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saw a tweet
went down a rabbit hole
sharing findings
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Wtf I'm literally on the side of the Nazis now. The Aryan man respects the animal.
lmao do you still believe those fairy tales?
when are you gonna grow up? watch a real documentary or read a book or something
spoiler alert: none of it happened
Imagine being brainwashed by Nazi propaganda and acting like you're intellectually superior for it
>my propaganda is better than your propaganda
how about i kill you both
I am aware of that. What I mean is thst communist ideology destroys perfectly good thingns, like pets or art just because it cannot handle anything that is not pro-communist. Like how pol pot targeted Cambodians with glasses because they could read and he wanted to drag the country back into the agrarian age. The nazis stole more than they destroyed. The communists just destroyed things .

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How aren't most guys more insecure about being circumcised? Having part of your dick missing has to be one of the most emasculating shameful things I can think of. Even without all the obvious downsides.
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My cock is big so I don't care.
I'm convinced this cut/uncut thing is only something you can care about if you're sub 7"
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Probably the original humiliation ritual
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Alduous Huxley was right about you.

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>it's a "Slavic girl gaslights and manipulates you" episode
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>not wanting to fuck Dasha
Periodic reminder that Dasha is an ex-pornstar and a coalburner
She hides her fucked jaw by tilting her head like that.
She is nothing special. You fags are being psyopped into fapping to ordinary looking women.
No, it's tiktok trash
Don't know who she is but this Dasha girl has a beautiful face. That's it. I mean it's so cute and mesmerising. Probably a shallow whore though.

Would you rather be a woman that gets insane attention from men you don't want/creep you out or a man who gets no attention from any woman at all?
id rather be a woman than a man so
as a woman; would they touch me?
because if they started touching me and shit that would be weird as hell i dont want to be groped by some uggo loser incel
Bro you're asking on /r9k/. What kind of troonbait is this.
A woman so that i can get money and gifts from simps

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Should i become a transbian?. i have been thinking about taking the pinkpill but i could never imagine myself being attracted to men, but seeing picrel just makes me want to get on my knees and serve

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Tired Thursday Edition

>How are you doing ?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
163 replies and 88 images omitted. Click here to view.
true. but this is place is as good as anywhere else. so, what's it you want to talk about?

>existential crisis about how I came to be living the life I am at my age.
i feel you. can't say i'm happy with where i am in life, but i don't have much drive to change it, either.

>I really am having trouble with self-hatred, or rather self love.
yeah. the first is my only motivation to work on myself and i don't feel the latter at all.

>My life has definitely had terrible things in it, but I feel like I should have gotten past that.
the weird thing is that i don't even have anything bad that happened to me. i've always been incompatible with society and people at large and kinda just retreated.

>Like it dismisses my responsibility. I know it's not all my fault, but I don't know which parts are or aren't.
i don't think it does. that you are thinking about your own part in it shows a better understanding of your situation than most people have. i'm not sure that clearly identifying what went wrong and who's to blame exactly will make a big difference, though. what happened always would have happened. at least that's what i believe. we can only try to learn from it again and again until we find a better way of dealing with our present selves.

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>guess you found yourself an aquaintance. ^^
Yup it's my first friend lol.

I'm going to take a nap, here's a dog that barked at me.
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>How are you doing ?
>Any plans for today?
I tripped and fell when I got out of the house to go on my run and got really mad and started crying but the run was okay then I came back home and started crying on and off for a couple of hours again but now I am kinda calm so I will just have some coffee and study
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
I think I hit myself a few times with a book while drunk two days ago
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>haven't slept yet because I was scared
ow maybe next time you should set an alarm?
sleep is important
>probably in like a hour.
>pretty cloudy but it's nice.
that's nice
here today it was warm and sunny
>Do you have any plans?
but I was at the store earlier and got some raspberries

Hi saka

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>Why yes I post on /cut/ how could you tell? :3

Normal people balances
>Social life
They don't have to think about what to say everytime they have a conversation
they don't most of what you see on social media is a lie
Social life = 3-4 hours a day, this normally includes lunch or dinner
Relationship = maybe 2 hours a day minimum, you text or call throughout the day, you add social life if you go out together, and weekends are much more
Work+commute = 6-10 hours a day at most
Gym = 1-2 hours twice or three times a week
Sleep = 7-8 hours a day
they don't waste their time scrolling 4chan / instagram and playing vidya

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how often do you fap? I do it 3x a day
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Once maybe 2 times a day and some days I don't
But I usually do at least once
once a day
it depends

sometimes its once a day
sometimes its twice or 3 times a day
sometimes it might even be 4 or 5 times a day
sometimes even more if im actually eating well and there's no one around
I used to fap 5+ times a day every day, then I got on hrt and now it's like 3 times a month max
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Twice a month maybe
Schizophrenia killed my sex drive
Antipsychotics killed my dick

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Give me summary of this book robots
>i am Jordon Bernard Petersonian, smartest human (not including women or trannies) who ever lived
>so i saw this asian milf get famous for cleaning rooms or something
>uhhh take showers i guess
>btw stab a troon to death because they control the banks and got my licence suspended when i dindo nuffin
>btw i fried my brain on russian benzos or something and need cash for medical bills so preorder my next book
You have summarized every book he has ever written accurately and there is nothing more to add.


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How do you feel about women with dicks?
The threads with pictures of men's dicks or men fucking men always get zoomers attention. God forbid we talk about girl dick though.

Why haven't you taken the passportpill yet?
I accidentally took the the poor and living with my parents pill

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Why can't men understand that women are happier than ever?
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Imagine how much they despise 95% of men to prefer that to being with one of us.
>she'd be even more miserable being subservient to a subhuman
I'm sure her boss is a square jawed gigachad and not an obese nepo baby
I mean they'd literally rather get mauled by a bear than walk past your average fit, adjusted guy on a hiking trail. Unreal how poorly equipped the female brain was for social media.
Her boss pays for the prison of her own making (consooming eye slop, ear slop, cosmetic slop, food slop) whilst the husband demands she clean his prison, cook the slop and also free sex.
That's a strawman. Just a bunch of freaks on the incel extreme getting ragebaited by a handful of freaks on the feminism extreme. Most women would neither go to the forest or care about sub-8 men.

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why did you give up on life?
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>All my efforts in life have quite literally backfired and made my life worse. I don't know if I'm cursed or just have such severe autism etc that I can't do anything right but it just seems to be the case that whenever I put in any amount of effort into changing things the universe seems to put and equal or greater amount of effort into putting me back in my place.
>It's actually comical how many times I've come so close to changing things and then having some ridiculous twist of fate fuck things over
my life
Yes, I was harvested through emergency C-section, if I was in any other time in history or if the doctor was late 20 minutes I would be dead or vegetable. I firmly believe that if you defy certain death at birth through human means you become cursed, that's why our life seems to be so wrong and different from that of normal people. When are you are born naturally, you are given a human destiny and a fate. But when you are harvested, you do not have the right to the life of a human. We are more like revenants who try to fit with humans despite not sharing the same predestination.
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Probably. I was born with life-threatening congenital defects and the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, but the system ensured I stayed here to suffer.
If you can't even be born alright, you're probably genetic trash incapable of fitting in with the rest of society.
I've so far been unable to attain any form of lasting happiness. Every attempt to better myself leads to failure and another reminder that I will never be enough.
I got incredibly sick within a few days of being born, was put on a respirator and given some kind of spinal injection. Should have tossed me out with the abortions.
Apathy and avolition. I used to want to want but now I don't care anymore. Feels good to not pressure myself into doing things I know I'm not gonna do.


Why are females such cry babies? Its literally a given thing that if you're in a relationship youre gona get it in the ass. Every single porn star does anal now days. If they can handle giant porn dicks in their shit pipe then so can normal femoids.
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straight guys who want anal are porn addicts and don't know how to do it without pain

this is what happens when they do

>Why are females such cry babies?
>Because it does hurt

women can't take a normal sized dick and complain.
While guys take horsecocks and moan about it.
Why can't women compete in ANYTHING?!
Why would it hurt? It doesn't hurt when a shit comes out of your butt.
Uh, no because women are built to be receivers and men aren't. In the natural doggy copulation position the asshole is literally staring your dick in the face, you think God didn't make it for us to stick in?
>Every single porn star does anal now days.
Porn isn't real, retard.

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