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Thing I've noticed

>My uncle raped me when I was 15 so now I'm a misandrist
>My highschool crush rejected me when I was 15 and didn't practice self-grooming. I haven't approached any other woman ever since so now I'm a misogynist lol
9 replies omitted. Click here to view.
>my stupid shit is well reasoned, everyone elses is frivolous
I hope to god you ARE 15 with that mindset.
>Is it normal or do you just have a victim complex nonny?
First I misunderstood what you said and now you misunderstand what I said. It's probably because english isn't my first language. It's never been more over for eslcels. Fuck.
I mean its funny
I hate everyone I get called a misogynist
so I direct vastly more hate toward women because they arent used to it
makes it more fun for me
everyone hates misandrists.
>My uncle raped me when I was 15 so now I'm a misandrist
many such cases

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>At gym
>Super cute short blonde qt sometimes there
>Lock eyes a few times
>Go over to the cables and only use one side
>Hope she comes over and uses the other side right next to me
>She goes over and uses the cables on the other side of the gym
>wants to manipulate others
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>I bought a cigarette for her

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I want to lewd with anons on Discord on an alt but I'm paranoid I'll somehow get my main banned. I'm not planning to send anything illegal/tos but I can't shake the feeling I'll DM someone suspicious and get all my accounts tied to my IP banned.

I've tried using a VPN but Discord just immediately asks me to verify with a phone number when I try that unfortunately.

Can someone convince me I'm being retarded?
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Why doesn't somebody just make a discord alternative specifically for e-sex?
Just use a VPN and verify phone with one of those SMS verification services? I don't know which ones are good but there are some pretty cheap ones out there, I'm sure you can find something that works if you do some research.
is it a shitty vpn
mullvad vpn works
my discord is humpdaymarathon
send me pawgs and femdom porn
i also like mean girls, goth girls, sweet gfd girls, tall girls
i also like voice calls and sleeping together on them to pretend we arent alone
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Go back to your containment board.

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I want a traditional Jap/Korean wife like Hinata who has large breasts, is completely pure and innocent sexually (kissless virgin before she kisses me), likes to cook, and is ok with me playing video games all day. Why doesn't this exist? When will AI/technology solve this existential problem?
Boomers were right about tranime brainwashing, but if you really wanted what you just said then you would have taken relationships seriously when you were young instead of being a tranime dork.
>i want my mommy back
What's wrong with having a wife who can also serve as a mommy figure?

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the youtube music AI is way too good at recommending new music. way better than spotify.
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>listens to music recommended to him by a AI
>listens to music recommended to him by a AI

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how would robots get together?
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You're looking at it. If we got together we'd be immediately infiltrated by hostile agents trying to trick us into saying something radical they can use to paint us in a bad light, talk us into shooting up a school, or joining a tranny suicide cult.
Even if men did something female exclusive, it wouldn't work, because it would attract co-depedent whiners that would outnumber anyone seriously trying to better themselves, and drown out all discourse with their victimhood and endless excuses.
prety much yea
we try and have our own private clubs, they are immediately infiltrated by simps and feminazis
They're not even simps, it's just failed normalfags LARP'ing as lifestyle gurus repeating shit they heard eCelebs say to make themselves feel good.
They're trans-normalfags.
>If we got together we'd be immediately infiltrated by hostile agents trying to trick us into saying something radical they can use to paint us in a bad light
A lot of you guys don't need to be tricked. Unfortunately a lot of anons already follow a loser ideology and they're not doing it to paint you in a bad light, they're doing it because this group of people also happens to be the most easy to radicalize. If I told you what elements you'd need to eliminate from this site to better have a robot oriented space, I'd be getting a bunch of (you)'s calling me a trans redditor.
Maybe they're calling you a troon lebbitor because you are one.

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erm what is this cutie
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omg you're such a mighty man!!! i can't wait until you get your own ethnostate!!!
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ok friwend
cutie and hottie
troon and faggot
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We already knew you were that you didnt need to tell us :p

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>Pros: Don't have to work
>Cons: No money = living with your parents = no privacy = no pussy
>Pros: Money = independence = privacy = pussy
>Cons: Slaving your life away at a soulless corporation for some mediocre roastie pussy at best

Which path have you chosen and is it worth it despite the cons?
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this is why self-employed is best
But what happens when you make a mistake and have to fire yourself?
You fudge the documentation and fire yourself without cause, then pay yourself severance.
What if I sue myself for unrightful termination? I don't want to see myself in court, that guy is FUCKED
Waste of time if your severance check was decent, you could be NEETing in that time. You can't goon in court.

I am going to punish this shitty cringe society even though everyone will hate me for doing it.
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Go to mass tonight and love your dead Hebrew with old people and spics. Your stale and dogmatic Pauline religion disgust me.
I'm sorry little Timmy but you won't "punish" anyone. And no, a shooting with 5 victims won't make a dent in our "cringe society".
historically tattoos were used to identify slaves
shes built for bbc
Shitty edit obvious recolor

>tfw no gf who reaches into my pants without warning and beats me off to completion
I wear skinny jeans most of the time so that would be extremely painful

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What does it mean if my mommy gf puts me in a onesie and diaper and tucks me into bed with a gajillion plushies with cartoons on the bedroom tv?

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have any of you watched roblox gore before? its pretty scary
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>its pretty scary
you are a child anon
Okay mr psychopath, i watched every cartel gore videos and can confirm, that roblox gore is worse
pedo grooming scheme thread
Link? Op link? linky poo?
are u gen alpha? fucking underage faggot gtfo my board

paternity is like if u were addicted to heroin and your only supply of heroin was a evil guy who sent u one hit every morning in the mail but there was a puzzle on the package which would tell u if it was laced with a lethal dose of fent and the only way to solve the puzzle was by guessing since the puzzle was never completely accurate
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How about next time you take a lethal dose of morphine instead and fuck off forever?
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hello triggered cuckold
pregabalin also works
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Tripfags get the rope, fuck off you worthless cumsock and go overdose on some street corner like the nigger you are.

where can i find a gf like this? i would go through all of the pain just for her.
Ew weird fetish meme
this isn't sexual for me
inflict suffering on wombyn
This. This so much. This so heckin much. This so heckerino much, so true and valid, you're so smart, I love you anon, I love you, oh god, *uzips pants* oh my god anon *thrusts* anon anon, *plap plap plap plap plap plap plap* oh anon i'm cuming i'm cuming *coms* ahhhhhhh

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Service to society is the most important duty of man.
*Service to women.

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