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The biggest one (Anime North) is hardly relevant and only has washed up VAs, random indie vtubers, or just straight up completely unknown people as their guests. The vendors are mostly just people reselling cheap stuff from taobao or stolen prints.

It feels so shittily put together that I think I'll just not buy a ticket and instead stroll around outside taking pictures of cool cosplays. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but the grass always seems greener on the other side.

On a side note, if anybody's into Project Moon stuff, please hit me up, I... I wanna make friends.
because canada is fucking bad. it's either the middle of nowhere or horrible overpopulated cities with nothing of tourist interest. it doesn't help that every annoying congoer personality is cranked up to max. we're embarrassing.
I came up last year to vist a friend and ill be back this year. Most American cons are the same with the bad guests and vendor rooms. Only a few cons in America get any Japanese guests so it seems kinda normal.

But I do get not paying for a badge after attending, That grass area is the spot everyone hangs out at anyways, probably the best place to see all the cosplayers.
Come to the Truck con in the parking lot instead.
This, it's the only worthwhile event at AN.
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Truck will be real special this year. You haven't seen anything yet.
will that cute astolfo with the eyeliner wings be there again
this nigga zesty
No, we have it on good authority he died of AIDS. The bathroom meetup is probably more your speed.
So hyped for this!!!!!111

American cons are way better. What are you talking about?
Aside from AX, which cons? I've found that most are the exact same shit.
Artist Alley/Pro Plaza has a handful of actual good fanartists and original artists but I admit it's not enough to justify the badge price when most of them have online stores. Panels are forgettable unless you're super into some specific niche. On the bright side the gaming room will be in the main hotel/con hall instead of buried away in the sheraton. Spend your money on Otakuthon/Anirevo or other small local events instead
Please make sure there's no fucking retards with road flares this year. My friend almost got hurt from those and i heard others had costumes damaged.
skill issue
>Project Moon
please be a girl
i been gettin my ass beat by lobcorp on and off for like 2 years now, best i can do for ya
I know who you're talking about.
He paid for the damage of that girl's dress despite him not being the actual individual who may have burnt it without realizing.
There were two people who were holding road flares. Another guy was being a lot more careless waiving it more vapidly like a light stick.
Regardless, issue is long resolved on good terms between both parties.
What the fuck is the truck con?
The only reason to go to anime north
Anirevo is better
somewhat unrelated but i hear comicon this year was vile. canada might just in general be cursed to have terribly run cons

truck at the back of the parking lot with music and occasionally drinks
i went once two years ago but was too shy to talk to anyone haha, but it looked like everyone else was having fun
What do people even talk to VAs about? I'm too awkward.
Isn't the point of vtubers hiding your face because you're too ugly/male?
What's the obsession with vendor halls? It's all shit you can buy online instead of wasting time in a packed smelly room.
The hell happened at comicon?
anime north is pretty shit and too far out with nothing remotely decent as side attractions, i say this as a toronto resident.
every should just ditch it and make TCAF an unofficial con. they actually had talent attend like junji ito.
Pickpockets, clueless security guards, creeps
I'm hoping to see the Madoka and Janna I saw last year
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TCAF is like 70% trannies and all the real women have visible armpit hair. Most of the "art" is shitty little comics about how being a brown female is a disability and they should be allowed to to run in the special olympics. They seems to be enforcing masks this year as well?
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what year was this? 2019? There's only one toronto /cgl/ server and it's not as active as it was a few years ago. The TASH server is also fresh so my only other guess would be /a/toronto but using IRC is annoying.
Anime North is during one of the most competitive/busiest weekends. It's competing against Animazement, Thy Geekdom, Fanimecon, Momocon, and (depending on the year) Anime Boston for guests.
I'll be there, going to the Limbus panel as well. If you were at Anime Toronto I organized the Project Moon Literary connections panel as well
bro that was pre-truck so like 2017 or 16
Sick dude, will you be cosplaying anything? Let's meet up.
canadian cons are not competing against US cons at all. no one from the US comes to our shit cons we have nothing to offer. zero NA licenses for anime or games or anything, same pool of guests with more complications. japanese guests don't want to come US guests definitely hate coming and it's basically only locals attending. like everything else canada is only competing in with the US in it's own head.
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I just want to have fun and take pics of buffs and cutes and nice cosplays.
tfw bathroom con evolved into truck con, i ''member
anime north is not the biggest you fucking illiterate retard

its the biggest 'non-profit' con, yet somehow charging more than the 'for profit ones' and giving a far shittier experience
So can I still bring alcohol to share at the truck party if its official now? or should I be more sneaky about it.
No, bag check will mean you can't bring alcohol to it
just toss it over the fence lol
please do this so i can kick you out for violating the no drinks policy and keep your drinks for myself
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>no alcohol at the truck
it's over truckbros... it was too big last year and the now the AN tranny jannies have come to ruin it. it'll probably still be fine but this is gay
who's going to stop you lmao
The giant fence and bag checking jannies? Lmao fun time is over
are you seriously afraid of AN jannies? it's like 80% unpaid volunteer teenagers
That underpaid teenager will have the police remove you, have you not seen the police outside the rave cages? Lol
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>Using con jannies as a flex
Sorry but the cuck truck is under new management, it is an AN event now
Na, was going to do a Heathcliff cosplay but things fell through, might be doing it for Otakuthon instead. You can add my burner discord if you want - teppeisensei
FYI - Check for sneed’s if truck goes to shit.
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>he hasn't been to Ai-Kon
Do these still happen? How can I meet /a/nons?
This con fucking sucks, all of you are too old for this shit now
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Its time.
Lets go Kisame.
> What do people even talk to VAs about? I'm too awkward.
I didn’t talk to them (tfw EOP) but I love surprising the Japanese VAs by getting them to sign merch of the stuff they aren’t expecting. This year I got the Astro Boy VA really excited by bringing in my Takarajima BD.
Is TCAF the Toronto Comics Art Festival? I’m down in KW so I’m not familiar with stuff in the GTA.
Oh was she in that? Nice. I talked to her a bit in JP and that was super cool. So sad I missed the other JP VA (mittermeier my husbando...)

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