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It's an old classic that sadly is still a very niche fetish.
With balls>without balls
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Flaccid dicknipples. A rarity.
The best dicknipples of all times right here.
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Without balls are fine too, as long as there's some interaction.
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Thank God they censored the dicks, it might have been offensive otherwise.
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now this is a thread I can get behind
Can anyone recommend an artist I can commission to do a dicknipple anatomy diagram?

I want to do one showing the progression of growth to become a full-on dick.
RustAndBolts is always open to comms, although the wait time is several months. he does everything under the sun tho. multi penis, hyper sperm, docking, body horror. you name it. he’s pretty cheap too
My gf lowkey wants to get into the commission business, and drew me some /d/ stuff, pic related. Considering she has a long way to go to get to high quality tier, especially in drawing dicks, I say describe what you want, it will be good for practice. I don't promise anything.
I'll have to hit him up but, I'm looking for something a lot sooner at the moment. It's for a potential short novella.

Thank you for the suggestion, anon.

I'm looking for a more seasoned artist(I mean no offense to your gf, anon) but, if she wants to take a crack at it, I'm not going to refuse.

What I'm looking for is an anatomy diagram(a medical illustration)that shows the inner workings of how a dicknipple would work.

The twist is that I want several diagrams showing the progression of a dick forming inside of a woman's breast and eventually being "birthed" as a fully formed cock and balls from her nipple.

It would probably be like... 5 pics altogether.
sadly leaves out most japanese artists, because of the whole penis censoring requirements
I don't really mind that but, I also think that they will provide an uncensored version to the client.

I'd definitely use a Japanese artist if they're affordable and can understand what I'm asking for.
I love otoo, amazing dicks, great breast and dicknipples, but I hate most of his hallmarks:
>bowlegged pose
>vacuum blowjob mouth/elongated mouth
>alien looking dicks
>bodypaint/skin-tight dress up to the dick
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Yeah, he's not my fave either but I just found that image and posted it.

I'm hoping I find someone I can commission, I really want this story to have corresponding images.
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What a goddess!
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I draw the line at cock sized nipples
well youve come to the right place. lol

sauce pls
need housewife constantly cumming in her apron
Are you still looking for someone to help you with your proyect?

Yeah, you got some samples of your work?
Yeah you can see my lastest works here, if my drawing style is of your liking you can message me:

Real question, would they cum milk or lactate semen?
a concoction with all the nutritional benefits of both. also impregnating capability
But even realer question, would they cum just from being squeezed, or would she need to actually orgasm to lactate?
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Sent you a twitter dm, waiting on you to reply
Okay i hope we can make something good to share here
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Saved! Who's the artist?
Calpish, here's a couple more
Amazing thank you!
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Here's the thing with Sponson: despite the high quality, and despite making great dicknipples (even if they don't have balls), those drawings just don't turn me on.
that makes one of you. they definitely do it for me
>no balls anywhere
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It's been less than a year, I believe, since I first started seeing AI dicknipples, and they were quite bad, but picrelated is impressively decent if it's undoctored AI. It still retains that hallmark AI look, but that's probably for the best.
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their stuff is uncensored on twitter and the e hentai
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Didn't know. Thanks anon! I liked pic related too. They just need to add balls to those dicknipples. Sometimes I wish I knew how to make this pictures myself, but I might as well learn how to draw, because AI is esoteric to me.
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Checking the gallery now. Damn, flaccid dick and dicknipples, they got the right ideas.
>no interest
/d/ has changed
I'm a more cerebral person in my late 30's. I want stories about dick nipples, not pictures of dick nipples.
I'm in my mid 30s too and I still need to see my hentai
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Well now I'm tempted to write a story about dicknipples. I just don't know how much interest there'd be in something like that.

Anyone want a story about dick nipples?
sure, maybe on one of uno makotos
His oldest stuff is some of my favorite stuff ever. I love the way he draws faces with personality and warmth and humor in perverse freakish scenarios. I love how nuanced and imaginative his scenes are. His skill is never in doubt. He’s hard-working and prolific on his Patreon, which I subscribe to. He puts out new work surprisingly often.

But his newest stuff has problems. Some of his best ideas are in sketches he doesn’t finish. Every single image is “hyper”. It’s getting same-ey. He sometimes remakes the stuff of his we’ve reposted here hundreds of times, but the simpler originals always have more heart than the fancier remakes.

My favorite are his oldest multi-panel single-page comics, but he doesn’t make those anymore. He prefers big single scenes now.
same, but idk where i'd go with it.
I'd want to do a scenario that's totally unique to dicknipples, not just something you can swap a futa in and have it work mostly the same.
any ideas?
Somebody mentioned a “milk or cum” question, so play off of that. A first-time soon-to-be mother running into a similar question. Breastfeeding normally is obviously a no-go, even if it worked normally, the thought is uncomfortable enough to not want to go through with it.

So, she’s trying different things to try and figure out what to do. All she knows is that while she can orgasm and cum from them, the fact that she occasionally starts dripping milk means that they do indeed work for lactating. It’s just trying to do anything with it and resisting the urge to cum instead. So, trying to further induce lactation is difficult because it’s pretty much just masturbating and she suspects it’s not accomplishing much. She gets a breast pump so she can pump milk and bottle feed instead, but the pumping just leads to a similar problem.

Going with formula seems like an easy cop-out and makes her seems stupid for not thinking of it, so maybe in the end reveal her partner is an equally-pregnant futa, and they can just have her manage feeding duties, and the futa teasingly offering to nurse off her in the kid’s place instead.
Another idea is something like a cross between inverted nipples and dick-nipples. A girl with dick-nipples, but the only visible part is the tip, so at a glance they look normal. They’re still dick-nipples, so they’re still just as sensitive and can cum. When she gets erect, they stay as inverted nipples, and don’t directly protrude farther, but they pull the rest of the breast and make it appear as though her breasts increase in size. So, let’s say she’s trying to show off at the beach in a bikini. She can make her breasts larger to better fill out her top and turn heads, but now she’s going to actively have to constantly stay erect the entire time, or else her nipples will soften and her breasts will go back down. Not to mention the obvious problem if she’s making out with somebody who’s unaware of her “condition” (and obviously she isn’t going to go out of her way to tell people, if only because she doesn’t want to turn people off or be seen as a freak or something). Too much breast-play, and she’s going to be erupting cum all over herself and her now-startled partner.
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Dick nipple but its also vore.

Any other ones like this?
Absolutely. I'd be breastfeeding from my girlfriend every morning. Latched on like a newborn.
Futa with dicknipples getting GF pregnant from her tits

I like this idea too.

I'm in writer's hell with a story about a girl with dicknipples (amongst other things) wrestling with her bizarre physiology and the battle between trying to live and dress as normally as possible, but also keeping her sexual inhibition in check. It's a pretty ambitious, novel-length project where her physiology is actually a secondary aspect, and it's the fuel for most of the slice-of-life situations that I'm typing out while I clarify the main plot.

A few threads ago (https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10636760/#10699513), I posted a side story where the MC seduced a lone commuter, written entirely from the commuter's narrative, as well as some ideas about internal support structures for dicknipples and more. I take a lot of inspiration from Uno Makoto and Makita Aoi, presenting the bizarre, but attempting to rationalise it biologically. For example, balls don't store sperm, but internal structures like seminal vesicles do. Boobs with dicknipples get bigger because they are partially comprised of erectile tissue, and contain seminal vesicles. This can cause problems with clothing, so I decided to write a xcene that I've been sitting on for a while now, tentatively titled "Dicknipples-Girlfriend Care Instruction Video", which might actually be a pain to read because it's formatted as a screenplay / script (it's easier for me to draft conversation-led scenes like this). I'll consider posting it on AO3 if there's enough interest, and if I can reformat the dialogue flow to read better.
Oh, I am very interested.
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ok i really like this idea, mostly because i'm imagining her with a vibrator in to edge herself constantly and keep herself erect, only to bump into a cute girl by mistake and cum through her bikini.
amputee nipple vore transforming into dicknipples?
you don't even need the watermark at this point, modeseven's the only guy who draws shit like this.
[spoiler]still, i came[/spoiler]
Same you didnt leave a method to contact
I'm lurking here. Just ask away.
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Then you'll love https://legendsofbelial.net/

It's the only place on the internet that puts all the misplaced cock (including dicknipples) transformation stories in one place.
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From the legends of Belial discord
Here's the latest from latenu.

I imagine that the nipplegirls are still mostly themselves, but now have the instincts of needing to be a good nipple.

They recognize the situation they are in, but they have a deep rooted compulsion to milk themselves and release as much fluid as possible. Logically, they know it's wrong, but instinctually, it feels right.
[Alternative Corruption]

The noble knights of the kingdom are famous for working in pairs, forming lifelong relationships such that in combat they are feared for their ability to work as one.

Now corrupted, these proud women warriors-turned-nipples have been brainwashed so that their memories of warrior training are replaced by memories of masturbation training.

Meanwhile the person they are attached to, who is their comrade, is not brainwashed, but can do nothing to convince her friends of who they actually used to be.

So matter what she says, her friends turned nipples cannot be deterred from what they see as their sworn duty to pleasure their mistress.

That's especially when there's so much milk and cum they need to squeeze out of themselves. To think that they could stop for even a moment is unthinkable. If anything, they bring shame upon their noble families for not being able to cum even more, their mistress's ever-full breasts standing as testament to their lack of devotion.

And so they must endeavor to improve and do more as a show of faith and loyalty.

Now brainwashed, these noble knights use their masturbation skills to work together, building up climaxes in perfect synchrony such that they can best serve their mistress by cumming even harder together than they can alone.

The many combat techniques they've mastered as a pair, now perverted into a string of masturbation techniques that flow effortlessly from one into another like a kata.

If you liked what you read, come check out https://legendsofbelial.net/ and the discord (link at the top) where I often come up with crazy ideas like these.
its a bit shitty that they have evrything in discord now rather than the open web, but that is more a sign of the times as everyone seems to be doing it these days
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Good thing we have open repositories like the sadpanda.
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I love when they're embarrassed by their body
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I still don't get what's so great about this pose, everyone seems to do it.
it’s the wobbly legs from pleasure position, try busting standing up. you’ll hit the pose too
That's the thing tho: there are more poses than "just standing, barely"
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Honestly some of the dicknipple loras out there are pretty good.
Holy shit that's excellent! Nice trips too.
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It gets better every day
Where are you generating these?
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IDK about the second person but I generated mine on the automatic1111 stable diffusion running locally. I used the autismmix pony diffusion model and a few loras including a dicknipples one.

I took a bit of time to try and figure out how to get something like the pic I posted above again. You can use the catbox link I've got here to get an image that has the parameters I used and then figure out what models/loras you need from there (4chan strips image metadata), everything I used was on civitai.


On thread-topic, elves are such an excellent target for dicknipples. So haughty, graceful, sensual... Then, you stick a pair of giant, throbbing dicks to their chest, with a big fat sack swinging around beneath each. You just know they'd be all indignant and humiliated about it. Yet because their fat boob-cocks are permanently erect, there's no hiding it at alll~

that facial expression is the look I come to /d/ to see
Those I got off pixiv/sadpanda, I know nothing about AI
Are there retard-proof guides that handhold you from beginning to end? I know nothing about programming, but damn those results are amazing.
I don't know about retard-proof but it's definitely a "retard guide", and it's what I ended up following when I first started.
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got any previews or drafts please anon?
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Aya is one of the greatest. A shame his dicknipples don't have balls.
i agree. i sifted through his material hoping to find some dicknipple balls. but, alas, none.
Maybe it's possible to train an AI to copy his style, but make dicknipples with balls...
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through all the AI craze i have never felt compelled to use it until i read your post. to take Aya's style and apply my own customizations (like adding balls to his dicknipples) seems like a great use of AI's capabilities.
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Are there any Discord servers that cater to people that love dicknipples?

If not, should we start one to collect all the art and stories?
Yeah, let's make a collection and then bury it deep where nobody can find it. You can make a gallery in the sadpanda, which at least is renown and has a functioning tag system, but it would essentially be a repost of every relevant picture of all the galleries that have the dicknipples tag. This thread too is essentially a long repost of the old same pictures, except for a few new ones, thanks mainly to AI. I know because I'm the one that makes this thread every few months.

Okay well, do you have a better suggestion?

I'm NOT trying to be antagonistic here. I just want to have a place for this super niche fetish to grow and develop more.


I don't care so long as we can have somewhere relatively permanent for it.

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