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The only way to truly create retro CGI is by using period accurate hardware and software, anything else is forced soul from coping zoomers.
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That kind of low detail "anime" is completely at odds with any actual Japanese CGI of that period (which i guess is the 90s since CGI would be rare in the 80s even in the west, that weird Golgo 13 sequence excluded) 3D animations of that period would look like Poppy the Performer or Gregory Horror Show, stylized but not really trying to emulate 2d anime, video game pre-renders in comparison would try to mix anime with some more realistic designs like pic.
I still don't know what he's trying to recreate here, the low amount of details says that he wants to do some psx real time model thing like those FFVII lego minifig people on the overworld, but for some reason he decides that the models need separate fingers for the hands but even less details for the face, also instead of texture work he uses all sorts of material settings that are too intensive for that sort of thing with all those reflections.
Nigga should just make his mind on what degree of stylization he wants, also whether he's a woman, a chud, both, or neither.
Ah Kurwa, forgot pic.
>material settings that are too intensive for that sort of thing with all those reflections

or perhaps, he might be using some dying crt displays with fucked colors and overcompensating for the lack of contrast/color accuracy.
Sorry i meant too hardware intensive (I was not sure to say if it was CPU intensive since 90s render farm 'puters usually had some hardware to assist in this kind of shit and i think some later SGI ones already had GPUs) the reflection on the desk and all the alpha see through stuff looks weird with the rather simple geometry, Compare it with this Babylon 5 screenshot for ants.
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And this.

Creating garment assets for game environments.

Seems it's a bit niche?

Pivoting from a Rhino + SolidWorks / Blender (to render) background.

What should I know?
Do you have tutorial/ resource recommendations?
**yes i have checked the intro guide**
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Does it make more sense to texture in CLO or bring it to blender and texture it there?
No. Marvelous has a view to layout uvs, just do that, export and texture wherever you normally do. Marvelous will export stitching at geometry iirc. You're better off building that into the textures with something like substance painter (or redo the stich geo procedurally in Houdini or geo nodes if you need autistic levels of detail)
is what you export from it meant to be bake-ready, or do you need to sculpt on top of it in zbrush?
how do i make hot underwear for my hot women models
i tried looking for tutorials specifically for underwear and got some super sussy suggestions on youtube
Do you retopo in MD, or do you export to some other program?

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You DO use it, right?
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I used to, then I stopped using Windows entirely.

On my work dev computer I dump converted 3D print files there, because the program we use is defaulted to dump the files there, and I can't be bothered to change it. I honestly had no idea that folder existed before that.
> system files in the same drive as work files.
Yeah no.
no, 99% of Windows users don't ever work with 3D objects and those who do have their own directory structure that is often determined by the program. pure idiocy from Microshit's side
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LMAO, my life is hell. everything installs itself on my c drive

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the eternal debate...

spoiler: only Z-Up is based. Z-Up came first in history, so it must be right. CAD enginners and cartographers used 3D graphics long before any of you animators dicking around in Maya.
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>what unit are the units?
>"nah bro its unitless"
>default gravity is 9.82
OpenGL doesn't have an up convention, you can use whatever you want.
Well clip space is Y-up I guess, with Z as depth. But the convention for cameras is different than for the world. Blender uses Z-depth/Y-up for cameras, despite the world being Z-up.
>Blender uses Z-depth/Y-up for cameras, despite the world being Z-up.
HOLY ratardation
You are the ratard anon. What happens when the camera is rolled 90 degrees? What happens when the camera is pointing straight down on the scene from above?

There is no relationship between camera space and world space so they don't need to "line up".
I understand both, have intuition for both and I can work with both.

I am superior being.

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How hard is it to make your own engine and make your own content in it compared to using unity or unreal?
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No, that's entirely unrelated.
its kind of like building a plane in 1920 vs a plane in 2024.

back then all you needed was wood, canvas, and knowledge of aerodynamics.
now you need to understand jet engines, combustion, materials science, and a billion other things.
It's not that. The difference is the amount of "regulations" or "industry standards" or "APIs" that are completely useless but that you're expected and in some cases bullied into learning.
cuz I want my cool 3d dino spinning in my cool 3d engine
Similar to the difference between building a piano and playing a piano. They require some shared knowledge, but two completely different skillsets.

There are plenty free open source game engines available. It's easier than ever to avoid sketchy companies.

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Stylish tacticool reloads
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The fact you have to watch it that many times to pick it up means that the illusion works.
LayzuhCatz is pretty good animator.
Why are the anime grills trying to kill each other with lollipop sticks?
>get stuck on animation
>it never looks right
so annoying

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God bless non-photorealistic rendering
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Well that’s it for me
I just remembered my CSI days, here it is, for you and me
Hey now, I didn't say I wasn't. It was just funny seeing him watching anime in general. Usually he's watching Phineas and Pherb or something.
My mom used to unironically watch Bleach too, on her own back, when that was on Adult Swim in like 2009 or 2010, and she said she hated cartoons. She made it all the way to the end of the SS Arc. I miss her.
My grandma LOVES Transformers and I have to take her to every movie.
People have some weird tastes sometimes. Not weird, but just things you wouldn't expect.
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very cool, thank you!
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And on the other spectrum

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Do they take a special computer graphics course in Japanese only? Why do we westerners have to be content with a subpar anatomy tutorial with ugly bodies?

My answer: Topology over anything else. After extracting 3d models from multiple japanese games myself, they were simply made by hobbyists with no background at modeling. It's the information they had available at Japan which is something I need to obtain.
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wtf no, thats not what it should mean
even sculpts are generally retopod, does that mean they are then turned "lowpoly" ?
This and a lot of planning.
I think old MGS games are the gold standard, all the models are low with triangles, but the shapes are so well thought of and the texture work is so impecable, that you cant notice how simple they are.
Also, good rigging.
I really need to learn how to draw if I'm going to make good textures for my models, huh
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japs like loli, few polygons needed
>薬を飲め! 日本人専用の3DCGチュートリアルなんかないよ。
TL: Take your medicine! There are no 3DCG tutorials specifically for Japanese people.

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>Research Project Bernini is experimental generative AI from Autodesk that can quickly generate multiple functional 3D shapes from a variety of inputs. While Project Bernini is exciting and at the leading edge of generative AI, its models will become increasingly useful and compelling when trained on larger, higher-quality professional datasets.
Oh GOODIE. More AI slop to get investors excited.
Another reason to pirate all autodesk shit. They don't care about us
Looks like dogshit. Unless the prompt was to replicate a jug made by someone with down syndrome or something they failed.

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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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He's coming back. He has passion.
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>berserk adaptation
>arcane style
this, pretty much, too many niggers in 4chins lately
that's not the issue, the problem is that he didn't fully commit to the "work every day" part.
not only that but he clearly lacked the experience, tools and knowledge to deliver even a single model of Guts (let alone a full animated series) which is the part most anons were commenting about.
also, a good chunk of people focused on the selected artstyle and saying that it doesn't fit the tone of the original series (personally I agree that the Arcane style doesn't match) but a major issue with that particular artstyle is the amount of work needed to make the models look appealing, this means that OP has to be very competent in all the fields of 3D to make this happen, shaders, programming, rigging, lighting, modeling/sculpting, etc, to even compare with the production level of Arcane, but OP just isn't.

the problem is not
>Nobody can make shit here
is more about OP setting an impossible goal, being told so and him crying about it, when it could have been solved by him just posting a model of Guts with decent lighting and maybe make a short animation with it.
Op ded?

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Previous thread: >>973562
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well maybe you can explain it to me then because I don't understand it and it isn't working
this question is so vague it's impossible to answer. be specific
what is this for? if its for learning you're doing fine, if its for some indie application its fine. if you want to create an exceptional running animation you're gonna have to do it from scratch many times
nvm, figured it out. used some emptys to get what i wanted

idk just learning, having fun, and to post random shit to my yt
I could be completely wrong about this, but I swear that's been a thing for a long ass time and they haven't fixed it.

I mean, I don't know how it works, or if it even does. But I'd wager it's like taking the RGB value of one color (why you're using vector math) and comparing it against another to get some kind of result. Using vector math as a way to fuck around with RGB stuff is something I haven't considered doing, which is what kind of intrigued me.
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more or less done. unless someone can create a deeply compelling argument in favor of curves, I'm gonna keep it in constant interpolation because I like how it looks and it feels slower overall when I spline it for some reason

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"He look like he fuck human women."

Hello, Last saturday i was informed by an internet chum of mine about blender. I have never used 3d modeling tools before and was interested to give it a try, had an old housemate show me some stuff about 10 years ago and it looked tedious and overly complicated and i had no pc at the time either.
I have now used blender for less than 24 hours in total and am enjoying learning, have made 2 (well 1.5) things so far.
My E-Chum also informed me about this board, as he said it can have good info here now and then so here i am.
I like sculpting the best so far and spent 3 hours today experimenting with geometry and extrusion, inset tools etc, so may check out this more often.
Thank you for reading my blog.
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Cheers, never even heard of it.
just enjoy sitting listening to podcasts with a cup of tea, lightly stoned and going down the autism hole of creation for a week until i burn out and take a few days away from it.
Krista is fun. A little-known secret is that it can have the same color management Blender and compositors use, and as a result, you can use it to make HDRIs
Some ban evading rule 1 breaking peado reported me and got me banned for wishing death on the nonce, so dunno if those posts will return once it expires or not.
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cannot believe this thread is still open.
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Though this would have archived by now and was leting it die after it being nuked.
Might keep it going

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>*breaks nonphotorealstic rendering*
>uhhhhh hey can you guys fix this, we're stuck on Blender 3.0
>it's just one guy
>he broke it on purpose and refuses to fix it because of his "vision" for Eevee, a realtime engine that runs at 2 fps
I'm starting to understand the criticism against Blender.
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I'm in 2.7, I know your pain
What is wrong with 4.0? been using it and it just werks
No more reflections for NPR materials. It's been that way for two years, broken, on purpose.
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i understand this pain, truly its annoying, but to that, you have 2 options. Get to understand the fundamentals better or use Malt.
You can also pray that one day someone will crack the psfot software already being used professionally on animes nowadays (i really want this shit, but i cant justify buying it for myself yet).
There is no understanding your way around patched-out reflections, anon. They are simply gone in an NPR workflow.

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>13 years of production experience
>Modeler/texture artist.
>Worked on big budget production.
>Writer strike happens, vfx house basically closes down
>Running on 11 month of not working.
I'm dying inside little by little. I hate any past colleagues who finds work. We're all clawing and scratching for scraps. Keep this shit a hobby, don't try and go pro.
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No, same problem with 3D artist. Corporate is running on skeleton crew with overwork VFX people. It matters not if you are blender or Cinema 4D, Corporate America refuses to hire more people to help overworked artists.

Oh and don’t buy anything that says you’re will learn through YouTube or pay for things. Those are scams and often never teach you 3D art. The scam teaches you (insert program) U.I with no help on creating models. These scammers never went to school or follow the 12 principles of animation (they claim it but you see they only use it as a trick to bait people).
>The scam teaches you (insert program) U.I with no help on creating models
I'm a hobbyist and I've always had this problem. Courses have little to no information that carries between programs even though 3D is built on certain universal principles.
I'd search animation mentor. I know a few coworkers back in the day went through their programs to get better at animating for 3d. Honestly, I spend time learning something completely different outside of the industry for the time being. Rates are lowering across the board in the united states. My rate was 60 but now I'm getting asked to do jobs for 40, I'll agree and still not get the gig. Video games had layoffs but their is still a decent amount of opportunity in that industry. I'd focus on animating for games dont bother with film/tv for the next year or two.
The problem with Indians is that all of their shit is jank. Same reason something made in China costs 4 cents and the same something made with pure freedom is $100 (minimum).
>Keep this shit a hobby
that's everything creative with the rise of ai

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