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Every girl is welcome, though i will mostly post my favourites- junko, sayaka and celeste.
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I like Sonia and Chiaki.
I liked Sayaka when she was the cutesy designated love interest, but it became hard to tell what they wanted her personality to be after the murder. Like they went back and forth on her morality too much, and I'm more of the type to prefer her normal side than the psychotic one. To contrast, Sonia has weird disturbing interests but they make it clear she still cares about everyone and doesn't want anyone to die, despite her fascination with learning about serial killers and how they have a different "value system."
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i have to admit, i only played the original
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the sequels are even better imo
I will play them one day! Though i am quite satisfied with the ending.
I like Sayaka precisely because she's such a conflicted and morally grey character! At least in the first game. I found her annoying when she was pure deredere.
bad girls shouldnt be allowed to have such great taste in boots!
i have quite a few sfw junko images but they're too erotic for /c/
It's Mikan time
i love the character designs of this game
but ngl, the beta designs have more soul
they look darker, more vulnerable and hopeless. more fitting for a murder-myster, less for a dark comedy
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Sakura may not be everyone's idea of cute, but I really like her
she is a good bro
but she's too plain for me. i mean, she has no faults and vices, and i like vulnerable, conflicted girls. girls i can fix...
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she's cool but "cute" is definitely not the word
aoi, on the other hand, is extraordinarily cute
kyoko is cute but i dont have many pics with her, maybe i should seek them
this author
makes really cute drawings, and they're all makoto x kyoko. repetetive but super cute
>glove-holding fetish
i really wish kyoko wore suit pants. that short skirt doesnt fit her at all
We need some more love for Toko in here
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looks like bookie got mixed with nagi usui
I think there was a toko thread recently though
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>forgot to make a mikan thread yesterday
fug. well at least there's this thread
it's true, made one on her birthday. here ya go
is she holding a katana in the bottom left pic? nice toko tokoyama. you know that reminds me actually, is there a reason the characters in 2 have similar appearances to the ones in 1? don't mention it if it's more than stylistic choice and they explain this post 2 as i haven't got around to those yet but i could've swore they were gonna do something big with that. not just because of nagito either each case in both games had similarities which was explicitly mentioned, and then the story veered to something out of left field. it was a good ending chapter granted but i felt kinda baited ngl
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>is there a reason the characters in 2 have similar appearances to the ones in 1?
They kinda don't. There are a few interesting parallels - Peko and Toko, Aoi and Akane - those are coincidences, as far as I know. There are a few shared archetypes, like Huge Buff Person and Funny Looking Fat Guy, but there's no confusing Teruteru and Hifumi unless your vision is just really bad.

I think the only intentional parallels are Hajime and Nagito with Makoto. Hajime gets to be the new boring-looking guy with a protagonist hair, while Nagito's hoodie and Ultimate talent are supposed to encourage you to compare him to Makoto.
havent played her game yet but i already know she'll be my favourite girl
i hope she's actually brown though, not just tanned/okinawan
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angie BIG cute
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you can check for yourself - here's one of her sprites
Very lickable tummy, too hot for /c/!
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