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What exactly is so unappealing about codecels?
Is it the nerdy nature of the profession, or that codecels themselves are repulsive?
Would being a programmer be a minus for a good looking man with proper social skills?
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Giving advice like to use bumble for dating. Are you fking retarded?
Non-software engineers are considered manly and handy and actually sought after by women (or so they've told me).
Women are not dumb, they've figured out that codecels have adopted the engineer title because of the image it brings.
This was definitely posted by some normie guy who is mad about software devs stealing his bitches so now he can't get away with making "yes I dance" into his whole personality
That ain't true bud.Mechanical Engineer here. I look manly and sort of act manly af. I get no bitches.
I think STEMcels have brains that allow them to be very direct, and that helps them create concrete structures/designs. This is why they like playing video games, you're trying to get from point A to point B, whether that'd be killing bosses, acquiring points, whatever. Normal people aren't as set in their brains as STEMcels are, they aren't as bounded by rules and can do things without having an end objective in mind. They're much more easy-going because of this.

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Take this test: https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test

Post your results and analyze the results of other anons
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r8 me plox
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I don't know what this means at all
Openness = how arts-oriented and intellectually curious are you
Conscientiousness = how well organized and diligent at work are you
Extraversion = How energized you feel by social interactions rather than drained by them
Agreeableness = How conflict avoidant and willing to be nice to other people you are
Neuroticism = How prone you are to feel anxious/sad/fearful/other negative emotions
High openness
Medium conscientious
Low extroversion
High agreeableness
High neuroticism

What MBTI is this
According to 16p INFx-T, but bear in mind that Big 5 x MBTI interrelatedness is up for discussion

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don't forget this anons
Uh I read "Non-progressive is regressive."


Why are females such cry babies? Its literally a given thing that if you're in a relationship youre gona get it in the ass. Every single porn star does anal now days. If they can handle giant porn dicks in their shit pipe then so can normal femoids.
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yes truly the gayest thing about me is sticking my tongue and penis in a womans butthole (located cm away from her pussy)
real, wake up op
>fucking a woman

Ok anon.
Females could always settle for unattractive male feminist incels who would be happy just eating them out and gently fingering them without any expectation of any or penetration in general, but females are stupid picky bitches who would rather get painful anal from Chad than settle for less. They complain about anal but it's still an acceptable sacrifice for them vs the alternative of just not being so fucking picky
straight guys who want anal are porn addicts and don't know how to do it without pain

this is what happens when they do


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I was set up to be raped by niggers by indian immigrants in the government of alberta, this 100% ruined my life and i never recovered
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Elaborate nigger
Ive been very delibrately trying to manifest them being quartered by cyber trucks for years, i hope one day everyone appreciates how reasonable this request was
how's that working for you? maybe get yourself some self-defence equipment.
Your failure to elaborate makes me think yous a retarded bitch
glownigger, do not interact

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>disagree on one thing with catholic discord group
>immediately banned
Why are online catholics like this?
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I disagree. Priests should get all the pussy.
The bible disagrees on both points:

He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.
1 Timothy 3:4

Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation?
Job 38:4
Celibacy is better.
1 Corinthians 7
Now in regard to the matters about which you wrote: It is a good thing for a man not to touch a woman

Before you point to the following verses, Paul states that marriage is better than fornication, but one should only marry if they cannot otherwise follow celibacy.
Celibacy is the higher calling
Additionally the difficulties of translating the filioque is because the Greek language cannot describe it. Latin the the more apt and descriptive ecclesiastical language
Latin is for child rapists.

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I am ugly, therefore I shall dress ugly. To put something good on is to play pretend and make myself a clown.
what a fucking swag
someone out there thinks you're attractive you should dress up nice for them. I'm a solid 4 at best, but I'm handsome to my girlfriend somehow.
I just wear a simple shirt, shorts or jeans depending on the climate and flipflops if it's near and shoes if it's far.
Those that don't like it can suck my cock

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hear me out in this hypothetical scenario anons
>be boy
>turn 12 and start getting erections
>instead of getting "the talk" your mom teaches you how to have sex and use protection
>since you are using protection there's no risk of pregnancy which teaches you a good lesson
>you're doing it with the woman you trust the most so she will know perfectly how to teach you and you wouldnt feel awkard or be fucking some random woman
>other kids wouldn be able to make fun of you about being a virgin cause you arent one
>will strengthen your bond between you and your mother and will serve as a milestone just like learning to drive or drinking your first beer
>would even teach you to respect wmoen
why aren't we doing this?
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i would not have fucked my ugly repulsive mother
lol ikr originally
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I remember the counter-phimosis handjobs and I wish I hadn't been born
It wasn't fun bc she was obviously ashamed
I hate single mothers esp. when they haven't taken care to have a strong local social network so that there are trustworthy ppl to learn from around instead of "I paid for school so not my problem" copout
but what i could actually see is a biphasic relationship model. how we treat relationships now is based on the marriage model that originally involved getting married in your teens (or teen girl with an older male) and having children shortly after. but people dont want children that early anymore. what if we normalised that every boy would be with an older woman first, and every girl a man, and then at around a certain age you would look for your second, much younger partner that you keep for life. or you could make it a bigamous thing where everyone just gets these two people and noone else. the older person could teach some things about sex and about life
just a thought
Just came to this tnx

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Why do millennial lesbians hate attractive women?
>Why do millennial lesbians hate attractive women?
they were rejected by femme girls in high school and college
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Like seriously what's wrong with seeing all women as beautiful and sexy? You'd think that they'll agree with that.
This, lesbians are just dickless incels. Their version of chad is all men.
I fucking hate women so fucking much I want to kill myself

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Are there any black metal bands that havent cucked out?
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I'm not into black metal much despite being a metalhead, but I get why people like bands such as Dimmu Borgir for example even though I'm not very familiar with them. Are there any songs similar to their Mourning Palace? The kind that have melodic and maybe symphonic elements and sound more mainstream in a sense.

Also, is does anyone have an issue with YouTube reducing the volume halfway through a song when you're private browsing? I listen to a lot of music in private mode to avoid shitting up my recommendation algorithm and it always does that for the first song.

Also, my favorite non-black metal by a black metal band:

Symphonic Death Metal
are you sure about that?
are you absolutely sure?
forgot picrel
read em and weep

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If you can cum by shoving shit up your ass then why don't you cum when you take a shit?
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Philosophers have been asking this very question for millions of years. I think Kant and Aristotle tackled this very topic.
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That's where you're wrong, it tastes great if I eat the right things.
Sauce for that pic OP? Please and thank you.
>coombraining so hard he asks for source when there's a watermark
idk why anyone wasted time making anime girls after asuka rei and misato.

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All social media should be totally anonymous. Even 4chan isn't good enough on this for me. I can't stand all the attention whore normies and how everyone will go through your post history to gather dirt on you. They're all vultures who jump on the first opportunity to cause some drama.
Drama is good if its funny.

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>Pros: Don't have to work
>Cons: No money = living with your parents = no privacy = no pussy
>Pros: Money = independence = privacy = pussy
>Cons: Slaving your life away at a soulless corporation for some mediocre roastie pussy at best

Which path have you chosen and is it worth it despite the cons?
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You're saying "just 10x" really casually, is it really that easy to invest?
How did you do it? And work over 40hours, rlly?
Tell, me exactly what you do or it's a LARP.
I have heard many people here (/r9k/ or /biz/) say that they have a business or that they, two software engineering shit. But they never give specific details. So can you tell me how you make 200,000 a year or are you a fucking LARPER?
this is why self-employed is best
But what happens when you make a mistake and have to fire yourself?

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If you look at the comment sections of interracial porn videos and gangbang videos, 80 percent of comments and praise are from black guys. Likewise, most young blacks own a PS5 or Xbox and they all play Madden, NBA and other video games even inside the crack house it's common to see gangs of young black guys chillin and playing video games

When white males watch porn and play video games, this is used against them and it is implied that they are low t incels for doing this.
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>If you look at the comment sections of interracial porn videos and gangbang videos, 80 percent of comments and praise are from black guys. Likewise, most young blacks own a PS5 or Xbox and they all play Madden, NBA and other video games even inside the crack house it's common to see gangs of young black guys chillin and playing video games
Black people have a warrior culture. "Games," including both sports and mental games, are highly prized in warrior culture because they prepare you for the real thing. That's where their comparatively higher opinion of videogames comes from. I don't know about the porn thing. I think maybe Black women are just happy that a porn-watching Black man who says in the U.S. at least isn't a passport bro, lol.
I was here since highschool so it's mostly nostalgia for shitposts. now everything is massively gay or faggy but everywhere else on the internet is even worse. they weren't kidding when they said you're here forever. I've been here since 2014.
or they shut down criticism. you need to have a thick skin because other blacks don't tolerate weakness, and will make your life hell if you cave. I got in a ton of fights in school because I was an antisocial nerd boy getting picked on. If I didn't fight them back they would've kept fucking with me forever.
>When white males watch porn and play video games, this is used against them and it is implied that they are low t incels for doing this.
Its just the chad thing bro, thugs are the chads, so regardless of what chad aka the thug in this case does, its not a problem. When a non chad does it then theres a problem. I dont have the image saved but you know the one where the girl keeps saying
>I like X guys
Buti ts just the same dude dressed up differently, same shit
Im >>77535997 btw
Black men are chads by nature who impregnate and abandon black women constantly, not to mention also beating the shit out of them. Black women don't want to make things even worse by antagonizing them.
Modern white men in contrast stopped being abusive and independent so they're an easier target vs. the 1950s when white women would be similarly afraid of speaking out against their men.
>I don't know about the porn thing
as a black, we are pretty open about porn, it's kind of normalized in our circles to talk about it. so there's no shame. we talk about how a chick's ass is fat in public as she walks past us, and they either ignore it or acknowledge us, but either way we don't care.

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I cannot stand being 30. Id give anything to be 18 again. I want to be young and live a proper young experience. It is suffocating me that I will only get older and more othered from young people. I just want to be one of them.
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I'm 25 and I'm still in uni with a job that pays bad. It's over for me? Should I kms?
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I'm 25 and have literally been locked in a room for the past 11 years because of crippling OCD. Is it too late for me or should I just completely give up on experiencing 'youth'?
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Same dude. I'm 33 and not sure what to do with any aspect of my life. No gf to build a future with. Administrative job that pays average, but no idea what I'd like to do for a job in the future. Buying a house by myself is impossible in my country.
It's literally just the daily grind of work, cook, relax, repeat. Didn't really bother me in my 20s but now I realized how missed out on and the age of being able to mess around is over. Especially when people you know around your age are all getting married, buying a house together, having kids and a better career.

I also feel sorry for my parents. Their friends talk about how their kids are dating, having a gf/bf and now grand kids. Mine may never experience that.
What are some social hobbies?
Meet some friends at the local shooting range.

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