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last one got smushed
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I don't have flattening but I have some stuff of girls stuck in glass bottles if anyone's interested. I don't know if it's more fit for one of the bondage threads or something. Lots of feet autism, mind.
We can see the autism, this looks like shit.
ok, anon
>foot fetishist
thats unfortunate
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I want to see more. It's fit in here before.
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cute series
idgaf about how crazy the thread is, that's pretty good
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any favorite flattening fetish characters?
ok that guy is stupid as hell but we should atleast post flattening pics while shitting on him or something, or talk about stuff
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I've always liked tatsuhoju's ruka art. its what got me into this fetish in the first place
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I kinda moved away from enjoying OCs, but I'll always have a soft spot for TSM's girls.
File deleted.
She got ruined by the artist adding that fatass tail and dragon vore lore shit to her,makes me want to vomit
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to be fair, the threads used to be fine, until a certain naive da user excessively namefagged while being generally annoying, and with poor reactions became a lolcow. ofc the thread was destined to become trash with the bokk stuff and people being mad at low quality sketches getting 30 heart reacts on discord, but saying thats specifically why the thread became bad is false
Ah yes, blame the victims who got harassed because of the 4chan threads. But calling out the trolls who harassed random people for no reason somehow makes people mad?
I think this is a good example of why people should probably leave the tf community. Why continue being involved with a community that enables this kind of behavior?
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yes the victim is at fault, as plenty of namefags over the years, even ones not taking requests, were liked, or at the very least not a source of drama. and i didn't even say that calling out trolls makes you mad. getting this emotionally charged over this is what trolls like to see btw, seeing as you are painfully unaware.
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honestly you really better be someone important like m23 or i dunno redflare500 to be whining this much

otherwise go away already nerd, you should have better things to do in life than care about porn this way
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how come you moved away? honestly im kinda more partial to oc stuff than pre-existing character stuff myself
Fine, I’ll bite. Who are these trolls? How is “the community” enabling them? What is a community supposed to do about these individuals? You keep repeating these same things, but they make no sense. Do you think we have virtual courts and prisons, to pass judgement and lock up the baddies?
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>saying a single thread on a single website will kill an entire community
>spending more time and effort to actually be here and complain about the threads than it would take to just leave the thread and never look back
>choosing to fucking remain her and continue complaining and then acting like it's everyone else's fault that the threads always go down in flames

Amazing. I wasn't aware a human being could lack this much self-awareness and still somehow be considered sentient.
look at the thread you're posting in
That’s dredging up some ancient history, but I’m glad to see it misinterpreted just as well as it was back then. I don’t think Stranger had any issue saying anything to anyone’s face, he just wasn’t allowed the opportunity to. If people are too thin-skinned to coexist in the same place as some hyped up boogeyman, then isn’t it best for them to hide in a safe place?
>I don’t think Stranger had any issue saying anything to anyone’s face, he just wasn’t allowed the opportunity to.
How retarded do you have to be to believe talking behind peoples back and insulting them on 4chan is the same thing as saying something in front of them?
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I'm not sure I said they were the same, but I'll spell it out for you since reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. He said want he wanted to their faces, and they blocked and banned him because of it.
Dude, I know what you were trying to say. The point I was trying to make was that the shit he said about people when using 4chan is way more unfiltered compared to what he said to people in Discord servers. He used 4chan as a means to talk behind people’s backs and how much he didn’t like certain people while hiding behind an anonymous message board. That’s a very cowardly way of saying what he wanted to their faces.
you're complaining about the tamest most normalfag fetish in a flattening thread?
i know im like mentally ill for finding women getting flattened hot and crap but ill be damned if im not going to act like foot fetishists are below us on the totem pool for one reason or another

also sorry to give you attention, but anything else on this stranger guy? any still-standing profiles with their work or anything? sounds like an interesting character
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I think you may have let whatever you read and whatever other people have said conflate into something much worse than it actually was. Far as I could tell, he was banned and pissed off at the ones who did it, so he came here to rant about it and get them riled up. And it certainly worked.
A lot of people from the tf community secretly hate foot fetishists
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Stranger/Puzzle/Bokkaneer/Milque/Chloe/RegNArts/SirGrant was just an always sarcastic person with a bit of edge.
Easy to dislike if you're soft, which a majority of the community is, which is why he would wind them up for laughs, here and on discord. He was cool to talk with though, if you aren't terminally online.
Posting his art usually gets banned, cause its very basic and "western", and all his profiles are long gone.
Also if people are going to excavate through years old drama, can they at least post pics?
damn i see

is there literally any resource available to actually see what he did or anything? now i really wanna see what he did both art-wise and shitting on people-wise
He only used the Chloe account just to pretend being a girl and catfishing people who were looking for tf roleplay. Which is just sad and pathetic
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Worth noting that the only person he did that to was a mod of the server. Specifically, one who caused a lot of problems, such as harassing artists such as ChronoChico and DaAussie, and ironically shouldn't have even been there since he had no interest in flattening in the first place. Also, the catfishing/roleplaying amounted to a single exchange of a few messages.
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do you have absolutely any images of this whole thing? or any of their art?
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Been reading through this dumpster fire and I'm continually surprised by the lack of perspective some people have.

The reason people want a community for a fetish is the same reason anyone wants a community for anything, humans are social creatures who like to share their interests.

These 4chan threads aren't part of any community. The anonymity just lets trolls who may not even be interested in the subject come in and bait bait bait while everyone else just wants to bate bate bate. Online communities are self policing, dicks get blocked and banned and shut out and then they come here to piss and moan.

These threads literally just exist to share art that others haven't seen yet and their sources. Just stop biting and let the trolls waste more time out of their sad lives. The only reason they hang around to stir up shit is because people get stirred up.

>>10958409 this art is super hot btw
The harassment towards ChronoChico and DaAuusie happened long before he was even a mod on Flattening Group. He only joined FG because he wanted a place to fit in and socialize with the tf community. Say what you want about him, but I think he changed for the better. Obviously the harassment towards Chrono and Aussie stopped. He was able to reconcile with the owner of the old bodyworks server and apologized for his behavior in the past. He’s even admitted that he still regrets harassing them to this day.
Stanger specifically targeted him because he knew he was going through rough shit and essentially wanted to turn him into a lolcow. These guys fucking hated each other.
Honestly, I don’t blame him for leaving the tf community either. Yeah, he made fuck ups, but at least he was willing to be honest about himself and improve upon his failures.
He’s not in the tf community anymore, so it’s best to just leave him be. I really do wish for the best of him
ngl idolizing stranger as a martyr is kinda cringe
so does literally nobody have any visual evidence, sources, references or just anything as a quantifiable thing to show who this stranger guy or what the fuck he actually did

this is just the first time ive ever heard of them and id just like to see directly the stuff they did
If you’re on the Flattening Group discord server, search up stranger in the search bar. Might have to scroll a bit, but I’m sure you’ll find a thing or two between 2019 and 2020
RegNArts is Stranger backwards while SerGrant was an anagram of Stranger. I believe he went under Laughable Dough as well
yeah sorry im not in that server, and not really keen on going into any sort of super indepth flattening community thing for a variety of reasons

anything outside of that?
>Stanger specifically targeted him because he knew he was going through rough shit and essentially wanted to turn him into a lolcow
If that’s what you want to believe, have at it. And while the ChronoChico/DaAussie stuff was over by then, I’m sure it’s what helped them be as reclusive of artists as they were. It’s also worth noting because that sort of behavior would continue anyways. If I recall correctly, you were harassing another developing artist at that time, because he was still a teenager and he received fanart from a moderately good artist that contained a naked butt. Maybe Stranger just didn’t like people who alienated others, and decided to alienate them back?
Most of it’s lost to time, and far too unimportant to have been saved and documented by anyone.
That artist received more than just a naked butt. They also received a pic on twitter of a furry jerking itself off. You forgot to mention that these were made for a then 16 year old. I don’t think I need to spell out how gross it is to send porn to a minor, let alone defend that shit. He had good intentions calling that out. Execution wasn’t the best, but at least he had some common sense. Stranger didn’t like him because he called out artists knowingly making porn for a minor at the time.
It’s been argued enough and it’s long over and dealt with. Obviously you want to deny the reality Stranger was specifically targeting harassment towards people he had vendettas with. Do you want to know why you don’t hear from those people anymore? He drove them way by making them feel as unwelcome as possible, regardless of reputation or were willing to improve. That’s straight up toxic behavior. He is no saint and never was. Continuing to paint him as one and defending his behavior is enabling that kind of toxicity and isn’t going to get us anywhere
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That one is actually super hot. Source?
If it helps you sleep at night to believe that, more power to you. But just keep in mind there’s a reason you’re alone and he’s not.
I’m not entirely sure, but I had it saved from a few years ago in a folder with a bunch of Ibuprofen600 pictures, so it was likely her.
rare to see loli flattening, especially western
Oh yeah, I miss young sunny
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Miss Frigid too.
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This guy's an underrated artist, very consistent and good output.
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This is a cool one, love magic-based squishing
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ngl miss this folks work, wish they still made stuff
mostly deleted from the internet now
never much liked their work i think
people with bad end fetishes are nerds and their work was way too ugly
/aco/ and /d/ is for a handful of "people" that hate art. 4chan is the last place you want to look for, or share, anything new. This is where art comes to die.
For example: here we have a waste of space and air complaining about the work of a professional artist who's a regular on the pixiv top 100 on his main sfw acct. And no I'm not proving shit to worthless people
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liking this guys art lately
better than most
You can still find his stuff in high quality through peoples favourites on fa. Such a shame he went and nuked in the first place though.
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i can re-enable the fa account in a couple days. forgot to request deletion of that one. didn't mean to start a discussion, just wanted to post a sketch to inject a little new art into these threads.
Cool, both the art and bringing it back are plenty welcome. Try not to mind the banter, your stuff is a nice change of pace, not enough non-Japanese artists doing art with a darker tone.
fuck it im bored so ill be evil
atleast the detailed backgrounds are nice, but otherwise think it lacks real style
cause its lame and depressing
sorry to say but i think youre a gigantic nerd if you need the extended unnecessary suffering of a cartoon character to genuinely really get off, even moreso when its an implied sort of thing like when its perma stuff where they have to shove 50 synonyms of, "permanent" and "forever" in the text when the character is gonna be there to get permatf'd again

also huh youre here
>detailed backgrounds
There's nothing detailed about them. Nothing wrong with that, it's a nice touch to have them at all, but that's not a detailed background. Please stay away from art critiquing when you don't know the first thing about art.
>need the extended unnecessary suffering of a cartoon character to genuinely really get off
I know this is falling on deaf ears, since you don't have much in the way of emotional intelligence, but different people like different things. Some people like many things. Some people like one thing. There is a mental component to every fetish, which is tied to a specific emotion or feeling. Some people like warm and intimate feelings, pure expressions of love and pleasure. Some people like the more carnal ones. And some just like funny haha, completely devoid of sexuality, stuff. No one is wrong for liking any one of those things, or anything else in between. You're only wrong if you're a blithering idiot who gets hung up on things he won't like and will never understand.
i guess i meant like the fact that you drew fully furnished rooms or something? i dont look at your art actively so i cant really remember, just remember that the bgs seemingly had just as much work put into them as the characters, against most artists where its just single-colored voids
must have just been a huge case of misremembering regardless, so sorry

also yeah duh, and i can mindlessly yell at people for their tastes being different than mine thus sucking
though honestly it is unironically a pretty lame divergent fetish to have for reasons said before, it just feels kinda sad that you need fictional characters to also be sad and in extreme pain and misery in order to get off and stuff
i can get the why probably, i just think the why is stupid

also didnt really take you as the type of guy to speak super eloquently and use, "blithering idiot" a ton, its funny
I’m not the artist, I’m just a stranger.
oh sorry
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I wouldn't waste time arguing with the guy. There's no way you can lack that much self-awareness to criticize a sadism fetish on a 4chan thread of looney tunes physics. Odds are he's just fishing for attention
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im used to the banter haha. ive seen much worse
wait a minute
Good, I hate seeing good artists put too much value in what idiots say. And that one's great too, not enough artists draw flattening like it should theoretically look, all spread out and distorted. Even if they do have spreading, the face is virtually always left untouched in that sense.
Check the last Konosuba opening, it looks like one of the main characters get flattened by a boulder.
Damn, didn't realize that got nuked. I was wondering why I hadn't seen much from them lately. It's too bad, their stuff was good.
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emily+butt= noice
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you guys are missing the point that these threads are pointless as the same fucking art is posted every time,this pic here has been on every single one of these bullshit threads,theres nothing different than we already see on da and discord.
might as well use it to shit on artists then,useless faggots
Yeah, sounds like you're really overly online if you've got all of this on da and twitter and discord locked down. I can see why threads like this would be useless to you so don't feel any obligation to stick around.
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You, sir, are and idiot :)
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There's this as new content
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Speaking of this artist, does anyone have the first part of this, or it in higher quality? I believe it was only posted to their deviantart
風船化合戦用意ッ! sensuikousyou https://www.dlsite.com/maniax-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01010958.html

軍楽隊フィナーレ担当(平面化合同) sensuikousyou https://www.dlsite.com/maniax-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01018542.html

These comics look to be of relatively high quality, and given the ostensibly absurd price tag, they had better be. Does anyone know how to pirate shit from dlsite. The site isn’t on kemono as far as I know
As far as I know, they aren't comics. I bought RJ01083284 from the same circle, and it was just a handful of images from different artists (1-2 per artist) that follow a specific theme. The artists are all listed on the dlsite pages, some better than others. I'd say it wasn't worth the cost, and the one I bought was cheaper than those.
Does anyone have any of Kanyan’s new stuff from fantia. The kemono is like a year behind and, as far as I’m concerned, he’s the goat.
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You should send it here so we can see it and judge it for ourselves.
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It's cool, I think my own judgment is sufficient.
anyone here with timesignalman's place of emptiness season 3? only 1 and 2 re archived everywhere while season 3 only has one page on gelbooru.
I don't doubt your judgement I just wanna see the whole thing that's all.
Pretty sure the series stopped at that page on Gelbooru, the one with the blonde turned to paint. I've got all the pages in Japanese, and the thread-relevant TF ones in English. There's 3 pages before this one, which only feature the brown girl getting covered in wax and the introduction to this cat girl.
After that one there's a page where the green haired girl locks the purple haired maid in the freezer, which is followed up with this page. After this one is the paint pages that are on Gelbooru.
can someone post some fool art they locked there account
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More of this. And the brown girl in wax.
We don't post kindergarten garbage here, sorry.
File deleted.
Someone have more Stardew valley content?
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Do ya’ll think people find us weird for liking flat women?
No, I think people find us normal and boring.
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Most people probably do find it odd. That said, I've been doing art requests for normie types who aren't "into" flattening per se, but who just find my art unique or interesting, and it's been really nice.
What's your art look like?

These two are mine.
It certainly helps that your art is great, glad to see you haven’t completely fell off the face of the Earth. My theory is people in general, at least online, are reaching a level of exposure to all sorts of strange things. As a result, they’re becoming more open to different stuff, either through curiosity or some latent interest. Possibly they see a connection between it and another fetish they may have, which also helps open doors. This sort of thing is pretty tame compared to a lot of other bizarre fetishes, especially since its most common origins are through children’s media, so it’s an easier pill to swallow. But yeah, on the whole, people just think it’s weird, just less so than it would’ve been years ago.
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I don't think it's necessarily the case that in order for an average person to appreciate flattening art, they have to be over-exposed to the bad side of the internet first. No one who's asked me to draw them has had any particularly eyebrow-raising inclinations outside of a propensity for sharing nude photos of themselves.
Maybe I could’ve phrased that better. I don’t necessarily mean a “bad side” of the internet, though that can lead to it too I think. I just mean even a general sense, there’s more awareness to everything. For example, people who may otherwise never be exposed to the concept of edging are now learning what it is through memes on social media. In your case though, I think part of that is just women being more receptive than men to things they otherwise wouldn’t have interest in (with maybe a dash of liking the attention).
Oh I ordered this>>10959267 from you before. I'd love to order something from you again someday. If possible that is.
In the sense that you can’t tf people irl then yes

I agree with the boring part. But “normal”? I doubt that
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I don't do that type of work anymore, sorry.
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maki is the only artist that can draw this stuff for 10+ years and not improve for shit,and still earn 1k with pure effortless slop on her patreon
did you forget to reply to someone or just shit posting?
Are you jealous that she’s making more money than you?
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But is she hot?
maki walked so that m23 could run. Neither were faster than the steamroller though.
Pedophile kiddy wumpa lumpa lover Ridiculous Cake
Got any proof of them being a pedo?
What happened to GogoesCrabones? He hasn't uploaded in half a year but he regularly favorites art on his da account. I simply hope he's not just trying to rip his patrons off. He still owes me a commission after all.
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Exactly why I get access to all of her stuff for free rather than paying for it.
its impressive how he has been earning more than 500 dollars per month while not uploading anything for more than a year by now.
i don't know who to blame, if its him scamming people, or the community being so retarded to continue paying in the hopes he comes back
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What exactly happened to him in the first place?
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Friend of mine who I drew flattened
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Obvious fake photo is obvious.
can you do me like that?!
fucking asain girl over here
Timestamp or gtfo
Damn you're sexy as hell and I love your hair.
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Can do, do you mind if it’s just like a portrait? I usually just sketch around a reference.
sure when you draw the portrait do you then draw me flattened or just the portrait?
>reverse image search
>no results
Weird things happening in /d/ today, I hope artfag delivers kek
hopefully we can see this asain looking girl all flattened out
Holy shit these look vomit inducing,the flattening community gets aroused from shit worse than gore you begging bastards
Yeah, the pig faces are fucking awful.
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yes, i find us weird i wish i wasnt like this
im surprised this isnt more common knowledge honestly, as well as their sunny character originally being a child they did tf fetish art with and the whole willy wonka blueberry scene reanimation collab

also yeah eww those pics above are ugly as hell
Do you have anything more recent and not something he regrets doing and apologised for 14 years ago?
the ammount of juggling the flattening community does to put ridiculous cake on a pedestal is impressive, dude is straight up a closeted pedo nowadays, apologised my nuts.
it's not even subtle, flattening xj9 teenager robot and tiny umpa lumpas,his wip chocolate factory animation characters also look young as fuck. do you guys really want to die on this hill just to jack off to his stuff?
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i dont really think this is something you can easily brush off like that, i think he even tried to downplay this at some points as just, "a joke" than truthfully apologizing?
not to mention it feels hard to live this kind of thing down when you keep using the oc you made fetish porn of when they were a child to this day, and still do fetish porn of other child characters
if they didnt want that image or truthfully regretted anu of it then theyd just cut that shit out entirely i figure
Are you the same faggot who derailed the last thread with nonsense as well?
Its that faggot that cant draw crablord again
Look at the thread you're in, preaching this. Why are you associating with it if it's such a deal breaker for you?
no im only the 2nd reply there
i guess for me its 1/4 boredom and wanting to cause a ruckus for fun and 3/4 wanting people to genuinely get better and just challenging the stupid status quo, since some sort of change to this sort of thing would be nice

honestly i think i myself even want to associate with the greater, "flattening fetish community" a term i hate using by the way just because of how much of an annoying closed echo chamber it all is, people like ridicake included
fuck meant to say, "honestly i think i myself dont even want to associate with the greater, 'flattening fetish community'"
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Usui-chan celebrating her time off from high school with a golden bikini.
i saw somebody in this thread asking for timesignalman stuff so I'll try to post all i have
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photo didn't upload....
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cover your eyes yeah cmon cover your eyes
the lights will slow and rise
and i never will lie
so cover your eyes
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i have some non-tf art from this period too but i don't want to derail the thread
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this one is very cute and ero ^-^
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a lot of these are from wayback archives of TSM's old blog, but there's a grip of artwork that wasn't archived and is probably "reddit lost media" unless somebody has it saved from back then
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this seems to be very old fanart by tatsuhoju
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i have more but i don't want to kill the thread. gonna eventually get these all uploaded somewhere. there's animations that timesignalman did that i cannot find, if anyone knows where to find em please let me know.
why are you facefagging on /d/ lol
Where is the one where the brown girl is covered in wax?
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I assume this is the one you're looking for.
What animations exactly? I know the Patreon ones he did, and one from the old days that he also had on his Patreon.
>xj9 teenager robot

Here's a fun fact. Almost everyone lewds that character, tf or not-

>i guess for me its 1/4 boredom and wanting to cause a ruckus for fun

I think you need to get off the internet for a bit. Get a job, do something productive with your time. You are literally getting mad at the most tamest reasons. Tamest reason because you're in fucking 4chan of all places. This is the place where lolis are lewded to hell and back. Why are you even on this website?
These threads always get derailed. What the fuck are you even talking about?
>This is the place where lolis are lewded to hell and back.
You do realize you can report posts for containing loli on 4chan
You can pretty much say that about any artist who has a patreon or pixiv or whatever
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One of them is a guy who has been pretty distinctly shitting up the threads. But this thread saw a (brief) return of a good artist, a few guest posts from another good artist, and a handful of fresh and decent quality art. So I'd say it was worth having, despite the shitters.
how to instantly make your flat art look like complete dog shit: draw wildtake eyes like this
remember the time a XJ9 porno with rock people got passed around like a meme where even the shows creators responded to it and nobody gave a shit? yea stfu
says you, coward
I can't get into the wildtake stuff, but I respect the grind.
Viacom copyright claimed it. So I guess someone clearly gave a shit about it
That Porno is canon now
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yeah do you have any copies of any if all the animations he did? lol
stunning and brave, here is your (you)
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people trying to have the moral highground are the cancer of this community. lets assume the person youre acusing is an actual pedo,what do you have to gain with this?do you really think you are helping the community in any way by spreading your autistic drama everywhere and shoving this bullshit topic into every conversation?no one wants company of a retarded person like this,you are not protecting or helping anyone,makes yourself look like the pedo instead

please do shoot yourself in the face,nothing of value will be lost
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I've got all of the "Dungeon of Flattenings" series, I've tossed them and all the images into this folder.
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Oh fuck, I finally get this now. Damn, why does their got to be flattening artists like this in the first place? I just want my women flattened out not little kids. Also I love you're art.
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I am not maker of this post but I agree that people screaming about morality are cancer for fetishes. Once someone starts screaming on me about requesting "Rosario to Vampire" girls in slave/harem girls outfits because they are 16. What's more he accused me of being lolicon, girls I requested were Moka Akashiya, Kurumu Kurono and Mizore Shirayuki.
Stranger, is that you trying to impersonate people on these threads again?
I don't have idea who this Stranger is. I dont try to impersonate anybody so I assume that answer is No.
Thanks, finally a good post in this hellhole.
I wonder why people still continue to support his Patreon so much if he doesn't upload anything for 5 years though
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I appreciate the effort, but look at how that person wrote his post there, sadly this is all for deaf autistic ears as he doesn't get pedos projecting into others
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why was this one guy arguing with himself? schizophrenia?
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Nope, wasn’t arguing with myself. I was trying to prove how stupid anon’s logic was in >>11006524

Apparently some of my replies got removed for some reason. Guess someone got butthurt and decided to report some of my replies because they couldn’t take criticism?
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I'm guessing you're just trolling, because you never actually made a single point against that person, and they're right. No one wants the company of a retarded person like yourself, except other retards.
Nope, wasn’t trolling either. Want me to explain my point? Okay, I will.
Anon was making the assumption anyone who accuses someone of being a pedo means the accuser is also secretly a pedo themselves. So, if that statement is true, then that means everyone who accuses someone of being a pedo is secretly a pedo themselves. Then that means anon who initially said it is secretly a pedo. Then that means I must be a pedo. Then whoever accuses me of said thing must mean they’re a pedo as well, and so on. The whole thing continuously becomes meaningless. It’s basically the whole it could be you, it could even be me from Meet the Spy.
You can’t just willy nilly accuse someone of being a pedo without any hard evidence to back that up and that’s what a lot of these anons were doing. I had to ask two times for any proof of Ridiculouscake being a pedo in this thread and luckily anon managed to provide some kind of evidence the second time around.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this virtue signaling talking point before either. So I felt the need to demonstrate how stupid it was to always assume anyone who accuses another of being a pedo is secretly one themselves, especially without any evidence.
and the mask slips. why bother using different writing styles and punctuation if you are just gonna throw it all out the window in a fit of rage and have one of your usual long winded rants, trybat?
Hey I'm in the thread but that I didn't say that shit
I’m not trybat either. And honestly, does it really matter who I am? Yeah, I know it was long. But, I decided to elaborate on my point because anon thought I was trolling and never made a point. So I decided to explain myself
This bullshit aspergers autistic way of writing can be only squishypalu
You don't even make any content anymore, you have no relevance, fuck off from this community
I ain’t squishypalu either. Why are you so obsessed with trying to figure out who I am?
Like any troll they want to stir the shit. Even if it's just their own shit.
I’m not a troll nor was it my intention. The closest thing I did that could be seen as trolling was calling the anon who went on about pedos virtue signaling a pedo. That’s nothing compared to what other trolls have done in this thread
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Give it a rest everyone
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hey anons, what facet of this fetish works for you? Is it the humiliation?
Humiliation for me. I feel dead inside when I see a flattened person smiling cheerfully.
It's an idea of total domination for me. Completely physically overpowered and incapable of resistance, even their physical form has acquiesced and been flattened out.

But unlike other anon, I do like it when they're smiling. I like women who put up a token resistance but then love getting bulldozed.
cause what part of sit on my face sounds like a bad idea?
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part of it is a bit of bdsm and just the absurdity of it. but humiliation does make it hotter for me
It's like objectification, but literal and very physical.
I know bokkanneer tends to be a sensitive subject in these threads, but does anyone have an archive of his works before he deleted them all?
So sad they disappeared, I miss them
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Love this guy's stuff
Thank you! Hopefully I'll have another tf focused animation here soon, I really don't do it enough
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Just keep doing your thing, I know this sort of stuff is more niche than the other content you make. But if it brings you back to TF stuff at some point, I won't have any complaints!
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I forgot I posted this one
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Does anyone have that one with the witch and the slime trap or something, and she gets cubed just as she casts a spell to lock her shape?
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keij draws flattening as well
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These are nice
Honestly you’re not missing out on much. His art wasn’t that remarkable
Yeah, as shitty as it is for art to disappear, those ones aren’t really worth saving in the first place.
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Possibly good news. I just started a new tf focused animation. Gonna be quite lengthy
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