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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous >>10929390
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Has anyone else here been aroused by a shitpost before?
fucking kek what the hell is this?
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I sometimes screenshot shitposts like these and save them.
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Does anyone know how to save gifs from pixiv?
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Looks like this artist is inviting people to punch her OC's belly.
I wonder how she would react if someone drew her self insert getting shot/ stabbed/ guro’d.
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I watch this manga Strike it Rich hoping to see Hina get destroyed in a fight. I hope they make doujin or ryona art based on that
I don’t read these type of mangas but I too hope this cocky whore gets destroyed and it gets posted here.
Who's the artist?
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Bitch can’t catch a break
She's made a FGO doujin with navel penetration before so I think she'd be happy
Favorite type of ryona? For me it's the useless zako mobs.
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>Favorite type of ryona?

For me, female characters with beatiful faces and arrogant attitutes, wich later get a beating and their faces are not beatiful anymore.
Tough girl getting demolished but still trying to brave it out, especially if she eventually loses anyway.
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In the 90s and the early 2000s it was mandatory that in most fighting videogame and in most comics to have at least one beatiful female character to wering a thong leotard or a bikini, so i love ryona where there are female characters wearing thong leotards or bikinis, it does nto matter if she is the cruel one or the victim one.
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I have personally never been a fan of leotards but it seems quite popular I imagine for the reasons you mentioned.
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For me it's exactly the pic you posted. Cute girl destroying an older "handsome" sexy girl she shouldn't be able to beat.
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Hopefully she’s not allergic to bees
I wish the artist went with a different facial expression on Felicia. Looks like she's just taking a normal body blow, and not getting impaled.

I've always loved ryona expressions that depict something between agony and fear.
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It's the mental aspect. Few things are as satisfying as watching a prideful woman having to confront just how weak she really is.
Good facial expressions are one of the main draws for me, though my favorites are when they look like they are suffering but trying to endure.
>it's the useless zako mobs.
I love mobs. Such shame most art of those is gore.
I prefer humiliation and rape on defeat
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Still not as painful to her as this moment was, kek.
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Impale is an understatement. The bitch must have a hole the size of a basketball in her midsection after that.
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For me it's a jobber heroine.
How do you know it's a female artist?
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She posted herself cosplaying her oc before.
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Just stopping by to post Kana ryona.
For me, it's genuinely heinous and strong villainesses being defeated.
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Dumb zakos.
I've fapped to that one greentext about a locked room with sandpaper-covered treadmill as a floor being used as a torture device.

Also I'm unable to find a greentext about Yuri from DDLC being surgically modified into a mechanical monstrosity, that sound familiar to anyone?
Try to remember keywords, such as body parts and names that may help you find it in desuarchive.
Zako destroyed by evil women is super hot
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Evil zakos/henchgirls or villainesses in general. Bonus points if they [spoiler]piss themselves when taken down. And/or fart a little bit. And/or poop just a liiiiittle bit. Not a fan of toilet stuff in general but with zako/evil girl ryona I think it adds a lot to the humiliation aspect.[/spoiler]. Special thanks to AI for making a lot of such fantasies possible.
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Date A Live is still going apparently. Expect more ryona content is they plan to go all the way with the source material:
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Losing to a brat is very embarrassing.
the best part is the fact they both are wearing thong leotards.
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Apparently this is some sort of Nip meme?
>Try to look up ryona of a famous zako mob from Blue Archive.
>It's all joke ryona like pic rel
A shame.
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Forgot pic
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Working on the final batch of commission of client's OC Elise getting bullied
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Neat, you drew that?
Yes, my main subject is women wrestling
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Swordswoman shows off with disastrous results
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What are some good cuntbusting games out there? porn ryona games, so no mortal kombat
This artist understands me. I wish he drew more Symphogear though
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Thoughts on girl posing with her defeated enemy?
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Making girls CUM against their will through ryona! Dating creepy masochist girls who want you to HURT them while they edge! Slapping ones clit a LITTLE too hard (she gave you this tool to use and her clit is gigantic - it’s a long story) and now the annoying bitch is following you around calling herself your girlfriend!
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Holy based
Extremely hot
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Have you been on these threads before?
I've been lurking. I seem to remember posting my stuff in previous thread or thread before that.
What gender are you
Her pussy is hurting sooooo much, how delightful.
Sorry, can’t help you there. I can at least recommend a pixiv artist.
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I found this on gurochan
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Fuck me that is so hot. At least until she splatters at the end, seems kinda unnecessary.
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A giant using a maid girl as its plaything. No idea of the sauce.
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Pretty cool, I wish I could draw
Girl getting her arm broken; very graphic so I will only link to it: https://skeb.jp/@L_S_D_/works/256
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There's nothing
You probably have a nsfw filter on.
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Took me a second. Thanks, I hate it, I hate it a whole lot.
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from anal to mouth.
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>You probably have a nsfw filter on.
No I have all filter off but I can't see some artists works.
Probably this is the problem
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What does that even mean? It seems vague. Are you from a cucked country like Canada?
I don’t get it. Did she accidentally cut herself while trying to cut the thing?
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Some images really deserve an entire doujin.
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DAIHUKU drew a full one-shot manga, of course with some ryona scenes:

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I was really sad when Guan Ling died. I followed the whole comic and liked it, but when it became evident towards the end her sisters would not save her, I became sad. Despite taking pleasure in the suffering of this character, I was sad to see her finally go. I had kind of grown attached, in a sick, twisted sort of way.
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What is this, a Chinese comic or something?

>Despite taking pleasure in the suffering of this character, I was sad to see her finally go. I had kind of grown attached, in a sick, twisted sort of way.
That’s the best kind of ryona, also why heroines make the best victims.
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Chunners lost
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Now this is just insulting
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Well, rest in peace.
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what a fucking scrub
wich comic is that one? it has good ryona?
Is this why Satsuki always avoided picking a fight with Nui?
>n-next time you come into my school I wont forgive you
>this time f-for real
What nasty ass feet... strangely arousing.
Nothing like seeing an old hag put in her place but a younger fighter.
Downloaded the manga hoping for ryona, but ended up with female Baki instead. I am not aroused.=\

Shark teeth girl is kinda cute though, but everything in the manga has a masculine vibe to it.
I agree but why
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>Satsuki POV
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I wish Kill La Kill had better animation.
Innocent cheerful girl enjoying life and suddenly getting fucked. Let's say she gets beaten up by a gang to a bloody pulp because she drops their bikes by accident while walking, minding her own business with her friends, who can only watch and listen to her screams, gets PTSD and isolates herself from the whole world. That's just my fantasy, I've never seen anything like this saddly.
>jome ryona
The spiral eyes turn me on.
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>>11012292 (me)
Also when they get their shit beaten up so much they get brain damage and can only smile.
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Are you suuuure you’ve never seen that?
Not quite, this makes me feel sorry, I mean a girl who's got her shit together, friends and is popular who is suddenly beaten up (not raped) like trash, ending her entire life as a cheerful girl.
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so good
Because it's extra humiliating! It's already humiliating for an older woman to be compared to a younger girl, even more-so when she loses in a physical contest like combat. It just drives home the fact that, despite the fact that men probably like both, she is older and aging and thus inferior to the younger girl.

Hags should be subservient to shoujos! I fantasize about a scenario where my girlfriend gets beaten and battered by a upstart younger girl who wants to enter the harem. No longer the first wife, she only gets leftovers during sex, suffering the humiliation of always having to taste a younger girl's pussy juice if she wants a blowjob, no longer allowed to partake in the first and most potent ejaculate. And if the new ruling younger girl is truly cruel, she would intentionally find some way to prohibit vaginal sex for the older girlfriend during her ovulation days by claiming some outrageous thing like that "today is an anal day!" The older woman spreads her legs for me, but my younger, now, first wife rudely takes a seat on the older woman's abdomen, obstructing her face from me, cups her hand over the woman's pussy and invites me to fuck her ass instead, "don't worry I've had her cleaned ahead of time, please enjoy" she says devilishly.

The cycle continues and the youngest first wife is eventually overthrown by a teenager of all things, the oldest woman now relegated to the role of providing pleasure for the other wives during coitus sessions. She would be lucky to even have a taste of my precum, but only as it drips down to the anuses of the other girls that she is tonguing.
It's one of those voodoo onahole deals, where her pussy and the onahole are magically connected and share sensations. He surrendered and tossed it to her, she sliced it up, but whoops, that sliced her pussy to pieces. Gross.
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What a dumb bitch, she deserves it just for being so retarded.
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What about getting destroyed by a shota
Yes, yes, very edgy. Nah.
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Only “edge” here is the one that tore her uterus.
Dangerously based. I fantasize about seeing my girlfriend lose and get crushed in a match to a younger cuter girl and seeing this destroy her self confidence and our daily life, eventually making me feel guilty as my sadness and frustration for her turns into sexual attraction and worship for the superior teenager who broke us both.
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Any NIKKE fans?
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And that's all the NIKKE stuff I got.
name of the anime?
Ragnarok: the animation
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I have been seeing that everywhere and have no idea what it is.
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Shaa seems to have a new discord where he draws stuff, and I think he hasn’t posted some of his drawings anywhere else.
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I can’t post the link for some reason
>worship for the superior teenager who broke us both
Oh, do I smell a reverse NTR situation? Imagine your girlfriend being destroyed in single combat, and then has to witness her boyfriend getting raped by a younger girl. All she can do is sit there and watch because she's physically and emotionally broken.
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>Oh, do I smell a reverse NTR situation? Imagine your girlfriend being destroyed in single combat, and then has to witness her boyfriend getting raped by a younger girl. All she can do is sit there and watch because she's physically and emotionally broken.
Yeah that could be perfect. I'm not sure whether I'd prefer the cute girl to rape me (implying I'd try to defend my girlfriend) or just tease me by grinning at me with my defeated girlfriend crushed under her feet, knowing the pain she's inflicting me but also knowing that I secretly find it hot in and feel guilty about it. Just toying with my feelings while she toys with my girlfriend's body. Knowing I shouldn't fall for that but that if only my girl wasn't this weak and beat her she could have stopped it.
>and now the annoying bitch is following you around calling herself your girlfriend!
I wanna see that, where a girl just goes around behaving like a clingy girl from a regular romcom despite getting raped by MC as her backstory.
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nice street fighter ryona
Forgot link
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I’ve seen other artists use the “magic pocket pussy” meme so I’m wondering if it happened in a manga series or something recently.
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rare non-lethal explosion ryona
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Postin more hag beatings when I think of them. (My ryona folder is quite messy)

Talim beat up Taki so badly that she made a woman, in her 30's no less, faint and piss herself and soil her bodysuit. I can imagine Taki waking up a few hours later and discovering that a several strangers have found her lying in the middle of the road. The strangers didn't try to help her, but just stared at her and whispered among themselves, leaving Taki to pitifully limp away. She prays the strangers don't catch wind of the ammonia smell coming from her crotch and legs and she hobbles by. Taki should go home and be a family woman - if she even can.
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I find this one pretty good; though the age gap is only like 4 years.
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Can't Ochako make herself lighter?
I was looking for this one after I found fanfictions of Honoka destroying everyone in pixiv
Oh I like that a lot. Standard headbutt into deep headbutt to the gut. Not a move you'd expect to see from a girl. it's quite brutal and masculine.
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Based on that post, it seems to suggest that Deku somehow knows when she’s cheating
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The lightest of physical abuse tickles my pleasure centers.

A casual, candid disrespect
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Like this?
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