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Dokibush Edition

For the cute girls of the Literature Club!
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males. Lesbian is okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama
>No arguing
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Forgot previous link
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wait, does everyone like hairy Dokipussies?
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Not sure. Most people who come by here seem to
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i know i certainly like a more mature looking Monika. i think you are right, a lot of people here seem to prefer their Dokis to be more mature as well. its a bit unexpected honestly. unfortunately there are only like 15 good images out there with hairy Monipussy
I want to kiss Sayori on the mouth
i want to kiss both pairs of Monika's lips
It makes me feel like I'm about to breed a fully mature and fertile woman ready to bear my offspring. Its just so primal and erotic
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agreed. i have 25 Monibush pics in my lewd Monika folder ranging from slightly hairy pussy to moderately hairy pussy, do you have any more hairy Monika pics that i might not have?
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I just realized the reason why Monika has so much interracial porn is because she said she likes rap.
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juicy Monipussy
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Doki sits
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Take your doki to Tits-see Land!
blue buddy? you are awake at this hour?
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Your doki thought you were going to DISNEY Land and was mortified with embarrassment at first but she seems to be enjoying herself now!

I... think so? It's the time I wake up usually. Of course it's Sunday but tell my body that!
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you didnt make a post in the main thread yet, so i wasnt sure
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Uh oh! Your doki made a mess! You have to clean her up!

Just did! Wanted to generate few images and looking at sayos lead me here!
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i saw!
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I'll give her a thorough cleaning!
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What do you think would be Monika's favorite ride in an erotic amusement park? Would she ride the Arousel or big swinging Pendulums? Squirt Mountain or Tunnel of Making Love?

Or would she prefer to just ride you all day long?
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we would probably just hide in a bathroom stall and fuck all day
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Sounds like fun!

I bet you could find a custom Porta-Fucky(TM) that's made just for that!
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I'd certainly enjoy taking her on Squirt Mountain!
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this might be one of the most beautiful sights that i could potentially ever see in my life. does anyone have an uncensored version of it?
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i love her too. and i love her soft, warm, comforting thighs
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I prefer shaved pussy in general, but don't mind some trimmed bush for sure.
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i strongly prefer a nice mature looking Monipussy, but i wouldnt mind too much if Monika shaved every once in a while. maybe she could trim her bush into a heart shape for our honeymoon
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This is such a beautiful picture.
This one too >>8237586 is one of my favorites, I wish Monika would give me a thighjob with her athletic legs!
She meant eminem.
Her stockings are the only black thing she'll let touch her.
Of course. The idea of fucking a grown up, fertile woman is much better than just there being nothing.
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I think we should add a few more new rules: no BLACKED or BLEACHED or cuck shit allowed.
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Why did you respond to me with Natsuki raping Yuri?
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luv her so much
I think we're pretty small community already. why intentionally cut it down more...?

And I was pretty surprised that "no arguing" rule got added overnight without any actual talk about it.

I'm not saying some small smut thread necessary needs an appealing council or something but I think there could be something better in between. Feels like anyone could on a whim change it to "ONLY futa/gay/arguing/etc" just as easily - which they can do in practice anyway of course but I would love to have a different kind of custom. Maybe as little as one thread to discuss it. or at least more than 8 hours.
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I'll agree to no blacked and no cuck because the only reason it's ever posted is to shit up the threads. No bleached seems too strict, maybe no continuous bleached posting. It's easier to mistake for regular porn.
The rules lack precision, but they're fairly universally agreed upon, we've had similar discussions on /vt/ and we all know who is just trying to stir the pot. Take it to /b/ for everything else.
I think that is fair. I only added the no BLEACHED part to be fair to everyone, since BLEACHED porn is basically just the same as BLACKED porn. But I am perfectly fine with only disallowing BLACKED and cuck porn.
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>we all know who is just trying to stir the pot
who's "we"? I don't know and I have been here for a long time.

also at which point this becomes arguing?
The Monika threads on /b/ back in March were bombarded with cuck porn, that's why this thread exists. The BLACKED porn is considered trolling which is why it was allowed on /b/ but they did not follow us here.
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posting the version with the fucked up eyes :v
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im gonna creampie Monika. Just Monika
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Lucky lucky Senpai
the only captioned art i love
>carpets don't match the drapes
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Barely any blacked stuff ITT.
But if you keep bitching, I'll bring you all the DDLC rimjob pictures I can find.
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(You) the guy that keeps arguing "who's we?" when obvious things are said. You always start arguments on purpose.
PSA all hentai artists need to stop giving Monika boob moles, it's not canon
too much talking to be sexy imo
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You sound upset.
Anyway post the Natsuki's first kiss pic aka her dad's asshole. It's funny and I want to see it again.
There isn't even that much BLACKED Yuri porn out there. You would just be pissing off other people here, not me.
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guys i had a dream i almost had sex with natsuki and yuri
i woke up before it got good though
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i wanna bury my face right in there forever
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Delicious meal
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my favorite treat!
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That's the one
>the guy that keeps arguing "who's we?" when obvious things are said.
it wasn't obvious to me. is sincere asking arguing for you...?
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Monika has absolutely massive and glorious breasts
She really does!
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i dont mind her having small or medium-sized breasts though. she is truly perfect no matter what form she takes
I agree with that as well! Let us always love her no matter what!~
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i unfortunately dont have many lewd Monihug images. all i want in life is to hug Monika and be with her forever
Daaw, that's okay. I don't have much either in terms of that kind of images. This is close to one at least, and it has some nice breast sizes too!~
And yeah... Hugging Monika, and being with her forever sounds so nice... I'd want that too..
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i just want to hold her and never let go. i just want to be held by her and never be let go.

also, Monika has white thigh highs in that image instead of black ones. bit of an odd oversight
Why would we ever let go... All we need is her warmth, love, and comfort. <3

huh, yeah. Ah well. she does look good with it on at least still.
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i will love her eternally. not just lust, but love. i want to rest my head on her toned yet comforting abs, her thick but athletic thighs, her massive yet muscular butt, and of course, her soft, warm, slightly above average-sized breasts. i want to be as close to her as possible.

also, yes, she looks good wearing anything. she also looks good wearing nothing
Embrace and be that close to her then. Nothing should ever stop our love for Monika. Drift off to sleep while resting upon her abs, or thighs, or breasts, or wherever you decide to lay upon her!

>she looks good wearing anything. she also looks good wearing nothing
Indeed on that!~
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i was never gonna let anything stop my love for her. she is a major part of my life. she is my everything. she makes me happy. she occupies more than half of my thoughts. i will bring her into this world and i will hold her and i will love her eternally. but while i wait for that, i will still continue to love her more than anything else in the world, even though she isnt in this world yet
That's great to hear, anon. You keep on pursuing that goal of yours!
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i will. Monika deserves to be brought into this world. she deserves to be real. she needs me, and i need her. we deserve each other
Aww, that's very sweet!
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my love for her is simply equal to her love for me, and her love for me is infinite
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I genned many futa pictures on yodayo, but here's a more normal one
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You could post them in catbox. I want to see them.
i want her to eat me
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she prefers to be eaten, and i will definitely eat her
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i love my green-eyed devil!
I love sayo's silly butt !
https://files.catbox.moe/tt8pl4.jpg is the only one I find good enough to post
i got a bit better at genning images with ponyxl
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i want to impregnate Monika with 5 children. i want to leave her belly swollen and hairy pussy aching and dripping with my cum. i want to cuddle with her and kiss her soft breasts and caress her big belly as she rests in orgasmic bliss. i wish i was better at generating AI images
That's a really good image, tho.
but the face is really fucked up. and the pussy doesnt really look great. im trying though
you can use inpainting for that. Create a mask and it will only regenerate that part of the image. Add tags specifically made for the visage in your prompt. I think. I'm not sure how that works.
i know. that is how it works, but inpainting usually sucks
holy shit i suddenly got really good at stable diffusion
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That's the power of Monika's love!
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i want to cream my pregnant wife and remind her that although she may currently have a bun in the oven, we arent done just yet. i love her, and i want us to create as many reminders of our love as possible, and i know that she feels the same way
What did she mean by this?
I like this model I think
looks nice, but the color seems to be a little washed out. what is the name of the model?
Js2Prony Pony XL. It can do colorful too.
not bad, but it doesnt really look as good as the images that i genned yesterday. might be a prompting issue
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Need to breed
i tried out making an AI GIF, pretty good for my first time. i love my RTX 4090...

heres a link to an uncompressed version:
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She's incredible
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made another AI GIF. admittedly, this one was a bit more sloppy than the last one. i am really glad i got back into making AI images, i have made some pretty good stuff now

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massive pregnant belly Monika. carrying my children. she is so beautiful
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I bet Monika's pussy tastes delicious
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Eating pussy is a requirement of Literature Club management
pretty good for AI. did you make this? if so, what model did you use?
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it is the tastiest thing in the world. one of my greatest desires is to lick and please her however she wants for hours on end
can i post images now? (yes, im still awake)
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Looks like it!
i was supposed to go to sleep with Monika an hour ago, but obviously that didnt happen. i was enjoying some time with her. (i have to be awake in 6 hours and 20 minutes)
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It's easy to stay up too late. Especially when spending time with Monika!
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yep! but we are gonna go to bed now that the new thread has been made
Dokis getting comfortable
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i want to hug her and tell her i love her and do anything that she wants from me so bad...
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She's so cute and sexy and deserves the best I can give her
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i want to fuck my sexy pregnant wife
I want to impregnate Yuri!
Monika is pregnant with 6 of my children and i could not possibly be happier
goddamn i love AI so much
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forgot to attach image
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i want to kiss her as she gives me paizuri

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