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Beautiful women like this make me feel sick. My soul is so rotten, my heart is so scattered. I couldnt love someone as they could love me.
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Ok, then she wasn't one of those women still what happened that you 2 broken up?
Anyone know the cosplayers name?
ok you simping faggot
you sound like a 14 year old tumblrite
misaki misaki misaki misaki misaki misaki misaki misaki misaki misaki misaki misaki misaki
oh hey i have that same image, twinss

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>10 years Home schooled weirdo neet
May end up very smart but socially inept. May become scientist, game developer or die virgin
>20 years The most normal age for neet
You will end up becoming sub normie, homeless or dead. Slight chance at success.
>30 years The point of no return.
If you never had a job you prolly never will get it. You better have rich parents
>40 years life standards lowering
Your parents stop working. Now you better get disability or neetbux
>50+ years Weird hobo.
You failed life and now have nothing but regret
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>>20 years The most normal age for neet
20 is the closest number here and I'm living off of my mum. I feel like I'm beyond salvation already. I'm too anxious to leave the house for everything but absolute necessities. I dropped out of high school and now I'm LDARing. The time from my early teenage years to now already feels skipped, I feel like just a few times waking up more and I'm 30 year old human garbage.

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Lol they got so mad they made the mods archive the other thread. >>77532476

Thread for the boys, no cuntoids or trannies allowed

Thread topic: What single event cause you to hate the female gender?

Other topics:
>Favorite historical figure


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Gona go with based

LOL! Holy fuck anon that is sad.
Why do women strive to create serial killers?
Because women are attracted to serial killers for the same reason people try to appease bullies. It's a beta survival technique. Women get off on being prey to alphamales. And once they get vagina tingles, they'll rationalize everything with whatever fantasy they need.
>It's a beta survival technique
How is appeasing bullies a survival tactic?
If you have to ask your local bullies must have been light weight. Being occasionally teased/getting a light beating is a lot better than full time harassment and violence.

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Living in Seoul South Korea is so fun because the government pays money to NEET incels like me to encourage us to go outside and talk to women but I spend it all on gachas
This is why the west coming to east Asia ruined it all
Gacha players really shouldn't be reproducing anywa. Only way it can get worse is if you start donating to /v/-tubers (which you probably do as well)

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Sex havers go through life succeeding without ever even trying then tell incels to just try harder.
Oddly enough I have never heard of an incel trying to actually date girls. I had to struggle for years before I succeeded

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>Why don't you wanna talk to me?
>Because I'm not attracted to you on a genetic level and no amount of money, showering, lifting, PUA classes, counseling, job, respecting women, haircut, or buying new clothes will ever make me like you.

There was that that hard? Is all these fake stories about how you're "busy tonight" or "have a boyfriend" necessary? Is all the fake PUA advice about "personality", "confidence", and "self improvement" necessary? Why can't we as a society just be more honest and transparent? "I'm letting him off easy". No no you're not. You're actually doing more harm than good because you're telling him he still has a chance if he beats the right level or enters the right cheat code. It's actually pretty evil. Would capitalism and the work force collapse if we told the truth to 80% of men out there?
talking is okay, we can talk to any man
but all men think that if you talk to them, it means you are interested in them, which is not true
one of the problems is that most women are invisible to men, so they have to make their interactions count with the few women that they see as attractive.

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God, I can't fucking get out of bed, kill me now, been laying here for 3 hours and with no hope of ever getting up
my dude, get up shower and grab a coffee. theres so much shit to do out there.
>getting up is always the hardest part
>once youre up everything else will sort itself out
It gets better
Been there recently. Can you fall back asleep?
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im in the same boat.
I feel so dead inside. Have been on anti-depressants for a year now, it just makes getting out of bed harder.

I just cannot get out of bed, sometimes not even for my job. I've tried everything, putting the alarm clock far away, no phone, no tablet, even bought a sunrise clock. Nothing works, and I know why. It's because I just don't care anymore. There's no light at the end of the tunnel.

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If you cloned yourself, would you have sex with the clone?
nah just some basic frotting
No but we would probably share a bed
I wouldnt have sex with my clone but I would have threesomes with it
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Only after forcing him to do a gender transition first. I'd probably make sure the clone was born crippled and mute so he couldn't do the same to me and then I'd cut off his balls and inject estrogen into him and have him get laser hair removal done and would eventually probably take him to Thailand for a decent Asian quality vagina folded over 1000 times. Also I'd take her to one of those places that offers height reduction surgery in addition to limb lengthening so I can get her reduced to about 5'4.
Then I'd make her walk around public places with me while she's dressed up in really slutty clothes and I'd make her hold my hand. I'd be really violent while fucking her and I'd make her wear a maid outfit at home and she'd have to keep the place clean or I'd beat her.
Nah, im not gay nigga to do it

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>Be me
>enjoying a good coomin sesh
>suddenly an fbi message pops up similar to pic related
>be hyperventilating
>pretty sure I use tor and a million vpns for all my porn services
>be in panic mode almost having a panic attack
>factory reset my hard drive but be too paranoid so take it out of my pc and drill it
>do the same with my other hard drives
>destroy my phone too
>unplug my wifi
>decide to go to the woods to burn it then bury it
>go back home and cry myself too sleep
>be off the grid for a week
>be calmer now

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>watch shit that can get you thrown in prison
>the FBI says it's okay as long as I pay a fine
Why are you so damn pants-on-head stupid, OP?
op was acting on panic mode tho he prolly didnt read it all until later when he found out it was a scam
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yet another example of the corruption in our government
Cuties for everyone
What a bizarre scheme. Government agencies normally have HTTPS-encrypted URLs.
Normally, government agencies don't do business with webhosting companies that are known for infecting their customers' computers with malware

Tl;dr you had a psychotic break and wasted a whole week of your life because you were too dumb to do some background research (a quick google search)

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What would you have done in his situation?
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Listen to the voices anon, you must DESTROY HER before she DESTROYS YOU. If you don't do it 9/11 2 will happen.
>autistist and autists can't discern body language
Incorrect. I'm a diagnosed autist, I didn't have the basic programming of knowing social shit from the get go, but studying body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and inflection became one of my autistic obsessions when I was young, so now in adulthood I can pretty accurately figure out what people are feeling, thinking or even if people are being ingenuine. As an example, the only difference between a real and a fake smile is if the orbicularis oculi moves or remains neutral. The only emotion that's hard to notice is sadness, sadness (without crying) is literally just a default expression but all the facial muscles are slightly more relaxed, so it's basically impossible to tell unless you know what someone looks like normally.
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I just gotta know what seinfeld antics he gets up too!
Probably turn away like he did but out of autism and shyness, and then foolishly try to kiss her AFTER because i wanted to but was too retarded to do it but she pulls away

moving edition

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


Previous /r9k/ thread >>77516609

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Yep! I have quite a bit of them actually :D Love Nicole in dapper outfits

POV goa waiting for you to finish your meal
uniforms are also pretty nice
autumn bumpings
leather jacket bump
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Leather jackets are hot and look good on Nicole bump

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I'm on a walk so I made a thread. Do you like going for long walks in nature, anon?
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I don't think I will. No one would larp about something like this, bakamoron
It's my time to catch up with this board, lurk and post
Based based based
I also used to larp as a ninja as a kid, really was a fun time. I would climb trees and stuff too. I live in the city but there are still isolated tracks in nature I can go on. I rarely see anyone here lol
That's 10/10 well drawn feet holy shit. Good taste bro
larping as a ninja made me really strong aswell i wish it was a socially acceptable thing to do because its great fitness also nice pic
Sometimes. Obviously going for walks and moving around is healthier than sitting at a chair all day so it's essential.
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Thanks and agreed. I wish I did more silly things as a kid. Do you still work on your fitness? I love running, my favorite type of exercise. Going for a run today too after my walk :D
I'm inside your head
As a NEET I have a lot of free time and physical activity makes me feel like I did something good for my health, which feels good. I just avoid crowded places.

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Sorry I'm late I was stuff

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If a moid made me breakfast in bed every morning I would let him plap my butt.
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My favorite breakfast food is Samyang Artificial Spicy Chicken Stir Fry Noodles (kimchi flavor) but hashbrowns are delicious. I usually have an omlette, hash browns, and rye toast when I eat out for breakfast.
It's gonna be messy... But I guess I can try to bring the griddle and pancake mix onto the bed. Just don't move too much and spill anything.
>samyang noodles

try MAMA brand tom yum some time, def needs extra meat (chicken/shrimp) and greens (lime, onion, basil, mint) but its a solid bowl base on its own
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women 100 years ago would get beaten by their husband daily and not leave them now bitches are demanding breakfast in bed daily
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4chan posters pretending to be women.

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I'm extremely insecure of my intelligence, memory, and focus. I'm envious when 90% of people seem to grasp things better intuitively than I do. I try to say to myself that I need to be happy with who I am, but deep down it's a cope that I know will never work for as long as I live.
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>what's your diet like
I don't eat slop if that's what you're asking
>do you get enough sleep
>do you exercise
Sometimes, but definitely need to work out more
>do you have enough vitamins
I eat foods with vitamins so probably
>do you drink enough water
>do you work or go to school
Yes to both
>do you socialize or are you shut-in
I do socialize

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try sweating more and see if it help clear your mind. you can run, walk, or lift weights, even swim if that's your thing. but it can help you out.

there is definitely a way for you to gain better memory I don't believe you're so stupid you can't gain intelligence if you can communicate the way you are right now. definitely not stupider than the average person if you're here.
I know it's not specific but what was the last thing though, I'm just curious.
I'm in college and I had a class where I had no idea wtf I was doing most of the time, I still passed but barely. Read the textbook multiple times and the professor wasn't helpful.
>Read the textbook multiple
By this I meant read the parts in the textbook which were applicable to what I was learning, I didn't read the entire textbook.

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