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Reusing the OP from an old thread with some extra questions.
Let's do one of these again. Bonus points for OC pictures or collages.

>How many main pieces do you have?
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
>What's the oldest brand you have?
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
>Overall theme?
>Any rare/grail dresses?
>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
>Favorite brands?
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
>Anything you wish you had more of?
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I’ll start!
>How many main pieces do you have?
23 at the moment
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
7 years in total, 2 years was on and off
>What's the oldest brand you have?
2004 baby the stars shine bright red riding hood op
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
2023 bttsb sugar eternal longing op
>Overall theme?
I’m a sweetfag who loves anything whimsical and fairytale like
>Any rare/grail dresses?
Btssb Little Red Riding Hood Applique set
>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
Little red riding hood appliqué set again
>Favorite brands?
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
A mix of both! I love recent baby releases so I may get more new
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Definitely rings, I feel like my fingers look too bare most coords
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I live alone so I have a separate closet for my Lolita, it fits all my main pieces and shoes and I store my blouses in my bedroom
>How many main pieces do you have?
Around 20
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
For more than a decade
>What's the oldest brand you have?
Haenuli I guess
>Overall theme?
Red and black colors and some medieval themes
>Any rare/grail dresses?
Moitie Sleeping Garden
>Favorite brands?
Atelier Pierrot and Haenuli
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Nowadays I prefer to buy directly from AtePie
>Anything you wish you had more of?
I need more blouses and accessories
>How many main pieces do you have?
i don't know, probably somewhere between 50 and 70.

>How long have you been wearing lolita?
2 years or so.

>What's the oldest brand you have?
if you mean oldest piece, i have a few 2001-2003 pieces.

>What's the most recently released brand you have?
I got the new VM rococo bouquet

>Overall theme?
florals if anything.

>Any rare/grail dresses?
mary magdalene poppy ribbon

>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
my fav main piece varies but my fav accessories are my mm rosettes headdresses. they're versatile and easy to wear.

>Favorite brands?
mary magdalene, coquette doll, and old jetj

>Do you buy new or second hand more?
secondhand, most of the items i want are old.

>Anything you wish you had more of?
hats, but they're annoying to store.

>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?

my clothes hang in my closet, my shoes are on shelves, and my accessories are sorted in boxes.
>How many main pieces do you have?
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
About a year
>What's the oldest brand you have?
I have some things from the early-mid 2000s. Maybe a Cornet dress is the oldest.
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Rerelease of baby's lace frill jsk
>Overall theme?
I like gothic and doll-like looks. Also cage motifs.
>Any rare/grail dresses?
Some of them might be rare idk
>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
Jacquard JSK from atelier pierrot,
>Favorite brands?
I have no brand loyalty, pieces I like are spread pretty evenly across most brands. But I like BPN a lot (RIP).
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Almost everything I own is secondhand atm
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Jewelry, accessories, bags
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
Clothes and shoes are in my closet, I have a few boxes for accessories to live in.
>How many main pieces do you have?
somewhere in the 30s

>How long have you been wearing lolita?
Since 2013 but had a pretty long hiatus due to college

>What's the oldest brand you have?
Oldest piece is original release AP toy fantasy... I think?

>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Most recent rerelease of Baby's babydoll JSK

>Overall theme?
A lot of bear prints, I guess but I collect a lot more than that

>Any rare/grail dresses?
The usual sweet suspects like sugary carnival, milky planet, honey cake and also iron gate op but not all of those are original release. Rare would be some of the meta crown label prints.

>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
I love my nile perch cardigans and brooches

>Favorite brands?
Baby, nile perch, older meta

>Do you buy new or second hand more?
secondhand, but happy that baby rereleases their old school stuff periodically because the market for old school is getting wild.

>Anything you wish you had more of?
cutsews and sweaters to dress down more pieces

>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
rack for clothes, shoes just sit below and accessories are kept in velour jewelry bags. Headbows are... getting worked on storage-wise.
>How many main pieces do you have?
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
3 Years
>What's the oldest brand you have?
I have some 90s Milk (some Lolita some maybe not)
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Probably new blouses by Baby
>Overall theme?
I mostly wear old pieces
>Any rare/grail dresses?
All my pieces are kind of rare
>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
I love my aprons
>Favorite brands?
Old-School AP and Metamorphose
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Second hand but am starting to wear new stuff more
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Bonnets and cutsews
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I have a big wardrobe where I can hang up my clothes
why are there so many retarded newfags itt?
>2 years, has 50-70 pieces
>10+ years, has 20-30 pieces

It's interesting to see the contrast.

I've been wearing lolita for 14 years and have around 35 main pieces. I may fill in the form in this thread later, but for now I enjoyed reading it.
I'm a bit surprised some people have 20 main pieces by the 2 year mark, I think that's a lot. Especially considering it's all Japanese brand and was bought from the market in the last 2 years. I had around 5 main pieces after 2 years (I was a student) and the market certainly wasn't that wild.

I can only guess these people have more money than I did. Or maybe some of the posts have been embellished or are more fiction than fact.
One of the newfag anons with a bunch of main pieces. I'm not rich but I had some time where I was living with my parents while working and didn't have a lot of financial responsibilities, and I put almost all my disposable income into gathering a wardrobe. I probably overdid it honestly but I'm happy with what I got. I pretty much only wear solids and most of my pieces I got for somewhere between 50-150 dollars each.
>How many main pieces do you have?
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
4 years
>What's the oldest brand you have?
i have a few meta and ETC main pieces from 99' - nothing earlier than that besides some assorted jane marple accessories
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
2021 elizabeth OP MTO. my most recent original release is the 2018 fresh cherry JSK.
>Overall theme?
50/50 split between sweet and gothic and nearly the same split between pink and black. mid-late 2000s era, tail end of old school styling.
>Any rare/grail dresses?
carnival 2006 jsk and angel pony applique jsk come to mind, but i have a few unreleased sample pieces from moitie and millefleurs that are technically rarer.
>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
my mid 2000s applique sweet and various plush bags are always a treat to wear, especially in summer when i gravitate towards lighter colors. my millefleurs velveteen pieces are my staples for winter.
>Favorite brands?
AP, millefleurs, moitie
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
i exclusively buy secondhand, with the exception of custom orders and small batch releases from indie brands like wirehead.
>Anything you wish you had more of?
OTKs. i'm an obsessive collector of socks and yet i never feel like i have enough.
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
all in my closet. dresses/skirts hung up (either by the straps/waistband or folded over the hanger), blouses/boleros/socks/petticoats in my dresser, purses hung from hooks on my wall, and accessories in a big hanging tower or in various boxes. my dresser and accessories storage are completely overflowing, so i'm on the lookout for more storage - maybe one of those clear storage cabinets like the one shown in the OP, but i find them kind of ugly. i don't want another bulky wooden dresser, though.
ayrt, that makes sense. I took me what felt like ages to save up for new pieces when I was a student living alone.
> Main pieces 50 to 70
> Wearing lolita for 2 years
I smell larp

i have a desk job with no dress code and a high paying salary. DESU i need to clean my closet out. some of those pieces are shitty items i bought early on when i didn't have an eye for quality yet, or stuff i bought before i knew what i really liked and started working towards wardrobe cohesion. i suspect a lot of newbies with decent budgets probably end up with larger wardrobes early on while they're still learning. seasoned lolitas have smaller wardrobes because they know what they like and reach for. personally, i'd like to get my wardrobe down to about 35 main pieces if possible.
I'm the second person you quoted. That makes a lot of sense and is a good explanation. I was a student when I started and didn't have much fun money. I still ended up buying things that lead to an in-cohesive wardrobe, I think this may just be unavoidable. I'm really happy with my wardrobe now, 90% of it is the same brand and style. This allows me to mix and match a lot.
>How many main pieces do you have?
45-50, I haven't kept up with my cataloging very well but it's in that general range based on a spreadsheet. i actually want to downsize eventually, but it's mostly non-mains that need to go.
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
>What's the oldest brand you have?
2002 btssb shirring op
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
i have some preorders and MTOs floating around. the latest is the mm marine rose jsk.
>Overall theme?
florals, solids
>Any rare/grail dresses?
of course lol
>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
right now, i really like my iw rococo rose border jsk. as for accessories, another mm rosette lover but i only own one.
>Favorite brands?
innocent world, mary magdalene, (old) btssb
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
secondhand these days
>Anything you wish you had more of?
maybe bags? idk i don't need much more of anything. maybe printed socks.
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
in the closet for clothes, bags, and hats; in a trunk for socks; in drawers for other accessories. shoes are just kind of chilling, they need a better organization method

>How many main pieces do you have?
~50ish at any single time? I have seperate clothing for summer and winter, there's no point wearing velveteen when its over 90F

>How long have you been wearing lolita?
decade+++; I remember when btssb only accepted postal money order for overseas payment.

>What's the oldest brand you have?
Freebie microfiber cloth with btssb sugar bouquet pattern. They gave it out in advance of the first release in 2004 or 2005. Sold the JSK but kept the cloth, it adds a nice cute touch to daily routines.

>What's the most recently released brand you have?
AP A/W 2023

>Overall theme?

>Any rare/grail dresses?
yes, I try not to accumulate too much though

>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
I love everything I have

>Favorite brands?

>Do you buy new or second hand more?
2nd-hand because brand new Jane Marple is crazy right now. I have a couple of new pieces from AP but their price increase hasn't gone as wild.

>Anything you wish you had more of?
short sleeve blouses, lavender items

>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I have a walk-in closet, shared with my partner
AYRT yeah, i get what you mean! when i started out i just bought anything i thought was cute without thinking about how practical it would actually be to coord properly and ended up struggling to put together outfits, since nothing went together. now the part of my wardrobe i regularly wear is a lot more consistent, and i think it made a difference in the overall quality of my coords. wardrobe building and knowing the difference between something you think is cute and something you'll actually wear and look cute in takes some experience. but it also means it's really satisfying when you finally start feeling happy with your closet.
>How many main pieces do you have?
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
2017, consistently for about 4 years
>What's the oldest brand you have?
2002 VM
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
2023 moitie Nun mini OP
>Overall theme?
dark classic
>Any rare/grail dresses?
Velveteen Rote Rose OP and Chocolatier JSK, both MM
>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
MM Ekaterina OP and JetJ Robe du Lievre OP are pieces I'll take to my grave
>Favorite brands?
MM, old VM, JetJ solids
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
main pieces definitely second-hand. socks/otks, accessories, etc. generally new
>Anything you wish you had more of?
boleros/cardigans and maxi-pad headdresses. Not coping with the realization that bonnets don't suit my face shape.
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
Hat box for hats and bonnets. I hang blouses, dresses, skirts, etc. up, anything with elastic is folded over a hanger. Maybe I'm just paranoid from all the dye bleed stories, but I keep my light and dark pieces separate just in case.
yes, I sometimes bump into things that are super cute but I have to tell myself not to buy them because they would not fit in my wardrobe and can't justify buying other things to wear them with.
>How many main pieces do you have?
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
Almost four years now
>What's the oldest brand you have?
I have a couple of 2001 dresses
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Rose de Rescht JSK+Canotier
>Overall theme?
Not much consistency to be honest, maybe btssb style sweet?
>Any rare/grail dresses?
btssb velour OP, IW rococo style OP
>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
Josephine JSK+cape, Meta coat OP with cape (2002), Bouquet de Saison Printanier OP, Trump cards alice jsk, silent moon handbag, moonlight cathedral necklace and anything sugar bouquet!
>Favorite brands?
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Lately I've been buying new more, but I usually buy secondhand more
>Anything you wish you had more of?
I'd like to have another pair of wrist cuffs and some more necklaces but there's not a lot of burando necklaces I like to be honest :-/
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
Dresses on my closet rack, shoes below them, everything else in my dresser
What do you think is the ideal wardrobe size? # of main pieces, blouses, shoes, legwear, accessories, etc
depends on how many styles you wear.
I think the ideal amount of main pieces is between 30 and 50.
If you mainly wear one specific style I think you need a minimum of 3 short sleeved blouses, 3 long sleeved blouses, one pair of shoes in every main piece color that you wear with some exceptions. Navy or wine red dress with black shoes is usually fine, brown shoes go with a lot of other colors in classic, I wear black shoes with a lot of other colors but I prefer to have more choices.
Leg wear is up to preference, I never wear tights. I wear a lot of non print lace topped UTKs and OTKs, I have some striped btssb and AP socks as well. I have about 3 pairs per colorway.
Rectangle headdress in every main piece color, same for head bows. Bonnets are up to preference, some people love them and some people don't. They're not essential. I have 5 pairs of torchon lace wrist cuffs, but again that's preference and not essential. I personally don't wear jewelry/accessories. I rarely think it adds anything to my coords because my clothes are already so busy with frills, lace, pin tucks, etc. If you wear something more elegant, less busy and smoother in silhouette I think jewelry looks great.
For outerwear you really need one winter coat that will go with most of your coords if your country actually has a cold winter. 2 or 3 cardigans for spring and autumn, same for boleros (if those are your style) for summer.
10-30 main pieces for weekend warriors and anywhere from 30-90 main pieces for lifestylers. agree with >>10917686 re: blouses and accessories. shoes are dependent on how many colors and styles you have in your wardrobe.

though of course anyone into lolita as a collection hobby (like me) could have their numbers massively vary
>How many main pieces do you have?
About 30
>How long have you been wearing lolita?
20 years (yes I'm ooold, although I was a teenager when I started out)
>What's the oldest brand you have?
Unidentified baby OP (I believe it's from around 2001)
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
A baby skirt released last year
>Overall theme?
Old school gothic & classic
>Any rare/grail dresses?
Several early velveteen pieces, including baby's original babydoll jsk
>Favorite main pieces/accessories?
I find myself reaching for the babydoll jsks more than anything - super comfy and versatile and not too out there for everyday wear
>Favorite brands?
Old Metamorphose, AP, Mary Magdalene
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Mostly second hand, I aim to support brands directly but a lot of the new releases leave me kinda cold
>Anything you wish you had more of?
So much! - Old school blouses, older Antique Beast, Moitie, plus the same grail dresses every fecker lusts after
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
All in one wardrobe - dresses, skirts and blouses generally on hangers, cutsews folded on shelves, accessories in clear boxes, shoes stored at the bottom.
Ayrt (341) and there’s nothing wrong with having 50 to 70 main pieces but that’s the type of wardrobe I’d see a seasoned lolita have and not a complete newbie. With that time frame you would be having to buy and receive new lolita pieces every month or less. That kind of overconsumption is scary and something you’d see from a shein trendhopper on tiktok, not a niche fashion like lolita. I can 100% believe that you have a nice job and do have 50 main pieces, but the quality of those items is questionable.
nayrt, but why would the quality be questionable?

but now you have me thinking that "how often are you buying and selling?" would be an interesting metric for these types of threads.
>I can 100% believe that you have a nice job and do have 50 main pieces, but the quality of those items is questionable.

nayrt, and not necessarily. Some people just have very high incomes. She could also be extremely frugal with everything else so she can spend more on lolita. There's a running joke I heard about in the Wonder Tea Party videos about only having rice and beansprouts for a few weeks to be able to buy expensive dream pieces. Whether this was about saving up for something beforehand or being able to survive for a month after spending an unwise amount is unclear to me.

I forego many luxuries many people my age enjoy so I can have more money to spend on lolita. I don't have 50~70 main pieces but I have a large wardrobe with many blouses, socks, accessories, bags, outerwear and shoes.
It was a combination of having good luck on the secondhand market, an unpopular substyle, and having a lot of disposable income after bills. I don't know if I would call myself frugal, but I own a home and don't eat out much. I have plenty of savings, so I'm comfortable splurging from time to time. I'm old enough to have my life together and focus on my hobbies.

As for quality, I guess it varies? I have a few japanese indie dresses of questionable quality, but I never learned to use taobao and don't like many of the designs, and don't really like western brands. I wear a lot of MM, millefleurs, and old IW (cheap secondhand), since I prefer cotton solids and the occasional floral.

TLDR: It's easier to build a wardrobe quickly if you are a salaried adult homeowner. I know other girls with similar circumstances. Learn to code, I guess.

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