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Previous: >>8048313
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I require further lesbian cephelapods
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let's see some then
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>Squid Jesus
You mean Squesus
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same difference
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artificial idiot got pretty good at jtveemo
Please keep AI shit in its containment thread.
takoyaki kek
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come on, once every couple threads won't hurt no one.
I'm pretty sure it made the smaller one's leg stumps into tits for lack of knowing what to do for them.
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I hate 3d fanart shit so much.
not all of it is bad but a large majority is.
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yes, artificial idiot does that. anything vaguely boob-shaped will become boobs unless prompted otherwise. /d/ even made a fetish out of it when they realised that gens with massively oversized futa dicks often get nipples and even bras on the balls.
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Have you seen a multi-handed woomy?
amazing, I wonder if she swallows
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imagine the handjobs
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Is this set the first time he's drawn futa?
I need more wholesome Pearlina, I love them together so much
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>page 5
>the 5 is colored red on 4chan X
why was half of /aco/'s catalog deleted just now?
some steven universe fag spammed the catalog earlier
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he's doing it again
Yeah, I was afraid that he would stuck around. This suck even more knowing the mod wont act for a good while.
you'd think one of them would be awake or check in once every hour
You'd think, problem with /aco/ is that the slowness makes mods not take a quick enough anymore nor properly check things. The spammer might actually make the board even slower if people decide to leave because of this shit.
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I smell AI.
it is, I was only bumping the thread to keep it from dying because the peridot retard was around again a few hours ago, and I had that on the desktop so I rather post that than say
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I miss anearbyanimal
I want to cum in Namonaki.
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what the fuck is a namonaki.
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an inkling oc
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Marina is sex
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>/v/ splatoon thread ended before I jizzed my head empty
Sad! Marina and marie really are peak. JT knows what they're doing
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sex with this squid?
The quality is about on par plus AI does it for free
Pretty based
is this AI? something about it looks off
Can she suck?
No, the artist is from 2020, years before AI got even remotely that good.
the inkling eyemask on the octogirl on the second page made me a bit skeptical.
It kinda looked like a weird sleep mask to me.
Nice set anon
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Been meaning to ask this for a while, but who is this character?
not only that but she can also swallow
Show me
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naughty goblin... plotting something
She is going to steal your credit card
Keep AI slop in the containment thread please.
no, no sex with this squid
namonaki is pure
pure by way of violence, the best kind of pure
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Namonaki is a narcissistic sociopath of a bitch. She’s a hot asexual squid that needs correction!
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More squid blowjobs
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ah yes, sorry, got carried away
if someone happens to be interested in some consensual cephalopod amputation, >>>/d/10993003
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Do you have a Namonaki/namomona folder? I think you said your images were misplaced. I dug up a few you posted on v and vg before. I was looking for the old Twitter shit. Also, here’s this manga, if you haven’t seen it. I have a physical book of the other one. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lRa3YngLoTy72Cs7zOgkjrrCEXHEIyNq

Pixai kept shitting the bed with every model I put up, and I made them just like the deleted ones. I have a shit load of pics if you want to try making one somewhere yourself.
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try training an xl model there, they've recently introduced it. xl is much better both in general and especially at inklings.
that's a cute style, artist?
dunno, found it catboxed on /ink/
Pretty sure that's mike inel / manyakis.
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now that i look at it again, it does look like his work. colouring threw me off in preview.
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They made some pretty nice stuff, but I really wish they would just stick with bars for censors. These mosaics just make me want to find a way to uncensor it entirely
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Love it
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I would do unspeakable things for the chance to breed Marina
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This artist reappeared after years of hiatus all of a sudden.
I don't think it's her, those are old works and the links on pixiv go to another site I haven't seen before
It's a different paysite. She said she changed sites because her fanbox was kemono'd.
>She said she changed sites because her fanbox was kemono'd.
lmao get fucked
what is it
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It's on boosty, which kemono also supports
Nope, the boosty importer hasn't worked since like 2022.
I miss yiffparty's crawlers
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YP didn't even have fanbox support which is 90% of the stuff I'm actually interested in.
Yeah that was kinda meh about it but it was funny seeing artists and coomers cry about "muh jpg theft", too bad they gave in to all of the legal """threats"""
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What legal threats are you talking about?
muh art piracy/copyright infringement, etc. etc.
Which is funny considering all the people that draw characters that they don't own and have no legal claim to take down "stolen" art featuring said characters.
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I know Marina is the focus but I really like the body of the Inkling
Very cute drawing
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I want to make so much splatoon porn in Blender but all of the models that are publicly available to my knowledge don't look good and/or are not accurate to the in-game models. There are good Octos and inklings but I want models of the idol girls.
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Fyre and Shiver after the splatfest
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wtf is with that witchdoll cunt, is dude allergic to drawing actual porn?!?!?!?
I want to 3d print this, this will be a great figurine.
calm down frye
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Is this the first time he's actually put Callie and Marie in the frame?
What ever happened to Janine? I remember splooging to her once or twice in the past
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Naked flip-flops is peak squid drip
yes certainly
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Good shit, anon
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Some old forgotten OC. Milfs are nice so a shame she's already forgotten
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Woomy/veemo footjobs are back on the menu boys
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Cod has forsaken us
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Does this mean in this AU Frye is also a futa?

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