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If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!

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have any of you watched roblox gore before? its pretty scary

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4chan posters will have melties about transpeople but haven't experienced the heart ripping, gut wrenching volume of dysphoria I experience just from viewing a simple temu thumbnail like picrelated
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Would u feel same if you wore this ?
me and you should date
well, no shit. i doubt that a tranny would kill themselves if they have friends and family that support their delusions. i honestly feel bad for the friends and family because they have to put up with their bullshit. like, imagine being a mom or a sister and having a mtf trans relative try to say that they understand the female experience and that they are actually female. GTFO you are a MAN
>gender is a social construct
>gender can changed
>everything we understand about sociology and anthropology supports this
You are a faggot stfu kys

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I'm a autistic viring incle and almost 40 years old

Doctors say I need help but I cannot be helped
How could I alleviate my mental problems? I have refused medication for my depression and GDA. My autism they cannot treat
im a viring

anyone else /positivitymaxxed/ here
it takes strength to remain headstrong when giving up is so easy
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I shall take your cat picture, thank you
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yeah I only clicked this thread for that cat
fair enough heres another
im a bloomer and no blackpill will EVER work on me
blackpill is not warped incel ideology, but reality itself
you then, by choice, is saying you are in permanent bluepill or delusion
I swap between manic and manic depressive all the time

Over 25 and still alone? You can't keep living like this. You need somebody to love.
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>Over 25 and still alone
Over 45
>You can't keep living like this
wanna bet
>You need somebody to love
that emotion has been purged
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it's a song anon :3
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Bullshit, carry on. Some niggas have kids 30s,40s, shit even 50s. No need to rush. Life will be what it will be you fucking lames.
same. I'm fortunate enough to have had some friends over the years but when I hang with them it's always in group settings. I can jump in and out of the convo. when it's 1 on 1 it's a struggle to keep talking. I'm just more of a reactive person than proactive.
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>You need somebody to love.
Who the fuck are you to tell me what my needs are? You need what I really NEED? To update my OS, I'm still on Windows 7, anon. Just haven't had time to find something usable that I actually like and work.

Love can wait.

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You can have it treated. Goldmaxx so you can afford proper dermatology care.
Also, have you seen a water chip around here?
just be yourself and be confident
ik the feel I got red scars all over my face I look like some kind of sickly splotched creature
If it makes you feel better there are a lot of people who are into/attracted to Ghoul
You can find a girl who's into fallout and like ghouls, the playerbase is not as high as in pokemon but its still high and around 36% girls
Should be more on fallout 76

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Even little girls have no respect for me as an adult man
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Sounds like a perfect situation for lolidom
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They get so rebellious at 6-9 always trying to push boundaries and see what they can get away with. I'm a total pushover so I always fail against their tests and probing.

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Change my mind. The American sedes will expand and save the church.
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the only christian i know is a disney psycho
reddit will give you a cross sample of redditors
all redditors are cringe
my parents are atheist and i have 5 sisters and 2 brothers
christopher hitchens has children
richard dawkins has children
salman rushdie has children
meanwhile, there are millions of nuns and monks in the world who don't even have sex
the only religious people breeding heavily in the world are third world and brown
pic related is an accurate depiction of the heaven that awaits you
>these people on reddit are flaunting their wealth, all atheists must be like this
You're just dumb, bro. It'd be like me saying all Christians are as rich as televangelists
Yeah, we were. My parents forced me to go Christian school and I had this shoved my down throat starting from the age of 5.
By the time I was 18, I was done with it and bitter towards Christianity. I hold most of my resentment towards the school. This isn't a very unique experience, btw. Lots of ex-fundies grew up like this.
What country do you live in? You know only one Christian?
The sedes don't believe the current cardinals of the Vatican have any power or jurisdiction.

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>Destroys every aspect of your life
>Totally invisible
>People still pick on it unconsciously and stay away from you
>People still give you advice as if you were normal but it doesn't work because you're not normal
>You still think you are basically normal because you can't tell you have it so you don't understand why your life is so bad
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I know that feel. They don't get that socializing does not reduce my anxiety or paranoia, so they shit on me relentlessly saying it's my own fault.
Women especially can't stop themselves from being normalfag jannies, any non-standardized behavior will be checked.
The worst part is that you cannot talk to anyone about it, a shrink will just try to sell you drugs that don't work(didn't for me, still going to try again just because i'm desperate), and normalfags will either just show you contempt or pretend to be a life guru like the failed normalfags that come here to larp as cool advice givers.

It's fucking fake and gay.
Especially if it's considered a high-functioning mental illness, you get the worst of both worlds, It gets to fuck every major aspect of your life up but you won't get compensated with neetbuxx for it.
Whatever it is, it must be slain along with all these other faux-men.

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There are normies having sex right now
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I was just at my ex girlfriends an hour ago and didn't sleep with her.

I haven't slept with anyone for 8 months
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There are humans copulating.
And you know what theyre fucking goofy and on cope. They dont love each other and they only do this as a brief escape from their awful lives anything for an excuse to smile.
And their smiles look retarded as well
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>there are also incels having sex right now
well tell them to fucking stop wtf

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I think I might go walk in the middle of the road on the highway at night in all black. I want to cry so fucking badly and it's feels like I've been fighting back tears all week for no reason. I don't even want to die, I just want attention. I want someone to acknowledge my existence.
Is that Electrode doing an ahegao face?
Whats wrong anon, what happened
Dat ass tho. Post more anon.
>OP's image
Just buy some cosplay photosets

Was told by leftists to unload my "racist bullshit" here... so Hi, I guess :)
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ansyn reporting in, ok now gtfo

jk idgaf i'ma dirtbag
Among all the glowieb8, you anon made be genuinely laugh. Thanx anon.
What do you have to say about your cool extremist views? For example I hate jews

We are fucking toast as a species
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Yeah its stupid but its not like they can stop us. You're well within your rights to have sex legal young pussy, their attacks only work on the mentally weak. Let them seeth because they can't do shit else.
o-only if ur a v-virgin HAG
Exactly. Literally the meme of the woman and man saying "i consent" and some third retard going "NOOOO". What is wrong with a 24 year old dating an 18 year old with intent to marry? I mean in my country that is absolutely conpletely normal. Only a deranged society finds healthy young adult relationships "disgusting".
So what they're saying is that 21 year olds shouldn't have the right to vote either then? I actually agree
VGH chuddy this is why we choose the bear. Do better sweety. Who hurt you? Incel.

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