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slutty blondes edition

Previous thread: >>7645589

- [COM3D2] -

Comprehensive COM3D2 Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/n6Uhi5zQ

Custom Maid Ultimate - 2023 Edition (CM3D2 + COM3D2 + all DLC up to 2023/05/22): https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3885249
Custom Maid Ultimate Master Guide: https://pastebin.com/1SFajwy5
Custom Order Maid 3D2 English Vanilla Repack: https://pastebin.com/1nhpdNML
COM Modular Installer [CMI]: https://github.com/krypto5863/COM-Modular-Installer/releases

-Official English version-

KISS: https://dl-en.s-court.me/top.php
Nutaku: https://www.nutaku.net/promo/custom-order-maid-3d2/
Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1097580/CUSTOM_ORDER_MAID_3D2_Its_a_Night_Magic/

- [CM3D2] -

Comprehensive CM3D2 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/qZQGcmxX

DO NOT use Hongfire Patch, Reipatcher, or NTleas, they're old and can break the game. Switch to Japanese locale and install CMI/LMMT

Brief Installation Guide for Custom Maid 3D 2 (Updated 7/31/2017)
A recently made installation guide:

How to Play/English Wiki
Legacy Meidos Modular Toolbox [LMMT]: https://github.com/krypto5863/Legacy-Meido-s-Modular-Toolbox/releases

Latest mod releases:
Twitter Search: https://pastebin.com/kySD2ABv
MotiMoti3D Catalog: http://motimoti3d.jp/

International List of Mods (slow&outdated):

Discord for news of CM/COM Updates and DLC and more:

Presets: https://db.bepis.moe/com3d2
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Adult Enhancement Pack] [PINK] [Vol.2]: https://mega.nz/file/FW8AQYJa#wDPHpIYn0znT7mUzQpjzKGKtm4BYEbEGIOIk4s42i5A
Making loli sub-140cm loli meidos is nice and all, but then you realize that heights below that makes the game's dick to mouth tracking system go off the rails and thus make the loli meido give blowjobs using their nostrils or eyeballs.
Are they planing to moving on and making anther game in next few years? COM is already outdated as hell.
they are currently working on a game that is both a sequel to com3d2 and kanotsuku2.
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What GP-03 could've been.

Never forget what they took from you.
Ehh, I think I prefer the upcoming GP-03's harem marriage over some shota
So what's the opinion on Gyaru? Anything interesting?
Technically even (You) can still be a shota. All that was stated in proto GP-03 was that the main protagonist was (You)r highschooler son.
It's your ball whether he's a 17 year old shota or a Part 3 Jojo "17 year old".
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What are the ladies talking about?
she more like this

i think she is based on this
hairy mangos
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Does anyone know what this skin is, or a skin with a prominent vulva like this? I found it on pixiv and I've wanted something like it for a while. I'm looking through the discord mods but can't find much.
Those puffy vulva (and most variable body shapes really) are most likely achieved through shapekeys rather than skins. So unless you have experience with blender and transferring shapekeys, you're better off looking for a body model that already has shapekeys regarding that area loaded in by default.

If you're already on the discord, you should probably just ask around.
lobody + 4k riaman skin
What's a mango?
it's.....the juicy thing between the legs of a meido...
I know on good authority that's called chinbo...
only males have those...i read it in my biology textbook for homework
in my japanese comics girls have them too
all maids in my game come equipped with one by default

maybe it's just the japanese?
A mango is an edible stone fruit with firm yellow-red skin and a hard seed produced by the tropical tree Mangifera indica.

Mangos are completely shaved, therefore a hairy one is a rarity worth discussing similarly to a hairless kiwi.
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Yotogi Class Skills SP] [+&ACT2 Revival]: https://mega.nz/file/oLMxwS6J#IWLd1k5J5YmbJmAmK6843AIFTHOFZe_mYrWR6QRCg4M
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Close enough.
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animated meido edition
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timeline plugin is great, we are now entering a new frontier for meido
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What background is this?
which player character mod is that?
This is the greatest H game of all time desu.
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that isn't the yotogi master (the blue ghost). it's a male character made for use with the pic making plugin.
basically lobody with several other mods, including >>7964307 's body hair mods.
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How does deflarc work? I'm still playing CM3D2 because nostalgy and don't want to learn a new game and trying to install some mods but apparently I need to 'deflarc' and couldn't find anything on it, especially since Hongfire is gone. I think it's about decompressing the .arc files but any idea how I can use it, whatever it is?
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hi there I find this mod

can anyone please upload?
what fucking wormhole to 2015 did you come from? no one has been using that crap for over half a decade.

delicious bush
Dark release when?
includes v4 and v4+
Thank you so much Mates:)
Would you mind sharing other mods of the author ? Like face parts, eye highlights or body mod etc...
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-- [COM3D2&2.5 Append] [GP03]: https://mega.nz/folder/FuwmXLjA#pE_RYtYEyCec3yiGEvg-TQ
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Can't believe it took needing to marry multiple maids to get actual maid /u/.
It's a nice treat but I'm still waiting for the maid-ntrcorrupts-maid scenario
Don't the three starting maids have a scenario that kinda features that?
In COM3D2 can I hire a maid with personalities from extra maids, like robotic, vampire like? They don't show up in profile in maid hiring menu.
>In COM3D2 can I hire a maid with personalities from extra maids, like robotic, vampire like?
I think anon meant the kai version of 3gp for the threesome ntr scenarios.

I'm interested too
So, what's the catch here? Why is it better than Koikatsu? I assume this gets asked a lot, but how's the mod list compared to Koi?
>Why is it better than Koikatsu?
It's an actual game compared to the Koikatsu.
Model quality and art style is way better than Koikatsu imo.
Is there any other site to get DLCs besides Pastebin? There, all the links are from Mega, and many of them are down...
what's the timeline plugin?, sorry I may be dumb
best method is to use the ultimate edition 2023 torrent and then download whatever dlc has been released after.
Posestream had existed since forever

I've been doing custom motions for years
I hope this works for CRC3D
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-- [COM3D2xCRES Shop] [Costume Set] [Vol.55]: https://mega.nz/file/d3JyUTZa#mCMSTH7zB6ovuUlZ6W0wb7hjJ3QHzNftZKwpLmUieVo
kiss would be retarded not to have it built in for crc
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How do i fix this?
muscle girls

yay or gay?
Yay, but only if she has a fat pussy.
Best Meido personalities to get cucked/have the hottest NTR routes?

Muku and Fuwafuwa are out of the question btw.
that all depends on your preferences.

rindere: gives herself up to protect her maid friends/blackmail standard slop
majime: tricked into thinking master is screwing ntrguy's wife or something and starts screwing the ntrguy (gp02 kinda recycles part of the premise for its ntr marriage events and then again for shokujo's ntr events)
bookworm: i don't remember. i think the ntrguy genuinely was a good guy or something that loved her and gives up in the end.
wary: a cunt meets a huge dick and gets dp'd. ends with maso goshujin getting a footjob on the ground.
koakuma: let things go to far and ends up tangled with a porn star that wants the high life.
ladylike: horny meido is unsatisfied and finds a sex friend, before getting master's reluctant consent. infamous for the bad end.
maid secretary: i don't remember
osanajimi: i don't remember.
kisaku: she feels bad for horny shota and it escalates from there. ends with a gangbang.
shokujo: gets confronted by some guy that thinks his wife is cheating on him with goshujinsama. they both end up fucking before it gets revealed that it was a huge misunderstanding.
>had to dedicate an entire SSD to it
>been nonstop downloading stuff for almost a week
>grappling with a bunch of different pastebins and readmes
>have been carefully following all instructions
>still can't fucking tell the difference between CM3D2 and COM3D2
I don't doubt this game will live up to my wildest expectations, I understand why there's no repacks and I'm super thankful for everyone that has maintained the pastebins and the various utilities, but BOY this is by far one of the toughest game setups I've ever had to deal with
Is there a list of extra maids and how to unlock them?
Good job anon.

Not that the base game already doesn't overwhelm you with stuff to do, but wait till you open the unholy rabbit hole that is the modding scene for this game. Also, I'm sure that the pastebins probably already tell you this, but be sure to download and install the latest version of CMI too. Even if you don't plan on using mods, it cleans up/speeds up game loading and offers a lot of QoL stuff. Not to mention that its pretty much required if you do want to use mods and do more elaborate maid creation/editing.

The NPC rival maids in the story mode?
You get all the rival maids (with their own unique personal storyline) just by doing the main story chapters and initiating their recruitment event in the events menu once it becomes available there.
If by extra maids you mean the NPC ones that just randomly ask to be hired one day without you even meeting them first, then they're tied to building certain facilities. Generally speaking, if you build every facility at least once, you'll trigger the recruitment flags for all the extra maids.
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My girls
From left to right: Kisakude (Nicolle) Gyaru (Marin), Anesan (Hellen), Majime (Yui), Secretary (Eva), Rindere (kujou (yes it is the last name)), Muku (rin)
Anon we all have our kinks, but put some salad into your Meido cafeteria menu holy shit.
You can open up a KFC branch with all those plump chicken legs.
Anyone know any mod maid outfits that strikes a right a balance of "Princely/Ikemen" but still relatively girly and cute?
I'm trying to find one for Rindere as she's evidently the cool and "manly" kind of girl, but I find that her default maid outfit is still a tad bit too girly. I've been looking at some butler outfit mods out there, but they end up leaning too hard on the cool pretty boy angle. There's gotta be something with the right balance out there. Maybe something with neckties but still kinda cute.
thicc thighs save lives
let the anon cook
My rindere is also an ikemen girl.

I'm in the same boat, so I just use one of the more flamboyant butler-like or stage dresses while making her face more feminine with longer hair and a tiny touch of makeup.
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My goal was to make something like this
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Finally managed a main trio whose looks I'm completely satisfied with.
I've just decided to stick to the "recommended" mods for the time being, especially since I'm sure there's more enough content considering how many fucking DLCs I've had to install (each one having its own little installer program was funny as shit)
And I would have given up a long time ago, but at this point I'm committed to seeing this to the end (plus seeing stuff like >>8005271 is great inspiration to keep going)
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I'm flattered that you called my stuff an inspiration anon. Thanks.

And on the topic of "recommended" stuff, I really suggest the Dress Code plugin.
I'm not sure if this is compiled to the latest version of CMI, but if it isn't yet, then definitely get it.

Playing this game, one of the frustrations you'll eventually counter is the apparently incompatible desires of dressing up your maid in cute and actually functional maid outfits and putting them in lewd slutty wear. The way Yotogi (i.e. the H-system of the game) is set up, it uses the default and main outfits of the maid. So if you make the maid dress up in functional maid wear, that makes them enter Yotogi in that exact getup, and if she's wearing long dresses and whatnot, that can make Yotogi look clunky unless you completely undress the maid (which goes against the point of dressing the maid up in the first place). Conversely, if you just set the maid to wear something like a negligee or any other sexy stuff. Then she'd enter Yotogi looking like that just fine, but then come next morning, you'll find her doing taxes, cooking and sweeping the manor dressed up in sexy and exposed lovemaking attire. And that can really take you out of your immersion. If you really want the maid to have alternating attires, you need to manually change them in the menu each time and that can get really grating and boring.

This plugin makes it so that you can set a specific Yotogi outfit (i.e. Anything that tickles your almonds and horniness). And after Yotogi, come next morning, she'll be back to her functional and proper maid outfit for all slice of life shenanigans and maid chores/duties.
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Studio Mode Enhancement Pack] [Vol.3]: https://mega.nz/file/0rgDBYJa#3JE0jdXihggf67m3e3bRMxRCI1D9p2T-DDDLOR74OEE
Not that anon, but thanks for the heads up in this one. This plugin was something I needed for the longest time holy shit.
Is there any good mod for muscular skin or tattoo?
pls answer

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happy maid day, /cmg/
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Sorry for the late response. Then how do you load older mods without it?
cm has lmmt package, which includes sybaris:
com has cmi package, which includes maidloader:
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Thanks for the links!
I use this site for the mods. Not sure if it's in the OP. Most older mods do indeed seem to work with Sybaris as well but many only have instructions for deflarc in the readme. Does that mean I can't use them without deflarcing the game files or would it work just fine with sybaris/maidloader? I'm not really aware of how the game file structures/modloaders work for this game.
anything that requires messing with original .arc files should be ignored. this has not been a thing in several years. i'm pretty sure sybaris was created so no one had needed to that kind of nonsense anymore.
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Great. Thanks again for your help!
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How things started
How things are going >>8005402

Also, funny how Rindere and Majime's issues of being too stoic and a tryhard still largely carry over to their later events and characterization. But Muku's deal of having androphobia got swept under the rug rather quickly.
no one cares about muku
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What do anons think of the latest GP dlc now that it's out? I don't wanna say goodbye to another 100gb if some vanilla harem marriage cutscene is all that's being added
i bought it and haven't even felt like starting the events. seems it wasn't received well from what i've heard.
People liked the actual content. Actual maid /u/ and harem shenanigans where the Meidos bashfully fight over Master is pretty nice.

What people didn't like was KISS staggering the content and bleeding people dry as usual. In the next DLC pipeline, they're releasing GP-03 event sets for various personality combinations.
I do. What now smartass.

If anything, Koakuma a shit.
koakuma is shit, just like muku
I personally prefer Rindere>Majime>Muku interactions event-wise. Rindere feels like the demanding trophy wife, Majime is terribly weirdcute in her own way, and Muku is just your cheerful gal. Its an upgrade over CM3D2, but I still would like KISS to be a little more daring regarding the main personalities in their next installment
How the fuck do I evolve my meido creation skills beyond:
1. Take the preset
2. Give them different hair color/ahoge
3. Make them into lolis or tiddy monsters
I think that's the mistake. Begin from scratch and evolve your meido as different ideas pass through your mind; preferentially browse pixiv for inspiration. I don't ever reuse shapekey numbers for this exact reason.

As a sidenote, do lolis even work in yotogi? I figure they are good to use in studio mode, but I never went below hebes in yotogi because I don't wanna get blueballed seeing mismatched rigs
>Begin from scratch
If anything, this is the mistake.
If you're not really good at making things, then you'll just end up clueless or confused. It's best to start from an established base and then experiment from there.
From that preset, decide on what you DON'T like and want to change. Basically use that as a springboard into molding things to the way you actually prefer.
And if you don't want to use a literal preset, then just start with a specific character or design in mind. And after recreating that particular design, use that as the starting point to further refine things.

>As a sidenote, do lolis even work in yotogi?
They do, but for standing actions, you'll have to deal with their foot floating a few inches above the ground. The mouth to mouth (kissing) and dick to pussy/ass (penetration) tracking in this game is pretty functional and you won't see funny shenanigans unless you intentionally zoom out.

Shit gets wonky when you go beyond what is normally the limit in a vanilla game though (I think a 149cm is the smallest you can go without mods and unlocked sliders). Penetration and Kissing seems to be normal for the most part, but then you'll see your 127cm pocket meido give fellatio with her eye socket.
Toned/Diesel is fine, but like big buff muscular? I can take it or leave it..
I don't think it's a mistake
Attacking the creation process from both ends is a skill
T.sim cas addict
Ye but she gotta have a bigga tits
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can anyone please upload?

nobody is allowed to answer questions about the game here
I appreciate
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Yotogi Class Skills Vol.42] [Add-on Vol.2]: https://mega.nz/file/hnJl3ZgD#pyEu5rLVcuyZ0-QltqGRVCG7PYl4Hed8rRMr37zjkDU

post slutty blondes u bakas
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Sorry no slutty blondes.
Only princely spaghetti spilling Ikemen blondes being told they're actually super cute.

On a related note
>Create classical drill hair big tiddy blonde girl for ojou-sama personality
>Start actually using ojou-sama and doing her events
>She's not actually the archetypical larger than life gigastacy ohohohoho ojou-sama
>She's just a sheltered retard
>She doesn't even do the OHOHOHOHOHO, or if she did, I sure as hell can't remember it
She's not worthy of the drill hair. Or big boobs. Back to the drawing board with her.
>Sorry no slutty blondes.
says this but posts a slutty blonde anyway....
MotionTimelineEditor got an update and facial expressions can now be animated, I downloaded the latest version but the option to animate the faces hasn't shown up and I have no idea how to access it
Hey anons, I would appreciate some advice here!
I used to play Custom maid years ago, and it was kind of a hassle to keep up with the updates and my pc got too old to handle the size so tldr I stopped playing as much as I liked it...

But now I have a new pc, should I go for the 237 GB torrent? Does that have everything and more than enough to never get bored?

Why do I need the old CM if there is COM already?

Does anyone recommend just the vanilla COM or is it missing way too much content?

Thanks beforehand anons.
still waiting for an answer to this, it's getting a little frustrating
thank you, I will delete honey select to accomodate the old CM I guess...
this may be quite a stupid question anon, but is the 237GB torrent version... in english? or at least can be TLd?
>in english?
>or at least can be TLd?
There's a MTL autotranslator plugin going around.
There's also people on the discord that regularly updates a patch that rips the translations from the official English release and puts it on the JP game.
that's all I need, bless you anon
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layer > expression then info tab for pop out window or from mps face window.
dang where did you get an english TL for this?
slight problem is that the expression layer doesn't show up for me for some reason even though it's, I'm using MeidoPhotoStudio if that helps
>>8027902 I mean but yeah
no idea. i use mps too. double check to see if you're not missing one of the plugins from the archive.
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I have everything from the archive in unityinjector what the fuck
Can someone tell where this background from?
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update: turns out I needed DanceCameraMotion all along to make the face animation work.
[spoiler]now how do you keep props attached to the maid without needing to manually delete the prop keyframe in the prop layer of MTE and staying on that layer while playing the animation?[/spoiler]
so anons, now that I have CM and COM installed... the content of CM will automatically show in COM? Where could I get the scrips of the EN version, and lastly, is maid fiddler still used?
and how do I know if CM is properly connected to COM?
glad you figured it out. as for props, i haven't tried making anything using them thus far. maybe someone else can chime in.
the game launcher for com3d2 has an option to link cm3d2. the relevant information can be found in the master guide linked in the op under the com3d2 section. likewise for the ripped scripts from the eng version. also maid fiddler is known to break savefiles. it's still useful, but be careful.
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dommy mommy choke me kudasai
It is superior to koikatsu in every single way except one: namely, that it is far easier and simpler to download maids/models to edit/fuck in koikatsu than it is in COM3D2. It's just so hard to beat the convenience factor kk has
How to download presets from Pixiv?
You can't unless they actually provided third party hosting sites to host the preset files/mod files that allow that particular character to be made in the first place.
This ain't like Illusion stuff where most of everything is consolidated into the cards.
I'm retarded, does anyone know what the password for this is?
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soz, already taken
what's your favourite skin mod anons? I admit I have been using the base game ones plus some basic mods but they all look way too bland and plain, so I'd love some recommendations to make the skin look better
SKB skin. I like the clean cartoony look it has.

I've been using some HD NPR skin with super elaborate light reflections and even visible pores/skin marks, but I realize that it kinda clashes with the whole cartoony/anime aesthetic the game inherently has. I've switched to SKB skins since then, and the game looks a lot better for me. Even if it doesn't look as fancy as before.
I love the looks of SKB, but for some reason (probably I am retarded) the SKB1 option that has the skin change option just doesnt look as good as the ones without such option... do you have to use the tattoos to change skin tone instead for them to look as good?

or maybe I have outdated/wrong ones...
I've been looking for muscular skin to this day and never found any good one
what does the event for bookworm personality that sais "to concentrate in her training and focus on her" do? It says it's irreversible to... what does it even do?
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too many posts and too little images.
All the DLC personalities have something like that. It does two things:
- Start a story event chain involving that maid and the three main maids.
- Designates that specific maid as your canon/official maid for that particular personality when it comes to other events. (i.e. when some event/story that necessitates a Bookworm to have a role, it's that particular bookworm that will pop up).
thanks a lot! Then no harm into going for it, I had no idea what it was
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [GP01 Compatibility Pack] [Kisaku]: https://mega.nz/file/U3ZFEZjA#dcatjwh61NWSh4gD01j-B9OQ7PSuzrOObMCNrjUiKlU
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [GP01Fb Compatibility Pack] [Kisaku]: https://mega.nz/file/12h0BTpD#dC3ZA1QvZgoRh2QPMmcJS9-Etd-7iq8TIZq0nSAXw0Y
god bless you anon
Meido lore is rarely a touched topic on these thread but
>Osananajimi only watches normalfag Disney shit.
>She wants to visit that "anime theme park (AKA Disneyland)"
RUINED. Worst personality ever. Also yes, for the unaware, in Japan, "anime" is actually a blanket term for pretty much any animation in general. The distinction between Japanese productions intended for an Otaku audience and your disney shit is pretty much non-existent to a Japanese normalfag.
She said she only watched "old anime", so that's probably some Disney renaissance stuff or even some of the older ones, so those are actually pretty well-made shows and films. But still.
I mean, it checks out.
She's supposed to be the basic bitch boring girl. To the point that her personality is nearly defined by a prior relationship instead of any personal agency or inherent quirk she gas for herself like the other personalities. Master's impression of her in his internal monologue is that she seems to be the kind of girl that only ever watches the news.

And on that note, Master can kind of be an asshole in his thoughts.
damn, she sounds vaccinated
Say all that you want, but she is the girl that is head over heels in love with Master. Harboring her love for years and staying loyal to her memory of Master with little hope to ever win him over.
It makes perfect sense she is not the brightest one. Sorry, anon. Another girl that loves Master wholeheartedly is Onee-chan, but you know what is special about her too.
I may be wrong and it already exist but... weird KISS missed the chance to make an event where maids "meet and greet" fans in a line given the whole idol gimmick, would be hot
The hairy mod should have a few of them, but only one good one.
The original modder had died, but the upscaled version still exists there.
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Made Saruei's new model. I think I got pretty close.
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make eyebrows and pubes white too
Her eyebrows are black and she shaves her pubes.
delete this
That's her design though
She literally said it herself
Thank you so much anon
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Coupling Pack] [Harem & Yuri SP]: https://mega.nz/file/51VUwIqB#54etSGqUVvUXtcyUerTr2oJ9g5jLFwi7Go7KACcGJDc
thank you very much
And you believe a Frenchwoman when she opens her mouth?
Thanks a bunch
Koikatsu's only edge is that it's modding is more robust and simple and even that gets a bit boring after banging waifu implanted on a default personality for the 100th time. COM3D2 has better personalities with its girls that you can get attached to, better sex scenes (no kissing position in koikatsu is dumb), and way better scenerios and spicyness for the girls to be subjected to.
I really hesitate to call Koikatsu's "personalities" as actual personalities. They're more like just a couple hundred stock lines of a specific character archetype bundled into a humanoid husk shambling about in a very vague approxmiation of a "personality". The illusion of them being actual characters really falls apart when you interact with them. You can't even come up with funny randomized scenarios like in AA2 because the personalities don't really interact with each other and are pretty much all lobotomized.

COM3D2 personalities on the other hand are full blown and fully fleshed out galge/eroge characters with their own quirks and story character arcs. Each personality is like your standard VN heroine route with like 3-5 hours of specialized content each. And that's even ignoring the "common route" stuff that involves all the maids in general. And you have like 20+ heroine personalities with a couple of side heroines with their own mini route as a bonus.
So its no exaggeration to say that meidos is a 40+ hour charage/nukige with 20+ heroine routes on top of common scenes and the H-scenes are variable depending on your relationship and training level of the maid. And thats even ignoring the retarded amount of hours you'll spend in character creation alone.
New screenshot of all my maids in the same image (using bunny suits).
Now i think i have made use of every personality i wanted from the game.
From left to right: Ojou-sama (Elizabeth), Gyaru (Marin), Rindere (Kujou (Yes it is her last name)), Ladylike Elder Sister (Hellen), Majime (Yui), Secretary (Eva), Kisakude (Nicolle), Kimajime (Cecille), Kuudere (Dahlia) and Muku (Rin).
>Got back into the game after nearly a year break. >Updated the modpack and the game from the official website
it takes 45 seconds to load into the game now??
before it took up to 10 minutes, pretty sweet

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