorry.
They're not altruistic if you're reaping the benefits
>He does not find player engagement with the story and characters you write inherently rewarding by itself
Not gonna make it
You have to be a bit of a Joseph Stalin hand-swaying type to run a quest, I think. But also able to play ball with some truly off-kilter shit that your players will inevitably suggest and vote on at some point. So I guess like 50% Stalin 50% LeBron
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I'm sorry too

Now confess your QMing sins.
That's what I'm saying, dingus. You get rewarded. It's not altruistic.
I you could get results you'd enjoy either way but choose the one with more effort behind it for the benefit of others, that could be construed as altruistic.

You're right, though, in that being a considerate and thoughtful QM almost invariably benefits everyone in the thread, QM included. More reason to do it!

I am not great at being succinct or proof-reading, and I sometimes take a bit too much pleasure in distressing twists.
I have effectively bamboozled this board for over four years over something really stupid, so much that a certain facet of my persona here is a lie. However, I am worse-off telling the truth, even though bearing the truth of a constant lie is pretty awful.

I will admit it sometimes feels like a thrilling cat-and-mouse game, which is probably why I continue to stick to the bit.
How truly vague.
If he were more specific, the spooks would get him
I have repeatedly spent my time on Gatcha games while an update sits unwritten.

I have written notes for a quest that would take my time and energy away from bringing my current quest to a conclusion
I've, in the past, abandoned three quests where I explicitly had anons going "This is a great idea, this is so cool, you better not fucking abandon this QM!"
I will constantly draw fanservice extra material instead of what's actually asked for making it questionable whether or not it actually fits the definition.
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Have been reading Walterquest and holy shit, having a prexisting set of characters be completely derailed by the most asinine shit all scored against a point metric has led to some of the most laughing I've done at a quest.
Great job QM!
A lord of Westeros update, pick a religion for house Blackfork.

Christianity, Jesus is King!
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In this (quite late) update of Strange Spring Transmitters, Metzen Cecil, the hardboiled Grandmaster of the Knights of the Stork’s Transmission, attempts to “Be Smooth.” Easier said, than done.
Wait, are you the WTF quest QM?
A few years ago I ran a quest called “Little Lord Misadventures” about a small prince who gets fed up with not having any lordly responsibilities and runs off to join a provincial council and Get Shit Done. I don’t remember why, probably just busy and stressed by college (I was a freshman at the time), but I dropped it one thread in, and it was fairly promising to me, at least going over the character sheet and other mechanical monitoring docs I’d made. Perhaps not as narratively interesting as what I’m writing now (certainly extremely reliant on simple archetypal characters), but thats not necessarily a bad thing, perhaps more of a quest that a wider audience could dig their teeth into for its laid-back style and nature. The more I remember it, the more I feel like after SST I could try running it again with the skills I’ve learned over the years.
Player interactions is the best part of quests. If you don't want player interaction, then write a damn book instead of a quest.
I remember that quest, I'm still mad we never got to befriend the dragon.
The Horus Heresy has returned! Come and see if Magnus cannot alter fate or be damned for trying >>6006235
Then I offer you my deepest sympathies. I’m mad about it, too.
I abandoned Discord entirely, without a word to anyone, because I was involved with some shitty /i/ drama.
I'd like to think I was getting along with the /qst/ community well enough, had a lot of laughs and good chats and tismy banters.
I don't feel bad, not a single bit, for leaving /i/ behind, but I do miss the /qst/ guys and gals.
I remember having some nice chats with you in particular, Observer. You were always very civil to people, even if they were being complete assholes.
Who even are you? No one even goes on /i/ here.
When I was in high school, I ran a quest here based off of XCOM where you played a memver of the human resistance (MC was Lance Hardwood) back in 2016/17 or so.

I abandoned it before it concluded due to school shit and never told anyone. On the off chance anyone who followed it back in the day is reading I just wanna say sorry. I hope to make up for my sin by finishing my current quest.
Oh man, I think I remember that one! It was a pretty fun one, and I do miss the XCOM quest(s).

If it's any consolation, Gotham Beat Cop Quest more than makes up for it. By this anon, at least, you are forgiven. May your remaining quests have a long and fruitful runtime.

Somebody just confirmed to be multiboxing in my quest. Even my no one post ID rule didn't stop it. Not sure what to do now.
Punish them narratively so they don't risk it again.
Oh shit, that means the King and Queen tournament could be compromised. Should we make a post about it in the thread? >>5997910
Track the perpetrator to his house and suck his nuts until they're bruised and twisted. That'll learn him.
Every single quest is samfagged.This has been proven and talked about for like 5+ years. I don't even need to multibox I have 4 IPs I can post from just because I leave my house every day. The dumb """"countermeasures"""" people come up with are, and have always been, pure cope. You are writing your quest not for a group of people, but for 1 asshole.

Your option are, as always, to accept it or stop running/voting.
I don't think there's a way to stop it besides noticing it.
It's not that bad, i think. Obviously, the fact that there's a bunch of people voting differently shows that.

But yeah, the truth is, you can't stop samefagging. You can make it harder. But you can't make it impossible. The only thing you can do is keep an eye out for it, and try to have fun.
I literally had to look up what /i/ was. Wish I didn't.
Need a spot of advice.

So, when calling for rolls, it seems the best practice is to get the players to execute the dice in a “roll call” and lay out success in that call before moving on with the update. Problem is, I’m trying to do a roll-under best of 3 d100 type of thing. The most votes any update of mine has gotten is two players. Is there a downside to just rolling 3d100 on the roll call and just utilizing that? Only thing I can think of is some kind of issue regarding pseudorandom behavior.
>2 players
>need 3d100
In that case, you should roll it yourself. Reduces downtime. I’ve had only two players at a time before and it can be really annoying when there is a tie. I usually do a 1d2 coinflip after annoucing - and waiting - for a few more hours.
What you can do instead is call for other kinds of rolls in downtime. Rolling dice makes anons happy. Give them something to do to waste time like that. Make them roll for random shit and lesser importance while you roll yourself if you don't have enough players consistently to expedite it when you're actively up and writing.
There's no avoiding it, if someone is really passionate about a quest, for good or ill, ESPECIALLY in an environment like yours with so many players and so many of them so particularly.... Passionate. >>6006384's doomposting aside, though, the measures your'e already taking will mitigate it and limit the damage. Or or two shits can get an extra vote in, but it's nothing compared to the huge storms of 1post votes each and every one of them could produce any time they get salty, without such a rule.

This anon also has the right of it: if your'e running a quest you enjoy regardless of vote outcome, you'll have fun either way. If it's a quality quest, which yours generally is, your players will enjoy it as well. Well, most of them. Some seem committed not to.

I personally do the rolls myself so I can finish a full series of events 9especially something like combat) without waiting forever. I know rolling is fun for player, but it IS ultimately just deciding who flicks the random number generator which none of us can control.
>You are writing your quest not for a group of people, but for 1 asshole.
Yeah, me. I write for myself.
Hey hold on, you aren't an asshole, you're a dickhead. Give yourself some credit, random stranger.
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A new thread of Normal Cultivator Quest is up!

The thread is starting with a puzzle/open roll exploration minigame - with a cursed roll array.
Want to stack the deck in the favor of players? Jump in, write up nonsense, and roll!


Hey i'm just 500 post away from my thread!

That's why I always railroad. You can samefag all you want, at the end of the day, I'll post whatever I want lol
Tighten things further? Make sure everyone has a name and Tripcode?
Anon, how would having a name and tripcode help against multiboxing? All it would change would be the multiboxer making multiple trips.

Also, that idea is so stupid i'd rather a quest end than literally require names and trips.
I don't think the samefagging issue is as big as some guys make it out to be. Unless these samefags are deliberately using different logic, voting options and writing styles, then I can't vouch that I've seen that much of it. Seems more like a thing where, once you notice a case of it, you start to get paranoid about it being everywhere.
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Made me laugh.
I wasn't anyone super special, and this was close to 6 years ago, anyway.
I mostly just fucked around with art and made an ass of myself in voice chat with my spergy voice and phone's potato microphone.
I'm too afraid of being resented now (or having been forgotten) to reveal myself, but I did still want to confess my exodus.
Honestly, the only thing wrong with /i/ is the OC thread drama, which is still going strong even six years later. I screwed up big time, but I'm too much of a coward to even see if I can make up for it.
Okay, I'll admit that got a laugh out of me.
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In this morning’s first update of Strange Spring Transmitters, learn more about attending orders, and attempt to build a “narrative.”
What's the most statistically improbable thing you've seen as a QM?

This disastrous array of roll in a free loot even in my quest (as stated >>6006616 >>6006617) is a good contender.

They're not clearing a DC of 70 with 12 rolls (something 3 rolls have 50% chances of doing), resulting in the roll array being less-than-1 percent of the bad contender.
Knowing that the roll is not working on a best-off measure, it's even worst.
My players and an allied NPC went up against the highest level character in their organization in a friendly sparring match while testing out some new technology. The player and their ally combined have 23d6 to roll and scored 12 rolls landing in the 5-6 range, a 6.7% probability. Their opponent, who by herself rolled 24d6, only scored 5 successes, a 13% probability. Combined, this is a 0.933% chance.
I didn't want to make the Director washed up, but given she's like 45 and spends most of her time fucking around running the organization than fighting, it makes sense.
Left Beyond when the QM rolled a d1000 to oppose God for the final battle and it was a 1.

Not exactly improbable, but very memorable.
Not exactly improbable? By many standards sure but for qst I’d say that’s rather improbable.
Quests should be allowed back on /tg/
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You (attempt) to flirt with a woman. Does it work? You don't really know...
Would anyone be interested in a Dominions Quest where the players collectively control a nation?
By that do you mean like space monke style or more of anons controlling different parts of a nation?
No I mean opening up Dominions, the game, and having anons vote on what to do, with me simplifying the options instead of making them go through every granular option. Have a picture of the situation so they know roughly what's up. Like...
Your advances into provinces One, Two, and Three have all been successful. Where to go from here?

>Continue the split advance
>Merge up to take on a harder target (specify)
>Halt to reinforce and construct forts

Generic options
>Alter Recruitment
>Alter Research
And depending on the situation I'd spruce it up with nice prose.
It's not quite my jam, but I could see there being a market for it if you include fun dramatizations or narrations. Like an interactive version of Something Awful's Total War Let's Play, "A Scotsman in Egypt".
But of course! Have the opening (post character creation of course) be a priest praying to their god, dramatize the events of interesting battles so players get attached, narrate the random events happening in an interesting way... All part of making it a fun experience, no?
DominionsQuest is UP
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Yeah, that's something I'm going to run because I really like dominions-

You snooze you lose!
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Oh shit
Did Som's trip get cracked?
What was it?
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You tell Lily you feel a sort of connection... SHE AGREES?
(FIY: There's a schizo who's been spamming the thread. Just ignore and report, anons!)
New update in Seven Against Thebes Quest?

Will Hippomedon have PTSD after another horrifying divine encounter? Probably yes!

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>QM question: What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?
I think my players just do things perfectly. I don't have any complaints.

>Player question: What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
To be perfectly honest, (only) when I read, I am not player focused. I focus entirely on the QM and the outcomes. So, perhaps the only thing would be a thread sabotage (cough, cough).

>General question: Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?
I SHOULD do the former, but I tend to always have some sort of a crunch regardless of class or work. I'm more motivated by turnout and the players' creativity and responses.
Have you been to /tg/ lately?
Everyone there is glad quests are gone, and bringing up how all the bait and bot threads are worse is just seen as a cope, as rose-tinted glasses.
If anything, a return to form where quests relevant to their respective boards can be posted would be better.
It's probably for the better quests have their own board. /tg/ went to total shit over the past year alone, and got exponentially worse after the Trench Crusade drama. This board and about two others are the only ones I regularly post on at this point.
I’ve only been there for the /swg/ and the rare L5R general. Mind filling me in on what that’s about?
It turns out he's also the same guy that spammed the trans threads last year and just made another thread to brag about how he pushed the Gondola QM out.
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To the people who are still reading my quest.I have no idea how to link it Are you enjoying it? I know it's a bit rough around the edges. I'm learning alot from making it. C:
They should be allowed in principle, but I don't think I would want to run a quest there as it is now.

>If anything, a return to form where quests relevant to their respective boards can be posted would be better.
This makes a lot of sense, but part of me is glad to have such a diverse selection here, in one easy-to-navigate place, with (mostly) civil people.

>a manufactured feud between a spammer of some shitty troll and a meme quest which didn't even last a thread
Come on now, hide and ignore. Don't feed a troll.
>how to link
Just the same way you'd link a post normally:
>>[post number]

>is your quest good
Yes, so far very fun and comfy, if a bit fo a slow boil. I appreciate your effort.
Oh ofc lol. Thanks, yeah I wish I can just draw forever and ever.Work has me tired just want to sleep all day and my concentration is out of wack when I do have free time.
Might I humbly suggest doing a few lower-effort posts to keep the story moving through the prologue, with full multi-animation updates when you have time and energy?
There are a lot of smaller details but here's a summary.
>Female Custodian 40k retcon occurs
>Another exodus comes up
>Trench Crusade rules and kickstarter release
>Some 40k refugees flock over to the system
>Some of these refugees try to use TC to own the libtards or something
>They take it to the official Discord, which is moderated by the usual twitter "progressives"
>Discord drama ensues
>Comes to a head when the TC devs come to the defense of the Discord mods
>Hell breaks loose no pun intended
>Meanwhile on /tg/, shitflinging between /pol/ and bunkerchan types spills over
>Plants among the jannies begin to play favorites and ban posts criticizing TC's community management
>Eventually the TC team take down the Discord entirely
TL;DR is that one camp of people infiltrated the game before another tried to migrate to it, neither is willing to let the game stay separated from the modern political climate, and /tg/ was caught in the crossfire. Drama got bad enough that the Trench Crusade Discord got taken down. This shit is so comically toxic, some people are beginning to suspect Games Workshop planted people in both camps to escalate the drama and push people away from the game in an effort to snuff out a competing system.
I really wish Hamas killed him
It's not just Gondola Quest, he's spamming other threads too. I've seen him in Prodigal Son and Backwater Town
kek. Permanent shitshow hours.
Oh, he's been in mine, too. I ignored him and he gave up. He persisted a little bit in Taken and Forsaken, but also surrendered after a couple posts as well.
The funny thing is that the drawings isn't what takes me the longest. It's the writing and thinking of what comes next and also obsessing over dumb crap sometimes. This whole QMing is very anxiety inducing for me. I'll definitely see how I can adjust some stuff though to make it more streamline and smoother for me. Also I go to work in like 5 hours and should be asleep already.
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A woman you've known for little more than a day asks you a question. Perhaps it's moving fast... but can you really afford to take chances when you have so little time left?
I cannot overstate the value of a good flowchart or point-form outline for likely decisions.
>but part of me is glad to have such a diverse selection here, in one easy-to-navigate place, with (mostly) civil people
You are correct about this.
I'd be miserable if there wasn't good, clean discussion here. Discussion on /tg/ is effectively dead, with any post that isn't blatant shitflinging being ignored and the hopeful worldbuilding threads that are posted by bots who don't respond to anyone.
High effort, cute animations.
Actually, I capped this at the height of the "recent" OGL drama, but aside from that is date-agnostic for how I feel.
Can't samefag me when I can recognize any post and identify every single poster

>Y-You can't!

Pure cope. I can recognize you by a single digit, or even an empty quote-post.
Your next line will be:
>"Your next line will be: 'I am a grade-A shitposter, unregulated by rules and jannies!'"
>/tg/ spills their spaghetti over women
The more things change, the more things stay the same
They're also the same guy that used to spam femboy twink drawquests
It wasn't this bad before the election tourist culture war bullshit
I knew she was a crazy critter the moment she showed any interest in the go-kart crashing psycho
Well in all honesty i'd leave 40k if they did such a change too, because it just shows they don't give the slightest shit about the actual fans and will happily bulldoze the lore for quick brownie points from people who will never buy anything anyway.
It’s things like that greentext you made that make me happy I skipped past both WH and WH40K when I was getting into tabletop. What a dumpster fire.
Okay, who wants to do a “Kaiju Month” this coming July or August? I’m hoping that one or more QMs might be willing to donate their time for this. I’d obviously run one of these one-shots myself if we end up doing it.

I think the next innovation in “/qst/ marketing” could come in the form of themed one-shots that multiple QMs could run simultaneously. Would be sort of a fun thing and simplify the advertising part of this as well.

We could use the system developed by the KaijuQM for this as well, since I know that he’s taken the time and trouble to draft out his system on paper.

Here are some concepts for potential Kaiju themed one shots:

>multiplayer Fantasy God-Beast Quest where the kaiju battle each other to ascend to godhood
>multiplayer 40k “Kaiju” Quest where players battle in teams as Titan-class mechs, Imperium vs Chaos/Nids/Orks/etc
>single-player Kaiju quest where players control only one Kaiju?
>sci-Fi Kaiju Quest where players control invading alien Kaiju trying to conquer earth or alternately play as human military forces as they try to destroy the alien invaders
>Kaiju Quest where you simply kill Witch Queen Mazela over and over in a time loop, fuck that guy

Obviously interested QMs would be able to do what they want. What do you guys think?
I can most certainly insert a "Kaiju Invasion Event" in my Normal Cultivator Quest - not sure how player will like it though.
Beast wave are a fixture in cultivation stories
It is much too soon for my kaiju battle, friend. I'd have to pop in another disc for that, and something tells me we won't be doing that quite in time. And that depends on which disc we go for!

Thanks for your thoughts anons!

I suppose my thought was that interested QMs might pause their “normal” quests temporarily to run a Kaiju one shot, but I hadn’t considered that active quests could weave in Kaiju-themed plot lines. Very interesting idea
Sounds fun. Does a dragon count as a kaiju?
Technically, my players just defeated a kaiju, if 20 feet tall counts for the Kaiju club.
Depending how things go, next thrwad could potentially have another.
To be fair, James did this while SoB and SoS are effectively abandoned by GW.

Checked and true.

Historicals tend to be better anyway.

Sure, I figure a very loose interpretation of “Kaiju” would make sense if QMs want to integrate the concept into their pre-existing quests.

And if people wanted to run their own oneshots, the great thing about KaijuQM’s system is that it’s adaptable and can handle Godzilla vs Tokyo as well as it can handle 40k Titan vs Nid Biotitan.
Do you have a link toward such a system?
>/tg/ spills their spaghetti over women
I hate how the Sororitas are always ignored, both by Games Workshop and the shitheels who defend their behavior.

I’ll ask KaijuQM to post it here, it’s really his to share
I'd be willing sure, if I can make the time. Sounds like a fun idea.
I do agree that they are extremely underutilised and deserve more attention. I also think you could conceptually do some interesting things with female space marines. I guess it's a matter of implementation. Some of the complaints I've seen are pretty detailed and make a lot of sense, but I've seen a lot of shitscreaming because people don't want to accept a long-running franchise will inevitably have lore changes and additions over time, especially when the writers are coming from different backgrounds than the original "some nerdy guys in a shed" conception.

Cool, let’s plan for July 1st - I’m hoping that six weeks is enough time for everyone who is interested to prepare.

I’m probably going to run the Fantasy God-Beast Kaiju Quest…

Scalefather stirs…
Do you have any examples of one?
I'm not sure how id do a narrative kaiju quest.
I'll tidy up the pdf draft to a presentable state, then post it here soonish! Kaijune is an existing art project tag, so it'd be very appropriate to do challenges and themes based of this stuff!

In fact, it was a Kaijune challenge that inspired me when making up quest mechanics. This guy is one of my favorite artists, and he did a couple of projects with light lore and meaningless stats, that painted the picture of some kind of nebulous game-ish system for competing Kaiju.



Thank you guys for taking an interest in my quest!
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You pass a point of no return.
No, it's me.
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Your advertising efforts have been stellar but can you beat this?
Come on in for the vote for the pretender chassis, likely the most important vote for character creation.
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>I'm not sure how id do a narrative kaiju quest.
You're a Japanese television network and you need to keep the ratings up by televising the kaiju battles but if your reporters get too close they get squished.
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Kaiju memri tv
I did almost run a kaiju quest once
there are never enough kaiju quests
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Kaiju meets idol manager. In order to help rebuild a city after a major kaiju attack, you are hired as a manager/trainer for a kaiju that has recently been captured in the aftermath. “Inexplicably”, kaiju in this world are basically young women dressed in revealing monster outfits.

Basically picrel, but with idol management rather than helicopter photoshoots.
inspired. will play.
Yeah, but I'm not really savvy to how quests are run here as opposed to how they were run on /tg/. Plus I did not have the best reputation back when I used to run.
cowardice, excuses, and fool notions.
perfect qm material start quest now thankee sai.
Almost forgot to include this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jEVrogZOJzA&pp=ygUUcmllIG90YSBiYXJhZ29uIHJvYXI%3D
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Gritty noir quest where you play as police chief Godzilla in Tokyo
Slower and more evenly paced
Instead of live sessions with several updates over the course of several hours QMs update regularly usually shooting for at least 1/day every day
Also posters get a unique ID per thread tied to their IP, which allows QMs to implement some anti samefag measures.
When SOM says he "didn't have the best reputation," what he meant was that he ran multiple quests for ages until he got bored of them and railroad-killed their MCs in the most anticlimactic "rocks fall" manner possible. Please keep this in mind.
Wow, that does sound bad
He couldn't have been worse than Dralo though
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Ok....space monkey quest is a hyper popular quest about running a space civ...then there's simple space empire which is also a popular quest about running a space civ....

So running another space civ quest is a dumb idea right? Over saturated market and all that...right?
No. There is no such thing as a saturated market in /qst/.
Yea, if you've got a good idea then run it! There's always going to be similarities in stories and games--as long as you're not actively trying to ape the competition then it should be fine, and it doesn't sound like you're trying to plagiarize to me!
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G'day gents, just announcing I poached this quest from the loser that started and abandoned it. Help us finish Timur the Lame's dream of remaking the Mongol Empire, with our new cool undead body.

Absolutely not. I'd say that perhaps you should differentiate yourself slightly by running a game featuring a different TYPE of space-empire, but these quests are popular for good reason.
The most annoying thing to me were all the people that were assmad, and now the archives are fucked.
Yes, that is what tends to happen when you have a recurring pattern of killing quests that people are invested in in the most obnoxious manner possible. People get assmad.
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Horsequest is back!!

And if you don't feel quite like reading, that's cool! Watch this little thang I made instead :)

Fair enough, I never really got into his quests. I preferred the Saiyan Conqueror Quest by GrandDragonQM

Here's the PDF, as promised! It's still a first iteration, and I definitely didn't intend on having it be a whole 13 pages, but hopefully this provides a good reference for running similar quests.


By virtue of my self-appointed position as "/qst/ Marketing Lead", I hereby declare:


QMs - prepare your minds and bodies for the creation of GRATUITOUS MONSTER ON MONSTER CONFLICTS

Players - Get ready to battle your peers, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

If anyone wants to go the extra mile, perhaps we can run a few ads for the board during the month and drive in some traffic...
Adds are a good idea. However, I'm too poor to finance.
I'll... somehow find a way for my small-town supernatural mystery to involve a giant fucking beastie.

Backwater Town Breakdown updated yesterday but haven't gotten many responses yet. Please, feel free!
I have finished everything, since I am very occupied tommorow (and who will post on the day of the Lord !) I shall post Local Lord Quest XI on monday !
Hosanna !
Alright then...I suppose I'll get to work.
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The pretender chassis has been chosen, but its time to decide what to do with it. Even if you don't know anything about Dominions, pop in to vote for one of the generic options to give me something to work with.

My vote is the best and should be the only one that counts.
The board is slow as shit the last couple days, and I need to see a return of Sunbelt Crusaders & Star Wartz: Interregnum. Seriously contemplating going full /x/ mode in here, the curse must be lifted. How did it even begin? The vile envy of /tg/ faggots? An ominous array of digits upon the board's founding post? We must undo the evil inflicted upon us. Whomst'dve will take part in an /x/ crossposting ritual to cleanse us of this miasma?
The QM curse has been around since the /tg/ days. It killed Crusty back there.
Fucking hell man. Who would be the bane of storytellers? I can't think of any deity or demon who would fit the bill.
Solomon's got a couple, but they're more the political-metaphorical carrot and stick off a cliff types, least going by their abrahamic fanfiction.

strangely, firefox wants to autocorrect abrahamic into abracadabra, which is all kinds of funk
Kek, nice. Well it occurs to me that the spirits of great storytellers might intercede on our behalf if beseeched properly: Homer, Sturlusson, Shakespeare, Poe, Kubrick, & more besides. Not to mention Odin/Apollo/Mercury (Lugh as well if I recall correctly)
I'd postulate that the recent loss of post 6000000 to some basedjak party fuckers is an ill omen.
crossboard link and I'll shitpost.
>The board is slow as shit the last couple days,
Not just this board, /tg/ is slow as shit too. The site, as a whole, seems slower.

Weekend slump. Pretty normal.
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Eh, hasn't been a dramatic slowdown, probably just weekend slump as this anon suggested >>6010012

We're actually experiencing a "local peak" and the board hasn't been this active on average since February. Hopefully the Kaiju month thing boosts activity into the year end.
>What's something you wish your players would stop doing? What's something you wish your players would start doing?
My players so far have been pretty great. I noticed some posts saying they'd like to receive feedback, I'd tell you to just ask straight away. Only people who are dedicated to the quest will provide feedback, so it'll generally be positive with some nice criticism on the side to keep you on your toes.

>What's are some behaviors that other quest players exhibit that make you not want to read a quest anymore? Do you ever hide posts you don't like?
I don't like seeing other players picking out of character options due to a meta perspective, though I do think it's on the QM's side to not feed into this behaviour. Tabletop paranoia is a real thing and it can easily infect and kill a quest.

I hide posts that start getting overly argumentative, usually going into insults territory or just getting straight up political. I've got a filter on for the common slurs so it saves me a click. It's not common, but sometimes shit happens.

>Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?
Abundance of free time for sure. When there's a time crunch I almost instinctively retract from questing, as I percieve it as the 'least useful' thing to do in my lizard brain. Usually to my regret, as rereading past quests is more bittersweet than rewarding.

>You don't have to vote to post in a quest, why not partake in in-quest discussion more? Or even start some?
Not a lurker right not, but as a QM I'd recommend promoting in-quest discussion by implementing feedback and ideas into your quest. If players see a result from their efforts, they will partake more often with more complex discussion.

Also, didn't post it here but >>6003652 Azula quest has been back since this monday, and going strong!
What bread did this occur on?
This one unfortunately >>6000000
I didn't think this board was on the jakfaggot's radar at all. I'd expect this on like /v/ or something. Its a shameful waste but I hope thats the furthest extent of off-site shenanigans
I see, perhaps the curse can be cast onto them instead...

Pretender, what is thy name?
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On a similar note, the game itself has finally begun!
give me a tl;dr of this quest
Batquest has updated!

Journey into the depths of Superman's mind as Batman decides the fate of DV8!

We’re basically playing one of the most autistic strategy games ever created through the QM’s PC
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Sorry man I don't speak French.
I just use hierarchical lists like I did when taking notes in school, ie.

Scenario: There is a schism in the fantastical church-legions between reformers and militant old-guard
A. If the players choose to side with the reformers, they must choose to subvert from within, challenge the old guard openly, or desert and establish a schismatic church elsewhere
A1. If they subvert from within, they must select who to trust and work with, and then face consequences if they choose wrong and are exposed
A1a. They succeed, begin gathering allies and deciding how to deal with biggest internal threats
A1b. If they fail, they'll be imprisoned, and need to decide whether to escape and become excommunicated or to take on a mission to stay execution
A2. If they challenge the old guard openly, their childhood friend and staunch loyalist will confront them, challenge them to a fight
A2a. If they win, they must choose whether to kill him, banish him, or try to persuade him to join their cause
A2b. If they lose, they'll be imprisoned, and need to decide whether to escape and become excommunicated or to take on a mission to stay execution
A2c. If they refuse the challenge, the reform movement will lose some steam and they'll lose their friend's respect
A3. If they desert, they'll need to choose who to bring with them; bad choices may result in them being hounded by a squad led by their childhood friend, who will challenge them to a personal duel
A3a. A duel will mirror A2; a refusal will lose prestige among everyone especially their friend, and open battle will initiate a lethal combat that will likely get their old friend crippled and captured, or even killed

"B" would then be a similar list of consequences, choices, and branching options for cracking down on and rooting out rebels, handling a soft-hearted childhood friend who is sympathetic to the reformers with debate/duel/detain-and-report choices, etcetera. Just an example, but does that make sense?
I'm not so vain as to claim full credit for any upswing or downswing, but the heightened activity is probably at least partly related to the high post volume of the Queen of /QST/ tournament, and the downturn coincides with me being too busy to post and also taking a few days off from Seekers, which is a busy quest. Combined with the usual weekend slumps, the board and site's general downward trend, and a slowdown in a couple of other major threads (Lodestar, Disappearing Hogwarts, and Gotham City Beat Cop), that could be enough to affect traffic stats.

This anon has the right of it. I take the plans of the Advisors (Anons) and put them into action. As time goes on, more and more will be set as standing actions that the bureaucracy (me) takes care of, but for now it's rather crunchy.

The nation we're playing is Hinnom, the giant grandsons of the Grigori, fallen angels, and sons of the Nephilim, the god-giants of biblical legend. They're a bunch of cannibalistic degenerates that make the name "Gomorrah" for their starting city really MEAN something.
>Star Wars: Interregnum
Ironically Kaz said it was going to return a few weeks ago in the previous general thread. Other than that no word.
What happened to the lady knight quest?
The QM is still around (he posts in the queen of /qst/ thread), he seems to be taking a break to plan the next events in the quest.
I will need many rolls in the coming few days since the preparation is over and a horde of ravaging, murderous owlmen with artillery, cyberninjas, magic and a mysterious gigantic war machine is finally attacking, please check the thread once in a while and reply to roll requests, anons.
Yeah that makes sense, but I think I'll stick to Yoloing it. I can barely come up with one outcome! Dx
Come and join Odysseus as he attempts to save humanity from themselves in Yet another 40k A.I. quest.


Come and decide what sort of colony and future civilization you shall nurture in Broken Empire New Frontier.

New thread of Seekers of the Esoteric is up!

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Rejoice good sirs for the Local Lord is back !


Blow the trumpets, beat the drums, cry in all towns and villages that he is back in India ! Hosanna !

Montjoie Saint Denis !
He mentioned he was doing some sort of reanimated thing of Berserk that was supposed to come out at that time. Did something happen to it that might have caused him to delay Interregnum while it was being figured out?
>This gets posted under dubious circumstances
Not this thread. Not this one.
Whoever is defending my honour in the Queen of /QST/ thread (see >>6011586), please don't. I don't want the thread to get derailed with shit-flinging, even if I do find that one anon a bit silly.
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RQM, was it ever established that you are a lady? If yes, I am going to defend your honour, for certain, m'lady.
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I'm not doing an image.
>Biased Tier
Normal Cultivator Quest and 40k Minor Xenos Quest: Under Hunter Tribes of course.
>S Tier
Seeker of Esoteric and Supreme Space Monke
>A Tier
Lodestar, Core of Steel, Pokemon Trainer Quest, Isekai Inquisition
>Hope Won't Flake Tier
TakenAndForsaken, Cultural Civ, Lord of Westeros
>Need to catch Up
Kobold Adoption, Local Lord

Yeah, shill me your quest QM.
Also sadden by the lack of Pokequest. The itch to run South Kalos again is growing
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One of those franchises or pieces of media that is basically criminally underexplored and really well suited for Quests, despite being an established IP I have no stake or knowledge of
Sworn to Valour, Seven Against Thebes, Warlords of Chaos (qst, we eatin' good lately)

Star Wartz: Strings in the Shadows, "riddle" (absolutely hilarious highjacked tourist thread), Entombed (unsettling fantasy with a unique art style), Star Wartz: Against the Republic

Great Potential Tier: Death of a Tyrant, Captain N. in the Yiddish Catacombs, A Quiet Village, Bunker Qst
> At work
> Can't wait to get back to my quest
> Come home
> Powers out
> Phones at 18%

This sucks.
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I'll bite.
Please note that this is only things that currently have threads up. God I wish even half the quests I've read would run again. All of those stories, lost like tears in the rain...
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>criminally underexplored and really well suited for Quests
It's had a lot of interest on here I'd say. It feels kinda hard to write about due to its video game logic. It's both SciFi and fantasy, friendship through beating the shit out of others.
>established IP I have no stake or knowledge of
So would you write a quest or play one of the video games?
pokemon quests are decently popular, I just think the difficult part comes with which parts of the IP to adapt and how much liberty to use. There's the videogames, the anime, and the card games to consider.
>SS tier
Okay, that's pretty funny.

>I'm still on the chart
D'aww shucks.

Local Lord and Kobolt Klan would've both been on mine, too, if they had threads up when I posted it!
When is Dark Lord Quest coming back?
Thank you for putting up with my tardiness in updates.
No idea no word so far.
Where are you Boggs?
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Okay, I made it, finally. I haven't wrote anything for half a year so my writing might not be as good as it was, but it'll sharpen it up.

The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?!
I moreso meant that Pokemon is a huge fandom with very dedicated fans and is a million years old and has so much content, lore, pokemon, etc. that trying to keep track of that all and make it accurate for the Quest or whatever would be hard for someone who isn't extremely well versed in it. Just imagine letting players pick a Pokemon to catch only to give it a nature or move afterwards that it can't normally have or something like that; people would call you dishonest. I only played Gold as a literal child, I'd be way too intimidated to try and get caught up and run a Quest in the setting.

The porn is pretty good though.
First quest I ran was hell.
Pokequest with cartridge-matching mechanics including EVs and IVs involving fakemons and fusions. Spent so many time on the simulator for each update.
I found a better balance in the South Kalos quest, where I abstract all the crunch for the players. It being my own fanregion + me having MASSIVE pokeautism gives me leeway to do what I want and tell my vision of the PokeWorld, involving World-War 1+2 duo combo
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Update for Backwater Town Breakdown /QST/!
The fog has receded, and so the townsfolk assess the damage...
POsting the archive for the Dogbuster Quest since it fell off today and anons might not seen it https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Usurper

Also I archived the vampire auction quest, hope op comes back soon to finish it. https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Bloody%20Auction
PKMN Red/Blue and Pokemon: Fork & Spoon are btoh really good quests, set in the universe, which didn't get hung up on trivial mechanical details and weren't afraid to mess with the lore, and they're both well-received.
Remember that one pokemon quest that got abandoned because the writer got pissed that people voted to try to go for the woman who was repeatedly flirting and doing other anime-type stuff to the protagonist? So he had her reject him? And people were pissed off? So he ended up dropping the quest?
I don't remember such a thing but it sounds funny, link us the archive
No idea what it is, mate. I just remember it happening.
Was that PKMN: Gold/Silver? We got shot down, but I don't think QM was made ro dropped it for that reason. In the prior quest he'd happily facilitated a romance with NEET Nurse Joy. I think QM just got bored with it.
Yes. That's why I don't do Pokemon quests myself. I don't want to deal with the spergery, especially after how my elf quest went.
Give me your WORST quest idea.

Literally any magical girl quest. They are universally lazy constructions of combat and tired tropes

*coombait. I can’t delete posts on mobile, sorry anons.
Anything that is just not translatable into a quest, really. Like those guys who wanted to turn Gacha and Card Battlers into /qst/s. Or, like with my first quest, trying to translate a super duper mechanic heavy management simulator into a quest that's all on the hands of one autist to keep running and operational.

That's probably the actual 'worst' quest you can do from the perspective of actually wanting to run a good quest. Otherwise? Write something super obtuse and niche to the point where only two players would ever want to vote for it.
>QM Question : monikers
Following something I saw in one quest about RQM being the Racemixing QM, Schizo/Narrator being the Abortifacient QM and Bananas being the /pol/ ragebait QM, I wondered what was my personal brand™

Citing said players :
>You are all about the chaos of Dice. You roll dice for everything, all the time, and they tend to be wildly skewed to the top and bottom of the curve.
>Drives me crazy to be honest, because your world building is really fascinating, but I feel like your quests are an endless minefield of dice waiting to fuck the players over. You've made some very fun stories with it though.
>I dub thee Bipolar Dice God.


>Your quests seem like a trap.
>You come up with interesting, rarely explored concepts, you listen to the public, you know what the Invisible Hand of the Market wants.
>You set your trap, we congregate and then you force us to roll dice, knowing full well, that because of how many of us there are, the chances of rolling high and low multiple times in a row are very common.
>It’s all a front, a facade, so you can post that one meme of your character rolling crit successes followed by crit fails.
>You are feeding off our misfortune and luck
>Entertainment Vampire Quest Master

They are wildly on point (about my love of the dice and chaos-induce writing, might be biased about the quality of my "work" as I'm a notorious little attention slut)

And (You), QM of /qtg/ : what is YOUR personal brand™?
Femboy Hitler and wine-aunt Hirohito get into a baking tournament against white-knight Churchill and yandere Stalin. Surprise interrupts by crack-addict Mussolini, literal Yeti Kallio (with a "mean-eating" Mannerheim in tow), mecha mommy Roosevelt and many more.
That sounds like a wacky but entertaining time to me.

I second this sentiment, but would also add: any quest where the plot overwhelmingly hinges on sex, like Elf Maiden or Thulzar Episode 3. There are workarounds, but you're perpetually courting a deletion or ban, and if you don't then it's just constant titillation with no payoff.
>crack-addict Mussolini
Management quests are always my absolute favourite ( Audit Quest , Facility Manager , Pizzeria Quest ) but I can't imagine the logistical nightmare they sometimes pose.
Gacha quest was actually going well until the QM flaked.
My management sim quickly burnt me out due to feature creep and just having to write a lot, very consistently, and keeping track of a LOT of things and little bits. Though I will admit that this is an inexperience part on me. If you're able to keep feature creep down, you should be able to do well with it.

But yeah there's a reason why the quest I'm running is simpler (comparatively) to that. It's not an impossible genre to write but it takes a certain mindset and playerbase to make manageable.

Oh, to add onto this, those God Games I used to see months ago is another bad idea because every single one I've seen ends up getting abandoned after one week because shit is WAY too hectic and the QM tunes out.
For a while, there was an anon who insisted I was the Pornographic QM, which I always found really amusing. Even more so in light of other QMs boldly going far further than I ever did in the time since then. Maybe it's why that anon gave up?

I admittedly leaned into the racemixing angle a bit, since it allowed me to expand upon the themes of biological engineering and cultural/instinctual conflict for relationship drama and to help shape the setting's larger changes and conflicts.

I also read Space Monke, and I sort of assumed it was YOU who name-dropped me there.
I'm arguably running one right now, but the game takes care of most of the detail-keeping.

I think there's a way to make god games work, by instituting an action economy and scheduled roll/tabulation windows. I actually toyed with the idea of running one, but decided it wasn't worth it for a genre so prone to flaking and cheesing.
I'm sure you could make it work but I feel like the amount of effort needed would not be worth it 90% of the time. At that point, you're probably better off running a single player version but you allow your voters to offer keywords for you to make gods with or something.
I'm living rent free in your head and in your walls?
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Convince me to come back to /qst/ and make a high quality quest that you guys so clearly need.
It'll be fun and it'll make people happy
You can't run a quest like /qst/ anywhere else
I'm just not aware of anyone besides you and Narrator/Schizo that routinely mention my quests, and I don't think he plays Space Monke.
What makes you think we need you? If you aren't invested in running a quest here intrinsically and prefer running elsewhere, you'll probably just flake.
You won't last three threads if you're not running it for yourself anyways.
>You won't last FIVE MINUTES playing this quest! Click Here!
Convince me you're capable of making a high quality quest
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I didn't know anything about pokemon other than the barest surface-level stuff (pokemon go inside pokeballs and level up) so I just made my own setting. Seems like it's working out pretty well.
Damn is that guy eating a rice ball?
Fuck off you FOTM posting avatarfag, we don't want you here.
I'm not dead and not trying to ghost. I just have no free time right now and don't want to keep pushing things back with overly optimistic promises of the next update. I'm hoping to make a new thread at some point this summer when I can post with some consistency and stability.
Sorry man, Dungeon Meshi is trash
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>Tell guy on Steam Endless legend is free
>Gifts me game on wishlist
>Even more distractions from writing
So what made you want to do a Mon collection type quest?
Did you expect the players' sheer antipathy towards Plumtree and the idea of being 'trained' in general?
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I understood that reference.

My original idea was just a loose daydream of a girl who wore a flumph on her head like a beret but the flumph was the controlling intelligence and the human girl appendage was just a case of Wasmannian mimicry. From there it evolved into an actual monster girl (pic related) in a regular JRPG fantasy setting of castles and dragons and such where the protagonist would be a sort of liaison between the monsters and the humanoids. The idea of a pokemon-type setting came fairly late but it seemed like a good fit once it came to mind.

Yes, but like most things in the game it was made up on the spot while I was writing that post. Originally, Onlion was going to be Joe's mon, Plumtree was going to be a helpful background character, and the cutecaptor didn't exist. Once it became clear that the /e/ professor had created a prototype pokeball it seemed like a nice plot device to hang over the players' heads.
Damn, you really DO fly by the seat of your pants, huh?
>Hope Won't Flake Tier
Haha, I'm on the list at least! :D
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>any quest where the plot overwhelmingly hinges on sex, like Elf Maiden
>There are workarounds, but you're perpetually courting a deletion or ban, and if you don't then it's just constant titillation with no payoff.
Elf Maiden is a special case. While sex is present, it’s never her main goal but rather a method to achieve it — to bring the Hume, Stout, and Elf together through traveling the world.

First thread she uses her magic to help the humes fight the blights, fucks the soldiers who are single to help them relieve stress — even fucking the sexual harassment out of one.

Second thread I don’t remember much of, but I vaguely recall she went to a castle, got a spear from another elf who went on her journey in the past, spear tested her on her will through masturbation.

Third thread - my favorite - has Lagneia talk to a chunni baron, blew him a kiss which gave him a heart attack, resurrects him through giving gold to his heart, and learning about the brevity of hume life in the process. Continues her journey and gets jumped by an ojou and her caravan. Kills them but she ran away to a manor. We get a POV switch and a couple nobles talk about state of their country.

Fourth thread Lagneia tracks her down and finds the manor.

It’s not directionless - far from it - and it could have gone on for much longer if the NSFW bits were in links as opposed to typed out on /qst/

I don’t. Last time I played on a thread that big was Tyrant Queen quest. It was peak, by the way.
>Schizo/Narrator being the Abortifacient QM
For the record, I mentioned it twice in my quests.

>Goblin Assassin 1
Mainly the Zeal and Cris’ plotline - still one of my favorites and I will repeat it here.

Pine investigates Serpent Scholars academy after noticing a particularly fine soporific potion in the hands of her target. Goes there, gets hired by three students to investigate him supposedly kidnapping their friends - promising half payment and the other half once she’s done. Pine finds him. Eavesdrop him talking to Fha, trying to convince her to abort the child of an unintended pregnancy since she doesn’t have any long term plans to deal with it. Fails. Fha says she’ll be going away [to give birth] soon and leaves.

Pine catches him sobbing in Cris’ lap and not knowing what to do next. She suggests to secretly feed her the soporific - abortifacient concoction at a shipboard restaurant because they know the cook. Pine gets back to her clients and asks them for help. They agree to jump him at the dormitory.

Pine finds him first, fights him, wins. Notices he doesn’t have his invisible cloak from earlier. Brings him to be interrogated by the three. He mentions his motivations and plans. Fha appears, revealed to be listening in the entire time - about to defend him from the three clients - but now tells the three and Pine to leave them alone.

Pine takes this opportunity to steal money from other rooms and eavesdrop on them - Fha says she’ll be going away in a week and she’ll kill him and Cris both if they try it again. Pine aligns herself with the two afterwards after realizing the benefits she could gain if those two are her allies, and talks to them about it, lying about not getting paid by the clients to sway them.

Pine breaks into her room to get rid of any evidence she might’ve written down. Zeal and Cris knock Fha out and drug her. Gets paid.

Returns to the three clients tomorrow, convinces them she didn’t betray them for Zeal and Cris. Gets the other half of agreed pay.

>Reopened Wounds
Zeal being despondent after Sira instructs him to not sell his concoctions in Clawflash - the crime organization he is in forbids it.

For Sira cannot run a brothel, there isn’t any — Sira’s old job was to dig graves and bury infant corpses. Warin ate them for a while.
I respect what Elf Maiden was doing with its lore and descriptions, eve if I could never really enjoy it fully... because the lewds weren't to my taste. I will say that sex being a primary means OR end in a quest for the main character is a tricky road to hoe. I remember having some difficulty with it when the players opted to be soul-bound to a succubus in RIQ. I had to work around it with lots of implications and emotional impressions in lieu of physical descriptions, and a focus on the horror rather than the eroticism. In a quest where the main character is so singularly sex-focused much of the time, and the narration is more consistently horny... Well, /qst/ might just not be the venue for you, if you have to censor or provide off-site hosting for 20% or more of what you're writing.
>tricky road to hoe
I guess so.

As horny as elf maiden was, iirc there’s only really 1 sex scene per thread. Everything else is taken relatively seriously.
>Racemixing QM
>Abortifacient QM
Both are the writer's barely disguised fetishes. You want a moniker? Sneak in YOUR weird fetish
Build a 1000 bridges and abort 2 kids, they won't call you bridge builder QM
Though tbqh I only read your high school quest and remember you as the dad NTR QM
>Build a 1000 bridges and abort 2 kids, they won't call you bridge builder QM
Do they have to be my own kids?
Ask someone more knowledge about abortion lore
The smut scene was one of the most unhinged things I've read on qst and I've read a lot of shit
Return to Highschool was.. quite something else. My time schedule was shit, my motivation wasn’t particularly high, and my writing a little too bloated. Still, it holds a certain place in my heart. The date with June at that coffee shop was one of them.

to abort your own children is to do so only for yourself and perhaps your partner
aborting someone else’s kids, though…

i ought to add more shotas and hags in loveless gal and farewell to cavaliers…
you haven’t been on ao3 i take it
Absolutely terrible. Good work

Moral of the story: everyone will forget your milquetoast good enough 7/10 quest. Write dad cucking race mixing baby killing shota sniffing quest if you want to be remembered
I have but 'son making homemade fetish porn with his dad's girlfriends for revenge' is still some of the most wtf shit I've ever read lol
average nyantcha plot
I include lots of fetishes, but racemixing isn't actually one of them, believe it or not. Raceplay weirds me out.

The 'love triangle' with the dad was an odd part of that quest, but the premise and execution outside of that one 'we tunnel buddies' moment was really superb.

I love slice-of-life quests with light supernatural or sci-fi elements. I wish we saw more of that genre. Downerquest has a bit of that vibe, which I enjoy!

Honestly, the prevalence of stepmom porn n mainstream sites suggests it's a weirdly common fantasy. Genuinely oedipal. Freud would be very excited and/or concerned.
Cause guys wanna fuck their mom. But not their real mom. Knowing the actual person ruins the fantasy
I guess, but I bet a bit of the whole 'kill your father' aspect of the oedipal complex is embedded there, too. In this case, 'cuck your father', I guess, by stealing his hot young girlfriend. I'm not a psychologist, though, just a guy who's aware there's 10 years and 31 volumes of "My Dad's Hot Girlfriend".
>mommy kinks? yay
>oedipal complexes? nay
Poor Oedipus though. When he learns he banged his mom he tears his own eyes out and gives up his kingdom and then some bum calls incestuous desire for one's mother after him. Guy takes nothing but Ls. Electra complex isn't much better, penis envy should have been named after her instead of wanting to fuck your own dad, since she absolutely had penis envy. Fucking Europoor psychologists are dumb as shit and probably from broken households.
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Could you make a GOOD fantasy quest though?
I blame game of thrones for making incest mainstream
There's also the prodigal son where anons voted to be cucked by the dad which is an even more confusing
We also have a disguised Oedipus quest on board atm
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>stepmom porn
Coward shit. Go full Oedipus or don't bother
>the prevalence of stepmom porn n mainstream sites suggests it's a weirdly common fantasy
Ackshually it's because real incest is illegal in america and porn studios use step- as a legal loophole. No idea why anons on a mongolian basket weaving forum bother with it tho
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I have to feel that my quest (Backwater Town Breakdown) having an awful cover image has really harmed people checking it out, so I made a proper one for Thread 2. Thoughts?
>The smut scene was one of the most unhinged things I've read on qst and I've read a lot of shit
can you give us the gist of it ?
>average nyantcha plot
a good example of a great artist so does unhinged fetishes. I like her demon "nun" story and characters, even if it's another le evil church thing.
>Honestly, the prevalence of stepmom porn n mainstream sites suggests it's a weirdly common fantasy.
tbf I see it as more people wanting the mommy fetish due to being less successful romantically + wanting to bang someone else's mom
freud was a member of the tribe, anon. that explains most things.
>There's also the prodigal son where anons voted to be cucked by the dad which is an even more confusing
what do you mean they voted ? I read the archived one after finishing the another life spinoff he did and there was no vote to get cucked there, it was already in the story that we left for the cruzade due to our father marrying our crush
Oh yeah mate, that's a HUGE improvement.

Of course the first image had a totally different vibe, it felt more like we just got a snapshot into a single frame of a larger game or world, much like we walked in on someone playing Dwarf Fortress or an oldschool browser-based MMO style game, which for a small scale fully "game first" Quest can totally work, but this much better encapsulates the theme and quality level of the Quest as a whole and elevates it. I don't know what this Quest is about but this new title is much more promising, and even doing something as simple as writing the title of the Quest on an image is a massive improvement and a sign that the Quest is less likely to flake early compared to so many other QMs who just use some random fantasy art asset they ripped from google.

Also I just looked up your Quest- what the hell man!? You got nice art in here. Show it off to people!
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Yeah, I definitely made the mistake of showing the map rather than anything like a cover image. The art in the thread is mostly just me messing around with Aseprite effects and tracing over images then making weird backgrounds for them. For example, Roth is just the mechanic guy from The Mist. Thank you for the feedback though, very helpful! Also, enjoying your quest!
There was a poll in the beginning why the mc left and anons voted (or samefagged) to be cucked by the dad
Iirc it wasn't even in the votes, some anon wrote it in
halo wolfpack quest .... enclave quest .... i believe..... *sends power*
I read it after it got linked on qtg so memory's fuzzy. Basically high schooler son makes threesome fetish porn with his dad's secretary/mistress and girlfriend. It gets weird and fetishy and ends with the son declaring 'we tunnel buddies now' to the dad. My words can't do it justice, find the archive you can
>There was a poll in the beginning why the mc left and anons voted (or samefagged) to be cucked by the dad
there's no such poll at the begining, anon.
>Iirc it wasn't even in the votes, some anon wrote it in
from what I've seen, it was the vote for the reason we left and it was tied between hating our stepmom and leaving for the cruzades against our father wished and the last voter chose both and commented that we were in love with our stepmom and that's why we became a cruzader https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5871209/#p5871286
I doubt OP was influenced by just this one anon
Yeah I’m pretty sure it was a write-in

From what I can remember writing…

There was this secretary, June, who dad had an affair with. But that was a while ago.

Then he started dating a friend of MC. Like a highschooler or uni student or something, i don’t remember.

Anyway, MC fucked both of them and recorded it. Send it to his dad.

Also I vaguely remember meeting dad and basically saying “if you mess with this friend again we will kill you.”

Also shit got pretty weird. I remember one plotpoint about stopping a virginia tech school shooting by doxxing the address of the school shooter.
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RQM 3 quests in a nutshell
It was the 2nd poll. OP asked why the mc left for the crusades and gave four options-
>A) You fled after uncovering a dark family secret that threatened your very identity.
>B) You were exiled by your father for disobeying him.
>C) Your father had remarried and you hated your new stepmother.
>D) You left to join the crusade against your father's wishes.
Anon writes in-
>E) Your father had remarried and you loved your new stepmother.
Another anon supports it. Third anon combines it with-
>E) Your father had remarried and you loved your new stepmother.
>D) You left to join the crusade against your father's wishes.
>You were in love with your stepmother so you left and became a crusader
Voting to be in love with the woman your dad is rawdogging every night is a cuck move
>Then he started dating a friend of MC. Like a highschooler or uni student or something
Why do quest dads hate their sons so much lol
>Anon writes in-
>>E) Your father had remarried and you loved your new stepmother.
This is why I railroad
>Anon writes in-
>>E) Your father had remarried and you loved your new stepmother.
>Another anon supports it. Third anon combines it with-
>>E) Your father had remarried and you loved your new stepmother.
>>D) You left to join the crusade against your father's wishes.
>>You were in love with your stepmother so you left and became a crusader
>Voting to be in love with the woman your dad is rawdogging every night is a cuck move
alright, I missed that anons did a writing vote with that E) option. dammit guys.
>This is why I railroad
you can just deny the vote and ask anon to vote on another thing, which it seems Prodigal Son QM didn't care about
Rookie QMs are often too scared to veto write ins even when they really should
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Yeah, but it's oedipal to be looking for legal loopholes around mom-son stuff.

>tbf I see it as more people wanting the mommy fetish due to being less successful romantically + wanting to bang someone else's mom
Maybe, but the fantasy of 'showing dad up' is probably prevalent in a lot of those less-succesful people, too. Just my theory based on other stuff I've seen and read (not just porn, kek)

So far only Tips is even close to approaching my political power fantasy. The Infiltrator and Theral were both totally divorced from anything I would want in their political ideology, apart from (in Theral's case) the very generic fantasy of being respected and venerated. Tips is a bit of a hippie contrarion, but I consider the other two 'bad people' by my own standard.
Prodigal Son's dad didn't actually hate him, but was unaware of his deoth of feeling for his friend and wanted him to marry 'up', IIRC.
The only reason we are still talking about this quest and the highschool one is because of the fetish shit. Moral of the story? Embrace the degeneracy and be remembered forever
Men wanting to fuck their own mom - Oedipal complex
Porn companies putting Stepmom instead of birth mom - legal loophole to avoid jail time and make money off men with Oedipal complex
Oedipal anons writing Stepmom quest on an anonymous image board instead of real mom quest - makes no sense
>Oedipal anons writing Stepmom quest on an anonymous image board instead of real mom quest - makes no sense
They don't want to fuck their mom, but do want to defeat/humiliate their father. Simple as.

I was personally more interested in what we would do as an out-of-nowhere billionaire, and about the other time-traveler we discovered.
>They don't want to fuck their mom, but do want to defeat/humiliate their father. Simple as.
Ah now I get it. Daddy issues instead of mommy issues

>I was personally more interested in what we would do as an out-of-nowhere billionaire, and about the other time-traveler we discovered.
I'm pretty sure there have been multiple quests like that that aren't talk about half as much as the Oedipal one
Come play daughter of the palace. We have:
>Magical Space Empire
>Local girl just can't wait to be king
>CUTE and FUNNY protagonist, but not in the weird perry way
>Ice planet native forced to live in super tropical paradise world
>the slow and meandering death of childhood innocence as the realization sinks in that the world is an ugly place filled with ugly people whose attempts to soothe their own scars only serves to scar those with less power than they.
>CUTE and FUNNY protagonist, but not in the weird perry way
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As a first time QM I gotta say, the players have been super cool and nice and it has been really fun so far. I have two questions though, one for any of my players here and a general question. First question is what made you click on my quest with this cover image, In my opinion its pretty bad. Second question is how do you guys encourage write-ins? I have been keeping the options to my prompts very simple so that people would want to add in their own ideas or do you see very simple options as being lazy because I could definitely see it like that.
Make all the default options terrible
I clicked on it because you advertised in here, moreso than because of the image itself. It does seem to indicate a drawquest, though, which is a DRAW all its own.

As for encouraging write-ins: reward them when they happen; that definitely helps. Simple default options can encourage more complex write-ins, but only if there's a lot of strategic nuance or informational depth. Or really contentious subject matter, kek.
Lmao, I do that sometimes as a joke

So I feel like that's whats been happening quite a bit with the write-ins. So if Im gettimg this right, as long it's not so vague as to what SHOULD happen next, I should be fine with simple options.
Unironically. Not actually terrible, but in a few votes have a painfully obvious way to proceed that is not included in the optons. This lets anons get in the habit of thinking about possible write-ins.
I don't see why not. Lengthy options make it really clear what players shoudl expect next, but simpler ones are fine, and encourage people to elaborate their intentions if they have something speicfic in mind. The important thing is that there's no a lot of instances where you/the character interpret a vague prompt in a vastly different way from the players, breaking immersion/agency. Downerquest and Versequest both do quite well with generally simple prompts.
Thunderhead didn't give a time frame for the next Wolfpack thread, did he?
Still 2 more times than it comes up in most quests, and you also type up massive posts like this one both here and in the threads of other QMs

I didn't click on it, it got advertised
As for the quest itself it feels pretty early for write ins - we're still learning the setting and just got thrown into an unfamiliar and dangerous situation.
Honestly just ask your players to write-in and someone will
If you're writing for other's approval, you will never have 'enough' and feel inadequate until you drop it. If you're doing this for the (You)s, they come easier on other boards with bait, and you'll depart for that. If you're not writing for the love of the craft, being a QM will never bring the satisfaction you're looking for. There have been days where I only get 1-2 people voting, but if you love what you're writing enough that won't matter. Write for yourself, and let those who choose to take the journey with you come too.
A very healthy and admirable attitude.
It's honestly simple, man. It's your life, why would you live it for someone else?
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Ok, nice, good.

I think it's sad that you guys couldn't think of one good thing to say about /qst/. What is sader still, is that you reply with silly aggressive shit. Haha, do you really think posting reverse psychology shit or insulting dungeon meshi would """own/defeat"" me or something? Why even respond? You have been given brain cancer by 4chan, and are constantly on the defense like some kid who was bullied in school. Sad.

With a 1 to 4 ratio of nice questers to bad questers I'm not surprised this board has been on a downward slope since inception, and that the turn over rate for people making a quest is so high.
You're really lame. You really think the prosocial, healthy response to beg for some smug rando's approval? Kek. Fuck off, loser.
Nice bait bro
Here's your you()
The guy you're replying to is Sojourner. The troll behind the tranny femboy spam. Don't feed him (you)s
Alright. Thanks got the heads up.
What makes you think Sojourner spams low-effort quests? He flakes almost every time, but he always seems to give it his all in terms of art and even writing.
Anyone else feel bad when you decide to play videogames, or anything else instead of working on your quest?
>He flakes almost every time
>he always seems to give it his all
I feel ya. Still, remember to take breaks, your players will still be here
To an extent? But only if I'm doing it to delay an update I probably could write right now or if I'm being a lazy sack of shit and not writing period.
Without a break to recharge your mental juice, you'll go stircrazy. Breaks are fine.
The femboy elf from dungeon meshi made it obvious that it's the trans quest spammer
His all is just very quickly depleted. He gets uoset or discouraged quite quickly, but I always got the feeling he was genuinely. He doesn't half-ass the art, and includes well-written passages. Just look at Royal Rumble, Spooky Scary Quest, or that Sister of Battle oneshot.
His life cycle:
>Gets upset
>Blames his players
>Fishes for attention (you're here)
>Tries again
I don't buy soj = tranny spammer, but D4rpztLn and 8r1vNw1n is 100% him
>Stepmom instead of birth mom - legal loophole to avoid jail time
So getting two actors and calling their characters son and mum is illegal?
>So far only Tips is even close to approaching my political power fantasy.
you're a hippie or at least appreciates it ? also if the only complain is the political part, the other 3 things checks out for the other 2 kek
>CUTE and FUNNY protagonist, but not in the weird perry way
tf is a weird perry ?
I think they mean 'pervy'?

I already said there are some fetishes I like (and many I don't, as well, but a keen-eyed observer can probably tell which are which, kek) in my quests. As for being a hippie, I'm at least sympathetic to 'why can't everyone get along?' peacenik attitudes and a default attitude of helpful kindness, yes.
What do you have against Soj that you need to slander him like this?

The quest abandoning is bad enough, you don't need to make shit up
You have to find what makes you truly happy in this world and pursue it. No one else is going to do it for you, as no one really cares about you or how you feel. They only care so far as to how you make -them- feel. So go out and seize your own happiness, make of yourself what you and you alone want.
You can put fetishes in your quests but only if they're good fetishes.

Is the good fetish a good fantasy adjacent thing or what?
Honestly, this. You have to write something that you yourself are genuinely interested in, and can get excited about. I have lots of fun plotting future events and interactions between characters in my quest.

If you absolutely must, you can put unpopular fetishes in quests, so long as you don't pour a weird amount of attention or passion into it. Treat it like subliminal messaging and just sprinkle it in there, but don't focus on it for any significant amount of time, even if it really gets you going.

You have to take a somewhat dispassionate, distant approach to it. Like you just casually dropped it in there on a whim, and not to serve your own selfish needs. If the players want to point it out and make a big deal out of it, that's entirely up to them.
Would this be considered an acceptable fetish? >>6008650
Does anyone have that worm pdf for the unfinished ttrpg I've seen it posted here in worm quests a couple of times.
I find it greatly amusing that these "inevitable lore changes" were because GW was waffling to include women in their game, when they already have women in their game that they actively ignore.
This meta motivation is always ignored or glossed over, though, because there are "it's happening but it's not that bad" and "it's happening but you're a bigot for thinking about it" narratives to push.
Personally, I've been wanting GW as a whole to burn for about 20 years now, just because of how insufferable their playerbase has always been, and how much that insufferable nature has changed form yet has stayed insufferable, but it's just fun to notice inconsistencies, flip-flopped principles, and other nonsense that's pulled in their defense.
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The KING OF /QST/ tournament is up and running! Register today to support the greatest guy you know, whoever that may be!
A kid with the power to SUMMON GUN goes on adventures with other kids with powers in the neighborhood, builds social links, helps the town with their problems that can all be solved with violence, and slowly uncovers a conspiracy started by his father years ago, leaving a wake of broken-hearted single mothers and experimental, fatherless children the boy has to fight to uncover the truth.
There is a tsundere who can summon either a bow or rapier, a goth chick with ice magic, a big tough dumb guy, a short smart electric guy, and a fire guy who can summon a katana but likes to crossdress.
Also, there's a super secret redemption arc for the neighborhood bully that makes him a healer (the only one you get in the game) but requires you to take beatings and look like a bitch for a little while.
This poster 6014454 isn't Sojourner, he's some offsite/board tourist who's just farming (You)s. This >>6014560 is Sojourner. Nobody but Soj defends Soj anymore.
Your post is defending Soj. Hello Soj.
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I actually also like Sojourner's stuff. I wish they finished more often, but even so. His artwork is amazing, and some of his quests remain inspirations to me even in their incomplete form.
>Nobody but Soj defends Soj anymore.
hes not wrong
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I never knew soj personally but his art is pretty cool.

24th February of 2024.
If you like his stuff, why didn't you convince him to come back to /qst/ and make a high quality quest that you guys so clearly need?
I drink oftten.
Last vote of Seven Against Thebes Quest #2 is currently taking place - I invite everyone to shitpost wildly in the thread now that the thread #2 arc has completed.

Also, free free to vote to allocate Hippomedon's FATHERHOOD LEVEL-UP STAT BONII, since this vote closes at 11:30pm EST.

Because he drops them literally every single time, Soj. Even the ones where nobody 'insulted' him by making the slightest criticism.
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"The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?!" was updated.

Because he flakes every time and blames the players for losing his motivation.
Sojourner detected
Nah, RQM just consistently has shit takes.
I also saved this image lol
He recommends quests with absolutely shit grammar and prose for some reason

I don't select my quests based on grammar or prose. Unless something about the formatting or writing is REALLY bad, I can forgive those things for fun concepts, neat art, or sheer whimsy. That said, a quest with legitimately excellent writing (like Seven Against Thebes, Disappearing Hogwarts,, Gotha City Beat Cop, Path of the Exorcist, etecetra) is always nice, and more likely to hold my attention long-term. This is a 4chan board, though. Can't expect wagyu beef at a run-down diner on the rough-side of town, you know what I mean?

I mean, my own prose is so-so at best and I'm prone to typos. Who am I to judge?
I think your prose is pretty good
The typos though....
To be fair I'm shit at those things so I cant talk.
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Ending post of Captain N. in the Yiddish Catacombs - 10 minutes ago
Opening post of Dark Investigation: Rabbinic Tunnels - 5 minutes ago
Doesn't exactly take a great detective, does it?
Is it against site rules to start a new thread after ending a previous thread?
It's probably the infamous tranny spammer, or some anon who thinks they're somehow 'countering' the spammer.
Silver Knight Quest, is it worth reading?
let me rephrase that. Is the OP writing an anime plot or more serious?
Thanks, anon.

>The typos though....
They're part of my *~*style*~* I'm lousy at proofreading my own stuff and, more problematically, I tend to find little things I want to change RIGHT as I go to post, and then fuck up formatting/spelling making these last-minute changes.
I like it. Prose and grammar seem good, too.
Seems more serious, thus far.
>I'm lousy at proofreading my own stuff
I use Read Aloud in Word, mainly as I'm dyslexic and I overedit as I write.
Been browsing the site for years, interested in starting a quest but have 0 experience on the game side ( rolls, stats, etc) any advice bros?
Use maid rpg
Do something stupid and fuck it up really bad with a different name/trip first so when you know what you're doing you can pretend you aren't a clown. Failure teaches more than success after all.
You don't really even NEED mechanics or rolls. Plenty of quests operate without them. If you want to start nice and easy, just crib the dice mechanics off of a quest you like, use Simple d6, or do the classic EZ mode approach: pick a DC/probability that seems reasonable to you, and have players roll 1d100, Bo3.
2nd primarch is a good example of this
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I have returned from illness in style (with a massive formatting error!)
A peak into that queen tournament thing has made me realized, through a discussion between two anons about hos scary a big cat that could mimic human voices would be, since that isn't too out there of a concept since cats of all sizes try to copy the noises their prey make, made me realize something.

Where the fuck are the horror quests. I know it's hard to write good, effective horror, and the medium of quests would make it harder, but has any QM tried to give us a good horror quest?
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When will someone run a GOOD horror quest?
This is getting out of hand, now there's TWO of them!
Hey everyone, Bunker Quest is now back to having updates! after I’ve finally come back from probably one of the worst storms I’ve ever been through.


The MC finds a box of respirators ruins of his old shed, and a mutated squatter drenched in blood.
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Not until October
If it’s even a fifth as frightening as ventucker ntr we are in for a devilish delight
I'd hardly call it frightening. More like annoying that some people actually voted to keep it.
Honestly I don’t give a fuck about space monkey voter discourse I just skim passed all of the tism and just read the cool things bananas puts out
That's not really discourse autism, there just wasn't anything frightening about that update other than some people actually voting for it to happen.
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People have complimented my ability to draw horrifying scenes and my monster designs, even with my cartoony artstyle. I find it very encouraging!
>People have complimented my ability to draw horrifying scenes
I'd say 'gross' is the more accurate word

Most drawfags just aren't willing to draw stuff like that here.
One of my favorite pieces of childhood horror is the section from Little House in the Big Woods where Laura Ingalls describes how the local wildcats scream like women to lure people in to attack them.
Whatever you do, keep it really simple. Mechanically overloading yourself is really easy to do in this format, and most players aren't going to learn the intricacies of deep mechanics.

1d100 Bo3 has a 50% chance of being over a 70, and can be a good system if you intend for your protagonist to usually win, with the occasional setback. Toss in Crit-fails and Crit-Successes for extra drama. Set a DC if you want different things to be different difficulties, or just say anything 50 and over a is success if your quest is more relaxed.
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How dumb would it be as a QM to kill off my quests' waifu?

I was thinking that the main character leads a ground invasion. Soon after there is a battle in space where the warship which the waifu is on gets destroyed, only after a long bloody but successful battle does the MC win and then finds out his wife is dead. This turns him more hateful and detached from his humanity while being plagued by vision of her, changing his view of war from being a glorious path of change to a necessary evil.
I do not think having a gigantic railroad would be a good idea, no.
First of all, you don't get to decide how the MC will react, only the players can.
Second, how they will react is deservedly accuse you of railroading.
I played in a quest where the QM killed off the MC's sister for "character development". People hated it.
It wouldn't be a railroad, just an external event that the MC isn't there to control. If the children of hurin was a quest and the MC was turin, nienor's suicide wouldn't be railroading imo.
Waifu killing only works if you can switch your MC or youre playing from a perspective where your MC isnt an MC persay so much as your current pawn, Monke Quest and Dragonborn Antipaladin do this pretty decent, mind you Monke Quest inherently has people who hate every vote anyone makes ever because everyone in those threads has terminal autism
>QTG Discord

Link is broken/expired
Which archive includes /qst/? Warosu and 4plebs don't seem to
>mind you Monke Quest inherently has people who hate every vote anyone makes ever because everyone in those threads has terminal autism
It's a thread about running a country and dealing with shit like racial laws, genocide, politics, and eugenics. And bananas constantly throws gas on the fire by adding stuff like "make alien cuckoldry part of your culture" votes. No shit people argue.
I actually think railroading some major event is fine so long as you realise that the players may not react how you expect them to. As >>6016515 said, they may hate it and leave since it seems like their efforts were for nothing. Or sabotage the quest somehow if you stumble upon autismos. However, the peak of qm mastery is stockholm syndromming the players into following and loving your quest regardless of content...
archived moe
Nah, Cougars just sound like that. They were probably fighting and or fucking. And by cougar, I mean mountain lion, not older ladies with a taste for younger men
Killing off the players' waifu by abrupt QM fiat will cause the mother of all shitstorms and, depending on how emotionally invested they are, the particulars of their death and how long they've been around, the backblast may well burn your quest down.
If handled well, will raise the stakes and be celebrated as an insanely good bold move.
If not, you'll get player wrath.
How the fuck is killing a waifu off railroading? Is having the mc go out on an adventure railroading too? By that logic any narrative the QM creates is railroading.
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>How dumb would it be as a QM to kill off my quests' waifu?
Extremely. The longer they've spent time with the waifu, the worst the shitstorm will be if bae is permaded. Especially if its an event as scripted as that with no foreshadowing. That, and the main quest character is defined by the choices of the players and sometimes the discussion inbetween if QMs take their words to heart. Unless you're clairvoyant you will not be able to accurately predict the players' emotions. That said, what usually happens is that everyone gets mad at the QM if events like these are out of their control. The more convoluted the circumstances, the worse that backlash gets too.
archive.palanq.win, but its extremely new and only goes back as far as January 2022

It's usually my last-minute messing about and then hasty posting that results in my biggest issues. That, or when I give a character an accent/lisp/dialect and then cannot simply use automatic spellcheck to fix their lines.

There have been a couple of really good ones, but they always seem to slow down and/or die. Final Girl is a good one that will (hopefully) finish. 'You're Invited!' and Hunter Quest were both quite promising, as was Wanted Dead, but all sadly ended. For completed one-shots, I liked Corner Solitaire and The Inside Place, or Hobo's Epic for a more grounded/psychological horror-comedy about mental illness on the streets.
An xcom/ xcom inspired quest would be fun, high fatality, anons' tactical autism, tech trees...
My Quests on here got deleted for bitching about trannies on /tg/, so I'm putting them off-site, on the fediverse, and I'm starting with this one:


I personally think that setting something up like this without a chance to escape that fate is a very potent way to generate salt. However, it could also kill investment, especially if players feel (as >>6016512 does) that it constitutes railroading.
Including the foreshadowed/forewarned POSSIBILITY of waifu death, however? That can work. At least two waifu characters in my quests have died, and one husbando was lost forever due to circumstances. There were some shitstorms here and there, but apart from losing one particular player I didn't at all mind losing, it mostly went well. This was because choice and chance were involved, though, rather than predestination and QM fiat.
Waifus are meant to be killed.
Cougargirl Cougar Quest when?
Is she a girl disaster former OL NEET Otaku?
I think you're right that it isn't "railroading" by the strict definition of railroading, which involves the MC's choices not mattering (players vote to go north, but there's a pile of rocks there, so you force the MC to go east instead). "Railroading" in this case would involve the players voting to save the waifu and the waifu dying regardless of their choice.

That being said, I don't think players would particularly care about the "technical definition" of railroading. They would perceive offscreen waifu death as an unwarranted punishment and a violation of their agency, and I think they'd be right to do so. QMs aren't writing books-- there's a genre expectation that MCs should have the ability to influence major events, and you break that expectation at your peril.

If you're deadset on killing the waifu, I strongly recommend tying it in some way to player choices. If you give an option to protect the waifu (at the expense of something else major) or leave her be, and the players vote to leave her be, killing her is fair game. If you give them a choice of what warship the waifu should be on, and they pick one, and it's the weakest type (or you roll a 1d3 for which ship gets destroyed, and she gets unlucky), it's fair game. Even if you foreshadow that the warship is going to be targeted, and you give an option for a write-in, and players don't understand and ignore the foreshadowing and don't write anything in, it's more-or-less fair game-- though I'd expect backlash for that too.

>only after a long bloody but successful battle does the MC win and then finds out his wife is dead. This turns him more hateful and detached from his humanity while being plagued by vision of her, changing his view of war from being a glorious path of change to a necessary evil.
Are you a new QM? This kind of thinking is poison to the medium. As a QM, you control *what happens to the MC*-- so, technically, it's under your power to kill the waifu offscreen. I would strongly recommend against it, but it's under your power. What is *not* under your power is *how the MC reacts to what happens*. This is up to the players. If you required a MC turned hateful and detached after his waifu died, you should've built that into the backstory.

In general, I strongly recommend not becoming attached to any highly specific way the MC "should" react to a scenario: if you require a narrative to play out in a highly specific way, write a book.

>But what if it's in character for the MC to only react in ONE specific way to a given thing, so I'm justified in taking agency away from the players
Then your MC is very weakly characterized.


Extremely stupid post. Not every quest is a power fantasy
Death is ultimately just a tool and it's up to how you use that tool.
A lot of what the other said rings true: You can't really force the players to feel a certain way and killing off a waifu out of the blue is very liable to make people very pissy.
If it's part of a backstory or something, sure, maybe. But 'boohoo my wife died' is a very stock background detail so it'll probably ring hollow.
It isn't. Dumb fucks have no idea what they're talking about.
>Not every quest is a power fantasy
I know. I ran a quest which multiple people dropped because there was "too much suffering." You can run a scary, a difficult, or a depressing quest if you want. You can even run a quest where the waifu dies, and I provided multiple methods to accomplish this without making people overly pissy. The difference between a scary, difficult, depressing quest that people want to play and a scary, difficult, depressing quest that people don't want to play is the level of agency players have. If scary, difficult, depressing things happen as a consequence of players' actions, people will be scared and stressed, but they won't usually be mad at you. Alternately, if scary, difficult, depressing things happen, but players have a chance to respond before they get even worse, they won't usuallybe mad at you. If they happen arbitrarily with no chance to respond because you're forcing a plot twist or certain story development, they will be mad at you. That's the way it is.

Do you have a real argument?
>My Quests on here got deleted for bitching about trannies on /tg/, so I'm putting them off-site, on the fediverse, and I'm starting with this one:
why would you quests be deleted for bitching on another board ?
>Death is ultimately just a tool and it's up to how you use that tool.
Nah Death is a 9/10 goth cutie who I would do things to with such degeneracy and ferocity that it would later be declared illegal by all civilized countries of the world.
This discussion makes me imagine a quest where you play the Waifu, trying to avoid being killed off for drama/ plot demands. If it were magical girl yuri, it'd be even more interesting
Reminds me of a quest elsewhere where MC was the Waifu trying to snag a slot for a standalone spinoff series of your own.
There was a quest about a background character trying to get a main role so they wouldn't fade from existence ages ago. Before we had our own board
>anon asks for opinions on an idea, and how it would play out on this board, with this audience
>anons reply, telling anon how they will react if they run into this as players, and expressing that they think it's a bad idea
>"wtf noooo, these people are all idiots!! they have no idea what they're talking about! fucking retards!"
Have fun with Jaded Veteran With a Dead Wife Quest, I guess, but obviously some people aren't going to enjoy it.

I heard from Narrator that there was some smug weirdo rambling about this on the Discord. I assume it's the same anon.
Dangerously based.
Where was power fantasy even mentioned? Is power fantasy in the room with us right now anon?
What's this? An unexpected detour regarding Deianira Hippomedion, witch of Thessaly and daughter of Hippomedon?

I just remembered that one shot Manga, where instead of being turned into a magical girl, the girl who made a contract with the cartoon animal fairy became a eldritch looking Kaiju.

That concept would be cool, magical kaiju girl quest. Not sure if they'd be monster girl, cosplay, or like the one shot 100% monster kaiju, but I think it has potential
I know isnt it great, I get dreamy eyes when I see him lord over me and the rest of his players, before I used to be one of the masses snarling and biting, but now I snap and bite because I see Monke quest as an opportunity to let out my vitriol on swathes of retards who differ in opinion from me while not looking like the most schizophrenic one in the room
Oh yeah. He posted a tg bait thread, everyone told him it was distinctly bait and deserved to be deleted, and he had a 5 hour meltie since he expected everyone to automatically circlejerk about trannies just because it’s 4chan. He blocked every single person who spoke to him and then got lonely at the end of his spergout and demanded they beg him for forgiveness. Also he’s Mormon (converted) and writes every quest using extremely obvious chatgpt. Really funny day.
Sorry for the delay bud, next thread tomorrow
>why would you quests be deleted for bitching on another board ?

Global ban
>I heard from Narrator that there was some smug weirdo rambling about this on the Discord. I assume it's the same anon.

I brought it up, yes, but that was actually a separate incident. The topic was about how trannies tend to infest online games but not IRL ones. I asked about how to rehabilitate online play in that /tg/ thread. That thread was deleted as off-topic.

I pointed out how the thread was on-topic and it being incendiary to troons didn't change that. People freaked out, so I blocked them. They didn't like being blocked, and so they turned it into an all-day meltdown.

Thanks senpai. I wanted to go onto the Discord or onto one of these archive sites because I wanted to dig up my old posts before they got deleted. Ended up finding them on the archive site.

I'd skip the Discord, though. They think that on-topic posts which offend trannies are off-topic.
Yes, I said that. What's your point?
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You're a pathetic loser. Stop posting.
>The topic was about how trannies tend to infest online games but not IRL ones. I asked about how to rehabilitate online play in that /tg/ thread. That thread was deleted as off-topic.
Dumb and extremely volatile topic, but if you want an answer, you reprimand or even remove them like you would for any asshole player. Being a troon is secondary to how a player approaches a quest, if they rock the boat then shut that shit down.
Not going to lie, you sound exhausting and maybe underage. You do you, though. I am a huge libcuck, so not like my opinion matters, kek.
That's gonna be a yikes for me dawg. Wordplay is great, but naming yourself after a whiny tool like the ol' Fredster just ain't it. That guy is a dweeb. You should avoid that guy like the plague, anon. He'll probably try and convince you life is pointless and you should kill yourself.

Instead of learning how to make cheesy bread and realizing that damn you like being alive and eating cheesy bread.
Well, troons have a really bad reputation so I just reflexively remove them, but they're fucking everywhere online, so that's quite exhausting.
>They would perceive offscreen waifu death as an unwarranted punishment and a violation of their agency, and I think they'd be right to do so.
That's absolutely retarded. People die in war all the time. If you give players the choice to change every death, you aren't writing a quest, you're writing an omnipotent power fantasy for nerds
He talks the same way everywhere he goes yeah. Not actually underage but he’s genuinely mentally retarded and teenage-brained. He:
>Started adding people to discord to take his side
>Set up a poll going ‘did I win this argument?’
>Claimed that everyone he blocked could undergo a ‘redemption arc’ by decrying the first person to call him a retard
I mean, if you are exhausted by someone saying that on-topic things are on-topic and then disregarding your opinion if you try to argue otherwise, then sure, I guess I'm super exhausting.
If you're too scared to write the story you want because crybabies might complaint about "railroad", you're a terrible QM and I don't want to read anything you write
A story is not real life. A story game is even further removed from real life. Just because something happens in real life doesn't mean it makes for a good story or game.
Well, I feel better about myself now. I've never been that pathetic, even in my cringest years
We probably should avoid shitting up the /qtg/ with the same shit that was already seen extensively in the discord server. You know, at least try to keep it pleasant and on the topic of quests instead of the latest lolcow.
Yeah, you people really should stop embarrassing yourselves. I came in here to discuss Quests, and others decided to bring up how my on-topic posts were off-topic and "cringe" because they offended trannies. This really isn't the right hill to die on, especially a second time.
Trans women are women. Cry all about it you want, it won't change the facts lol
Thank you for beating me to the point. +1

Okay, anon, feel free to run your gritty and realistic war quest where the waifu and all the rest of MC's friends and relatives die offscreen with no warning because of QM fiat. Then come back here and tell us all how many engaged players you have.

Alternately, read Black Company Quest, a gritty war quest where beloved side characters are killed off like flies, and the players accepted and rolled with it. They did this because the deaths were caused in part by player choices and in part by dice rolls, not because the QM waved his hand and said so. It's a great quest and great object lesson.
>People die in war all the time. If you give players the choice to change every death, you aren't writing a quest, you're writing an omnipotent power fantasy for nerds
Yeah, people die in wars in real life. But this is /qst/, goddamnit, and QMs are writing interactive fiction first and foremost. And you've got the wrong idea of a power fantasy; there's a big difference between actions having consequence and getting hit with a conga line of failure and pain. And by consequence, I don't mean falling rocks, but actions made by players having effects on the quest that won't always work out in their favor. Throwing curveballs like "wife dies lmao" without any action on the player's part leading to that event will make them feel cheated. Unless you make it clear early on that she WILL die, or has already died, it won't go well for you. If you want your Jaded Veteran with PTSD and a Dead Wife Quest, the wifey has to die before the events of the quest or very shortly after it starts.
Alternatively, read The Black Company by Glen Cook, instead of the fanfic. And yes, good people die there for no reason all the time
>Yeah, you people really should stop embarrassing yourselves. I came in here to discuss Quests, and others decided to bring up how my on-topic posts were off-topic and "cringe" because they offended trannies. This really isn't the right hill to die on, especially a second time.
He said, trannyishly.
He has a sort of playbook he alternates through like Pokémon moves.
>You are having a meltie
>Is this the hill you want to die on?
>You are embarrassing yourself
>Retarded hypothetical question- do you understand? Yes or no?
He’s used 3/4 already. The whole pseudo intellectual spiel is a cover for the low level his brain operates at.
>2 posts by this ID

This is a quest board. I'm recommending a quest which educates about how to write a good quest. People are welcome to read the book series, and I'm sure it's good, but lessons about how to write books do not universally apply to quests. What works in a book, which does not not have game mechanics and does not rely on people reading and engaging with it on a daily basis, is not guaranteed to work in a quest.

Again, if a QM would actually rather write a book, that's what they should do. But they can't force a book story into a quest and expect good results. This is my last response to 1-post-by-this-IDs.
I’m actually quite interested in reading black company now, for exactly that reason. I do want to observe how the QM made those dice roll deaths seem natural and acceptable to players, something like that could help quest writing greatly if the right lessons are taken.
Change your story because whiny anons might complain is terrible, terrible advice
Vonnegut: “Be a sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.”

Not every quest needs to be escapist wish fulfilment for neets. Let anon write something real for once
What changes other than the time that it happens? I'm assuming that the question was about a quest that hasnt launched yet (but if its a running one then ill pray for the players). Killing the wife isn't the problem so much as its done at the cost of player agency. If it has to be done, then so be it, but God help you if you're more than 2 threads in and she bites it after several dates with the player character, with zero forewarning.
If I wanted real life I would go outside. I want to suplex robots. And fuck ghosts. And get high on Mars the god, not the planet I also want to imagine self insert as a person who can stand. The casual apathy of an ever marching world is stifling enough to live in, why would someone want to imagine it, too?
I think railroading is a lot less of a filter when it happens in the introductory phases of a quest. That’s just called the premise at that point, and if someone called me a railroader for having a set prologue and quest concept, I probably wouldn’t want them voting or reading in the first place.

But yeah if it happens with no warning 2 quests in, and the wife is an actual CHARACTER I think it would be upsetting. Not so much if the wife was just a background element though.
>Suddenly the chance to prevent the death of a single known and narratively involved/important character is equivalent to being able to keep everything alive forever
Can't tell if this is bait or if you genuinely believe these situations are the same. Hoping it's bait for your sake.

You can't see what they're made of when they're dead though?
If you want players to engage with your story, you must write a story players can engage with. If you feel you can convey miserable world or random pain and failure in a way layers will still find interesting enough to check in on every day... Go for it. Your quest's success or failure will be all the evidence you need. However, if you want (you)s and ALSO want to disregard everyone who repsonded to (you) here out-of-hand, (you) may find it's an uphill battle.
You have to understand that most quest players are losers irl. They don't want to read high literature, they want to escape their shitty lives. Of course, there is an audience for challenging high fiction, but a board on 4chan ain't it

literally just do this
And this is why Hollywood keeps making endless marvel slop

Measuring your success with (you)s is how you end up writing popcorn slop for the rest of your life
Yeah I've already had better luck on fedi. But then again when you think on it, Quests are very CYOA and they're accessible to better people than the average 4chins sperg
Then why write a quest or ask what people think about a quest idea? Just write a book.
Honestly, this is the biggest weakness of the medium. Most quests don't rise above the quality of a generic harem fantasy light novel because QMs have to follow what the players want. So you're never gonna have the red wedding, your story will end with Robb killing the bad guys, saving his wife and living happily ever after
Most quests are already wish fulfilment goyslop. Let anon try something different for once
I don't know, you can do it. Supreme Space Monke Leader involves many a controversial and unpopular decision and is still popular. My first (real, lasting) quest involved the MC losing her husbando and dying alone. The second quest had a controversial dead waifu, and the third has had its share of hard choices where people weren't happy, yet kept playing. Other QMs and players have mentioned Black Company and Sworn to Valor as having difficult/unpopular decisions and resolutions. People even reflect fondly on Prodigal Son V1, even as they lament the (almost immediate, formative) choice for the CM to be 'cucked' by his dad. I think you can run a quest where players are generally happy and yet are presented with more than a cakewalk power-fantasy.

There is some truth, though, in that a QM afraid to EVER upset or challenge their players will probably run a very milquetoast quest.
Your mom will die, anon. You can't save her, it's inevitable. A quest that explores the main character dealing with the inevitability of innocent deaths in a war is a lot more interesting than the 100th "you killed all the bad guys and saved your wife" quest
A quest about a character coping with loss and quest where the QM says "you feel upset and turn your back on humanity because I killed you wife off-scren, vote for whether to scowl or sneer" are not the same. How close you hew to the latter will determine how fondly your quest is regarded.
Hollywood pumps out constant [BRAND] stinkers to hold onto intellectual property rights more than people paying to watch its garbage. Most movies are excuses to sell toys to kids nowadays. If you're going to point fingers, at least point them correctly. At people with kids and no involvement with their children's lives.
I've successfully bypassed this issue by just rolling dice. Making the outcome a matter of fate, rather than QM railroading, is much more amenable to players
Prodigal son is a great example tbqh

In Prodigal Son V1, the mom dies, dad marries the MC's childhood friend, MC gets cucked - we are still talking about the quest three months later

In Prodigal Son AU, MC saves his mom, marries his childhood friend, doesn't get cucked by his dad - literally no one cares about the quest and it's already forgotten

Moral: don't write generic shit, be ready to hurt your players like they owe you money
>People even reflect fondly on Prodigal Son V1
I wouldn't exactly call it "fondly" lol
Prodigal son is a great example of why you sometimes SHOULD veto player votes and railroad, instead of the other way around
In tough times you can always just write fanfic of an established universe.

Pokemone quests and that Gotham cop quest show that you can run slop and nobody will care as long as they get to see their favorite superhero/pokemon/mythological figure.
That last post is obvious bait.

>I wouldn't exactly call it "fondly" lol
I don't know, I only even checked it out because people in the /qtg/ kept hyping it. It wasn't bad, but I got a bit of a 'partly written by Chat-GPT' vibe at times.
Well duh, slop sells, otherwise (((they))) wouldn't be selling slop
Any QM that allows his players to cuck his MC is trash by default I never read it either, just going by /qtg/
I don't get the recent obsession with cuck shit. I want to believe its a massive meme pushed by a group of dumbfuck porn addicts with nothing better to do, but I don't really have proof other than it feeling inorganic to me. I don't want to believe that everyone on the internet magically grew shit taste in fetishes
Out of curiosity, since your every post in the /qtg/ is about how lame this medium and forum are, why do you post here? You say you have to railroad to even make your quests worthwhile, so why not write a book or, failing that, a quest in a place where you respect and appreciate the players?
>recent obsession with cuck shit
I wonder (((who)))) could be behind this
>how lame this medium and forum are
I said most quests are don't rise above the quality of a generic harem fantasy fics (or are the writer's barely disguised fetish), which is true
> You say you have to railroad to even make your quests worthwhile
If you don't veto retarded samefagged votes, you're a bad QM
>a place where you respect and appreciate the players
Lmao. Where do you think we are?
It's not recent, sadly. See: Iliad, or the cucking of Menelaus
True, but people used to self-insert as Achilles the hero, not Menelaus the cuck lol
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>Where the fuck are the horror quests.
Moth agent and Backwater town breakdown are currently running.
And some other attempts have been made.
Innocent people randomly dying in war - not railroad
Main character being upset about his wife's death - not railroad

This is one of the greatest written scenes in fiction. It would never happen if the writers listened to you crying 'railroad' and 'no foreshadowing'
You watched MASH? Shit and I thought I was old. I never did. Why, exactly, is this "One of the greatest written scenes in fiction."? What is the impact on the rest of the show? Because as a scene on its own it's just
>guy we liked died, am sad
>now we sad too

Kind of need to include the context around it for it to actually make sense to people who have not watched it. Is that at the very end of MASH? Or is there more to the show and the entire tone of it changes? As a single scene independent of the rest of the show it doesn't strike me as particularly great, I've seen other media where someone is reported dead, it's not exactly a unique thing.

I do understand that watchers of the show were shocked about it at the time. I don't equate that with it being "good" but rather long running and people were complacent. So could you maybe go into better detail about it so I can see where you're coming from?
Unironicaly great example. If anon can make the wife even half as likelable as Henry Blake before killing her, it'll be an all time classic quest
>He's arguing with a furrfag

war never changes...
The average /qst/anon isn't ready for something as heavy as the Children of Hurin. They want power fantasies where the hero always gets the girl. I'd suggest running your quest elsewhere.
Easily the best advice
I love how the two sides of this argument are
>Your players will hate you and be right
>Your players will hate you and be wrong


There’s literally nothing wrong with this and /qtg/ is an echo chamber, run your quest the way you see fit, aspiring QM.

50% of the people here are just baiting anyways.

QMs should respect their players and that partly means putting them in difficult situations.
Bet you won't pull this off in your quest.

Well I killed my MC and ended my quest once, if that counts for anything…
>Goy ID
>Bet you won't pull this off in your quest without it dying.
How about - Your players will hate you now but remember your quest fondly years later?

>Mash kills off one of its most beloved characters off-screen without any foreshadowing
>People get mad and send thousands of complaints
>Writers stick to their guns
>50 years later, Mash still has the highest rated finale of all time
You seem to have a very reductionist approach to Mash's success.

Players like quests with real stakes, even if they lose sometimes and get mad in the moment.

Seems straightforward to me.
Stakes are a possibility of losing. If the loss is predetermined, there were no stakes from the start.
Exactly. This is why power fantasies are instantly forgotten while Greek tragedies survived for centuries
Dude, Greek tragedies have no stakes. Every viewer knew exactly what would happen. The way people enjoy them is fundamentally different from the way people enjoy a game.
Stakes = having emotional investment in a character's fate. See: Achilles, Odysseus, Oedipus etc.
That is not a definition I've ever heard.

Here’s a nice review, anon

Quote directly from your link:
>When we talk generally about the stakes of something, we’re talking about whether the potential losses or gains we might face are worth the risk of doing it.
This is exactly what I said. Potential and risk. Not predetermination. And the "doing it" part is also crucial - the stakes are about something the character is doing, not something that just randomly happens to them. And in a quest, the players are the character, and the stakes should be about what they do. Coming back to the original question, if the players' choices resulted in putting their waifu in potential danger, that's stakes. But if she was in danger because the QM put her there - that's not stakes at all. Even if the MC put her in danger, but it was in the backstory of the quest - that's not stakes because it wasn't the players who did it.

Anon, your quote, and the words “generally”, “talk”, “potential”, “losses” and “gains”, do not seem to appear in the article I linked at all?

Perhaps you could provide a screencap where you are finding your excerpt? I am struggling to locate it.

Here’s another quote directly from the article about character deaths:

“Make a character die. This is a common part of storytelling – sacrificing a character is a sure-fire way to evoke emotions, to make the stakes high.”
Newfags, go read this short quest on how to execute a major character death.
Zoastaan protects!
You completely missed the point of Lesches' article
>if the players' choices resulted in putting their waifu in potential danger, that's stakes. But if she was in danger because the QM put her there - that's not stakes at all
By your logic, there's be no stake in any book, because it's the writer putting the characters in danger, not the reader
This argument is dumb.
Don't you like dumb arguments? You held off on updating your quest for a whole day in the hopes of having one.
"1 post by this ID"
bro, you obviously enjoy arguments and actively do updates that cause them like the ntr update
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It's literally the first sentence of point 5.2.1

Are you aware of the difference between a book and a quest? Between a reader and a player?
My logic, and the article, states that stakes are a result of the MC's actions, meaning the actions of those who control the MC. In a book, that's the author. In a quest, that's the players. There is a fundamental difference between a book and a quest, and as long as you ignore it this discussion will go on in circles.
You are confusing player agency with player omnipotency. A player can control the main character's action, not the entire world.

So you’re suggesting that all emotional stakes of an MC must derive solely from player choices?

I personally don’t understand this take if so, external sources of tension/stakes are critical to quest settings, if you ask me.
Can you explain what exactly you mean by external sources?

That is not what I'm saying at all. If the players could control the world, no stakes could ever exist in principle. What I'm saying is the players should be the cause of their misfortune in some way.
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If you wish to talk about something else, here's an idea:

The Rabbinic tunnels investigation quest and the memeworthy news of Brooklyn tunnels made by jews this winter have inspired me to try a oneshot about tunnelling in a large city after I'm done with my current oneshot.

First take on how to integrate this detail into the quest I had is make this some kind of cult building thing where you have to build a network of secret tunnels to carry out high-profit illegal operations like human trafficking and drug smuggling in a late 20th century Earth (or not!Earth?) setting. Featuring unlockable gods and rituals as you delve into eldritch secrets Cultist Simulator-style and go from one man to a massive network throughout the city, culminating in a ritual to summon an avatar of one of the gods into the city. This would probably end midway if it's a oneshot with the scale of progress required to end the game or need to have a brisk pace to finish it in 1 or 2 threads.

Of course, it all sounds good on paper and as an abstract idea but would probably require some preparation and I'd underdeliver (my quests usually have 1-3 voters, 3-4 on good days) but it's still something I may try out in the future. Perhaps one of you can do this quicker than me? It's a fun concept and I would play it with pleasure if it is done by a better QM.

The above idea is pretty straightforward regarding logistics since you only really need to obtain special resources for rituals and food and consumer goods like clothing are taken care of.

A more logistically complex concept I thought of, and my second take on the "tunnelling under a large city in secret" detail, is the construction of an Under-City by ratmen in a fantasy setting (not Warhammer, idk much, or really even little about it). The question I was faced with is: how would the ratmen obtain food and goods if they cannot be seen by the citydwellers without exposing the whole operation? In Warhammer I think there's the term "Under-Empire", so a GLOBAL set of tunnels where goods can be transported over large distances, but what if that aspect is not present?

Also, how would the ratmen establish new colonies if they are wiped out in a city or simply haven't reached it yet? Would they burrow from a secure place under the city walls and into the sewers after arriving from another colony over land? When they're there, would they steal the tools or set up secret camps around the city to procure resources? Would they get food by stealing from the countryside and intercepting carts on their way to the markets or by growing some fungus or something in the tunnels or abducting the citydwellers and eating them?

And most importantly, how would they conceal it all with the scale of operations required to build a city under a city?
(little cont.)
I really like this idea and would like to try a oneshot about it, but racking my brain over these questions and can't come up with answers.

If you have any other comments on this feel free to discuss.
I should probably update my quest now lol
>the players should be the cause of their misfortune in some way
You can do everything right and still lose your family in a car accident. That's not railroading, just life. Asking for everything to be influenced by the player is simply foolish
>Dude, Greek tragedies have no stakes
Incredibly retarded take
Yeah, but I think we all agree Lord of the Rings probably would have been a lesser story if Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli all died at Helms deep to random arrows. Realism isn't a useful tool for media, people just mistake other useful tools for it sometimes.
>Where do you think we are?
I know very well that this isn't some hug-fest full of high art, but I write here because I enjoy the interactions and input of he players. Your philosophy seems to be that most of them are losers who are getting in the way of good stories, and QMs need to ignore their suggestions and votes to write anything worthwhile. Why both writing a quest here at all, is what I'm asking?

You keep using examples from media in which there is no audience participation, which is a fundamentally different animal. In the example provided at >>6016505, the players will probably react poorly if they've been given the impression their wife can be saved, and then they are blocked from doing so without any chance to alter this fate. Well, if they're at all attached to the wife character. If they're not, they just won't care.

Either way, how the character reacts to this tragedy and changes his views as a result of it should realistically be within the span of player control. A QM probably shouldn't say "your characterization and opinions and objectives have all changed, now vote based on this new characterization," but rather hold a vote (or several) to determine which direction the players wish to take the main character who they are, after all, inhabiting and directing as their avatar.

Just my two cents. Quests aren't books, or movies. They're quests.
It would also be a lesser story if Tolkien kept Boromir alive because killing him off might upset his readers

It's been a while since they appeared in my quest, but I used D&D-style wererats who ran a lowkey, less-fancy and less-cultic version of this, with a sewer-based thieving collective. Maybe some of the ratmen could be more human-looking, at least enough to disguise themselves.

A lot of the answers you seek can probably be answered by the players and their votes as to how to approach these problems, too. Anons can be surprisingly clever at times! Sometimes they'll solve a narrative problem you thought intractable with a shockingly simple (or incredibly elaborate) workaround!
I used Mash as an example because it proves you can kill off a beloved main character offscreen without any foreshadowing and still be one of the greatest written scenes in history. Your advice not to kill a character because it might upset some players is a terrible advice in general
I don't think anyone is arguing in favour of no stakes and no character death ever, just that important characters being killed off automatically, off-screen, after building investment in them can come across as cheap and break engagement in this particular medium and forum. But it can also be done well, I'm sure. It's all in the execution and presentation. Just be aware if you normally allow rolls and votes and such, and then don't at one key juncture for a character the players are genuinely attached to, you'll get salt.
I suppose it works in a story about the random and sudden miseries brought on by war. I honestly don't find that scene especially impactful, but probably would if I was attached to the character. However, in a quest, my ability to get attached to characters would potentially suffer if I knew that any character I expressed attachment to could become a casualty of QM fiat to build stakes and squeeze emotion out of me at any time. You see this in D&D campaigns where some players write all their PCs as orphans or last survivors or whatever to avoid giving the DM a little sister or parents or wife to dangle over them or kill for drama.

Again, not saying "never kill or endanger any character players like", as I do so fairly frequently. Just be careful how you approach it, especially if the players have no way to avoid it and the expectation that they should get a shot at doing so.
Let me explain one more time

Innocent people randomly dying in war - not railroad
Main character being upset about his wife's death - not railroad

Player agency - main character who is upset about his wife's death can now choose to (a) try to stop the war so no one dies like his wife again, (b) take revenge on the enemy by blowing up their civilian ships, etc.

Player entitlement - cry "railroad", try to force the QM to retcon the death and go back in time to save the wife, etc.

Player entitlement - "I stop being upset at my wife's death because as the player only I get to decide how I feel"
Go write a fucking book then, you faggot. Why the fuck would you make a quest if you clearly don't actually want players to choose?
I didn't accuse you of railroading, anon, or suggest that the players should be allowed a 'retcon' or to vote for the character to be unemotional. I think your proposed a and b options are fine. I don't think the original example where the wife's death automatically makes the main character more hateful and detached, and less idealistic, and changes his approach and goals without any vote on the matter is a bad idea, but your proposal seems fine. There's really no need to be so defensive or condescending.

Good luck in your quest.
>Just be aware if you normally allow rolls and votes and such, and then don't at one key juncture for a character the players are genuinely attached to, you'll get salt.
I don't think "roll to stop the death star from blowing up alderaan" would make the story better

If a quest leads in with the idea that your mission is to infiltrate the Death Star before Alderaan is destroyed, and that your main objective is to save the planet, and the QM lets you roll and vote on strategies all to get to the power source or bridge or whatever for the purpose of stopping it, and then at the end of thread 1 or 2 the QM just says "and then the laser fires anyway, because there was never any actual chance of stopping it, this was a predestined event, and Alderaan is gone, sorry not sorry," that might feel cheap to some players. If you'd be fine with it, that's cool. I'm sure other players and QMs might, too. Sometimes a 'predestined' event is fine. However, you will get some salt. It's up to you if you're okay with that... But why even ask in the QTG (or pitch the idea here) if you don't believe/care about/value this input? Just do it. Run your quest. The players who are okay with this approach will play, and you'll filter the ones you don't like/appreciate/respect. It's a win-win.
Because it makes you mad
>A quest that explores the main character dealing with the inevitability of innocent deaths in a war
That's not what you're talking about writing though, like >>6017208 pointed out

Again, like >>6017498 said books and shows aren't interactive like quests are, and you don't seem able to understand how that changes things. A great book wouldn't necessarily be a great quest or even a good one. You can harp on and on about how famous writers say tragedy is a good chance to explore the depths of your characters, but that advice is for when you're the sole writer and control every aspect of the world. In a quest the main character is piloted by anons. All you'd be exploring is how a bunch of strangers on the internet react when you betray their expectations. I know it's difficult but I hope you can come to understand that.
That's not what anon wrote at all. His prompt was you lead a ground invasion and win, then you learn your wife was killed in an unrelated battle in space. A better analogy than what you wrote would be a rebel from Alderaan winning a battle in a different sector and then learning the empire blew up his home planet
Yes, that's why the framing and context are important. If you're playing as Leia or one of the droids who were trying to stop the Death Star, players will think it's cheap. if you're playing a character who was unaware of and couldn't do anything about he Death Star, and a beloved NPC is killed off on Alderaan, the reactions will vary, but some people will lose investment and some will probably become more invested. If you do this too often, players will likely disengage from social/romantic elements, in my experience. One thing I don't think the QM should do is frame it as something that can be prevented, then deny the players the option, OR tell the players exactly how the main character must react to this outside of general distress.
I have nothing against you in particular, just that you're giving absolutely terrible advice to that anon
I am gonna screenshot this.
You don't seem to understand that not every quest needs to be about player wish fulfilment. Sometimes your players will be angry or sad at character deaths and it's okay
This discussion is retarded. How about we move on to more pleasant topics like "Bratty Elf Femboy Magician Correction Quest"?
You're really glossing over and strawmanning a lot of what I and others are saying, as I suspect >>6017668 is. I'm not recommending wish fulfillment quests with no deaths, stakes, or sadness. That's not even what I run. I've had major failures, losses, and important character death. I see this is going nowhere, though, so again: good luck. I'm done with this circular discussion, personally, and I wish you all the best if any of you is actually going to run the Veteran With A Beloved Wife Who IS Alive (for Now) Quest .
Oh hey, it's Sojourner.
I think your quests would be a lot more memorable if you stopped being scared of upsetting your players. But ya, this discussion isn't going anywhere. You do you
Absolutely based
Anon, please, I behoove you: actually read. I am not some people-pleaser terrified to upset my players. Ask them about Davora, Edwin, or Irinnile.
Just wanna add that Lesches had the best take in all of this

>There’s literally nothing wrong with this and /qtg/ is an echo chamber, run your quest the way you see fit, aspiring QM.
>QMs should respect their players and that partly means putting them in difficult situations.
>they argued about a subjective metric for 12 hours
You need to actually do your hobbies instead of talk about them.
>an 'echo chamber' where there was 12 hours of disagreement from a variety different perspectives

Anon, we do other things between replies. We don't only spring into existence to post in QTG.
Can't wait to see how many updates it'll be until he drops his next quest.
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>We ... spring into existence to post in QTG.
Ah right, you don't just kill our loved ones, you have them leave us for other characters sometimes too.

Soj... My king...
Just wanted to get the last word and say that advice given on /qtg/ can be discarded at your own discretion at any point. You just can't say you weren't warned.
Damn it, my IP jumped again
Cool, can't wait to get back into it.
Can AI read shit out loud for me yet (for free)? I don't know how to read but want to consume a quest.
TTS has existed for a long time already
what do you use
Certainly. The important difference is that Boromir's death served a powerful purpose in the plot and underscored the themes of the book. Imagine a universe where Order 66 in Star Wars was replaced by a freak accident instead of being the culmination of three films of machinations. My primary point was just that random abrupt character death might be realistic, but it rarely makes for good fiction (the horror genre being but one of many excellent exceptions).
microsoft sam or something
This sounds terrible, I don't want this. Noe one wants this.
>players roll to withstand the dark powers and toss the ring into the lava
>QM comes up with stupid railroad bullshit like Gollum grabbing the ring and falling with it!
The comment earlier about writing Rob in the Red Wedding got me thinking.

The Red Wedding is a consequence of the different decisions Rob made earlier. He never lost a battle, but flubbed hard at diplomacy and pissed off enough former vassals and friends to make them flip sides.

If it was a Quest maybe it wouldn't go to the extreme of a flat out 'everyone dies you lose' but there has to be SOME sort of setback as a result of the decisions made earlier.

When the results of flubbing a dice are so bad for the story, maybe you shouldn't be rolling at that point. Or maybe you should because it's funny.
Halo Wolfpack is back!

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Not worth talking about a quest that won't make it past 5 updates.
Read anon's prompt again. Accusing him of railroading is like accusing Tolkien of railroading for The Scouring of the Shire. Even if you toss the ring or win the battle, war can still reach home and your loved ones might burn with no fault of your own
My point is we wouldn't have the red wedding, order 66, or the scouring of the shire if the writers were scared of upsetting their readers. Advising a new QM to self-censor because some anons might cry "railroad" is retarded advice
>Read anon's prompt again. Accusing him
Why are you talking about yourself in the third person there?
>Anon is STILL only using examples from stories
This. Is. A. Quest.
We need someone to run a quest for 5 years and then just kill off some fan favourite characters to test out how it'll play out. Any takers?
It can't be worse than what the quests who end up running for that long usually end up like. If you find some quest from 10 years ago in the internet, even in another site, it's probably going to be an retarded disjointed mess that should have ended a long, long time ago. The only long running quest i like is Space Monke, and even then, that's because it's an "civilization" quest that constantly rotates through a quest of characters.

Every single time a story runs for too long, it's usually going to end up like shit. There's a sweet zone out there that exists, which can heavily depend on the story and medium in specific, and anything out of that zone is either too short to be good, or so long that it becomes a shambling zombie.
>through a quest
through a cast*
This brings up a different discussion:
When, and how, do you end a quest on a satisfying note? How long is too long?
>When, and how, do you end a quest on a satisfying note?
Well that depends entirely on the author actually having the guts to estabilish an 'endgoal' and moving towards it.
>How long is too long?
It's too long when it's been like a decade since you've started and your story is the narrative equivalent of spaghetti code. Stories this far gone have usually reached a point where everyone is or has had sex with everyone, everyone is gay, everyone's backstory is somehow related, there's been so many threads that the only people who play probably know who the other voters are by name, and yet somehow you're only like 50% of the way to your goal because the author has fallen in a weird never-ending loop where you somehow keep progressing, yet the horizon keeps getting farther and farther.
ded bord
Yeah, sure.
Go make that molewoman mud wrestling quest you pitched.
Nobody is proposing any form of censorship, dude. A specific approach to a specific scenario wa spropsoed and various anons explained why they didn't like it, or advised caution in how to approach it. Get a grip. You're starting to sound hysterical. Criticism and advice you disagree with isn't censorship.
Thread auto-archived, will make a new one tonight after work and update the turn at the same time.
Did SATQ get archived?
If you give retarded advice, people will call you retarded. That's just how it works
Run the quest, anon. It's the only way to be sure.
I didnt come on here to be turned on
You're welcome, I guess? Why did you copy and paste this here?
lmao wtf?
I wanted to check the writing quality of the guy giving writing advice. Picrel was my genuine reaction
Weird, since the discussion wasn't even about writing quality so much as which narrative decisions work, and how in a /qst/ quest. I never did claim my prose was good, though, or that my 9coccasional) lewd passage was somehow high art.
Art, or the sexual frustrations of a middle aged libcuck
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To be fair, trashy writers can sometimes be decent critics, and vice versa.
He's goal post shifting because he can't win the argument with his own reasoning. Has to fall back on trying to virtue signal like some sort of libcuck. No idea why you guys keep responding to him.
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Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest returns tomorrow!
After an arduous venture out into the forests to uncover a secret route into the stormdrains from outside the city, Fiona's getting an update from the manhunters on the investigations they had been conducting. With these new leads, there will be more work, more opportunities to move up in the Stormwatch, and less places for deadly abominations like Lorppo to be hiding.
Fair, I'll stop.

Hyped about this, though!
He isn't a decent writer or a critic. But I kinda respect that he's going all in with his fetish lol
>Did SATQ get archived?
what's that ?>>6018170
>I wanted to check the writing quality of the guy giving writing advice. Picrel was my genuine reaction
nigga it's literally a sex scene, why the surprise ?
This is a good Christian website that has no place for pornography! /s
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RQM’s smut never really was his strong suit. His prose - while normally wide sweeping and generalized in scope - grows most noticeable when (funnily enough) it comes to combat and sex. He tends to hang back on any thorough description a lot; often leaving the action itself or the body parts unmentioned.

He describes Carlos’ posture as “defensive” but never elaborates nor linger on the specifics in thread 7.

Thread 5 sex scene with Izzy never had much description besides ‘yeah she climbs ontop of you and you reach satisfaction.’

On the thread 8 sex scene I could count on one hand how many times the cunt is described (0)

Speaking of which…

>I write my sex scenes like I write my fight scenes
...Huh. Welp.
For the sex, part of it is to avoid getting over-invovled in actual 'pornography' over the plot/character implications. For the fights... I'm just not very martially-astute and suspect if I tried to get into specific combat tactics, footwork, stances, etcetera, I'd come across pretty clownish
Run an otome instead :)
You know you want to
What is an Otome?
Ah well it's better than writing your fight scenes like sex scenes

Not that I would know
Female main character and lots of secondary, main male characters, preferably ikemen.
Its like a playable shoujo manga
Need to start writing characters that get that loved first lol
Easy, just make a white chick with a dog, which she explicitly DOES NOT FUCK, immediately anons will see her as wife material. Alternatively, an old man who talks shit about everyone.
>Thread 5 sex scene with Izzy never had much description besides ‘yeah she climbs ontop of you and you reach satisfaction.’
>On the thread 8 sex scene I could count on one hand how many times the cunt is described (0)

Uh, it's a blue board dude
What you're asking for would net him a ban
Google docs & pastebins.
>wanting some weirdo google employee to beat his meat while staring at the shit you post there
nah that ain't it bruv
I used to put them in PDFs since you can upload them like images
>I'd come across pretty clownish
A bit late to be worried about that
I was writing a quest and at the end of the chapter the MCs people were ambushed and butchered, only a small number including the MC escaped. This lead to an incredible about of bitching, complaining that the MC never wins and it's too doom and gloom. This was meant to be the hook, the call to action and the MCs drive to fight, instead it killed the quest.
Nah I'm good, it was done in 2019 and was pretty shit.
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Gotham Beat Cop is back from weekend break, with our Flame-Throwing Foe finally fizzling out we can turn our attention to more important things...like our lost phone.

GREETINGS, one and all. I bring to you, a soj quest — if you’re looking to play as a mesugaki prince’s bodyguard, furnished with the usual black-and-white fine quality art, check The Prince out!

Finally, a GOOD fantasy quest!

Yep, you can find it by searching “Trojan” or “Thebes” on suptg.

I archive on thread creation because I’ll forget otherwise
I liked how Herald of Conquest did this. At the start, players killed a bunch of harpies and smashed their baby eggs. It was teased for a while that this was going to have consequences, and the player was forced to go through some nightmare sequences. Even as they became a better person and developed less one-note tendencies, it haunted them and hung over the future for a while until they came to the conclusion that they got away with it one time, but they should never do it again. I remember taking it as a good lesson.
New thread is up!
Which quests are there that ran for that long and which character would have the biggest impact?
I mean to people whose opinions I value, Troll Anon.
Why is this vile pornographer still allowed to post on our good Christian board?
I have yet to read smut that isn't bad, so I don't know why it's being as some sort of gotcha against RQM and not the essential cringe of the genre.
I would personally disregard a pornstar's advice on acting. Similarly, I would also disregard a pornographer's advice on writing. That's about it.
Because someone needs to run the King & Queen tournaments.
Begone! Vile pornographer! Crawl back to the abyss they named Akun!
So anons would rather keep up circular arguments and respond to bait and trolls than comment on my effortpost and actual quest ideas. Sasuga /qtg/.
Well, perhaps it was simply a boring pitch.
Human-disguise ratmen are cool, but not really what I'm thinking of. I guess I've made too strict of a ruleset for how I want to do this rather than setting a goal and inventing ways to reach it. Still, maybe someone else has a genius idea how to solve the logistical complexities of a secret under-city. idk if I want to just throw a problem with no guaranteed solution at the players, say good luck and wait for votes. Although I know GMs (sic) who do this.
RQM's thread have been taken down.
It reeks of revenge, even though it was toying thinly with the "okay" line of a blue board.
RQM were you banned in the process?
Hm. No. Doesn't seem so.
That anon got really triggered, huh.
Yeah. Does make me wonder what to do with that section of the story.
Wants me to try archive it?
I still have partial access to the thread, I can try to snapshot the text/copy it if this is not an option, maybe we can set up an Imgur link or something;

I'd say "relaunch" a thread elusive about the reason leading to the current vote?
Already on suptg
Given a salty loser in the QTG was real up-in-arms, I planned ahead.

Thank you, though!

That's what I settled on, yeah.

Moral of the story, don't get into internet slapfights while running erotic roleplay sessions on a worksafe website.
You're really smug for someone whose crowning achievement was mildly inconveniencing a pulp fiction writer on 4chan, lol.
We don't grant you the honored rank of "pulp fiction writer", you accursed pornographer!
I'm not the anon that reported you lol, chill.
What? How can you do this? It's outrageous. It's unfair!

Not that you can do anything about it. The new thread's SFW, like most of my threads (depending where you work and how cool they are with stories about sinister lizard-people), and now you have nothing.

I'll be honest, I saw a wall of text that started to with references to jewish tunnels and thought "Oh, /pol/ shit, no need to read this."

> how to solve the logistical complexities of a secret under-city
Complex trash scavenging might get the job done. A modern capitalistic society throws away more food than they eat (citation needed), so it would probably be possibly for a sizable society with an effective immune system to live off the scraps and greywater. You could also get into infiltrators, who pretend to be human and actually work and earn money and buy goods for the undergrounders.
A good Christian man who has nothing but his faith will always be better than a vile, disgusting pornographer!
Ban evasion? He got warned you retard, we werent watching a video or looking at a lewd image it was words, and on top of that the erotic roleplay is over, this thread began literal seconds after said scene, and RQM already said that there will be no more erp, why must you hop into a thread that is clearly upsetting you?
Ignore the pornographer and the purityfag. High quality quests have FINALLY returned to /qst/!

Yeah I thought you were the captain N in the catacombs guy
RatmanAnon already said he doesn't really like the idea of the ratmen being able to disguise/infiltrate society, though. That said, you're right about how much waste we produce.

Maybe something based around the people in India and elsewhere who have entire communities in or adjunct to the local dump?


Maybe mix in a bit of the Thuggee cult (and the somewhat-histrionic and embellished colonial accounts thereof) which inspired Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and the modern English word 'thug'?


ie. a group of ratmen who dwell in sewers, graveyards, and dump, harvesting leftovers and corpses? Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest also has some really novel concepts as to a city-underdweller ecology, though they may or may not be applicable to your scenario, and I can understand if you want to avoid being too derivative of other quests.
Is it just me or /qst/ has gotten weirdly horny recently? Tales of thulzar, reptoid's ERP quest, the sneaky Oedipus fic, I'm sure I missed some, lol.
The board has always been like this, Reptoids quests have always had smut just usually linked away from the board as it is a sfw board, the entire quest is based on seduction and subterfuge so its not that weird, he doesnt do them overly but you can expect them, with Thulzar idk what the hell Herder was thinking but everyone in that thread watched him in awe because it was immaculate smut with graphic pictures made with the utmost passion, it was revolutionary in the moment, we all knew the moment we saw Fhor having cuckquean fantasy it was over, but he still pushed on as long as he could before the hammer came down and the scenes were immaculate truly but he was an Icarus through and through
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Degenerate pornographers are trying to corrupt our innocent children.
>the church and gay building are the same building
Clever ruse.
How do you sleep at night knowing you wrote pornography on a board filled with innocent children, you sick pervert?
"This user is underage" is also a reportable offence, anon.
Children are assholes and need to be corrupted as soon as possible as punishment for their crimes of being shitheels.
Agreed. Pornographers are bolder. Fetishists easily take their masks off. Begin cyberbullying pornographers and pedophiles again since we cannot flog them
Antinatalist spotted.
Eat shit, gooner.
Oh no, anon, I support people making more kids. I just prefer not to teach children anything and having them grow up feral so everyone else can hunt them for sport.
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>this discussion
Rolled 3 (1d5)

Need to decide something. Rolling.
1= LC
2= NV
3= TB
4= SE
5= FZ
Nice work, black lung.
Read this in Mace Windu's voice

And I see you did as well.
Dude, it literally happened. There were dirty mattresses & baby strollers in a tunnel underneath a synagogue recently built by illegals to keep it off the books. Why shove your head in the dirt like an ostrich when the truth is right there for all to see?
In fairness, I did try to limit the content in the thread proper and only included details to set the scene and create dramatic/erotic tension for the pivotal decision and fallout. I don't tend to include much in explicit detail as >>6018218 pointed out. I sincerely doubt it would be an issue at all if I didn't have a weirdo tradcath LARPer trying to use me as a lolcow.
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>mfw the cyberbullies of The Lord make me take off my mask
Don't want to turn this into /pol/, but that shit was shut down in a week and investigations were concluded lightning fast. There's no concrete proof of what was down there to make the average person not think you're a right wing kook either. I genuinely think everyone memoryholed it, and there's not much that can be done about it now since everything has been sealed up. It was the most batshit insane happening in 2024, but memories are fickle and most of the focus on jews are over the Palestine genocide. It is what it is, unfortunately.
Hey man I'm just gonna say it, secret tunnels are shady as fuck no matter why you're doing it. Yes that includes you Richard, making that tunnel from your house to your self-made fallout shelter in your back yard.
Yeah obviously molemen are suspicious as fuck, but nobody's gonna talk about it now since you'll just be called a conservative spook
I disagree, I know borderline normies who used to shy away from the topic, that are now openly discussing yid crimes. The future will get worse before it gets better, but more people are becoming aware.

9HnPOFl5 and people like him are the problem, because they insist on having the most alarmist and conclusion-jumping conversation possible in any and every forum and social situation, regardless of appropriateness or relevance. They take a story where some Jews tunneled into a religious building owned by other Jews, they got in a fight, and cops were called, and MAYBE something sinister was happening in those tunnels which got covered up and they turn it into


and then spam it everywhere they go. It makes it incredibly difficult to have an actual sensible conversation about dodgy shit which some Jews might actually be up to. Luckily, since this is /qst/, NONE OF THIS IS RELEVANT ANYWAY. If you're going to hang out here and are determined to talk about this, though, there IS a quest for you:

I think the Torah is a great inspiration for an isolationist faction in any setting. With a splinter organization of supremacists. This is true for most non-syncretic dogmas though. As opposed to more "cosmopolitan" ideas. It also makes for a good schism event of history. Everyone loves watching fundamentalists throw hands with everybody.
Oh, this much is true. I drew heavily from anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and my actual experience of Jewish people and culture for various characters in my own quests, actually, but villainous and heroic. Similarly to other extreme/unusual groups like the Thuggee (>>6018634) or new agey UFO cults (including, IMO, Scientology and Nation of Islam), there's a lot of fertile ground there.
>I think the Torah is a great inspiration for an isolationist faction in any setting.
The Torah is just the first five books of the Bible. You're probably thinking of the Talmud, which is layered chronicles of rabbinic dialogues and not common knowledge to anybody with a basic knowledge of Abrahamic religions.
Westboro Baptist expy or we riot.

Alls I know is it was a "T" name kek.
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>/qst/ has gotten weirdly horny recently?
The organizer of the board's largest OCT in recent years tried to give hypocritical writing advice and got set off by an unimpressive attempt at getting him upset. I'd say that /qst/ is starting to become more like other boards. Which, in a sense, makes your statement accurate regardless. I'm so damn tired.
Both are pretty neat, plus Jewish folklore and mysticism (stuff like the golem, Kabbalah, the little Ezekiel cult that sprung up and got shut down proclaiming him to be 'Second Yahweh'). They even had this whole weird theology back in Middle Age Europe about how werewolves and sorcerers were descendants of lost and forsaken tribes or of nephilim, which is is a neat origin.

You're probably thinking of the Tanakh, which include the Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim. The first one's essentially a mytho-history of the Jewish/Hebrew people, the second was more 'contemporary' (or at least closer) to its authors and bound up in 'currrent' (for the time they were written) religious/doctrinal and religious disputes. The last is essentially a election of poems, songs, and parables. That's how I had it explained to me, anyway.

If you think my advice was bad, that's fine, but how was it hypocritical?
>how was it hypocritical?
As respectfully as I can put this, projection may be a better word. It didn't look alright when you accused >>6017674 of strawmanning when he wasn't hostile, even if he was blunt about what he thought you meant. Some other people reading the thread might get the impression you're insecure about a certain aspect of your writing.
Bros maybe the board is getting hornier because even I wrote a sex scene...
Truly no one abides by the old wisdom any more, "whack it before you post".
But he was, because I never said anything to the effect of
>quests are about fulfilling player wishes and you must be careful to never upset them or their expectations
and in fact had already repeatedly said that my own quests include examples of controversial or upsetting character deaths or other such plot points, and yet he accused me of 'not understanding' that. Anon ignored what I (and others in this same QTG) wrote and what my advice actually was to present a weaker version of my argument centred around idea I don't advocate, then tore down that weaker version he'd created and attributed to me. That's just what strawmanning IS. He did it again in >>6017692. It isn't some random insult I deployed or anything, just a description of the way he was mischaracterizing me and then dismissing me out of hand.

Also not sure you're using the term "projection" correctly, though I could be wrong, and the only thing that particularly 'set me off' is the other anon trying to get me banned for disagreeing with him, then spamming my quest and the QTG with lowkey raid requests. Everything else was just a heated but not overly personal narrative discussion. That one was more obviously personal.

This is the same board that produced Elf Maiden, Lady Knight, and Haremvania. Shortstack's quests routinely have lewd elements, Slice Quest had a post-credits sex scene. Jail Quest is full of lewd teasing, and previous IG quests have included sex and pin-ups. Space Monke has recurring instances of alien sex. My quests have had lewd elements crop up to varying degrees of prevalence for three years. Your own quest had a porn parody a little while back. Sojourner's never written a quest without a bratty femboy or monstergirl getting corrected that I've seen, and is famous for his asses. It's really nothing new, or bad. I wouldn't catastrophize over it.

Besides, Lily is hella cute, for a psycho goth wagie
>Fucking tourist doesn’t know about Haremvania, Humanity Fuck Yeah, Return to Highschool

Why are people calling Haremvania 'horny'? There were zero actual sex scenes in it, lmao. It was just attractive girls. It can barely be called ecchi with how conservatively they dressed, too.
>he doesn't know
bro i was there for haremvania 1 and 2
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Well, it was a quest about seducing a harem of monsters. The premise was a bit horny, about a horny dude, and the fans made horny commentary throughout Also, there's Haremvania 3 RIP

It was a god example of the glorious and longstanding tradition of lewd or horny content in a fun concept where it doesn't predominate and overrun the narrative at the expense of everything else, and ironically as the sequels got more traditionally 'horny' the lore and characters also improved. Haremavnia 2 is genuinely really awesome: touching, heartwarming, spooky, badass, and with good waifus to boot .And Morne was such a cool foe he appeared in the sequel/prequel as an ally. Wish we'd gotten more of that
Anon, I know, I was there. There were no lewd scenes. A girl showing a bit of skin is hardly 'horny'

Furthermore, Haremvania 2 was barely actually about 'harembuilding', it was just a normal story about going through a building. The only girl that actually got to 'romance' level with Von Gundyr was the Doll, and only because she said she loved him.
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>a quest named "haremvania"
>not horny
People talking about horny quests and passing over a fixture like Fuck Quest.
I don't think it gets more direct than that did.
>through a building
Through a dungeon*

But you get my point, calling it horny is just wrong, especially when comparing it to actual smut

Names can be deceiving.
Was't that before the split, though?
Look, you asked why people thought it was horny.

For Haremvania 1:
>the name
>the premise
>the main character of the first one having an inner and sometimes overtly OUTER monologues about snussy, steely thighs, etcetera
>some of the art
>ends with him getting a big titty vamprie (and later all his other girlfriends/waives) pregnant

The sequel is legitimately quite a bit less so, with Von Gundyr being such a reserved man and Ava essentially picking up the slack but in a more low-key way as a comic foil. I agree with you that its name really was deceiving.

Haremvania 3 was max horny without losing its cool factor and lore, for the brief period it lasted. We literally played a thicc MILF with a womb tattoo trying to acquire a harem, drooling over a muscular werewolf, and at one point doing sexy cheerleader stuff as a distraction.
I'm saying that that stuff is very, very minor to call it on the same level as quests with actual written smut. I'm pretty sure that image of the womb tattoo from 3 was the 'horniest' image across the three quests.
Its origins were old as hell, but it did have a run on /qst/, but it had to undergo a name change afterwards. I don't think it lasted.
>a bratty femboy or monstergirl getting corrected
Leave out those last two words, we rarely make it to the correction part.

I think OP Studios ran a few sequels on qst
That's entirely fair, anon. No one is saying everything was equally horny.

Horniness is a spectrum. There is a wide gradient between something like Downer Quest (has a sex scene, but almost every detail is inferred 'off-screen') to something like Greenhorn (lots of sexy bonus art, little to none of is explicit, never post in-thread) to Disappearing Hogwarts (characters occasionally have lewd moments, but nothing explicit unless you count one prolific fanfic writer) to my quest (character fuck, usually off-screen or with a fade-to-black, few details ever given unless plot-relevant, body-parts discussed only sparingly, workarounds utilized to generally avoid moderation issues), to Lady Knight or Elf Maiden (which just barely skirt under the limit for lewd content, but do have a plot outside the sexy) to Do Yoru Best Quest (fully-fledged super high-effort quest, soemtimes an orgy happens in a link) something like that Slave Harem Construction quest a while back (tons of smut, all pastebinned, plot revolved around horny notions, barely strung together by plot, but tongue-in-cheek), and finally to something Like VerseXXX or Fuck Quest (where porn IS the whole plot, and gets explicit art).
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After a little break, new Backwater Town Breakdown update! Had a rough week, sorry.
Dude Morne fucking rocked. He’s the most memorable Quest antagonist I’ve read so far. Utterly stole the scene each time he appeared.
He was certainly the best example i've seen of a "Pursuer" type of enemy where they constantly appear again and again. Every time he appeared was a 'oh shit' moment
If Morne had been in an ongoing quest or Haremvania had even just been more current, I probably would have nominated him for the King tournament. I mean, he's a good dad and (at one point) a pretty good older bro, too, and he's the hero of a serialized comic book on top of it.
Solarpunk #5 is up! Pick up the pieces of your phyrric victory and get yourself together. The world spins with or without you.
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

Hoping Blue returns some day and continues Naruto: Feeling Blue, I was a big fan of his writing style.
The problem is you're conflating everyone who disagreed with you with one troll and lashing out at anons who said nothing wrong.
I don't really feel I am. The only people I 'lashed out' at were a couple anons who both actively insulted me, and you at >>6018569, who were a 1-post ID poking fun at me right after the incident and who I (understandably) took to be the same anon. I'd say 'sorry', but you still have 4 posts which are all getting digs in, so I kind of still feel justified desu. I really don't feel I'm being overly hostile or mean. I actually generally try to be positive and supportive towards other QMs here, and other players.
Rolling for our resident nocturnal financial alchemist to bring order to this thread
in the options field, anon
Not just in quests, but in fiction itself. I already fucking love those Mr. X, Nemesis, Pursuer, Chris Walker type guys. But if I had to list out my favorite, I'd say Morne. Sucks that nobody outside of qst would have any idea what that means, though, and introducing it to them is hard.
Rolled 17 (1d69)

If you're gonna do something crazy, at least do it right.
Rolled 418 (1d420)

We need to go bigger
it’s a thing of ours, if you will
/qst/ may not be high art, but it's produced a lot of stuff I genuinely think is really good, and evinces a very special sort of charm and creativity. Every work here which isn't just bait or a throwaway project has such an auteur spirit of doing what you love or focusing on, exploring, and sharing your specific subjects of interest and style. Every artist and writer here who I've been following these last few years, I feel like I could recognize their quests by a summary of themes and pot beats alone, and yet nobody has yet fallen into a repetitive, 'been there, done that' rut that I've seen.
RQM is a fucking idiot with consistently shit takes but I don't condone snitching on his porn quest because writers should be free to write whatever the fuck they want including their barely disguised fetish smut
The creative soul of the genuine as it exists in questing is honestly the peak.
Not a: the.

Questing is its own Mount Olympus.
Gods and incest accordantly included.
Magical girl delinquent quest....save me magical girl delinquent quest...
That's not how you do it.
Souvarine, Souvarine, Souvarine.
Rolled 856 (1d1000)

Rolling for vampire sorceror
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I'll be the first to say it, Buffy is mediocre.
>I'll be honest, I saw a wall of text that started to with references to jewish tunnels and thought "Oh, /pol/ shit, no need to read this."
>Yeah I thought you were the captain N in the catacombs guy
lmao, can't say I didn't expect this kind of reaction
That's actually a pretty good idea. There are some problems since fantasy settings are not fully capitalistic (they're at least in part feudal) so I'd expect cityfolk not to throw away tools but rather take them to a smith to repair and for food, the scraps may be fed to animals, but it's nothing a little handwavium and a different social mindset can't fix. Thanks for your suggestion, anon.
>gigatrash mountains
These two articles were enlightening. Thank you mr Reptoid. Solarpunk Cleanup Agent... 4 threads worth of big updates is a long read for me. I'm a slow reader by myself, but with quest archives my reading completely slows to a crawl for some reason, probably due to them being interspersed with votes and segmented in weird ways, makes it quite a slog to get through. Maybe I'll check it out but not guaranteeing it. Perhaps the QM himself >>6019075 would be kind enough to do a write-up on the underground dwellers in his quest..? I can understand if you'll say READ NIGGA READ though lol.

In the end I think I will implement a combo of scraps collection, looting corpses + burglary and making use of them tunnels to burrow outside the city walls and either establish contacts with other ratmen colonies or intercept merchant caravans to get resources. Also the underground itself will provide a bit.
Mediocre is generous
Speaking of vampires. I don't think any quest with them has lasted long.
I had a quest idea about a year ago for a quest focused on building a human / other supernatural creature rebellion against a tyrannical vampire state. Kind of inspired by the 2009 movie Daybreakers. I didn't end up going through with it because I figured it would be a political intrigue / espionage story and I'm not really up to the task of the heavy prose needed for such a thing.
OOT is mid. Most famous and 'cult' hits are not inherently good, usually just 'genre defining'.
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Sure, I can discuss how the undercities sustain themselves.

There's three main ways people who live in stormdrains get food
The most obvious of the bunch is legitimate banditry. While there still remain indulgent food for those who pay good money for it, there's still the ultra-cheap dense protein drink fashioned from carcasses ala the funny green drink that makes people point from that one movie, and they make as much of that as there are bodies to throw into the machines because it stays good for a while. Graveyards are an outdated concept, and cremation causes carbon emissions, so your options of getting rid of your dead are feeding animals (ala sky burial) and feeding your family, so there's plenty of soilent green sitting around waiting to be stolen. Not that actual food isn't a priority target.
Mooching is the art of regular citydwellers smuggling legally acquired resources through the cracks and down to the undercities. It requires a lot of skill because there's many methods of tracking bodily intake. There's no cash, at least not in Helsinki, so all purchases are logged and kept in a data center which at some point later logs when that person uses their own personal home restroom and measures expected output versus the input. If there are discrepancies, investigations are launched. Sometimes people are illegally keeping pets, sometimes livestock, in their homes. At worst, they're supporting the undercities by slipping them a few ounces off their every meal. This can be done out of charity, or for profit.
Without going into too much detail as to how they function, there are giant sloth-like sponge monsters called Letiva that live in the stormdrains capable of absorbing any and all sort of junk, biological matter, and fluid into itself. Much like grass, humans can't eat them, but animals that humans eat can. Underdwellers fight hard to maintain control over areas where many of these Letiva lie dead to eat the rats and other animals that gather there. Rat burgers are a preferable alternative to corpsestarch, of course. Further, though much less stable, there are gaps where sunlight can shine into the stormdrains, and some of these are captured using an array of mirrors, focusing the sunlight into a beam and bouncing it around until it is diffused over a patch of imported soil and whatever plants are growing there. This is rare because it's easily traced, and usually done in places far from the major undercities.

They're starving, but surviving. For a city of modern levels of dystopian surveillance, it would be much easier for rat men to get away with more brazen restaurant fridge heists and such, after nibbling on the power wires to cut the camera feed of course.
I remember that film, I actually saw that on release in the cinema which was probably too much effort on my side lol, I think it was Australian? It had Gattaca actor guy also the Event Horizon Jurassic Park guy hehe also a really bewildering and bizarre gore battle at the end yay

Something I remember about that Daybreakers vampire film was the reverse vampirism cure, that turned people back into humans again, it was something like a car crash plunge into a lake through sunlight?? a strange automotive accident reverse vampirism sunshine baptism lol, I thought that was quite original I had not seen that concept in the vampire genre before. This scene was very memorable:

Daybreakers (2009) Willem Dafoe Sunlight Car Crash Vampire Cure scene

I think Vampire the masquerade does have some pseudo Buddhist enlightenment lore about mystical complete restoration of humanity (it is the Saulot / Golconda lore stuff, this)


Another antipodean vampire film is the one with the steampunk Catholic priest brotherhood setting, I think it was called this


I don't remember this film too well but I vaguely recall it as being fairly unique looking and atmospheric, the woman in it was fairly attractive, I was disappointed it did not have more romance narrative hehe but I also remember that the setting seemed somewhat downplayed (there is not very much exposition or explanation as to the worldbuilding or backstory? you just have to accept everything with no explanation)
anons I randomly read the rules for a very unique storygame, perhaps you have heard of it, it is called Bacchanal.

The premise of this game: there are no character sheets or skill checks or attributes, the dice pool is instead comprised of the characters and story elements in the dramatic scene itself.

So the setting is a debauched party in ancient Rome, you have individual DIFFERENTLY COLOURED dice that represent the gods (Bacchus, Venus, Pluto, Minerva) basically the appetites and passions and desires governing the characters at the party. There are also dice that represent two special characters: The Accuser and The Companion. Finally, there are a bunch of dice that represent Soldiers (think the equivalent of Authority / law enforcement / GTA wanted level stars) and also Wine (ie level of inebriation).

So the dice colours distinguish the type of character eg purple d8 for Wine, gold d8 for metal armour Soldier etc, black d8 for Pluto Underworld God etc.

The idea is that instead of rolling dice to decide do I surpass this skill check threshold and do a thing etc, you roll the pool of dice (all the characters / gods (who represent the psychological motivations / desires / goals of the characters) and the highest die determines the course of action in the scene. There are a lot of rules but as you can imagine, the basic idea is what characters are entering or exiting the dice pool (ie scene location) eg if the Bacchus die is highest, you add more Wine dice to your pool. If the Wine dice is highest, you get to narrate more debauchery / decadence. At some stage if the Pluto die is the highest, you must narrate how a crime / blackmail occurs (probably murder / adultery / rape). Then if the Accuser die is the highest, you must narrate how your crime gets discovered etc. The end state is that you only get to flee and escape the scene in the final round after discovery if you are in possession of the Companion die in your dice pool, and also The Companion is highest in the roll (I think the probability of this is quite adverse) whereas in the final scene if there are too many Soldiers in your dice pool, you get arrested or imprisoned or executed. The Minerva die affords you an opportunity for sobriety / awakening from Wine-addled stupor etc (there are lots of other rules that dictate which dice/ characters enter / exit the dice pool / dramatic scene, but this is basically the idea of it)

I read this storygame rpg and thought it was very clever, and you could easily adapt / improvise around the idea of it ie


but instead

>EACH CHARACTER / DRAMATIC SCENE ELEMENT as a separate die in dice pool, highest becomes the dominant narrative impetus
Important to note that, due to the severity of the crime that is being the overpopulation in an overpopulated city, Helsinki underdwellers conduct their raids all across the city to cover their tracks, not just simply where it's convenient and local for them. It's better for twenty of them to get caught a mile away from their destination than have 60 successful heists right in the neighborhood where they're hiding. Again, this is because of futuristic high-tech ultrasurveillance and tracking that takes place there that will actually bring the hammer down on them. In New York where regular ass humans get away with straight-up murder on camera frequently, ratmen might not have to go through such precautions to not slip up, but if they're clever or if the haul is good, they might do it anyway.
I just finished my latest thread and oh man! What Quest am I possibly going to run now!? I just have no ideas at all lol
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I am mostly still nonstop addictively solo raiding Arena Breakout, playing tactical military extraction shooter videogames hehe I also watched all of that Sam Levinson The Idol there is some bdsm stuff and a lot of breasts tee hee hee, I watched about half of that Alex Garland San Francisco tech company sci-fi quantum computing Devs tv series with weird Russia China insinuating political messages (lol resurrect QUANTUM JESUS PHOTONIC CRUCIFIXION, this must be the ultimate goal of Silicon Valley lol) and shamefully secretly watching 90210 (2008-13) look I am very secure in my masculinity, I am playing lots of videogames with manly plate carriers and ballistic visors and assault rifles and things, I am allowed to look at a bikini

But taking inspiration from that Bacchanal storygame, an idea I was working on was a stat system dice pool where it is not just characters and the dramatic elements but also EMOTIONS or MOODS (analogous to the influence of the gods Minerva Pluto Venus in the Bacchanal setting etc)

So take a look at this emotion wheel from wikipedia. You could have something like this in a dice pool (imagine it is like say a high school setting, archetypes like Buffy or 90210 or something noooo cringe nooo I am so ashamed) and then you also select some handful of EMOTIONS and this provides the mood journey or the disposition of the characters in the scene, similar to the Bacchanal rpg mechanic. We don't have a coloured dice roller on 4chan, but you could just delineate / assign characters / moods according to the order of dice in the array

Souv, what an interesting system, thanks for bringing it to /qtg/. Very thematic from a Greco-Roman perspective as well, since on the surface, player “autonomy” is seemingly replaced by the whims of the uncaring gods
souv is this >>6019545 one
I'm afraid to give my MC their own thoughts because it seems people want to have complete control over the characters in quests. Is that really the case?
"i know nothign about pokeworld pokequest"
Take a critter and try not to die in the woods edition?
>use VAMPIRE SORCERY to restore order
hmmm, let me see if I can find an appropriate cinematic sequence to help defuse all tension, arguments, and misunderstandings, pic related, hopefully this will calm everyone down and restore smiles and hugs and flattering amiability, a convivial tranquility to everyone everywhere all around

Watching Euphoria taught me that the best way to defuse threats and impending violence is to use knives. Incidentally I only recently realised that even Hideo Kojima has apparently embraced the transagenda by casting ? Hunter Schafer in his proposed OD horror game
You have a bunch of previous ideas. Use one of them. Pig merchant quest? A second thread of the superhero quest? I dunno. But there's stuff.
That Fantasy quest you were planning. Spiritual successor to Night without stars, it looked like?
Either a good fantasy or a good horror quest.
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Thank you! I thought the Bacchanal story game dice pool idea was very original and unique, it is more of an improvisational tool (ie highest die in dice pool dictates which character / story element takes lead). It works best if each character / dice pool single die has a strongly determined and discernible motivation (eg in the Roman setting gods example, this is quite obvious) you could for example immediately take that setting and substitute in WARHAMMER 40K eg the four chaos gods battling over the fate of a chaos undivided acolyte etc, I think you wouldn't even need to change the dice step sizes (the reason why the Bacchanal system uses d8s is because there are broadly 8 separate dramatic elements etc, but you can easily adjust the system)
So I mentioned I am still working on my alternative vampire setting. As you can tell because I have been watching a lot of Euphoria, The Idol, Buffy, 90210 as well as John Carpenter lol etc it might be a sort of pseudo LA urban gothic type setting hehe. An aesthetic juxtaposition I really like is the idea of a vampire beach (a Beach House?), because you usually associate sandy beaches with bikinis and sunshine which is the opposite of goths and vampires tee hee hee

An idea with the emotions I have thought about is instead of the usual dnd attributes like STRENGTH DEX CON lol how about attributes as EMOTIONS.

I mentioned before the physical simulation type attributes like Strength are near useless in modern drama settings especially with guns (unless you are doing a sort of Cyberpunk or pseudo-superhero type activated ability modern rpg setting) what is far more interesting is the EMOTION underpinning the scene.

So if I did a sort of horror urban gothic / techno-noir type setting, I might have in lieu of dnd attributes something like this, split between positive and negative valence (corresponding to rolling over/under some threshold, ie controlled emotion or outburst / breakdown)

+Controlled: alertness, situational awareness, knowledge and anticipation of threat. Maybe an advanced version lets you manipulate the fears and anxieties of others?
-Breakdown: it can be the classic near paralysis of fright, or maybe even the reverse / overcompensation, prone to daredevil stunts and bravado

+Intimacy and trust stat, NPCs willingly confide secrets in you, seek you out for advice etc. It might also be naivety and being easily influenced / exploited by others
-This might be overwhelming cynicism and paranoia, but also ability to deceive and lie to others

+Machiavellian instrumentalism, making others your playthings ohhh bdsm stuff ohhh I didn't hear the safe word. You need some cruelty to perpetrate any violence or even use weapons
-Allows you to feel guilt / have a conscience. Maybe also too high Cruelty leads to misdirected violence including self-harm

+It is the shame / disgust anger rage hate stat, you can use it to incite online hate mobs. Maybe it also helps you do brash things / not easily embarrassed or humiliated, with risk of ostracisation
-Low values of this stat, a chilled out calm, detached individual. Might appear introverted or passive / and leqd to being ignored by others etc

The idea with the pure emotional stats is to have a natural counterbalance in both directions conveying both advantages and disadvantages (unlike dnd, why would you ever want a low stat in STR DEX CON or anything etc)

Anyway, pic related is a top down picture of a beach house. I am trying to source more overhead / drone view type photo imagery for battlemaps, hehe. Basically imagine this with bikinis and tactical operators with assault rifles and VAMPIRES, or something argh
Interesting setting, I'll have to checkout Solarpunk soon

Since someone already summoned Souv (the beloved QTG mascot), I'll go ahead & double-summon:
in Defense Mode so they can read these ideas, then I'll end my turn.
It really depends on the quest. Some start with a very we-defined PC perosnality, ie. Batquest, Lady Knight, Lodestar's cast or Space Monke's Supremes. Others are more freeform, especially in quests where you start as essentially a nobody or create your character. However, one thing I learned from my first quest is that it's really good to set some parameters of behaviour quickly, either by your own discretion or by having a couple early establishing votes. Otherwise, your character will waffle a lot, slowing down pacing and confusing characterization.

I also stand by my advice that if something dramatic happens to change your character's perspective or to alter their understanding of the setting or other characters, you should not fiat exactly HOW the character responds or changes. That's a good time for a player vote to establish the new direction and to make sure there's not a disconnect.
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Damn. I wouldn't say most of the concepts are unknown to me, but the kind of spin you put on them and how you turn up the surveillance to dystopia tier for your setting is amazing. The sheer cynicism of the society as it recycles the dead into onions green and controls the regular people down to ounces of waste is insane. I guess that's SolarPUNK for you.
The Letiva were unexpected. It think it may be a decent idea to give the ratmen something like this.
Sorry for writing like ChatGPT, but seriously, thanks for the write-up, Mojique.
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Of course in my conception of this setting, outside of your !notBeverlyHills / Bel Air / Newport Beach / Hollywood Hills / Malibu happy sunshine gated community enclave, the residual urban environment probably resembles this pic related. It is of course the John Carpenter Escape From LA style ruined desolation, maybe that Sicario Mexico border crossing vehicle convoy scene and probably overrun with vampires or at the very least some feral homeless people. I have been playing too much Arena Breakout lol, not sure how to introduce more TACTICAL OPERATOR GEAR and extraction shooter scavenging into the LA beach aesthetic noooo it is probably too tonally disjoint discordant and weird argh. It is the eternal impossibility, how to create Tom Clancy Jane Austen argh nooo nooo
are you implying I have been turned into a sort of vampire pokemon, to be invoked and summoned at the behest of any mere frivolous mortal whim...?


You could take a page from cyberpunk literature and have the US federal, state, and municipal governments privatized into “franchises”, with competing interests.

Now suddenly the entire west is engaged with a turf-battle in every level, and above it all, arms dealers are making a killing by selling to all sides…
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conjuring most powerful vampire sorcery invocations to unbind oneself from shameful indignity of pokemon vampire predicament
This is a really neat idea for a stat system. I'd steal it if I thought I could do it justice.

No need to summon Lesches, he is me. I usually lurk the /qtg/ even though I don’t think it’s very representative of the whole board
>federal, state, and municipal governments privatized into “franchises”, with competing interests
It is not a bad idea, I did consider this but I was worried about it straying too far into the stereotypical cyberpunk private military contractor territory, or the Fallout style or Last Of Us post apocalyptic wasteland raiding gangs etc. The small wars journal blog has a lot of good details on this and if you have read William Gibson Periphery novels he explains about this concept called a CCA (Competitive Control Area - basically a lawless jurisdiction, the notion of many competing nonstate armed actors NAAs fighting for control over an area, the concept evolved in administration of Iraq and Afghanistan and a more recent one would be Haiti etc but more and more of the world seems to be spiralling towards it).

But I also thought about deliberately underplaying it, ie not even explaining or referencing this social fracture at all (see the fashion shopping boutique scene in the recent Alex Garland Civil War film). The idea is the collapse is almost unnoticeable

So a sort of near-collapse type setting, the infrastructure is still around but the social order is fraying. The film which I return to often as a reference is The Purge Anarchy (the second one) where society is still sort of normal looking, except... etc.

I also thought about going down the World Of Darkness masquerade route (ie the urban warfare gunfights occuring in the secret supernatural unmentionable vampire taboo world) but it felt too cliched to me. I also mentioned a narrative setup I considered on the last qtg from the Sofia Coppola Bling Ring film, raiding luxury celebrity houses lol (this is almost the exact setup of Tarkov loot scavenging lol, only with Kalashnikovs) but I was unsure of how to develop that scenario lol

pic related is the dress shopping scene from Alex Garland Civil War with Kirsten Dunst and that mentat guy from Dune
I don't say it's an issue if you have a pre-designed character. More often than not, you and your players aren't performing such back and forth minutiae of what the character is doing to say that you aren't doing some of your character's thinking for them. You can't veto quest-derailing write-ins if you as a QM don't think for the QMC on some level, and it would frankly be weird for at least a prose quest to have none of the main character's perspective on things even brought up. I just rationalize the player's decisions with the QMC's mindset, which changes over time to fit the players, as much as the players begin to strongly define who the character is with you.
Thanks, anon. Net -10 Gigaton Carbon emissions by 3250, by any means necessary.
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no worries, you and anyone else are all very welcome, so please feel free to adapt or pilfer or transform anything, go ahead!

I chose just a slice of emotions (FEAR INNOCENCE CRUELTY OUTRAGE) from that psychology wheel for a noir drama / horror setting feel but you might argue for a broader selection of emotions for other genres etc (eg heroic fantasy probably warrants very different emotions).

Also, I should mention I know of a pbta type cyberpunk game which has a slightly different but adjacent emotional system, the game is called The Veil and it is one of the better pbta games (not just genre thesaurus rehash of playbooks etc, The Veil actually has some intriguing worldbuilding ideas) If I remember in The Veil the emotions were Mad, Peaceful, Sad, Joyful, Scared, Powerful (the rules to tilt between states were very different)

The reason why I like to share game mechanics and worldbuilding ideas on this thread given the lengthening gestation periods of my worldbuilding and game design lol, is so that perhaps some of my ideas and inspirations might diffuse into other anon game settings, yay!

You get these Gwent card illustrations which depict inspiration; it is imperative to steal from EVERYBODY

Or another thought, you could go for “pandemic madness”, where repeated global pandemics (caused by ecological collapse in Central Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America) has created so many logistical challenges in the international economic system, that nation-states have painfully reverted to domestic industry. This could create a “guns aplenty” scenario where basically all other goods are in wildly short supply, but supply raids even between ostensibly friendly nations are constant.

Basically, pandemic-induced Bronze Age cattle-raids, overlaid with your vampirism motifs
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Guys... Not like this...
I don't get it. Is him being a bad pen salesman supposed to mean something?
Doesn't seem relevant to /qst/, where art that is a little rough but shoes potential and effoet is usually said to have SOVL, and generally gets kudos.
>Will nickname my next ghost type pokemon Souvarine in your honor.

Tell me, hedge fund vampire wizard. What's the most appropriate way to summon you in the future?
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I liked how the name of the club in Buffy was called The Bronze. It is a very clever name (not just evoking metal, music etc) it sort of suggests an entire historical era / epoch, rite of adolescence / passage and some primitive savagery / barbarism connotations too.

>modern setting
>could you make a game, where the entirety of the action occurs on a phone? (NOT cyberpunk / sci-fi though)
These days there is probably no 'Third Place' (meeting place beyond home, work/school etc) with the fraying of communal bonds etc as the sociologists used to define it or that insightful Third Place playstation advert directed by David Lynch hehe (not as good as his bambi deer one); the Third Place is probably a dating app or some invisible algorithm beyond your oversight or control that pulls the desires of the human meat puppet populace nooo

Sam Levinson is very good with the integration of the apps and the messaging and social media and phones into dramatic narrative (his Euphoria, The Idol tv series all incorporate this really well, very fluidly and naturally) if you think about it a lot of game scenarios or narrative situations unravel with possession of even just the mere capability / near instantaneous telepathy of sending a text message etc. And cyberspace has extruded into realspace, there is no division or artificial duality of the cyberpunk hacker with the electrodes and helmet visor tunnelling through intrusion countermeasures in the virtual neon firewall city because the exact same set of social status hierarchies privileges insecurities anxieties transfer across both domains. If you are wealthy educated attractive popular enough in physical realspace it is pretty much the same bragging online etc (maybe it was different in the early internet or how Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines nosferatu hackers portrayed it lol) it is harder now than ever to partition the self

So I mentioned on the past qtgs I was thinking in my alternate vampirism / re-modernised vampire adaptation of VAMPIRES AS DATA or being possessed / enthralled by data (like humans... as the virtual assistants or embodiments of agentic AI?) Like maybe it is a wellbeing app or something innocuous etc. I had this scenario setup where the beach house
was some sort of lavish celebrity rehab centre, or maybe some sort of mysterious spa-like psychotherapy wellness retreat etc. Alternatively it might be a sort of tech bro hacker house (or online streamer house? maybe a bit 2018 though) or perhaps some co-working / co-living space. This is still an idea I am evaluating, though I have been to San Francisco many times on tech conferences, it does not help that I have never been to LA or rehab lol

pic related depicts a forgotten era that never probably ever even existed
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>Ending post of Captain N. in the Yiddish Catacombs - 10 minutes ago
>Opening post of Dark Investigation: Rabbinic Tunnels - 5 minutes ago

It's a coincidence I created the opening post at the same time he made his ending post. We are not the same person, although I did take the theme from him. I felt the subject would make for a good horror story, with real-life events, real-life characters, and real-life locations. You know, things that can come out of the story and attack you in the middle of the night.
well traditionally probably some sort of virgin sacrifice, yay Please see the definitive cinematic depiction presented in Dragonslayer (1981) NOT the virgin sacrifice in the Wicker Man with transgender Christopher Lee or whatever Nicolas Cage did in the remake. Zooey Deschanel sacrifice scene in Your Highness (2011) also acceptable
I meant in the /qtg/ thread. I find the three-name invocation to be extremely efficient.
>Vampires, virgins
I already gave my disquisition on sex and death on the last qtg lol

In fact in an early iteration of my Vampire Beach House setting, instead of the Fear Innocence Cruelty Outrage attributes I was thinking of literally just two stats SEX and DEATH literally based on the number of encounters with those phenomenon lol (the system might be similar to the minimal two or three stat type games like Trollbabe or those games that evolved from the Ron Edwards Sorcerer rpg)

Recently I watched the Werner Herzog Nosferatu The Vampyre film (1979) it is a bit embarrassing and cringeworthy to watch because of the peculiar and grotesque English accents lol (I believe the film was shot twice in two separate languages) but the film has some very intriguing cinematography with a very authentic looking castle (I believe it is Pernstejn / Czech republic South Moravia)


there are some visually sumptuous Caspar David Friedrich Wanderer style Romanticism panorama fog mountain cliffside scenes, I thought it was interesting that Herzog set the story earlier heralding a poetic Goethe / Romanticism sublime type era (more 18th century) in contrast to the technomodernity factual and journalistic emphasis of Bram Stoker 1899 late Victorian decline of empire era etc. Apparently the insane director Herzog actually did the scene where he released 11,000 white rats or something in the Netherlands during a plague ridden danse macabre situation (this scene reminded me very strongly of the Dishonored videogame, even down to those high city townhouse architecture buildings, I wonder if the designers used it for visual inspiration for the Dishonored rat flood abilities etc)

But the interesting bit of the film to me was it incorporated a detail into the vampire myth, about why the vampire fears daylight. Herzog depicts it not as the sunlight / sunrise itself killing the vampire (portrayed as an utterly unsympathetic and hideous, lonesome, tortured fiendish abomination, cursed with an inability to die) but instead as being part of a ritual, whereby if a virtuous maiden can captivate the vampire and sacrifice herself (ie vigorous copulation / bloodletting) through the entire course of the long hours of night, the vampire will be killed (by shame? remorse? guilt?) as the ordeal ends by sunrise (the maiden dies though). I thought this maiden sacrifice / shame of daylight discovery was an interesting background detail to this very traditionalist interpretation of the vampire myth by Herzog
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>Fear Innocence Cruelty Outrage
>F.I.C.O. score
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The author made and completed this book series based on two things he hated, Pokemon and Roman legions. What did you think is awful but you could improve, fix or make palatable?
Buck breaking Crabs in a bucket. Build something based on the "Turned slaves into crabs."
I like cultivation, I hate cultivation story as badly written no stakes OP MP (rapey) powerfantasy.
Thus the current attempt at the genre in Normal Cultivator Quest.
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>FICO score
argh damn it lol, you got it, very clever, nooo my entire premise has been unveiled and deciphered noooo my game settings have become far too obvious and unsubtle argh argh

Sadly this game setting is taking far too long to gestate to remain concurrent to actual events tee hee hee
Indeed there was going to be an item called The X Card in my game, like a credit card, or something like an American Express AXP Black Card etc (I also thought about making it a bit more modern, like the Klarna card or BNPL mobile payment antics hehe) But yes, I did intend to invoke some associations there. Imagine in the future if you could collateralise emotions... manipulate people into performing emotional labour... (there must then ensue Christian Bale Equilibrium gun kata muahahaha) This X Card item would determine the ending of the game, hehe
I'd like if someone wrote a reverend insanity esc quest. Heretic and Normal cultivator, while both fantastic quests, don't have any cliches of the real trash of the genre.

No personality less jade beauties, no retarded young masters who are inexplicably talented/ important, no extreme or insane hypocrisy, no pro Chinese propaganda, no evil islanders who are totally a stand in for the Japanese, no "I need to fuck you to cure the poison", no random God killing manuals found in the mud, no systems that give awards for the most minor shit and never actually punish the mc for not adhearing to its rules, no endless hordes of new antagonists arriving to avenge the previous one the mc shat fury on...
>personality less jade beauties
Fuck I planed Jade Beauties but wrote them as actual character.
>No retarded Young Masters Inexplicably talented/Important
Dhundan, Ai, LienWen YanEr, LienWen JiaLin, Ster Ling, Meiying Youling
>No extreme or insane hypocrisy
The driving force behind two of the incoming plotlines should qualify
>No pro Chinese Propaganda.
>No evilislanders who are totally a stand in for the Japanese
I have Evil Westerners though.
>No "I need to fuck you to cure the poison"
Protag is 6, give me time.
>God Killing Manual found in the mud
Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow technique book might qualify
>No endless hordes of new antagonists arriving to avenge the previous one the mc shat fury on
MC shat furry on no one, technically not guilty of not comitting this sin

also a random /qtg/ anon finds my current quest fantastic
>Made it as a QM
Thanks for the kind words. As a notorious attentionwhore this feed me and makes me try harder to write and entertain (you) and other players
Cultivation needs jade beauties like a fish needs water. And arrogant young masters who dare!? And court death. And murderous psychopaths who are surprisingly chill dudes when they aren't testing their new sword on the population of a small island nation, who may or may not be aforementioned Japanese stand ins/ racist caricatures

Speaking of evil westerners, the fact that American cultivator quest died in one thread, still upsets me. It really seems only Heretic and Normal cultivator having any staying power, as far as cultivation quests go.

Props to you and grandfather for still going strong. Cultivation quests are always a blast
>Dhundan, Ai, LienWen YanEr, LienWen JiaLin, Ster Ling, Meiying Youling
Damn they're all retarded? I thought most were normal and some were just autistic.
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>RPG setting based on modern LA, California wellbeing, FICO score / consumerism / indebtedness / financial subtext etc
>Cruelty squad aesthetics etc
I think some anons mentioned Cruelty Squad as an inspiration in the past, I have not played this game but I know of it I watched some playthroughs and I do admire its aesthetic and design very much.

I think the look can be traced to glitch art and some cypherpunk (cypher not cyber) affiliated detournement / subversion art movements that were originally intended to defeat surveillance (eg the "deep-fried" meme look, severely visually degraded glitch images that sometimes are used to evade censorship / image or alphanumeric text recognition etc) The deliberately ugly, crude noncommercial / hard to discern look etc which is a true punk aesthetic.

Anyway I also read this rpg recently called Hypermall Unlimited Violence, it is inspired by Cruelty Squad and takes place in a gonzo mutant post apocalyptic setting, where due to a Resurrection Matrix eternal torment algorithm, nobody can actually ever die, so assassination becomes incredibly difficult (you need to find glitches or gaps in the algorithm, locations to lure enemies into where they cannot be resurrected and are sent instead permanently to the Death Dimension). There is apparently also rules for Financial Combat (resurrections cost money, so a way to perma-kill enemies might be to kill them so much you deplete all their financial resources thereby bankrupting them into permadeath) The setting is utterly hilarious I genuinely laughed out loud several times reading it, it was definitely written by someone who has browsed far too much 4chan. There are some weird items and spells (one involves sacrificing a fax machine. There is an item that harvests "the semen of heroic war criminals") and in terms of rules mechanics and random tables, there is an assassination mission generator which is very impressive (it is basically three d66 tables, that generate 3x36 : 1/ initial mission parameters, 2/ some surprising information / sabotage or secret compromising situation that has been withheld before the mission begins, and then also 3/ a twist that can go wrong during the mission itself).
Goku-tard tier with a healthy sprinkle of Dark Sasuke as we french call the 12 year old that think edgy anime character is the coolest of cool archetypes. Only wants to fight and prove he's the very best, but with meaningful fights.
Severely autistic, wants to be friends with all.
>LienWen YanEr
Not retarded, granted.
Redacted; spoilers
>Ster Ling
Asshole in chief. Really good, fucking annoyance.
>Meiying Youling
Batshit crazy
Also I was impressed that the game author actually included as an illustration the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell. Imagine instead of gaining recognition as a political statement, you get turned into an illustration for a ttrpg that very few people will ever read or play
>be sad please, with tears
>emotional catharsis
>the greatest written scenes in fiction
I constantly research cinematography literature and various visual aesthetics for game design worldbuilding inspiration. In the past I completed all of The Last Of Us 1 (never played any of the dlc or the sequel) yes I remembered the giraffes and recently I heard about this ULTIMATE GAME NARRATIVE DESIGN EMOTIONAL DRAMA OH MY GOD scene insert 4chan meme of two openmouthed guys pointing. It is from The Last Of Us 2 which I have not played or even watched... until now. Basically it is about putting a hat on a dinosaur and pretending to be an astronaut or something. Is this it? Is this the culmination of game artistry and storytelling? YOU MUST LOOK AT THIS IMAGE AND CRY NOW, THIS IS GAME DESIGN, THIS IS STORYTELLING

The Last Of Us 2, dinosaur and spaceship full scenes
(34mins 54 sec)
Yo is that SAURENHEIMER? Now I am become meteor, the destroyer of ecosystems.
Given the ongoing success of the K&Q tournament, I've had an idea. What if we also hold the Quest Awards? Propose award categories and nominations for things like Best Character, Most Improved QM, Best OOC Discussion, Best Ending, Best Art and so on. I think it'd be a great way to showcase the best of the last few years of /qst/ and give quests and QMs deserved recognition, but it might take a lot of organisation a la the tourny and have people take it too seriously. Thoughts?

I would support this and it would be a great thing to advertise to other boards.

“Here’s our best in show and if you don’t like it, too bad - we’re on fucking 4chan”
I was expecting some Indiana Jones Temple Of Doom style descending stone door trap / hat grab scene (maybe reminiscent of the other Naughty Dog tomb robbing clone generic hero protagonist franchise Uncharted videogame series) but it did not manifest unfortunately. I wasn't too emotionally moved by this Last Of Us STORYTELLING EMOTIONAL DRAMA moment lol dinosaur hat / astronaut birthday trip long interactive cutscene sequence, it seemed too contrived to me. The bit I remember from playing the original Last Of Us (I think I mentioned it before) is that really frustrating upside down chain hanging gunfight where you are dangling by a metal garage chain or something and your controls get inverted as you are swarmed by the fungus zombies. I was so annoyed by that sequence (think there is some unskippable cutscene beforehand too) it annoyed me so much because Dead Space also did it (you get grabbed by some necromorph worm tentacle and flung about, the game messes up your control and aiming sensitivity) those sequences in games always make me cry

The challenge now for all QMs and player anons is to construct game scenes that make players / participants cry, genuine sorrow grief lamentation and emotional distress, yay

new post for Mahou Shoujo Villainess
>I'd like if someone wrote a reverend insanity esc quest
I am but a swallowed grasshopper in a frog in a well's shoebox, what exactly do you mean by this?
>>Meiying Youling
>Batshit crazy
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

The MC of reverend insanity is a real evil piece of Shit. like in an early chapter he feeds a child to a bear. His goal is real immortality and not the 1000 or so years that immortals in cultivation and other Chinese fiction usually get, and he'll do anything to get it. Not sure if feeding a kid to a bear was an important step, just that he did it

Also the author probably has a genderbending fetish. And also got told to flake on the novel by the Chinese government.
So is it excessively poetic? I only googled it.
But feeding children to beasts is kind of a thing in chinese myth, in older generations sacrificing the younger for the emperor's chance to eat the next immortality granting gunpowder elixir and such. I say myth but they went through eight millennia or more of it so, yeah.
we need a pokemon quest about muks going on a quest to earn the heart of a female muk and produce some baby pokemons
Haven't read it myself, guess it'd depend on the translation you read. The parcels of it I've read haven't been, at least
Solarpunk update! Vent about how you're not a big fan of the government or something to your tall samurai operator lady.

I'm alive- just updated in fact. Been very busy lately, but I should hopefully be back to daily-ish posts.

Also, to pitch in (late) on the discourse surrounding sexual themes, I believe it's entirely possible to cover the topics without delving into smut- my own quest has constant references to lust, sex, etc. without ever getting in any way graphic. If your quest has erotica in it, it's ultimately because you wanted it there- it's very easy to write around it. That being said, I don't think there's anything wrong with that sort of thing- I don't really care to write it, but of all the things to be into it really isn't so bad
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>the Chinese government

>DINOSAUR HAT scene from The Last Of Us
it was the hat, the hat started everything.

The hat is to blame for the apocalypse
I'm seeing modest success on my off-site Quest:


So far I've gotten 17 responses on the first round and 12 on the second, most of which are overlaps. When you combine the two there are 18 unique users so far.

The second round hasn't expired yet and might accumulate a few more by the end of it.
>Alex Garland explaining US China relations
In his Civil War film the setup is about some journalists on a road trip across a postcollapse war-torn America, to interview the President before he is overthrown or something. The journalists are ugly Kirsten Dunst, the cool Brazilian actor guy from that BOPE / Elite Squad film (his acting is very good but a bit underused), an elderly mentor journalist black guy to illustrate generational wisdom or something (his acting also very good) and some young 20yr old woman journalist, she looks up to ugly aging Kirsten Dunst and is hoping to become her photojournalism protege etc.

In a pivotal scene, the four journalists are on a dangerous forest road when their vehicle is suddenly followed by this black car, driving extremely fast and chasing them.

They panic because the black car is gaining really fast on them, revving engines aggressively etc.

As the black car overtakes them, the Brazilian guy is relieved because he sees the window come down and it is these two annoying Chinese journalists, they are some fellow warzone photographers or something, both daredevil thrillseekers looking for some conflict news story photos.

Both of the journalist cars are still driving extremely fast at high speed parallel to each other, with the side windows rolled down. To demonstrate his thrillseeking fearlessness, one of the annoying Chinese (actually Hong Kong) journalists crawls across the gap between the driving cars (both in motion, driving at high speed) and gets into Kirsten Dunst's car.

The young girl journalist is really inspired by this, she then emulates his death-defying adrenaline stunt, crawling across from her moving car at high speed into the black car with the other Chinese driver. The black car with the remaining Hong Kong journalist driver and newfound American girl companion then overtakes Kirsten Dunst's four passenger vehicle and leaves them behind.

So I think this is Alex Garland's unsubtle vignette metaphor sbout American anxieties about being "overtaken" by China.

The girl and annoying Chinese/Hong Kong guy switching cars is about immigration / cultural exchange (some weird miscegenation metaphor?) At the end of this scene, Kirsten Dunst discovers that the black vehicle that overtook them got stopped at a white supremacist mass grave war crime burial checkpoint, some tactical larp guy with pink Elton John sunglasses and an AR-15 shot everyone. He is probably gay? It was predictable but I was immensely relieved. And this is how Alex Garland depicts world war 3 lol
I like hypothetical war movies. They're always substantially less fucked up than the actual war it proposes would be in reality.
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Why yes I do write wish fulfillment slop for loser nerds, how could you tell?
The first half of the Alex Garland film (non-action uneasy tension / anticipation, fake normality before it turns into Call Of Duty) was good at building suspense, the action sequence warzone gunfight choreography was rather disappointing and not believable looking. The unconvincing battle near the end felt like some sort of airsoft match (in fact, headcam streams of actual youtube airsoft matches even look better hehe) There is a slightly cowardly subtext of political detachment, Garland too afraid to harness or depict actual racial / sexual / socioeconomic / political or religious tensions in the US, he keeps everything vague and amorphous in interpretation for fear of taking sides, yet caricatures all the white supremacists as uneducated or looking ridiculous with pink sunglasses and a bit gay, whilst the heroic war sergeant leader at the end is a random black lady etc it attenuates any deep political commentary or messaging

Whilst I was watching the Civil War film, mentally I compared it to the final urban warzone all-out assault in the Alfonso Cuaron Children Of Men (2006) film, without a doubt, Children Of Men is far better, in both directorial vision, execution and also the central worldbuilding premise of the story (about immigration / demographics etc)

Interestingly, Children Of Men also features a car road trip scene, very reminiscent of Civil War >>6020120


>random death / main character killed
Children Of Men is very intriguing, and referencing the earlier anon discussions of anticlimactic deaths it is memorable for being unafraid to kill off leading celebrity actors actresses etc who you typically expect to survive in a Hollywood film (or at least die in a dramatically significant heroic climactic scene, versus random haphazard death) I think The Hurt Locker also did it, introducing Ralph Fiennes in the SAS sniper desert ambush, you expect him to contribute to some narrative development action, he is ignominiously killed off a few moments later

Also I enjoyed Children Of Men because Michael Caine gets shot and dies painfully, his voice is really annoying. A detail I liked near the end (where Clive Owen is trying to break into some refugee camp - he is trying to escort the Last Remaining Pregnant Black Woman On Earth lol, the refugee concentration camp landing zone is the last port and only means of escape on a ship etc) Basically there is a scene where he meets his contact, it is one of the fascist concentration camp guards, who makes a funny show of extending his telescoping truncheon and threatening to beat them, but he is actually fairly sympathetic to their plight / has been bribed. I thought that was a more interesting portrayal of circumstances than what Alex Garland did with his WHITE SUPREMACIST STANDING OVER A LITERAL WAR CRIMES CORPSE GRAVE HOLDING AN ASSAULT RIFLE BUT LOOK HE HAS PINK SUNGLASSES HA HA HE MUST BE GAY
my king...
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>Was going to start a new quest
>Work wants me to move to a new country
>Joss Whedon is actually mediocre
It is probably true. I think it is more that with fortunate, culturally synchronous timing he caught and rode the 1996-2003 era of female empowerment girl heroines (in England, this wasTony Blair before Iraq and the Spice Girls? argh) if you look at his recent stuff eg The Nevers, it is thematically consistent (Victorian steampunk X-Men, except, hot superhero magical suffragette corset women) it feels dated stereotyped formulaic and culturally jarring even though it ticks all the obligatory relevant cultural sensitivity checkboxes etc

Maybe the world where we re-enact the film Red Dawn or the Homefront videogames with !notChina surrogate Asians (I played all those videogames lol, I enjoyed the guns hehe) is too depressing, it leads to basically
these scenes. We must return to 90s 2000s happy post-WTO accession China Washington Consensus globalisation US relations, lobotomised Joss Whedon scifi escapism, before Whedon The Feminist Slayer got ironically betrayed by his fanbase, sunken into a morass of Harvey Weinstein esque sex abuse allegations that you can read about in Vanity Fair.

So you get the escapist space opera romance scene from Firefly / Serenity instead, it is pretty hot. Of course, Firefly / Serenity is set in the world of cool lever action space cowboy guns and interplanetary martial arts / prostitutes, the universe is at peace because there are no Chinese people but the Americans speak English / Chinese dialect? Joss Whedon linguistically tortured Summer Glau into speaking Chinese, no wonder he was a secret misogynist abuser of women all along, it was so obvious

Anyway, the scene is from the best episode of Firefly / Serenity in my opinion, it is the one with Christina Hendricks as Saffron. She portrays a perfectly domesticated sultry bride, she comes from an impoverished planet with a "Maiden House" that has little to offer in interplanetary trade aside from its women. Space opera settings should include brides that offer their bodies as er... vessels in exchange for interplanetary travel. Damn you Joss Whedon I was pretty turned on by this, you made me feel THE SEX argh

Firefly, Mal And Saffron "I made the bed warm for you"

- I keep trying to explain...

- Let me explain.

I lived my life in the maiden house,
waiting to be married off for trade.
I've seen my sisters paired off with
ugly men, vicious or blubberous.
Men with appetites
too unseemly to speak on.

And I've cried for those girls.

But not half so hard as I cried
the night they gave me to you...

I cried for I'd not dreamed
to have a man so sweet,
so kind and beautifuI.

Had I dared to choose,
I'd choose you...
from all the men on all the planets
the night sky could show me.

If I'm wed, I am a woman.
and I'll take your leave
to be bold.
I want this.
I swell to think of you in me
And I see that you do too
>Joss Whedon MOST HEARTFELT ROMANCE SOLILOQUY Christina Hendricks Firefly episode
>"I choose you..."
>It's Pokemon
I like how Joss Whedon claims all these dramatic influences from Shakespeare and literature (lol Dollhouse episode titles The Hollow Men from TS Eliot poem etc) and his feminist academic mother? And he basically copies the script of Pokemon
Souv lay off the cocaine and get some sleep, I'm getting worried for you
I don't even know what that could be. Unless you are a supermodel, you should never do drugs, it is very bad and wrong and naughty
The curse is growing exponentially stronger.
First it only claimed people within a timeframe of one year of starting their first thread.
Then it progressed to a month.
Then it started happening with every new thread, not just the first one.
Now it's targeting potential QMs before they even start their new quests.
Something must be done.
When are we doing the /x/ crossboard event about the qm curse?
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Quest where we play as a Hamas resistance fighter - allowed or deleted by mods?
Just take 10 seconds of mental effort to make it not set in the real world based on real world politics with real world people getting butthurt about it. How hard is it to just change "Hamas" into "Kamas" fighting the "Bews" or whatever and give the characters some eyebrow ridges or make them funny dog people. That's literally all you have to do.
How about I don't use any names? "The year is 2034. Ten years ago, you're just a child the occupiers murdered your family in a bombing. Today, you'll lead an attack on their capital and eliminate as many of them as you can." Something like this.
This is a blue board, if you want a rapist torturer quest you may have to run it on akun. Although I'm not sure if that place is not being more moderated these days
Absolute QUEEN
But... muh immersion!
I can foresee two scenarios:
1) QM puts some effort to frame the situation and attracts some genuine players - and then is frustrated when the players do not vote to be as cruel as he wanted them to be.
2) QM types out some tripe sequence of slogans reminiscent of the other spam threads and responds with (fake or sincere) outrage at the non-serious replies such OP would attract
I say this with all due respect, Bananas, but didn't a more elaborate version of this same strategy totally fail to avert political debates in your own flagship quest?

I mean, mods didn't take it down, I guess.

Mods also didn't take down the Nazis on the moon quest, Nazi lolo u-boat quest, Captain Nazi quest, or the new Yiddish Catacomb investigation quest. You'll be fine, for better or worse.
Come join us in A Lust for Adventure! We have:
>A good aligned succubus protagonist
>Adventuring and monster hunting as a profession
>Violence first, THEN succubus things if that fails
>Ecchi situations but no direct smut
>Aftermath scenes are definitely fair game though
>496,281 dead greenskins
>Rescue missions?
>No idea where the plot is going, I'm the hype man not the Qoomer.
Vote now with your phones to pick out class and appearance while we meander about the cave looking for our clothes among the goblin corpses.
Thanks, I will put it up then
Wait, no. The anon who said he'd vote to kill got his post deleted, so I'm guessing the mods will censor certain votes
What you post in the QTG and what you post in your thread are often treated differently. Mods only take notice of things people force them to, in my experience. Again, 'Captain N' did nothing but murder Jewish caricatures and talk about the glory of the Aryan race in his quest, and mods did nothing.

If you're not going to commit to the bit and run a real quest, though, I wouldn't bother. Do you actually have a plan besides topical outrage bait?
Not much planned tbqh. Just a short quest where an underdog hero fights against an overwhelming evil empire
Are you committed to write to an actual resolution, or just until it gets boring and the gag wears thin?
testing real quick
can't wait to forget to remove this
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Check this cool update.


A debate over the research queue seems to be forming. If you know anything about dominions, would you care to join?
Be real with me: Will I get shit on if I use AI images for a quest, even if just for the OP?
I didn't mean to (you) what the fuck
As long as the body parts don’t look retarded (if they is in frame), it should be good.

Constructing a slave harem in your Atelier
Elf Maiden

And a few others have used ai art. Should be fine in your case too.
I think it'd be fine, although personally I'd recommend having a mix of AI and regular art when you can find the latter.
I'm on thread #7 and no one's said anything about it.
Solarpunk update!
In case you needed a reminder which side you're on, Sumika gives you some spicy gossip on one of your superiors.
Not in most cases. Images are usually just visual seasoning for the post and exactly what flavour it is doesn't matter that much - while I think non-AI art is generally preferred, nobody will think less of your quest if you have some good AI-generated images in it instead as several currently running quests do. If they're bad or the AI struggles to make them match the post though, they might cause some irritation.
Souv, why did you move spots at work, bro? Its not to get away from me, is it? Or did you do it to get away from Bleach-huffer?
AI is inherently anti-art. If you regularly use AI, most people will think less of you
A lot of us don't even bother checking a quest if it uses AI
I use them, sparingly. I make a lot of gens and choose the best one with zero glaring flaws. I also use Fotosketcher to have a program redraw an image with brushes. It's pretty useful and let's my get away with things like real life photos and low quality game screenshots.
Nah. I like using it for little background details sometimes, or to inform a character portrait. Usually, if the character's popular or becomes narratively important, though, I'll later commission an actual artist. Most people don't care unless it looks wonky as shit, or you try to pass it off as your own art.
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

Every day, tech companies help computers make humans easier to use. But OpenAI still struggles with human facial expressions sometimes
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>train the AI to make expressions! There's thousands of billions of a lot of time intervals on the you tube! there is a lot of normal and natural face stuff on there
>meanwhile, 80% of videos on youtube
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While I'm generally against AI in a lot of cases, I think in the case of quests it's understandable. No one here is doing it for profit or fame, and you can't expect everyone to spend a lot of time to draw something presentable. I do prefer the sovl of hand drawn scribble, but I think as long as the AI image conveys what you want and is consistent with the usual style, it's fine.

Still, I do think quests are a good way to motivate yourself to draw, people don't mind amateurish drawings, and unlike a comic you don't need to draw for every update, so you can do it at your own pace.
The point of quests is creating art. Using AI is the opposite of art
Would you say making collages is art?
I don't like AI solely because it's the ugliest shit alive

I can always tell when an picture is AI because it's completely ugly and soulless.
Sure, as long as it's made by a human, not a robot
Unrelated to the great AI debate, A Lust for Adventure has updated! Our look has been set to Big Tiddy Tomboy Wife (as expected of /qst/'s tastes), and our class has been set to some sort of Cleric or Holy Warrior that invokes divine blessings.

Our goddess is up for vote, as is what chakras we intend to use to invoke our blessings this morning!
I never read ai quests, but I have a dog in the race. Additionally, I would never have read your quest anyway so I think you should do what you want. I think that's the truth for most people commenting.
I don't really care either way

The Graverobber's Daughter Continues! Chlotsuintha plays along with a practical joke, in a bid to dislodge two irksome guests at a very late late dinner. For now, it seems to have worked, but how best to use this window of time without the Poincares present - and how to avoid the joke from begging obvious questions with ... indelicate answers?

Currently we are in a three-way tie, so feel free to come into the thread and throw your weight around!

>General question: Do you partake in questing when you have an abundance of free time, or does having a time crunch help motivate you?
No, a lack of time typically keeps me from Questing. Are there really people who will Quest more when they have less time?
How common is it to just lurk and never participate in quests but still read them as they are being played?
Very. Assume at least fifty people lurking at all times. No, a million.
A million is probably a little bit too much I think
billions must lurk
billions must vote
/qst/ has fallen
/qst/ will never die, only its people.
People who lurk and don't vote are as bad as the people who use ad block.
But using adblock is based and fuck social engineering pilled. Note voting is CRINGE.
On the topic of AI not making real art, what if someone made a quest using the new bioprocessors that use human brain organoids, could/would that be art?
It isn't about the material composition of the mind, but its capacity for emotion, aspiration, and imagination.
Their brainwaves have been compared to that of premature babies, and they run a computer chip real good, I bet they have rich imaginations, I for one would love to have an organoid user on qst, but I feel like that would gain attention and people would corrupt it with there evil like all those ais in the past
Kids are dumb as fuck though. They aren't imaginative they're spazmatic.
If a machine, organic or inorganic, can achieve anything approaching personhood, it can make art. Well befoe then, and arguably already in the present, it can make a reasonable fascimile. The issue with AI art for most people isn't one of ability, but of economic danger to artists and of human dignity. A generative AI or stem-cell organoid without personhood is a product, an owned thing, a SLAVE, competing for money and attention. As Vonnegut said in Player Piano: "Anybody that competes with slaves becomes a slave."
Although I kind of sympathise with their plight, this discussion reminds me of arguments over intellectual property, piracy and free software.
I guess we can look forward to new and creative approaches to DRM, because I doubt anyone would be willing to tax the machines when the other country won't.
Remember, if robots are good enough to be people, then you are obsolete. Make way for the superior lifeform.
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man I never get how people could lurk on /qst/. they wont appear to the qm unlike other sites and if you're up to date on a quest why not vote to help the qm ?
some people are just very shy and apprehensive
It's good for backgrounds and stuff for a titlecard, but not good for characters unless you have no other option. And ESPECIALLY don't use it for writing.
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Everyone is anon and it's mostly just copy /paste?
People are sometimes afraid to 'vote wrong' and 'screw up' a quest, or go against the direction they feel the QM and anons wish for things to go. When decisions are meaningful and consequences dire, people fear being on the side 'responsible' for a failure, and may even be afraid to roll. People have brought it up in past QTGs. To them, I would say: generally, we QMs will appreciate it if you just chime in and make occasional commentary, even really simple commentary, to let us know you're there and appreciating the effort.
I'm pretty impressed with Dark Investigation Qst, it seems shitposty on the surface but is actually high-effort. Dude needs more voters who aren't just +1ing the plans that I post though.
I had a glance. Kind of reminds me of that Nyarlathotep-investigation one, being based in a sort of quasi Call of Cthulu approach to occult investigation with a cast of characters who on the surface seem to be trollish stereotypes. I liked that one, but I have so much on the go right (running three threads, reading and voting in 12-15, life stuff) now that I've mostly been lurking it, lest it flake out like the last one.
That advert is fucking WILD. God I love how unabashedly racist NYC is. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Is it really racism to advertise to the correct demographic? I've seen versions of these posters in upstate NY (meth/heroine versions) and they range from redneck to whitey trailer park chic.
Although I'll admit the alcohol abstainment one's a couple years ago with the obviously irish married couple were a bit lacking in taste.
Fent is okay but weapons ownership ain’t. Funny how that works.
According to the "average" new yorker, even looking at black people on the subway is racist, so yeah it's pretty racist by their own admission. I don't make the rules, I just laugh at them.

Don't worry, you can get a firearm from one of the reputable Fenny dealers on the cheap. Oh I mean, they certainly abide by local laws and ordinances lmao
Anons, this is a board for quests. I know it's election year but come on.
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Just pillbugging about buddy, ain't hauling the reef.
I read that research paper


It gave me an idea (SAM ALTMAN, are you listening? Are you ready to seed fund this??)

What you do is you take those DJI Mavic drones and turn them into HEADCRAB QUADROTORS. Because apparently according to the research paper, the bioprocessor neural networks using the brain organoid wetware only possesses a lifespan of ~100days. So you must create this airborne fleet of headcrab quadrotors to harvest more brains and sustain your LLM uptime
Also, should combine the brain harvesting bioprocessor HEADCRAB QUADROTOR with this technology


it is an autonomous vampire drone that recharges itself using a magnetic control circuit and clamp actuators to harvest energy from overhead power grid electricity transmission lines

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Hey, look we now have a worldbuilding explanation for why everywhere outside of Hollywood / Beverly Hills / Malibu Beach / Newport turned into John Carpenter Escape From LA
Clearly Sam Altman did it with the parasitic bioprocessor brain harvesting autonomous headcrab vampire drones.

The vampire drones recharge and feed off the electricity from power grid pylons, pylons have now become elaborate ritual sites of occult algorithmic worship and piteous human sacrificial victim supplication.

All hail the pentagram pylon drone cult, yay
Pretty sure this country is purgatory with how backwards and downwards things are going. Maybe its just the election year brainworms
So you came up with electricity sucking biomechanical parasites that can take over people's brains? Sounds pretty cool
>The world is literally Hell. You have woken up to this truth. Now the demons and agents of evil are visible to you. Wat do?
They Live but with demons instead of aliens. Sounds pretty rad for a quest.
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My currently most desired Quest to see ATM is "Starfield but Good", as in, rescuing that god awful Bethesda game into something decent. I also want the name to be "Starfield but Good" because I think that's a funny name.

I do not currently wish to run this Quest because I already have a space quest, but I am asking any other QMs out there to make this one a reality.
Buffy tried to save America from this fate, she failed, her sacrifice was all in vain. I admit, I cried shameful tears watching this
Broke: Starfield but Good
Woke: Starfield but Worse
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I don't know much about Starfield, I watched some youtube showcase of the guns and they didn't look or feel too inspiring, the game had a very generic look to me, but I guess spaceship customisation is pretty desirable

Triple A game studios inevitably adhere to safe, banal generic appeal mass market formulas these days, so it is difficult for them to experiment with any gameplay that is too daring or unique or original

Watching The Expanse ruined a lot of space settings for me. I need to feel the effects of microgravity and hard vaccuum. Nowadays I really want to see more hard sci-fi in space (example would be Children Of A Dead Earth, even if just minor scientific embellishments, just a few hints of astrophysics or orbital mechanics / engineering in the worldbuilding) as opposed to Sit Inside The Space Jet Aeroplane To Desert Biome Ice Biome Jungle Biome planet etc.

I sort of fantasised a bit if Homeworld instead of doing more the Cosmic Space Opera actually grounded itself more towards hard sci-fi (eg an intermediate type game between the land vehicle carrier aesthetics of Homeworld Deserts Of Kharak...) like say an interplanetary or orbital satellite space setting, instead of OH MY GOD, ANCIENT SPACE WARP PORTAL INTERSTELLAR GATE WOW that has inevitably been overdone in all space settings. It would be really cool if some game focused on the space reconaissance aspect, the C4ISTAR type space / ground forces interaction (given long range precision missiles all require space reconaissance targeting)

I think the other approach is to de-emphasise the human scale, embrace the TECHNOLOGICAL SUBLIME, the frightening immensity of harnessed machines and starship engines, create vast incomprehensible terrifying gargantuan machine spacecraft aesthetics with very few human characters (or de-emphasised to the background), it is about subjugating the miniscule diminutive scale of human perception and experience with immense vistas of terrifying cosmic awe and emptiness and silence and wonder. Homeworld 1999 did this really well with a minimalist and understated approach to the galactic struggle whereas from what I have seen so far the recent Homeworld narrative stumbles somewhat, overexplaining everything. We don't really play space games for the humans we just want to see the MASSIVE SPACESHIPS ELDRITCH PLANETS A NEBULA OOOHHH and if you overexplain the myth you lose the cosmic wonder

Anyway BananasQM your post helped me to discover that there are apparently a lot of Starfield NPC butt mods
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Have you played any interesting NWN modules lately, Souvarine? I have been enjoying hacking my way through Eye of the Beholder while I've been tossing around ideas for the final phase of my quest.
Come join us in A Lust For Adventure! Our kinda chuuni, ngl Goddess has lent us blessings for travel and for battle, and now we're figuring out where we're going to go!
>Nowadays I really want to see more hard sci-fi in space (example would be Children Of A Dead Earth, even if just minor scientific embellishments, just a few hints of astrophysics or orbital mechanics / engineering in the worldbuilding) as opposed to Sit Inside The Space Jet Aeroplane To Desert Biome Ice Biome Jungle Biome planet etc.
While Space Monke Quest is not hard science fiction by any stretch of the imagination this is one of the few pet peeves I have with "generic" sci-fi worldbuilding and franchises. As such, I always have habitable planets covered by a majority of ocean, with tropical to temperate to arctic zones as you head towards the poles, and instead focus on the specific biomes that the individuals of whatever species are relevant evolved in to infer their worldbuilding, rather then say the entire planet is X biome. Even on this I do cheat a bit, like the elephant water-sex creatures from the "desert planet", but I just justify that by saying its equatorial zone is uninhabitable and making the journey across it infers their water-scarce culture.

I also feel like we have opposite enjoyments of sci-fi. I feel like the technology is secondary to the fun alien biologies and cultures. I'd much rather handwave the FTL and robots and focus on the actual cool stuff, at least for me.
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>NwN modules
Ok I played a lot, let me try to recommend a few of the more obscure unique ones, there are compiled lists on Lilura's rpg blog and also Neverwinter Vault which covers the most famous ones

I enjoy the really difficult / challenging mods, because vanilla NwN is insanely easy, so I try to find the user designed mods which implement rest restrictions or more aggressive combat setpieces for the challenge.

So there is this mod called Mortari Riseth


This one is HARD it is insanely grimdark. I liked this one because it actually has a story a bit reminiscent of Dark Sun (there is a blasted wilderness ruined desert) the module is intended for a druid playthrough, there is a cool contrast between city sections, forest and the desolation. It has a very old school dungeon delve feel, also - the combat is intense (the wraith enemies seem indestructible, so in the beginning it is a good idea to just run). The undead are scary in this game

Also this game gets VERY DARK, I completed the entire module but the final nightmare segment is so horrifyingly dark / filled with undeath and despair (there is some youtube walkthrough that shows you what to do). Not sure if this module is to your taste as the combat is quite intense. However I felt very satisfied completing this one afterwards

Before I started nonstop playing Arena Breakout lol I was also playing Defense Of Fort Tremagne, this one


My savegame at 2/3rds of this, the NPCs are actually really well written (no romance sadly, there is a goblin and a warrior mercenary man) the author did a sort of Scheherezade strung out life story thing, they gradually open up and recount more of their lives, it is very well done. The combat in Tremagne is also very difficult, you have to think fairly carefully before fights and use items well. I literally ended nearly every dungeon raid in this game with 1/10 th health left fleeing for my life after grabbing the treasure (eg early troll cave)

If you want HARDCORE romance, A Dance With Rogues (this module is so amazing, everyone knows it is THE SEX one hehe) There is a lot of sex lol, also venereal disease. I like how in this module many of the NPC questgivers have their own agendas and they trick you sometimes, hehe. The module also implements many clever ideas involving clothes (don't walk around naked, or dressed like a thief) weather (you can catch a cold) etc. and all the shopkeepers adhere to specific daytime opening hours etc


Pic related is from one of the many many seduction scenes of A Dance With Rogues, tee hee hee
If I run a space quest, it's going to be inspired by Dragon Ball, not Starfield, and it's going to be riddled with DBZA-tier jokes, because I have a broken brain and miss the old days.
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Tough fights are nice in NWN, I do enjoy rolling a cleric and tearing stuff up. I'll be sure to check some of these out.

>A Dance With Rogues
Part One got an update last year and people are still holding out for an updated version of Part Two after all these years. It's amazing that a module has such a dedicated following after nearly 20 years.
If you want a self-contained excellent fantasy adventure, I recommend Valthar's Keep


It is just a very typical fantasy story, all the cliches are there, but it is well made.

I completed the first two modules of Saleron's Gambit, this is a very well written adventure


The first level is quite unique, in that it is entirely set at character level 1. Only after completing the first chapter do you get to level up to 2. There are several chapters after the 2nd one (maybe 5?) but I got annoyed at how the story ended in the 2nd part, so gave up for a bit. I will probably go back to it at some stage. Also Chapter 2 is a massive city with many missions, adventure aspects (eg a wizard detective mystery)

The CONAN MUSIC one, is this


This module is amazing but incomplete (it is basically an intro + megacastle dungeon). There are cutscenes and the dialogue is worthy of the Robert E Howard Conan novels. It was just intended as a proof of concept, but you play it for the amazing Basil Poledouris Conan (1982) fight music that plays everytime you enter combat lol

I can also recommend Cave Of Songs / the Prophet Module series, that is well deserved as being ranked one of the best modules on the Neverwinter Vault. Cave Of Songs / Prophet also features difficult combat, it has a dark fairytale feel.

For example, I remember in Prophet there was one mission with a cursed swamp witch hut, if you took anything from it you ended up being overburdened with some cursed stone that kept doubling in inventory space (ultimate gamer nightmare!!)

If you pathetically returned to the shaman hut to be freed from the curse, he sent you off on some dream quest about cutting out a nightmare tree woven from the hair ?? heartstrings ? of the evil conquerors who slaughtered his swamp tribe. It turned out that everytime you cut down some tree / flower in the dream world, one of the children of the conqueror nation fell down and died as retribution. It was pretty sinister lol I was impressed by his quest writing.

(this is just the intro, the follow on modules linked there are the actual game quests)

I played so many NwN modules, I have gigabytes upon gigabytes saved, there are a lot more entertaining ones literally two decades of fanmade content, there is just so much to play
Ok so when there are stakes people tend to not want to vote and when there are none they won't care to vote. Got it, I'm learning!
>it's Arizona


The graphical realism of this scene reminded me of my experience playing Mass Effect Andromeda. Also, I am gladdened and reassured to see that this barren and desolate alien world is ready to be repopulated by a racially diverse astronaut colonist couple
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It's summer vacation in this new Downerquest update...
can there be a dick sucking competition on my quest
all the participants will be lolis if this changes anything
>not one bara-chad to offset the lolishits
ATTENTION all epic /qst/ players, BananasQM is in the inter-thread unproductive slump and he needs YOUR help to get back on the grindset.

But to do this? All he needs is your credit card number, the three numbers on the back, and the expiration month and year!

...But you gotta be quick, otherwise the QM Curse will come back and get his car stolen a second time!
Sorry to hear about your car. Eesh.
That was during Concrete Stratosphere last year.
Eat shit and neuter yourself

No, anon deserves baras and only baras
Halo Wolfpack is up and running!

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Solarpunk update! Time to pick your poison; arm wrestling a mutant with comically long limbs, fighting pitbulls in a McDonald's playplace, or poison
The concept sounds interesting and enjoyable, especially if in a light hearted mood, but I'd need a example of play to truly judge it.
Best I can do is dick cucking quest where you cuck Dick Grayson and steal his girls

Dick Cucking Quest

You're a supervillain in Gotham City!

Last week while robbing a bank, you were pounded by Dick Grayson aka Nighwing and thrust into jail!

Jail sucked but you managed to escape with the help of your two sidekicks - a burly middle-aged man and a violent 12-year-old girl!

You plot revenge: "Beating Dick isn't enough! It won't give me the release I seek! Dick's punishment must be more painful! That's it! I'll cuck him and steal his girlfriend!!!"

>> Steal Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl

>> Steal Starfire aka Princess Koriander
Why do you know who Nightwing is?
Wikipedia probably.
We need a tiebreaker, now that I've clarified something.
>Wrote up and OP but I don't know if I want to commit to a quest
Only start it when you're sure you can at least run a single thread, and plan a reaosnably-satisfying conclusion to that first little arc. Then you will at least have a cool one-shot.

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