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ALL fembots, dee-ZERVE! a tall handsome hung muscle stud bf.
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its simple, men like guys like picrel more than women do lmao
also bad news, you are probably gay
Imagine settling for less than a passing femboy...
how many months on HRT though?
Nah, wouldn't even consider fucking uggos like you, so not gay in the slightest, maybe wishful thinking on your part, faggot.

>men like guys like picrel more than women do lmao
Wrong again. Bald = ugly, short = ugly negative canthal tilt = ugly, vexicle anterior skenelines = ugly, fat = ugly.
It isn't debatable, attraction is objective, I'm not gay.
guess i'm different to other fembots here I like muscly guys like that

who was in the wrong here? or is it just a cautionary tale to not to become a retarded simp or a e whore?
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You need not remind me of the billions of Brandons out there, including you. We know just being a female makes us prey to you.
That didn't happen though. Reiko had nothing to do with it.
I never would hit a woman unless she's trying to kill me with a knife or gun, that doesn't mean I can't say she deserved it.
Like when I see videos of women hitting men and getting slapped back, I won't do it but I don't blame those who do, you get what you deserve, you can't be an absolute asshole and expect no retribution
Thats literally what happened. Like why else would she get in the car with him to drive back? He drove her there with the promise of sex, she fucked him over and went and hooked up with a bunch of random guys at a concert. Then she came back to him 4 hours later and demanded he drive her home. And the trip was like 2 hours each way.
Is this Brandon?
I got called hispanic Brandon and thought it was some handsome celebrity...
At least my hairline isn't receding

Anti-nihilists can be just as annoying and obnoxious as nihilists.
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They're called eternalists and that's central to Buddhism ("nihilists and eternalists are annoying and obnoxious")
the only example I can think of is jordan peterson and I think his hatred of nihilism is hilarious because his only counterargument is purely emotional
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>haha aren't [opposite] just as bad, if not worse!
Kill yourself. That seems to be your faggy philosophy, so stop talking, stop crying, and just kill yourself.
Your tired GamerGate era meme image is fucking obnoxious. How many more years will you faggots repost it?
now you admitted it retard

>A massive drug index of almost any chemical you'll consume with general information for each.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Drug testing services (may or may not be regional).

Ahoy! On the comedown from an entactogen today. Been drinking tons of water and only feel a light headache. Played the piano and practiced russian, feelsgoodman.
Pic rel is sourced from tripsit.me, and is a general rule of thumb, not absolute (it may be reasoned with).
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Didja take it yet
IV of course
>i'm really afraid to try it
Oral it is then, it's your best chance of it not becoming a habit.
Tried MDMA already and it doesn't work either. Why do you think MDA would work?
Woah, a fellow aussie. Ketamine fucking sucks dude do a real drug.

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really quite sad since my gf ami died hope the fbi didnt have anything to do with it someone gave a fuck about me to gs me for two months and now my gf got hit by a car

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>it's a "Slavic girl gaslights and manipulates you" episode
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lol need any tips from a slavic dude?
It's already over c
Do robots actually listen to redscare ?
How big is the podcast these days?
Anna or Dasha?
Why do people think they are hot or interesting?
Anna is a middle aged Jew with a big nose. Dasha has a weird jaw and troll face.
The podcast is boring and painfully unfunny.
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>not wanting to fuck Dasha

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If a moid made me breakfast in bed every morning I would let him plap my butt.
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huh? o_O
>french toast with powdered sugar and maple syrup
>fresh berries
>pan fried pork sausage
>thin sliced slightly aged imported gouda cheese

please miss my wife wont let me leave her bootyhole a milky leaking mess, what am i doing wrong
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You heard me, croissant
I laready took my blueberry pancakes but they just scrambled my eggs even more! It's not easy to live with a french toast brain when the government benedictates the hash brown taters later hater. They donutin' me just like OJ! What a way to start the day.

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What would you have done in his situation?
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My autism radar says she's autistic though.
>every evven slightly awkward girl must be autistic!
Interesting theory
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>>77532847 It depends. If I was in my right mind, I would take in consideration her past.
both used up hags you can literally see their 50+ bodycount in their faces kek.
only poor people date above 21
Guy is probably slightly uncomfortable with public displays of affection, but is confident enough in himself and his relationship that he can just laugh her off and proceed undisturbed. If you think this was anything else you are 90th percentile autistic.

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Bullies hate passive-aggressive behavior because they don't want you subverting their abuse with any form of creative protest. They want you to show them your feelings so they can stomp on it.
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That woman and her psychopathic facial expression is the scariest part of this image.
>be a pa bitch
>never say anything directly
>people can sense you're acting weird and are pissy but can't tell why
>will ask if there's some wrong where you either better come clean or you choose to double down
>you are somehow surprised that people dislike you even more
You're that guy who would spergout if a girly flirting with you teased you
it has something to do with social acceptance. I haven't worked in some months and I'm not keen to as my line of work (finance) attracts literal retards who get by on spectacle and sucking up to superiors. most of them are also brown or Asian I'm brown fyi but I intensely dislike these people, they really only know how to put on a show and drag others down.
you're either an extraverted dumbfuck or you have to live in their shadow. the best part is these people are often genuinely stupid and only good at delegating tasks to others
nice non-argument faggot, I've had girls show interest in me and I've either ignored them(no balls) or gone for it.
>I've had girls show interest in me
You act like a fag but can't get into a relationship. That sounds about right
>I'm going to throw your insult back at you
I've been in multiple, just never any that last
it's like you didn't read the last part

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A great father can raise his daughter right and she'll still grow up into an ungrateful whore the moment she interacts with other women.
There's simply no "right" way to raise your girls.
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>There's simply no "right" way to raise your girls.
correct, just believe everything is purely the result of total random action
ignorance is indeed blisserino
>There's simply no "right" way to raise your girls.
Actually there is one, but I'm not going to share it with you moids, not like that matters at all considering you'll never raise a girl anyway : )
You're telling me

>tfw 5 daughters, 6th on the way

please just fucking kill me already
can you give me a quick run down? I only ask because I'm scared to try looking it up only to be bombarded with generic propaganda that buries what you're talking about.
Yeah, when they hit like 16 they'll want to go to parties, get wasted, fucked and drugged no matter how you raised her and if you don't let her do that she'll resent you and in the future she'll say she comes from a controlling conservative household

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hear me out in this hypothetical scenario anons
>be boy
>turn 12 and start getting erections
>instead of getting "the talk" your mom teaches you how to have sex and use protection
>since you are using protection there's no risk of pregnancy which teaches you a good lesson
>you're doing it with the woman you trust the most so she will know perfectly how to teach you and you wouldnt feel awkard or be fucking some random woman
>other kids wouldn be able to make fun of you about being a virgin cause you arent one
>will strengthen your bond between you and your mother and will serve as a milestone just like learning to drive or drinking your first beer
>would even teach you to respect wmoen
why aren't we doing this?
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You had bad parents. What is with you man!?!??
i would not have fucked my ugly repulsive mother
lol ikr originally
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I remember the counter-phimosis handjobs and I wish I hadn't been born
It wasn't fun bc she was obviously ashamed
I hate single mothers esp. when they haven't taken care to have a strong local social network so that there are trustworthy ppl to learn from around instead of "I paid for school so not my problem" copout
but what i could actually see is a biphasic relationship model. how we treat relationships now is based on the marriage model that originally involved getting married in your teens (or teen girl with an older male) and having children shortly after. but people dont want children that early anymore. what if we normalised that every boy would be with an older woman first, and every girl a man, and then at around a certain age you would look for your second, much younger partner that you keep for life. or you could make it a bigamous thing where everyone just gets these two people and noone else. the older person could teach some things about sex and about life
just a thought

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I gave up wizard powers for this
>swollen testicles
>inflammation of the penile
Bros.... is gonorrehea going to make my dick and balls bigger?
must be nice sexhaver, too bad it wasn't AIDS

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So what are y'alls compooter specs. I got an old ass 1080p monitor and an rx 580. I'm fixing to upgrade my monitor soon
I spent a bunch of money upgrading everything I have a while back. I have a 5950 with 128GB of RAM, and a separate gaming machine with a 7900XTX. along with another computer that serves as my router/NAS.

now I can sit on my ass and not touch any of them for another decade and change. (the 5950 replaced an i7-920)
>being a poor neet with a low end pc
even hookers, prostitutes and chad has maxxed out builds
even mogged in your own arena of interest
>32 gb ram 4800 mhz
>Intel core 13th gen i7 13700 hx
>RTX 4060 8gb
>1 TB PCIE gen 4 nvme m.2 SSD
>144 hz refresh rate
>wifi 6e gig plus shit
The laptop can be a beast, got it for 1000 bucks

Why do you think Asian immigrants make such high income? Were they already rich back home? Or do they simply work harder?
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I would say that's true now for many cases, but not always the case, especially with historical cases.
Do also give it a little credit for that, since those values I can see with more middle of the road income asian immigrants I've known. Really also depends on what we mean by rich here.
higher avg IQ and stricter parenting
>Lmao shut the fuck up. They were already rich. Poor people aren't allowed to move overseas.

All the professional high end cleaners are Asians that I see. They stick to the high end stores, usually a family job. Some of the young girls I see are very pretty.

It's like that super hottie white girl working and McDonalds and wondering why shes even there.
Bruh the shut in asian incel is literally a common stereotype lol. Be peoud of being black, you guys have cool athletes, celebs, the bbc stereotype. Asians are just short small-dicked autistic nerds.
Another black guy here. if you're anywhere near socially retarded and black youre cooked. Literally no one's type cause we don't get represented well anywhere. We for sure have some cool people to look up to but they're so far from us were never actually associated with them

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Having an Incel son is literally the greatest nightmare for a mother
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Only chadson gets to fuck mommy, incels are born to be scapegoats and punching bags
Look up "emotional incest".
Going in the woods and fucking in a tent isn't even that bizarre. If you don't go innawoods, you should try it. You might like it. It's really peaceful to disconnect
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maybe psychology today learnt to write like florence nightingale
Amongst my relarives is a single mother with her 5 y.o. son, and I can see this ppay out in realtime, it's really heartbreaking. Technically, there is a father in the picture, but he is completely emotionally absent and has no real involvment in the son's upbringing.

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