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I cannot stand being 30. Id give anything to be 18 again. I want to be young and live a proper young experience. It is suffocating me that I will only get older and more othered from young people. I just want to be one of them.
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>But its only $50k/year
I mean ok but you could make more. way more. Let's just say for the sake of argument, if you made 150k, would you do anything differently?
>if you made 150k, would you do anything differently?
Not really. I hate working. I just want to be a free spirit and travel the world. but I know its not realistic. especially as i see other 30 year olds having kids and buying houses.
I'm almost 30 and want to troon out, kinda hate myself

How much money would be enough to actually change your life?
get off 4chan, get a social hobby, and get skills to get a better job
I'm 25 and I'm still in uni with a job that pays bad. It's over for me? Should I kms?

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>Pros: Don't have to work
>Cons: No money = living with your parents = no privacy = no pussy
>Pros: Money = independence = privacy = pussy
>Cons: Slaving your life away at a soulless corporation for some mediocre roastie pussy at best

Which path have you chosen and is it worth it despite the cons?
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I NEET and save. This way I'm not particularly afraid of having to wage for a while (I have a cash buffer), I feel less poor and dependent, and I can do longterm planning.
I NEET on my native homeland's wellfare though, I do have privacy and live alone. I've a very excellent bachelor pad now tbqh, though the last time I had regular sex was 6-7 years ago.
Also wtf@ this complaints about 40kUSD/year income? I've been living on 14kEUR/year and it's totally doable, though I'm now beginning to worry about how to save more. (I only put aside like 1k/year.)
No clue how you blow through 40k a year, you must be getting shafted hard on rent and miscellaneous service fees... or do you eat out 5/week or something? I don't eat out but I buy high-quality ingredients and do go to bars.
You're saying "just 10x" really casually, is it really that easy to invest?
How did you do it? And work over 40hours, rlly?
Tell, me exactly what you do or it's a LARP.
I have heard many people here (/r9k/ or /biz/) say that they have a business or that they, two software engineering shit. But they never give specific details. So can you tell me how you make 200,000 a year or are you a fucking LARPER?

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Did you have any female frens growing up?
I never had a girl's number, I was invisible to them
Yeah my best friend since we were little kids.
Nope, at best i was acquainted with a few

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'mouche on da 'log again ver
QoTT: shower before bed or in the morning?

Previously on /r9gay/
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The drain under the ice machine at work is clogged so everything's flooded
Can't be fucked to keep squeegeeing it, especially since there's nowhere to squeegee it to
This place is a mess
No way you're still here. I'm reading through early 2020 threads right now and wonder how many of us are still here. That was a great post anon :)
>no one ever remembers brush teeth anon
i just posted about this a week ago you flippin liar
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Don't recall if that specific post was me. And don't know if the filename would change if someone saved and reposted it.
I'm sure there are lots of other people from early threads that jump by every now and then.

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Pretty gurls wanna fuck a demon

thats all for today.

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Tired Thursday Edition

>How are you doing ?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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>should think fast. prices go up soon for everything.
If I travel it'll be with my family, I don't really need to pay
>If I travel it'll be with my family, I don't really need to pay
ahh i completely forget that's an option for many people. Free vacation is the best vacation.
>good workout this morning.
Thats good.
>just walking around your neighborhood or going anywhere special?
Just walking around my neighborhood, I live in a very boring place there's basically nothing interesting.
>is sort of at the edge of suburb zone,
Oh that sounds like the perfect place to live.
>keeps people away at least
Yeah that's definitely a good thing.
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hello everyone
i probably wont be around for anything more but! my images were finnaly developed, i will post the nice ones next time when i have stuff to say
so for now, have this cat pictures, mainly posting them for /cat/ in case he wants to see some black and white cat, i will post the two other cats next time im here
fuck you captcha
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>don't think many restaurants would serve possums
but I wonder if ther are restaurants that serve wierd meats
>I'll try to bring that up every conversation i have
haha sounds like a good idea ;>
>Good night,i'm gonna make myself some porridge and sleep
thanks hope you had a good sleep as well

that sucks
>maybe it got banned?
I don't really know how steam groups work but it's possible


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this seems like clear evidence that having a support network is immensely helpful for the stunted.
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>virtue signal by using your downie sister for the algo
>added in fetish of making your down sister a goon object for even more attention and algo boost
can downies consent to OF? if that is the case, this sister finna make bank in a sec ong
>>Did you forget that humans are social creatures by nature?
>>Robots do themselves a real disservice by isolating.
yeah but I don't really like people very much, and they tend to notice that
>Robots do themselves a real disservice by isolating.
We live in a society where being "other" is creepy and unwelcome. Robots aren't isolating themselves, they avoid abuse. Ever heard of ugly duckling or Rudolph?
All people should be muscular desu...
Social media is probably not 100% to blame but I wonder how we as humans could educate ourselves and each other to have discipline and do "productive" stuff
*Rapes you*. Thank you sister


Why are females such cry babies? Its literally a given thing that if you're in a relationship youre gona get it in the ass. Every single porn star does anal now days. If they can handle giant porn dicks in their shit pipe then so can normal femoids.
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there were many actual women there
How can I find a group like this? Do I have to know Russian?
I'm just worried not having anything to say in those groups lol, but it's good to know there are women on them. I actually saw groups like that on Facebook but they seemed to be for older people. Guess I'll try finding those groups. Thanks!
No, they are mostly English. Many of them are public like Just for Debate and others, and if you are lucky, you may find in these huge public groups someone who has a private group and will be willing to send you a link
Ok, thank you anon. I'm a shy person, but I will see what I can do

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Lol they got so mad they made the mods archive the other thread. >>77532476

Thread for the boys, no cuntoids or trannies allowed

Thread topic: What single event cause you to hate the female gender?

Other topics:
>Favorite historical figure


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>What single event cause you to hate the female gender?

Probably when I was 9 or 10 and went to the beach and saw a topless woman for the first time. Im sure for a normal 10yo boy that would be the best thing in the world but it really fucked me. The way she shamelessly set up at a public beach 10ms from a family and two kids and laid their practically naked all day. Fucking whore slut.

I do alot of surfing and hiking
Seems ok
Last game I played was that hungarian medieval game fedeykin or whatever. It was ok
I dont watch movies anymore, just YT vids
>Favorite historical figure
Michael Collins, The Irish revolutionary

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>The way she shamelessly set up at a public beach 10ms from a family and two kids and laid their practically naked all day. Fucking whore slut.

Something like that probably affected you more than you think. Being exposed to sex, nudity or sexulised images as a young kid has the same effect on the brain that molestation does. Women really need to be alot more weary and respectful of themselves and their bodies.
They got you fighting a gender war to keep you from fighting a race war
DESU as a whole I hate women more than I hate niggers and on whites. If I had to be trapped on a island with either a group of non-white males or a group of white women, I'd choose the former.
>and Pinochet

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Why is it wrong to beat up women? They can endure birth which it's supposedly the sharpest pain ever so how can a mere fist to the face significantly hurt them?
why is it wrong to kick you in the nuts?

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Nature lesson:

If you get happiness with the suffering of another person,
there will come a day when other person will be happy with your misery.

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I believe that every autist deserves reparations from normies for all the suffering they caused us. If I get elected, you will receive your just compensation, either in the form of money or sex slaves. Or both, if you just want a few sex slaves.
I think the reparations should be high enough that you can buy a house and never have to work again and also take ~3 pretty sex slaves.

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They are all working full time jobs and in the gym at 6am. They all have a side hustle like selling custom beads and candles on facebook and they all drive sports cars and always have plenty of money. They travel around the world with no expense spared.

We are told they are all fat and on antidepressants. This is totally false. Look at the social threads on /b/ for a more up to date example of what women's lives are like now.
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he's unironically right, but I'm mostly focused on the males
fomo'ed out of my ass daily reminder that one are poor forever
it's called normiemaxxing/ecelebmaxxing/socialmediamaxxing
also most of them have a man or multiple men bankrolling them also
Most are lying for clout.
TLDR, the jews

Due to the socio-economic factors occurring in society which have been orchestrated and masterminded by kikes, women are starting to evolve and essentially take the role of Men.

Men have essentially been sissified over the last 2 generations or more creating an entire generation of weak, demoralized or pathetic Men. Men have no reason to strive for things anymore because all of of your pursuits have been taken away from or deemed to be socially unacceptable. Women on the other hand have been groomed and coddled from birth with the idea they can do whatever they want.

Look up the mouse utopia experiment, we're in the second last stage before the total collapse of the "utopia". The female mice started killing their babies, refused to ate, literally hid out on high pedestals and had harems of orbiters that they aggressively selected to breed with. All while all the male mice either fought for breeding rights, were killed by packs of violent mice OR became total loners and died out.

Combine this with a lack of living space and competition of resources thanks to immigration(jews again) and this is what you get.

I remember 15 years if you went to a gym youd see a few females but they all mostly stuck to the treadmills or did yoga while scrolling through their phones. Now theyre in the free weights are dead lifting 200kgs, doing un assisted wide grip heaves to fail, bench pressing 2 plates and bicep curling. All while half naked. Meanwhile most men in gyms are overweight sad sacks trying to lose a beer belly.
>I remember 15 years if you went to a gym youd see a few females but they all mostly stuck to the treadmills or did yoga while scrolling through their phones. Now theyre in the free weights are dead lifting 200kgs, doing un assisted wide grip heaves to fail, bench pressing 2 plates and bicep curling. All while half naked. Meanwhile most men in gyms are overweight sad sacks trying to lose a beer belly

Yeah that's what i'm talking about. You never used to see this before. Now gyms especially are full of motivated "career women" who are dedicated to lifting and they do more than men. I've also noticed many women into car culture and car mechanics these days than there used to be before.
also this anon is right
>Due to the socio-economic factors occurring in society which have been orchestrated and masterminded by kikes, women are starting to evolve and essentially take the role of Men.
with feminism and the birth control pill we might add

>Look up the mouse utopia experiment
this one is based
you might also draw paralells to the fall of rome and all civilizations and the obession with gender and stuff

>Combine this with a lack of living space and competition of resources thanks to immigration(jews again) and this is what you get.
in my country due to this the gender ratio in teenagers is more skewed than men to women in china due to this
which means competition for prime females is even harder here than in china
which is an insane stat, hopefully I'm not forgetting anything or if it's accurate because those stats are insane

>Now theyre in the free weights are dead lifting 200kgs, doing un assisted wide grip heaves to fail, bench pressing 2 plates and bicep curling. All while half naked. Meanwhile most men in gyms are overweight sad sacks trying to lose a beer belly.

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waking up with weird alien markings and taking it easy
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>The alcohol wasn't bad and it didn't make me sick
What did it taste like?
>what about you?
I don't remember any details but my dreams last night had some sort of progression and they were connected. Every dream made me "level up" in some way.
No that's just your schizophrenia talking
good morning kaguyanon. hope you slept well
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>What did it taste like?
i think it was sweet
like honey
>I don't remember any details but my dreams last night had some sort of progression and they were connected. Every dream made me "level up" in some way.
what else do u remember?
who else left these scratches then?
good morning, i slept alright
what about you?
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Sometimes when I get woken up at a weird time that happens. You're in such a deep sleep that your body doesn't move and your bedsheets press into you. Usually you start moving again before you wake up and the marks go away.

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Nostalgia edition.

thread questions
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology

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I personally would stick with using "type" for any combo of function and attitude.
Which means "Extraverted thinking" is a type as much as "entj". It's also technically more accurate and inclusive to the fact auxiliary functions are supposed to come up at a later time compared to whether you are an extravert or introvert and the first function.
>Your type
>Which type should be put into cages and made to dance for your amusement?
The problem is that in koinotypology, the function and attitude combinations are no longer treated as a "type." If you disagree with this reality, I get it, I don't want to hear it. The point is, that in koinotypology, extraverted thinking is no longer a type, which is why it is constantly referred to as a "function." There are extraverted thinking types, (types with extraverted thinking in the conscious) but extraverted thinking is not a type in koinotypology. Which is why it is fine to say, "Te" to refer to it. It is not a type anymore, it is: a mode, an expression, a form, a mechanism, a method. I used thesaurus to look up more possible words to use. And unfortunately, I do plan on using whichever terms I settle on regularly. Not to artificially push them but to attempt to get people off my back and promote healthier discussion.
>Your type
>Your opinion on this song
>>Your type
>>Your opinion on this song
The first half was pretty cool, then it kind went into the crapper.

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