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Post women that are too fat to walk or at least near that to as big as you can imagine.

Just as long as they are bigger than a SSBBW.
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I hate that this artist almost exclusively draws ugly men. Especially when he can draw masterpieces like these.
Cant believe that this is the immobility thread yet no one is discussing the virtues of immobile women.
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And what are those?
Adipose is a girl, can't help that they're infatuated with Holmes from FGO. I love their fat women as much as the next, but the complaints they've received for drawing fat men only makes them hide away.
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I get that.
I didn't mean any animosity towards her. But I go from being infatuated by her drawings of females to wanting to puke violently seeing her men.

Obviously I can't fault her for liking fat men and wanting to draw them, but I am not going to lie that fat men in general repulse me. I can't even look at her gallery for more than a minute to try to find the images I like because of how disgusted I get.
What's her current twitter account name? I don't care for the men, i used to follow her on the old one and busted a buch
I don't think she currently has an active fat art account.
They do have an active account, actually. But if you don't want fat men, I'll be the first to say sorry, because that's all there is on there.
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anyone have a satsurou archive, asked in another thread but havnt gotten a reply yet

Used to have a archive but lost it all a while back, had art that isnt kept on his gallery anymore, had even text files of each pictures descriptions. It was either posted here or a similar board

I found this sketch satsurou did on his tumblr while trying to figure out if the archive was anywhere public
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This comment on the Kemono.party page got me going.
"A true goddess, Love the idea of her being too fat to really move so she has to wiggle her feet to display her excitement at times."
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Girls as Big as Panzer
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I get most people don't like immobile, but I like how soft they are to snuggle and that you can literally lay on them like a bed and be intimate in ways not possible with a normal sized woman.
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I couldn't get any results with reverse image search, does anyone have sauce?
>Apple Creek, Ohio - May 14, 2026

>In a baffling turn of events, 23-year-old Olivia Norris of Apple Creek, Ohio, was discovered yesterday morning on her family dairy farm in a state of immobilization, having undergone a rapid and extreme growth throughout her body. Reports suggest that Olivia had grown to proportions described as "as large as a house."

>Researchers from the nearby Ohio State College of Food and Agriculture Science, situated near Wooster, quickly mobilized to identify the cause of this unprecedented growth. Shockingly, they determined that Olivia's condition was a result of [insert canon reason for growth here]. This marks the first known case of rapid weight gain triggered by [canon reason for growth].

>Before her sudden growth, Olivia was a 5-foot-3 recent graduate of Kent State Tuscaroras, weighing approximately 153 pounds. However, after the incident she measured over an astonishing 10 feet and exceeded 10,000 pounds, reportedly "wider than she was tall."

>Dr. Emily Rodriguez, lead researcher at the scene, stated, "Olivia's bone structure and vital signs appear normal, but her entire body seems to be engulfed in an unprecedented layer of fat. This extreme adipose growth is hindering her ability to communicate, let alone engage in any physical movement. It's a perplexing situation, and we are working tirelessly to understand the underlying mechanisms and find a solution for Olivia's unique condition."

>To protect Olivia from the elements, volunteers from the community rallied together to construct a roofed shelter around her until a way to transform the poor woman back to normalcy can be found. The village remains on edge as researchers work tirelessly to understand and address this peculiar phenomenon that has left Olivia Norris in an unfathomable and perplexing state of growth.
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>you can literally lay on them like a bed
Its why I always feel a bit jealous of Racoon in this pic, she's just having a good time lounging on Fennec's belly and fattening her up even more.
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I know nothing about RWBY, but Blake is so pretty at this size
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I wish someone had some of his deleted art, or he would come back where ever he went..Its been since 2017 I think we last heard from him :c
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My lust for blob girls peak before I go to bed because I wish I could sleep on one and be told that she loves me more than anyone else in this world and that she is happy because of me and then pats my head with her chubby corpulent hands while I just lay on her stomach or chest just holding her enjoying how soft and warm she is and how this makes me feel safe and secure with nothing to worry about. Her extreme size and softness makes her like a security blanket to me mentally.
This guy's art was actually my first experience with this fetish
Fuckin' saw his art posted in shitty early youtube "weight gain" edits from like 2010, and it was all downhill for me ever since
Same, him and Don Serioja warped me neurologically back in 2012 as a kid with unrestricted internet and haven't been the same since. Anyone remember the YouTube channel FatAnimeGirl1? Channel been dead since 2015, still Sats Evie's WG comic arouses me to this day.

AmpleExpansion did a dub of this comic back in 2020, are they still around or closed up shop?
If your girl isn't drowning in food at all times something is very wrong
Such a prefect size for Selina.
what art has been deleted? i know there have been reposts of some?
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A follow-up to >>10921004
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And another follow-up to >>10921005
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Blobs who never seem to have as much capacity as they demand despite their size are after my own heart. Love distended guts conditioned on an industrial gluttony.
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This is a personal favorite. Just look at how pathetic she looks. There’s something about fighter women being reduced to blobhood that gets me off
We need more Dead Or Alive fats
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More immobile royal blobs, please.
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I just realized I got this image from a fucking reupload faggot.
God damn it.
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Dookus usually has some of the best blobs
His style is well suited for it
I love the idea of a women being shrunken down and turned into a blob from a normal amount of fast food
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Love a big girl
>Things were going great between Melody and her girlfriend Fiona, but a year into their relationship, Fiona ran into sleep problems. She was overworked at her job and was suffering from insomnia. It left Fiona irritable and was hurting their relationship
>Melody wish for some way to help her. For some way for her to sleep better
>She'd get her wish. While cleaning up their bedroom, Melody felt a weird sensation. Her stomach began to hurt. It wasn't look until she noticed it was expanding, and fast. She fell onto the bed, and was getting so fat she couldn't get up. It wasn't stopping. Her body was getting fatter and fatter. She eventually broke the bed, and now was big enough that she became the bed
>Fiona returned, tired as always, to find her girlfriend Melody was now a big fatty weighing over 5,000 pounds
>Despite Melody's panic, Fiona, instinctively climbed up her massive body. It was incredibly soft and comfy. She managed to give her girlfriend a long loving kiss, before drifting to sleep between her massive breast.
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There's just something oddly arousing about women at this size.
It is a particularly good look for a girl.
I want to give her a face hug.
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There's something fantastic about seeing massively fat women struggling to do basic things, or getting stuck in normally quite navigable spaces.
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That there is. In fact, this fefero-kun piece was exactly what I used as reference for the Ange comm you replied to :v
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"this fefero-kun piece" meaning the one you posted
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Yeah, I just want to go up to them and help them do their normal task.
They would get so winded so easily, only to collapse on top of you
I would love to be pinned under an immobile girl.
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When I am not busy I should probably write a short romantic story about some self insert male and a immobile woman.
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looks familiar, but image search can't find anything
Tututumy but they draw like 90% male
>but they draw like 90% male
That's okay; I'm not a homophobic snowflake.
Artist is kinda underrated.
More of LilyBloat's art.
(forgot to add the image)
Eh they are okay, he seems to be a beginner.
What do you like about his art?

Personally, I like his non-immobile stuff more since it tends to have better anatomy. But his style kind of reminds me of what I saw was common around 2010 to maybe about 2018.
I think my primary reason is that he draws some characters that don't see all that much light.

Apparently from Discord he's gotten critique from a much better artist, so he should be doing better immobile-wise.
Yeah, I generally like his character selection either fitting a type I have or I just like the series.
Looks like he made this 10 months ago, its not great. But you can tell he has improved since then.
I think that's really nice, more fat Remi's can only be a good thing.
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Thanks anon
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God I would love to have a girl at this size in my life.
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This website is chvd clay
If you ever get around to it, all I ask is to *not* jump straight to the hot dicking and have some foreplay and even teasing. The affection and intimacy is where it's really at.

>actually look up at artist on DA
>it really is 90% male, and none of that it is BBWxBHM mutual
So much for that
That is what the main focus would be, how such a couple even spends time together and snuggles.
The majority of the story would probably be the self insert character pampering her and how the two live their lives.
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First you get the money, then you get the takeout, then you get the ssbbw.
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Am I the only one who imagines laying on an immobile blob girl and getting head and back scratches from her and falling asleep on her soft body?
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This is good. No idea why people seem to have such a disdain for realism.
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Need more bloated looking immobile/borderline immobile fats
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How about immobile fats that looks ready to cuddle and hug you tightly and she can stroke and pat your head while you snuggle her soft body.
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I dont play League, I just think Ahri is cute
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P10 bump.
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Kind of wish Niah Lockwood was drawn more often, she has got a decent design for an OC.
Anyone have a drawing where a girl is forcing someone’s face into her fat? Like her ass, armpit, I just saw one pic like that and it would’ve been hot if it wasn’t furry
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>Go to the doctor to get a yearly physical
>The nurse who comes to start your check-up can barely waddle through the doorway, her massive gut rubbing against the door frame and her hips doing their best to push her through to check on you
>Her outfit barely fit her 200 pounds ago, it's now splitting apart in seams in various places that do nothing for her dignity
>Her hips spilling out of her skirt barely kept attached by a single string of white fabric and her shirt is exposing her ample chest that rests on top of her double rolled belly that rumbles with a need for food
>She came prepared for her hunger, holding onto a jelly donut and a triple patty cheeseburger that are merely snacks for her as she wobbles this way and that way between the rooms, her double chins bulging out with every bite she takes of her snacks
>She finally takes note of you after a glob of jelly squirts out of the donut and into her open mouth, telling you to sit on the examination table while she gets some preparations ready
>Every time she grabs a new utensil to check up on you, she has to press her gigantic tummy against you to get closer, her spectacled face unaware of how much flab and warmth covers your entire body with every ear or mouth examination
>She can't understand why your heart beat is rising when she checks it, oblivious to how much of her enormous shelf of an ass is visible when she rotated herself around and when her chest practically buried itself into your face every time she checks up on you
Thomas Albin
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I made a slightly less morbid edit of this image.
Link to the more/less morbid one?
He just posted his version.
source? that shape is so fucking hot
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I want to lay on a woman's belly shaped like this and get head pats.
>He bumped a thread on page 1
>He did not post an image either
Was looking for a story I'd read a while back. MC is a girl approaching immobility being fed by her GF, begging not to be fed anymore. Eventually she tries to get up, and realizes she barely can; and makes her way to her room knowing it'll be the only place she ever sees again. (Pretty sure she gets stuck in her door frame too) Ring a bell to anyone ITT?
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earliest fat burpjob art, kudos
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Part 1 of 7
Part 2 of 7
Part 3 of 7
Part 5 of 7
correction that was Part 4, this is 5
Part 6 of 7
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I'd personally want to make it more difficult for them by enabling their gluttony even further.
Eh I don't have any sadistic feelings about it, that is kind of a turn off.
I just want her to feel so delighted to be pampered and treated so well that she always is in a constant state of delight and joy.
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Having her enjoy herself too much to stop, and having her be hopelessly addicted to getting fatter are two parts of the same coin.
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Not-quite-emergency bump.
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who is the artist?
that doesn't seem to bring anything up.
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That's by Mr. Jouzi. Ded account, dunno where he's uploading his stuff now.

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