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Can we get a canon cartoon nudity thread going?
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Based Disney
You can, but these threads always die young because there are so few examples
I unironically enjoy SP fanservice. They should actually do something with Sharon since she has an onlyfans profile in canon
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Plenty of Ralph Bakshi shows have nudity, there's also Heavy Metal
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Seriously, who'd thought we get a movie anthology featuring a woman having sex... with a robot.
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there must be SO MUCH smut from the artist stored on their vault
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Not nudity, but the character designer for X-Men Evolution was commissioned once to draw Boom Boom in a diaper. Which is weird.
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Ultimate Mary Jane in her undies.
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Big tits Pocahontas (yes, this is official)
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>draw Boom Boom in a diaper. Which is weird.
I kind of get it. Something I hear on tv but not in real life, instead of saying a baby pooped his diaper a mom will say boom-boom. "Did baby make a boom-boom?"

So the joke here is Boom-Boom made a Boom-Boom.
that's not much of a joke at all really, more like just a fact
Sad the last season/episode didn't give us any more 'Archer Nudity' (butt cracks only......although it did give us way too much actual Archer Nudity 0_0)
I'm surprised that an 'Official' Marvel artist would draw fetish art (and yes, some people out there fap to Grown Women in diapers.....WTF)

You would think taking money by drawing your once (and perhaps future) employer's copyrighted characters would make it so he no longer works for them.
Nickelodeon did

According to Melanie Chartoff, who voiced Didi Pickles, Tommy's mother on Rugrats, the show's animators once let off steam by turning Didi into a hardcore bondage enthusiast. They then let off further steam by vandalizing an entire bathroom with the drawings and then showing them off to her, because over-the-top, demented humor is useless if you keep it to yourself. As she described in the book Slimed! An Oral History Of Nickelodeon's Golden Age: "I was invited into the men's room to see S&M drawings of Didi inside all the stalls. They had her decked out in leather, with whips and chains; the whole dominatrix regalia." No pictures of said bathroom art exist, but if you want an idea of what it looked like, just search the Internet for 30 seconds.

Read More: https://www.grunge.com/9575/disturbing-facts-favorite-nickelodeon-shows/
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You love to see it!
we all do, that's why we're here
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Don't we see Sara's nipples (or at least a glimpse) in this series?
Does Hayley in this scene from American Dad! count?
I don't think so.
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Damn! Oh well. I tried.
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You got the scene where she says "Raccoons took my penis!"?
Not gonna lie, I got embarrassingly hard seeing Cheryl's areola in the first episode
I do wish we see her fully nude.
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My only favorite episode from The Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party" Cartoon.
It was never animated. You can read that in the trivia for the episode. I've been trying to find the uncensored version of the Gold Top Nuts episode for forever.

Well well well

Now I don't know who to masturbate to
What episode was this from?
way to remind me how much the artstyle's changed since the early seasons
>posts edit
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It was blurred for the TV broadcast but uncensored for the DVD.
What's the show?
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There has to be somewhere to find the uncensored version of this.
>that smile
this man can draw his own porn and he KNOWS IT
she really twerking that shit
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Don't remember what cartoon it was, but this is the background used in a shot in one episode.
>canon nudity
uncensored venture bros? where'd you get this i didn't know it was real
god i love emma
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Still not age restricted on ThemTube.

Elf tits matter.

Do we see the reindeer woman's titties?
we do not
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Playboy Marge
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"Pepper jack cheese. (chuckles) It's my heaven."
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What upsets me most about this scene is that it COULD have been outright nudity (on Max after all).
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private snafu
Marmalade is Missing (2023)
pretty sure plenty of german cartoon have plenty of nude scenes
no they don't
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boobie hill
haha what the fuck
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It's supposed to be Josephine Baker
Do you have more?
negative sparky
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what is this from?
Chico y Rita, an animated film
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a) what episode?
b) that girl is now scarred for life. :D
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Also interested to know this.
"The Suicide Shop", It's a French musical.
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Does anyone have an uncensored version of this?
Seconded. There are quite a few nudity scenes in this show, i always wanted to know if there were uncensored versions. Same with the Heather Boobies scene in TDI
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Or of this one from later in the episode?
At least with the scene where Heather loses her top there are edits of it to be unpixelated, as well as lots of adult fan art of it. This episode doesn't have that.
Holy crap! I didn't know 6teen had nudity too. What episode is this from?
Never mind. I found some.

S1, E24: It's Always Courtney, Courtney, Courtney!
S2, E45: The Wedding Destroyers
S2, E50: Over Exposed
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Damn right it did. Here's Jen from "It's Always Courtney, Courtney, Courtney!"
Triplets of Bellville
post the scene of tdi where heather's bra is snapped off by a branch and her breasts are revealed
i'm surprised no ones posted nude scenes from that show, there were tons of em
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Lower Decks, Season 2, Episode 2

"Sonic Showers" make no sense (looks like they are using some kind of liquid), but they seem to make convenient censor bars, don't they? ^_^
Mizu, nice.
Background posters don't really count
Not enough
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A communal shower? I thought Federation starships all gave their crew fully loaded quarters?
Maybe the Enterprise style ships get that, but the Cerritos is California-class. They're lucky to have a Holodeck.
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This show gives you the idea that EVERY starship has "Lower Decks", and that these 'lower class' characters have to deal with sleeping in bunk beds and having communal showers.

At another thread someone 'nudified' one of these.
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Close Enough
Yeah, we know what show it is, We're asking what specific episode.
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I can't read apparently. S2E08(B), "secret horse"
I gotta watch that series sometime.
Love the energy, but wrong thread.
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It's from the original animators.
And that somehow means it belongs here?
Canon means something by approved by the original creators, so yes. They lewd sketch of two cartoon rodents fucking is canonically what that would look like.
This episode probably gave me one of my first boners. Good times.
I know it's the cartoon, "As Told By Ginger". I just want to know what's the name of the episode this came from.
The Right Stuff.
Thank you so much!
The Hot alien chick from Superjail ep "HotChick"
>Look it up
>First thing on the wiki is a gif of some girl getting her bikini top getting untied
Never watched this show growing up since the art design was ugly to me but I definitely missed out on somthing special.
Are you retarded?
This is what I come here for. Gadget is the ideal cartoon sex icon.
God, Amy is such a hot slut.
I'm gonna throw up.
>two actual sexy characters
>two obese characters
I have a feeling I know which ones are going to be more popular.
Show: Sit down, Shut up
Episode: 2
Source: https://vimeo.com/47976006
Most Jewish show ever made.
Was that really necessary?
Marge is one hot milf
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Oh good, so she canonically doesn't have visible nipples when she's topless.
My childhood curiosity has finally been sated.
why would you even think that she did?
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It was a different time.
I'm not a furry, so I never bothered to look it up, yet I still had a repressed curiosity over it for the past 25+ years.
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The Tracey Ullman Show Simpsons - The Museum (1987-89)
wasn't the 2nd one a joke drawing accidentally sent to management?
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It was important for animators to know what Rapunzel's butt looked like.
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1995-02 and 1995-09 are "real".
The 1995-07 one isn't official.
Compare them and you should be able to tell that the underboob one was made digitally much later.
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Looks pretty official. Animators were notorious horndogs.
no they weren't

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Yes they were.
I don't think they ever stopped being horny. They just realized too many people will get mad if they talk about it now.
Ragging on Jews is always necessary
Gutsman has a great ass.
What's the joke?
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Oy vey the goyim know how filthy and degenerate we are!
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Are we really going to let this thread die?
Yes, i am.

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