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Because the other two are specific to quads and boys.
Clumsy dsd edition.
Previous Thread >>10821449
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I wish I had one to nurse me back to health when I feel like shit
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DSD tomboy gf or DHD tomboy gf?
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DSD tomboy easily. Imagine how she'd mess with you using her feet?
Congenital or acquired
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I like legless girls with blade prosthetics.
>smug until you ask for some Tylenol
>suddenly bitchy, asking why you need it
>tell her that she said she would take care of him
>she huffs as she relents and goes to the bathroom to get it
>hear her bitching about small the sink is and about how your mirror doesn't have anything to grab onto
>you were aware she would need to sit on the sink to reach the mirror and have enough leverage to pull it open
>hear her toes slipping off the rim of the mirror and her gasping as she almost falls off the sink
>hear her try and fail a few more times
>"fuck!" she says as she must have hurt herself, just from sitting by her in class you knew it was pretty easy to pull a toe by using them it ways they designed/evolved for.
>you hear her get off the sink, oh yes she really hates to do this
>Hear her whisper "fuck it" and a few seconds later the soft thump of your mirror opining
>She used her mouth to pull it open
>she finds it extremely embarrassing and degrading to use her mouth like an animal
>hear her sigh then get on the sink again
>hear her toes slowly and carefully push a few bottles aside
>one gets knocked out of the cabinet and rolls across the floor
>it must have been the Tylenol because she got off the sink and didn't get back on
>hear her awkwardly shuffle back to the living room where you lay on the couch looking seine
>she its down on the chair opposite of you and puts her feet on the coffee table
>she slides the bottle of pills over to you
>"There!" she says
>You cock your eyebrow and say "Well?"
>"Well what? she says
>"Give me 2 pills, you were pretty confidant a few minutes ago, what's wrong?
>She glares at you, scrunching her nose and then grits her teeth and grabs the bottle with her foot
>She braces the bottle with her left toes and puts her right toes on the lid
>She huffs and grips the bottle lid hard
>you could see the effort on her face
>then she cocks her head slowly to the side and tries to turn the lid with her toes
>And they slide over the smooth surface of the lid like butter
>She lets out a small scream of frustration as her toes slip off the lid completely
>she was leaning back against the backrest of the chair and had her legs up over the coffie table
>She was still in her school uniform even after school was out for 3 hours and she just got her an hour ago
>changing cloths must be that much of an investment of time and energy for her
>god that's hot
>She tries again but with the same result
>and again and again and again
>She's grunting with effort and has sweat beading on her forehead
>This girl was very aggressive at times, especially with trying to prove himself
>but man, she didn't know when to quit
>Her toes were getting red a sore already and her foot movements were getting uncoordinated as her thigh muscles strained to keep her legs hovering over the coffie table
>she was panting and grunting and squealing in frustration every time her toes slipped
>then her muscles gave out and her legs fell outstretched on the coffee table and the bottle went flying off the table
>she leaned back against the backrest breathing heavy
>"fu-fuck you" she said in between huffs
>"I can see your panties." you say
>She presses her thighs together but her skirt is kicked up from her previous position
>She rubs her thighs together trying to kick her skirt down but all she accomplishes is to make her skirt ride up more
>"UUUGH!" she says as she scoots herself back and stands up to let gravity fix her skirt
>She shakes her hips a little to make a stubborn tip of her skirt fall down all the way
Can't think of more right now but I'll do more soon.
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based choice.
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Funnier/most interesting type of congenital amputee to have an ojou-sama be, DHD, DSD, or daruma?
Imagine a big tiddy congenital dsd tomboy gf who strokes your cock with her toes and always teases and edges you
Surefirest way to get her too flustered to talk, time permitting, raspberry her defenseless tummy or massaging the area where her arms would have started, which probably includes a dimple or two?
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DAE/DSD maids would be interesting
How would you touch her dimples and how would she react
With my fingers.
I want to carry a legless sorceress on my back in an RPG. And then after every adventure we bathe, feast, drink, and fuck.
>install smooth round door nobs
>watch them try and fail to open doors while trying to look graceful about it
>new maid uniform includes tights
>their feet are useless now since they can't grip anything
>get to watch them try to take them off for hours
>deformed invalid, presumably from birth
>scary powers that likely appeared at a young age
She must have had quite the life before meeting (You).
She sacrificed her legs to obtain ultimate magic power. I won a poker game and now she's my companion. She's embarassed to admit she's happier with someone who genuinely loves and cares for her. All she has left is her butt to sit on.
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>> I like legless girls with blade prosthetics.
putting the BLADE in running blades...

running blades can be sexy...
(I got some of her naked/topless but am not posting them because they might be too western.)
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but women with peglegs ( either one or two)
are even more sexier!

nothing puts a shiver in me timber like a one legged woman (SAK) walking on a peg leg without a knee joint.
Congenital daruma tomboy childhood friend?
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>tfw no suitcase loli wife
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Need MOAR DAE and DSD foot action
So, how much structure do you like with DSDs? Nothing of the arm left so all she can really do is shoulder movements, or like Adriana Macias where there's enough of an "internal stump", for lack of a better description, to gesture with?
Can I get the sauce
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Not usually a fan of edits, but this one from Anon129 on Deviantart is just perfection. The artist of the original version (the armed one) is @I_MI_ZU on X, but the image-post itself seems to have been removed. I was only able to find the armed version extant in a few reddit threads, but maybe I just suck at searching. Characters: Jeanne Alter and Artoria Pendragon.
I seem to see a lot of amputee AI art around but whenever I play around with AI image generators it's the one fetish they seem to struggle with the most. Should I be using different commands or are people just photoshoping the pics I've been seeing?
Have you considered learning how to draw?
I draw alright but I like playing with AI now and then. I'm curious not desperate. People spam too much of the stuff for me to really need to make more.
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What's the story of her showing me a photograph of her severed arm?
Looks like shes looking for it and is handing out flyers, like you would for a missing pet.
My god she's so fucking hot, Why'd they make her tits so fucking huge
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Because why not?
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They'd have beautiful children.
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Did we died?
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Splitting the thread into multiple different threads for no good reason and the many text only bumps does nothing to help.

Have some aislop, because Im not sure if this thread deserves more than that atm.
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AIslop is surprisingly decent at representing my wife. Haven't been in /ksg/ in ages
Who split the fucking threads?
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Found a classic pic. Artist Pixiv is long deleted
Whoever asked for boys and quads.
I made this thread because of those two, if mods would have just deleted them then this wouldn't have happened.
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Anons how would you sex
Any more from this artist?
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>be Anon
>DAE (arms stop where her elbows would be) gf jokes about wanting a bicepwatch for her upcoming birthday
>start looking into watches with large wristbands
>actually do it, the absolute madman
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Find yourself a badass armless girl that smokes with her feet
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only if i get to help ween her off the habit
Why are armless girls always so autistic?
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What I wouldn't give for a scanlation of the doujinshi this was a promo for.
Could you post the raws if you have them
If I had those I'd share a link.
How are you supposed to bridal carry a DHD wife?
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Ma=daru's old deviantart acct. It was deactivated a long time ago.
I mean the Tumblr you got it from.
I didnt get them from tumblr, I got them from a zip someone uploaded of his stuff.
What would DHD upper thigh stumps feel like
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Finally, one thread, one vision, one purpose… until it gets messed up again.
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>Walk in on pic related
>Wat do?
I feel like I'm fired anyway. So I offer her a quick finger fuck before I pack my box tomorrow.
Who is this and where am I?
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This seems new. I know he has a closed account he doesn't let anyone into, you got access?
Scale of 1 to 10 how huggable would you say DSDs are
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>TFW, you will never have an hot DSD GF to spoil on dates.

>TFW, you will never have a nugget harem who are all in different stages of acceptance.
>tfw no congenital DHD+SSD gf to play light gun games with
Just wait for the "I have nothing left to lose" arc followed by the "Serial kidnapper/murderer in hiding" sequel...
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Actually a pretty cool prompt.

>Getting a nugget GF (or three) is easy, Keeping them isn’t: what Mind games do you play with the local investigator to get them to leave you alone?

>You’d also have to get creative with hiding them because nuggets are alive, and they’re better that way. So no waterproof trunk at the bottom of a lake.
>tfw no congenital triple gf with hit the gym with and admire her girl abs and jacked single arm
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What happened in the top right?
any good comm artists for this kind of thing?
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>My Pearlie, my precious little Pearlie!
>Y-you are getting a bit too into it, don't you think?
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She didn't really care about her legs, but she was really proud of her cute arm stumps and begged me to let her keep them. I think she will understand eventually that removing them was the right thing to do for me to be happy, and be proud of me for making such a difficult decision.
Any anon have an image of two quads being in beast body suits walking on all fours? Can't find it on pixiv.
Written like a true autist
Kill yourself retard
NTA, but at this rate, I’ll take any writing

>brand new Gamma art
>it isn’t isn’t futa for the first time in quite possibly months.
>We are so back.
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TFW no Stumpy GF to watch yawn every morning before you get her ready.
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>I guess the real question is where to start? Do you go straight for the bridal carry? Classic and Romantic?

>Do you tug her by her shirt? Asserting your dominance, but in a “Sophisticated Psycho” way?

>Do you go caveman and grab her hips to sling her over your shoulder like a bag of potatoes?
idea: a pokemon romhack/fangame where you play as a limbless girl
your team of pokemon has to not just be fit for combat, but also be able to take care of your character's needs, each mon has particular areas they are good at
there are other limbless trainer girls too, when you win against them, you are supposed to put them into special human pokeball (only works with consent) and deposit at next pokecenter to let them continue their journey, that's the law of the land, but you can keep them as trophies in pokeball stasis, people will only start noticing if you do too many, a secret goal is to collect all girls
but if you disturb the law of the land too much, should you black/white out against a trainer you'll get a bad end
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This is a cool concept, but here’s the kicker, how do you assert your ownership of your “Trophies”? Or even enjoy them?

Do you have a hidden hideout?

A monster who has storage space, allowing them to store the Trophies and then you put them in stasis?

Or do you just hope no one notices the several human balls in your backpack/satchel/cart?
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Regardless, how do you keep them in your safe space that allows you to take advantage of them without them escaping considering that you’re on equal terms with your collection in terms of mobility?

Do you have wire “chairs” like Pic Related?

Do you have collars to tie them to a post with?

Or will it be making more literal trophies, with “One-bar-prisons” holding them in what would be a standing position if they had limbs, above plaques labeling them?
I like gradual reduction
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Elaborate display pieces reminiscent of their old clothing.
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Honestly pretty good. So, what’s the lore/worldbuilding?
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>how do you assert your owership
same as in palworld, baisically. humans are no different from pokemon, they just have shitty stats and naturally high levels so even when captured they tend to not be obedient or particularly useful. in normal pokemon world pokeballs are made to not capture humans, but in this weird alternate universe a human-specific ball with conditions is a necessity.
>hidden hideout
gen 3 has those, actually. might be an idea to put girls in a place like that once you have the means to. you'll have to train more caretakers to sustain such an operation though, and the higher level trainers you get the higher level caretakers you'll need, otherwise they'll escape with the mons. in the beginning you'll just deposit them into pc like any pokemon.
>hope no one notices
carrying defeated trainers to safety is a normal thing.

some more ideas
if you deposit girls back in the pokecenter, you'll find them in the overworld for a rematch. fight them more to befriend them. if you just keep them after first time, they'll dislike you. in both cases it is a master-slave relationship enforced by pokeballs' mechanics though, being a high enough level trainer yourself will force them into obedience.
you can black out against wild mons, if you do you launch a flare, ball yourself and wait to get rescued. sometimes you'll get quests to rescue girls, and sometimes you'll find balled girls yourself.
"are you a boy or a girl" is a difficulty setting. if you are a boy, you play as normal and caretaking mechanics only apply to secret bases, if you are a girl then you get the full experience.
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I'm looking for a picture that is similar to picrel: A girl with a long hair, nipple piercing soulless eyes, cum gushing out her holes. I think it was Ara Haan from Elsword but I'm not sure. I lost the pic but can't find it again on the internet.
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Keep going.

>So boys have limbs?

>What happened to all of the girls, did they just evolve to not have limbs? Was there a great thud? Does something about getting poke balled cut them off meaning that you and all of the others had been caught at least once before?

>How many times does it take to get the friendship meter high enough?


Sorry pal, I don’t know, but you might want to check around old Archives.


(Some of the older threads there are corrupted…. So please let me know if you have a better archive to browse.)

I’m also having an Archive panic, because the usual art sites get purged of this fetish every so often, though in my case, the image(s)/Artist I’m looking for are this used to be on DA dude, who had this pic of this armless punk girl wearing a guitar by it’s strap… with some sort of typical emo text on the image.
IMO daruma status should be an "evolution" enforced by a certain item or the people-ball itself, which neatly sidesteps all the questions here >>10987205

This also allows for a "catch and release" style where you don't darumatize them and they go about their business, or you do and they can be displayed at your secret base. Non-darumatized characters could become willing caretakers for your operation, even?
>boys have limbs?
both girls and boys do. but some girls don't.
>did they just evolve to not have limbs?
kinda, in pokemon sense. once a [certain] condition is hit, human can evolve into daruma. it doesn't always happen, but when it does it usually happens in teenage years, so 10-year old girls are often sent on an adventure to get themselves team of pokemon to assist them in daily life should they evolve. daruma is 100% female, so boys evolve into limbless girls too, though it's mostly girls who do.
the underlying idea is that there is a causation loop, girls are told to become trainers so they can remain independent if they become a daruma, but becoming a trainer is the thing that makes them more likely to become a daruma in the first place, which perpetuates the cycle. boys tend to strive towards getting a job and/or learning to take care of darumas instead of becoming trainers because if not them then who, and the few who do become trainers eventually become darumas too. there are trainers who don't evolve, though, sometimes through everstone, sometimes because they don't meet conditions, sometimes because they use human ball to put themself into ownership of someone else and let them cancel the evolution (usually married couples).
>Does something about getting poke balled cut them off
if they are released from the ball there's no residual effect aside from memory of the partial lapse in free will they've just experienced.
>How many times
every trainer has a rematch team table, once they reach the end of it they'll give a sign that you've exhausted their gameplay opportunities and now is the best time to ball them up.
the semi-globalized scenario is part of the appeal. you are not (entirely) responsible for what happens to them, in fact you are just as much of a victim of the setting.
Consider: congenital dual upper forequarter gf
Think such a girl would be into swimming? No shoulders means she's more hydrodynamic.
It was a famous piece. Before I could find it in almost art/hentai site. Now it just it got nuked off completely from them internet. The worse part is I can't remember the artist's name but it seem he got nuked too.
The art piece is special to me because it cured my phobia, and it's beautiful.
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I found it!
Nice one.
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This is such a great idea! I think player should initially start with all limbs (and various ways to lose them). Starting as an amputee could be a varying hard mode.
I am dreaming of an amputee game with thorough adaptation mechanics. Those games that have limb loss usually go "you can no longer do X without an arm", but I think the best way would be to make each interaction multiple variants based on your condition.
For example you have to gradually raise your leg skills to do X effectively, when you no longer have arms.
And can choose how to do something, like using either legs or mouth for the task, raisng the corresponding skill.
I get that the idea is to use your pokemons for that, but perhaps these options can coexist.
>boys evolve into limbless girls too
Hot as fuck btw
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I'm not sure like the hips, but shoulderless with big boobs looks perfect.
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Throught the game you'll get a single tenga ball, which is like a masterball for humans. Catches any trainer and forcefully evolves them if they are still unevolved, plus brainwash to ignore the implications. Does not require consent, but will get blocked by pokemon, so you still have to win the battle.
Catching and registering all regular daruma trainers opens a secret shop where you can buy tenga balls, which lets you catch all trainers eventually and 100% the game.
go grab it, it's on sale
Is there an English translation?
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Better hugs: from DHD or from DSD?
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DSD. Marshmallow heaven is the way to go
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Now there’s an idea:

>haughty office lady cougar who made it to her late 20’s without evolving, and thinks she’s safe but still technically counts as a trainer.

>other “late bloomers”

>Fellow trainer who has also been doing the kidnapping thing but she didn’t think she’d evolve into a Daruma because she’d never seen a dude one and min maxed into pure combat with zero domestic aid who hangs out at her former hideout because going back to society would be trouble.
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If that's not Ragna banging her then it's not canon.
Not that I know of, but you can machine translate VNs while playing by using Textractor. https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor
So how we feeling about Senso Gowang?
He does ok stuff, but his current artstyle feels a bit generic and basic 2d anime. Hopefully he continues to grow more in the future and develops an artstyle of his own.
impressively fast artist, but his original stories are lacking imo. his best works are all commissions, with commissioners giving his comics a clear direction, while his originals tend to circle same themes and blend together so hard that you don't notice how he has like a dozen different stories that all meander aimlessly and half of them get abandoned halfway through.
if he partners up with someone who has good writing skills (or, better, storyboarding skills), the quality will rise by a lot. alternatively, he can look into already existing stories to adapt, or ask around the community for oneshot ideas.
also, a bit of proofreading by a native english speaker won't hurt, though sometimes his slightly broken language adds a bit of charm.
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I hope he sees it so he can take the constructive criticism to become a better artist
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This. 100% this.

I think…. It’s that he’s stressed out about being locked in to a story. Even when he makes a chapter 2, he always has that chapter introduce a new character or several and have it be *Their* Chapter 1.

Still, he’s one of the dudes I have high hopes for. His art is good. He hasn’t pulled a Mocha, he focuses on the visual quality of his work.
Childish but will sometimes draw good stuff
>tfw no congenital daruma gf to scratch her itches
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I wonder if the guy who did this one is still around on the interwebs. Maybe Senso can help him finish it.
Didn't he like lost everything in a fire? I feel bad for it having never finished but also understand he probably has never gotten motivation after that.
Imma need the sauce
Maybe that, but also they were dealing with a chronic issue with their arm
Forgot to post an image
Worse, tendons in his hand have disintegrated so he can't draw anymore, at least without pain. What a terrible way to end an art career.
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Starlia (forma de ropa moderna)
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Violet looks gorgeous as a Venus Di Milo here
Baioretto is always gorgeous.
Also sauce?
Here ya go: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118695993
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flat and flattened
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Imagine if Starlia had been a full nugget instead of "just" not having arms.
not as elegant. her character design has a good, long silhouette to accentuate her regal nature.
however, while she does have legs, we never actually see her walk, she floats everywhere by levitating her silver boots. knowing her 'tism, there's a chance she might've never learned to walk on her own two feet. and she most definitely doesn't have leg dexterity to do anything beyond walking with them, she's too posh and learned silver telekinesis too early in her life for that. so, essentially, long nugget.
The dress would still be there, and presumably the leg armor (until she loses the armor), giving her the requisite silhouette.
Yo can I get sauce
Made this while bored. There's a story behind it and I'm thinking about making a comic about it but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
anon accidentally amputated the whole girl
Wait until she finds out about right shift.
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>page 10
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TFW no Former Tomboy to dress up in frilly, cute outfits, and carry around,
I wanna be a nugget girl
That doesn't mean he can.
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go back to /pol/
I hope we see asa stub soon
I'm not from /pol/. What you need to do is go back to any of the multiple threads on this board cartering to troons.
Anyone else noticed that irl congenital DSD girls tend to be womanlets?
Go back to twitter
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I dont really care where you go, just fuck off. Youre not contributing anything meaningful to this thread.
nobody's contributing anything anymore
How so?
Me tooooo, it's the dream
It's pretty self-explanatory. They super short.
A lot of them have leg deformities too, which probably contributes.
But even ones who don't tend to be IMAGINEable.
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There is way too little levitating daruma content around.
More likely to be a freak in bed, DSD girl or DHD girl?
let this thread die anon, nobody's posting anything worthwhile anymore.
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DSD girls becuase they can't touch there pussies, they can only grind against objects.
Also not being able to masturbate without some kind of object and having to move there whole body against it means they can never be quite about it.
A DHD girl can still touch herself and use toys so she can satisfy her needs easily but for a DSD it's a constant struggle.
So a DSD girl is going to be way more desperate and horny.
Pic sauce?
I wish I could give it to you, they were on imgur but they got purged when imgur deleted all non active accounts.
I should have saved them.
Found them, boss
Dawg we're here to get off to deranged shit and you're being transphobic, like IDGAF bruh
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With how slow the thread is going, how about some requests to the artificial idiot? I got some new tricks since last time.
Like before i'll post in /ddg/ and link here, instead of spamming this thread with AI.
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How about a masked super hero who's a flying quad amputee in a high cut leotard.
If you were given a night alone with her what would you do
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Nugget Beach Episode?

Pic Related
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Ywnbaw-fag might not have reading comprehension, but he gave me an interesting idea.

The TSF thread is traditionally started with OP uploading a whole ass Doujin… and I don’t see why we can’t do something similar the next…. Four times until we run out of Doujins that won’t get the thread deleted.
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Dawg we're here to get off to deranged shit and you're being trans-fragile, like IDGAF bruh
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for the pic of gazelle from kingsmen i unfortunately don't know where i got the pic, but for nude pics of her they can be found on rule34, but beware searching for kingsmen as that will produce a lot of yaoi

i would like to see some one armed women with eyepatch, split hook prosthetic , and peg leg.

here a sexy zombie lady. she not usually an amputee though
I respect his pure, straightforward desire to draw dudes fucking their quad gfs.
It's all I wanted from this fetish and he delivers.
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It's an edit, but there's no proper content like this.
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Wish I lived in a world where women don't have arms. Instead, they have small shoulder dimples where pheromone glands are located.

I don’t know how practical it would be, but the fact that it’s beautiful is a fact, and it’s always very beautiful, especially without hands. The mass of statues without arms that the whole world admires is direct confirmation of this.
Thicc/chubby/heavyset quad lying down on top of a guy sleeping peacefully.... please.
Something tells me ragna is one of us, with how he groped starlia's stumps at the beginning of ep18
Is Ragna, dare I say it, /our guy/?
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So, like, just, naturally or evolved? Or like the Venus equivalent of the great thud?

I could totally work with either, but I’m not sure which is better… with the natural world being more protective and probably wasting the beauty of their world with full length skirts, taking them for granted.

and the thud world becoming the natural world with extra steps after people forget about women having arms.

>Or maybe these two worlds coexist, and have different values that led to a Arms race (pun intended) and the thumping of one world’s arms was the result of a genetic weapon made by the Natural side?


Slopper 621, I’ve got a job for you.
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Okay, now this is epic.

amputee elf manga style (AI)
>>11015916 >>11020302
>>11018876 >>11020303
Others maybe later
>tfw no quad amputee wife to impregnate.
Evolved due to pandemics of a virus which makes women infertile. Some women got genes that give them pheromone glands instead of arms but also make them immune to the virus. It even makes them more fertile than women of the past because they often give birth to twins and produce more milk, even when they don't have babies so men have to drink it up.

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