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Anyone else afraid of having sex and losing your special status as one of the many adult male virgins during the incel epidemic?
males can't be virgins
in short, you are suffering from mental illness

moving edition

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


Previous /r9k/ thread >>77516609

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>"It's a whole new way of being trashy"
With bigger image limits and no filter
Yep! I have quite a bit of them actually :D Love Nicole in dapper outfits

POV goa waiting for you to finish your meal
uniforms are also pretty nice
autumn bumpings
leather jacket bump

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>"Yeah. That's it Bonnie..." He whispered in a soft voice, finally able to enjoy himself. College. He thought it was going to be totally different from high school. More friends... more GIRLfriends. To his dismay, that was not the case. In elementary, girls were interested in middle school guys. In middle school, they're lusting after high school guys. In high school, they're fucking college guys. In college, they're dating men with careers. It was the same old story. Girls his age just weren't interested in him. So why not try with somebody younger himself? Maybe it was poor justification. Maybe he shouldn't be robbing the nursery. Right now though? He had no more reservations. This cute button nosed little girl with the tight mouth was giving him the time of day and that's all that mattered. Her young teeth, scraping against his member added to the pleasure, his hand wanted her to give him more but he knew he couldn't force that on her so early. His hand instead, patting upon the softness of her head. She tried to smile before burbling like a baby sucking on a toy. That seemed to have distracted her, unintentionally pushing it farther down her mouth.

What would you do in Andy's position?
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b brusmpb eursmp bumeprsb b
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That's hot. Thanks for sharing, anon.
Thanks. Could you leave a comment on it? You don't need to register


What was your favorite part of the story?
ursmp bumeprsb bb y bj
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mhhh bby bj

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how would robots get together?

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>comes up with plan for master race
>gets proven wrong by a homeless guy
>kills myself
Yeah, I'm thinkin that's based.

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why are all the old fags complaining about zoomers coming here? They were young when they first came here too. Don't pretend you're any different from the next generation of outcasts
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Because they were born to gen x and millennials themselves which were already pretty fucking dysgenic as it is. Boomers seem eternal because they were born and raised in a world free of microplastics, xenoestrogens and goyslop. As time passed on and everything got worse it was inevitable that newer generations became more sickly and ridden with early chronic disease. There's many zoomers with t2 diabetes and hypertension, they got unlucky is all. No idea what the guy above me is on lol
>sweeter, dorkier
Aren't they usually extremely harsh when it comes to dating? They want guys over 6ft who are extroverted and have it all together and shame manlets and fat guys. They are also addicted to social media which means they have a warped perception of the world.
Not really. You don't find many nerdy sweet girls like you could before. They dress sluttier now.
>People (fembrains) afraid of aging cope by pretending they look younger than they actually do and lie to everyone including themselves
Im sorry the internet fried your brain, millenizoomer.
Its all an act anon, they gather in secret places to discuss how to pull the best moids. They know exactly what youre looking for
>zoomer girls are more sensitive, sweeter, dorkier, and smarter than the previous generation were.


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>10 years Home schooled weirdo neet
May end up very smart but socially inept. May become scientist, game developer or die virgin
>20 years The most normal age for neet
You will end up becoming sub normie, homeless or dead. Slight chance at success.
>30 years The point of no return.
If you never had a job you prolly never will get it. You better have rich parents
>40 years life standards lowering
Your parents stop working. Now you better get disability or neetbux
>50+ years Weird hobo.
You failed life and now have nothing but regret

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Have you invented any memes? I personally invented "yikes".
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I invented Pepe. I can post my penis to prove it
I've made a few image macros, would have made more if I wasn't such a fucking lazy bastard. Started a pretty sizeable trend on a certain anime general on /a/ but other than that probably nothing else
I invented insaneo style as well as sicko mode and sexy time
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I was one of the five people responsible for the 2020 fanboy and chumchum revival memes. I was/am (idk it's still like this I haven't used instagram in forever) mutuals with the person who created the submissive and breedable meme
I was the primary driving force at the beginning for James Rolfe cuck memes on tv, as well as Molyposting in 2016 on pol.

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Are people who claim to be ex-gay and de-trans just lying? Why are these people so heavily censored and hard to find on Google and YouTube?
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yes they are right wing terrorists posing as trans people. nobody would actually be normal and not trans. everyone is trans. cut your penis off, it's normal!

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Biological femanons, post a pic of the type of men you are into, only concerning physical appearance.
If you are trans, please state so, as this thread is primarily for biofem.

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Are there any black metal bands that havent cucked out?
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I somehow doubt you sat through Aesthethica, H.A.Q.Q., and 93696, which are their most acclaimed releases. And if you haven't, then that would make your opinion not informed enough to be valuable. But if you have, then that's fine. We don't have to see eye to eye on everything. Just curious, though: what is it about their music that you dislike? Just saying that something "sounds like shit" and is "pretentious hipster music" doesn't sound very substantial.
>Deathspell Omega
I like Kenose and Mass Grave Aesthetics, and I think Diabolus Absconditus and Drought are decent. Their full releases haven't quite clicked for me, though. But I definitely do see the appeal. If I give them some more tries, then I'm sure I'll come around eventually.
Black Metal is pretty boring outside of like Master's Hammer, or other Czech stuff. They're basically the only country that gets the sound right.
If FAS and Paracletus don't click I'm afraid you will never transcend.
Their first album was best desu

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Men who have been through a breakup, what helped you move on that wasnt fucking some other bitch? I feel completly exhausted from the constant pain, and I cant focus enough to see solutions
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My advice boils down to
>enjoy life
>remember this doesnt mean you wont ever date again/are unfuckable
Mine was a genuinely bad person tho so it was easy. Anyway yea pouring yourself into music sounds great, expression is a good way to achieve catharsis/learn to cope with the breakup. Dont use rage though because rage only makes you feel worse but doing it in a constructive way should be fine.
My issue is that I dont want another bitch, I just want to fucking die. Id rather be alone the rest of my life than to make the past worthless, my love is garbage and nothing if I can just let go.
Ah I understand, well hopefully it will pass though you will feel like shit for a while, even I did. Good luck tho broski
It's gonna hurt for a long time bud, but the longer you go on the less painful it is. Seeing her move on will also speed up this process.
I moved to a new appartment in a different city, picked up some old hobbies and started going to the gym. I talked to close friends about my feelings and I cried a shit ton. It took me 5 months, but the pain did eventually go away. Good luck OP

>Be me
>Lonely, virgin and depressed
>Decides to do something
>"Im going to see an escort"
>There is a ukrainian one near me
>Meet her
>Didn't knew she was a luxury one, and the price is high
>Go with her anyway
>She offer drinks and I become drunk
>Have sex with her
>Beat her up and escape to not pay
>Go home, sleep and everything is fine
>Next night hear footsteps close to my bedroom window at midnight
>Two guys speaking fuckin russian to each other outside
>Locked all doors in my house and Im haven't gone out for 4 days

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did you not talk about the price beforehand?
you should have just left instead of beatign up a hooker you retard lmao. those russian mob guys are going to break your legs.
legitimately get the fuck out and move
Fuck you, I dont deserve it, society didn't give me love now look where I ended
I think a week, but I think I will barely have food for the last 2 days, and also have to pay energy bill in 13 days.
You dont understand. I cannot talk to women. I am too much of a weirdo. Also, I was horny and emotional that day, thats why I got with her. In a normal state of mind, I would never.
>Cock and balls torture
Thats why I want a firearm
>did you not talk about the price beforehand?
I didn't, because I wasnt sure yet what I would do. I met her personally, then I decided and she told the price, I accepted it because I as horny and emotional, I wasn't turning back blue balled, however I got drunk and overstayed, she used me.

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>you will never have a girl that you've known your entire life and are best friends with, but deep down you both love each other and are literally soul mates
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We can be friends uwu
>We can be friends uwu
Wow it's been a while since I've seen someone say uwu. What messaging service do you tend to use?
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OP, why have you chosen to hurt me today?
>messaging service
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>bfd420.png (1.01 MB, 960x720)
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What is that?

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Why aren't you on mainstream social media? All the kids are using it.
because the kids are using it and I hate them
mostly because I'm a /g/ privacy schizo and I don't accept their privacy policies. (or rather their lack thereof)
I'd have like three followers on Instagram if I made one and I'm capable of keeping up with those people without it. I've literally never had someone ask to add me on social media so it's not like anyone I meet wants to keep in contact with me anyway.
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they just want to be tiktok stars
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I'm sure this wasn't all set up by her mother.

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