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You all know the drill. Post Hucow's, discuss Hucow's, don't be a sperg.
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Random Discussion Prompt:
How do you feel about milk that comes flavored direct from the source? I like the idea of cow gals taking some extra bit of pride in having a unique taste to others.
I imagine it to be a half-art, half-pseudoscience kinda thing, like a lot of health and beauty topics or concepts.
>Hey, did you know that if you eat a lot of Pineapple, your breastmilk will taste sharper and more crisp?
>No, I don't want to go on a diet, you need a bit of pudge, and a rich diet, to give rich, creamy milk at all.
>If you eat a lot of cinnamon or other spices, you'll express notes of it as trace amounts of anything you eat that can't be digested fully ends up in your glands.
How good is the pay for a Hucow (assuming that they get paid at all)
There should be a maid cafe, but with hucows. Like, the milkshakes are implied (or actually, if legal) to be from the wait staff's breasts.
The bigger (fatter) the cow the better.
i think you can get aids from breast milk so it is probably illegal
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If they already have it, not just randomly, or tons of babies wouldn’t survive.
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And these days it's the fucking bird flu you've got to worry about from raw milk.
Big, full, and leaking.
As all cows should be.
Big, full, leaking, and being filled with more.
Is how all cows should be.
i... uh... accidentally read that as big boss edition...
and that created a mental image i didnt want
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>Gigantic fat ass stuck in chair
There will never enough art of this
>hnnhg Kaz I'm trying to sneak around this base but there's a thousand cowgirls hear and their mooing keeps alerting the guards
I know pregnancy's not essential for lactation but a hucow not being utilized to at least 100% of her capacity just feels wrong. Heck, even if she eventually ran dry until she becomes outright barren it'd be a waste if not an insult to not let her be as productive as possible.
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Stuck in chair, buckling chair, needs two chairs, stuck in doorframe, pants can't reach waist. It's all so sadly uncommon.
There's so much attention and content for big girls, tall girls, round girls, ripe girls, thicc girls and meaty girls, yet the WIIIIIDE girls are sorely neglected.
What ever happened to that guy? He filled the void in my soul after trinityfate went exclusively to furshit, but he seemingly disappeared a few years ago
Last DA post was late October 2022 and IIRC he was petering off for a while before that, given he didn't nuke everything I'm guessing he just lost interest in fetish art as opposed to trying to go legit or having a crisis of some kind.
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>Cowgirls need their chairs replaced up to eight times as frequently as other staff, as office furniture, nor office fashion, are designed for women of such size and stature.
>Though it may be inconvenient, it's medically not advised for a cowgirl to slim down due to quirks and features of their physiology.
>Some people get very embarrassed over it all, others get strangely proud.
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>others get strangely proud
Idk why but I instantly imagined they'd give their asses tally marks for every chair they destroyed and it made me kek
So like abortion count tattoos, but instead of boy/girl strikethroughs on her belly it's stool/dining chair/armchair/office chair/bench/toilet/copier/face/pelvis strikethroughs on her butt.
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There are 2 very easy ways to find the source for that image, Anon.
>Look up the name mentioned in the image on rule34 and then check tags until you find the right one (there's only a few)
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She looks like she's tired of; telling people she's not some milk-machine fiend, dealing with people getting handsy (or managing her own responses to it), how bra's don't work at her size/aren't important for normal sizes, complaining online about how the only clothes sized for her are all 'degrading' cow print articles, explaining to her family that she doesn't need a child in her to 'fix her attitude'.
>"I hope you are content with the enemy you’ve made, Sarah!”
>"Alice! Would you like to discuss something?”
>"As a matter of fact, I would! What in the Sam Hill is this new female uniform you expect we fine young heifers to wear? There’s no dignity in it!"
>"Surely in a female-exclusive workspace are we no longer fretting about showing off what effectively everyone else has!”
>"Can it! You know damn well the bulls will vote yes even if you held the vote on April 1st!”
>"The only ‘gay’ bulls I know are just impatient bi dudes. Now stop playing coy."
>"You are upset that OUR vote won’t be unanimous, Alice?”
>"The damn polled people get so gushy and drooly about a perfectly normal bodily function we get big heads about it. I know damn well someone will vote no: that person is you.”
>Sarah looks annoyed.
>"So what will you do? Give a two week’s notice? Quiet quit by taking up an aspirin regimen?”
>Alice shifts in her place, face as determined as ever, but toes no longer parallel.
>The pay’s too good to pass up. She knows that… and Alice knows it too.
>"I say, Alice, that I understand your concern. I do. You just want a physical need met. No frills.”
>"No bikinis! Add as many frills as a French cafe, but no bikini tops! No mandatory bikini tops!”
>"Frankly many employees feel that the coveralls are too sexy, what with their ‘pockets.’”
>"It merges function with chastity.”
>"They’re gauche, Alice! Gauche and obvious! I’d rather stop wearing a porn star uniform and wear an idol uniform.”
>"Same diff, Sarah.”
>Alice storms out.
He had been petering out for a while but ended up delivering a really shitty commission the client was vocally unhappy about and basically dipped out after that
>Big milkers need big muscles.
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I think you posted this in the wrong thread, nothing Hucow about this.
Shit, that's what I get for closing the thread after posting. Sorry lads
>tfw never going own a hucow farm and eat out a few cute hucows who enjoys it.
sad now
I kinda adore the idea. Like some technologie, magic or genetics allowing that.
Like family tree has frost related monster genes so daughters end up producing soft serve icecream. In case of they are in cold room.
Chocolate milk, but has to eat chocolate.
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>Hucows turning into snobby sommeliers a la https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8cECtBdS8Q
"Ah, yes. I detect notes of cedar and an aftertaste of strawberry."
>Tail randomly starts in the middle of the spine, and not from the tailbone
This shouldn't bother me as much as it does. I wish I could turn off my autism bros...
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Angry moo moo.
What person's, place, object or event(s) are commonly known to anger or irritate the normally placid Hucow?
That's the tip of the tail...
I imagine not being milked for extremely long periods of time is bound to make even the most placid of hucows very irritated
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wasting their milk.
Sure, they make tens of gallons a day and there's no way one partner could just drink it all, but if you’re doing her and you keep milking her just to shoot the milk across the room it'll probably tick her off. If you’re doing it right, she'll do it naturally. Don’t make the milk come out unless you want to use it, somehow.
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People drinking fake milk for no reason. (no alergy or sensitivity)
How do you think/want hucow hybrids to come about?
>Illegal genetic modification of splicing cow dna with human DNA
>cows just evolve towards more human like appearance
>magical world where hucows and regular cows exist side by side
>some other method
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>Illegal genetic modification of splicing cow dna with human DNA
I just feel bad, if the people turned into hucows didn't actually enjoy the life or got mentally scared in the process. Could be illegal but with some level of consent like girl wanted bigger breasts size without plastic at any cost.
>cows just evolve towards more human like appearance
This could be neat. Some or all cows evolving into human like being for some reason.
>magical world where hucows and regular cows exist side by side
This would be better. Kinda like monster musume world.
>some other method
I love to have transformative powers or access to transformative devices and turn people into cute hucows.
People trying to steal or free my hucows will get free makeover let them join the herd. Free food, shelter, even access to tv.
>What person's, place, object or event(s) are commonly known to anger or irritate the normally placid Hucow?
Pulling the Tail.

>That's the tip of the tail...
...Then where is it attached at?

>>Illegal genetic modification of splicing cow dna with human DNA
Probably this, but I also know the sad realities of current Bioengineering.
Like, if you want a humanoid with "natural" bovine features, you'd have to grow her from "scratch," IE you get a Calf Daugtheru instead of a Cow Waifu.
And because of the Return on Investment times, Corpos would just splice the human genes for a lack of Estrous Cycle and Milk Production into a normal cow.
>A hubull, face gentler than his marble, trained form, finds himself a booth. A hucow in a long-sleeve polo shirt under jean overalls approaches. Her name tag is crooked on her left strap, and her hair, tied up in a bun, is repeatedly skewered by an array of pencils of all different colors.
>“Hi! Welcome to Established Burgers, your favorite burger establishment!”
>“That it is, Ms… Winona.”
>“Glad to hear; may I take your order?”
>“I’ll have the Patty Melt with Incinerator sauce, please. Burger well done.”
>“All right. Will that come with sides or a drink?”
>“Hmm. Let’s go with the fried pickles and a milkshake.”
>“That milkshake can be vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, butter pecan, pistachio, peanut butter, cherry, or watermelon.”
>“And would you like the milk on all fours or upright?”
>Hubull raises an eyebrow.
>“That’s an option here?”
>Hucow nods gently.
>He tugs at his collar a bit and grins. “Upright then.”
>“All right, sir. Currently we have milk from Tammy, the manager, Stephanie, one of the fry chefs, yours truly, Leah, a busgirl, and Anastasia, a cook.”
>He is handed another menu featuring a glamour shot of each woman mentioned. He scratches his forehead and rests his nose in-between his index and thumb.
>“While you’re deciding, I’ll get those pickles for ya, hon.”
>“Thank you. I appreciate it.”
>He’s still making his choice as she saunters off.
>some other method

I'd want gene mod/splicing to become the next big thing for the rich 1%, celebrities, and influencers to all be doing and changing society as a result.

1) Start off as an all natural at home breast/ass/hip/high/muscle/weight loss enhancement. Just a couple months of weekly injections and you can be a tall amazon/chad. thicc, or just thinner either by milking out excess calories via milk or hitting the gym with bull like endurance. Only Fans girls then Twitch then the rest of social media until it reaches main stream media.

2) "Just moo it!". Large scale awareness and marketing starts kicking off as the uncertainty of the drug proves unfounded. Gossip rags start guessing which celeb is looking hotter thanks to a little mod work. Women less opposed to milking as it feels good and is so much easier at burning off fat than actually working out. Mods still expensive so only rich or financially irresponsible can afford more than a couple weeks treatment.

3) Unplanned developments. Mod released that takes advantage of the weight loss via milking by inducing heavy lactation that remains constant. "Milk gyms" spring up where women can more easily and more quickly pump their milk rather than by hand. Side effect of increasing metabolism and hunger in order to produce milk. Will discover that even after given the shut off milk mod there are cases where it resumes on its own.

3) Status symbol. If you don't pump or wear the right Moo line apparel then you're a cheap flat poor bitch. As it becomes the norm more daring mods to showcase wealth and privilege are released. The female rapper raising her cow tail as she twerks on camera, fashion diva making a video about accessorizing your new cow ears. Cow punks with horns and getting their nose pierced with large nose rings.

4) Women now curvier, and milkier and ever as natural competitiveness, increased appetites, freer sexual morals, and decreased motivation drive take their effect. Now a status symbol to have a "farm hand" personal assistant to take care of everything for you. Slowly transitions into the woman being pampered and waited on like a prize pet.

5) Why need hands? Rich and famous start transitioning into hooves for hands and feet as it becomes harder to move around with the size of their curves and udder if especially daring. An influencer have at least 2 farm hands to address any personal needs or to act as their hands.

6) Inevitable reversal of fortune as the repressed lower classes finally have enough of their lazy milky "betters". Use of mods has continue so long that hucows and humans are considered seperate races. Rich and famous at this point can't function on their own and quickly are rounded up by people. Only the richest and eccentric with their robotic servants escape and flee to orbital stations and off world colonies. All hucows are demoted to second class citizens and kept on farms or as pets.

7) Moo World Order. Hucow relations stabilize within a generation as aside from a little extra hard work they are treated like prize milkers. (Dairy cows long since extinct due to human milk being better for you). While Earth Hucows regain some muscle mass as laborers and more become less quadrupedal, Space Hucows become even larger and more dependent due to living in low gravity.

8) The Milky Way. Humanity and Space Cow relations improve as years pass and the drive for FTL colonization surges. With greater tech and intelligence to make up for physical shortcomings, Space Cows begin serving alongside their Earthbound cousins typically as navigators, science officers, and drone operators. Each newly formed colony starts to form around a small herd of Space Cows who provide large supplies of nutritious milk to colonists.
>celebrities, and influencers
damn i can already see tons of kids and teens going for it. At least tiktok made lots of kids do dumb stuffs like tidepod challenges, stealing from school etc.
I prefer "ninja turtle hands" over hoof hands. Still functional, but much less dexterous.
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>5) Why need hands?
>I prefer "ninja turtle hands" over hoof hands. Still functional, but much less dexterous.
Even then the lost of personal dexterity might be too much of a handicap.
It's like walking; Sure you don't WANT to do it, but you'd certainly hate to be UNABLE to do it.

>The Milky Way.
>Each newly formed colony starts to form around a small herd of Space Cows who provide large supplies of nutritious milk to colonists.
I honestly think Hucows would make excellent Space Colonist; They usually have enhanced strength and resilience over baseline humans, and an entirely Female colony can best control their population growth which is extremely important on limited resources.

Hell, it's what I based my "Fake" Clan in BattleTech around!
>Hucow space colonists.
>Generally bigger and hardier than baseline humans.
>Strong bones, and a certain slow, plodding strength, as their slow-twitch muscles are enlarged to properly shift their huge frames.
>Can survive comfortably in a wide range of weather conditions and exposures, where a normal person risks hypothermia.
>Can eat practically anything organic that's not poisonous, and also produce milk in high quantities.
>Somewhat physically ponderous nature doesn't matter in a Cockpit.
Based Battletech lore builder.
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>>Strong bones, and a certain slow, plodding strength, as their slow-twitch muscles are enlarged to properly shift their huge frames.
>>>Somewhat physically ponderous nature doesn't matter in a Cockpit.
Don't even need to get that bovine with their physiology; The setting already has decently embiggened Female Elementals.
Since one of the Clans supposedly biggest values is "minimalizing waste" and I always question why they didn't turn themselves into animal hybrids, I figured why not make one that reduced their need for animal livestock by turning themselves into their "Totem" the Minotaur?
It's a shame the /btg/ dismisses the concept simply because its my magical realm, since the Les Mino have other extreme deviations from Clan philosophy, like lacking a proper "Warrior" caste or having natural birth reproduction as a "privilege" of seniority rather than growing their genetically engineered babies in tubes.
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Now that is a calf i love to cuddle with it.
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...What's wrong with your ASS?!

Seriously, is that suppose to be the side strap of a thong?
Because it looks like it's the start of the tail and makes the thigh crease look like it's suppose to be her ass crack...
it’s underwear, with a tail as well, it’s just creased up in her cum gutters lol
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I love it when cowgirls have hair covering their eyes
20+ years after the Hucow gene mod trend (permanent DNA alteration) ends.
>Average cowgirl age now in mid 40s save for younger alt fashion girls
>Not uncommon to see your teacher, boss, or neighborhood MILF with huge curves or cow features
>Viewed like an old tattoo or phase like Emo
>Some still live the Hucow lifestyle while others try to put it behind them
>Ice Queen corporate types overfilling their pantsuits with specially tailored pants/skirts for their tails
>Gyms packed with middle age Hucows trying to keep from becoming fat as actual cows
>Not ogling your girlfriend's mom when she checks in on you two or shows off pics from when she was your age
>Growing up with a mom who produced the milk for your cereal
>Instead of hot flashes from menopause Hucows experience periods of going into heat
>Hucow soccer moms spilling out of their tank tops and yoga pants cheering on the side lines
>Watch a Hucow politician giving a press conference with her tits overflowing the speaker's podium
>Next generation of women growing up with more free sex and curvaceous role models

What would you like to see most with women years after becoming a Hucow?
If hucow genetic mod is available for the world, I don't think it will be just a phase, being super thick is too tempting
Wouldn't the permanent DNA alteration mean their daughters are hucows too?
>I love it when cowgirls have hair covering their eyes
So the "Highland" look?

>If hucow genetic mod is available for the world, I don't think it will be just a phase, being super thick is too tempting
Yeah, and if we were able to induce those kinds of physical changes, Hucows would probably be one of the more tame mods.

>Wouldn't the permanent DNA alteration mean their daughters are hucows too?
If you got it to stick, then yeah.
The issue with current gene therapy is that it doesn't really "last," the modded genes replicate for a little while but eventually are overtaken by the old ones.
Combined with the physiological changes, genetically modifying someone into a Hucow would have to be a very time intensive procedure, unless again you started before their very conception.
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Would be fun seeing a hucow milking the bed, after she forgot to drain herself before sleeping
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>it’s more efficient, all the girls are getting it done, and it feels amazing!
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I mean, if they're that hard pressed for Milk, couldn't they just recreate the Hucow mutation via genetic engineering?

>Eight pack
Noice, you rarely see more than four and an udder here.
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Some Moo's come in compact.
Makes them slightly higher maintenance, but more ideal for urban living than their bigger friends.
The cultural differences and stereotypes people have of hucows. Some of them may seem like common sense of simply not thinking things through, whilst others are actively malicious or intentionally negligent.

>Hucows are obligate herbivores
>Hucows are sexually liberal and will allow you to grope their massive tits
>Hucows require specialised HR managers called HuCattle Resources [HcR]
>Hucows are naturally flatulent
You get the idea.
>HuCattle Resources
Corporate cowboys? Recruiting cattle drives? This has good parody potential.
Which US state(s) do you think would do the best hucows?
Would (You)r state do good hucows?
Texas since it's the Cattle State
Wisconsin (cheeseheads)
whichever state had that giant cow surrounded by smaller cows
Corporate Cowboys sound like the Cyberpunk American equivalent of Corporate Samurai
Which gives me a hucow related idea
>>HuCattle Resources [HcR]

>Hi. I'm Bessie from HcR. Just a quick general announcement NOT to call our temporary holiday influx worker recruitment efforts a "cattle drive".
>Whilst I can appreciate the intent of such an inside joke since I've been here for long, most of our temp staff won't be here long enough to do the same.
>I understand that due to our location we see a lot of migrant workers of the Hucow variety, but referring to them as cattle
outside of consenting raceplay
>is still racial harassment and will be treated the same as any other sexual, racial, physical or emotional harassment.
>On a similar note, milking for Hucows is still a requirement when they're on the job to prevent the usual problems of milk-backup, or lactate-congealing. This is why managers must allow and provide opportunity for Hucows to milk themselves on company time. I don't know why some people thought it was needed to restrict people's milking to their breaks, but they were wrong, they have been informed why they were wrong, and they accept it. Please don't witchhunt them. It'll help no-one.
>And Hucows must use said equipment. We have a barechest working environment to prevent embarrassment over milking at work. This does not mean we only accept "naked" cupless bras only. Pumping and nursing bras are acceptable, as well as normal bras, if you're still shy about your chest.
The Homeworlds already have a cow equivalent - the Zeerga.

>it is 3078, and the cowgirls of the 2nd Zeerga Vaqueros face off against the cyborg Crowley Lizard Cow-girls of the Bryant Protectorate Militia
milking birds was a mistake
Just like humans cows too need to be pregnant or have given birth within about a 2 year span so how do you like your hucows?
>Big and round
>Slim but stacked
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Big and round for me personally
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lets hear it for the bulls
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>“Honey!” yelled she in a neutral-annoyed voice
>“Yeah, hon?” responded he from his couch.
>“Ice cream’s done.”
>He got up and looked at the big bowl of ice cream.
>“I think we’re outta vanilla extract, so I attempted butter pecan. I tried to chop them up very small.”
>“That’s quite all right.”
>He picked up a spoon and gave a taste. His eyes closed and he nods.
>“‘S good.”
>They hugged.
>They pulled apart and two big wet dots appeared on both their shirts.
>She frowned while he rubbed her ears and pulled her in for a second helping.
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>>it is 3078, and the cowgirls of the 2nd Zeerga Vaqueros face off against the cyborg Crowley Lizard Cow-girls of the Bryant Protectorate Militia
This is the kind of BattleTech I can get behind!

>Just like humans cows too need to be pregnant or have given birth within about a 2 year span
Uh, Humans specifically DO NOT need to have been pregnant in order to lactate, thanks to our lack of an estrous cycle.
It'd actually be one of the "benefits" of Human-Cow hybrids.
More like due to an additional maturation of the breast that occurs during puberty instead of solely during pregnancy, but a lack of estrous cycle also plays a part for sure.
really round
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There's something really exciting about a girl signing up willing to be a livestock, especially with the looming threat of being permanent.
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>The Holy Cow Church is doing a recruitment drive in your local area.
What's their pitch, how do they interact with Hucows and normal humans, and are they seen as a legitimate church/cultural movement, or a weird body cult practice?
>The Holy Cow Church is a legitimate church dedicated to the care and worship of Hucow's (who are seen as descendants of their God's angels)
>The people who are either already Hucows or plan to become one are highly regarded by the church as holy individuals and thusly helped them with their life
>Anyone who wouldn't or couldn't become a hucow are expected to help care for any hucow regardless of them being a church member or not
>one of their rituals is being baptized in the milk of the local pastor
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But what about Hathor?!
>You joined the Holy Cow Church because you believe in bovine or Hucow divinity.
>I joined the Holy Cow Church to have a group of people praise me while hand milking me and drinking the resulting milk and talking about how good it is, in a public forum.
>We are not the same.
>Hi Bessie from HcR.
>What do I do if one of the Hucows in our employ starts asking for people to help her milk?
>This is especially common over the harvest season, and not only does it distract a second employee during this busy period for up to an hour, but from what I've heard (sometimes through the walls) the conduct that can go on during these sessions is leaning concerningly inappropriate for a work environment.
>Please advise, I don't want to step on any toes, but this kind of thing is not my wheelhouse.
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love cow daughter mom combo
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>Hi Johnny from The Fields
>Please send the 'needy' Hucow to my office when I'm in tomorrow. First thing preferably.
>I will make her re-aware of the companies policies and assistance with over-productive Hucows.

>Bessie from HcR

>Please do not infer or imply that any Hucows are misusing their need to be milked to fraternise with colleagues.
>No matter how valid the claim, such a thing opens the door for claims of harassment.

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