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Post HMVs.
Discuss HMVs.
Don't be a dick.


>What are HMVs?
They're Hentai Music Videos. Try fapping to the beat.

>Where may I find these?
Folders and new releases are typically posted in this thread. You should also check the editor list:

There is also a torrent. Some users have problems downloading with utorrent ruTorrent/rtorrent, try alternatives such as qbittorrent.
Current version: "The Compendium"
NEW: Usenet mirror: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/v05sx0vx.nzb (Have not verified myself if it works)

>How do you make these? What tools do I need?
Video editing software such as Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere, DaVinci Resolve.
For other useful tools, please check out this guide:

>Where do I find source content to make HMVs?
>>7965266 https://mega.nz/folder/w8YE0agY#VRlb8QavyCIhU-ujHxc2gQ

HMV Helpline/Chat. This is the place to go for sauce requests as well as off topic and long 1 on 1 conversations, etc.

>Sauce plz
Again, the Chatzy room is best for this. Also, read the thread or at least ctrl+f for some key words.

Here is a sourcing guide:

Music suggestions, source material suggestions and editing questions are welcome.

You know, for ease of browsing and such.
Old thread
Summary of previous thread:

HappyWater's new folders
https://files.catbox.moe/3lhguk.mp4 (Nothing But Mammals.mp4, no idea why the retard used catbox for it)

Dojo Remake and a swimsuit HMV by Anoan

Ancient HMVs

Usenet mirror of torrent

Some HMVs by Bastati

A (useless?) PowerShell script to sort HMVs by creating shortcuts

Reupload of Bob Cut Bomb by Nona

MaTen new Mega links
1080p: https://mega.nz/folder/IqhjCZpI#EuVskuIcsYxv_jGT3L6FWA
1440p/4k: https://mega.nz/folder/wm4zgSBJ#LHYya8Ky4RtXYMKZPrGL_w

Bonyuu-chan HMV by Ayachuco

Gakuen HMV by Renne (Has multiple audio channels)
Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/fF5HlCTS#nihAaysHIMDiKwiEmLO7pw

Ascension by Iravorryd
Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/yBdDSaDA#zO9uggLpdNN3Hr0TJm5kfw

Nona HMVs in AV1
https://pixeldrain com/l/APTWpR9C

NeoTheorism HMVs in AV1
https://pixeldrain com/l/XTZrHeXT

Another swimsuit HMV from Anoan

Shameless by Doomdork
Anons please help me find faphero with loli. It was high quality hmv with good montage.
I don't remember the exact name, unfortunately, maybe there were the words "training" "fap hero" idk.
It was released either on iwara or rule34 video in late 2023 - early 2024.
Go to your faphero thread. This is the HMV thread
Anons please help me if you can. I'm looking for this Fate HMV from Gentleman910:
I couldn't download it before it was deleted. Does anyone have it?
The fact that he's calling it a "HMV" when literally all he does is slap music onto animations with 0 editing is a disgrace.
And what's with the ultra retarded resolution? 3200x1800?
It's just MMD garbage, you should go ask in the MMD threads.
>It's just MMD
not even, it's KK
Ok, I will. Thank you.
Tomato tomato. It's all just shitty animations with music slapped on
I had a lot of things started that were almost finished, here they are.

HMV - B V T C H :
HMV - Behemoth :
HMV - No Mistake :
HMV - Unpredictable :

And I also reuploaded as AV1 this one (with small changes in the edit)
HMV - Ascension :
Anything come out lately where the animations relate to the song lyrics? Instrumentals are fine, but I really like when the whole thing ties together.
new Kercec: WIFE
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finished a Kuroinu hmv, this one has an alternate audio channel for moans again. Hopefully I can keep the motivation to keep doing that.



I'm so happy to hear No Mistake in an hmv, love Behemoth too. you remain one of the best.
the level slop so many anons here consume is disheartening
and whats worse, supporting slop will only lead to more slop being produced
>AV1 compressed everything
Give original file... You have me for making AV1 anyways and there should ALWAYS be an alternative with original files.
Truly a Palmtop Tyrant
He has an archivist's autism, but he's actually right on a logical basis this time.
>Palmtop Tyrant
I'm not saying he should go back to the stone age and use something like Xvid lol.
It's just dumb to compress something really hard with AV1 and provide no alternative that's less compressed.
What are you gonna do once newer codecs come out? re-encode the re-encode? You'll lose even more detail and the compression will be significantly less efficient.
There's no need for him to worry about space either yet, he's only at 11GB so far and he makes HMVs once a blue moon.
I also don't trust others to encode properly. Almost everyone fucks it up, even if they were to use my settings, I'm sure they would fuck it up somehow.
Or maybe later I find out there's better settings, what do then? Ask the HMV editor to redo the encodes?
Codecs like AV1 are great for "throwaway"/second hand files, but should not be used as originals.
Unless you have the bitrate quite high, but that's not what AV1 was designed for.
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This is just pathetic lol. Guy giving lazy excuse for you to donate, despite him having made a fuck ton of HMVs on phone before with 0 problems.
I hope someone reports him for avoiding patreon ban, so he gets banned again
no loli outside of /b/, stop asking
Nightoil doubled the price of his HMVs from 250 yen to 500, in order to "make everything super simple" lol
Cringe wannabe janny
Still looking for vr hmvs
The appealing side is indeed the size of the files.
Files are almost 10 times smaller and the quality is still very good.

But don't worry I don't plan on doing that on next releases, it takes too much time leaving the computer on just for that.

On a side note, I may have to reupload the HMV since the one called Reconfig, I found out my zoom effect settings are fucked up and are resetted each time I open a project >_<
>quality is still very good
Just upload them without AV1. AV1 is meant to save up to 50% bitrate compared to H264, but you're pushing it to more like 75% or more.
>Files are almost 10 times smaller
It's not anywhere close to that compared to your old files, but even if that was the case, that would be ultra retarded when you're sharing them as originals.
Stop trying to save negligible amount of disk space. All your HMVs take only 11 gigs, which is literally nothing.
With how inactive you are, I wouldn't be surprised if it took a whole year for you to end up at 20GB.
Storage is dirt cheap and the end user can always compress themselves if they want to.
But when the original file is hyper compressed, the end user can't undo that.
Your stuff was already compressed enough as is, the fact that you're making it even more compressed is extremely disappointing.
The white reflection on her hand is completely gone due to your compression, aswell as a lot of other detail.
Just upload how you normally do, it costs you virtually nothing and people get better quality.
Small files are great but previews are more important for me. A large file with no preview isn't getting downloaded. But I also don't care for high res stuff, 720 is fine
You can go back to shitty spankbang with your shitty 3rd world internet
Compression was always a mistake, you bought this upon yourself compressfag. You started this shitty trend and now others want to do it.
>You started this shitty trend
I offered it as an alternative, retard. Not the only choice.
What have you ever done for these threads? Nothing?
This is nice but I meant more tailored for VR HMVs. There were a few in the last thread. Thanks anyway anon I will upscale what I have for now.
>alternate channel
I thought the original was fine, but the moans really bind the visuals to the music
how to convert files into normal format?
my phone cant play av1
If you can use ffmpeg, the quick and dirty way would be:
>ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -crf 15 output.mp4
If you want to copy audio instead of re-encode and have better compression ratio, then:
>ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a copy -crf 15 -preset veryslow output.mp4
Replace input.mp4 with the actual filename and output.mp4 with whatever you want.
If you don't know how to use ffmpeg, just download the exe from either of these sites: https://jeremylee.sh/bins/ https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/
Place video in same directory as ffmpeg.exe. In the explorer window of that location, click the adress bar and type CMD, hit enter, and it will open CMD in that location, then just copy paste the code I gave you.
If you have little patience and don't care about filesize, just do -preset veryfast
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Horsefucker anon, can you reupload this somewhere else? Iwara's servers are still fucked and it doesn't seem they're getting fixed any soon.
>Horsefucker anon
>fap hero
You're in the wrong thread
>there are people editing hmv on their phone
posted on /gif but i figure it goes here as well
Not sure who's folder this is. Hoping someone here might know for filing purposes.

This better be a wip.
that was fast af. thanks
>This better be a wip.
boy do i have sad news for ya
Then it sucks.
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>Acryl Madness
kek based
How did you find his music? First time visiting HMV general, decided to check your HMV and immediately recognize his track, what a coincidence
>13.4MB webm on Mega
>vorbis in 2024
Fuck out of here with shitty hyper compressed garbage
>ultra slowed down phonk shit
>chinese earthquake
>discord light theme
>fucked up cut at 0:21
>only half a minute long
You won't be missed.
At least you managed to use VP9 instead of VP8, but you're still a braindead faggot.
M16A1 is already in the spreadsheet, but thanks for sharing either way.
How do you deal with editors who upload onto multiple sites but don't mirror everything on each site, and then how do you decide which version of the video to keep?
Open both, compare. Simple as.
Generally the bigger filesize is better, but not always the case.
Like I've seen an Iwara video be smaller but higher quality than its Rule34Video counterpart.
Simply because Rule34Video re-encodes everything, but Iwara doesn't always do it.
But really, there's no way to really tell other than manually looking at it.
Unless you happen to have the source material they used and use some type of script to compare against that.
Anyone got ntrfella's hmvs in original quality? The only ones I could find are on butchered on hmvmania, there's a pixeldrain and it's dmca'd. Where the fuck is the hmvmania faggot finding videos in original source? It's fucking infuriating that he can get these videos, ruin their quality, reupload them and people suck his cock for hosting hmvs.
probably found him through one of those giant edm mixtapes you see on youtube. either that or he released stuff through ebsm or moretin at some point and I found it on their channels.
cute and funny hmvs?
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>albinohawk links dead
>this dude manages to get a new hmv somehow
The guy running that site scrapes everywhere, including here, for content to upload to his site. Has all of my work there, heavily compressed and made to look like shit, without ever talking to me. Not that I expect to be asked permission, just find it annoying.
Anyone know what happened to thunderx hmv? all of his stuff dissapeared, twitter, rule34 acct. cant find a trace
I wouldn't be so annoyed with him if he allowed you to download the originals. I understand compressing videos for streaming but they putting the same 25 fps capped compressed shit for downloads is fucking scum faggot nigger behavior.
Converting everything to 25 fps is just straight up retarded. They don't necessarily need to let you download original from their servers, but at the very least link to where they found the original, if it still exists.
But that's how almost every single streaming platform is, none of them allow for downloading originals, except for Iwara sometimes.
Still ultra retarded that he doesn't link to original in any way. But this is the internet, people WILL fuck things up, in every way possible.
Their mega links are at least still up. Sucks to see them go though.
I'm more or less in agreement with this. I want to be able to preview files before I bother downloading them. Nothing more annoying than grabbing stuff only to realize I don't like it after the fact.
Why is Iwara so inconsistent on whether videos load or not?
Anything that was posted a month ago or older will have issues due to them moving servers for the 100th time.
How new ones are able to load before they've even gained access to the new servers, I have no idea. Maybe a smaller backup server or something.
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I have a new hmv for midareuchi:


no sfx this time since it's based off a manga and there isn't any clean audio in the episode.
do you even datahorde bro, just delete the file if you don't like it lmao wtf
Iwara is starting a file host service. Might possibly be an okay alternative depending on how people's existing folders go.
nice been on a midareuchi binge spree
I can't think of a more reliable host. Hopefully this server move gets their stuff together.
I bet it's still gonna have lots of takedowns, but at least not as much when it comes to loli stuff.
The price seems okay though, same as pixeldrain.
>We offer a safer and cheaper environment to store and distribute your content to your free and paid supporters. Our storage packages run as low as $2 per TB of data!
>Overall, our packages are up to 30% cheaper than other popular services.
Kinda funny, because you can't for example get only 1TB, you're forced to buy 3TB which is going to be incredibly excessive for most editors.
Even Rondoudou, with his multiple versions, doesn't even use 1TB, he only uses 530GB lol.
It's kinda cool they offer 25GB for free, but there really should be something inbetween.
Because when they claim it's cheaper than other services per TB, it doesn't matter if you're forced to buy more than you need.
Like Pixeldrain, you can pay for only 2TB for 4€.
But maybe like Mega, you can just make multiple accounts on Iwara to get more free storage. 25GB is quite a bit of HMVs.
You Anoan would need only 2 free accounts for all your HMVs, despite having quite a few HMVs
A torrent might be a better alternative if you're willing to update it.
Makes me wonder, if it would be possible to have another spreadsheet or something with torrents for creators, but every creator can edit their own torrent to update it or something, but only their own.
Checked, now you must make a demonic HMV.
People probably worried about writes wearing down their SSD, despite even cheap ones being able to handle like 100TBW or more.
Iwara reliable? Good joke lol.
Iwara is the most unreliable piece of shit platform ever. While their promises sound good and the pricing is half decent, they almost always have issues in one form or another.
Maybe less prone to takedowns, but you know it's gonna have a stroke every now and then, like their main website does.
>writes wearing down their SSD
this is insane

> Iwara is the most unreliable
I guess it's okay if you use it as a distribution platform and always have backups somewhere else
aren't they in the US how are they gonna avoid takedowns, especially with all the jewish porn crusade going on
Damn, I just checked the FAQ
>What type of content is allowed?
>We focus on providing a hosting solution specifically for the MikuMikuDance community. All content is expected to be Anime style and clearly made in MMD or similar programs. All Archive files are expected to be related to MMD or similar programs.
So I guess for HMV editors, it's not useful.
Also 10GB maximum download per day, worse than Mega which is 5GB per 6 hours.
Maybe VPN could get around it, but it does talk about accounts, so maybe it's tied to the account, which is retarded.
>this is insane
Unfortunately, people actually worry about this. It's kind of funny, because I upscale a bunch of hentai, where I have to extract every frame and probably write around 100-500GB of data each episode upscaled, and even in my extreme case, it's not really a problem.
>I guess it's okay if you use it as a distribution platform and always have backups somewhere else
Oh yeah definitely, you should always have backups anyways, multiple of them. But it's gonna suck having to move to a different platform after you find out they've taken down your videos.
I thought Iwara was in Japan? Otherwise, wouldn't all the loli content cause them tons of trouble?
Does anyone know if Dom00 uploads larger videos than what's on Iwara anywhere?
ill have to look into how to make a torrent, never tried. But i have god tier internet speed on both DL and UL so it should be okay if i do.
If you use qBittorrent, it would be as simple as just dragging the folder containing your HMVs onto the program and hit "create" then share the .torrent file it creates. Maybe even the magnet (rightclick torrent in program after creation, copy magnet).
Torrent file should be fine to share basically anywhere, Mega, Pixeldrain or Catbox.
Just need to leave the torrent program running in the background for others to download, unless it becomes so popular that others keep it alive.
Whenever you got new HMVs, you could just put the new HMV in the same folder and do it all over again to make an update, or drag only the new file onto the torrent client to create an individual torrent for that new HMV.
Though I wouldn't recommend the latter, as that's messy.
I did find out that I can give permission to people in spreadsheet to a single cell, which I could add to the editor spreadsheet, so that whenever you want, you could update it. Though it would require your email and probably logging in to google.
Could also just post here and I'll add torrent myself to the spreadsheet.
Hello, does anyone have this HMV by any chance? It's by dvoretsky , called Noname_1 . It's not currently accessible. I've seen webms of it in the wild

You can use mmdfans: https://mmdfans.net/mmd/112806/72e4e9d5
But he hosts everything on Telegram, here's a better quality version taken from there: https://pixeldrain com/u/5qvS1ar4
Oh thank you!
I thought this one was pretty good too https://hmvmania.com/video/dvoretsky91-tsundero
No. It's easy to preview them in a folder in-browser and then download the ones I want. It's more annoying to download and have to load them into a player, only to then have to delete all the ones I didn't like (which might be all of them, if it turns out I don't like that editor's style or choice of music).
Just have decent internet and download all lol.
If loading them into a player is that much effort, then you're probably using a shitty player.
With MPC-HC you can just double click a file to play it instantly, then page up/down to go to previous/next file instantly.
You can even press delete button on keyboard to delete the file you're currently viewing.
Previews are kinda nice, but it's really not that difficult to download and check that way instead.
Anyone have videos from hentaiguyhmvbr with sound/sfx?
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Uploaded my first video to iwara, i was very insecure about it and thought it was shit but some people actually liked it and i got a bunch of friend requests, man this feels great.
Although i am not sure how I should feel about the fact i am actually making other men jack off and cum.. kinda gay..
just joking, feels great not to be a useless neet and actually make something for once
>You can even press delete button on keyboard to delete the file you're currently viewing.
fuck, I've been using it for over 10 years and never knew
like all image viewers and players work like that caveman anon.
yay 5 more friend requests.
It's honestly pathetic how good this is making me feel. It's literally just random people who liked my video and who i will never speak with and it's only like 15 of them in total but it still feels great someone likes stuff you made.
I can't imagine how it must feel to be a popular creator who has millions of views on their every upload.
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I have made it. All those teachers and people who said I would never amount to anything in life can go fuck themselves.
Well anyway, I will stop spamming now, I have more degenerate porn to make.
apart from iwara are there any similar sites with content like that? or some large forums that discuss iwara/mmd videos and creators? (It's fine even if they pure jap/chinese, i can use my translate addons)
Any fine collectors out there have a link to TomO-Zone? Iwara is being iwara so can't even play the last two I need for my collection. I need Inside Face and Lasciviousness.

Ok so I had to set account privacy to public for the links to work.
HMVs made on phones that don't sync to the phonk music they chose, using low quality webm loops downloaded from sankaku and thrown into capcut get the same sort of reaction on Iwara. I don't think it's much of an indicator of anything.
if true, then that would be very sad
specially when there are creators that put alot of effort into their work and then the bug men blow their loads to low effort slop and the creators see their work getting same or less views than the slop and rightfully decide to quit and all coomers suffer because of it
Both of you are gentlemen and scholars, thank you,
well honestly if you make stuff only to get likes and friend requests, and consequently only chase the latest FOTW models and motions, then that's not really a great indicator of quality. Most popular shit is, well, shit.

I mean, just make what you want, share it, and take the likes as a nice bonus that shows there are other people who like it.

I myself have a little over 100 followers after three months. Some videos get 40 likes and some get 150 and actually that correlates pretty well with how much I like those videos as well (the 40 likes one had awful pacing).
Anyone who says they don't care about likes is lying.
Yes, if you do it ONLY for likes then quit right know, there is only misery on that path.
But most creators both enjoy making the videos but it's also important for them to get likes.
While you can legit love making the videos if you get 50% less likes than all (objectivelly worse) videos around you, it will kill your motivation. We are all attention whores to some degree and NEED our efforts be appreciated.
If you truly didn't care about likes and comments you wouldn't be uploading the videos online at all.
well for me, like I said it's a nice bonus but not really important

I mean I know exactly how I could get twice or three times as many likes, but I wouldn't enjoy that video myself, and so I won't do it.

Way more important to me are the comments, aside from the "I like your video, but you should do $thing_I_hate instead"
>>Way more important to me are the comments, aside from the "I like your video, but you should do $thing_I_hate instead"
30 minutes after i uploaded my first animation i got a dm from some guy requesting me to do a loli version of it ;_; is it always like this?
Degenerates have to be shameless, so yes.
so will you be doing a loli version?
Does anyone know the source of this HMV?
I can't honestly blame them, it's not like they have got anything left to lose. Certainly not their dignity.

I just delete these messages without responding.
why so many on iwara use the default avatar? why should i bother engaging with you when you can't be bothered to take 30 seconds to change your avatar?
I CHANGED MY AVATAR AND YOU STILL WON'T FRIEND ME YOU FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is your avatar a hot girl? Is your username a girl name?
If you fulfill both of those conditions I will accept your friend request.
And at NO point when engaging with me on the site you must say that you are a man or i will unfriend immediately.
This is really great, especially the version with moans

Only wished it had shown Celestine's defloration as well, but I get it might not be possible due to the timing. Maybe side by side with Origa though?
2 Aminos links added to spreadsheet
Filenames are retarded, so I made pixeldrain alternative with names that match Iwara: https://pixeldrain com/l/9Cykjevk
Also added new Brazenvoid HMV https://mega.nz/file/6XgWzLST#Js7PehW03t8TTjAhEb4UgTSGEqfYdO-emlkplDUepSI
anon this is gross. bloody vaginas are gross.
Guess what, you have about 5 liters of blood inside your body right now
I wanted to wait until I had some content of my own to use for it.

Honestly on a site like Iwara using someone else's creation as your avatar or profile picture is strange. Or even worse, Aislop. But then I was never into avatarfagging so maybe I'm just weird.
yes and it stays inside, i don't want to watch it leak out of a hole
deflowering is a almost as gross as fucking a girl when shes on a rag
i don't want to hear any more of this deflowering nonsense around here
this is a classy thread and we will keep it that way
yeah and I'm not dripping it all over and especially not getting it on someone else's genitals so what's your point
I don't want to engage with you. I only have an account to download and I only have friends because of restricted videos.
>i don't want to hear any more of this deflowering nonsense around here
I deflowered ur mom last night
It's just blood. And what if she's on her period or something? You gonna pussy out? Weak ass bitch.
yeah I had a version where it cut back and forth between them but it felt a little too rapid. I prefer origa so I decided to give it to her. wish I could have included more chloe too but I didn't want to be like 90% of kuroinu hmvs that focus on the dark elves to the exclusion of everyone else. maia and kaguya are way too underrepresented.
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Not sure how I feel about iwara keeping stats on downloads...
Last HMV I've made, Enjoy!
These two are the exact same video, but trying out different rendering and encoding. I don't know yet which is more appropriate.

Iwara link is old as between then and now I sought to fix some audio in the middle
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sometimes i click on a video on iwara and it's amazing, hot animation, great music, clearly a lot of effort put in.. and it has 60 likes and 500 views... then i go to the trending page and see fucking slop with premade shitty dance animations i have seen 100 times before, with bottom of the barell kpop music and lazy as fuck animation and it has 3k likes and 50k views...
I will consume kpop and hoyoslop and you can't stop me.
>crf 11 and 12
14 is visually lossless, anything below is just wasted storage, unless maybe you have a fast preset or fucked up some other settings.
Export in your editor at really high bitrate or use prores, then when encoding, if you want something simple, just do ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -preset veryslow -crf 15 output.mp4
If you don't export at high bitrate beforehand, the settings afterwards isn't gonna matter as much, as you have less information to work with and it'll look shit.
And as always, fuck out of here AMVStoca with your garbage.
the fuck is fap hero?
Wrong thread buddy, there is a thread for that on this board.
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god this annoys me so much
if you have the time to comment take 10 fucking seconds to change your avatar you default bitch
idk what to wank to tonight bros..
bros, how can someone get turned on by watching a girl get fucked by insects?
whats wrong with those people?
dont start kink-shaming. You really don't wanna go down the path of finding out all the fucked up shit people will jack off to that will make zoophiles look tame.
you vill fuck ze bugs
it's great, that way we can try to make content that china hates
you're a fucking idiot
bro just link us, already
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So, just woke up, checked my follower count on iwara and it barely moved.
It seems like every time i upload a new video i keep getting new followers for about 24 hours before it flatlines.
Those leeches just expect me to keep cranking out new videos constantly or nobody likes or follows and my account stagnates. I am starting to feel like a slave.
anyone got his widowmaker hmv? it's not in the spreadsheet
for reference if anyone has a pmvstash account


Original rule34video link
>Froid and Nightoil has started cooperating with RElocationFX
This has lowered my respect for both Froid and Nightoil.
who and who with who???
Tell me you're a newfag without telling me you're a newfag
Cunny bros we'll be eating good!
Friend of mine had link to it, here you go guys, their last HMV:
>Anyone know what happened to thunderx hmv?
do you really need to ask at this point? he had a mental breakdown and deleted all his content, just like everyone else, every HMV and MMD market will sooner or later be befallen by this same fate
Anyone know who made this?
Thank you and your friend for me.

Olobui, another guy who purged everything.
And this is why I data hoard.
how exactly am i supposed to run this iw3 thing? usually github packages it all up in the releases tab but i don't get it for this one
oh, i was just looking at the iw3 folder so i didn't see this, thanks
Anybody got the Gold Bear hmv made by リズム. Since Iwara shit itself, can't watch it on there right now
why is that a problem? i saw the hmv, i liked the comp. Pretty well edited
Hi guys, please help a dumbass, I'm trying to find previous thread searching in goole for 4chan archives and it's number 7924822 but no luck. Anyone know how to find it? Also is there a search option on 4chanarchives.com/ ??
Anyone got Meliodas' creamy stash?
RElocationFX is an absolute faggot who does a bunch of things wrong. Like using the same songs over and over and over, in multiple HMVs, or looping them an insane amount, he renders 1080p content as 4k causing unneccesary bloat, just because he wants desperately to make money, if he finds a source that has multiple angles/different clothes, he will play it for 5 seconds, switch angles/clothes, play another 5 seconds, switch again and again, which just looks ultra retarded.
He's also using capcut and edits on his phone.
At the end of the froid compilation, you can see it gets VERY repetitive and boring, just the same garbage cybershit animations over and over, music looping forever, and earthquake so hard that you can't fucking see anything.
RElocationFX is also completely against ANY criticism you give him, as he's unwilling to do anything better in any way.
Dare I say, he might even be worse than he who must not be named.
Then again, he's a fucking pajeet with a mental age of 12.
Do yourself a favor, get 4ChanX. If you have that, you could just click the thread number at the very top.
But since you probably don't have it, here you go: https://archived.moe/h/thread/7924822
Did you check the spreadsheet linked in OP?
https://pixeldrain com/l/Bok9DgSV
https://pixeldrain com/u/wwVwvnuC
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Maybe don't base your self-worth on how many followers you have for your porn website account. In fact, don't base your self-worth on how many people like your or the things you make. If you're making HMVs you should be making it for yourself in the first place.
Nobody masturbates to their own HMVs.
It takes so much work to make a good HMV that you are completely numb to it after you finish editing and are unable to cum to it anymore.
So all we do is for other people.
No wonder you have no followers if you make HMVs that you can't even use yourself.

I found the opposite is true, after I made a few I started finding the stuff others put out to have nothing but flaws. Of course I'm probably just not noticing the flaws in my own... however it's a vicious cycle because now I have to finish a new one before I get bored of them. Oh the things I wish I had known before...
If you can jack it to your own HMV that only means they are shit because you haven't put enough time and effort into them to end up turned off by them due to burnout
Does anyone have cjdu723's HMVs downloaded?
I can't seem to get them off of iwara.
calling for a self report for the both of you. whoever has the highest follower count is right and the other has to shut the fuck up
>Nobody masturbates to their own HMVs
Plenty do, and I have done so myself
Or maybe you just suck at making HMVs or have a much higher standard than most people
I like your HMV, anon.

Or they're so good that you can watch them over and over again.
>I like your HMV, anon.
It's not his, HDHMV / Eijbon Productions doesn't post here
My first HMV:

I know it's far from perfect so I'd appreciate any feedback.

I know it's far from perfect so any criticism
I think you need to tone done the original anime's audio, the bgm and your song were mixing together. I think you can shorten the dialogue and only keep the moans and sfx at specific parts of the video like during insert animations and such.
You need to use sfx more deliberately rather than just including giant chunks of anime audio. Beat syncing isn't terrible but you should probably spend more time on that, definitely felt off at points.

Whatever you do next, try thinking about the progression of the song more. Even if the first two issues were fixed I think the video would still feel pretty static. Part of that comes down to picking a song that suits the source. I think you can probably overcome all of these issues through practice though.
Post mega/pixeldrain if you're gonna post here and link to op
Hey guys, you thought hmvmania was bad?
Like the 25 fps shit, bitrate starved garbage, etc etc.
Take a look at this: https://hmvmania.com/2024/05/22/new-encoding-format-for-videos/
It's getting even worse lol. They not gonna use AV1 to compress it even more.
>We found that for 1080p videos at 30 FPS, we could save around 50% the space compared to the previous 3 MB/s standard and at a higher retained quality. Initial testing done had results around 97% based on VMAF score
No fucking way in hell they ever went for 97 VMAF. Shit looks so bad, it's more like 70 or something.
Go comment like I have done, show your hatred towards the garbage site, or convince them to be better.
>my comment instantly removed
Proof that they have no intentions of being anything else than dogshit
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They cater to mobilefags who can't even tell the if video has shit quality on their tiny screens and definitely don't save videos for archiving, so all they care about is just if someone will stream the video to their shitty phones, and with less data the better so it doesn't eat into their mobile data.

God I fucking hate them so much, won't be surprised if the people who primarily use the site are zoomies and 3rd worldies.
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>compresses to AV1
>same autistic use of spreadsheets

Oh god...compressfag is running hmvmania and gaslighting all of us isn't he...
If only, because then I could at least fix the website.
But I think that method of filesize comparison is retarded and their spreadsheets look horrendous.
Spreadsheets are nice though to have, but it doesn't need to be used for everything.
>try and find a creator
>get spammed with nothing but hmvmania results
God can that faggot just fuck off? It's like there are some editors that don't exist outside of HMVMania. If you put their name + iwara/spankbang/pornhub you get nothing but HMVmania. Which begs the question where the fuck is this fucker finding his sources.

Have you tried asking here about these editors that you can't find at all? You know, there's quite a few collectors in here, so it might help
I did and no one responded.
Good luck.
>Renne, TheDraigc and AMVStoca uses HMVMania discord
Sad to see these faggots use it. I did not expect it from the first 2 (Especially not Renne), but AMVStoca is expected, trash editor hanging around trash platforms.
>[HappyWater] Poison Sis
>New HMV posted! Enjoy!
>hmvmania May 14, 2024 at 06:00PM
>hmv is actually from 2020 or earlier
lol, lmao even. These faggots are SLOW.
Thanks for all the feedback on my first hmv! In my first post I wrote the same sentence twice for some reason, I swear I'm not retarded.

Anyways, just made another one, let me know what you guys think:
much much better imo, gonna host it on iwara.zip?
I look into it.

Just wanted to ask about that.
What is the best video host currently? I know the safest bet would be just uploading it to Mega but that way not that many people would see it.
What kind of alternative exists?
Nothing's safe desu, mega and pixeldrain will get reported but most common. Iwara.zip is new and so there are no takedowns yet but who knows what will happen if it starts to get too popular, also it's iwara so one day you might just lose your shit anyway.
linking to op
got them up on iwara.zip


You need to set your files to be public
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Turn of smart resampling... Or whatever shit interpolation your editor is using.
Don't use interpolation at all, or at least give a version without.
Would also be nice if the videos were 1440p, considering you're using my 1440p upscales. But it's not the end of the world. The interpolation shit is more important.
These are some 60 fps upscales I found somewhere ages ago. I need to get new sources it seems.
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lol what happened to the mission statements
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Why are they converting videos on a filehost?
for the builtin video player I guess?
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>make new hmv
>make post on twitter
>check link
HMV Mania was initially built out of spite by "AlphaSigma" (holy shit what an awful fucking name) due to targeted DMCA harassment.
Since then, the guy in charge (who is heavily autistic, legitimately) uses it as a dopamine source to see number go up!! and feel "progress" as they hit total view counts and can make eyesore spreadsheets detailing all the information.
This is why he has drip-fed HMVs from a decade ago, to keep daily engagement up. This is why he desperately combs everywhere and takes content to upload to his site without asking permission (including from here), this is why he has such a focus on HMV mania being the first search result when you try to find creators.
He doesn't care about quality in either the site itself (hence the wordpress nightmare) or the video quality (hence the heavy compression), all he cares about is prolonging his "win" against DMCA harassment and an autistic love of numbers.
This is funny but at the same time, AlphaSigma has an alt account that he compliments himself on and is too autistic to realise everyone can see it, so it doesn't surprise me at all.
This song is unfappable, super bad, but still, I will follow your acc, I think you do good edits, hope you don't chose this kind of music again tho
Just get the upscales without interpolation shit in the upscale thread here: >>7965266
All the links you need are listed in the OP there.
AlphaSigma also mainly makes cringe AMV garbage with autistic "music".
What site, iwara.zip? I don't think it's for the video player, as it seems to be playing the original file.
Imagine, if their file host also compresses videos lol.
>without interpolation shit in the upscale thread
I just downloaded the video off telegram, both copies of himawari, telegram and torrent actually have that same effect.
>What site, iwara.zip?
Yeah, thankfully you aren't downloading some compressed version. I downloaded a file and did a dupe check and it's the same file so they aren't messing with it, I guess it really is for the inbuilt player, but doesn't that mean for each file they host they're making another file for it and using it up more space? I guess it's ok if storage is cheap for them....
Don't listen to this faggot, song is fappable.
feel like I'm making a mistake in addressing this but since my name was mentioned I'd like the single digit people who possibly to know what I think.

My stuff started appearing on hmvmania without my input and I joined the discord out of curiosity as to what the whole deal was (also I'm a massive attention whore and wanted to see if anyone was engaging with my videos). I got the vibe that my videos would wind up on there regardless of my intent, so I figured I might as well go with the flow so I could at least have some autonomy in the process. the whole hobby is a massive infringement of copyright in the first place so it's hard for me to say that someone can't do something with my video once they have it.

ultimately the site is seo boosted to fuck but I still get 10x the views on iwara and 5x the views on pmvhaven so clearly people are not really using it. If it does ever start getting real traffic wordpress is going to destroy them since it's flagrantly violating their terms of service. with that perspective in mind I frankly do not feel like they're doing any harm to me by hosting my shit.
yeah your editing is definitely competent but I'm definitely not a fan of the song choice. obviously whether it's unfappable or not is a matter of taste, but it is objectively extremely overused and I'm sure there's probably tens of hmvs with the same song + sources. I personally find it deeply satisfying to work with songs I don't think people have used or maybe even heard before and would encourage you to spend more time trying to find music.
>I just downloaded the video off telegram, both copies of himawari, telegram and torrent actually have that same effect.
Damn. Fuck the guy that ripped that hentai on sukebei. And fuck Sukebei for having registration closed so I can't comment to let people know the torrent is fucked up.
I found another source that's much better, gonna use that later to redo the upscale.
Some of the other parts of your HMV is definitely interpolated on your part though.
>I guess it really is for the inbuilt player
I really don't think so, because if you open network stats and play the video, you'll see it's basically downloading the original video.
Let HMV Mania die, and stop helping people in that discord server.
Reminder that AlphaSigma is connected to Wasted, in a bad way.
>wordpress is going to destroy them since it's flagrantly violating their terms of service
I don't think wordpress can do shit, I don't think they host it on wordpress itself you'll have to go to their hosting provider.
>Reminder that AlphaSigma is connected to Wasted, in a bad way.
if this is something that can actually be definitively demonstrated I'd very much like to see it. I was not aware of any connection there and that is actually hugely damning
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Well, I don't know of any way to prove this as of now, as it was in the past I found out that he moderates some wickr shit that Wasted has, wickr that he used for you know what. He used to be part of Wasted's regular group too.
I obviously didn't screenshot it back then because I didn't think anything of it, and that history is gone.
I guess you could always ask him lol.
But also think about it, he uses an eye for a profile picture, just like Wasted. At least on Discord he still does.
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it's joever...
Before someone here found out about how badly compressed and fps capped the videos on hmvmania are and did a screenshot comparison as proof did you know that they compressed their videos?

Now that it has been brought to light I think we need to spread this knowledge, do you know how damaging this shit is to archives? Right now if you search martoise, one of the first thing that comes up is their shitty AV1 compressed "archive". They're ruining lost media, I've been trying to get an editor's files but because the greedy jew faggot fornax decided that he doesn't want to get banned in more countries the pixeldrain archive is striked and I the only source left is that their compression artifact ridden feces.

Bastati's shit got striked to and now he won't upload the originals to gooner wooner 4. Fuck now that I think about it maybe it's hmvmania going around striking everything...
>did you know that they compressed their videos?
Basically every platform does. Either you are a filehost, or you are a streaming service.
As for framerate, everyone can tell the difference between 25 and 60 fps.
I would like a download link to that source without the shit interpolation when you have it, i've never been able to find that particular one without that effect either.
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Here's link to upscale using better source: https://pixeldrain com/l/VnyPmebc
>I would like a download link to that source
If you want the actual source and not my upscale, then here you go: https://mega.nz/folder/dD1VRarK#4riPd6HYlk6HFkEpVGMMRg
I had been taking down lists of active usernames within those groups and "AlphaSigma" was a prominent name there, but I never took screenshots so I don't have any "proof", though I suppose even if I did it could just be dismissed as an edited image.
The more tangible proof would be his real life name being linked to an account within those circles, but you'd have to know his name to value that as proof.
This might be counter-productive for me, but I see my name there.

When I started, I was looking for sitesto upload my works and make the twitter account bigger.What I found was iwara, rule34, naughty machinima, eporner, spankbang and hmvmania.

From this sites, I got detroyed on spankbang and naughty machinima was not profitable enough. rule34 is only for non official releases and 3D...

My main is iwara and the others ar backup sites for my works as dmca can hit anytime. I am known enough to appear here, so this worked.

Being on the discord of hmvmania helps a lot as there are more hmv creators there. It's a little community of hmv creators, some better, some worst (just crop hot scenes with songs and nothing more).

I can't get what's the problem, of course, as an hmv creator I'm an attention whore, so I want to be known and keep growing as I'm doing.
Love how these clout chasing faggots don't even deny it anymore. I hadn't heard of you till the thread, looked at your Twitter and saw multiple posts whining about views and impressions.
Looking through your edits using the most overused songs and hentai with cringe bouncing subtitles plastered with patreon and social media links felt almost like a parody. Jesus Christ.
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>another nip has a meltdown and nukes everything
Another eye witness is pretty good, but I bet people are just gonna claim samefag
>I can't get what's the problem
Have you not been following the thread at all? HMV Mania is dogshit.
They fuck up your videos, hyper compressing it, reducing the framerate down to 25 fps and don't link to your original files so people can watch it in reasonable quality.
And as stated before, AlphaSigma is a fucking pedo and has ties with Wasted. Why would you ever associate yourself with such a platform?
Plus he's scummy for making his website being the top search result for everything when it's so dogshit, and take a look at this: >>8030249
It's just completely false, if you comment any constructive criticism that isn't straight up kissing their asses, they will delete it.
You can be an attention whore without being an ultra faggot that associates with pedos.
Also why the fuck does your "Top School Beauties" have muchohentai retarded intro?
Who is it this time?
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>he thinks he's not part of 4chan
if i start making hmvs should i just put them on a torrent folder to save ourselves from this trouble
how about ipfs
If you can get it working I can help seed with my spare NAS. I'm already part of 2dhgg's repo thing. I have no idea how it works though. Also note that 2dhgg doesn't host the actual games on ipfs instead they put host the torrents on ipfs and any actual sharing is done through torrents instead.

I've been thinking about a living archive curated and updated by people here. I tried looking at other syncing software, and I don't think syncthing is a good option as it requires too much user input both to join and share, maybe good for security but usability is questionable, all in all it looks more suited for personal syncing say between your desktop, mobile devices and server.

I messed with resilio sync (formerly btsync) recently and it looks easier to manage. There are two keys you can share, one with read only permission and another with RW. You just need that and you're connected.
>I messed with resilio sync (formerly btsync) recently and it looks easier to manage. There are two keys you can share, one with read only permission and another with RW. You just need that and you're connected.
ipfs could function pretty much the same
iirc the main problem with ipfs is performance
we'd just have to try it and see
I never really looked into it before now but the videos with the new encoding make it glaringly obvious even to someone as out of the know as me.

obviously the accusation that alphasigma's connected to wasted is a dealbreaker and should be a dealbreaker to anyone. I don't want to judge people on hearsay but if anyone passes along reasonably compelling evidence I'll do whatever's in my power to pull my stuff off hmvmania
If you still have the file you were making that list in I would definitely like to see it
>potentially getting stalked by /hmv/
It would be difficult to prove this as it's in the past, unless someone happened to take screenshot for some unknown reason.
Since wickr deletes everything after a short while and AFAIK, he's no longer part of Wasted's servers.
Only info I can give is that he was in "poolparty", the worst of the worst servers Wasted has.
As for now, the only "proof" we have now, is his eye profile picture matching Wasted, which IMO while not real proof, is pretty damn compelling.
ipfs is fucking dogshit, just look at 2DHGG, it's almost always down or takes an eternity to load and download speed is garbage.
Since you're just starting out, use pixeldrain/mega. Once that gets taken down, then you can worry about using torrents, but use regular torrents.
Resilio Sync is amazing, for sharing with one person, nothing more. There's no seed function to it AFAIK. You just download directly from the guy hosting it.
I'd love to be proven wrong on this though, as that would make it amazing, as regular torrents for me can be quite slow when I host for others.
Forgot to add:
>ipfs is fucking dogshit
Also requires you to literally duplicate your files just to host it. You have 100GB of HMVs? Now you need to dedicate 200GB.
>Resilio Sync is amazing, for sharing with one person, nothing more
What? I thought it worked like bittorrent where the more people connected the faster it goes?
>There's no seed function to it AFAIK
Isn't it so as long as you're running the program you're seeding?
I'm pretty sure only the person who is the host of the files, sharing his folder can seed. But I could be wrong.
If I am wrong, then I might start to use that instead of torrents. If it can handle VPN the same way, to avoid leaking IP.
I have only read from the comment I have being mentioned and below.

Every site where you upload a video, compress it a minimum, even on iwara I see differencies with mines. Also the ones I upload are compressed, my originals are between 600MB to 1GB.

In all pages that I share I have the same links, my twitter, my patreon if you want to support me and ko-fi for the same reason. No site give you credits. Even on twitter I had to ask a big account to stop just croping my works and only link to iwara and retweet the original. Also, on my twitter profile I have an "allmylinks" where you can see... all my links, even mega folder, but no one uses it.

For the AlphaStigma part, I don't know anythng about him and I have no evidences. Right now I only see people saying that he is a bad person... but I'm being called faggot every time, so I can't get those comments seriously. I need evidences, not just words. And of course, if I ask him, he will say he is innocent. Your words vs his words for now.

The other part, if he is wasting money to have the page on top, let's see how much he will keep doing it. I don't really know, but being on top and still all creators getting no visits or likes makes me think it's just a matter of time to see the page going down.
I don't know about the criticism or improvements.

About the intro thing, I just liked it, asked if I could get it and they gave it to me. I often use it if there are moans.

I see you are in the discord server, how ironic.
If you see me af part of the community and accept me, I can be part of 4chan too. For some reason I have a big respect for 4chan community and I'm afraid of sharing anything here.
I just said "something else" because at that moment the only answer here was one calling me faggot and just making negative criticism without seeing all my works.
>I see you are in the discord server, how ironic.
There's a difference between being in a server, and actively being a part of the server and being completely fine with their dogshit "service".
>but I'm being called faggot every time, so I can't get those comments seriously
Maybe because you are? Ever thought about that? And you're not going to take them seriously anyways, because you don't give a shit how much your name stinks, you just want attention.
>no evidence
>Your words vs his words for now
Other than the pedo shit, everything else you can literally see right now if you open your fucking eyes you ultra retarded faggot.
But again, it's more than just words. His profile picture is a dead giveaway. But maybe you're just too much of a newfag to see this.
>It would be difficult to prove this as it's in the past, unless someone happened to take screenshot for some unknown reason.
That makes sense which is why I find these kind of details:
>Only info I can give is that he was in "poolparty", the worst of the worst servers Wasted has.
particularly valuable. Maybe I'm being pedantic but I think it's important to get a substantial, detailed account of what people can remember out there. I remember people talking about wasted years ago and I've seen his horrifying website that obliquely advertises cp meetups so I understand the gravity of all this. However, alphasigma is also has moderator status over at that new pmvhaven site and those people may not have any context of who wasted is.

I'm sorry for dragging the thread down and being possibly being pedantic about this but I think it's important
I don't think you're dragging the thread down, it's good if we can spread this info around and hopefully get more clarity. And hopefully get rid of him and ShitMania
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Ok I did more testing with resilio.

I had three instances setup
Synctest-Host - Instance with files
Synctest1 - Test instance 1
Synctest2 - Test instance 2

I first added the read only key to Synctest1 and it sync no problem. Then I added the same key to Synctest2 and checked the network activity and it was grabbing files from Synctest-Host and Synctest1.

I then deleted the files on Synctest2 and shutdown Synctest-Host, so only Synctest1 was online, added the same key and it could still sync with Synctest1.
So basically, it works like torrent?
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Looks like it, that's how they advertise it on their site too

it's a spinoff from BitTorrent Inc. so that should be no surprise

But since it's completely proprietary you're putting control yet again in corporate hands. Have you learned nothing?
oh, that's good
Proprietary doesn't always matter, and so what if they shut it down? I'm transfering files, not hosting it on their servers or anything as my sole backup of those files or anything retarded.
H264 is a proprietary codec, everyone uses it and it is insanely good. As is H265.
What "control" do they have? Are they going to uninstall the program from my computer remotely? Even IF they were capable of doing so, you just move onto the next inferior service.
For now I'll use something mainstream as that's what you should do when you share files. Very few people want to download random programs they've never heard of. If worse comes to worst, I'll switch, no big deal.
Anyone have suggestions for HMVs with songs with female vocalists? Preferably super slutty songs, but desu I just don't care for lyricless techno music HMVs.
This is what hentai OVA brainrot does to you.
Whatever this song is.
>HMV thread on /h
> 0 HMV's posted

Are you mfs retarded? post some shit or STFU quit typing
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Mark your calendars boys.
You are blind.
I'm ready. I'm not thrilled that it's vertical, but I guess I can toss it on my tablet.
Multiple HMVs have been posted, look at replies to OP incase you're too retarded to find them.
Good work. HMV'S without the moans are wasted effort, like pancakes without syrup.
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Just added a bunch of creators to spreadsheet.
Added your stuff to spreadsheet too.
>shodan and hentai
wasn't expecting that
>caring about blastoise in 2024
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let's see anon's hmvs
Anything is better than schizo blastoise, even hantres
Ok now I know you're just trolling.
Keep enjoying your garbage, mr trash man
>rule34video still insists on tagging everything as PMV
Anyone know where I can find a source version of this HMV, instead of this weird re-up? I didn't see the creator in the mega or the sheets.

That's actually the source, alternatively https://www.iwara.tv/profile/randytango
Which RandyTango HMVs are the hottest in your opinions?
Iwara's being a bitch because they keep moving servers, but thanks.

That's kind of the main one for me, but I'm pretty picky. I'm one of those ever-bashed "prefers songs with female vocals" types. I don't dislike other stuff outright, but it's a lot less likely to go into my playlist if it doesn't meet that criteria.

Since less stuff is getting made like that these days, my playlist mostly gets longer by digging through HMVs that are years old. Also, Kim Petras songs are hot, but boring and overused.
All right. Let's do music recs, but here's the rule: it's gotta be fresh. No tracks you've personally already heard used in an HMV before.

>Easy Mode
Just any list 1 track by any artist(s)
>Hard Mode
List 3 tracks by the same artist
>Nightmare Mode
List 5+ tracks by the same artist
Nice dubs. How about a little P!NK

>Slut Like You
I keep telling you all not to sleep on Lady Gaga. All of these are just from Fame Monster (a couple of other good picks missing since they've actually been used already).

>Monster https://youtu.be/gKbB9bvC9MA
>Dance in the Dark https://youtu.be/HzRUoam_9KY
>Teeth https://youtu.be/-nRk13TIbwE
>LoveGame https://youtu.be/pG3yd3MzHdI
>I Like It Rough https://youtu.be/ROKK9fUQ5Xk
>Beautiful, Dirty, Rich https://youtu.be/gdul1RebVtc
>Money Honey https://youtu.be/C96nrEXMP_4
>Boys Boys Boys https://youtu.be/GM33QtX8JZ4
>Summerboy https://youtu.be/Ex29r9xo1fs
Does anyone have download links for ShushHMV?
>hmv uses gospel music
wew that's a first, praise jesus while jacking off
Ke$ha has some good picks, especially in her earlier stuff. Take It Off has already been used in a few HMVs over the years, which isn't surprising since it's the most obvious choice. Yoruichi4111, Revylove, and MissDiscord all did it.

>We R Who We R

>Die Young



>Your Love Is My Drug
Maybe the creator doesn't know English, though I'm intrigued, sauce?
yeah it's a chink creator found him in the spreadsheet
https://pixeldrain com/l/eLkbqeCb#item=20
There's definitely a lot to work with. I think Telephone is a song you omitted from that album, because of the HMV by SmilingPixels? It's pretty all right, and I don't know if any more of their work is floating around.
You've got a lot of promise dude! I really like the song choice personally but I can see where the others are coming from. Use what you think is best and fits what theme you're going for is my opinion
Here's a few by different artists. Rihanna has plenty to choose from anyway, and I know I've heard a couple of her other tracks in HMVs before. I think S&M is the one that's gotten the most use.

>Into You - Ariana Grande

>Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna

>Hot - Avril Lavigne
what's the hmv that uses kflay and is about 2 blondes?
Maybe if you knew what song and not just what artist?
>that music
fucking kek
thanks for bringing it to my attention, deleting it from my archives now
>36 second purposeless intro
Why do retards make long ass intros, nobody cares about intros.
So probably i'm gonna be hated for this, but I kinda like most of RelocationFX's videos, despite all the drama attached to him, and wanted to ask AV1 Anon if you are interested in updating his AV1 folder with new releases?
based cunny enjoyer
>still waiting on iravorryd to stop being autistic and give non av1 versions of his 5 latest hmvs
You'd think it wouldn't be that hard, to just render out a normal version and share.
At least we're not as plagued by long ass boring interludes as PMVs are...
>So probably i'm gonna be hated for this
The schizo going apeshit over his method of distribution and encoding isn't unanimity
This is not HMV, retard
>The schizo going apeshit over his method of distribution and encoding isn't unanimity
You are a retarded faggot if you think it's okay that he makes bloat 4k videos that are actually 1080p just for the sake of being a money whore
But clearly you're braindead as you think I've complained about his method of distribution. He shares on Telegram which is completely fine.
It's the encoding that's the problem, aswell as the HMVs being quite garbage.
Either way, I'm not gonna hate on someone for wanting his videos, there's a reason I archive everything. So keep projecting more braindead retard
This one's one probably make for a nice HMV, even if it is kind of an oldie. It's got good energy, and it's a relatively short and sweet pick.

>Hit Me With Your Best Shot (Pat Benatar)
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my new hmv for meikoku gakuen jutai hen, alternate audio track in the file:


hopefully my spree of productivity keeps up.
I posted this in the sexdance thread but I think there's some overlap in the posters here. I modified a userscript for mmdfans that so you don't have to download videos with shitty filenames.

>don't have to download videos with shitty filenames
>removes shit only to add other shit
Ok man keep downloading your files with filenames like asdkmjIMMAFAGGOTlkjasdfhlkasjdhf_Source.m4a
All you need is to put it in folder based on author and then keep the actual title. Everything else is useless. Vast majority is not gonna give a shit about date or ID, and not having title first is gonna suck when most use Windows, as having title first is a quick way to navigate to that file if you have the folder open.
.mp4 is default anyways
Hey fags, this lumamaster guy is going to nuke all his HMVs in less than a week

All his stuff is linked here thankfully
Could someone make a backup of it all? I don’t know why he would even delete all of it.
>I don’t know why he would even delete all of it
Because they are a schizo, as is usually the case.
I won't back up JOI garbage or the beatbars he added to other editors, but I'll back up his HMVs and fap heros
Yo, AV1 Anon, Badass Baal folder please!
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>he thinks you can't delete email without deleting mega
lol, lmao even
in the most genuine way possible and me sharing a hatred for this person. its been 4 years maybe more when are we going to stop talking about them. they literally don't exist online anymore.
Another great one anon. The alternate audio track is really nice too
It's out.
>they literally don't exist online anymore
You mean Wasted? Oh he very much does and is still creating garbage. Just because you live in a bubble doesn't mean everyone else does.
But we're talking about AlphaSigma, and they definitely exist, they run HMV Mania, much more public.
I checked out his stuff last night, I don’t think you should back up the JOIs since they’re pretty crappy. But you should probably back up the fap heroes he made for other creators’ HMVs, there are some good ones in there such as the ones he did for a bunch of Martoise’s videos.
I'm not gonna back up videos where someone just slaps on a shitty beatbar on someone else's HMV lol. That's just a waste of space.
But you could always back it up yourself if you think they are good.
New Martoise HMV
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Don't know if it matters, but I checked and it seems all the videos and their downloads in hmvmania are capped at 24fps EXCEPT for Martoise's salvaged stuff, which seem have the original file's frame rate. Still half the original file size though.
Martoise, if you're reading this thread, please for the love of God upload those "Girls Bedroom Encyclopedia" HMVs somewhere before you inevitably delete everything in a fit of rage. Literally nobody online has those three HMVs.
That preview back in November was so good.
Xypher...I am patiently waiting...
He did say he might rerelease old videos soon. I hope something comes of that, there are a few I'd like as well.
People always begging for martoise shit, but is it really that good? Because if it was, surely people would have it.
There stuff isn't posted anywhere anymore for obvious reasons that's effectively dead.
Which means it was before, and it was too trash to keep
>SmilingPixels Telephone HMV
I've only ever seen this creator's name on that one HMV before. Does anyone else have anything of theirs?
>surely people would have it
Kinda hard to get his most recent stuff when he only posts password protected mediefire links to his private Xtter account.
>password protected Mediafire links to his private Xtter account
That they also delete after a week because he hates popularity and reposting for some reason
How do you know there's actually any video if you haven't seen it?
It's weird. I remember back when he started making HMVs we would send me links in xhamster and ask me what I thought about them. He would even add "Thank you for watching!" and the end of his videos.
I wonder what happened that made him want to keep his stuff hidden from most of the internet.
Are there uploads of dirt's stuff anywhere?
>random iwara user
You're probably not going to find their stuff in better quality
account got nuked, by the gods please tell me someone's got a mirror in time?

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