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Parrot thread

Picrel: Ultramarine lorikeet (Vini ultramarina)

Chalcopsitta atra atra & Chalcopsitta sintillata - Schwarzlori & Schimmerlori - Black lory & Yellow-streaked lory
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Here is my Alexandrine Ernie, her beak needs a trim. Anyone got experience with this, proper tools and methods?
Blue board
>my ancestor
you can't do this by yourself. between restrianing the bird and working a diamond file inside it's mouth when it can just snap at you or bite the file or inhale beak dust to them havi g nerves in the beak you need to be careful not to injure it's too complicated to do alone. seek a specialist or ask a your veterenarian to give you the number of one.
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parrots are a fucking plague where I live, they massacre all and any plants you have in your garden
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Man their beaks are like our fingernails, you should get him trimmed by a professional. His face muscles will suffer the longer you wait
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Do you guys think this cage is too big for a single green cheek conure? It seems to be made for medium-sized parrots, but it's also labeled "for cockatiels".
The dimensions are 23.75"L x 22.88"W x 61"H.
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>too big
what a stupid question
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Not talking about the inside dimensions by itself, I actually upgraded from a smaller cage to this for that reason. But the perches on top the diameter for like african grays and the bowls on top are about 5 inches deep, so I'm pretty sure this wasn't intended for birds smaller than medium-sized parrots like sun conures.
You dont trim beaks, you sand them most use a dremel.
Yea playtop cages are scammy its better to get a flattop cage and attach a T branch or customise it yourself
>so I'm pretty sure this wasn't intended for birds smaller than medium-sized parrots like sun conures.
Bird cages are determined by bar spacing and cocktails fall into bar spacing range of conures
no i had a simiarly sized cage for my conure just leave the door open so they can mess around up top
An industrial power drill (5v)
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sizzurpin on some apple cider and my parrot is sizzurpin on some apple cider vinegar, nothing better than this
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do african grays get diarrhea in the winter? i swear to god every winter his turds become weird.
i asked this from my friends african grey
the parrot said no
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>avian vet bitches at me every time i take my parrot there because i don't go often enough
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>Smallest of all parrots
>Literally named "Parrotlet"
Who is responsible for this?
that is some gorgeous camera work
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I'm just lurking here, but I never knew parrots need their beaks trimmed. It makes sense if I think about it, like rodents' teeth, but it never occurred to me. Are all birds like that or just the parrot type beaks?
My family has a pair of 20+ year old cockatiels that have never ever needed a beak trim. I guess it depends on what you feed them and how much they get to climb around and nibble on things.

Oh and stress probably plays a role. A comfy parrot naturally grinds their own beak (by working it, like a person would grind their teeth) from time to time, usually while half asleep and fluffed up.
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I love quaker parrots so much

I just want to watch them doing stuff all day
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I am planning on getting a parrot relatively soon.

When I was a kid my grandpa had 5 Amazon's and one Ara Macao and I have some experience helping take care of them. I live in an apartment and I work 36 hours a week. My boyfriend works from home so he is always there. We both kinda shut ins and we barely go outside so the animal wouldn't be alone almost never.

Right now I don't know what to get.
I always liked the Ara Macao but I think it's too big for my home even though I'd love to have one. So maybe an Amazon parrot or a grey one would be better. I'm a bit scared that would still be too much and I should just get an Agapornis.

What do you anons think?
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Huh, kinda looks like a distant relative of the African Gray.
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>quaker parrots
my neighbors growing up had one of these guys very cute, but very loud and kind of a bitey asshole to everyone except the person he belonged to
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Is 10 sq mt flat too big for 1 human?
Exactly. Bigger - better
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Lost my 4 y/o cockatiel to anaesthetic yesterday. She went to sleep for a blood draw to test for kidney and liver function after a short but severe illness and never woke up.

I feel like a failure. Her flockmate and de facto brother (10 y/o) is also grieving but I'm not in any fit state to get another companion for him. I don't know what to do.

picrel. It's my little dove. I'll miss her more than words can say, /an/ons.
Was anaesthesia even necessary? As they say, well fixed patient doesn't require anaesthesia.
Nail file and clipper.
Some people use Dremel.
Giving chewing block is important too, so they grind their break themselves
Okay nevermind. What you have requires Dremel and 2 people at least
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I think they should be wild imo
They are native where I live and half the fun is watching them interact with each other and getting into mischief.
Speaking of which, do you think I could befriend the local parrots? I've heard of people socializing with flocks of corvids, but I have never seen it with parrots. There's a nest of quaker parrots half a block from where I live, how could i convince them to hang out with me?
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But where are their Primarch???
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you're supposed to give them hardwood perches and toys in their cage to gnaw on, as well as things like almonds and walnuts that they have to break into with their beaks. a pet parrot with an overgrown beak is likely malnourished and poorly housed.
Yep, Quaker parrots in a nutshell. They're great if you're their favorite person, but god help you if not.
what the fuck, pionuses are the chillest bros of the parrot world. what was that asshole toucan's problem?
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I'm sorry for your loss.

I'm hoping not find myself in a similar situation soon. One of my parrots is struggling, and it's a difficult to get him to eat medication. Might end up back to have him put under for tests if he doesn't improve soon.
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Genuinely made me upset to read this. Sorry anon
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can pet parrots fly?
of course
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my girl
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Probably boning some Eldar whore.
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parrots, especially budgies/parakeets or whatever those little dumb fucks are called have to be the worst pets one can have
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are there predator parrots?
Just New Zealand varieties. They all look like shitbirds.

Big Chungus over there and Kassakatoos are most based.
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>a pet parrot with an overgrown beak is likely malnourished and poorly housed
If you have a big macaw it needs a pretty serious hardwood supply to keep its front beak in check naturally. My grandparents had a blue & gold when I was a kid, and that thing would run around all day savaging orange trees, eating furniture, grinding pebbles into dust, and it still needed trimmed.
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Dumping some of my folder of South American and Australian parrots.
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post more cockatiels
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Why are parrots so autistic? A few days ago my 9 yr old caique, who has never shown any sort of aggression, suddenly clamped onto my hand and started biting as hard as she could. Fucker did that in multiple spots for about ten seconds and when I finally broke her free, she started headbobbing and rolling on her back as if nothign happened.
Probably just not getting enough attention. Your hand would be pretty messed up if it was biting as hard as possible.
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